'I Demand To Talk To A Manager' Customer Stories (r/AskReddit)

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managers offered it what was the worst case of I demand to speak to the manager you've experienced I'm a manager at the McDonald's I worked at a store right off an exit to the highway woman bought a burger let it sit and wanted a refund because it was cold she had bought a burger in another state demanded money from the cashier demanded to see me demanded corporate number sorry mom violating thermodynamics costs extra at Red Lobster someone grabbed the manager and told him his shrimp was cold wanted a free beer and he could get better fish by fishing but this manager was my dad and was meeting us after work and apparently looked like an authority figure since he had a tie on my dad replied that cocktail shrimp you [ __ ] I think this is my favorite one yet this bacon is so raw I can still hear it mooing one it was pre cooked bacon - I know dang well that bacon never moved I feel a Gordon Ramsay coming on I worked at an independent chocolate shop that sold various flavors of truffles brownies and drinks we had non-dairy options vegan options and nut free options a woman demanded to speak to the manager because we did not have a dairy-free nut free sugar free vegan option luckily the owner literally just laughed and said we do have one it's cold water I have never seen such entitled rage if said shop happened to be in a weird yuppie for the type of area I bet they could make carob goods for nut jobs like this woman fake chocolate with fake sugar and charge considerably more than normal for it because it's specialty even if they tasted freaking horrible fad diet us would buy them up in a heartbeat I had a super old guy coming to buy shoes and wouldn't let my employee help him because she was a female she has tattoos and piercings and stuff so I thought she was over exaggerating and maybe he was just offended by her appearance he asked to speak to the manager and then I came out to talk to him I'm also a female needless to say he didn't buy any shoes I worked the customer service desk at a grocery store one afternoon a guy came storming over after getting checked out and threw a package of beef in front of me he starts going off yelling and cussing at me because he was supposed to get a three dollar and fifty four cents discount but the register only took off three dollars and fifty three cents he was screaming at me that he wanted his penny back and that it wasn't even about the penny it was the principle of the thing by the time he was through he had yelled at me my customer service manager and our store manager on duty as soon as I gave him that penny though he shuts right up and left principle of the thing I guess I would have told him I don't help people who scream at me like that it's not even about the screaming it's the principle of the thing I was a shift letter to gamestop and was the manager on duty with one other associate in the store we were pretty busy both the other employee and I were on registers ringing through our and respective lines poor guy I work with gets this soccer-mom haircut that I knew was gonna be trouble and she is trying to return a new game that had the seal broken on it against return policy can't help you so lady then gets really upset and demands to cancel all of her son's printers my guy obliges and is preparing to give her her refund install credit because her son had only paid for the Predators with trades you can't mix match tenders so my guy informed her so that was just it she was instantly screaming and calling my associates a liar he literally turns the computer screen towards her and shows her the entries in trade credit but she isn't having it let me speak to your manager dude points to me I wrap up with my customer and we trade registers so he can keep helping out I asked her how I can help to which she screams her experience at me I reiterate what my buddy informed her in that there isn't any way we can get her cash back she claims well I'm gonna call your corporate office and tell them that your policy doesn't apply to any and I've never been treated like this before to which I happily offer her the corporate number and advise her that telling a corporate customer service line that they believe they are exempt from policy is probably not the best strategy woman gets red in the face and starts looking around the store and God forbid the poor man the old manager walks in he does not work there anymore but the woman recognizes him from his time at the store she begins accusing me of lying to her because she knows that he is the real manager in that he can help her nope do just trying to shop she ended up just leaving in a half when will dump tubes learn you get father with being nice and understand than you do being an ass worked front desk of a hotel had a woman throw a goddamn tantrum because the state we were in charge a 6% room tax but she demanded that I remove the tax I told her that we had no control over taxes she still wouldn't accept the reality of taxes so I printed off contact information for her state representative and told her to direct her complaints to them she did not like that at all she started screaming so I got my manager my manager said basically what I said that we cannot legally remove a tax so the woman grabbed the bowl of mints on the counter and threw it at my head and stormed out we had her credit card on file and charged her for the full amount seven percent room tax on top of a nine point five percent sales tax here I had so many people get upset over this no one ever got violent though was a waiter at a small restaurant for a number of years worst incident involved a group of guys 6-8 all in their late teens early 20s they went all out expensive drinks cocktails and everyone ordered a steak the one that stuck out to me and the one that eventually demanded to see the manager ordered his medium-well with every source available being garlic mushroom and pepper con they stayed for over two hours racking up the bar tab after they'd cleaned their plates some of them even literally licking their plates well they eventually call for the bill I do to fully bring it over and the guy who ordered the steak with every source pulls me aside and says he's not paying for his steak why may you ask apparently the garlic butter was frozen therefore rendering the steak fatty wolf down completely inedible I look him dead in the eye and say dude the garlic butter doesn't even stay in the freezer there's no way it could have been frozen customer takes offense to this in demand to see the manager I to the back office and explained the situation and as were going through the kitchen he stops me and asks if their plates are still in the unwashed stack but they were and every plate was empty manager and myself walk out to the table he asks what the problem is in three source guy points at me saying I have a terrible attitude and demands that is inedible steak be taken off the bill guy then explains that he goes to the best steak houses in city and knows a craps steak when he sees one manager look said customer looks at me turns back to customer and plainly tells him what kind of freaking [ __ ] orders all three sources on a steak screaming match ensues entire table telling manager he's a fricking idiot and wouldn't know a good steak if someone slapped him with it the manager screams of them to get the Frick out of his restaurant and their kanessa Ariel tastes can suck a fat one at the end of the night the manager says that incidents like this happen every two three years usually a group of young guys and they're just looking to start a fight to skip out on the bill apparently he just absorbs a cost like this to avoid unnecessary drama man I would have quietly called the police about them not paying if the bill was particularly high I've had unhappy customers call and ask for the owner of the company by name because they googled it I explained that that person is technically an owner it has nothing to do with the business and doesn't even live in the same state then I go on and solve their problem with what authority I have meanwhile I'm that owner of the company never show all your cards when negotiating I'm picturing someone walking into a walnut in the middle of nowhere Iowa and demanding to see Doug McMillon I had a woman called to tell me that she spent too little on an ice cream cone we had a special that was like two scoops in a waffle cone for five bucks and for some reason she only got one scoop and said she didn't know about the special despite there being signs all over the shop about it she claimed that my worker didn't offer it to her I didn't focus on upselling at our store so this wasn't a big deal to me I apologized to her but I was also like what exactly do you want me to do about it this happened yesterday I'm assuming you ate the ice cream so you can't return she wanted her fund anyway for the inconvenience I asked her she had a receipt she said she didn't I said no go without a receipt she said she didn't get one a check out I explained to her that in my state were not required by law to give a receipt for cash purchased food service items so if she didn't ask for one tough luck she kept pressing saying she demanded to speak to the manager I explained that I was the manager she then asked if there was another manager she could speak to I told her no I was end of the line top of the heap no one else was going to tell her anything different she huffed and told me she would be by to discuss it in person she never came in I always wonder why people waste so much of their time for $5.00 when I worked in a gas station a dude that I knew was 18 came in and wanted some cigs this guy was a dong I knew he had his license revoked so I asked for some aid he whipped out a fishing license written in pencil so I refused to sell him cigs and he was fairly upset he yelled for a manager and my manager came around the corner and told him that I was right this was an unacceptable it the kid told my manager I had sold cigs to him before which was true my manager just said that sucks now leave after he left my manager said that she had sold to him before to Bill he was a dong so who gives a crap then the kid called my store asked for my manager and told the same manager that two employees were disrespecting him he if someone calls again just play along like whoever is on the phone is firing those people like do all the yelling you're fired it will be funny when he comes in the next day and you're still there obligatory not a manager but maybe not the worst but this was definitely the dumbest I ever saw a sign was accidentally left up from the earlier in the week advertising men's Levi's errs buy one get one half off so for two pairs it would be roughly $90 the current sale was to get two pairs for $70 had a lady pitch an absolute fit that they weren't ringing up one get one half off she was being ripped off etc tried and tried to explain to her that we had accidentally missed a sign but that she was actually getting a better deal at the current price she wouldn't have any of it and demanded to speak to the manager store leader comes out and tells her the exact same thing but the lady will not listen and is adamant about getting them at the price on the sign store leader finally gives up and tells me to just go ahead and do a price override and charger the extra money lady leaves smugly like she thinks she's just worked it's over big time and makes some kind of comment about how I need to learn to listen to customers on the way out had this happened before when I worked at Michaels I don't think I fought them very hard on it though because I was like if you want to be in butthole go ahead and pay extra money I was busy at Christmas at an old job sorting out wrapping paper etc the cute got large so I jumped on the till a customer approached and complained about having to pay five P for a plastic bag the charge just started she said she wasn't going to pay so I charged her and asked for the next customer she moaned that she wouldn't be able to carry everything I asked for five P she asked to speak to my supervisor I said I'll go get him I left the tails turned a corner waited a few seconds and reappeared informing her I was in charge the amount of people who were kicking up a fuss about five bloody pence though you'd think the government had started charging them for err I used to work at the concession stand cafe at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center we had snacks like potato chips and candy as well as pre-made sandwiches from a local sandwich shop we only got a certain number of sandwiches for each day so when we ran out that was it this one lady who was in a wheelchair came through my line telling me how she was diabetic and needed to eat a meal I showed her that we had trail mix candy and chips but she absolutely could not eat any of that because she was diabetic it had to be a sandwich of nothing else I told her we literally didn't have any sandwiches left but she just kept repeating about how she was diabetic and she was told there would be sandwiches but she was being incredibly rude to me making a scene and said I was told there would be sandwiches probably about 10 times by this point there was a long line forming behind her while she was making a scene she asked for the manager so I told her she could step out of line and wait for the manager but she wouldn't budge the manager came over and told her the exact same thing that I hired she eventually calmed down moved out of the line and agreed to have chips and candy for free I don't know who the Frick told her about the sandwiches but I want to slap them one of the heads of a radiology department was infuriated when there was a network outage in his area stormed up into our support area screaming for a manager me listen to him rant and rave and finally decided to take a walk down there to see what I could do start looking around and I find a bunch of ten-dollar network hubs splitting one PC connection to eight pcs I started laughing and asked who put these hudzen he said I did what's so funny explained that he was the source of his own problem started disconnecting the hubs and guess what the network came back up i confiscated about seven hugs and told him if he needs more connections he has to contact engineering and have them run more lines he flipped out and I just walked down the hall to his VP's office and explained what happened when I was leaving the office the VP called him he no longer works here art Alice from tech support this happened before I started working in the store built a trailer park esque mother was stupid enough to steal from us and then tried to purchase a sale item to make it look less suspicious when the cashier who was aware of the situation was acting strangely she took a fence and demanded a manager be brought over our lovely and heavily pregnant manager calmly informed her that she was aware there were stolen goods in her bag and this woman punched her in the face I was the VP of Sales for MF 500 here in the States at about 6:30 p.m. my office phone rang and it was a person from HR asking if I could take a call in which the client was irate and threatening legal action I get on the phone and I quickly realized there is zero chance of making this man happy and ironically I'm a big fan of firing crappy clients the things he was demanding was simply ridiculous and I politely refused I also stated that I would personally allow his company from its contract with no fees or costs of course still not good enough and I eventually hung up due to the screaming and foul language a long story short I found out the next day that he was arrested for trespassing that evening while trying to enter our corporate suburban office with two guns but the joke was on him b/c I worked in our corporate downtown office dodged a bullet there I was running a coffee shop by myself when this dude came in asked for an egg sandwich no big deal I start making his then the next customer asks for a BLT I start warming the bacon on the skillet next to first customers egg and this guy waits until I hand in the already made sandwich to freak out he needed his food to be halal but alla coffee shop was very much not halal after demanding free food refund et Cie he starts getting heated and loud he tries to pull the whole let me see your manager thing unfortunately for him it's me he literally had been yelling at me for 15 minutes when I said you know what let's call my friend the owner of this establishment and see what they have to say about it i dial her up explain what's going on he grabs my phone from any tells her he's going to call the police and file a lawsuit for discrimination throws my phone on the ground then storms out this isn't the owner this is a cellphone you've been visited by a dog it's a regular dog but he's a good boy if you comment pet pet pet he'll let you pet him I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 137,799
Rating: 4.8973942 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, managers of reddit, customer stories, reddit customers, manager, customer, satisfied, not satisfied, angry customer
Id: 4BBI4vxG42I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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