I Created A Peaceful World Where Everyone Fights To The Death in Worldbox

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so I have this great idea this great idea that we're gonna take like one of everyone and we're gonna make we're gonna make this war even with the bear people we gotta have the Bears I wish the Bears could colonize oh oh they're fighting they're already fighting this is great Oh Oh No the elf the elf and the dwarf over here they're they're having a melee it's a battle Oh No elfs God so if you guys do watch a lot of my videos you know how much I love the elves and I say that jokingly I joke about that because they like jumping into law well in this video I'd actually like to thank him because they brought us a sponsor for today's video which is game called sky lower it's an upcoming MMORPG available on a mobile devices that has both PvE and PvP elements two unique factions with six playable races and five different classes that you can join up with each of those classes have a totally different fighting mechanic so you can level that up and have a lot of fun doing so and as you level up your hero has a hundred and fifty different talents for each class and you can play all of the different classes if you like you go through the six big territories with 50 locations there's 25 or more story lines each with a ton of quest to keep the game interesting and if you do want to venture into the PvP you can do 3v3 PvP as well as the eight versus a PvP battles between the two factions now when you do sign up you become a tester and every testing participant gets unique rewards when the game goes live in 2020 you get unique skins and other premium rewards as a reward and to thank you for helping test out the game so if you do like this game make sure you check it out in the link down below in the video description and I hope to see you in skies looks like the human defeated the art and now the dwarf boy and the human boy are all about building their own houses and bear bro is just wandering wandering around uselessly good job bear bro proud of you just took up the dwarf and I'm pretty sure the human died of the lack of food poisoning let that mean they don't have any food to eat cuz I forgot to give them dirt and the bear died too so I guess it's just time to start over well start the gray goo and let's delete our existence you like how I draw my circles like my circles are amazing if you if you got it yeah well well maybe not the best but I did it I made a circle amber to put a lava thing right in the middle of it eivol kid wow this is a lot bigger circle than I anticipated ah shoot no tornado no can what happens hold up here what happens if you hit the tornado with like lightning oh I need to do that more often is that really Wow my map is to Big Bear this is slightly better this is much better and we'll just live on a volcanic island where's the volcano button it you're just got it a bum ski yes I'll just let the grass is spread nicely some of the trees getting planted in here it's beautiful look at it go we should probably make a Louise a couple chickens I'll do like to buy each of these areas and a couple sheet and some bunny rabbits there we go it'll be a nice little friendly community for all of the animals oopsies one of them was extra there that's okay I think so they're gonna eat the grass you can see him wandering around nicely we have a volcano it's not doing too much in the middle I like it we have the grass populated everywhere so I think it's time to give birth to our nation's actually let's pause it first I'm gonna put five of each one in here I think so now everyone should live and we'll have to see what happens I'm probably I probably am going to want oh whoa why don't you guys instantly run to the volcano what all the dorms just instantly went straight to the volcano and committed sodoku are you kidding me well that made it easy I guess we got easy let's just try again let's just maybe maybe they're not gonna be dumb this time no they're just gonna they're just gonna fight each other to the death well there's one who's running straight to somewhere else oh this is another Jason what are you doing oh the door for me to a home over here now next did that why would the dwarf make a home next to the orcs I think you died what a dummy at least we got the hippies over here and then down on this side the humans are actually working that's good alright I started the dorbz again on the beach because I don't want them to be stupid it's just a random elf out here just swimming in the ocean oh are you gonna die I should put a piranhas in the water so they can't leave feast my minions haha got up Oh humans have built up a secondary city now and crouching on the oh and so if that works or is that a human I think that's a human house Oh Oh the humans are civilizing so that's not even a word settling the world no that's a different city interest is that a dwarf one what are the doors do did they die out the doors died again sewed up are these the door people I don't know okay I can't tell maybe we should look at the kingdom yeah that's totally not a city anymore interesting and it is dwarf wow we're starting to get a battle the dwarves are gonna take over the humans Oh No humans are going away they're going the way of the dinosaur the dorms they're gonna win they have raised the city oh wow okay the war is here all there's two two humans left and they're rebuilding a house they might have a chance to survive uh-oh I think I think the doors finally did it I think they've finally massacred oh oh maybe not maybe not just hope there's a swing better addict oh this is it this is the one I like how the dwarves and the humans here are constantly battling and then like there's two other human villages here and then there's three elven villages oh dorbz got another one it's gonna be great I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes like these humans are all about this gold they got all that gold money right in here and the doors okay we need that we need that to make our growing civilization stronger and the elves are like I'm just gonna just live in this tree because I'm dying of starvation what oh you're fighting oh your God the door so I think this is it I think that's it oh no the last child has been defeated so what happens if I make like a giant island around it they populate it with bears large and hairy animal I forgot it probably needs some yes some grasses yeah that'll work well just give them some grass I know they're gonna need sheep to eat too and these sheep are just gonna get destroyed by the Bears oh no actually they tried and found a settlement over here bears like uh uh elf not today you taste like hippie and they ate him yes good berries go the elves are probably gonna feed my bear population oh I didn't realize sheep can swim might not be a Oh stupid human why would you do this Dorf whatever you are why would you yeah you can't survive against the bear pocalypse hold up elves were actually settled out here there's a bunch of dim oh wait that wasn't an elf that was someone else this is weird everyone wants to populate out here instead of populating like in here okay here you go that why are there Irish elves you're Irish today that doesn't make any sense Oh Diane me I just feel like for science purposes we need some piranhas there you go go a little Bironas I wonder if they can make baby piranhas ah man these humans are just so dumb they made another settlement over here and then like right next to the elf forest you know what these elves are using up so much of the resources that's amazing it looks like they've taken out a lot of the Bears over here too there's just a bunch of bears living up in this oh they're all dying they have the starvation poisoning I will attribute I will send tribute to bears eat and be healthy all the dorms made it across the Piranha lands oh oh oh oh never mind what happens if you use a heat ray on a volcano like I'm volcano Inge a volcano imagine that looking out like you're in this town of Eden you Nova you Nova and all of a sudden you see like this giant rate of lava flowing from the sky it's amazing I don't think it's doing anything though Oh a meteor oh yes volcano don't worry I'll make an acid one this time yeah acid volcano it'll lava it's awesome oh no we can't let that oh what how did the lava get lava there that's better we'll make no way that's the volcano's better than a geyser there you go hot spring which will boil water that's what we need I think maybe not we'll do that one there Oh what do you do eat dumb humans do not come to worship the volcano Lord right now it is not time to do that oh this looks like a battle army if I've ever seen one they just put in full invasion force all the elves like uh uh no thank you whoa whoa you know the elves are actually getting really really strong right now elves have a lot of the map covered up I surprised nobody's taking out these dudes yet kind of weak oh wow it's making it across the bear island you dummy I think the Bears are gonna die out pretty soon though it's actually is pretty impressive that the elves are systematically moving into the bear country just taking a bear out one at a time it might lose one or two people but that's okay they just keep advancing their forest Kingdom three little elves just made a little house over here for the specific reason just to grow plants that's like the very elvish thing to do isn't it we're just gonna make like tree flowers it'll be great and we're gonna die because we don't have any shelter as their kin over here is just waging war on the dwarves this they're really close to each other Oh a little battle is raging the humans have come to invade look at the volcano in the middle that's actually turned out really really cool you got this acid lake that made a bunch of life around here that's awesome oh oh and the humans have taken over a city sort of I feel like it's time to add something I don't know what maybe maybe the UFOs fun and stuff but robot stance is always a good time that's fine didn't even seem to hurt him at all whoa look at that castle that's awesome looking it's probably because they got all this gold over here what about this spider see it dies that's not too cool I can put it in the worm it messes up the landscape let's do that we'll put in a worm in the volcano go what did a die ready whoops Oh raiding party raiding party hey yes go my peasants go do the bidding of your of your Creator that's me I'm the I'm the content creator here Wow get it oh we got a little we got a little fight back a little second wave what's it called counter it didn't go very far all right so it's hit a hundred people we're gonna release a dragon in the volcano that's what happens when you hit under people oh he's gonna just gonna take a nap oh and it burned down everything yes haha all he went straight for the orcs oh oh that works oh I thought the orcs could kill it this might not be good these people are gonna have to take this fire out it would be pretty cool if it works oh those are just they're all baby orcs all the adult orcs are dead it just wants to take a nap just let them be oh never mind dummy well that's uh death to the orcs I guess they're trying the last ones like I need to settle over here and then the Bears ate him wow wow this is a mess down here oh they killed him the elves killed it but elves killed the dragon now let's see if they can stop the fire before it destroys themselves they can do pretty good at putting the fire out on their borders but not if they're not working on it Oh get over here put that fire out fire has been quenched in Elfland not in dwarf country there it goes nice let's see what happens in here now when it repopulate it once the city hits 200 people are gonna call a dragon on him again we got 176 165 oh my word that's a gigantic dwarven raiding party right here that might be the biggest one I've seen they are going crazy they did it oh maybe not there's still all they're gonna take two cities out one single raiding party took two cities down Wow uh-oh it's dragon time dragon Todd oh hey that's what oh he's going somewhere else he's going down here oh no oh no poor Bear Island look at all these look at all those houses he's burning up oh man yes oh he might actually die he's getting attacked quite a bit there's a lot of elves down here oh they got him he burned up quite a bit though this might be my favorite thing ever we have a population 10 City over here that's right on the edge but the only way that they can get up here is by swimming right into the into the infested waters so they swim up to their houses at night and they just get eaten they're there they swim up and they're like oh we're just gonna spread over here right into the humans you look like my berry bush go to bed and then get eaten by a piranha it's great actually did the piranhas die oh no they're just feasting down here and the dwarves have an agenda there but yeah they just summon in a new dragon yes and it's gonna go straight for the tree-hugging elves wow this city is amazing right now why do you always go down here Dragonborn uh-oh he moved he moved he's going back on the elves no he's not yes he is he just wants to nap there's something very satisfying about watching a dragon destroy a bunch of elves yes it is oh he landed right in the capital and they instantly destroyed him what it was time once again to shower down and debris upon their lives and that'll work I'm gonna give him a little bit of silver and gold too not too much all right time to summon in a tumor Oh dad oh look at this war okay that was cool art is someone in a tumor hopefully it doesn't die right away Wyatt what there we go tumor volcano tumors maybe it doesn't go across this stuff so just pretend our dragon friend brought in a tumor down here what does it even do it looks pretty sweet all they died instantly huh oh they killed it though I want a tumor in each four corners yeah it's pretty it looks like we have another a city of a population 100 or greater we're gonna call in a UFO one up this time you and he went right over here I like the UFO he just abducted something Oh oh yeah the elves are dying again those purple junks supposed to burn really really well it does look quite flammable yep oh and here's another one yay-hey so many UFOs wow this is a pretty important elvish city up here be a shame if it started on fire oh it's going to town in the door vent head capital I don't think these things can be destroyed maybe that was a bad idea why is there water here how did that happen or to build a colony of cold ones hey go cold ones cold ones are spreading their love across the elvish world wow this UFO is taking it down to 26 people okay we got to destroy the UFO or the other one go Oh down here ha ha ha nope did cold ones are having fun no look at this they're making like polar bears Oh 300 time for a massive earthquake whoa that was cool elves are so excited that they just got earth quaked they were all jumping up and down for joy look at him go a population 100 tornado few fun oh wow it's the purple matter man the tornado is really devastating I don't know if I like it like it doesn't go away yeah just zap it out of just stop B oh there we go we got rid of it another hundred population city lava rain oh that wasn't a rain cloud I wanted the rain cloud lava rain yay Louisville rain I'm gonna bring plants into their world oh that's a ton of plants I'm just raining down seeds from above yay now the entire world is covered with planted life their gigantic raiding party of humans is coming here they got defeated pretty quickly I think the elves are actually kind of losing right now we hit a hundred again dragon time on there oh he died never mind dragon time always going for the elves yay or maybe not he's going for the door bin the city no he just wants a nap Oh elves are like no thanks this whole area of the map has just been destroyed over and over and over again oh oh all this could do it for the elves this could oh wow it's what the humans get they wanted that dragon is destroying the elves Oh until it died wow that was actually really bad we've called in the ants to start populating this volcano trying to turn it into a habitable living condition oh man oh man we got another raiding party oh they're so close to taking on another city ah they almost had it part of the hands died I don't really know Oh but the dorms want to be in here I figured something that would come pretty soon a little bit risky being that close to a volcano oh it was like no thanks this is our country and now the dorbz are coming again another rating party all the way across the volcano to elf land and then half of them quit and went back home and left their friends to die and then they went swimming in a acid volcano good job you dorks you know be honest here as we're going in a little battle I don't really think it's possible for one specific race to win the entire map I've been watching him and for the last about 15 minutes nothing has happened they built up a couple cities here we got a new dwarven city and other ones there but other than that like nothing's happening so I think we have to destroy the world somehow with probably an antimatter bomb oh that was cool any one of those in real life can we just hit some bouncy balls here okay why does a bully ball bounce I don't fully understand that oh no one kind of rolled what else do we get buttload of grenades Hey carpet bombing oh yeah that's how to do it that's how to do it you just blast them and then you let everyone on the outside live that's right and now how long is it take them to repopulate the center not long at all cuz Elfie boy is already here ready to die and meteors there it is I love meteors meteors are amazing oh wow there's water spreading somehow we hit the sand hard enough that volcano made of water I just want water to spread into the middle oh okay oh look at the healthy boy where you going Alvey bro oh right over there really there you go now water fills up the middle oh that's so cute I'm gonna nuke it yes yay oh wow we're just it's gonna make a giant ocean whoops
Channel: Blitz
Views: 468,420
Rating: 4.9053168 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, Simulation Games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, alternate world, alternate worlds, alternate history, world creation, history game, worldbox god simulator, super worldbox, worldbox pc, WBS01
Id: Jc03H784MqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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