I Created A Portal To The Other World And This Happened in People Playground

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I would like you to meet my friend Kevin Kevin wishes he was smashingly good Halloween are you okay Kevin oh no I think I think we killed him I think my oh no we smashed him too hard don't worry Kevin it's okay we can fix you we have the technology we can come over here my friend oh don't rip your head off though okay that was good that was fine everything will be okay we just need though why is your head going in circles this is no I did I pull it too hard I'll just gently ease you over here lay you down on the hospital bed oh oh well that's backwards so I'll just fix the way it works there you go lay down buddy everything's gonna be okay one like for Kevin's survival Oh his arms are broken we have the technology to fix him oh maybe not is he gonna be okay there he's gonna live doctor doctor he's gonna live quick give him the life potion oh no he's got it he's gotta wait he's moving too much quick his head's in the light hit him with that I don't even know what that was but I hit him real hard oh oh hey he's alive he's alive we have to lock him in what's this Kevin said a knockout syringe don't worry we're not done with you yet why did you not get knocked out oh maybe you did but your head stuck in the light go lay down you need another another shot to the old there you go keep oh there it is there it is oh oh oh I bet um I hit him with with some potion I hope it wasn't I hope it wasn't this one if it was I think that always hurting me is he turning into a zombie no this is the zombie one I don't know what this one is is this one the ultrasonic or the acid it might be the ultra strength let's see does it work oh oh he's making it he's still alive we crushed him yeah I smashed and this is actually really cool what I like this hold him down Oh No hold him down to making zombify him oh wait wait is this this is the life one okay thank you there you go he's going he's going alive he's trying to make it out hold him down we got it we got his I will fight him oh we did it we did it he's gonna turn into zombies look you trying to run away no you're not allowed to live you're not allowed we need quick we need more force we gotta hook it up quick hook it up there activate a super zombie I didn't realize it was gonna oh that might have done it that might just oh we broke Kevin we broke Kevin he's uh he's still alive by the way you're wondering it's just that his body parts are stuck under the table is now a charred a charred one okay is that the zombie syringe I think so let's give him a life syringe yeah that'll help come on lock him down we can't let him go we can't let him free you know let's cure the zombie infection before he grows too large oh no no no no no no Kevin did we do it do we cure him we did it we did it he's alive what are these no idea what these are and no he's still a zombie but you know what he's not he's not this guy oh this one is supposed to be oh come on man that's no fun this is supposed to be the indestructible big boy looks like he's pretty destructible though and if you put it in comparison a regular persons that big I have no idea how this person whoa that wasn't intentional I promise I have no idea how this this guy was made this is amazing let's see if we can Oh No see if we can get him big come on stay alive and POW right in the butt oh oh hey he's getting fixed oh come on come alive come alive my friend buddy oh oh he's too heavy and he's damaging himself found a way to keep him alive we just constantly inject him hey and go stand up but stand up we go biggest Oh No oh well that was uh was good well lasted there he goes he's flying he's gonna get injured yeah all right so we gotta play with some of the new stuff there's this thing called the decimator now that usually means one tenth right watch this trick though are you ready oh it just it zaps everything zaps everything else wait watch this I'm gonna put a bunch of people right on top of it and they're all gonna get this discriminated not discriminated that's the wrong word this decimated they're gonna get that out snapped in two out of the Oblivion turn into little jello puddles oh this is a good one this is nice this is nice they'll disappeared Oh Kevin does your leg hurt don't worry just touch it with your toes he's gone so my question is can we attach one of those to a car decimator front of the car and pause it and then we'll just you know rigidly attached that bad boy on there well fix it on real hard and activate is there gonna work here let's put down a bunch of people is that enough people maybe I don't know is this gonna work and activate Oh oh that was so cool what else can we do with it can we put down the big Superboy there we go yes I want another car doesn't work against other vehicles and whoa how about semis okay how about giant tanks does it work against giant tanks so I have another theory what happens if we put like that wasn't it what happens if we put a Tesla coil in here and we turn the Tesla coil on because I really want to activate I really want to activate that thing and if it gets power it'll get activated oh it didn't did you raced everything man smash okay so what happens if I just do this and turn that on reverse gear it's not getting activated I need a generator so how do I accidentally do it I don't I make a machine that'll turn a generator on to trigger that okay okay okay so what happens if we activate this thing right if we if we activate this everything has a second stage right so let's try Acme oh what wait what I created up okay what happens if I drop something into the black hole oh no way okay so Wow it's actually sucking in you can see a little bit that the these background lines have even changed we're go it's just up oh hey we found some fun stuff so the question is if I can find a detector like hmm motion detector metal detector life detector I guess we could put like a life detector you know I'm gonna do first already to save this bad boy ass back to the future we have to hit a certain speed and then it'll go weak I wonder if there's the speedometer I'm gonna do fire well put fire and it'll go straight up like this right so now if this thing runs into fire if there's fire above it then it'll cause a black hole and put everything out I think so if I freeze all these in place then activate them and then activate them and then activate if I activate why are you not oh hey what okay what what is going on so you have to hold out in the clique I don't understand this fire but it shuts off right away that's really annoying how do I get him to stay on this work XP no does that do anything Meyers said not even working it doesn't go it just does the same thing okay what about a metronome no I want a giant button with the one-ton thing on it that might work it's activating no come on come on come on you dumb machine gun things how do you get something to work on this it makes you wonder if small thrusters cause fire no no stop you've got to come back here come back here buddy come back we're just gonna make a little fire we're gonna freeze it that works that works X may be fire okay so does this work does this thing is that's really loud is that considered fire no how is how is giant flames not considered fired it's considered fire when I know what is it considered fire when it's actually on fire why is this thing now working okay we need a test activate go go go no it didn't it didn't accidentally create a black hole all right reverse gear we got to back it up to reset this thing back it up and now stop it you know wheelie okay we'll delete all this job it is really loud annoying I almost feel like the life detector is gonna work better because I know how it works it'll just run that over uh-huh all this activation yeah I gotta use the activation propagation wire right propagation okay that'll activate that thing which will go down here and connected it perfect and then we'll just do a rigid connection there is a connection there we'll fix the connection there and there and then we'll go over here hit you are you are beautiful are they alive it better be alive it better we'll try it and that's runway that's comeback you're in Reverse kid okay there we go ready get set in oh you did a wheelie through them you're not supposed to do that come on drive back now I gotta put the guys back with her supposed to be oh no it worked sort of that was weird that was that was an accidental one now what's gonna happen is it pulling this stuff over there there's another body right here what is that this one oh sweet now where did I put my DeLorean at where is it part man there's so much garbage in here this isn't it but this looked fun oh no oh we gotta mix it up just okay now that was that's right here try it again and x8 something stuck why is it I need unstuck it I think and fix them nope make a helicopter don't worry it's stuck in space something over here why is that what's stuck from the helicopter all right gonna try this to make sure it works if I Drive you over here Xango worked that was great makes me wonder if this thing sucks in like everything Oh whoa that was cool I like that so it should work right if I do that there's a couple things here that I saw they were kind of cool this was called an apartment house oh and there's people in here what is that that's like a light on second thought that's not as cool as I thought it would be but this one this one looks a lot cooler I like this one there's also a 1-ton wait outside along with a bunch of garbage that's a cool apartment building so we're gonna try this a few times and see if we can create a black hole inside this apartment I don't know if it'll work oh oh maybe oh it's so close what got stuck so that's actually active if I delete that it might work Oh Oh doh okay stumble over here buddy stumble over here it's double you can do it oh no oh no it's gonna work it's gonna work we created a black hole it's not really sucking things that are frozen into place all but it's cool like it I was distorting time in the space I just need to delete a couple of these things hold up delete that chair and all the car all the car made it out whoa and it's just like paste out of here about leave me alone you know I got it I got a Reaper stick here ya go backwards go backward he's out here just chilling outside got destroyed whoa you got flung way up into there that was awesome and now why don't you get oh you got it you got a spare TV okay oh hey wait where'd our decimator go ah come on man we're the decimator going we need it I bet the decimator got blackhole didn't so there's one more thing I wanted to try out today and it's called the dark matter portal I don't know what it is but it looks cool it's got a shard things are cooked up to the shard this is pulled out okay we're gonna get every good we'll put it on the crown and then I guess if we activate that oh it makes it makes the portal to the dark side it's also powered by a crystal which was kind of cool we put a giant Walker in whoa yeah oh wow oh no does it work again no it didn't work again oh that's too bad so I want to check this thing out what is it actually there's a button over here so the button we have a is something supposed to stumble up to it can I make you walk and then if you just walk into it do you is this a maybe it's a Back to the Future thing read who are you why can't you walk up why are you not walking up the stairs properly you need assistance do I need to help you go push the button push the button you can push the button you know how to push the button can you push the button you need assistance do you need assistance is China he's getting fried oh but he disappeared that was cool I like this thing [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,337,725
Rating: 4.8894334 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, oct2019, dinosaur, simulation, simulation game, funny
Id: yHcFnBUvqrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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