Building A Machine That Ends 10,000 Crash Test Dummies in People Playground

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oh hey there this is my friend his name is Kevin say hi Kevin that that's for you guys you're supposed to say hi Kevin kevin has two issues he has two questions he has two decisions to make right now he's not exactly sure which one he should make should he make the right decision or the left decision let's do the right one Oh subscribe that was a good decision Kevin how about the left decision oh he's suggesting that you liked this video before something dangerous happens to him who would have any idea what kind of dangerous things what happened in Kevin nothing dangerous whatever happened to him right and uh just got to move you a little bit and then move you and then just hold up hold up well pretend that didn't happen and we'll do it over again and then kevin has all sorts of different ideas and what he should do in his life when he wants to be when he grows up too bad II just turned in a puddle of grape juice please don't roll please just lay down play good good good job okay and then if I do like a wire from here to here with that like connected oh it does I don't know if that's gonna hold on very good is like maybe we'll put another one on to his chest and then you know we'll just slowly slowly drag it over the edge Kevin's okay he's actually still alive somehow I'm not sure how his head doesn't more injured doesn't more injured that's not words how his head isn't broken because he got hit with a gigantic like I absolutely huge anchor that's gonna tear him down to the bottom of the ocean there it goes oh look he's trying to get away it's so sad you ready Kevin are you ready to go swimming oh no this is what happens if you like it if you haven't this is what happens to our star of the show heaven comes down actually means that I'm actually not joins us very much usually when I destroy the crash test dummies it's enjoyable not today not in this way anyway yes we'll save his life Oh get out of here barrel oh no wait delete it yes Kevin he's gonna be okay he made it he's alive good job buddy you guys must all liked and subscribe well done I think it's time we save him for sure he needs it he deserves it for that he's all better now look at him go and he's just gonna sit right next to the ocean yeah no I'm not falling sit sit lay down good job there he goes he's just gonna watch over he's just likes watching over it takes much more to destroy super Kevin pretty go why do you fly so high I barely flung him in he's like way up here so now that we've had a lot of fun destroying Kevin and getting you guys to hit the right buttons yes that's right I found some interesting things now first off in the last video we did we made a beautiful UFO didn't we or sort of the this thing it's kind of a UFO it's kind of cool it works pretty well but I uploaded it to the Steam Workshop and it didn't work I don't know why sometimes the game just kind of gets a little bit wonky so hey it's working now sort of if you think of it what's not working now some of you guys told me to like get rid of this thing and then put a gyroscope on it because there's the gyro stabilizer in here somewhere I never know which buttons to the right one there's an electromagnet and this thing the gyroscopic stabilizer and then if I turn that on it's on now I promise you it'll eventually fail probably in a worse way than it failed before I I don't know why it's supposed to be stabilizing but since the fans kind of counterbalance yeah this is why aliens aren't real because every time they try to build a UFO this happens actually that's working pretty well when I tried the stabilizer before it didn't work huh well oh yeah see the last time I did it it tipped over that actually stabilized pretty good nope they're tipped over see that's the problem I had before now now I'm not gonna spend the time to do that but I did look in the steam workshop and I uploaded like literally everything that's said Blitzen it so somebody made Blitz this is what you guys think blitzes cool hey there he goes look it's blitz and there's another one here another blitz OOP that one's got problems when you load it too close to there there there see we got blitz too and blitz one ha ha ha ha I'm so sorry nail it and there's some other things like this one that's one we just picked up and some other things that this one's called for blitz that doesn't sound plenty that doesn't sound good [Laughter] I am Wow what in the world was that well select everything we'll slide it down the ground I think this is meant to just make like this dude gets squished but what we need so many generators together ok so we need we need to make something else here ok and if I hit this thing our friend here our friend Kevin is just gonna get squished oh that was cool hey do it again and we put an android in there like i said last time and we fire it oh yes that was glorious oh that was beautiful in so many levels what happens friend he's ok this guy gonna make it oh my yeah just get out of this yes we ripped him away so we better stab him really hard and smack him really good hey now hey dog are hard again and back way then light him on fire perfect birthday me maybe doesn't burn so we'll just shoot him with a beam rifle in the face Wow that'll do it is he broken still oh he got broken why do all my toys get broken so bad all the time alright clear everything up so there's a couple more things that you guys made one of them speaking of that UFO somebody tried fixing it the remastered by before the end so I know what this is I'm hoping it's really cool oh look at that thing whoa shiny and junk wow it's got flames on it that's really cool my dude that's really awesome it's a single man UFO kind of has the same problem mine does yeah well but same exact problem you know what though let's uh let's just nuke these really quick so you can see what it really looks like yeah there you go uh-huh and then how many there we go oh look at that thing that's so cool I love it well done my dude well done and then there's this thing called for blitz is that lasers no way that's lasers ready activate whoa whoa how cool is that I have ideas I have big ideas I have super ideas dude that's a six sword we got to smack somebody in the face with this hot ding that's a large weapon okay you're gonna make weightless here for a second and then we're make Kevin grab that oh and pop ow nice oh no his foot oh it's so heavy you just smacked his foot he'll be okay it's what's broken though Kevin this is what I tell you about trying to break your foot got him so who should we fight that against oh I delete it all like 500 of the cool things what is this maybe we should defeat this thing oh my word what is that [Music] don't really understand what it's like a skeleton thing it's coming alive it's coming alive some of it anyway hey Kirk get over there just got to rip that out real hard and [ __ ] okay so it got zombified interesting critter let's destroy it jump jump jump jump jump barrel roll Skippy why are you doing a barrel roll dude because you wanted to do a gigantic overhead slice didn't you oh it was so cool okay that was good and then stabbed it real hard right in the face thing again nice uh-oh is it gonna try to grab it from you know jump up dude grab it yeah no I think he got it I think he's got it do you have it's a science experiment Kapow okay I think it's a little bit too large here and then watch this trick ready okay that was good kill it when it's down nice okay it's a little bit too big but it's still awesome I don't know how these motors are doing it how they're making these things that like making the super units and everything cuz they're really cool I love it I know Kevin wants to go and play again yes it worked that he gets hit by a turret Kevin you okay you okay oh it's like duck hunt oh nice it looks painful this Turkey oh hey that's a new turret usually it was this one we're gonna have a turret battle I might be due far away I can't see that far my as a broken you're not supposed to what are you doing why are you making oh no no we did it go away everyone go away thank you hahahaha and oh oh that was fun yay I like destroyed crash-test dummies ah it's beautiful that dude literally has no chest he has no chest in there here walk towards it can you destroy them it's like terminator he's gonna come after you portal turret man oh no he's getting just pushed into the ground there's something quite interesting about this game there are two achievements that I have not unlocked one is extinction and then the other one is genocide see I'm almost there right how many do I have it says I have killed 7,000 people but what does it actually take to kill a million so it makes me wonder if we can build a machine if we can build a machine to delete a million people now I did like this thing cuz this thing's kind of cool and stuff oh I like it except it's a little bit wonky on the side we don't really need that many lasers like doesn't have to be that bright yes yes yeah we could constantly paste them in uh-huh ha ha yes decimation I could make a bulldozer make this work - or we could like overpower these and make a black hole so if the achievements to kill 1 million crash-test dummies 1 million of them and we currently have 7,000 dead that means we need to kill them anymore I agree that's a lot like that number I can't even count that high because it would take me so long to do he'd probably because it would take brain juice and that's gone for tonight it's way late you guys saw it's already like 11 o'clock at night I've been up since 2:30 a.m. by the way that's what 50 people playground crash test dummies look like major yikes biggie Ikes it's gonna take a lot longer than I thought it would maybe I should just go to bed no no we have Kevin do this for all 12 FPS 12 to 220 280 329 and it does look like it we got like a hundred more maybe we're not gonna do extinction that'd be fun but wow oh no that's a lot that's a large bar this one's not so bad maybe it's just genocide today maybe we're gonna do genocide so real quick question does a bajillion and a half million lasers does that make the game laggy I'm asking for a friend because I'm not sure and my friend wants to know [Music] thank you whoa yes yes okay 120 and 1fps and we're in ascent into Kevin squad oh that makes some pretty pretties nice do they get cut up on the way down kind of the funnest thing is you can't actually tell how bad they get destroyed until then they just get destroyed amazing we're dropping the framerate did nothing level I just want to see what it looks like oh it's so pretty yes yes I love it given a copy of oh boy hey there we go there we go and 10 frames per second if I crash the game over to be met oh wow uh-huh yeah right okay yep uh-huh we got this we're down to one click clear living before the game destroys itself that looks more fun doesn't it yeah turn the fans on turn the fans on perfect perfect turn the jet engines on so that's probably not enough turn it on all the way all the way to actions are probably actually way too much the whole idea is that you drop a Kevin inside right down here and it goes up and then yes destroyed and then he gets decimated on the outside I like it I'd like it yeah yes why isn't it decimating these things I'm not actually sure okay so we'll show Kevin inside like that and whoop there's parts that just got ejected out into space so yay hey whoa hey whoa it's working it's working oh it kind of works kind of works maybe I do need the super Jets on super Jets activated yes yes Wow I you know what I need I need an auto clicker the parts are just getting lamb blasted right into it if I just clear it every once in a while I can't tell if things are waiting will slow it down okay oh there are pieces that are getting thrown through the black hole look at him go yay and follow you see how far that puppy goes oh they hit the other wall that's like a new record for distance all right we're enclosed now we are enclosed Kevin activate yeah I mean parts are there they're not getting decimated right away why are you not getting decimated I need something Oh oh my how are the skulls not getting decimated there's stuck inside of it oh they're going too fast here we go getting decimation oh the decimation is smog even with no living things I think we have a slight problem clear the living wait hold up how are you dorks not getting decimated in the decimeters how is that not working there we go there we go and it works it works all of the body parts get destroyed oh no we made a black hole that breaks my game okay please don't please don't break everything black hole actually you know that's gonna work right now - hey black hole everything oh look at him go oh it's glorious oh these aren't on we need to turn these back on there ya go we gotta get the fans working there it is Kevin goes oh he hits his head it falls off that worked great that was perfect that was just perfect that was amazing wicked everyone what's going oh how did Oh balls another one of those shoot we didn't want it we didn't want to make black holes you know what I'm just gonna get a couple thousand more people here just spam that butten right into the black hole I wanted a little bit of defense on it will that work a whole bunch I think so I think so nothing's getting black hold right now beautiful beautiful I think we've done it I think we've made a genocide machine I didn't say that out loud today hopefully nobody's knocking at my door okay beautiful all you need is a couple jet engine hi super-powered lasers and something that can cause black holes if you know how to get those then you should be able to make this at home in your basement so I will name this the machine of mass casualty by blitz and then I will upload this to the Steam Workshop if I can find it somewhere in here well upload that to the Steam Workshop you guys can download that and play with it alright so a couple of test runs done if I drop in a person I don't think I can possibly get another black hole I don't think it's physically possible to get a black hole out of this cuz everything's protected and stuff so we're gonna save this Buffy we're gonna put Kevin there and then we're gonna save this as the Machine of achievement by blitz now if you want to sit here and spam in a million guys then you can go ahead and do that and if I can find it this one will upload that's the Steam Workshop bada-bing bada-boom that is the worst thumbnail in history I'll make a new one hopefully it'll work so can I change maybe if we do this can I change the controlling keys this is not going to be good okay spawn facing I'm just gonna make it left mouse button and then we'll do drag with E I'm just gonna switch those around this might work resume and if I click oh oh it worked okay and then oh no it kind of works help I think I think I got it I think I got it okay II definitely does not work oh wow that's really strange and then delete no I can't there okay I just need if I pick you up I gotta pick you up with this is so backwards this is so stinkin backwards got it okay now the auto clicker bringing you back right over here somewhere in my life okay and then I think I've got it set for one hundred clicks per second number of clicks to stop at five hundred so activate oh yes yes it's working it's working it did it those five hundred yes yes I love it I love this machine it didn't it didn't make any black oh so oh no oh oh oh oh everything's okay everything's fine yes okay so my Zumo button is the same as the auto clicker started that's awesome okay should we increase this I'm gonna increase it so I did two thousand there so pretty soon we should get it I don't know if that is actually two thousand let's stop at two thousand and we rarely do fifty per second cuz I don't know how far the game can actually work and I'm gonna zoom in again maybe maybe I can zoom in again there we go and exit back home oh no we got a black ghost it worked good the first time but you're the people spoting in though they are dying and they're getting like decimated Oh send help how do I stop this thing how do I stop it so maybe I'll just you know hit the button right here let's just we'll just decimate a whole bunch that'll do the trick eventually the achievement will pop look into the blue glow it's so beautiful it's so pretty I have no idea how many I've done I should maybe look I don't think it's spawning 50 per second I don't think the game can keep up with that I feel like it's done I feel like I've nuked enough people in the decimator unless this isn't actually kill them I got a look again did I miss the achievement popping that would be the saddest thing that has ever happened to me today other than getting stuck in an airport for six hours because it snowed on the ground Oh a chief meant man tell me the secrets to my people Oh 8600 hey that's a good number okay one final adjustment and activate oh yeah it's working it's working working everyone's dying everyone's dying the achievements coming soon the achievement is working we're gonna get their issues all oh no I spawn mm yeah it's okay I think we were down to port no cord out of 4 FPS okay cancel nice clear living clear clear living okay except that one spawns and activate again there we go there we go they're all dying through the laser beams and then they're getting hit by the decimator and it works beautiful is this gonna work better oh my word that is so bright in my face make it not be so bright Thanks thank you game that was really big bright lights and stuff there we go that's a little better that's oh there's what Missy okay you know what I'm just gonna delete you all better now oh that looks so pretty it's the tunnel of laser juice ready get set activate oh yes 100% confirmed death at the end this is good now we just need to clean up the bodies I wish we could like make a permanent you are a permanent black hole down there I don't think we can let's just let it play out and see what happens there's a big blob of a bodies going down oh they disappeared oh nice they actually did disappear that was pretty good a little piece came up okay we gotta clear it haha it's working it's working hey oh ho ho achievement unlocked genocide I did it finally after two hours attempting so here's the question can you guys make a foolproof way to destroy 1 million guys only 0.4 percent of the people that own this game have done it so can you make something that can do it I mean I can leave this go all night long and it would eventually get there but can you make something that is pretty foolproof and pretty amazing to kill 1 million people anyway that will do it for the day bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 743,720
Rating: 4.9603581 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, simulation, simulation game, funny, feb2020
Id: 8niJa-aqq_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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