I Dated 100 People Just to Murder Them - Altlife

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alright so we're checking out the only game that gives you an infinite amount of love interest specifically so that you can murder them in order to get your crime skill up it's out light more future sociopath damn it alt life is a game that gives you limitless ways to kill everyone around you I'm serious they put more time into committing crimes on people than they did living a normal life and I'm not totally okay with this my parents may be the first to go apparently no one's going to miss them because my mom's unemployed and my dad's a pet shop janitor your classmates are playing hide and seek will you join them I kind of wonder if this is one of those games where when you do something that shouldn't be dangerous end up getting killed anyway one of your classmates forcefully took the paper plane you were playing with what will you do a life of psychopathic nature definitely begins with a four year old threatening another four year old over a paper plane oh hey my mother's no longer addicted to drugs that would have been good to know off the bat I can't help but notice that there's a criminal record area in the stats tab we're gonna be filling this out your mother is wealthy really it doesn't feel that way your dream job is to be a financial manager who the hell decided this actually I guess this makes sense because if I take people's wallets after I murder them it's kind of like I'm managing the finances there's a boy in your school named tonda that you like he's 15 what will you do this seems like a great way to get more potential victims your mother bought you a computer for your 16th birthday what the hell can you do at the computer look for a job how come the very first things shown to a child is adult entertainment qualifications do I need importance a janitor what do you need to be a porn star appearance Monteux 90% i appreciate that in order to sweep up the viscous fluids on the set you don't need anything except to be 18 years old all the way at the bottom of the job application areas you have what I like to consider the most important job of all right beneath transportation it's waste of space with such titles as sad bastard and neckbeard your mother bought you a brand-new car for your 17th birthday okay I was wrong apparently my mother is stacked the father died of natural causes at the age of 68 my dad was 68 years old this is so strange who would have thought the timing I get a car that's worth like 80 grand and suddenly my dad dies I'm not going to his funeral I don't think I need to apply to university because I'm not going to be doing anything legitimate news man discovers drunk guy sleeping with his hundred and fifty pound Mastiff where'd this news come out of Florida alright you got to start somewhere you've reached level one programming can you just practice programming infinitely oh damn it you can't a mysterious man approaches you on the street dressed in a long trench coat he offers to pay you five thousand dollars if you close a drug deal for him will you do it of course I will all right now for the most important part of the game seeing how expecting like market it's gonna say how expensive weapons and stuff are scientist what the hell bottle poison I like how in order to kill your murder victims you can choose from such very normal items such as a knife a grenade a minigun or an RPG I'm trying to get away with the murder not blow up the whole goddamn block wait there's a book called programming for dummies can you just can you just read this over and over again you totally can you don't get as much experience but this game definitely underestimates my masochistic willpower to just keep clicking upgrade your computer it'll unlock new options okay hacking option are unlocked you can hack into such wonderful things such as the friend book server maybe your job performance or government computers I definitely want to start moving toward porn star so I don't think you're supposed to be able to do this but I'm just reading this book over and over again in order to max out the skill because I want to know what happens like what is the last option that you can get once you get level 10 okay level 10 programming what are we home like the national space station top-secret supercomputer maybe I can finally get my job performance up yay what the hell can I do this in infinite times to hold on porn set janitor view next title horn cameraman I need level three handiness why do you need so much handiness to be a cameraman I'm pretty sure they had a book for that god damn it they sure do I read a book thirty times so I've been promoted to porn cameraman I like to start my day by hacking into the top-secret government supercomputer am I gonna get money ever I gotta launch nukes I stole a point seven hundred dollars it doesn't really seem worth it how about the National Space Station what do you get there all I want to do is kill people and I've been sidetracked by hacking the [ __ ] out of this game what the hell is a sorcerer the elixir of hate you went for a drive in your Nimbus you were involved in a car accident your brain was shredded your stomach was bit your kidney was stretched and your liver was scraped what in the Christ bit me in this stomach it's freakin car accident just believe musical chairs with my organs am I still alive your car's been totaled goddamn it my office zero my car's totally salvaged alright if I ever want to become a murderous porn star I think I'm gonna need a better appearance typically when I click on this I usually get a horrible option in every other game it worked alright since I'm gonna eventually become a porn star before I start murdering people because we need money in order to buy the weapons I need a bunch of cucumbers to eat because my health is low okay the hell you think I was using all these cucumbers for this is actually a little-known fact but all potential porn stars eat 30 cucumbers a day okay I just stole 31 thousand dollars from the government now we're friggin talking I just stole 666 dollars this has got to be some kind of omen I'm just getting more handiness from my future porn activities maybe I'll just max out everything and see if we can become the best possible murderous criminal you can be every day I like to start my day off by getting put on all the government watch lists it just knows adopted child is here is there like a limit to how many children you can have I can just get one through the internet where are they coming from I mean sure I can adopt a fifteen year old child I don't have to do much work sure when you turn 18 you can become a potential victim the time has come - apparently hack so I can get my friggin rating up at work and become a porn star already you've been promoted my new saris 140 grand what the hell your boyfriend wants to break up with you he says it's because you parked in a disabled space my dream job financial manager making 89 grand a year that's nothing compared to the 140 of a porn star it took me 25 years to realize that my previous dreams were stupid do I have enough for a sniper rifle yet 300k huh that's like a year and a half away director your new salary is seven hundred and six thousand dollars what the hell never mind if we wanted to we could now by the RPG yeah all this we're gonna be a really well-read musical cooking artistic partying murderer we're gonna be like a Hannibal Lecter of murderers I'm going on vacation to to the Great Barrier Reef first class I'm not taking my family because I'm gonna be killing them soon what the hell you could buy a giant box truck and do what was it go for a drive just driving around the neighborhood at my freakin box truck already well go ahead and grab a nice sniper rifle crimes murderer came on you got away with murder plus 100 criminal we've reached level one criminal gotta start at the bottom I guess your mother was sniped with a sniper rifle at the age of 7 d I'm gonna skip her funeral I mean do I even need to get my job performance up what the hell comes past porn director hold on I'm gonna get me one of these poison bottles just a case sniper rifle has a 90% efficiency a 90% efficiency at what actually killing the person or making sure I don't go to prison I mean what does a minigun have an 80% efficiency I need to let a year go by so I can get more money oh right - we'll buy that RPG 100% efficiency hell yes I like how the bottle of poison has an age like does it have a shelf life like is there like a best buy date when the person sold it to me could be like milk you could go ban after time all right let me go ahead and adopt another child here my adopted daughter got a job as a dental assistant oh I feel kind of bad about like blowing her up with an RPG now want to know what the hell like an unspoken water is drink it to be healed I wasn't worth a million dollars is there something that will get me out of prison well haven't killed anyone this year yet so sorry first adopted daughter you've been diagnosed with depression he was nine years in prison no I got fired for being a poor director you work out in prison you escaped from prison and are on the roof as long as I can continue hacking I can always get money got in order to become a porn star again so I can start getting boyfriend's and murdering them I have to eat like 30 more cucumbers hey it's me again I'm back the doctor has determined that the diseases you're suffering from are incurable screw that that's what meditation is for all right I got to become the director again so I just have to hack my my performance back up okay I'm the director again oh sweet a new potential victim hey you still got one of those RPGs in stock sorry boyfriend you got away with murder level two criminal hell yes it's all right though there's plenty of boyfriends where that came from all right the old RPG hasn't let me down got at murder level three all right RPG let's keep it going hold on any a new boyfriend ah a practical nurse you'll do nicely get wrecked before your fridge stopped working at the tree house what will you do my tree house has a refrigerator my happiness had been really low after killing everyone but I found the way to get myself happy again it's not through Zen meditation it's through material objects but Lamba Getty I should have bought this years ago the kids love it too all right there's more levels to get though in killing people an apprentice composer he's got a low intelligence you'll work nicely you son of a [ __ ] how come the guy with the low intelligence wouldn't date me but the guy with the high intelligence is totally okay dating the murderer is porn director sorry Richard I've killed so many people that is starting to become harder and harder to find a mate level six criminal baby we're doing it I have found that the sniper rifle is the way to go maybe blowing people up with an RPG was a bit too obvious BAM level seven the TV stopped working in your tree house Hal wile out for coffee you met a man named Joseph Jones age 26 people are starting to come to me now for days I can't imagine how awkward it is when he's like what happened here last boyfriend I'd be like oh yeah he died in a car accident and he'd be liable what he hit and he'd be like yeah he ran into a sniper bullet you are pregnant with your boyfriend Joseph's baby what will you do oh this is awkward I will teach my child the life of a murderous porn star give a name to your child it's a boy Charles Charles isn't good enough for the name of a murderer your name is kill master he gave birth to a baby boy called kill master Jones even though you're in a relationship with Joseph you have the opportunity to hook up with a man named Michael Taylor what will you do this is turning into a really weird drama absolutely Joseph we've had a really good life together but I don't need you anymore got away with it late your boyfriend was sniped with a sniper rifle at the age of 46 don't worry my son and I don't need to see this funeral all right back on the market David Taylor you're gonna be my level 9 breaking news cop pulls over a van with 40 people crammed inside dressed as clowns in Germany this was very important almost as important as the fact that I became a porn director for like the eighth time or whatever happiness is lo got to drive the Lamborghini around Charles this is a very important day for me I need you to die so that I can get level 10 criminal so is this it like well I never get caught now can I just kill people forever my son kill master Jones you may live however that means that Richard Smith must dot you all you like details Taylor would I charles is no longer in charge it's true I can just kill infinite now to present 460 there's no prison that can hold me I escaped immediately no problem spent a couple of months in prison but we're back at it there we go said the prison for 214 years back to prison for 290 years come on baby there we go still got it so I've taken the time now to max every single step I'm I'm the most powerful grandmother in the entire world this guy's appearance is one I'm doing him a favor nevermind I keep getting rejected how come I only date people named Charles sorry buddy got to get a few last murders in before I die of old age I can only picture like some you know sixty some odd year old lady crouched down in a shrub wearing camo with her sniper rifle I'm still a porn director too now I've been diagnosed with the Zika virus what the hell it's right I'm wealthiest [ __ ] I can take care of this you're suffering from incurable diseases treat it it's successful a curable ass I managed to get a young boyfriend this time feel kind of bad for him congratulations my son we no longer have to live in a tree house I've got like five percent health right now but with my decrepit hands I will get one last kill at the very least and then go back to 328 years I've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease I'm 71 years old and I managed to escape from prison screw it we're using the RPG for the last few 380 years in prison for another murder finally we were an elderly murderous porn director living in a tree house with our son named kill master I can't ask for a better life anyway folks hope you enjoyed this up is so in vault life so next time stay foxy much-loved
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,911,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, multiple endings, bad choices games, bad choices, life choices game, life choices, bad life choices game, simulife, simulife game, bad mother, mother simulator, altlife, altlife hack, 100 boyfriends, 100 dates
Id: nbHubOcJ2M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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