DOUBLE DISEASE! | Plague Inc. Evolved Multiplayer #1

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to morning ladies my name is Jack guy and welcome back to play Inc evolved we're playing the multiplayer this time and I'm playing with Bob cuz he's never played the game before nope this is going to go really well for me I can tell already so my disease is called ball sack what's yours called Dick theia I I see we went for the same sort of theme here yeah of course dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks hello and welcome back to the boner cast you're on with Boner Bob I think people kind of got sick of that by the end of the third episode of propo no one no one is ever going to be sick of bonercast trust me so we're the the idea of this is that we're competing together and we're going to see what disease can take over it was a co-op mode but we can't do it because it's in Early Access not allowed to cooperate so now we have to battle each other's diseases and I've played the game before and Bob hasn't so I'm going to annihilate him okay so I should probably give you tips then as well yeah like how what are good what are good buttons on the keyboard for this oh yeah god um okay okay you have to choose a country first now what you want to do is either go for a place that has good access to things which would be Saudi Arabia cuz has an airport and a uh a sea port dock oh don't tell me how to live my life I know what I'm doing here are you going straight for China no bro I'm going for the pro I'm going for your home your home Island really oh yeah okay coming after you Jackie um Q is to like open up your little menu and you have abilities and symptoms and any bubbles that pop up on screen you have to click you got it yeah you don't sound too confident no I got it don't worry don't worry about this okay ball sack is going to annihilate your [ __ ] wait just wait this is weird as well I'm not you're you're going to get dick theia like you don't even know uh and you want to up your transmission at the start in your little um oh in your Q menu yeah okay this is weird now cuz I can't what the [ __ ] was that I don't know what that bubble did it made a glass smashy sound so I just want to upgrade my stuff like as much as possible yeah okay why is your disease starting to overtake mine this cannot happen B Bob's the green at the top or the yellowy scummy color I'm the red oh I'm the red color that's winning at the top I I see what's going on here on your screen you're the red on my screen I'm the red yeah what did you upgrade why is this happening I'm in the symptoms bro I'm upgrading my symptoms like crazy oh okay yeah that's going to [ __ ] you over in the long run how how do I tell how many upgrades I have um I don't know I feel like I should know cuz I've played this game and everyone expects me to be really good at it by now just keep popping bubbles and getting uh abilities and symptoms I I don't know what um transmission on dick theia you can do it see I'm going for transmission so I'm must spread to more countries faster than you will and I'm also going to survive the cold a lot quicker than you will come on boss I got this i got this I'm going to I'm going to win quickly is how I'm going to win [ __ ] that might work your bar is so much bigger than mine already you have 127,000 64,000 Jack Jack keep telling me about how big my bar is oh Jack I don't know what those like splooie bubbles do I love it Jack no no oh no I got to pop the bubbles balls I to pop the bubbles that's how you get points to win oh dude I'm taking over France I'm taking over France like crazy up yeah well I'm I'm in the middle of Germany right now get wrecked French people no no why is yours winning already this is wck [ __ ] Get Wrecked uh unlock an activ ability let you send infected person to a country of your choice okay got it [ __ ] got it I'm going to use my points to head to America uh um head to America go sweet see I'm heading to America you're [ __ ] take it easy I wish I could see where you were that'd be awesome yeah that would be cool if you were like blue lines and I was red or something dude I want to head to like South America that's where I that's where that's my goal that's my goal baby yeah well I'm already in America I'm in North America I'm I'm coming straight from Carolina becomes easier to analyze oh who's in France now [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can I can stop you [ __ ] I just made you easier to diagnose and cure in the lab what that's no get get wrecked I'm not see you're going to win by look now cuz you don't know what the things do and I'm like okay I got saying it's luck cuz cuz you don't know what I do I'm I'm going to be like okay I need to play this the way I've always played it and then it's going to be like this is multiplayer bro with with your strategies all strems my uh Saudi Arabia is all taking over right now see the bar fast paced the the bar's coming back man oh dude I'm taking over India yeah yeah cuz normally all straight to the straight to Japan I was going to say the Philippines my geography is horrible normally normally you're able to pause the game and pop all the bubbles but now it's like you can't do that stop it I'm coming bubbles don't worry about it don't worry oh so many bubbles so many bibbles okay now I just made yours easier to diagnose no get out of here wo sure oh [ __ ] I use oh [ __ ] what did you get oh my God what did you get get wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked Jesus Christ I just I just like decimated the Pacific Rim country India is [ __ ] okay I know China's Fu how wait how do I use my abilities though I've got abil oh you're the yellow I'm the red so on your screen you're the red and I'm the yellow yeah so you can see Saudi Arabia is all yellow right now it's not all yellow for me but but I can see there's some yellow there okay I'm fighting back I'm fighting back [ __ ] you Bob unlock an active ability that forces the country to focus cure efforts okay sweet is cold resistance yeah and heat resistance and more cold resistance how do I how do I use this ability I don't I don't [ __ ] know what's happening I can't lose your starting country has been found [ __ ] um okay Target country only cures opponent's disease okay [ __ ] I didn't mean to click on that no pop no how do I how do I do this I don't even know how to use all my [ __ ] oh there we go I'm curing China right now oh oh easy easy easy let's not get Hy here wa yeah howy wait hey wait hey wait a minute wait a minute how do I undo that there'll be a thing now where cure research begun [ __ ] so the Cure is in the bottom right it'll tell you how much they have against your cure or against your disease okay where can I go for where is a good place to go um I want to I want to go I want to murder people with my with my DIC theia okay I tried to go to China I don't know if I can attack your disease at the same time oh [ __ ] no Bob Get Wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked come here Russia come here baby no how are you so good at this all of a sudden I apparently should have been a researcher developing dead diseas diseases I don't know if that's a thing I should have been a mass genocidal man Saudi Saudi Arabia for you too I'm coming bruh no don't do it no oh my God Russia is so mine Russia is mine so hard right now why is mine not spreading as much as it should I have 75% of the total population what's your cure at uh hang on I got to upgrade all my [ __ ] hang on I only have six points I can't UPG is at 39 40% okay I need to start spreading how do I un how do I undo this how do you uncare me um you have to get like drug resistances ooh I'm I'm moving down towards Australia man it's going to be mine this bad how did how are you winning starting in the UK that's like the worst of the places no it's not they have so many they have three ports and airports out the ass it's all about spreading it through the airports man shut up anemia symptom mutated here we go here we go all about did you insert any genes into your disease at the start no I don't have any unlocks yeah I thought I thought so cuz I didn't either what's going on something mutated on its own I don't know what it is both of our diseases seem to have like slowed down okay no now they're going again here we go here we go Focus cure efforts Focus cure efforts destroy him I don't know if I'm supposed to click on that again I really wish I could get to [ __ ] South America go fly to South America you scumbag how do I do that this just slowed way down all a I'm about to get cured oh God what's your cure about to get I'm about to get shreked 100% oh yeah and the worst part is you're curing the people against mine as well kind of oh my cure started oh your Cur at 100% yeah I'm so boned right now you're [ __ ] then I win I'm so [Music] [ __ ] I'm heading to South America baby yeah oh man woo that's what you get Bob that's what you get for trying to take me over too quick don't don't don't don't cure me don't be like that I'm only at 1% cure I don't know why I'm like being all like H Get Wrecked Bob when you didn't play the game before and I'm just being an [ __ ] oh I still got this hang on how do I UNF [ __ ] cure myself um what the hell you need to go into abilities and the ones on the bottom left are all like your drug resistances I've got some of the victory your opponent has been cured ball sack has genetically dominated dick theia and is the only remaining plague on Earth yay that was fun God damn it exit the score screen there we go you took over fast yeah man look how much I scaled up but then I got wrecked I don't understand how to how to prolong okay where did you start I started in Egypt yeah Egypt I didn't have I didn't look at the map I was just like I think I know that's Egypt yeah that's I'm the worst at it I was so paranoid in my playthrough I was like let's head to Finland wait that's Norway don't be wrong okay I'm going to do this straight away straight away Straight Out The Gate I'm going to like [ __ ] you in the ass Bob no it's not going to happen I got the I've got the Strat guide this time D you oh you're called scotus dang litis yes scotus dangus isn't that horrifying I'm called Bob STS I saw that change dick Jack sucks the dongus I don't know what those there's like red Bubbles and then orange Bubbles and then there's ones that you press that like it sounds like a beaker breaking yeah they're they're they're not in the single player so I don't know what they are and I probably told me and I didn't read it and everyone's going to be mad at me don't be mad at me I know what I'm doing I'm a beat Bob I kick the [ __ ] out of him sweet [ __ ] sweet damn it I can't do that um I wonder if I could be a dick like right off the bat oh let's not do that oh come on come on what's this pathogen improves immune systems defenses other diseases find it harder to infect people who are infected with your disease ooh that's good so it means that you can't take over my country easily oh boy you make me scared when you go for like all out gang Buster stuff right at the start and your bar starts to get huge instantly I didn't do nothing all right I I I want to send someone to America God [ __ ] damn it now I'm missing bubbles yeah see that's the thing in the multiplayer in the single player you can just pause it and do whatever you want just destroy people ah there we go now I'm figuring it out now I'm figuring it out the world will be covered in Bob sucks the world will be covered in scrotus dlia or dang litis you don't even for I forgot what it was called it's you don't even know the name of your own disease it's okay okay don't worry about it I'm sending my disease everywhere you're you're so [ __ ] oh I just started in [ __ ] Australia what up I'm already in Australia you lazy piece of [ __ ] get out of my level get out of my country don't fight back Bob don't fight it just let it happen Bob no I got I got this i got this you don't need to worry about it I got Bob sucks Bob sucks see it's a two-pronged attack not only do I strip down your disease with the name Bob sucks but I also stripped down your morals so mean also I'm at a billion people it's so mean okay I have a lot of [ __ ] points that I'm not using why oh I'm starting to comeb back baby don't call it a comeback oh my game's freezing game don't yes game yes your starting country has been found [ __ ] Get Wrecked that's not good that's not pretty neat sweetness wait what do you do gain a regular DNA income linked to the number of deaths your patogen has C c a man I should have got that I have 500,000 people dead and I haven't even started my symptoms yet oh Jesus Christ what did you do I uh I got the stke guide man I got the stke guide Brazil just got [ __ ] yeah Brazil Brazil is mine now so Brazil is mine make it so okay there's no time to react either every time you want to go into the menu to try and figure out what the things do it you just have to click yeah click and hope for the best now see this is this is my plan this is the long con I'm going to let you think that you have it then I'm going to come back and like punch you right in the tits no I got the Strat guide this time you can't pull a fast one on me anymore don't you worry about it okay I'm gaining a regular DNA income so I'm about to get all the points I shouldn't have told you how to play no you should have never you should have never given me the tips man man now now you will get shreked I've got all all the tips [ __ ] man you can't win Bob oh I can win quick Bob sucks take over the world I can win don't you worry about it don't you worry about it okay expert plan of attack here we go that's not going to work cuz you're already there [ __ ] yeah baby expert plan of attack what come on dise plan of attack what come on reds red team red team yeah go red team I'm also a fan of red team oh yeah you're red on your screen I forgot here we go I got got this i got this don't even [ __ ] worry about it see I'm I'm hoping that the same thing is going to happen again you think you have it and then all of a sudden I come back [ __ ] what are you doing to my China it seems like it's happening oh China's going to be mine by the way I've got some I've got some plans for China I I have some contacts over there I know some things about China oh God I'm going to get cured again though oh here we go here we go here we go cure that [ __ ] stop C ing my [ __ ] once the Cure reaches 100% your bar just plummets I know that's how I that's how it ended last time my cure was just like n see you can you see those things on the screen right now in like South and North America hexagons yes okay my C research has only just begun now oh I'm so bone I'm so bone related I am so [ __ ] oh God your disease is almost winning though come on disease come on my guys I I need you to stop come on come on come on disease come I need you to stop what it is what you're doing you can do it Go Hard no come on this is mine oh God I wanted it so bad oh your numbers are dropping oh there we go bye I got this don't you worry about this you're so [ __ ] right now your disease your disease is at 100% isn't it cured yes yeah I thought so I'm working on it here we go now my disease is just start going to start power housing yours God [ __ ] damn it yes I really thought you had me there for a while oh crap it didn't stop oh yes I undid my cure yes I I slightly uncured myself I'm still [ __ ] is that a temporary thing yes I'm still so [ __ ] yeah come on I need more points of things I got total organ failure as well in my symptoms which means my disease is lethal now and it's going to start killing people quickly genetic reshuffle go I have faith in you I'm so hosted right now how are you how are you still stopping this I'm so hos just just lie down and let it happen yeah come on Bob sucks has genetically dominated scrotus dangal litis yeah God damn okay now does that mean that there's a second here a giant erection begins to reanimate the dead ah what better thing to reanimate the dead than the giant Direction a giant direction is starting to turn infected corpses into zombies what are you guys do not only do I strip down your disease with the name Bob socks but I also stripped down your morals so mean
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,247,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Plague Inc. (Video Game), Strategy Video Game (Video Game Genre), Plague Inc: Evolved, Plague Inc. Evolved jacksepticeye, Plague Inc. Evolved gameplay, Plague Inc. Evolved Playthrough, Walkthrough, Let's play, Funny, viral, strategy game, global infection, plague, disease, cure, campaign, virus, how to play, how to win, PC version, Steam (Software), Video Game (Industry), Victory, everyone infected, Funny names, Simian Flu, monkey virus, monkey disease
Id: 8wihvAVE9ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2015
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