I Crafted the ULTIMATE SWORD in Minecraft!

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this is my SkyBlock island you can join using the IP penguin.gg and then come and say hello to me using slash speed things are looking good on the sp737 island but there's something I want to do to my sword as you can see at the moment it's it's pretty good but if I go along over here to my mob grinder you'll see it takes out one at a time which is quite slow you know I have to like get RSI just just clicking so much to do it so I've got a plan to upgrade it to make it better what will I do for that plan it needs to get more to kill that allow me to take out more than one mob a month but it's not gonna be easy the only thing is it's 125 000 XP which is kind of rare but let's let's just buy one and see what happens we all like that we've got Elemental okay well this could be you know kind of challenging I know what I want to get but yeah finding it won't be easy as you see I've got loads here I've actually got anything useful in it it's just kind of a load of um a lot of rubbish stuff multi-kill four I didn't even know I had this look at this we've got we've got some good stuff there so let's let's hope it doesn't destroy the sword and instead it goes on I think I just click on it did it work it failed are you kidding me it failed but for 600 million I could get multi-kill six oh it's so tempting but I'm not gonna do it okay there's actually there's this for 90 million which makes sense 62 chance of of doing it let's buy one of them please work yes we got it straight away that's going to make the mob spawners way more useful because as you as you might be able to tell I have like a million Pig spawners 72 okay quite a lot but now we go like this look at that we can just get rid of multiple ones at a time so so fast it should all be going in here in theory wait with the same chunk not quite the the biggest managed to get out of the chunk which is annoying so it's not going into that I can put these in though into the auto cell chest and I'll just keep taking if I'm still in the junk does it does it work then no it's based on where the mob is not a problem but yeah we can take these out and it's just going to help me get rid of mobs so much faster suddenly makes getting these just useful and the wall of mobads is almost complete as well just need a few more big ones I don't know which chest oh we have the let's spare one zero as well I don't know where I've somebody gave me my own heads as well I don't know how they got them but I don't think we're putting these on the wall are we oh you know what let's do it let's put them on the wall so yeah what what have we got that needs to go one so we've got pigs we've maxed out cows yeah just pigs that need to go up there unfortunately I'm not really tall enough to do it so I will have to grab some planks just to reach the very top it's like when you can't reach the cookie jar on the top shelf isn't it so that's that's good progress oh I guess I can take up multiple ones of you guys as well yeah that's right spiders see you later and I think there's always quests have got to be my most important thing to do I'm always trying to make progress and these are the ones that I always find difficult still gonna take out a load of squids which apparently I've never set up a thing for I can I buy squids now I need to take out another 2 000 mobs you know what with this sword I think I can do it before I do that I'm gonna go to warp repair I think it might be wise because I don't want any of these to break so let's just do that and then I must take out 2 000 mobs how hard could it be how hard I wish this pig would go in can you just move across oh wait I can move it okay well that makes life easier for me getting the right junk you stupid pig that's it into there you go then we can close all that up and we can start taking it out and everything is automatically going into that auto cell chest fantastic I've just done one thousand folders really quickly it is so so much faster with this upgrade on the side it's great okay just got to do another 400 of them should be fairly straightforward to do basically when I take out every single one of these sheep I've made it and it is done I can now buy a squid spawner yes I could buy it if I had any space apparently I've completely filmed inventory up let's go into the Overflow what's in my overflow I'll probably just have enough space for it so let's buy I don't know how many people do we buy do we buy like let's buy loads because we need to get a load of squids and I don't want to be spending ages so yeah we're back we bought 30 squid spawners and I'm not gonna put them in that grinder I'm just gonna put them here because I found that the squids don't always flow down too well so I'm just gonna stack them up I know the same spotless but I can easily get rid of them later anyway I'm moving so it's not it's not a problem let's just get them all down the only issue is it takes so long to to do it all right just put them down like that there we go that was quicker anyway oh don't die on me squids that's it squid spawners get me loads of them come on then I will be able to complete is it this one here yeah 1 500 of the squids I've already got rid of 13 of them we just had 100 spawning although I wanted to be spawning faster than I can take them out and that does not seem to be the case right now or maybe it is maybe it is actually it isn't sometimes it is and sometimes when only 60 is born and it's not great I'm gonna buy another another 20 spawners I feel like it's the only way and I've got loads of money to burn as well if I shift right click oh they all go on okay well that's a lot easier right so that should yeah should get me way way more look at that we're in the 200s now fan fantastic you know what I've realized that when the squid takes a little bit of drowning damage it gets immunity for a fraction which is slowing me down so if I get some water and apparently I don't just have water anywhere well I do have this but I don't have a bucket anyway but we'll go do this if I then put it so that it's in water what will happen it's no longer taking damage which means there's no cooldown which really is speeding everything up especially when I get a click yeah don't normally see me do this dear like always to get it back down to zero squid but I don't know if I quite do it in time before it responds I'm getting close guys I'm getting close because if I go like this the speed is real there we go I've done it I've done it I have to have done it come on one squid left yes I got rid of them all okay that was tiring and I've only got 105 squids to go to beat the mission that is great news I'm pretty sure when I take out all of these they should all be good I'm kind of tired of clicking anyway this is the last the last bit of slaying I'm doing this episode you know I've taken out the pigs I've taken out the squids I'm not doing any more of it okay this this must be it I must have made it all the way to the end with them I'm pretty well I'm pretty sure I am but I haven't seen enough okay there we go we've done it now just get rid of these last ones for good measure and yeah we've got squid heads now we've got seven of them which is fantastic for my wall okay I don't know why you're there actually I feel like they should be somewhere else can I even reach all the way at the top nope we're gonna need a little boost and then we've got that yeah I'm gonna put these in a different place I feel like they deserve their own special area because it's my head not a random mob's head let's go and put them so just put them like this yeah I like that little little thing outside my uh my house we're gonna go and get rid of this I'm gonna go and get rid of all all of these what if I crouch doesn't pick them all up nope oh well I just have to manually break every single one this could take a while and yeah for the squid grind you'll have to think about it because water doesn't push these like it pushes all them up so I can't just put it with the other ones because they'll just get stuck at the top so that's got to be beared in mind that's all of them picked up I've got a new chest full of spawners at the moment which is fantastic let's get rid of all 300 and one of these don't have to worry about them uh coming back once they're gone which is good as well because the spawners out there anymore so yeah don't worry about it didn't mean to press that but let's uh yeah carry on and then I just have to take out 500 blazes and place a hundred glow stuff I know I said I wasn't gonna take anymore oh a competition starting please be a potato competition please be a potato competition melon spot you know what I can I can get involved in that because I have got many many melons okay I know these aren't melons right here but well they're pumpkins but you never know I might be in the running not the first place but at least for one of the prizes with uh with this because at the very least I have some melons to mine I mean at the moment it's mainly pumpkins but the higher I get the more well why is that like that that's strange if I go like that ready and then I can go like that and then we can plant a melon seat bit of repair work mid competition there not uh not to be stiff there's a few here that are actually not very good isn't it that's um it's rather annoying isn't it let's just go I have to turn it back into a hole you see that's why I do that that refunds itself that goes like that we need a one two three got them all in one two three oh they need a fourth one there as well if we can well consider yourself repaired melon farm hey we need we need Ollies they can go back to mining up all of these which is just good just keep them going and I'll be interested to see by the end of the competition if I'm even in the running Zord do you have or do you have to be quite you know high up in the amount that you grind to actually do it you know do you need to spend the solid 10 minutes farming away just to have a chance to to be in the Runnings or can you do it by just breaking a few minutes we shall see that's a job well done and now yeah it's operation Blaze but I'm not sure with the blaze what tier spawner they are tier three okay and at the moment I would have to take out 60 000 which I'm not a million miles away but you really think I want to sit and click that long no chance sadly don't have a blaze sport in this chest but I know a place I can get one yes the auction house and there's 29 249 a million each well these are these are cheaper I'm gonna buy all 29 of them I've I've just done it I've been pimples bought a load of Blaze I'm telling you now if you needed the auction house will have it we're down here now Blaze do me your work pigs get out the way it's all about me versus The Blaze now and I think it's also wise to repair this sword again don't want it getting broken but I'll just completed the experienced Islander let's go it's an island Mission I don't know which one it is is it one of these I got a hundred thousand experience now and that gives me advanced or some Advanced books that's good news you know why because they might give me some some advanced stuff let's see what did we get we got enhanced remedy okay I don't know if these are that good but better than nothing you know so just so just put them on enhance but uh remedy's got a load of success chance let's see what happens it didn't work and I shall get back to getting rid of blazes that's another mission that needs to be done I don't I can't be fine I only need to get 500 and there's like 200 of them here so I'm gonna be pretty close pretty fast there's also a quest to place loads of Glowstone so that is what I am doing right now mainly by crafting it up and then I'll add it around down here because I've not really got anywhere else to place it and yeah as I said I've got 100 of them to put down which is quite a lot so we'll get busy building it I think glowstone is a very nice block I would use it more on the island the only problem with it is it is very expensive however it might be expensive but it is very very easy to get from place so you know it's a it's a trade-off I actually am curious to see how much you can sell glowstone for because if it sells for a decent amount then maybe focusing on taking out Blaze should be the direction I go next I don't know just just thinking of ideas basically guys 750 sell a blaze rod and 3 40 for glowstone I'll tell you what blades might be quite profitable I think I've placed all the glowstone I need to let's just double check with that and then I'm gonna do an experiment yeah so we've placed 100 of that perfect I don't know how many blades I've got left to go I didn't really look let me sell up then I'm Gonna Fill my inventory with blaze rods and just see what does a full inventory of blaze rods actually do for you alrighty let's go are they all going in there now now this is just for glowstone okay don't don't be doing this alrighty none of this place Roger they're still gonna go in there for a little bit but it should be fine glowstone dust is going in the Overflow no my inventory is filling up and this is pretty quick this is going to be faster than for example harvesting potatoes it's also easier because I can mine normally just left click on it after dark nicely move so let's go ahead and just keep going until this is completely full that's the goal all right and it's already half full so it's it's very very fast indeed if it's time for a better Jitter clicking not be able to move my arm to my arm after all this but there you go kind of forget messes up your aim should be butterfly clicking but I can't really do that right we filled the inventory up let's see how much it sells for 12 000. all right well I guess it's not too bad thought it might be better than that but it's nothing nothing crazy but I guess the higher the tier of the mobs the better the things you can sell the more money you can make so at the moment we're still you know on Blaze they're nothing that special did we complete the quest by the way you bet your life we did now the other one I can't do is I need to do the daily spinner three times they can't do it again until tomorrow so that's all of those missions cracked off that I can do today which is good oh my goodness it's a vote party slash VP ladies and Gentlemen let's do it over here you get so much good stuff from a boat pie always voting is always great guys always vote for the server because you will get so much good stuff look they saw this 40 Grand just like that a load of diamond blocks copper you name it right is it it's cheap it's cheap it's becoming lightning bolt and give me something I didn't realize that each baby sheep poor thing anyway we did get a lot of good stuff from it so I guess it's it's not too bad including cosmetic Keys you know I want to do this because I don't actually have any pet stuff where are they at which one is it the Cosmetic crate here we go I'm doing it one by one what's this gonna be and when I get a piston I a bionic recliner thanks that's just great lovely chair didn't want that really I'll just accept it anyway give me something good give me a is that a spider pet a spider disguise oh that's kind of uh kind of nice all right let's go like that I already have that one apparently what about this one the chair no oh no I think I already have him in the hub but I don't have them on my Island yeah I was correct I can now redeem them properly there we go that's perfect so I'm very happy with the way progress is I'm kind of feeling like you don't need to be taken out I think you could have been upgraded to be honest how much is it to upgrade your to the next mob I think I go for it I don't know what the next mob is going to be but we're no longer getting boned but I don't need bone meal anymore anyway oh it's our zoglin oh nice that's got to be getting me some better stuff hasn't it eventually they need to get it to where they're taking out bex's but that's uh that's a bit of a way off I think I need to get 175 000 Sky coins let's see if there's any Sky coins for sale one million Sky coins for 400 million dollars that's a little bit extortionate one minute Sky college for 300 000 is also a little bit expensive but I'm gonna purchase them both anyway because I'll tell you what that's two million skycoins in the kitty we can get this upgraded maybe all the way to the max you know let's do it okay upgrade the mob upgrade them that's it keep going SP can we do it not quite but we're on level 10. oh yes this is great we're gonna be getting coal and stuff like that much better to always give me gold before though but anyway how much to upgrade it again I might just splash out guys I need 800 000 skycons and probably a million so I probably need another two million Sky coins I'm gonna spend all my money this is expensive as heck but you know what we're going for it we can upgrade it one more time there's always a sucker like me that's one to spend it one million Sky coins and it'll go from Phantom to Vex I have to do it yes I've spent a lot of money that I didn't need to spend but look at this now it's gonna be it's gonna be recouping that you know that kind of money so let's go ahead and um upgrade it yeah I believe now it should be a Vex so yeah we've fully upgraded my servant he deserves that you know he deserves to be full of bread there it is the little vexes look at them kind of cute little things similar to the LA's now let's grab okay I didn't mean to grab all that you know let's just grab it all sell up also gonna just sell everything in my overflow I think I think it'll be fine yeah we made 406 000 from that and then yeah so let's say we get I don't know how often get it do is it the most is it basically upgraded for efficiency yeah yeah so other than the mining which we don't care about it's uh it's up there let's see what a stack of dried kelp brings in and Eyes of Ender oh I didn't know about that I'll tell you what let's let's grab them both 861. 430 44 000. 45 000 have only been using it for a fraction this is going to get me millions millions I'm telling you we're going to be rich guys right you keep working servant because when that inventory gets imagine that's fullness and it says like I don't know two thousand Eyes of Ender and a hundred thousand count that's gonna be Millions guys okay now we're on the good track all righty yes I've had to work my way up but I am very very pleased with that indeed I can add Blaze heads to the wall as well the wall of Mop Heads is really really getting there which is great oh I'm pleased with that yeah I'm very very pleased I definitely still want to get another server eventually but the cactus minions keep working well just to finish let's go and sell up on all of the cactus I bet every single one is full is it yeah look at that so we'll get loads of money from that here we go just just do it all every single one is getting emptied apart from laptop one and then probably yeah it's Gonna Fill Up are they both filling up yeah similar speed I don't think on this both sides they will because of the Hoppers I'll just let it refill completely before I bother selling anymore but yeah we gotta we got a good extra bit of money from the cactus farm there I need to really upgrade the the um the ore generator I need to make it a different design I need to do Sky coins to just upgrade it and General and because that's going to be the key to getting more money and then getting like a higher Fortune pickaxe with better efficiency and like getting explosive armor there's so much I need to do to actually start getting money in so I've got a lot of things still to work on but I'm very pleased with the Vex that we got over here 144 dried kelp sells for 2K it's the eyes of end of that are the key isn't it once you get the Eyes of Ender that is where things are great but thanks for watching guys new slash Warfare SB to come see me on my Island and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: SB737+
Views: 88,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sb737, mod, minecraft server, minecraft mod, modded server, minecraft mod server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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