Minecraft But Villagers Beat the Game For Me...

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today villagers are going to be doing everything for me I'll get to do the mining I'll get him to battle the mobs and I will get them to find the bottles and eventually they will also beat the Ender Dragon for me well first I actually need to find a village so I can use the villages so I'll get busy mining this tree making my tools and finding a way out of here yeah being in a birch Forest is not a good place to find a villager a little extra wood is probably going to be a good idea as is grabbing quite a bit of food because they only want to get one food sauce all of you cows are gonna be safe then it's just the pigs that have been a watch out but anyway I don't want to get too much food because the villagers should be doing the work for me I don't want to be doing all this work so seven pork chops should do me nicely let's just track down this Village and also make a smoker to cook some food Perfect The Village has been spotted and whilst that is very good news I can't actually do anything with the Villagers just yet because there's a problem you see the villagers that they're not tamed I need to tame them so they'll do what they asked me to do so to do that they're gonna need an emerald they're gonna need me to get them an envelope I could get it from mining or I could just get it from Trading well their wheat is being drinked and please come on sell it to me oh you're not gonna buy one you're buying potatoes is there any potatoes available all I can say so I'll break the composter place it down and apparently oh you've got it come on nope still not still not having it finally someone who's gonna buy some wheat here you go good sir give me those emeralds and now you shall be the Villager that gets tamed here we go look at him it's a tamed villager and look at him he's going to work already free food thank you very much you you keep got not the gollum are you mad no no no no no no no no no no no no no this guy's a Madman what have I done to him look at him he just doesn't care let's say more you want to be a team villager you want to be a team well don't run away you're on team SB now that's it he got the Golem we've got three iron fantastic ladies gentlemen you're not doing much though everyone else is he just keeps getting me food if you bet if the food you could cook the food for me better no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa murder that's it forget it you sucked nope we're not having no no no no no don't I don't think so mate you're not murdering baby animals like that no no not on my what what's the nerves going on here I'm not having it you're in there for the rest of your day stay away from me in the meantime I want one of them to do some tree mining that's it go to work come on punch that trick there we go what a team effort the other one's still stuck in the ground that's good we've got rid of him well this wood they're actually incredibly fast at it but look at him give me a bit of this you think oh he's taking a second oh but by the way I broke the entire what are y'all doing up there Henry these Villages are very very effective but we need something called a wooden chunk item now you get a small chance of getting a wooden Chuck item when they break a tree and believe me ladies and gentlemen I will destroy this entire Forest if that's what it takes to get the item so is that little item there then we get a mine token and the villagers will be able to mine for me well so far I'm just getting a ridiculous amount of wood and nothing else ah we got it I don't know which one got it for me but we have the wood Chunk in fact there's a few one two three oh did you get me one each so now I'm just gonna need to craft four wooden pickaxes and the mine token can be crafted so I guess you guys are mine for me now so let's go and find a cave and put this to the test I'm hoping to just find me loads of diamonds straight away but time will tell this yeah it's a pretty good area for it and also if you're new to this channel enjoy the videos make sure to subscribe to this loads of bonus content that I don't post on my main Channel but the moment of truth Crouch oh my goodness you guys are crazy wait if I hold it down this is fantastic that's it guys work harder that's it donkey you're you're in the crossfire now I'm afraid wow wait look at him go I thought they'd be good but I did not expect him to be this good why have I never got villages to do stuff on before oh we've got Stone junk as well there's actually crapping to be done yeah if you've made four stone pickaxes with four Cobble oh this is this is this is doable already those like that bring that to their mind chunk and I think yeah look at that new stuff is learned they're now mine are bigger radio spouse things and a little bit undersight all the time look at him go wow oh my goodness whoa guys just calm it down down there you're mad all right let's let's just I'm gonna end up dying here or something not if I'm not careful if I can mine diamonds with the Villagers I will have a chance to get the diamond chunk so that's what I'm going for although we are a little bit high up for that so I reckon we go down all right but you know what maybe I should do even even have iron well they did get me a little bit of mine so I'll make myself an iron bucket just to be safe and I better try and fill it with water is there is there actual water here there we go we got one next I dig down if I if I like do oh look at this come on Villages they're kind of helping but yeah we need to go way way lower if we're gonna get to Diamond level and there's loads of raw eye here worth picking up I think let's get it got mine the rest up for me thank you this is great I don't have to do anything I'm just Crouch and they just go to work they go to town a little moreover I could actually get full armor although I'm thinking if I just well I do I said do I even need a diamond pickaxe I know I'm pickaxe I could do you mind guys I just want you to come and mine this please that's it thank you nearly a stack of raw iron in a matter of minutes yeah I've got a stack now but we're still too high up let's use this to get lower and lower yeah now we're starting to get to deep slight level this is where there's a good chance of finding things like diamonds any any around here ladies and gentlemen I tell you what there's it's not too bad but we need to go lower and I also feel like the digging down is really annoying and slow because I'm using a stone pickaxe so let's just keep searching I tell let's let's get the dimes and then I'll make a diamond pickaxe we've got to get at least a few look at them go come on we found him right will they mine these up for me come on guys what'd you do with them did you just break my diamonds and not we got the diamond junk in fact there's a nine junk and the diamond junk two of them very nice but I'm not happy that they mined up my diamonds and I didn't get them that's that is a problem what are you all doing down there get out of it oh hold on a second don't don't if I crouch then that's when they're here that's when they come near me I've got to be a little bit careful I'm guessing upgrading the tokens is going to be what I need to do to get the rest of the drift like pick up dimes and stuff so we've got that one yeah we need a lot of iron conveniently not only do I have a lot of furnaces but I also have a lot of iron and also plenty of wood for fuel I don't know why I never picked up any coal not the smartest thing for me to do but it's also not going to be the end of the world I'm hoping all this will be in a fight even before it's all finished melting it should be plenty plenty for four pickaxes now to put it all together and these Villages oh yes they're upgraded even more and also might as well use this spare iron to make a bunch of armor and some brand new tools look at this diamonds here all along didn't even say where's the third villager by the way what did you guys do to him who knows anyway oh they do mind the damage I keep forgetting though if I crouched that that happens so we got five diamonds let's get the sixth one did they all fall down the hall again come on guys reveal me most oh he's swimming back they tell these Villages are pretty versed up oh we want to get all the way down here and this is where the magic will wait I'm gonna just mine this up myself before the water swoops in and then as it guys go to town do the work mind all this I want to see if there's any diamonds next to that diamond but I guess there well I guess the answer was no but we can bulldoze too look at this I'm gonna I don't know why I've made iron armor do you remove lava as well oh you bet they've removed everything oh don't burn those diamonds I have all these blocks to use a furnace yeah a majority of diamonds I'd like to mine myself just for safety purposes this is fantastic we're at bedroom now the lower you are in in the in Minecraft the more chance diamonds are spawning so it makes sense that down here is the best place to search from look at them all just on the ground waiting for me all the XP we could probably get to level 30 as well very nice look at it oh this is the way to play Minecraft ladies and gentlemen can't believe all of it whoa you can break bedrock wait can we can we go through the ground this is risky ladies and gentlemen because if I get it wrong I could fall in the void what maybe just maybe also I've run out of space for all these diamonds I've got a stack of diamonds now more like yeah over a stack that is kind of uh kind of crazy can we can we send them through bedrock though that's what I want to know now at this point none of this none of this messing about can we go through the floor what will happen to them if they do go in the vine that's also another good question all right I feel like I'm gonna fall through with them oh there's no way I'll survive this is the how do I how do I do this go they protect me as well get him they did it they go opened up the void guys come over in don't fall in I didn't know if it would actually work but we've we've we've opened up the void wow I don't know I had to be so killed that they opened up but I didn't fall through look at him go that Village nobody stands a chance and I wonder what the next token is that I need to craft recruiter token oh we need the diamond there is one somewhere I'm sure I saw it but I didn't pick it up in time and maybe it's despawned at this point no I bet I sent it into the void didn't I the diamond oh no it's there there's me thinking avoided it okay perfect we have the diamond chunk we've got loads of diamonds and it's actually iron that we need but whilst I'm in the crafting menu I think making full diamond armor is smart even though I've literally only just made Iron I didn't expect to get it that fast okay my defense I've actually realized maybe enough iron is what we don't have because we need quite a few iron blocks let's have a look yeah four iron blocks we've only got two well I guess we know what we're going for now ironically found it made all that pointless armor I would have had enough as well anyway not to worry don't think about that we've got too many diamonds for this I bet the diamonds are going to be useful later though so I'll be for them but I want to try and find some iron all right that is the gold villagers come on get rid of any lava protect me a little bit of raw Ryan over there don't seem to be finding much it's just diamonds that are everywhere down here it makes you realize how common they are it makes you realize how common they are if you have loads and loads of villages to help you anyway get in the woods with these guys is kind of tricky because they always keep breaking blocks below as well so I need to get higher to find the eye because it's kind of scarce down here in comparison to what it would be if there we go oh well they're already finding more and bigger veins and conveniently I don't have to go too much I can you quite reach that go on keep trying mate no just kidding we'll just make you break everything that should be all that I need just break that for me and it is time for Return of the furnaces also just reach level 30 which is nice could I make you you know what no I don't have a book do I for now I can't but I might as well just grab the obsidian anyway and also grab the obsidian I need a diamond pickaxe and since they have so many stuff I'll make a diamond ax and a diamond shovel all of this see ya later old peasant stuff as well cooked food as well it's kind of kind of important where even is the obsidian as these are they've already done anyway and I just broke it all you know what it it's okay because I can just pick it up like that two more iron blocks something got spread around Diamond chunk recruiter token obtained you know what this does it should spawn more tame villagers in theory if if I can work out how it works I'm guessing the issue is we're near an area that needs mining so I need to get away from it so that they don't do mining but instead they recruit more villagers for me so that's what I'll do I'll get busy Mining and dig my way out of it because I'm I'm fairly confident I won't need much more maybe lapis is going to be important actually so I'll just pick up that when I see it and this cave is perfect for building all the way straight up finally I'm out it's a little bit dark these Villages aren't really recruiting they're just they just keep mining look at them they love them to mine well I suppose it doesn't matter too much because it's always handy to have that look at him go I would like to make the warrior token which I guess makes him more powerful I've got everything I need well I will do ones I've grafted four diamond blocks and four diamond swords that's everything put together Warrior token crafted and they're upgraded now are you guys gonna be more powerful for me now what's what's this what's the deal no idea I think it's meant to give him diamond swords so I'm not sure maybe I have to get new ones but look at this for the portal hacker totem we need lapis and ender pearls we've already got the diamond chunk lap is I was just down there although regardless of that getting the end of pills is gonna be quite tricky so first gonna go back to the Village to tame a few more villagers and oh look at him now they pull out the diamond swords when they're going for a mob that's what it is I see I wonder if that's how the tamed villagers thing works as well maybe they only tame ones that are nearby we're gonna get tamed no they're just gonna run for their lives they don't like it alrighty Farmer Boy you're one wheat and say no more because one way or another I'll find you some weight although apparently not from this Village so it's time for Plan B which is to destroy this little guy's house look at him it looks so sad then I need to get some Flint by destroying gravel which I've successfully done on just enough to make a Fletching table then all this wood that you see I have can be turned into sticks and given to this villager right here all right boys time to join the Army forget your old jobs don't run away no no no no no no you work for me oh I got two for one there what a what a great thing if I get to stand together it only costs whatever oh you're a knitwear hey a lazy villager doesn't have a job well now you do have a job you've got a job yes I'm building an army There Is No Escape okay well you okay you've escaped two emeralds I'll give you that that you put up a good fight but I just got a two for one again oh what are you doing over here buddy okay well you've partly I just caught throwing everyone if you could just stand still that a bit he'd run away again well either you work for me or you get murdered by all the other villagers I'm warning you don't don't no finally my Army is complete all right fellas we're going to take the entire Village to beat the game oh no no no yeah don't don't think you could Escape like that you are also in the team and we are gonna go and get some what are you doing out here I don't think so I don't think I don't know why things are right yes we are gonna go and get ourselves all right just listen up fellas listen up we're gonna go and get some Enderman all right but first we need lapis so we're we're going down has anybody found lapis keep searching villagers that's it yep protect me do whatever you got to do but let me know when you find some couldn't stop finding lapis earlier and now it's it's nowhere to be seen whilst it's all nice a deal but also completely useless the lapis is there that's all we needed I think that should be more than enough any chance you guys could just protect me from these little fellas look at them they're hitting me that's it get him boys um fellas I seem to be stuck in a Cobham yep thanks for freeing it that that villagers here guys guys do something oh look at him it's great I don't have to worry about I think it's like having a team of bodyguards like I'm the president I'm hunting for lava right now which we've got there because I want to make a portal to go to the nether because I think that's probably the best place to find Enderman and I want to say that wasn't very good but I want to say how these guys are in the nether are they are they as useful as they have been so far also gotta do this without crouching because they'll just destroy everything if I do so you know just gotta keep that in mind it's all working perfectly I wish these guys would build a portal for me as well that would be good but yeah Enderman needed before we could and then I think they can do portal stuff I also need a flint and steel donor which apparently I did not bring fortunately there's more than one way to do this so we're gonna go ahead put some lava there that should just blow down nicely a bit of wood along here and the portal should light up pretty soon there we go we just did I also see that Village is it going for the butt just leave it alone all right maybe villagers aren't the smartest things in the world anyway I'm going through and we pulled into a walk Forest this is amazing now if I if I crouch and summon the villagers will they all come through come on tell me they will oh we're here and you get night vision every time you summon them all right guys yeah don't destroy the bottle that's my one request don't destroy the pole we've got Enderman to find okay I'm sure they'll be around here somewhere guys don't attack the pigment now you're gonna make them all Angry what are you doing I don't know why there's only two oh there's three of you where where are the rest of them we had an entire village where I guess they're all back in that pool where are the Enderman that's what I want to know I have yet to see a single one okay well was that a light I was the one along here maybe I'm just seeing things there was one along here okay we're gonna do oh should we just get the villagers to do it get in boys that's it come on this is an Enderman he's an enemy that's it that's it and how many pearls did we get just one is it one's better than not I'm coming so much time yeah one down we've got that fell up there come and get me then they'll just do something he's coming he's disappeared slightly panicked now that he's gone it could be anywhere apparently mum to do it on my own come on guys get him the hair we go and he dropped again nice to attract another one by looking at it I don't know why it's a little bit they're just lagging a bit did he drop this time you have failed me young villager and I've also realized I've completely run out of food and I'm trying to work out what food source that could be around here I'm gonna take Mass into my own hands with this one and put him in a boat and get ender pearl number three just one to go accidentally keep crouching and when I do that and they break everything it goes so laggy in the nether but he's still going for it he's giving it his best shot I'd say you get your sword out keep chasing him I don't know why he's running away like this why would be scared of you don't give up oh no he's angry at me now quick okay you dealt with him we got the end well done villagers absolutely fantastic and I want to get out of it as quick as possible I can see the pole I can't Crouch which is annoying for trying a bridge it's very annoying for trying how am I gonna do this how am I gonna cross that I could end up on our die I don't know I've gotta have to try and boat or go the long way around I'll go for it in a boat I can make I easily made it good job I really saw it all the way across right we've made it back through safe and sound now to get out of here without taking a single bit of damage definitely easier said than done especially when if you just jump on drip Stone that's enough to hurt you great care really does need to be taken oh man I've got carrots I don't know where those carrots came from but that could be enough do I have gold I drew the gold I could get no you're not I'm just gonna eat these characters they are but I got gold from the nether if I was thinking about it but at least those characters give me enough hunger to get my health up just you know quite a bit more I'd say we could probably get to full health and now my biggest priority is just to get more food we don't want to be in that position again just maybe 15 pork chops or something will get me through oh villagers save me wait where's my entire Army why have I only got two of them now well I went to the Netherland and lost them all and where are you guys going there's a creeper here there's a creeper it in fact you know what something tells me I've got enough to do this on my own you guys are useless where's all the now there is only two I suppose Two Is Better Than Dirt is that where we were that might be a new Village no it's the same one forget it that this cow is getting eaten that's it Miller just you couldn't quite reach him but I did the job and I'm gonna start crafting I'm gonna start putting everything together all up is in the corners four interpols around one in the middle the portal hacker totem ladies and gentlemen come here villagers now where are you going prepare to be upgraded a portal just showed somewhere near around you where show me anywhere okay villagers you've got to reveal it I hope it's not deep underground but from the way that I can't see it anywhere I reckon it it probably is before I worry about that okay I just destroyed it by mistake I crouching to get out of the boat and they just went and absolutely destroyed the entire thing guys you guys have got a chiller just getting out of a boat what's in this chest I was hoping for food really everything else is kind of kind of useless let's go back to where I did the recruiter thing and just dig straight down I've got three raw beef I can cook I'm sure I'll find bread baby in a dungeon or some I don't know come on villagers yeah guys useless I'll just go down myself at this point having the whole Army was certainly easier it's not down here so far just just keep going though that's it carve carve the water oh look at this I see bookcases on a chest and a little Slither of diamond not really needed but that's cool so anyway does it connect to a straw this yeah there's more stuff and it's a very strange Place London do they all break if I do that nope they don't but yeah it's on an entire stronghold right beneath my feet and so the next question is where is the portal room and is there any food down here apparently not in that chest I'm sure there'll be more dotted about I reckon in the mine shaft could be quite a bit is this just a is this the start this might be this might be the starting room which means the bottle room hopefully won't be too far up oh well uh this is not good it just sponsor villagers do something where I am surrounded by silverfish useless if you ask me just just suck all the villagers and get someone else to beat the game for you kind of got tired of trying to look for it the proper way instead we're just going to get them to absolutely destroy the entire area just carve through it like it's nothing boys okay maybe not around your love yeah this was a bad idea let's get undercover villagers get him there's millions of silverfish there's lava what am I gonna do okay we're all right you get rid of them you've got your work cut out with them all but I'm sure you'll be fine and I'll cook the small amount of food I have which is yeah there's definitely nowhere near enough but I'm still optimistic that I might find some bread or apples down here ah another chest apples Ender pill I mean it's just a single Apple but a bit of gold might as well grab it in case I get enough for a gapple the ender pearl you just never know and look at this the portal oh I don't have the eyes of it yeah is there any chance the villages just someone in the pilgrim I've got to go and get the arrest of the Ender Pearls haven't I so it looks like in that case we are going back to the nether get the rest of the resources gathered up now it's lit I need 10 pearls 10 blaze powder the ender pearls will be easy because I'll just take out Enderman and I've just realized even though I've got 12 I only need 11 because of how many eyes were already in so it doesn't matter now to search the land for a fortress and to do that I'm just gonna bulldoze my way through that's it villagers let's let's open everything up and find some ancient debris on the way don't mind if guys you could have I ever told you you're amazing well watch out mate stay on the lava yeah they really are amazing something tells me I've got to have to do this on my own because you guys are useless I mean it doesn't look like this anymore in fact why why do that when I could do that and they found me a fortress villagers really are up here beating the game for you before I go in there I do want to actually pick up these nuggets because I haven't been doing that and I've probably need them for the Golden Apple it'll just be useful to have because it'll probably stay save me from dying so we'll just graph not a gold block but a golden apple I'm eating it right now because hunger is a bit a bit bad pick up the crafting table get into the Fortress without them destroying it all I was crouching and obviously that's a big mistake from there I can battle the blazes because this isn't a warp Forest I'm finding quite a few Blaze dotted around I haven't even okay come on let's get rid of you it's super lagging another I don't know because it's because of the villagers but yeah I hadn't even found the spawner yet I've just seen it over there can I can I go like this it'll just be summoned and deal with these mobs for me they are doing as well look at them go you guys are just Heroes I think I can get the rest on my own mission accomplished now it's time to get out of here head through my portal be transferred to the one in the cave I'll dig my way out very gratefully collect any food I can find which looks like like it's going to be chickens sorry guys but needs must now I'll get myself back downwards into the bottle room and into the end I haven't really brought anything to defeat the dragon and apparently no villagers have come with me oh man so villagers beat the game for you but they abandoned you at the last hurdle that sounds about right I have got plenty of blocks so it looks like towering up is my only way I still got night vision every time I crouch which is kind of nice so we shall see how SP vs the Ender Dragon goes with no arrows whatsoever but basically the strap is just to do that because I'm crazy I'm also gonna do some some of that yeah we might as well use these ender pearls to save myself a little bit okay that was risky but yeah it saves myself a little bit of time plus with no villagers around I could do a bit of speed bridging so that that also helps okay didn't mean to fall off that but well we're on the ground we've got the blocks so I'll just towel my way up there's left to be a well-timed move fantastic boom slowly what is going on with all those Enderman by the way what are you all doing up there wait I've been slowly working my way around and every Tower is now done all right Big Fellas looking for you the name got my villagers it would you know they're they're really but although I can brighten things up anyway so apparently the Enderman for no reason that's right don't even bother here it comes again and it's down to below half health and it's getting so sorry why'd you have to fly away when you're so close although now the Dragon is defeated okay it's not I don't know why I have to punch her down the pole but it is now defeated thanks for help me beat the game villagers even though before you were nowhere to be seen
Channel: SB737+
Views: 247,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hFoZC84yf8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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