When You Test Fly Destructible Airplanes in People Playground

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hey everybody I'm blitz I'll be your master of ceremony for today's video of a game called people playground do you remember this game you know the one where we get to crash test dummies by making weird crash test things and they're not really dummies they're more of humans but we'll pretend that they're dummies so the video doesn't get Dee monetized yeah well the game got updated on Christmas Eve day post what is the day after Christmas tall is that is that like Christmas post day because there's Christmas Eve which is the day before Christmas and there's Christmas Eve Eve which is the day before Christmas Eve but would it be Christmas Day post would be whatever anyway if there is some new maps we have the boy do we have the abyss was in the gable isn't it but there's a snow map cuz like it's Christmas time and it's actually bright and light and not dark and depressing and sad even though it's snowing which is kind of depressing and sad I didn't know they made a map in Canada but that's fine also there's some new items isn't it beautiful just sit down and enjoy your famine oh just please I told you to sit just there you go get that butt right on the chair uh-huh and then over yeah it's just like Christmas at my house my entire family was sick and we didn't go anywhere you have any food you can eat like is there anything any food do you want to eat here please no food how about just a gin gigantic staff of life syringes is that considered food can you die by getting hit really hard with the back end of it then we need to test this hold up yeah well that mean not really Oh what did I do limb status POW yeah good ha I don't think I Oh yep that definitely definitely works that hurts a little bit an troop hey all better now oh yeah there's new table which is cool I guess if you want to smack things with the table like WWE style only 90s kids remember when it was WWF pow Oh wasn't too painful walk time and activate time yeah I know maybe it didn't stop hold up hold up wait wait a second he's still alive quit you need to stop how do you make him stop walking there we go and acting let's go oh yes no legs oh that's sad you know low chatter right away yeah oh that was close he's dancing he's dancin look it's a little guy go oh no my legs fell off what do I do I'll help you my dude I will help you and activate you got a large step in this space but I legit have no idea where he went I have no idea I can't even I can't even figure out oh there's parts of them or is that him over here oh he fell back down alive what are you doing quick fix him again oh yeah he's gonna make it yeah a quick throw him in the fire again maybe just get whoo oh as I'm fell off this time okay so what we're gonna do this time we're gonna do this and we're gonna move you over here and we're gonna click on this furnace they follow and activate going way up into this guy who bouncing off the wall don't snuff the wall beautiful now he's going back down really fast really fast it's smack wow those light potions are amazing I think that actually did have been though oh well so if you guys do remember back to like early days of this game sometimes the maps have hidden things in them so I'm gonna just select everything and hit fall oh never mind I'm gonna inspect the every corner of the map to see if there's anything secret anywhere oh wow what is this it sounds like there's something here like a spaceship is there a spaceship there's a spaceship we need a new kid Oh what's this fireworks oh is he gonna explode wow it did that was kind of cool okay there's a giant bomb here too and I missed it ooh I like that one I like it a lot where's the singularity yet this one yeah I can't pull anything from over there interesting so there's some sort of rocket going on over on this side of the map and this quarter of the map maybe it's like a fan that's making the snow I'm gonna call it a snow generator there's also the void map which sounds dangerous and as you can imagine the void is dark because its point and there's nothing I'm just gonna scroll up and like highlight things and then right click and follow no there's there's nothing Oh lights turned on hey look it's no longer it's no longer the point actually I just changed the math because I wanted to there's some fun things I did find in the in the old uh Steam Workshop again not this one the energy son I mean is still here and it still works and I love it so much hey just listen that corralling the Tesla coil growls I forgot what happened if you drop a person and do it and oh that was so cool oh I didn't he didn't totally get fried I think he's dead though that's okay well we'll make him happen this again and you're gonna be okay everything's gonna be just fine we're gonna do it again we're gonna pretend nothing happened to you ain't gonna be okay see you live yeah it's okay you'll be fine what happens if we dropped two androids in there oh oh they can't oh no he hit the dead body oh no one got bounced up hey that's kind of a fun idea I think I gotta figure out which way the fans is that pulling down or pushing up I'm pretty sure that's pulling down I can't tell if it's gravity or not so maybe we'll just try to flip it here real quick eeep and down okay and now oh yeah that's the floater we got a floater now we just copy and we paste and we copy and paste and copy and paste tada what oh there's the next drone up here I didn't know about you go away alright so now you should be floating around oh hey I got an even better idea there we go this reminds me of a little game called happy room and activate oh so he should just kind of levitate and float into the middle of everything right if I put um different people around they're all just gonna kind of congeal into the middle and tell all the limbs fly around and hit everyone yeah that's perfect clear living and then we'll put in the energy son right in this center of it and we make sure we freeze that in a location oh that sound like scoop with you and activate oh boy well oh it's still alive it's still work whoa I like bug zappers they're amazing wow what was that piece what is that going on whoa but there went down it was awesome whoa what do you Stan what is that thing it is I don't even know it's a foot I think it's pretty sure it's a foot right now I bought the Android do they do anything just bounce every order out in there yeah oh it's so pretty so this might have been a bad idea we're at negative FPS no we're at like negative one frame per second oh oh baby you know what let's just hit this button hey it worked everything's still smoking well that was a fun machine I just wish we could just keep all the the gore yeah and it'll just delete bad perfect I like how the the blood has escaped the map to its like things way out here I didn't realize you could get way outside the map like that what other kind of fun things have I found we played with a lot of these oh there's there's the DeLorean uh-huh that was fun and then there's a battle tower what is a battle tower stand for game version mismatch whoo Pete got to get it right in the center look at that it's a battle tower I don't actually know how it works we put people inside of it [Music] oh so I see this activates down here oh whoa bells run button and then it energizes down there and then if people leave this so what you do is you put people inside what felt like that you put them inside and then you make them fight and then I can't find it again what's this the Samba fire oh I don't know what it does I like it though oh [Laughter] and daylit alright new and improved battle tower activates default map is a little bit larger than the small map oh right look at that we got some giant spikes on the bottom we've got like people standing up there's a crowd going wild I sure hope so I should also put in a laser cannon over here just in case anyone gets out of a line I will pull one on this side too just for good measure yeah that'll do oh you know what that's like he never mind those are gonna have to go away the way of the dinosaurs so let's start with just some basic weapons here a baseball bat versus a club then I think if I do this and then I hit F on there yeah there we go and then we'll move it back does that work yeah perfect so he's got a club oh that's is that it is that considered a club if it's duck night maybe we should that just yet they're not between your legs or whatever and then we'll do this and hit nope and then there we go ha ha ha yes I know you walk forward with your ex and you walk forward with your club and it's a fight Joe the deck oh they're they're not fighting they're not it's not really not really a big battle they're still they're still battling you think this is how am I doing this like other people up here are watching they're like oh what a cool cool battle guys what a cool the cool battle will just push you until your head touch the thing we get flamethrower to death now they're both on fire burn em [Laughter] ah you don't think that the wind is supposed to work right you know if I was on fire I'd probably be moving a little bit faster than these two dorks - oh right time to use the fire extinguisher yeah that'll that does the trick they won't feel anything anymore and then we put it out so we can clean it up easier perfect they're healthy around two gigantic hammer bro versus long speedy dude let's see if they felt okay you got it is he's trying to make it there you gotta walk closer together aha oh he's lifting it nice and now what you're actually supposed to do is you're supposed to control the weapons on your own ha ha ready yo back up are you not entertained cook our pom pom pom and did it everything's good now now we have to clear the track it's not really clearing very well it's not doing stuff it's not working right it still work whoa pretty that's it that's the tentacle thing yeah beautiful what a great what a cool battle tower I actually really like this I wish there was a way to make them fight each other better so we could crown a victor here that would be awesome I would say that the victor would probably be the one who had build up a tank I don't know how to make the tank work but let's try it um let's see what is this there's a K and then one of these things I'm just trying to activate oh that's a gun that's totally a gun hey there's some sort of activation thing here interesting what do you guys attack - okay you're attached to something here uh-huh uh-huh so you click on that and activates all three oh oh yeah that definitely worked okay yeah all right take Ebro what is this thing I don't know I'm gonna start activating these oh okay and then if I start one of them yeah if you start one of them they all work oh that's so cool all the way that thing go oh yes oh that's awesome Wow oh there's dead corpse yep time definitely what this thing's amazing can you climb over all the spikes of death no way oh don't know that's the backwards this is this is how it destroys itself oh well you know what go over here we'll just make a new one that was worse wow what a cool machine what a cool machine here let's quickly disable collision and then he'll just go right through it how awesome is that tank oh oh thank you soon we got ourselves one of the mill problemos no no takey bro Oh No our drivers in trouble what are we gonna do some commit sudoku Wow and I love this it's an airplane I don't understand quite what's going on with this I think there's there's boosters back here but if you power certain things up it's active too you think does it go oh it does it thrust itself that's so cool Hey look at it go oh is it gonna crash it's gonna hit the end of the wall over here that thing is oh here come let's see what happens when it hits the wall cuz it does have a sensor on the front oh yeah I just kind of did one of those things in cartoons where if you hit something really fast to just accordions into itself I mean if we're gonna simulate airplanes right we better have a big Tower right that's that's the best way to do it and then I could just put people in here is it it beautiful what a nice skyscraper we have before us today it's just a nice place to relax and have fun and I better save this before I crash an airplane into it and we will name it skyscrapers with people and I legitimately can't find it evidently there's bugs in the game well and kicks do we get the airplane now now we have to test oh we have to see what this thing actually does so I know there's bombs and a pretty sure okay so those activate there ah I'm seeing it now if I activate the wrench the wrench is what starts the engines and then what engine starts the other thruster ah ha ha and it moved those so it's probably not gonna go straight so let's activate and then we unpause it oh there we go okay we need to go slow motion what was that Z button no destructible private jet removed thanks and I have to go back into the settings which are just crippling lease ad toggle time-space part no somehow it's not in here why why are you not in here game yeah we need you in our life I forgot what it is we're just gonna have to press buttons no oh oh I just spawned two airplanes together gee isn't it it's G yes the motion enabled okay fine activate ok trusters online maybe no spacebar now activate come on oh oh I see I see yes I see gasps oh there it's firing it's firing it's firing we got it ok what kind of a thruster is this one I'm not sure I know oh this is so sad actually it's not let's beat it up oh oh ok wish yeah this better this better oh no I think these are the new plates too so those should crinkle and crack oh wait what it survived the tower survived how did that happen ok our plane didn't know it kind of kind of got all spaghettified there's not a word I just made up I just made up spaghettified word attempt number DOS let's unactive 8 will act to bait you and we'll hit go so no that was wrong but hey I hear plates breaking oh it worked this time I wish I could have seen it happen though that would have been much more fun because the airplane stuck inside Oh their plate just made it through stop stop hey tweet you you need to go away game Boop made it okay fine how'd that help the tower do it's actually still standing that's kind of cool you know what I think too let's try to do something here if I delete this and this is the whole thing in a fall oh it is interesting interesting so the top one is the only thing that's holding it on right yeah the top one is the only thing that's stuck ha sounds like we need a round 2 and activate yay I think the whole thing gonna tip over now oh nope there wasn't enough force I'm just gonna go ahead and delete that that'll be better and then we'll activate that one and now we'll see what happens see if the the jet fuel will melt steel beams it's like it um I don't think that's how how airplane crashes how they are they really work not an airplane ologist or anything but I feel like this is a little bit on the silly side yep don't worry we now have the technology it did the whole thing doesn't even break [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 565,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, dinosaur, simulation, simulation game, funny, dec2019
Id: 4ISRA8I1In0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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