Destroying Everything With Homemade Alien UFOs in People Playground

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hi there I'd like you to meet my friend his name is Steve I'm kidding I'm kidding this is Kevin you know it's Kevin he's the best crash test dummy in the history of people playground which is the game that we have today and we have something exciting we have we have a little bit of an option for Kevin let's see if we like the video Kevin hits at this side if we subscribe he hits this side now the question is which one is Kevin going to do Kevin gonna touch that lever or that lever but before Kevin makes his first life-altering decision of today's video he's gonna tell us about today's sponsor which is a game called a Magic the Gathering arena now some of you guys might recognize the name Magic the Gathering it's been a long forever I remember playing it with my buddies way back in school and in college watching the guys bring out their big decks of cards and playing it against each other really really amazing how this game and the culture around it has kind of evolved and now that we have Magic the Gathering arena the magic series has never been easier to get into and start playing you can learn all the different strategies within game tutorials and you can even play BOTS battles rather than having to wait for your friends to play against you can unlock 15 different decks and hundreds of cards just by playing the game and you can try out multiple different game modes like constructed draft in the seal now this might interest some of you guys as well just by playing the game in the ranked mode you can qualify for the eSports tournaments and win actual real prizes if you are good enough to be in the top echelon of the players so make sure you do download this free game in the video description you can also use the code whitey blitz in the epic store if you do choose to make any purchases so now let's see what kind of decision Kevin gets to make with his life maybe anti-felon am up well I guess that's what happens if you like the video Kevin buddy he's still alive can you wake up you wake up no please is there a none knock down is that does the life potion work for this just buddy it's dead up Santa yes okay he made it he made it okay and now what happens what happens if you subscribe let's see we made we made a little chamber woah he's still alive good job Kevin Oh unfortunately kevin has perspired but he'll be okay he will be you'll be just they'll be fine let's see responds I think I found this magical contraption on an ESD workshop look at this it looks messy I don't know how to start it so I think I'm just gonna hit F on there but that happened okay let's let's go over here where there's no black hole and we'll try that again okay we'll go slow down motion there we go so it's got all sorts of these tick-tock machines that go tick-tock tick-tock and then if we follow it Oh eventually it turns into a black hole that's a really exciting like nuke I love it whoa just got that up there went right into the black oh that was cool oh no that was good hey it's given hey Kevin you okay now unfortunately this isn't any Kerbal space program or anything we have to put in our chairs normally like a normal space person would where's the chair at where is it I could never find the things that I want to find in this it's not explosives it's not in the cars it's probably in here but of course there's no chairs in there it wouldn't be here so it's got to be question mark perfect it's got to put Kevin's chair right on top and we got to get him in here how am I gonna get you to sit down properly here you can do that and then we're gonna make you sit now you got to put your seat belt on Kevin make sure all your body parts are connected this will be perfect all right space Kevin are you ready and unpause activate oh yay oh whoa he made it he made it he made it into the wormhole he's going into space here we go one small step for man one giant leap for Kevin kind I think he's okay is he gonna make it Kevin where'd you go found this chair I think there's a problem to it we need to slow him down a little bit all right slow motion this was like super power I don't know why whatever and follow there he goes oh we turn into a black hole yes my dude nope it just it shatters and then he gets pig hogs out of existence oh wow goodbye Kevin it was nice every once awhile there's just some weird weird things that get uploaded I don't even know what this is let's see activate this blue barrel to make this robot move all right whoa what's this thing doing Wow I'm guessing that was the the person who made it okay what is this thing do let's press the buttons I pressed F on the activation barrel give my tab it's moving Hey oh it's moving hey let's put Kevin in here see what happens uh-huh okay and it does that oh and then ellipse up what this is weird oh whoa whoa I was not expecting that I was not expecting FK and fast mode nice and this gross man that is gross and then it just Chuck's him overboard how about if I do like seven in a row probably not gonna work Oh nope definitely not working definitely not like it's working it's it's working this is a nasty machine oh oh just crunch him up cuz that's the weight in the front oh nice okay let's see if it works on Android and nope I guess it's iOS only now the real question is can Kevin with the lightsaber defeat to the epic battle tank of death and destruction the answer is I I really have no idea but we're gonna try all right here we go touch the spiky thing good guy and good guy good guy Oh Kevin missed he missed it is Kevin gonna survive this I don't know he's electrifying the entire thing I don't think Kevin's gonna survive we do have a lightsaber still an active and oh my word oh I think he didn't win did he win did he defeat it nope oh it's back on it oh hello is he good he did it Kevin took one for the team that a boy Kevin's all ready for battle haha he's gonna he's gonna raid the military base with an axe but you what that's not slow-motion but he did a complete roll that was amazing and now he's got to jump up jump up yes and through wall up oh nice that was amazing now these other ones are alerted they're alerted this guy out front he's a little bit sad he's covering with fear whoa whoa Kevin no not right now now is not the time to these this construct yourself time to grab a new one grab that pistol pow Oh No yeah you hit him in the head perfect perfect do a barrel roll skipping there he goes and we're to do a behind the back shot Bob what what dude Oh perfect perfect and then forward march through the door and now swing up good pow pow nice there's only one man left he's not a mission he also just got outfitted with a larger gun because he doesn't want Kevin showing up for the front door we're gonna have to jump up whoa boom oh shoot him in the air Sherman that wasn't good at all well he did it Kevin Kevin still flight that was a really good flip hop hop hop hop hop yeah nailed it from the air he's done it we have to grab the loot grab the loot I told Kevin I told you to grab the loot you're making me look bad hey you got it and now leave he's got the loot we need a trophy this game needs like a trophy that you can take as like an objective point cuz there's nothing exciting like I can take a gun yeah yeah one of those maybe maybe an explosive but nothing's like a trophy that you can beat like once you beat the level you get a trophy he had nothing like that so he just got his he got his uh whatever that thing's called bowling pin and he wins the day the guy finally fell down Kevin wins I'm actually impressed he's still walking like he's really good at walking now we have a mission it's not the Tesla truck mission Oh which is actually really cool follow we're gonna go I bet I wouldn't hold up very well there's some big ball bearings thrown at its windows but the bigger question is how does it hold up in space I guess the black hole gets evaporated yeah we got the DeLorean here with the black hole machine oh whoa that was sick I love it do it again and one more time you'll do it backwards this time ready DeLorean do your thing oh that might actually not work Oh dead Wow oh it crashed though houston we got another problem we couldn't quite delete it we're gonna have to build a UFO we made a helicopter so next thing I wanna do is put in like a detector when it detects anything in front of it I think I can do that on the ground okay so if it touches the ground oh yeah it does activate nice alright so big brain ideas oh there we go now the idea is that it should float oh oh this is actually really working there we go there we go hey look at this wow that thing has got a gigantic range it kind of works in a weird sort of way so the next iteration I want to do is put in like little thrusters here and if I put the thrusters in then once those hit the ground it should all this is working really well like if it gets close to the wall then it all go fit and I'll come back okay this might work oh yeah see how that worked I just give it a little bit of a boost to help turn over or not well that's a fun idea big thing with UFOs too is that you don't want people to die on the way to and from the location right so we need to make some metal bars and we're gonna build like a little case then we test it out see if it doesn't oh hey wait it's working I didn't make the fan cases right but that's okay Kevin doesn't need his legs anyway I should really make those disabled weightless because it's a little bit too heavy for two fans I think alright is that little bit more stable oh it looks like it I love it no every once in a while we might just need to shut you off and then oh no no no no no no how is Kevin ever supposed to survive space travel like this alright let's see if that works better it's actually not too bad it definitely needs some giant a gyroscope but derpy derpy UFO is better than no UFO and we're gonna put your seat belts on rigid cables flexible you know flexible probably works better for seatbelt right oh it's working we got a we got a UFO we got a UFO oh this is awesome look at it go Fitz it's working Oh beautiful now we just need our antimatter machines stuck in the middle of this thing the more pretend this is it's actually for their onboard entertainment it's called the jukebox he didn't know when it was called and if we turn it on then they get the onboard tunes oh yes oh yes the music okay not that one that'll give me a copyright strike there that one no no oh no right Kevin has some problems he'll be okay just cut sheared off of that in the fan Oh leg thing up we don't need that one quite awesome if you ask me and then if we put some more mirrors in here take them over and fix it right there it looks like Chevy Impala not really a UFO but we'll make it look like a UFO hopefully pull stable space travel is dangerous if you didn't if you didn't know that I like it it kind of flexes oh that's cool oh that poor poor guy inside [Laughter] now the question is should I actually like enclose it all I kind of think that's a good idea I just know I messed this up somewhere I know I did it looks it doesn't look anything like a UFO it was supposed to you are the chosen one you have roam and actually kind of doesn't look like the UFO we're gonna go with it oh it falls oh I knew it I knew there would be one I knew there would be one you were the chosen derp oh my got it nice nice we did it whoa whoa it landed it sort of working oh there goes like it's fine it's fine it's going good it's good he's just bleeding I mean it's not blood because we don't want the video to get demonetized actually that's that's functional I love it okay UFO is awesome so it wouldn't be a UFO but didn't have some sort of way to beam people up now the question is do we want to beam like this on it yes so that's the thing that destroys right it destroys also I want a laser on it so it could laser pointer I want a bunch of lasers so I don't know how this is gonna work I didn't put in a couple of generators up here and I want the generators attached to life sensors so if I take these up and I put them in here like normally we would and then we disable the collision on them probably make all of this weightless just because it's out of balance already I think that'll actually stay ah this thing's ugly I don't like it we're gonna delete that real quick okay and then we'll just you know drop somebody in here real quick hold up you're not supposed to drop too fast sorry unpause and across nice okay that did turn on the motors perfect that's what we like to see now we need another error another one another one and another one and another one if I can find it green one life detector there we go life detector is online now the question is I need the life detector to power these and I need this thing on so the question I have is let's do a second one here actually I'm gonna save this alright so if I do the propagation to here to here and then there to there well this work if I drop somebody on okay that just turns that on which doesn't work if I do that does it work no because I don't need propagation I need an actual wire okay delete you and a regular wire over here okay it's not on and if I drop a guy onto it it'll activate the life sensor yes that'll work okay perfect and then if it no but longer the life is detected the laser goes out beautiful I mean who would be such a cruel monster nobody ever would ever want that okay here we go so I need to propagate from you to you and I don't know I guess probably that way if one sensor gets it then they both get it that'll be cool and then we'll just wire them up so technically speaking if I take one of these guys and chuck them through there they should get lasered come on come on it's activating those are all on but the lasers didn't go wide Lazer's ready to turn one manually I think so it'll try this again and through the hoops okay oh yes we have a tractor beam oh you shave got a close shave okay that worked that's amazing this is actually working except we have a slight a slight problem so this is how spaceflight ends the fiery puddle of death I think you're just gonna go with it and pretend that they don't light on fire because otherwise this is amazing it looks awesome other other than the whole fire part let's see if this this functions everyone's alive and then if I unfreeze that bottom oh okay that's not quite not quite right old doped up and in there lasers oh I forgot to turn the lasers on in this one well I think it works best is a crushing machine okay slight modification if I press this it turns it on if we get nice classical music there we go oh we left behind something that's okay is it oh it worked oh no oh no okay it's working it's working it's working the UFO is active oh I need to be slow motion ah beautiful beautiful that's so awesome alright let's see if it works better oh you just can't can't spawn it up too high yeah otherwise people get shredded yes yes it's working it's this is people playground in a nutshell if you've never seen this game before this is exactly what it's all about feeling something that inadvertently destroys humanity okay and then if I put in people I think it'll work oh oh yes oh plus the body slam that's just the awesome way to go now they're on fire oh oh it's still it's writing itself that's good oh wow crushing limbs and stuff nice nice really nice this is working work what happens if you try to ride on the top we're gonna go all independence day up in here yes welcome to earth and then you open it up and punch of alien of the face okay I really like that beam on the back that's amazing there is something wrong somewhere in here there's some collision that's supposed to be off that's actually on and wait there's some waitlists problem - I'm guessing it's the mirrors didn't want to put one of those decimetres on the bottom because I thought that'd be kind of fun to do - I'm gonna name this UFO by blitz and if it works I'm uploading it to the workshop and it is working except that one that didn't go with it I think that's an extra whoa whoa whoa okay it's bouncing I probably need a little more weight oh yes it's working it's working now if I put in a decimator a heart like this okay now oh no like crushing speed oh it did it did work yes and it's decimating - that's so cool we didn't dad have like an extra hook up like do not press something oh shoot we need more weight in it there that's actually working really good it just needed a little more weight yes okay maybe a little bit more it doesn't have doesn't have enough oh great doesn't have enough juice now it's on fire - I don't think I want it I don't think I want to do this or - try it oh great oh wow that was not the right thing to do look at it gliding it's working it's kind of working up well you know what think that's gonna probably wrap it up Oh nope there's a light gun that's cool hey just it's just sensed its own leg oh no that leg is falling through the world oh my word I love it look at it work man looking at work it's kind of working yes oh that's so cool it's abducting things plus the decimator went something is messed up with the weight balance I'm not sure what it is but I'm gonna upload this thing to the Steam Workshop and you guys can download the UFO by blitz oh that this is so cool-looking all right it is UFO by blitz and we'll save it and then we will upload that to the Steam Workshop you guys can use it if you want to all right so it's on there now there's one more thing I wanted to do you guys probably saw up in here there is an alien texture pack now you can't enable that in the game itself nor can you spawn it now do anything but and now if I did everything right hey what ha ha ha yeah aliens problem is we can only have one alien because if I spot in the human if I spot in Kevin it turns into an alien - which is kind of sad oh he just got crushed by the aliens nice look at it go that's the law so we're gonna do another one zap oh that's amazing all of that that hour and a half of building just for five seconds of amazing pleasure oh no Kevin not his head no Hayley and Kevin actually the old Android supposed to be different colors - yeah oh yeah we stick speed it up oh it's too heavy I don't know what's going on it's not working right anyway Wow anyway that'll do it for today's video make sure you check out a Magic the Gathering arena link down below in the video description we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 615,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, simulation, simulation game, funny, jan2020
Id: LFHfRhfpoiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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