*I WAS IN* If DOORS Monsters Had a Discord Server V?!

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die and I was like wait but he didn't do anything and then I don't think he liked me very much ah whatever I'm still hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts where today we are reacting to the brand new if doors monsters had a Discord server five and okay all right hold up hold up okay okay first of all I'm gonna I've already liked the video but I'm gonna I'm gonna just like it I thought maybe I could go 2.5 to 2.6 I couldn't uh but go ahead and like my video see if you get to the next thousand let me know in the comments below um and you guys can see I'm already subscribed with notifications and that's kind of what this whole video and this whole reaction is gonna be about uh but before I ask you to subscribe to me if you can only subscribe to one channel I want you to actually subscribe to Twilight's Channel I'm Gonna Leave a link in the description and the pin comment because dude he is so close to 100 000 subscribers that's really important in both YouTube and Roblox a hundred thousand can see the silver play button I think he deserves it he works really hard on his videos and also it gets you into the star program it makes you a star Creator on Roblox you get it you get a star code and I think we can do this for him so save your subscription from me I'm not gonna ask you to subscribe to my Channel at all I want to help him get to 100 000 subscribers go there right now or after the video subscribe to his channel get him to a hundred thousand subscribers he deserves it he works hard and there are a ton of you out there watching this right now you guys can literally get him to a hundred thousand today so let's make it happen for Twilight now you'll notice over here on the side there's the top chat replay uh and as I said I'm subscribed with notifications so guess what I was there for the premiere and I absolutely did not watch any part of the video at all because the chat was absolutely ridiculous uh so we'll go back and forth between the chat and the actual video uh so yeah he said Slow Mode's boring see I'm already nothing attention to the video look because I told them to start spamming and yeah the mods started spamming okay okay hold on hold on hold on yeah like see starco noodles and noodle on it and this is what ended up happening in the chat like for the entire video like uh yep look yep there's me it's weird because I'm not able to type in the chat but it's actually still highlighting my username anyway okay okay let's actually like hide the chat for now there are some parts of the chat that we definitely want to check out because it's what happened a little bit what happened in the video and I actually felt really bad about it because uh at one point he said you're the star nobody's watching the video I'm like I feel bad uh but he actually messaged me on Discord and and uh thanked me and said it was an amazing Premiere uh and he really enjoyed it and then the way it turned out so anyway let's watch okay yo this new update is so sick so so happy I got buffed for real and I got an energy bus now I can run even faster I can come in dark rooms now I can even steal steals kills oh yeah that's true now Screech didn't get a buff it's okay screw trying to get one either neither did hide well you know you don't care I hate your jump scare yeah there it is I have the best jump scares all that matters oh Jack Jack so Jack say he has the best jump scare he does have a pretty good jump scare but you never see it so it doesn't really uh yeah and Timothy I still think has the best jump scare in the game pretty sure no Jack I'm sorry it's Timothy nope oh they gonna fight no I do no I do no I do no I do no I do what I do right I do not do that first test wait wait wait what did he make it wait wait hold on Timothy's was so quick I'm not sure what was he like I know you are but what am I sort of thing first to speak has a lame jump scare and then he says no I do no no got him I hate this new update oh why I'm the only got nerfed wait Hulk got nerfed I mean he's actually in my opinion he got buffed a bit because he's actually faster because he actually he can catch you if you don't turn around he doesn't always and actually hardly ever doesn't matter he's actually the worst did I say he was the worst no no no he's not the worst entity uh in my tier list I said he was a bad entity so uh yeah you were bad to begin with and now I guess you're worse oh yeah eyes well what wait what hold is this Tagalog I don't I don't I yeah I don't I think I'm just saying tackle because he says Filipino but uh uh it actually looks like a mix between like Spanish and Indonesian like I don't I can't oh no not this again may I have you oh all right Guiding Light what's up you got my attention we have a new entity joining us oh oh this is because this is the new uh this is dupe this is Duke right because this is this is Hotel Plus update hey hello ew who are you ew don't worry about him he's a bit of a jerk [Music] I'm high oh sorry it's cool uh-huh I think you and I'll get real along real well here comes a player oh here we go who's Blair all right it's starting that's a good amount of knobs 21 000 right there Spirits oh hey Twilight why did you tell me I was lost in the darkness oh this is like a good that I'd be stuck there forever you made me think someone hacked my Roblox account oh this is from part four wait when did I tell you that you didn't say that nope one him that's weird [Music] it's been a glitch I guess a glitch [Music] um yeah I didn't notice too much change oh the change will be more clear as you progress right so he's playing the hotel Plus update for the first time well this is 26 minutes is this the longest one yet meanwhile in the chat Twilight the Creator is like you're the star of the show no one's watching the video and I absolutely was just watching this chat typing in it yeah dupe sorry I said sorry because I really do feel bad but like the chat is just like you start your noodles and that's a fact it's saying hi even the mod everyone spam W thing oh it was just nonsense uh be more careful than their new challenges okay so I'm gonna try and watch both uh so new guy it's going too fast I can't stop it's got the orange I've lost it I've lost it I've already lost the plot ah no I can't have that there it's very distracting so nougat what kind of attacks do you do oh yeah yeah okay well my main method is to try and catch the player off guard uh isn't that what yeah exactly exactly well the way I do is a little different you see do you one shot well no oh no imagine not one shotting leave him alone Rush Oh Yeah because Hyde doesn't one shot either it's okay hide you'll see soon enough that I am no weaker than him the new effects are epic what right I think so too what what effects like the the door sound or what effects are you talking about I don't know what effects you're talking about oh oh no okay this one's fine wait this looks like a real door well I mean it's yeah those were yeah it is yeah I mean those were you can use a lockpick to open it wasn't it always that way though what's in it good stuff dude meanwhile in the chat I'm sorry I feel like I ruined the video [Music] chat what what wait okay okay wait I'm paying attention I'm paying attention I promise I'm paying attention okay got a candle wait he didn't ask about the candle the candle's brand new dude how do you know what that does I didn't know what it did when we first got it hey there's Rush [Music] wait Rush Oh I like the editing he's like he's got having the doors open with the with the Beat of the Music that was cool like that like that boom boom boom nice okay oh dupe no I thought that was a dupe room it's totally a dupe room in in super hard mode that would definitely be dude [Music] oh here it is this is it that was 29. I hope you remember dude um what yep watch this get up though oh it's wrong got home what the heck ow what how is that possible wait how ain't no way what do you even do that's crazy that's pretty cool there's no way he just did that [Music] oh maybe you should remember maybe you should learn to count dude so you're just hiding behind the door waiting for him exactly I really need to try yeah you do well he does that actually but there were two doors was one of them fake or something good job eyes yeah he'll be too focused on avoiding you guys he won't be paying attention to the doors you're telling me none of you tried behind a fake door some of us are too big to fit in those tiny spaces behind the faint doors besides jump scaring players isn't exactly my greatest strength honestly that was pretty cool GG hello whoa what is this I missed this completely during the premiere you yes have you found the doors affirmative oh there yeah I've totally buffed figure in room 100 it'll be a great challenge but but what's the point aren't you controlling him yes well kind of I've installed an AI chip inside of his BR you did surgery pretty easy since this is holla you just Chuck it in his mouth it controls his movement so I don't have to what about his Discord messages no I didn't think about that window can you control his messages great I'll show you how to do it oh they're gonna hack his Discord account slash C figures Shadow is Goof oh it worked oh sorry I meant to say shadow is good yeah right oh I get it now all right then I'll leave you to it now what about the two players I had to trap in the void yesterday oh they escaped wait what how they just left the game oh I forgot players could just leave and you say I'm the goof we have a few things we need to discuss first shall we glitch next I think maybe we should glitch someone from the MDA maybe Screech since no one really care if he was attacked perhap eyed or eyes since they have some wisdom of their own maybe we could cat dupe since he knew no one would know maybe we can figure this out later now that we're bringing figure back everyone will assume that it's back to normal oh and glitch don't you remember what happened last episode Guiding Light was talking to Twilight and Christopher and they fell into the void that means she knows what happened oh that was a Guiding Light that was me I created a fake Guiding Light system I was able to use special commands to activate a fake guiding message but it didn't work players can leave the game and I admit that was an oversight on my part hold on how did you get guiding lights message commands I use glitches all right yeah forgot you could do that by the way if we're gonna glitch more monsters we need more help window won't be able to control all of them do you know happen to know what happened to anybody new besides Duke no whatever I'll just glitch into the systems okay so they're gonna corrupt another monster in this in this episode I assume oh you're gonna okay I was gonna say you better jump in bro predictable yeah seriously just shut up you're so useless oh they fighting I don't remember asking for a glass of your opinion or extra salt and all I'm saying is you need to be more unpredictable try to use the player's Focus against them and I'm so tired of everyone give me these pet talks thank you it's great Jeff and El gublino for the first time oh yeah I forgot what part okay lips are sealed okay that's all right we all have fears pretty afraid of water okay [Music] Tina made YouTube hello hey the man how'd you get into this Discord server for real hex uh okay bro this is why you buy a flashlight I like to save my knobs I mean he's got twenty thousand what's the point of saving your knobs he ain't gonna spend them point I need friends what what do you mean what what you're gonna you're gonna give them your knobs or what okay oh oh uh this will be is there anything different about all right it's my turn he's gonna go right past dude you haven't changed what's your Technique run fast I chase him yeah but this one did that's it this didn't change in the update I chase him with technique what technique are you serious right now bro run fast let me just see from myself okay I hope the updated cheese isn't too bad it's ten times harder we 'd like you're gonna die really quickly and it's gonna be really funny come on man have some faith it can't be that hard yep do animation yeah but it's like we think it it looks old now way slow down ready or not here I come this kid's it bruh seek where'd you find vitamins what is he faster Spirit help me just follow me [Music] Izzy I don't think that he's any faster an update right like just the updated animation maybe slightly faster but not really my opinion [Music] oh he hit the fire oh you made it yeah you're way ahead he want that better be careful dude Duke's gonna kill you okay maybe you aren't the worst player but you still suck okay here goes nothing oh wait wait what are you gonna do a figure I'll put figure in the room glitch stop him oh okay oh oh glitch all glitch that was odd glitch had yeah he's in okay they had to wait for shadow to put him into the library we know get ready you have to talk I am there he is oh yep new animation here too right yeah but again it's like the old animation now we're used to it by now I don't see wait figures back hi guys ah figure I was hoping to meet you I've heard about you nice to meet you hmm figure it would be a nicer than usual what figures back this is outrageously unacceptable oh yeah that's right they're always fighting oh yeah well you're oh stupid okay solve the puzzle dude I can't wait to see this you're gonna die to someone who's blind well um you're gonna die now I know it nah you're gonna make it I I have a face oh bro bro Oh I thought he's coming over the desk sometimes he does that oh you are lucky he was literally right next to you I think fingers brain got nerfed oh the numbers look so big because I'm so used to playing super hard mode yes yes yes I got him figure that's like a statue oh and he made it nice okay so this part is really good okay uh I mean well okay okay there's a okay sorry I'd use the bathroom what happened [Music] you died right nope made it wait what I installed hacks on my Smart toilet you should be what you hacked the toilet I don't know I think I hacked a different guy server meanwhile in another server what why was finger flying around the library I'd die because of that quit doors I'm making a video and tell everyone to dislike your game I hate UL Splash no I love you I didn't mean that I was just saying what he said uh yeah there we go what the heck is this nothing you should just leave it doesn't help at all uh hey dude uh I we're on here party who are these guys we haven't met them yet oh I know these three Jesse owner of a little shop where the player can buy stuff El gamblino just talk to the player a bit and give some advice and the skeleton uh higher power come on man he's just kind of there hmm okay decent shop nice what's this oh right he's never seen a crucifix don't touch it okay yeah lies lies buy it Nadu don't listen to him this thing's all Mighty just hold it up and it will destroy anything that gets in your way sadly it's a one-time use though I wouldn't trust a dude named Jeff crucifix is 50 off today you want I'll take your entire stock it's only one dude it's one of one wait you didn't even ask about the skeleton key that's new too wasn't it oh he bought everything give the man a tip bro there you go hey oh man thanks for the tips you rock hey you're a nice dude yeah well I warned you stay away from room 60 that place is creepy Bob and I wish you luck on your journey dude uh all right thanks for the tips guys bye okay so right here is why something amazing happens so yeah yeah right here look look yeah also everyone joined things Discord um that's the fit message it's not my channel this is crazy um anyway uh Twilight says think noodles your favorite entity elgo blito is about to reference you and I'm like wait he is uh and he says yes so this is I'm Gonna Leave the chat up like while uh while this happens so you guys can see it as if I'm actually watching it because when he said that I like actually turned my attention to the video uh so let's let's watch this part right here farewell don't die and I was like wait but he didn't do anything and then I don't think he like me very much I don't think noodles his favorite I couldn't believe it when he did that and watch the check hey Jeff says I'll be quiet because of course Jeff wants to be my favorite and Bob probably does too but El Google you know obviously you guys know I ranked him as the best entity in all of doors and of course he saw my video well watch me in the chat here it's delayed that's so weird like because I lost it in the chat look look look look at this I I couldn't contain my excitement that's how I expressed it OMG yeah you can see everyone saw the reference right there literally freaking out okay um so yeah okay let's go back to the video uh they mentioned the noodle dude yes I wanted this to happen all right all right so here he is okay okay so let's go back so that's door that was door 60 right there anyway Screech I'd like to do the teamwork thing I discuss with rush you want to help yes of course I don't normally like to try and kill the player but I want to show Rush how affecting teamwork really is how about a door 90 we all gang up on the player try as hard as we can got it yeah yeah you do that's what happens in the EXO so uh oh yeah so we've gotta find the yeah yeah gotta find the heart the switch in the bedroom all right so here we go oh oh okay he's in hospital first time you don't have anything to say about the hospital or this nothing you know how that works I didn't know the first time all right okay here we go let's seek again oh man did he just rush seek oh yeah there he goes I think it didn't take him a while you guys got all those references right all right we're going straight to Door 90 here it looks like oh oh we got hey bro you're about to bear so hard it's just whole turn around you know what no he's not gonna yeah but you you do you don't you wait wait uh wait what oh crucifix Adam I was like what let's go well I mean that's a quick way to get through home all is a speed run killer wow who in their right mind wait who are you oh um oh snare I don't know well all right I didn't think snare could talk meanwhile how's your day good how about you I just got banished to the abyss with a supernatural object this is a good tea I know right I want to set you back up if that's okay all right bye okay so now they should be really close to door oh you could which one I wasn't paying attention it's 89. he's lying stupid no I I think he's lying dude I wouldn't Tim he wants you to die come on bro you said it was 89. that's why I didn't invite you to my service you dimwit or maybe get better learn to count bro you suck stupid wow look Timothy lays eggs in your ears oh gross no uh a eyes wait a minute wait a minute didn't we go from we didn't we did 89 twice wait what didn't it yeah 89 was dupe and then there was another we then then 89 was right that's weird hey eyes yeah oh yeah eyes makes a big appearance here you want to help me and Screech kill the player basically we're gonna tee-bop on him all at the same time that way he'll be outnumbered we can come together and Rush's gonna join in too what's in it for me a kill maybe yeah deal okay can I help sure I don't know who you are but sure I mean it is true there are a lot of entities in Greenhouse all at once there's one more person I'd like to help Rush will you help us I told you I work alone hmm Rush come on just for the last 10 rooms work with us I know you don't wanna but I don't want to show you how effective it really oh they're gonna kill them they're gonna kill him you ain't gonna make it they're setting this up for him to die oh yeah there he is what's this oh a horse poop yes it is it is but when you step on it it heals you oh man yeah I don't trust you that question was directed at its Spirit oh I don't know what that is if I were you I'd avoid it God didn't let your advice sucks advice is literally my only purpose for the players that is plus didn't you just tell in the incorrect door uh stop stalking me you weirdo he's just dumb to believe me all right you you four ready go Esso uh oh all right then attack oh they're good he's gonna he's not gonna hit him oh he knows how to use the candle though oh oh that was weird Okay so that was Greenhouse early I forgot we didn't even see Courtyard ain't you afraid oh oh so snare got him yep uh you better yep oh he ain't freaking out bro oh my goodness Screech is trying hard and snare got him again [Music] Rush again [Music] no eyes though really that's crazy I I would expect the Eyes by now dude there was no eyes in the whole Greenhouse you kidding me that was easy mode uh wow looks revamped okay so this time they made it 10 times harder shut up see all you do is lie you lied about see you lied about the crucifix he lied about the door yep yep going behind the wrong door dude I'm serious times actually ten times harder Guiding Light where are you right now I actually need you at this point I'm gonna ignore you we may not have killed him but we did so well what happened to room 100 it's 10 times harder I don't think so I mean it's definitely more involved but um it's not 10 times harder in my opinion and the animation obviously is better no you don't have to use vitamins man he's so scared wow you're right what do I do hide okay this is actually cool that it is okay seriously tell me where you guys are fighting all the vitamins what why does Jack want vitamins use your ears bro okay you need to find 10 parts and put them into the power box then you must complete the breaker puzzle to power the elevator we know there we go oh he got the key oh cause he doesn't have lock pick oh you gotta use the actual key okay so he opened it wait you got all no no no you got okay okay I was gonna say you got all ten I didn't oh that was risky yo what are you doing in the corner there man stay in the rooms what's wrong with you that that was that's a risk I would never take in this room okay oh he's got he's got a lot of them in this room okay up up one more one more one more got it got a light helping him good job gathered into the power box Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam all right breaker puzzle no not figures pretty much irrelevant ah it's so hot uh 14 about his part complete the puzzle yeah you got it dude oh look he does the speed better way first one done second one done third one wow GG man all right so that's it you ain't gonna catch him come here you little rascal yeah right bro he beat him first try look figure in the comment you guys suck [Music] kind of entities up oh dude the Way That Shook you almost got wrecked I feel like you came up the stairs at the last second and then the peace can't believe this kid just beat the game this game is broken I can't believe I just won that first try all right we decided our best options are to glitch it's up to you to decide oh using the poll in the description guys vote on the poll when you do subscribe to his Channel voting ends May 6th plenty of time go vote on it go subscribe to his channel let's get him to a hundred thousand subscribers if you guys enjoyed the video and you know you'll want to subscribe to two channels including his you can subscribe to mine as well I'd absolutely appreciate and help me get to 10 million subscribers and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,493,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, thinknoodles gaming, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles reacts, thinknoodles shorts, roblox doors, roblox doors update, roblox doors discord, roblox doors discord groupchat, roblox doors funny, doors roblox, thinknoodles doors, thinknoodles doors memes, roblox doors new update, doors monsters, roblox doors new monsters, reaction channel, roblox doors groupchat, thinknoodles reacts to doors
Id: ho5B5vruojc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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