I Became the Worst Child a Parent Could Have

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all right so we're back with the only game where your dad can be a drug lord and your mother can be an adult movie director it's new light more Valentine's Day one-night stands damn it new life is what happens when people abuse drugs and alcohol make a life sim game and then run all the text through google translate about 60 times however what that means is you get ridiculous like this typically I become a terrible parent but this time I want to finally become a terrible child you can apparently eventually hack into the bank system and steal all their money so I think that's what we're gonna do once I have enough money I'm gonna find out what the hell I could do with that goddamn bomb on the measles vaccination day your mother forgets to vaccinate you there's like no insult that I can give my mother because she's already a terrible person John hunter I am so sorry that you were born into this family the neighbor girl always comes to your house and steals your food so you often ask your mom to take you back to her house to steal her toys holy [ __ ] I'm a thief at like age two this is perfect you have the measles because you weren't vaccinated you have to stay in an isolation room for one week okay I'm almost sure you can kill your parents in this game I'm killing my parents you take your dad's phone and down 9-1-1 the police come out and complain to your dad about the prank call your dad scold you for bad behavior you should have saved your scolding for when my knife is going into your kidneys he dreamed that you were forced to eat a giant marshmallow when you woke up your pillow was gone knowing my parents that's probably the only food I've had in the last three years on Christmas Day you were all dressed up ready to go out with your family to a nice restaurant for an early dinner suddenly you were suffer from stomach ache and had to stay at home alone you were suffer from translated grammar a friend invites you to his birthday party you got lost when you arrived the party is over this game is so realistic because it's like 90% bad stuff 10% good stuff it really prepares you for the constant face slapping that his life I like how all children get a hundred dollars just for making it to high school considering my parents never give me any medicine and waiting to get like malaria or something on a camping trip your classmate is bitten by a snake what will you do cut the bite and suck out the venom apply ice to the bite cover the wound with loose sterile bandage sounds like something right out of a EMS book clearly we must do the suck it doesn't help the patient appears to get worse but in dice and we don't have our first murder yet you accidentally see your best friend being beaten by a group of other students what will you do rush to rescue shout so everyone will come to rescue turn around and pretend like you didn't see anything remember that time when I went to your birthday party and then by the time I got there it was over I remember your friend was brought into the hospital because of serious wounds you feel ashamed of yourself just you wait that sort of jackassery it's just the tip of the iceberg what university will you apply to it really doesn't matter uh whatever theater and cinema I'm gonna be lying my whole life anyway I have a potential love interest her name is Hailee Steinfeld karate black belt her ex-boyfriend must have orthopedic surgery for betraying her she's an outstanding student she wants to date you hell no I'm not getting a colostomy bag get this out of here what the hell is this in order to get this job I have to complete this interview but the center of you question is what do you do when you catch your partner cheating who the answer is send them to orthopedic surgery reacting immediately take a deep breath post about it on social media you failed theater here you read on the newspaper and knew that the police was finding an escaped prisoner and the criminal was hiding in your living area what will you do it's probably my dad I like how the options are go out for a walk stay home or go out for a walk the game is like hey you should really go out for a walk I guess I'll go out for a walk you've been attacked by the criminal your brain was banged your finger was scratched and your mouth was inverted I'm so sad how can I go on with it inverted now I bought a laptop and Bank hacking yes so I just got another love interest my name's Vanessa tail her look is super hot she's a porn actress her and my mother will get along just great one of your friends is pregnant and you are really excited not for the baby but because she's one of your skinniest friends Jesus Christ who wrote the jokes for this game most appropriate while playing in an adventure scene you have been injured your lip was battered and your neck was not what your girlfriend said that she wanted to get married with you will you propose to her yeah sure I always want to get married to a porn actress you guys have been married inside of a church your wedding ceremony was successful you've received lots of blessings from who the one friend I had I let him get his ass kicked and he went to the hospital my parents are terrible people you get into character as a gunshot corpse putting all the make up and playing dead outside makes you feel dead already five friends of yours tell you to have pufferfish for dinner will you join them is this how you get killed if you prepare it wrong that whatever I'd rather you pufferfish than go on you died of the pufferfish this poison sort of a bit alright attempt number two we're gonna get it this time Oh my mother has upgraded from an adult movie producer to an adult movie actor I was conceived while my parents were supposed to be watching the movie knocked up it's too bad that I don't understand what irony is yet your parents go out with friends and leave you at home you feel like the whole world is abandon you the whole world is abandoning me I'm one year old you love your mom to read fairy tales for you every night yeah every night she doesn't go out and leave me home alone [ __ ] if she does it you cry out loud until midnight this is the only way I can get any attention from my parents she's too busy having sex with random guys for money you got burnt your mom doesn't know how to exfil and you have an awful scar from then on how did I get burned she did this to me didn't she after doing your homework you fall asleep on the couch and magically waking up next the toilet bowl what the translate gods really beat the piss out of this statement your family has an old man living downstairs and he was very paranoid a great quote from him about your family is that [ __ ] upstairs is tapping my phone lines joining my mom she might be tapping his lines a four foot five skeleton was found in the front yard of your house the police came and carried out the necessary autopsy after all they come to the conclusion damn that's a dog skeleton what the hell are with these random life events in this girl's life this is the most random stuff I've ever had in this game ain't no damn dog skeleton it was probably my brother he didn't make the family proud enough and got buried in the front yard okay somehow I made it out of high school alive we're going for technology ah we have a love interest it's Liam Hemsworth the brother of a close friend he is single because he had too many girls around and doesn't know which girl is best suitable he has all these girls it's personality is faithful yeah whatever on the way home you see an elderly woman getting stuck in a traffic accident what will you do lady you picked the wrong person to crash in front of what the hell it turns out it was just a ploy for a robbery what old lady is gonna be doing robberies it sounds like one of my past characters on Valentine's Day your boyfriend came out that he is bisexual he has tried to love you but he failed I was like maybe this games gonna help a brother out I should have known better all right we have to be a DVD before we can become a thumb with hair you were fixing a computer meanwhile you hummed a random song your customer gave you $1,000 to stop singing what the hell work my other zero go okay this is getting ridiculous I understand that maybe this game wasn't in English to begin with but shouldn't numbers translate you gave up jogging for health reasons your thighs kept rubbing together and setting your pantyhose on fire what what is this what is this game trying to say dude this game just call me fat I was a goddamn computer bank hacking okay apparently need technology expert you developed a new version of a firewall software you sold it and got $3,000 I lost three health Jesus Christ being a developer is really dangerous congratulations you've been promoted from senior developer to technology expert finally I can start committing crimes god I had to live like a normal human for 36 years and ever thought it would take so much effort dank hacking goddamn it you hacked nothing you have successfully a ten thousand dollar bank account finally how about lining for bitcoins I'm actually too advanced to mine for bitcoins what 250,000 for a bomb I like how my happiness goes up so high every time I ruin someone else's life your mother came to the airport late the staff did not allow her to board the plane you hacked the airport web to fix the departure time the staff apologised dear mother and invited her to fly first-class why the hell am I even helping my mother she was a bit my whole life your buddy confessed to you that she is a virgin okay you write firewall security software and claim that it will stop all hackers after three hours your firewall is knocked down which my heart attack like how all my money has to go back to health care what we do to boost your income hack the system this is life as a hacker and technology expert my girl is crying profusely you've been promoted to president of the Technology Corporation however terrible person what will you do to boost your income evade taxes you've committed tax evasion successfully getting $50,000 hell yes what does the minus-6 held is this from like fighting off IRS ninjas oh my god this is amazing no [ __ ] you sir prison your family bribes the guards $5,000 in order for you to have a more comfortable life you realize your meal now has more than three pieces of meat than normal meals job number of post wouldn't what is it what the hell does this mean great at bomb your phone rings while you're driving what will you do obviously I'm going to answer it and crash and die an old lady came from nowhere suddenly crossing the road while you were talking on the phone by the time you saw her you tried to slam on the brakes but it was too late and that woman is dead I wonder if I can use my bomb to escape from prison right back you president when you were a child a fortune teller said later you will live a peaceful life the state will give you money to support you and you will sleep with the watchman beside and you will not have to worry about social affairs because I'm in prison alright we're going for an escape here I've got to hide somewhere since the police are following me behind a bush in a trash bin trash bin it is they couldn't find you a light bulb catches fire what will you do I'll just do it myself somehow you're still alive goddammit how am I making money the game says I'm still in jail but I'm still a junior developer what is happening you have worked hard for many years have fun and enjoy your old age yet I still make money as a teacher I mean will I eventually die of old age God what is that I broke the [ __ ] out of this game whatever if my bomb won't do anything maybe my sword will the only thing you can do with the bomb is sell it right now give me your money bit and I'm robbing people at 80 years old what can I do with a video camera nothing but a regular camera you took a picture of your mother cuddling with a strange man how she's like a hundred and five you bought a toilet what we use it for take you couldn't do any more meat stuff how about a bed for making love with your partner I don't have one hold on I can get one real quick though all right whoever comes first what do we got here the fitness trainer sure you were exhausted after three minutes finally I died of old age of 85 those committing robberies over to the point Rosenhaus 90 committed tax evasion everything yeah well we did it I think that we finally became the worst child a parent could possibly have somehow though everyone is still deeply saddened by the loss anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of new life so next time stay foxy miss love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,343,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, multiple endings, bad choices games, bad choices, life choices game, life choices, bad life choices game, bad mother, mother simulator, new life, new life game, worst child
Id: xvvpNBsOe5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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