100 Days, But I Add a New Mod Every Day...

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I start in a vanilla hardcore world and every time a new day Dawns I had a brand new mod so by day 100 things get pretty insane and the more I'm adding for day one is the Herobrine mod because I'm crazy it can pop up randomly at any time and just cause loads of trouble in general so getting tools as fast as possible is a priority I also need to make sure that I collect up plenty of food as well hardcore mode with Herobrine in the world it's a pretty dangerous combination I should probably prioritize getting sheep as well so that I can make a bet talk about this pegs but you're just the best source of food I'll also grab some wood make a furnace and a smoker so I can start cooking there we go there's a cave I can dip into and oh my goodness Ace is popped up hi buddy hey I was just gonna go in that cave I have no idea if he follows you or you just randomly disappears but he's not here anymore this is why I need to get some armor there's loads of iron in this cave no wonder Herobrine didn't want me to come down here I'll start all of this off smelting and continue exploring whilst I wait I feel a lot better now I've got some armor and it's day two which can mean only one thing I've added another mod but we won't see it down in this cave no I need to be above ground for this one because I've added the biomes or plenty mod this had so so many new biomes to Minecraft and for some reason I want to go into this dangerous looking biome it's very dense and very gloomy here isn't it even the waters are funny color with the Roses oh my goodness and there's the Thorns everywhere which do damage you they're called brumbles okay let's come to a bit of a nicer biome where I can murder more helpless things and also smelt the rest of my iron I'm now fully suited and booted the next thing I want to do is find a village yes I know there is one back that way it spawn but my actual plan is to go to sleep and now there's a new day I've added the better Villages mod so my only goal is to find one of them I have to say that by most vehicle I don't really use this mod very often so it's cool to see new stuff and the massive trees do make me feel very very small a purple biome I just absolutely love it [Music] oh my goodness but of course somebody's gonna come and ruin my day one of these days I'll battle him but I need way way better armor which I I currently don't have this is a pretty cool Ravine although there doesn't even be a single piece of iron in it bit of a letdown so instead I'm going to do a risky jump and get rid of some pigs managed to find a ruined portal other than the whole I don't think I really need anything there and look at that it's an outpost it's not really useful right now but at least it's good to know where it is I'm not having much joy finding villages am I but for day four I've installed the missing Villages mod which adds villagers to even more biomes with that added I surely have to be able to find one now well you know I I could just keep finding broom portals instead which I guess is good for a gold block and also flint and steel what on Earth is that I'm going across for a closer inspection I think cobwebs or something it's just like a decorational cobweb oh it's pretty cool and you can pick them up yeah they're like hanging cobwebs and you can climb them oh I like this is a very cool battle we're important number three what in the world is this what what daughters I did not expect there just to be a cave spider inside there [Music] I don't even know so don't stand on spider eggs wow what is this place called F3 it's a spider's Nest I don't think there's anything particularly special down here just a cool different kind of cave bile isn't it anyway my current Quest is not to go caving it is instead to find a village but day five avoided the naturalist mod which has mobs like Bears Lions zebras giraffes and many many more look at that a deer that's my first custom mob and it seems to run away if I tried to get near it yeah he's quite scared of it don't die it even has a breathing animation kind of makes mobs like you guys look really really lame if my 7000 is very important and actually probably the best one yet what's that up ahead it's some sort of structure in the distance I really hope it's what I think it is yep it's a village inherited by spiders I'm guessing this inhabited by villagers I'm just gonna find them hello guys yeah I've arrived to terrorize your village I'm sure you won't mind if I just plunk a bed down here and get some [ __ ] out okay apparently I can't instead I'll just steal your bread and emeralds and sleep on your roof for day six I've added a very cool little mud the more babies mode and it just basically adds baby variants of 30 more mobs so once I've run stacked this entire Village I'll be going on the hunt for those baby variants apparently this is Paul's house up your budget stealing from another first name terms this is all Paul's weighted is his seats yeah I can't rub him that would be but hopefully they're not all named all right you guys haven't got names of it they also apparently don't have much to steal but some cold looks which is quite a handy thing to find now then what are you trading anything go down nothing at all I am blocked here more coal in the ground a really great place to get resources split peanut guys my ages get nine hour and I could have just tunnel from you at least I can put this gold hole well I was gonna say I could put this gold hole to use but it broke pretty quickly instead I'll just have to manually steal all his weight I have to say these new villagers are just so much more worth ransack and it's His Brilliant I hope to find many more of these although right now I just want to keep exploring it is starting to get dark which normally you would think is a bad thing but remember I added the baby mobs mod which means tonight we might find some Hostile Mobs that are just too cute to bustle and I've also found another Village look at this he's had a little trip with his dad what kind of a voice break was that birds oh we found more custom mobs it's really starting to feel more like oh my goodness a baby spider it's just so cute but look at the speed that he can run out he's literally faster than me I'm terrified of this thing I've got something so cute he's so flipping scare it and I feel evil if I battled you so I've got to like leave you alone another bird oh my goodness the baby no wait no it's so fast the speed that it run at me basically if you're tiny you run really really fast and baby creepers are just completely lethal day seven I've added the immersive structures mod also what the heck are you a snake but are you a friend or Foe as well no you seem all right that's an Enderman I really want to see a baby Enderman I can't wait till I go to the end and I'll find one it declares some space in this inventory and get some more wood to make a boat and immersive Strokes is a mod that you might have guessed adds loads of new structures it adds about 30 all together so I'll scale this mountain to get a better View and try not fall into powder snow that would be nice and then I'll see if I can find any of the new things I do love the fact that wherever you go they're just Birds I think it just makes the ambience so nice what do we got over there blue trees I suppose if you could name it then the biomes Mod has a variation of it it looks really really cool I love the pink water I think it looks so cool as well what do we got over here I'm guessing it's another Village oh hang on a minute it isn't it's one of the brand new structures and I'm guessing it's uh it's the bee house because there's a lot of B related stuff here well I'll go into here but I'd better be careful when I do that's a very cool little thing to find that and I'm guessing all the bees are in bed so I better get some sleep so they can wake up apparently no bees have come out but for day eight I've added the cave enhancements mod I plan to do a big mining Journey so adding loads and loads of cave mods over the next few days is the plan and this mod basically adds more underground biomes like the goop caves and the rose quartz ones which are completely full of glow squid plus a load of new Mobs and items but my plan right now is to track down more structures a butterfly how cool is that is it just like gravitate towards thousands it's massive by the way actually the size of my head if I seriously found another Outpost and this one's in a bit more of an interesting place because it's inside and wood I'll have a look and see if there's anything worth stealing is it what think the race I just heard something I can hear him but I can't see him here he is a baby villager you look so cute I'm just gonna push you out of a trip well I'm sorry it's come to work with this I I just love the baby's mouth I think it's the coolest together but I cannot spend too much time getting distracted though instead I need to focus on finding new structures like this I'm always got good stuff what the heck are these what okay I'm just trying to have a look here might be wise if I just go make myself some bread snails wait they go back in when I come close to him as well they're getting scared oh that's so cool oh my goodness hello again tonight how it keeps popping up I can do stuff to interact with him but I I just still don't feel ready for it I'd much rather just run away and seek Refuge every time now is there anything oh I tell you what there is stuff worth stealing it just a bit of wood I'm sure nobody will miss it a bit more bothered that I'm gonna sleep in his bed for day nine I've added Young's better mind shaft which makes me want to find some new chunks and dip into a cave look what we've got here apparently this mod doesn't modify every kind of Village because this Savannah one is yeah it's just normal but it feels a bit strange to being one that's not going crazy oh my goodness look at the size of you guys giraffes over there as well elephants wow it just really adds something to Minecraft I love it I know this is risky but what happens if you punch an elephant all right well okay I was about to say they don't hurt you but they do wait are you gonna are you coming for me now again oh okay they do a lot of damage probably shouldn't make them mad I'm also gonna craft a hole because I want to grab more hay bales I should be plenty of food I'll steal their wheat and replant it don't you worry I'm not that much of a monster and I'll even leave them the rest in that composter really is cool how the more you explore the world the more you find and as the mods stack up I'm gonna find more and more unexpected stuff such as lime rhinoceros and a baby one fantastic you're not angry at me are you no we're friends and what is that over okay well what are you talking about oh he's got a baby maybe that's why do they charge whoa oh my goodness what is that and are they Lions well might as well go and find out if Lions want to eat penguins as well I mean seriously what's the Worst That Could Happen hello tough guy I think pretty friendly I'm guessing the Rhino only attacked me because it had a baby otherwise they're all pretty neutral might sound evil but can I actually eat you guys for any chance oh they drop pork chops fantastic oh you're a baby and I ain't gonna make you into an orphan when it comes to being evil I draw the line at stealing villagers crops daytime I've got Young's better dungeons we should really spice up the underground even more these zebras are pretty cool by the way can I eat them no I'm just kidding I'm a vegan now I'm living off bread would you look at this doesn't the terrain just look stunning and the size of these caves as well is it don't miss this jump as I'm saying the sides of the caves is insane might as well grab an emerald and oh my goodness look out for I think we're just jump again because this is the bottom oh wow I've made the advancement below zero I don't know which mode added the underground Tower but whatever it is I'm making progress what have we got here deep dark we'll be adding a mod that adds a deep dark dimension so I'm probably not going to explore any ancient cities until then but it's still a very cool little thing to find found me first diamonds very nice indeed and there's more all the way down there perfect there's actually yeah there's a couple oh this game is excellent I'm just finding diamond after Diamond already I'm on five that makes six and seven now I just need to find one of the new biomes or mine shafts and I'll be golden look at that I thought the diamond up there as well it's all dead end if I go in that direction well there's plenty of little offshoots to explore I've seen sadly don't seem to have more diamonds oh my goodness baby creepers they are the biggest thing that I'm scared of I think it's best they upgraded to a diamond pickaxe and dig my way out of here looks like day 11 is just starting to begin for this new day I've added the mud underground Villages so the area below the surface is getting more and more interesting all the time and sadly this this room portal doesn't seem that helpful except maybe for a gold block my current plan is to keep an eye out for any more caves and once I find one I'll give it a good explore there looks to be another Village up ahead so it'd be rude for me not to go and head over there oh my goodness it's absolutely massive less like a village of more like an entire city that's a fancy swapping my bed to a yellow one look at this they've got food already on the table I mean I can I can get an invisible item for everyone okay well it's not invisible for me there really is so much to explore and so much to steal too oh no it's not Paul's bed again is there a pool in every village is that what it is all of a sudden these villagers are as personal as I thought they were I thought ball was one of a gang guy and it falls line to me what else in my life is a lie on that bombshell I'm going out in search of better buses it's dark their mobs everywhere this is the cave probably the best place to seek shelter it's actually kind of rubbish I'm just gonna dig down and hopefully find something found something it's a ravine okay this is a good sign I'm jumping down finding diamonds I'm Gonna Keep exploring okay I'm still a little bit hyped oh my goodness I don't really trap today with you I'm just digging down hoping for the best because I was in a bit of a sticky situation I needed to be low if I want diamonds and stuff okay we're coming to a cave and there's got to be diamonds around here somewhere it really is a prime location or even better what is that an underground Village how cool is this hello mate what's it like living down here all your life well be rude to me not to run sack them although I'm not going to take everything because I don't really have the space for it just enough so that I have one star in fact that is everything sorry yeah never mind guys I will take that weight then they don't have much food down here today so I've probably been killing them if I took it so it's like a fully functional Village playing golems and everything and and a glow squid farmers are what what bill is up what are you doing it what is in your hand what the heck get him go flip benek are you crazy he's gonna attack us all if you do that ain't gonna be no Herobrine's in this Iron Golem's Village and an offshoot does come down much lower which I think is exactly what I need look at that diamonds Galore well there's one here at the very least I don't know there's two these caves are so big that I'm sure that there's plenty others and for day 12 I've added terribly it's a mod that adds crazy new biomes to caves and to the Overworld look at some of the things it generates like massive volcanoes also managed to find another Diamond just knowing these caves are completely overrun with Mobs so I've got to move quickly oh my goodness what have we got here this must be one of those underground dungeons yeah it's a spider one this is this is quite a lot better than a normal spider spawner and it has good stuff depth Strider and then just normal boring wheat maybe not as good but still very interesting indeed now do I see have I not even made any diamond armor yet in that case an upgrade was long overdue yet another Diamond here and I still want to try and find one of the new mine shafts but I seem to have explored this place pretty much extensively so I'm gonna dig my way out wait what have we got over there it's exactly what I was hoping for one of the brand new mine shops and boy does it look better than vanilla ones it's also day 13 and I've added the useful backpacks mod as the name suggests they're going to be very useful unfortunately I cannot use them though until I get the materials from the surface meanwhile I'll just keep grabbing things down here and fit what I can in the inventory a power five book oh my goodness that's insane and this my shaft is so much cooler to explore even as TNT mine cars wow I like the way that because it's leaves you can kind of see through the walls as well makes exploring quite a bit easier a bit like a kind of cleared out all this side is it like Dungeons attached as well or just like a massive room with a furnace anything in the barrel oh there's a big gear because it's so cool it just makes you want to explore the different branches normally when I find a mine shaft I'm not that interested some emeralds here as well very nice so quite a few they'll be useful when I eventually do some trading and it looks like oh my god look how cool that looks is it is it a water filter it's all flooded when you look through just looks like a massive cave it's insane but anyway I think I've completely explored the mine shaft so I'm gonna make my way out of here so I can spend time getting the materials for a much needed backpack basically requires leather wool and string another side note I don't know where I left my bed but I haven't got it with me I said never mind okay I'm just blind it was literally right I'm in the drill all the time day 14 I've added better animals plus which basically just adds over 30 mobs to the game you know what I always say the more mobs the better also decided murdering the Sheep wasn't really nice son I'm instead cheering them falsely leather on the other hand there's only one way to get that but my first piece and some more and what on Earth is that like some giant eel awesome people I don't know for you dude whoa you're attacking me are you oh you want to fight dear come on then that's it one tapped it's like you can eat it as well I don't fancy that I'm not a fan of fish despite being a penguin I'm a different kind of penguin guys oh my goodness what's up they're eating the squids kind of an ecosystem have I created Craig you know I'm just gonna have to leave you guys I think the world is dangerous now what have I done at least up ahead there's Refuge I think it's actually the village that I've visited before but I don't think I've been over there I guess it's all just technical one but he's got my thinking is oh my God not you would get flipped in it in this Village I need an angle like something to get rid of it hopefully I'm all right but anyway my Plum with the village is to get wool from here yeah sorry mate I'm just basically stealing it off your roof you here you are trying to make a decent living and I'm there just stealing your roof this is so cool it's like a market down I think I need you to deal with her but look at this there's a guy over here I can get any oh my goodness it's great I am going to be stealing a lot of stuff but this is one of the coolest things I've seen in any of the villages and look at that free diamonds and emeralds oh look oh this is fantastic I love the way you're just wandering around oh he's got books yeah I've got seven Leathers so I think I'm gonna prioritize crafting the small backpack raise up a bit of space for me to Chuck stuff into it and gives me a good opportunity to just break into your shop and steal whatever you've got here because they still only brought one you know what you can keep it it's probably been held against his Ransom he's straight out of that nobody money the diamonds and the emeralds that's a big oversight also take the gold and the iron another thing that I think is very useful okay I do think Stakes useful you know we're taking all this but an ender pearl that's fantastic now I'm sorry about these horses but I need leather so wouldn't it be bad if someone's just push you off and are you fine well you're not fine anymore you just did not see that by the way don't you don't you go and tell them bro bro we can trade we can trade okay no we can't trade guess the uh the cat's out the bag now so I'll just keep on taking out horses because they all know about it the very least it's got me more leather weight can I Yeah medium backpack oh look at this and we're just three more leather I'll be able to make the full size one which has even more slots than that okay is that a house that's floating on an island over there well each to their own to build whatever they want and there's cows everywhere this is the leather that I need and yet another ruined portal but it's not really anything useful still we've got a sick of finding room bottles and they're just being below par so I've got an idea but before I tell you that idea guys I'm really trying to hit 4 million subscribers this year and I have not got long left if you enjoyed this video please do me a favor and subscribe or ask a friend too something like that but basically my bright idea is to upgrade this to a large backpack and realize that I'm basically never going to run out of space ever again then go to sleep for day 15 I've added the better ruined portals mod so next time I find one of these I'll actually be glad to find it and it will look interesting is that what I think it is a shark are those things dangerous well they're not attacking the squids at least which is nice Hello shark Friend or Foe seems friendly now if I hit him oh I've made the advancement Jaws is that a bad thing yep I'm now what the heck I've just been kept whoa what did you just do rubs you get away from me shark what's going on what are you doing here what's kind of a kill are you going to you all right flip it out there everywhere I'm getting out of the water I've made the water absolutely dangerous I do not like it in there one but look at them all I need to stay on dry land where it's safe I know I said I'm staying out the water but a shipwreck's just too good to say no to because there's lots of iron I'm gonna go and find this treasure right about here is the spot I'm guessing it's where this bit of sand is conveniently placed on top what on Earth are you doing thank goodness I'm just trying to get me treasure and I keep getting attacked every two seconds also don't mind grabbing all the gigs I just know I could just stick it in a basically Infinite Space yep if I'm in the water I stick to going on a boat now here we go this is why I added this mod although all of a sudden I'm not interested in the room part I found what is that the room pole does look kind of cool I mean it's just basically got like more blocks and stuff it's just more detailed so detailed in fact that I can't even see where the chest is I'm hopefully it has better loot but I've got to find it first you know what screw it all right I can even add mods in them still sick of room balls instead I'm going up there because it just looks insane in fact it looks better than insane my own only possible question though is how on Earth am I gonna go to that also what is that structure over what the heck it looks like an ocean Monument but it doesn't look like any ocean Monument I have ever seen I think it is just literally Monument it's just got the world's longest legs which it really makes no sense and there's another one over there why have they all got long legs I guess that's what happens when you had that many mods you just completely lose track of what's actually in the game now in order to get to the top of that Island all the way up there I'm gonna need a lot of blocks and don't get me wrong manually mining them is is pretty good but I seem to be full of bright ideas at the moment I'm gonna go to sleep and the mod for today is the falling tree mod if I go ahead and mine that I'll just look at it look at this the whole tree gets decapitated and I just okay it broke my ax already it was that's kind of a deserved I suppose didn't realize it used up more durability when you do that let's find another one and maybe it doesn't actually okay never mind it does it does for every single block that gets broken but I reckon after I remove a few more that I will definitely have enough blocks to pillow all the way up to that Island I was pretty sure I'd have enough blocks but I'm I'm still quite a bit off here you know thankfully there are a couple more Stacks still in the inventory so I've got nothing to worry about here I am at the top this is what it looks like pretty it's pretty cool it's just very random though however the Sheep got up here wow you're on a completely different ecosystem here right and it's pretty massive Islands oh my goodness what's under there I'm breaking in if I can how much ice is there to get through here we go I'm coming oh my goodness it looks insane it's a diorite calcite cave I'm very very impressed but can you actually get oars on this thing I'm guessing not but there's only one way to find out oh my God oh well it was it was nice exploring up there but I'm gonna have to stick down on sea level and what is this I just keep finding random things but I have no idea what this one is first of all the water is changing color oh that's apparently because we're in mushroom Fields but there's no mushroom thing there's some sort of mushroom based structure and what are these okay they are like squids are gonna die now can't see a thing jellyfish I knew what I was thinking of they're glow squids over there I'm going down again this time straight oh it's a mine shaft oh this must be the rarest mine shaft that you can get as well a mushroom one because I think it's based on the biome you're in wow and it looks so cool I mean it was even crazier from the the top because I was like what on Earth is this oh my oh my Wow might as well asleep forget another model to go as well and that new mod is going to be read more structures which adds some absolutely insane Creations to the game it's in the barrels okay not too you know a bit of iron I'll take it I've yet to find any really rare stuff in these mine shafts I suppose you could never say never well you know Golden Apple will take it but all in all I am thoroughly enjoying the better mine shafts mod because as the name suggests it is making them much much better all in all I think I'm happy with the exploration I've done probably didn't find absolutely everything but there's much more in this world to explore like giant squid look at that is that a swordfish as well oh my goodness I do not like the water one bit anymore a truly terrifying place to be look at this it's a seal hello buddy what are you uh what are you up to pretty short okay so walrus but for the start's not a seal I'm just an idiot secondly I'm pretty sure you eat penguins and last I checked I am still a penguin so I'm just gonna keep going and get out of here now then is that a structure it is thought it might have just been a giant tree but no it's definitely something that's worth exploring and is that a tiger Village next to it as well and are they crabs oh my goodness and is that a room portal all right room portal first because I specifically added a mod that would make them better and I haven't probably decided if they are or not okay well they have a pigment that's sponsored with them now I guess the loot is pretty much exactly the same but I mean it does look better it's still like the feel of a room portal it's just more detail and I just heard it flipping it will you leave me alone do I don't look at me like that with the mod you can either befriend Herobrine or you can attack him I guess otherwise it just generally seems to leave you alone which is fine by me but when I eventually decide to battle him anything could happen there's another little structure over there as well man it's so much to explore I was always bound to happen I suppose the more mods I added the more there is to see now let's see what we've got in here we've got a spider you just leave me alone okay and there's a barrel there some sort of tarot Doom a lot of doom doom and gloom in the chest that's for sure I'm only at the top there's at least something half decent such as a chest what's it really worth all that way I don't think so next time I will not bother and I will not waste my time and that was very risky MLG on snow is not easy now to see if this little thing over here is any better and the answer is no no it isn't but it's small it's cute I need a good night's rest I'll take it and for this day I've added guard villagers because I feel like the Iron Golems are pretty useless and the villagers need some extra help but these villagers have got a snowman look at this building it really looks so good and it's there's a lot of bookshelves which could be useful to me I might as well take them because I've got loads of space memory now thanks to the backpack grabbing a bunch of books makes perfect sense I'll just continue shoving rubbish into this honestly I should just be throwing some of it away really apparently there's a puzzle this way oh wait is it parkour the thing with these parkours in the normal world is I could literally just build up or place blocks or break but I just feel like it goes against the spirit you know of doing it you've gotta properly do the [ __ ] off it's a cool Challenge and I can't say no it's a flipping massive parkour thing as well made it in the puzzle GG yep well done we got loads of good stuff I think the reward made it worth it but it wasn't too hard as well like it was it was a good middle ground now another place that looks cool to explore is that by him over there I love the reddish theme that the trees have got going on and oh my goodness there's deer absolutely everywhere all in all visiting this biome is it's starting to be a bit of a hot town there's not really much here that's particularly exciting although we've got another of those towers and even though the last one was pretty rubbish I'm still gonna have a look and is this granite a structure is it I think it's just about decoration isn't it yeah another Outpost I just cannot stop finding them and what have we got here I never actually checked that bottom one last time whoa flipping egg the baby creeper strikes again I'll tell you now that the most dangerous mob in Minecraft they just run so fast that they catch it by surprise that's why I should probably get a shield or something like that to save myself but what a waste of time oh yeah you know me I like living on the edge speaking of The Edge Let's go on a fast boat journey and it looks like I found something else up ahead okay I think I've already been to one of them actually it's basically just because of a tradition of where I spend the night this day brings the end remastered mod which you may think is pointless at the moment I'm clearly not in the end but it makes no changes to that Dimension instead it completely changes how you get to the end you need to find 12 different Eyes of Ender that are all in different structures scattered around the world and look at an end portal Gateway I think it's called so yeah it's just it's just completely different so I'll keep my eye out for those structures but it could be a while before I find them what is that up there I believe it's from the terrorist mod that looks like a meteoric bomb site or something and it looks like there's another one of in fact there's a few they're everywhere there's really live in the terrain up quite a bit doesn't it looks like the rainbow biome has been found it really doesn't take much to add biomes where leaves have different color trees does it but it livens things up so much and and more young need to take some notes I can also cover a lot of ground really really fast because look at the size of this ice area who are you oh crap now do they actually drop anything oh well that was a little bit easy what have we got here raw crap mate anyways good food I suppose but now I could just keep on exploring at pretty high speeds too for day 20 I've added the ecologics mod which updates a bunch of biomes like the beaches the plains the desert also the Lush cave and one other thing which is an absolutely massive update in snowy biomes what the heck am I on here wait is this crackable glass I mean ice so I can walk on it but if I jump it cracks that's so cool and then if I walk on the correct one oh wow anyway that's not important okay the real important thing is is the mob that was added is that some of them there yes the penguins are more than Mo young refused to add for some reason and they are just the coolest cutest little thing look at them they slide around everything they're all right on the crack dice they don't have to be careful it's just great to be with my uh with my brethren they'll have decided to go in the water and I'll swim away all right see you fellas nice to know that I'm not the only penguin in Minecraft now but what is that whale shark oh you're ginormous I want to get in a battle but I tell you what they look very very nice anyway I already establish that I have to stay out the water it's too dangerous for me oh look at this palm trees also added by ecologics it's a very very cool mod on a squirrel I think it's a squirrel anyway it keeps keeps moving faster than I could keep up with it another outbox I have never found so many of these before I'll eventually do a raid but I'm sure there's a mod that'll make it better so I want to add that first look at this have I found a desert village although more importantly I have a baby creeper chasing me I I cannot stop well this looks so cool old man is a chest no just keep moving sp7 guard villagers oh we found some guy mate do something I've got a baby creeper okay he's gone I lost it but don't you look cold don't you worry Mr normal villager these guard villagers will keep you safe I do just feel like villagers are so amazing right now guys don't go inside no come on outside you're gonna be guarding out there there's the problem meanwhile they don't realize that the real enemy is sp 737 there's actually some insane loot in these things as well so much food to take so it's giving me the top of one bread that I really need it and I like the way they've got structures made of scaffolding you don't see that in normal Minecraft oh my goodness you again right this time I wanna flip their neck it just doesn't stay put I should really battle him but at the same time I should definitely get new gear and and that still has not quite happened don't mind me buddy but I'm just gonna use your bed it's day 21 and I've added Young's extras which has new structures to deserts and swarms because I feel like we're in a deserty kind of area so I might as well make the most of it it's not another desert village ahead and giraffes oh my goodness we've not seen those before at least I don't remember seeing them before my goodness look at the size of you lions and warthogs on the other hand that we have seen he's got babies with them does that mean you're gonna attack me nope you've run away that's it nothing scares me more lovely Loops that can be stolen I really must be the bane of these villagers lives I'm hoping I can find another of those buildings that had all the books in because they were very very useful this might be a smaller version of ah tell you what not bad and my leggings are kind of down so well we can just put those in but the bloominate kind of crazy experiment are you doing in here you've got test subjects in every single Walker you know what you seem to know what you're doing I'll leave you to it what is that over there okay that ain't no Village and it's not a normal desert pyramid it's hard to keep track of exactly what mod adds what but I think maybe adds more structures more I did this one I I could be wrong either way it looks very very interesting like a desert poop what on Earth is going on over here that's a tripwire trap okay what is it the wait what is this it's not your typical structure that doesn't seem to be a way out of it I can see other than just mining everything like that how bizarre do these pillars have anything no they're just normal as well what a waste of time that was I guess it makes the area look better but it's always a disappointment when there's nothing cool to see to be honest I just keep getting distracted by all the cool structures see I think I think this is a village but it doesn't look the same as the other Villages want to know what this giant castle thing in the middle is and oh my goodness we got a baby I ain't Golem they actually exist that's brilliant all righty I'm going in okay this is very straight oh my goodness you guys are living it up here right now just have a flipping castle in the middle of their Village and a prop 2 book I guess it could be useful look at me I just come in here steal your stuff and leave oh these are like watchtowers so they just sit up here in the towers and can attack on well attackers I suppose with their bows and arrows that's very very cool indeed I'm also curious where all the guard villagers are what are these are these like prison cells nah surely not it's just somebody's house who's decided you know to make it interesting big of interesting what is this I think Jung's extra is only this and it's just a cool little build I mean it doesn't have a use but it looks cool look at all the food here very nice indeed although I've already got plenty of bread oh hold on a second we've got another desert perimeter this one might be worth visiting since the last one was such a scum cool cactuses can have flowers and what are you UK whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck are those giant things spiders in Minecraft I can handle no problem what the heck are them they're like flipping tarantulas I've got puppy's little baby get out of it oh my God Minecraft is no longer safe or not I mean it's not normally it's overnight but definitely isn't in hardcore and I've not got much armor on you it's my own fault my goodness those things are absolutely terrifying look at the way they climb oh no no no no no and they shoot stuff at you oh get out of it look at them shooting things at me get out of here I've I'm getting rid of him do they even drop anything oh no I I hate spiders you might not realize that guys in Minecraft I got used to them they weren't that bothering me but surf tarantulas absolutely uh do not like those one but anyway I can't let that spoil the evening said I'm still going down here I always like to block that up because a creeper might just jump down and ruin everything and let's see if it was worth the journey I guess it kind of was few decent items now in some of these you can find one of the special eyes Avenger I believe the yellow one obviously not in that one unfortunately but the desert's pretty big so I'm gonna keep searching to see what I can find I don't know what that is but it has gold blocks under it like a giant Sphinx oh very very nice doesn't look like there's anything inside I feel bad mining into it but it needs must nope it's just purely made of smooth Sunstone and for day 22 I've added the Dungeon Crawl mod which is basically like an up-to-date version of The roguelike Dungeons mod the basically massive underground structures that have different levels to explore and they also contain some very very cool loot now there is a structure over there I don't know which one it belongs to or whether it's worth visiting but there's only one way to find out here we are this to me looks like the Dungeon Crawl mod and even though I've never played the mod before I have played roguelike dungeons so that's why I think it is this so I'll head on down see what we can find do I have to mine through that there's a bunch of different ways although in this direction oh man what's going on it do I even have a sword apparently I don't at the very least I think I should make a shield and not get taken out by an invisible spider and then it's exploring time by the time I'm out of here I'm sure I will have a much better sword or a much better Shield it has a mending Shield oh that's brilliant look at it never dual wielded these bad boys before but this one I just crafted are now no longer need and I put a helmet on which is handy as you go down to lower and lower floors they do get harder and harder but then loot also gets better and better there was a staircase downwards back there but I kind of want to explore this direction as well just making sure I clear out absolutely everything because I'll be honest with you I I definitely need the loot oh my goodness look at this stake regeneration it's not ridiculously op Loop but it's just about good enough to make it worth visiting here it's just one final direction to clear out and a bed oh it's a little bedroom oh my gosh you're ruining it try and just peacefully steal all this stuff I was looking my iron ax is going to break I you know I'm going to craft a new one because I would rather just stick with iron well let's do that Luma a glowstone extract what on Earth does this do I want to drink it and see what happens oh I'm glowing now a kind of pointless to be honest but oh 10 minutes I'm glowing if you're playing with a teammate that would be really really useful but as I'm on my own because I have no friends it's it's completely pointless to me it's also cool look at this what kind of a cave is this oh look at the way the dungeons are underneath very very nice indeed it's also very handy that I have a backpack because otherwise I just would not have space for all this stuff that I'm collecting plus I need to stop keeping hold of all this absolutely useless junk looks like I'm ready to head down to floor two with two different directions and also okay what does that do do I want to even find out when it seems okay maybe it's just a pressure point for the dog you don't have to assume that everything down here is dangerous but spawners certainly are I like the way it gives you loads of stone bricks and chest I don't really need the extra ones but I'm taking them anyway kind of feel like I just need to get down lower to get to the Surplus it breaks it's not that interesting what does this do apparently nothing why are the Redstone items everywhere and then they absolutely don't affect anything oh do they who knows there's a hair glow as I walk down here an unstable mixture animus well I want to drink this as well and see what it does okay that was a bad idea you know it's giving me strength up there's just absolutely zero mobs around it you it's a baby spider I'm gonna use it on you that's right the second level is very uninteresting although the sword is pretty useful flipping out they could do a better job at keeping this place in good Nick getting across as a nightmare because these guys are flipping Shields now they're upgraded they actually are upgrade big time I'm gonna have to just step up my game a little bit maybe even make some boots just to put on otherwise I will definitely struggle to survive down here would you believe it these are meant to be the easy levels this next level it's gonna get way harder and since it's day 23 and I'm in a very dangerous dungeon I've added the brutal bosses mod which basically adds boss variants of every single mob that are very very powerful effectively making this dungeon way way harder which in hindsight probably wasn't the best idea well you know me I like to live on the edge I'm living on the edge it's certainly what I'm doing the worst thing in this part is I can't even see the spawners that are making these guys appear plus there's no loot in that direction so it was a bit of a waste of time instead I might as well oh my goodness creeper I might as well just stick to what's got the good stuff this is kind of just like a version of sums of time to be honest with you so I'll just view it as very very good Training an ender pearl now that's pretty cool what I should be doing is putting torches on the spawners so that more mobs can't spawn also got a pretty good bow you know what I could whoa oh my goodness I've got to say I'm gonna bring the battle to them before a group is scared to Absolute Living Daylights out of it now with torches I just place them down and deal with the mobs one by one there's absolutely nothing good in these chests anyway what a waste of time I'm almost dead to the flipping poison hopefully the golden apple sandwich so what brought to iron helmet with aqua affinity is not bad still not successfully found the way down to the next level but I'm guessing it's in that direction or maybe that direction I don't know actually placing torches is definitely helping me and I think eating steak might be a good idea oh we got a prop 2 Diamond Helmet the mob drops are pretty good and steak is just gonna make me regen faster mission to find the way down has not yet gone to plan I must be missing something I've literally already been here and the staircase was here all along and this is the next level for day 24 I've added some videos related to dungeons the exotic birds mod I'm just kidding that's absolutely nothing to do with being down here but I just cannot wait to finish this and get back to seeing the sunshine because these dungeons are very very dangerous but hey I'm getting to the good stuff now because I'm finding things like diamonds which in my opinion is just what the doctor ordered apparently the mobs are getting a bit harder as well down here though cave spiders My One True Nemesis wait oh this is definitely getting worth it now that's a much better sword I don't know what this will do when I drink it okay it it's given me a few interest effect I don't think it's anything good there's one final direction to explore this way I don't think I've found the staircase down but we all know I'm blind and might have just completely missed an Enderman spawner man there's literally everything down here and a diamond chest plate projectile protection it's better than the one I've got there's the staircase down but there's definitely more good loot to find up here and more mobster clear out actually this room literally just has one cave spider spot I mean it doesn't get any easier than that simple to take out and see if it's any good well there wasn't I can see why and it's now time to go to the final level yes another one this is where things get much more dangerous and I'm sure if anybody could handle it then sb737 can and there's definitely an increase in the amount of good stuff as I get lower so I hope this entire Journey down here was oh yes it was worth it all the mobs down here have made a big mistake and then just get a chest we call it there's just no consistency sometimes okay spawner's in the roof there can I just get rid of one no I can't this is where I do have to be careful don't fall in love come on SP get your act together whilst they're distracted oh how did they destroy that spawner at least um that one finally this one so let's get busy the fact that they know flaming arrows just makes everything harder but don't you worry about me I'm up to the dusk what is this like one of those places where again you can't see the spawner probably underground but is there actually any good loot in here in the middle there is oh the spawners are in the middle one of them dropped some diamond boots I'll get those in a second but first things first torch down spawners broken diamond boots Put on even if they don't have much durability and to be honest it's just for where it was hidden it's not that good but it's also better than nothing for day 25 I've added the Serene Seasons mod which as you might guess has added Seasons to Minecraft we'll be able to see more of that so once we get back to the surface I'm also starting to be very very glad that I came down here because the loot is getting very very nice they're almost amazed if they didn't have cursor binding up and have not run into many spawners around okay well I'll take that back there's some oh but have I already I set it off earlier because if I've ever run in the room above this it already set off all the spoilers and now they seem to have despawned oh look at this gold chest well next one finals and these call blocks in the wall I never even noticed it's been brilliant for using his fuel why is there so many creepers in it wait is it it's not a creeper spawn or something oh there must be because they're everywhere they've completely destroyed the room not to worry though I managed to get in and get the loot and get out this leaves me with one final direction to explore hopefully it doesn't cause too much trouble and hopefully it has some diamond leggings that's kind of all I missed anyway is this it not much to say in that direction at all now I have to get all the way back up and apparently I didn't use up every single spawner his entire area isn't clear out okay well that's not good or perhaps it is good because it means I can get more loot I'm also going to take this opportunity to get Anvil made because these boots are about to die but I got some better ones now is that the cheapest way yes plus if I grab some diamonds I can fully repair the helmet and I think I've checked everything in the area out I want to just drink this though apparently it gives you speed that's good tell you what I'm finding all sorts of new stuff on my way up and out of here don't mind if I do Escape has been successful and because I've added so many structure mods and finding them is a bit of a challenge at times Day 26 I've added the Explorers Compass it's a very handy mod that helps you find structures crafting it requires cracked Stone brakes which I've already got but I also need combo for it and this dungeon had cobwebs come I'm going back in count for the library remember which level they're gonna be on but I'll just keep going down lower and lower until I find them aha I've seen a cobweb they get into it but might be a bit of a challenge what is this here is this an another bio blue Vines I have maybe maybe this is to do with the seasons we must be in Winter right about now which is very cool indeed pretty sure I can get everyone I need yeah just one more cobweb and I've got four of them another needed item is redstone all this in my backpack another single piece of dust it looks like I'm gonna have to go a little bit lower to find some mind some and craft a compass now to go like this and we have the Explorers one and if I right click it oh I can search for any structure Jungle Pyramid let's do it the compass is quite cool because it takes a while to search but eventually finds it at 4 000 blocks away but all I have to do is just follow this compass and go in this direction go past some exotic birds on the way very nice and before you know it I'll be at the Jungle Pyramid the only tweak I'd made the mod to make it a little bit better is it should require some item every time you want to use it like maybe it breaks when you find a stroke when you use it to find a structure oh yeah have to give it a diamond every time or some precious item and then it would actually be a more feasible item for vanilla Minecraft I feel like this one it's very very useful but probably a bit too op for the normal game for day 27 I have added the Minecraft Earth mobs mod it adds mobs from that game such as the moo Bloom the Muddy Pig the clutch room basically just loads of mob variants that I think should be in vanilla Minecraft and should be added and if people voted for them in the mob boat we might actually get them but anyway the most important thing is still ahead and that's the Jungle Pyramid apparently just 60 blocks away which is why it's kind of worrying that at this point I still can't see it there it is I found it I thought for a second it was pointing to that because there's another structure there thankfully instead it's the Jungle Pyramid and who the heck's visual the Dark Master Okay this this does not sound good I know you got all the Mad wait am I being attacked by a cow I need my sword Are you seriously what on Earth no I've just been playing I'm gonna I'm gonna die here get out of here SB quick run filler I need to Capital what the heck this must be the brutal bosses mod okay looks like you're trapped now look at it I mean it's got a big health bodies Health Regens as well hey good job I've got a good bow all right mate defeated no problem well there was a slight problem it's actually not gonna drop anything of just mushrooms now I am very worried about you but it seems that can I just hit you with some Pistons I'll come back for him I'm just gonna uh carefully get shot hey I need these arrows that's brilliant this time I'm gonna avoid that one there you go you missed all this way for a couple pieces of iron okay not not great but it could get me a totem oh are you are you even able to get me oh this is like taking candy from a baby don't spawn back to sleep well what the heck you spawn other things only if arrows do more damage I do the arrows seem to be doing the business I should probably get busy repairing my bow at some points it's very low but he has been defeated he looks like he's dropped good stuff totems diamonds emeralds that's my first tote I'm very pleased with it the chest was useless so at least it was worth it for the other stuff but since I have managed to get some string one way or another I'll make a bow grab the Anvil as well as a flame book and a power five book I know that's all combined together I have a much much better one and I just kind of quickly like to see what this structure is looks like one of those dungeons although we have got a room bottle here and okay we just did a pigment oh we got a Notch Apple let's go suddenly this has become a very very worthwhile portal it looks to me that this is just gonna be another dungeon I'm not gonna bother with that out of curiosity can I steal these eggs oh my goodness wait I can steal them they're mystery you know I'm just gonna put them back I think with the right equipment though I can hatch them day 28 I've added the incendium mod and before I explain what that is what on Earth is that it's a flying Airship that's what it is getting attacked by wild boss guys you do know I have a sword that can literally set you on fire so without you I'd leave me alone yeah this looks very very cool we're going up there we can remember mine trees completely which gets me a lot of blocks very very fast to build on up and the incentive mod is another mod it makes the nether taller it doesn't make blocks invisible I don't know what that was all about and it also adds new biomes and structures to the oh my goodness okay that's been nice what I just did a Vine clutch my plan is to add a bunch of nether mods and then as you might guess we are going to the nether oh my goodness of course these guards here you could just be playing sailing could it once in another I'll start getting another ride and add the netherite upgraded mod which adds even better netherite armor plus when I have nether at ingots also gonna take all these carrots because it'll be very very useful but yeah we're dead right in Gods I'll be able to use the Spider-Man mod which will be very very cool and I can't wait but obvious places to go down there where yeah you just are not sure enough there's not much defenses there really not much of a crew oh my goodness and there's so much loot inside the barrels I'm gonna take everything fire aspect too that's nice that's better than my fire aspect one oh there's just rooms full of this this is a very very good find I've completely ransacked it also gonna swap out the beds because I fancy a change and oh my goodness I hadn't there's barrels all over it this has been a very pleasant surprise I'm also going to use the opportunity to make loads of golden carrots so that worrying about food is now a thing of the past moving on to the next day I've added the older biomes you'll go mod so there's new things to explore in the Overworld like another new 80 bands on top of what we've already got and it also adds brand new biomes to the nether I've decided my biggest goal now is to get full prop 4 diamond armor only then will it make sense for me to go to the Nether and start getting netherite so operation find a village can now begin or I could use the compass to find one my goodness look at the size of you you're a giant rabbit apparently there's a desert village not far in this direction here it is no more tarantulas I guess I'll be okay and for day 30 I've added lava Walker which works like frost Walker but it's for lava and I can see it being very useful in the nether plus it can be traded for with villagers so it's basically a win-win all right mate time to get you a new job don't just walk away like this you're gonna love what's about to be in store for you let's see the first one he gave me was mending I feel like I've just got to use that it'll just be so useful later on does mean that I now have barely any emeralds though so I'm gonna have to do some ransacking oh my goodness here every time I walk around the corner I just love baby angles they're just so cute it would unfortunately seem that they don't really have much good stuff to take but you know what these are Fletching tables and these things they get a damaging me Villages what's what's that all about for day 31 I've added the awesome Dungeons mod which has more structures and dungeons to explore you'll understand tomorrow why I added that but for today I can give stinks to villagers for emeralds I know they have quite a lot of wood plus more can be very easily obtained due to the fact I can chop entire trees well not that fast as I was saying if my ax doesn't break I can chop entire trees very very fast and in just a very short space of time I've got eight and a half stacks yesterday I added the awesome dungeon mod and today I've added awesome Dungeons and nether Edition I just thought I'd better add the original one before I started adding the nether Edition there's all sorts of different editions of it such as an inversion and an ocean one as well anyway villagers time to get any loads more emeralds so I can get more books and get stuff like lava Walker okay we've got it now I was hoping for probably but I'm not going to complain at that let's get it locked in minute that'll be perfect for the nether I don't know where you're going but but you're kind of trapped there mate I can use you to get the prop 4 book well it's taken some time but finally I have got a pro 4 book in those two days I added the stalwart Dungeons mod which adds even more dungeons to Nether and some to the end and a very Nifty little mod the totem slot so it adds a little slot that you can put your totem in right there now then frees up space there's somewhere else to go into my offhand I think I could put a backpack on as well there does does that way it doesn't seem to render but if I press V I can just straight up open my backpack that is very very nice indeed but anyway I better get a little more emeralds from you man your prices just keep going up could you buy a ridiculous amount of wood but I'm still not happy at least your partner in crime isn't as ridiculously expensive and now I can get busy significantly improving my armor I've added another depths mod to day 35 which basically adds fish to the nether the lava is not the same as it once was and I'm also gonna need way way more sticks and emeralds if I want to get all the protection books that I need so I'm going on a tree shopping Adventure on another random Village this is a very very strange change one what the heck just attacked me what on Earth I don't know what you are who you think you are but at the end of the day you're just a bird here I am trying to steal things from a villager and they're pecking me today like you've got a shop here mate I was hoping to have emeralds I could steal but you don't instead I'll just continue breaking trees and apparently continue breaking my axes as well took me a few days but I've nearly maxed all out just need a little bit more XP and since five days have passed I've added five new mods which are Voyager structures awesome dungeons ocean Edition and when dungeons arise those three just basically had loads of Dungeons and structures to the world I've also added advancement plaques and advancement trophies a lot to unlock a new advancement to show you advancement plaques but it looks very very cool and as you might guess advancement trophies gives you a trophy every time you do an advancement I'll probably run out of space in my inventory from all those trophies though so I'm gonna make another backpack which means obtaining leather wool and string String's pretty easy wool can be taken from shape and I'm thinking giraffes might drop leather I was wrong I murdered three of them and there was nothing elephants on the other hand do drop leather okay that's perfect and surely zebra is after as well my goodness stop running away from me there are no magic happens did you even drop anything I don't think they do but Herobrine don't nothing to see here not just about enough of this all right does he just disappear I think I need to crush some Ultras on it for him regardless I should probably stop hunting zebras and by the way for day 41 I added the Blaze and caves advancement mod it just basically adds tons of new advancements to Minecraft to make it way way more interesting sorry donkey you dropped leather and I need it so let me craft a couple of backpacks and this random structure has string I can steal I have no idea what this place is but tell you what it's not too bad because cobwebs can be placed broken to make string and crafted into wall and I could just get the rest of the love that I need from hoglins in the nether so I'm gonna head up to that ruined portal and I should get an advancement when I pick this up and look this is what happens who is going to get it at the top it looks way cooler and that's the trophy for it which can go into the backpack I've also got more I'm sitting here will I will I get any advantage with that I don't know if it's it's probably only new advancements I'll get the truth for why am I gonna make this so big I don't want to be huge also just realize okay well we're getting a bunch of new advancements from the mod from doing that that and I shouldn't Theory have enough XP yes to upgrade these don't think I could be much more ready for this oh look at this oh it works already look at it it will change back to Lava eventually but oh it's very very cool so for I've got more look at oh it's a better Trophy and this is the nether it looks crazy different lava is much less of a threat an exploring just feels so so different Blaze everywhere my goodness my first goal is to try and find a structure but before that I seem to have found a new spooky kind of biome it's netherruck but it's green and I love the green fire that's very cool what is this is it oh wait mine's very fast is it coal it's anthracite not got much of a clue what that one does I've added piggling at proliferation for day 42 you can now get piglet mob heads and there's an alchemist piglin which lets you barter all the things you can't get from the normal ones although the fact Still Remains I need to find a Bastion it's also kind of crazy having a netherweather Terrain can just go so high it's very very cool at this point I see only one way to track down a Bastion oh look at this another biome and what is that some sort of structure if I get looking for bus students there's something interesting to be found right here what even is it just the newest kind of piglet home I don't want to cause any trouble I'm gonna make a gold helmet which is another advancement pretty cool then I can see what these guys are hello and we're friends nothing to be upset about they said this is a very cool place is it right next to some sort of Fortress or is this a different thing not another Fortress but it's it's got another brick wait is it connected to another Fortress I seem to have found some very cool stuff and magma seems to be guarding this I can see myself quickly getting sick of the fact that every little thing I do is gonna get me in advancement so Spore bottles you can throw them looking forward to testing that out also a potion of strength very nice I like the loot we're getting here that's it oh we're okay oh this is this place I don't exactly remember it was what the heck what do you guys want from it they're everywhere SB just keep moving that's it you're okay what on Earth is going on I'm inside him I've got another totem here though somehow um oh no I haven't okay I've used another totem I'm just gonna eat for a bit am I playing I don't know what's going on here um uh hold on get yourself a Notch Apple that'll get me out of a sticky situation eat that hit the sword all right get off me my goodness I don't know how I'm still alive it's like I used a tone but I didn't and oh my goodness they're all angry at me leave me alone you're crazy guys you know I was coming into such a dangerous place right now now things will be different oh no they won't what is this that comes on me oh it's oh they like put this on me and it like damages you oh I see it's not that I lost my totem and had to use a notch apple look on the bright side I'm still alive apparently I can right click on the doors and then they open do I want to go deeper into this place of course I do I think it's very very cool indeed another one spawn leave me alone please I'm sick of you guys now you want to come down here that's whoa okay sorry no need to panic you just do that and they're pretty easy to deal with and you don't have that much health they stop panicking for absolutely no reason oh look it's Luke as well hey what's worth coming for now and okay that's it we're strengthen up and then and I'm gonna sort out that's it oh no come on you don't die not in this situation again okay we're good we're good we're regening we're all right that's it just get him out of it okay don't wither away the recipe please I do have gold apples I should probably grab them there we go all right so yeah they're strong all right we've got to bear that in mind my biggest goal has got to be break that spot I know not you just slap me in guys come on I can do this all right they just keep spawning faster than I could uh I could get through that's all but come on that's it out it goes because these keep like re-opening and closing it's a very very difficult maze maybe right about now would be a good time to add sharpness four that'll teach him not to mess with SB 737 oh there's another one okay maybe maybe oh oh no problem now oh they're easy two hit easy invisibility do I do I just drink that I suppose that should be saved for an emergency I think I've kind of scouted out the whole area all done one massive Circle it's a very unique structure now do these come to life oh they do well not anymore you don't well it doesn't seem to be some fortress-like area here so I'm going to go in and day 43 is here for that I have added the pigland bartering station I was literally wait until I had that mod before I do any bartering with piglens you're prepared to be amazed at this contraption that is if I can remember know which direction all the pig lines were in since I lost all sense of direction going down there all right fellas today's your lucky day just place this down right about here put in gold and look at this they start bartering and giving stuff it's brilliant I can just leave them to do that whilst I go and do other things and everything's just much more organized however I want to do it where there's a lot more of these fellas I'm going to use my compass to search for a Bastion apparently it's not very far away at all but of course there's a lava lake in the way hey the new Alchemist piglet look at this so I can battle with you it gives me a water bottle ah great but if I waste of time but anyway I'm gonna get across this lava yes I've got the lava Walker and blow me down we're gonna flip in place oh yeah by the way we've got the uh lava grass it's like seagrass but lava grass here is the Bastion now to infiltrate it and steal all their stuff oh my the treasure one as well that makes life even better I've got to be kind of careful because death is very easy in this kind of Bastion oh I'm gonna be very careful because if I turn the lap there's Blaze here but if I turn the lava into obsidian then I'll just they'll just be able to walk over to me oh no see if I do this I don't wait didn't do it it's convenient at that point but it's doing it now why are there Blazier I'll just get rid of this start stealing stop sweeping Edge that's nice and we got another right scrap now for the thing that is gonna annoy everybody hope there's an annoy them enough to be able to come and get me in my opinion that's a pretty successful uh thievery mission no oh okay well it's not over yet though this is gonna upset everybody but I have to get rid of it and that goes for you too as well all right this is it now all right it's a full-on war what was just a friendly visit is uh is rapidly going downhill might be a good idea to grab some lava and get rid of you guys collect more gold and see if I can do some battery with the pickles okay this was a little bit of a bad idea wasn't it well it seem to have just about you can't get up here no way seem to successfully give them the old run around and now they could be Lava bucketed and I can all play barter with these big Lane well guys stop attacking me and go for the gold and then use the bartering station once you guys do that I'm gonna upgrade my backpack and steal your loot and also the gold blocks for day 44 I've added the easy and those mod I would have added this quite a while ago but I've only just been able to get it to work these guys got me the soul Speed 3 bug as you can see it stays even if you you put something and let's say I just close the Anvil look at that it stays there ready and waiting for me I know I need 24 levels so I can go ahead and battle more mobs to get those levels I should just do it these Pig Lanes probably know absolutely hate me for what I've done to them but it was all for the greater good and that was kind of risky too so good how these guys have just been bartering away my Anvil has just been ready and waiting to have that done and one extra cool thing is if I grab a block of iron I can repair it for day 45 I've added the illuminations mod which looks so so cool at things like fireflies and mainly things to the over world at night and caves so when we head back we'll get to see some amazing stuff I also think these guys have probably done enough bartering so I'm taking that with me and I'm going to use the compass to try and find another Fortress apparently I've just dug straight into one is this one I've been in before I don't think so it's also not the one that it was pointing to which is very interesting the reason I'm here is because I wouldn't mind trying to see if I can find and I well one of these another eye there are 12 unique ones in different structures and I have found the first of all of those this is from the end remastered mod where you have to go to a fancy end portal so suppose I could just keep heading in this direction and see where the compass is actually sending me to apparently a spawner is one of those things now I am going to add a mod that would let me pick up spawners with silk touch but I don't have silk touch so it'll be pointless to watch it right now at this point I just could come into endless walls so I'm digging my way through about to a nice opening what kind of bomb is this like I've been upside down warped Forest how strange this is absolutely bizarre but of course absolutely awesome at the same time I completely forgot I've been watching lava I've been doing really difficult traversing and I can literally just do this I've successfully made it to where the game is saying there's a fortress you can only guess that there's something somewhere above me or maybe I've just been completely scammed my guess is that there is a structure somewhere around here but it ain't a fortress like it it's saying it's another Fortress piece so that's probably where I went wrong now that it's day 46 it is time that I got netherite oh my goodness is that a Baby Enderman you are the cutest thing I have ever ever seen oh don't fall off anyway as I was saying it's a new day so that means I have added a new mod and that is the TNT mod which adds absolutely loads of TNT that I plan to use to get netherite until the sub space bubble just feel more satisfy home when it's on a black black man I'm scared just to be in the water every single time and what is that up ahead and what is that behind me my goodness maybe the oceans aren't so scary like a little survival and there's a villager on here what the heck Moog what what are you doing why'd you live on an island by yourself oh my goodness lives in an island with good Treasure by himself and a new music disc all right I'll take that and who the heck is Fisk of the sun do what who are you oh you're a boss oh well that looks like you're stuck on the ladder how much for sp737 did they drop anything good it's hard to say probably not I think they gave me a heart of the sea I got another of the Eyes of Ender I'm also not more than we heart the stage but that was a very successful Island if you ask me now to see what this pirate ship is all about looks to be a little bit structured down there as well anyway one thing at a time what have we got here it seems to be a spawner let's get rid of you all right treasure map don't mind if I do I'll slightly as random legs on here that is something you don't see every day until this is a lot worse than the other one I'm not even sure if the treasure map work no it doesn't at least I found the Fey board long lost squid and I'm gonna chill out and get some sleep on this day I've added the vanilla tweaks mod it had so many minor tweaks and small additions when I get to them I'll talk about them but I'm not gonna list them all more importantly is that an underwater Pillager Outpost so I'm finding outposts absolutely everywhere including underwater now and this is spawner I don't know any sport I spawns drowns Diamond the gunpowder is the most important thing because obviously I'm trying to make custom TNT and a wool spawning this is brilliant it's worth drowning for you know I'm not even close to Drowning I'm going to stay down here for longer I think that's all you're interested in them vanilla tweak does let you pick up spawners if you have silk touch but I I sadly do not absolutely touch now this does look like a much bigger and better battery shape than the last one I was at so I would hope that it has much bigger and better loot too all right belt wait have you got rocket launcher oh no you've got healing hours or something what kind of arrows are there if what if they are healing are they healing arrows I know the slowness arrows apparently they just render weirdly I love the fact that you guys don't even move oh wait can I not hit you okay there we go now what good stuff can I steal a lot of good stuff the TNT and the gunpowder is the greatest sounds as though there's gonna be more good stuff down here oh so it's super okay these guys are a little bit dangerous actually let's um let's just just be where did you come from didn't realize you're gonna climb ladders I do pack a punch but they should be dealt with oh there's a spawner that's probably the reason why and any good Loop behind yeah not the best and imagine if I did have silk touch I've been getting so much good stuff I feel like all the best look that I needed was up here though and since I am sailing the Seven Seas for day 48 I've added the better ocean ruins mod which will just make ocean ruins that look way way better if I can find any anyway this seems to be one of the tiny rubbish shipwrecks apparently Sergeant the soaked is protecting the treasure I need to defeat it first but I I don't see where he is is that in there all right bring it on Sergeant you might have a trident you might think you could protect it but you are no match for me actually you might be a match for me I'm drowning you've got these flipping eels that keep attacking me just leave me alone got me here now to do a little more damage either you or me I'm not stop it you know I've got to go get more this it better be good treasure otherwise I'll be pretty disappointed Turtle Master helmet Trident and what's in here are you kidding me well at least he dropped me a turtle shell with some actually good stuff and I suppose a Riptide yeah that could be useful so whilst I will still let him off that was pretty disappointing over there we have another underwater Outpost I was about to say my worries I might get money for tea but too late I just did and this must be one of the fancy new ocean runes as well man I can't mind anything now but I can still steal stuff from barrels and thanks to that turtle shell I can now Breathe In The Water much better I think it was a worthwhile battle what's that I need to quickly move through the water oh no problem I've got a Riptide Trident I'm not saying I have no idea what this is just realize it's yeah it's just the roof sadly can't get that emerald block because I can't mind anything please be some good stuff in this chests and tell you what I mean the cooler the ocean ruins but the loot isn't great I think it's time I instead took on these Pirates they didn't expect that kind of an entrance did you boys either with mining fatigue it's uh it's still pretty easy to make light work of you although you said that I'm I'm getting up dangerously weak whoa that was uh that was way too risky I think I'll just stick to Bone you with arrows job done now to get all the good powder and TNT apparently there's a mod that makes flame and arrows burn things because yeah this this entire thing is going up in smoke all right guys I was only into still yellow not burned down your entire boat oh well I've come this far I might as well finish the job now and mine fatigues run out as well which is good I may want to go and check out this giant structure more barrels I'll tell you there's just barrels everywhere on these things now it's like the cool thing to put loot into also starting to get worried about the sheer number of pillagers oh yeah we get another totem this is brilliant not word anymore Bring It On vexes there we go totem can go into that slot and one suppose and this would have been very good loot but but now it's kind of not that great it's until about to spawn in a pet wolf for day 49 I've added the revamped Wolf mod it revamps wolves new breeds and allows you to put armor on them so this is this is the wolf we've got let's get you tamed there we go and if I shift right click on him we can put armor on now using my very large stash of diamonds I can make some diamond boots two players to be precise put these on you see how it kind of looks like a wolf and it makes diamond wolf armor and you my boy are now in full diamond I know diamonds of a peasants so me and my dog are both just literally peasants but that'll all change once I have oh that was very good but it will all change once I've made the TNT also apparently this guy is not teleported what are you doing finally you came across I don't know what your problem is I'll give him leather upper if it doesn't start to behave I want to know what on Earth is this square of stone is there anything inside it no Bob was off that on the other hand is a balloon and it looks very very cool oh my goodness here right right this time I think I'm ready to attack you that's right shouldn't have done that oh my goodness okay yeah I should not have done that hey Brian bro buddy it was a joke okay just a harmless prank all right it keeps teleporting me back to him which is like just leave me alone oh I've just hit him I stopping baby creepers that's it blow him up creeper what daughters well come on do something I flipping created you and you are doing nothing to help me you know what how about just a bad enough for this Herobrine you want a battle let's do it all right man to man that's it oh look at this the combos yeah you can't handle these straves can you hear a Brian okay I actually I'm getting a little bit damaged as well that's it low ground Warrior I'm a PVP Master right and you think you could defeat me oh that's it water you're used for such a weakness is it okay oh I won the battle he just went and disappeared on me yeah that's right and don't come back something tells me I probably should have done that you know I completely forgot that I was I was going to the balloon first thing first I'll get some sleep I'm gonna sit you down it's not safe up here I've added the doggy talents mod which lets you upgrade your dog to give it more hells and also lets you teach it tricks and stuff like that because apparently I can give him wolf armor but that doesn't stop him being less stupid I'm just kidding he's a great dog but because of his inability to protect me from Herobrine I am going to call him hero just because it's ironically not ironic so this is the balloon was it what the heck okay maybe that one's okay although I'm leaving it here because I don't need it the paper is basically all that I'm interested in calling to find complete waste of time I think the main thing that I require at the moment is probably a name tag I'm pretty sure I must have come across some before but in all this rubbish there isn't a single one I have also suddenly had to remove the advancement trophies mod we've only added a later mod some glitch was causing it to give me a trophy every two seconds and yeah it was just giving the same trophy over and over again now then what is this place some cool house hey we could live here this could be our base apart from the fact there's about 20 000 blocks from Spawn that is a slight issue so instead I'm just going to steal the stuff at first I thought this might be a village but there's absolutely zero Villages just a lot of free stuff instead and a little bit of Parkour okay don't mind if I do wasn't the greatest descent in the world just a barrel with a bit of bread more importantly I could hear a village so I'm guessing everything must be good oh it's Paul again oh it's water hurt for you the room Paul Paul let me help experience that's been and you know what I've got to leave you somewhere hero what better place than to leave you with Paul wherever he's wandered off to so I promise you one day I'll be back I don't know when it could be many years but I will come back for you before I go I definitely need to make him some treats or something because it's it's literally going to be a long time before I come back and that place looks cool anyway don't get distracted us mate to make the treats I need some sugar which of course means I have to find sugarcane which ordinarily will be pretty easy if it wasn't ever flipping cold side Coast around here hang on a minute is that allowed I thought I'd be I thought I made that Tower but there's a cool Airship ahead and you never know there might be some sugar in here why do I feel like this looks suspicious okay well there's spiders in there for a start at least they're just normal ones let's get the spawner I still need to get still touched imagine the amount of spawners that have by now sadly no sugar but there is string on gunpowder all pretty useless let's carry on oh my God not the cave spies that's what I'm getting damaged to oh look at that straight through the cobwebs yes Morgan powder and a couple and that's that's pretty much it all this way for a golden apple now the priority is where is the sugar cane also this is a great way to travel really fast my review for bioms are plenty is add some sugarcane along the rivers flipping it what's that penguin gonna do to find some I guess keep following a river and it won't take you that long now the more sugar can I get the more treats I can give my boy and I've spotted loads up ahead look at this one two three four five six 15 pieces altogether which is five treats and probably enough for me to make my way back home there's also like a million pigs here I've just got to take them out it's free food in fact a better idea I can even take this looting and sweeping Edge and put them together and get a better sword and get even more food for day 51 I've added the simply houses mod which to put it simply it adds houses to Minecraft I'm not the kind that a rubbish little virgin house is no oh I like look at that bed I spent most of my time in this video just swapping up a bit but no instead it adds massive houses that you can live in because I'm too lazy to build my own so I might as well just find one also I've spotted more sugarcane which is very good news indeed maybe it's not as impossibly rare as I first thought just a random Tower I don't know what it means I don't need to bother building up to this Airship instead I can climb a ladder now then let's start exploring we seem to just be in the control rooms right here is anybody guarding this place I can hear people I just haven't found them yet and a lot of redstone's about not really any use for me oh my goodness what are you are you like the crew members oh you're like a Magma Cube on an armester what on Earth and you hit you are you hit me with thunder and steel that's a pretty clever actually a big night in me on fire right anyway the water saves me you guys are everywhere okay what have I just pressed I don't know I'm actually taking quite a bit of damage here you know better and put my diamond Elmo on instead well don't blow up the Airship creeper come on that's not good for anybody I think it's safe if I just stay under it a little bit it's a good powder nice you are the boss are you oh I love taking out Phantoms because I absolutely hate them I can't really do much when these keep spawning new Mobs let's dispatch of that steal some Loot and now it's time to get rid of you Chris the quick or whatever your name is certainly not the hardest boss in the world only dropped a book and now in a minute a name tag two these books both of them don't actually do anything that's super weird but you see the easy Anvil mod that I added oh there's a little little sneaky thing here and there's a map what does that take me and as I'm saying the mod that I added allows me to sneak and right click and rename a name tag with Andrew's number or an exp it's absolutely great also yeah why is there a marker on this map very suspicious and I think it's worth investigating although before all that the priority is still to get back to Hero just to give Miss treats also what is this big apparently it's the swamp big what the heck my goodness very uh very dangerous and what's that spawner oh come on oh well here goes nothing let's take things out thankfully nothing actually spawn what kind of a chest is that it is like amazing here what on Earth okay parkour that is it why this doesn't spawning I'm not complaining but can I reach that from down here oh well yeah you could you could park or up which I'm gonna do anyway because it seems like I need to and it basically just achieved the same thing you know not really anything good okay why is it telling me I've completed the same Challenge three times now guys I I know hero bro oh my goodness this is the worst time for you to show up although the best time I I'll know the worst time okay I can back and defeat him I look at me stuck in a cobweb hang on a minute Herobrine not so tough now I've got the good armor You're Gonna Lose mate I follow you I'd leave before it's too late it's all good what on Earth TNT has he disappeared again looks like here our brain knew he was gonna lose it's also a bit of a tricky thing because if you stand on the pressure plate you just get knocked off so you've kind of got to jump straight away and yeah we must have about made it lots of gold to have and more nice loot what an interesting place this really is oh my goodness we've got a nut Chapel considering I had to use the other one I'm very glad that I came here so this is the top level oh it's not is this the end have I made it fully explored and cleared out now is that where I want to go I think so I think I left here at the top of the hill also if I make sure to sleep I could end the weather cycle which is definitely much much nicer today 52 I wanted the Farmer's Delight mod which adds new crops new decorations new kitchenware and and stuff like actual compost basically making farming much much better now then hero let's give you your name and I can get to work crafting all the treats seven of those is what I can make all for you hero there you go wait what the heck happened to your armor what what okay I don't know but I'm just gonna keep leveling you up for a bit where did your armor go apparently if I have a stick in my hand I can interact with oh wow and I can modify the texture I can teach it the wolf mount trick oh hold on this is gonna be cool come on hero we're going on an adventure as we said this is very cool and I am no longer leaving hero behind he's going to become a formidable Ally oh man the tarantulas are back up I'm going to sleep I must definitely cannot stand them day 53 adds the uncrafter which is a device you can make that lets you uncraft items that could be very useful for getting resources back from items that I no longer need I also really want to know where this map leads to but it seems like it's so far away this is the direction I need to go hopefully hero can keep up with my Trident and to make an own crafter I am gonna need prismarine blocks so you wait here hero there has to be some knocking about in the ocean okay yes these are prismarine blocks I meant dark prismarine which is sadly nowhere to be seen in here there's emeralds in this one what the heck it hops three and Veteran are they worth taking I don't know what they do but they sound pretty cool at the very least now this over here looks like it has what I need I've been caught by a shark bro get off me I'm actually taking some damage here you know where's we saw how do I get away from you okay I just I just [ __ ] all the way to do was steal a bit of prismarine four PCS to be precise whilst tomato there might be some good stuff so I'll take whatever I can find also I think this is what the illumination mod added all these cool particles underwater another wolf spawn egg no I can only have one wolf I don't want to make the other one jealous but just in case he dies I'll I'll put him to one side this is how to use a Patronus durability very very quickly now where the heck did I leave here is that him over there I I think I see a lone wolf and you're probably right but it's probably time for a bit of rest this mod I've added let sleeping dogs lie I don't know if it's actually gonna work because I've got that many different wolf mods that they might not all work together oh my goodness you again I was just trying to do a flipping thing to just just play with me dog basically I need my sword all right you know what you you don't feel too well here Brian now remember that yeah till to put me in see like I'm actually gonna end up defeating here but I mean he's getting stronger every time but no problem whatsoever mate yeah I'm weak I'm gonna die I'm gonna die to Herobrine let's be eat up quick I need sport intelligence okay there we go TNT he's he's disappeared away I'm on very low Health with not much food oh that goes a total that's that's very annoying maybe adding the Herobrine mod was a bad idea just done the research and sleeping dog lie and doggy talents are not compatible donkey talents just basically ruins every other Wolf mod but it is a cool mod so I I really don't mind also now that I have damaged Herobrine so much he keeps randomly spawning pillages around me all the time which is just getting more and more annoying by the way can we swim no apparently we can't well instead we're going by boat oh my goodness there's so much stuff there's a monument there and then look at all this oh my goodness I'm wishing in a murder as well what's going on there it is just like an entire Underwater World down here but have they got good loot to steal that's the real question an Infinity book all right I'd say they have and Thorn Street let's go potion of conduit oh that basically lets me breathe underwater and see underwater a lot better too so blue slimes must be the underwater versions and they have like fish attached to what the hell what if this place was once above the water but it was sunken like Atlantis whatever it was there's a lot of loot for me to collect siphon see I don't know what that does either now it's time to loot this little beach oh look at me it seems to be all right lots and lots of good stuff I also want to add infinity to my bow and I'm breaking amending too much riding pretty successful little mission for day 55 I've added the battle towers mod it's basically a structure with 10 floors and a boss at the top and you have to work your way up through the different flaws this looks like one of those quaint little houses I've spent the night in before an extra gunpowder always useful I hear another Pillager where an air fire sooner I have Herobrine defeated the better come on cows remove this curse from me is it gonna work no it didn't work still got the punishing curse which means people like you are causing me a lot of trouble tariff I hate honestly look at it look at it you blind me as well I'm going to bed and I have today I need a gaggle of gollums it allows you to make redstone copper melon for this columns loads of different types because right now Minecraft it just doesn't have enough I also love this by always very cool but I think it's time I now did some TNT crafting it's gonna require quite a bit of sand then I can make the TNT crafter which looks very very cool indeed from there I could start crafting all the different types of modded TNT almost crafted everything but you can see I've got here tntnt and if I put nine of them together I've got TNT and TNT the most powerful one and I want loads of them there is one last TNT that I want to make but it will require me to go to the nether Max have been driven insane by all these pillars just spotted as well you wait here all right just just keep him busy watches over there pretty cool but the one thing that I need for the final TNT is a single piece of ancient debris also on this day I've added the mod Young's Bridges which basically just adds Bridges to the world that make traveling around much much easier do you have a little bit of spare TNT so I'll do some blowing up to see if it helps because you just never know a little bit has been uncovered over here yeah only two pieces but two pieces is all I need now to get out of here here's my staircase before I leave I could also do with getting some crying obsidian it's a needed material for the uncrafter now crying obsidian does show up here but does does it work come on I don't think I can mine it up kind of all I need to do is find a piglet and he'll quickly trade it to me or a room you know that's a better idea I'll just get a room portal lava Walker is the coolest thing ever isn't it and for day 58 I've added the dark Grove Villages mod which adds a village into the roof forest biome I would have been able to craft the last TNT with the ancient debris but would you believe it I stupidly used a ball of my TNT in finding the ancient debris also nice to find a room portal which has plenty of crying obsidian but leave three's all in it man because these backstabbing people want to get Heroes stats up I will make him protect me more but at the moment I don't want him to die to make the own crafter and to make the final bits of TNT gunpowder is the answer we seem to find most of that in the ocean so that's where I'm heading well this place hasn't exactly been what I wanted it's got a lot of emerald blocks I feel like I just have to mine them it's basically free treasure that's just too good not to mine now these are the kind of places with much more gunpowder and there's loads of them all dotted around all right hero not to alarm you but there is a shark over there just don't get eaten by it oh my goodness you're absolutely giant that's Square okay I've kind of I think giant squids are very cool as long as they're not anywhere near is going to be useful but apparently there's not a single piece of gunpowder a bit of a letdown if you ask me let's see if that voice does anything better never mind I'd already been there well since it's dark there's creepers about so that's probably gonna be my best bet oh man because it's raining I could oh okay well I can fly if I'm in the rain just gotta be careful in the savannah got a bunch of creepers here crazy how my flaming arrows literally set things on fire as well just means I end up destroying everything 15 should be enough pick up an extra piece of sand and fly back to me dog they didn't expect to see that did you buy now to get rid of this awful rain and today I've added the inventory sorter mod so basically if I middle click it sorts your inventory same thing in this backpack oh oh that's beautiful it's actually the best thing ever I mean this one's already pretty organized so ain't gonna do it in there oh my goodness you're back as well just as I'm enjoying myself I'm gonna have to be well prepared this time all right you've got your minions bring it on here Brian all right you've come back for more I see all right big mistake for you TNT oh you think that's gonna stop me oh look at this the blocks just like fighting a Bed Wars playlist now who's trapped in a hole okay arrows apparently don't work on you oh maybe they do sometimes can I get you with your own TNT maybe not he's got a damage assault he has to know though that he is losing oh he's disappeared again I suppose he knew that he wasn't going to win that battle this is the TNT I'm only making one of them because crafting one gives you eight instead I'm gonna make a few more tunnel TNTs I'm very pleased with all that also gonna get an extra piece of sand because that needs to be turned to glass plus I'll make a fire charge and when putting everything together I have the uncrafter looks pretty cool I can make it an advanced one which takes a few more resources I know there are ingots and then crystals a little bit tricky look how it works I can get okay so it gets me dying for that well I don't want that but for example these golden boots I can get the gold ingots back if it was the advanced one I wouldn't be able to get three things back which is why it is worth upgrading it eventually when I have the materials for it also going to restart this again it just needed organizing I love it it's my favorite mod ever that it has to be and for day 60 I've added the apple skin mod which is another cool one if you hover over a food it tells you how much hunger bars and saturation it gives you and it also tells me oh my hunger bar how much saturation I have left back again hey you're coming more and more and I'm ready for you now let's do this here bro you wanna battle I'll give you a battle heyro just stay out of this all right you know and go just go sit down my dog can we have time out please dog sit there whoa dog move oh no oh no if you kill my dog here Brian answer the road Heroes absolutely fine the dogs that apparently just come he just killed my dog are you kidding me hero Brian that's it you have just done the unthinkable and now you must pay the penalty I think he teleported away again R.I.P hero your sacrifice will never be forgotten I swear I will avenge hero no matter what it takes which is why for day 61 I have added Advanced netherite normal netherite won't be enough I want the most powerful items so it's time I started using these to get the ancient debris I need this mod adds Insanity to Minecraft first there's inverted TNT which flips all mobs upside down then there's meteor TNT which literally stops a meteor which makes a massive hole saw TNT fires swords everywhere pickaxe TMT fires pickaxes but mine up the ground toggle TNT strip mines for you very very useful and Tien Tien TNT well as you can see it splits into multiple TNT the destroy absolutely everything kind of feel bad using the Villages of test site for that but they all seem to be okay so build me portal to put it to good use in the nether first pot of goal has got to be to get down to ancient debris level which I can easily do with the boat then I'd like to see if I can successfully summon a meteor no idea if this will work in the nether or not oh wait it is working and that's one pretty big hole all the way down to bedrock perfect next it's time for tunnel TNT a couple of them should do nicely next I want one of the big boys all right let's let's get well back it seems to be blowing up okay is it gonna blow up into whoa get out of here let's make move on I think we're gonna be okay it's a pretty big explosion and we have found our first bit of ancient debris well first bit using the fancy TNT anyway but I like some random meteor TNT just to see what would happen you know for scientific purposes and all that apparently I know the Love is in the way okay we know there's ancient debris in here you can do it SB believe in yourself maybe jumping into lava wasn't my best idea but I'm okay now to carefully try and grab this ancient debris I think it was mission accomplished there was another one on the other side but I cannot be bothered to try and get it then I'll just grab the ancient debris in the roof oh and you know what when I'm this close to it I've got to give it a go come to the F3 it's this block right here now if I break it it'll probably float up there and you know what I'm leaving it the other meteors didn't land probably for the best let's get another of these down and hopefully with another good explosion it'll open more stuff I've never tried winning a one by one like that before and that explains why it uh it didn't really reveal much even pickaxe TNT is better and the meteos are struggling to get through so I've got a plan and that plan is to add the red panda mod since it's day 62 now it's a cute mob that's added into jungles and stuff way cuter than you are you like an evil War flip Bennett what do you want I'm pretty terrifying next I'll throw away a load of Netherrack mine up some sand and get busy crafting as much tunnel TNT as I can because again should debris that's the most useful but it will take quite a bit of work to gather everything that I need after plenty of time I have got 36 of the tunnel TNT I've also added weapon Master which allows you to see the tools that you have in your Hotbar on your back which just looks pretty cool in third person I've also added effective which adds things like Splash okay well that didn't work it was a bit weird and now here Brian's just spawned very very bad time for this I'll explain the rest of the stuff I've added in a moment although he seems to just teleported away before we even got into battle apparently the splash effects will work properly if I make the shade as internal there we go as you can see a cool little splash when I go in things like waterfalls look at that they'll have particles as they're going in to make it more realistic very very nice mod I can also lock items on my hot bar now so if I hold C and click an item it's now locked I can do that with like sword pickaxe you know just so I definitely have certain items on the Hotbar and it's impossible for me to drop them I can't move them so that's the item locks mod and the final one is detail armor so if I go and put armor on it you'll see that it kind of shows up on the hot bar as the different one just makes it cool so you can kind of tell what army you're wearing for now I'll keep my diamond helmet on look at that waterfall doesn't it look cool also the reason I couldn't make more of the tunnel TNT was because I completely ran out of iron it's very expensive in that regard so I want to check out this structure here it looks massive and it looks very very interesting this appears to be the entrance When in Rome okay I don't know what that means or what structure this is but there is iron which is exactly the kind of loot I was wanting to find it's also giant bosses that I could just defeat with the bow and arrow mission accomplished although didn't really drop anything with worthwhile instead I'm best just looting random chests oh iron chest plate if I grab my uncrafter I can get another Ingot from it at this point this is basically just an XP farm I think I'm just gonna dig out and for day 67 how did the bygone Nether Mod which just adds a little more structures to the nether make a bit more TNT and go into a cave to search for iron there's not much here so I'm just gonna dig straight down then I have to dig fine it brought me to a cave with what I was searching for so I'll grab loads of this and oh my goodness the cave is massive because we're in a mushroom biome no mobs will spawn I'm gonna try and do something pretty fancy here oh what a move Riptide is just very very cool oh and Herobrine is back looks like he's ready for a battle in a cave well bring it on here O'Brien flipping dog murderer what if I can damage him with his own TNT okay well he damaged me quite a bit I better pop a couple this is why it's great that I now unlock the slots because things like my sword were definitely on the hot bar itself is going down so slow and mine just goes down way faster I definitely need better gear if I'm gonna have any chance of defeating him oh my goodness he's giving me blindness now yes okay we got him to TP away I'll just get rid of his stupid minions and collect the diamonds and now that the mining trip is completed I can get out of here for day 68 I've added item borders which makes cool items have a fancier border around them there is also a pirate ship within a thousand blocks in this direction so I'm going to Riptide my way over there we've got an ocean Outpost down here not what I was coming for but it is going to be useful for things like gunpowder and iron this pirate ship is what I'm really bothered about because all the barrels are stacked with gunpowder this will give me more than enough TNT for the journey so get some sleep add the furniture mod because having Furniture in Minecraft is pretty cool and then I'm gonna walk the plank and just be from about to go together who's two should show up again but my mate Herobrine this will be an interesting battle because the ice can actually crack but apparently it's not anymore so I don't know what that's all about I tried to keep hitting him but honestly doing barely any damage and I bet it's not long before he comes back with netherride and seriously has better stuff than me having said that he is getting weak okay he's disappeared again I think the next time he comes back I bet I can defeat him but I need to get on with getting this netherite armor ASAP so I'll build the portal which apparently involves invisible what the heck this is a cool guy I wonder if it's a new one in bygone nether anyway I'm searching right now for a good place to strip mine I reckon this is probably it next I'll dig a bit of a room line up the tunnel TNT and set it all off it's pretty satisfying to watch if I don't know if into this biome there is ancient debris so instead I'll have one mine in that direction and then I'll line them up along here let's see how this works I'm leaving a two block Gap so I can kind of see what's in the walls better it's my first bit of ancient debris it mines up any that it finds for you and I'll just keep going in a long line I've got two more pieces I like to check to the side of them as well in case there's an extra but this is very very fast indeed it's piece number six and we've come to a bit of a lava area now plus I've run out of that TNT I think I'm just gonna use normal ones because I'm just too lazy to craft it so I'll do a long strip mine back and a mod that adds a bunch of chisel bricks since when they're on day seven two also grab a bit of extra ancient debris I find whilst Mining and can lace this entire tunnel with TNT bro I'm I'm in the middle of something right here don't you go blow and think hang in a minute we could battle him in another and he could reveal ancient debris that's it place your TNT down blow things up here right that's perfect now at any age depression it's brilliant this is just what I needed actually should quickly grab some food as well though before the battle gets serious come on here Brian show me at least one bit of ancient debris all right here Brian you have bothered me for the last time you can you try and use your TNT it won't be enough I know I'm getting weak that doesn't matter okay if you want me you're so weak as well and apparently you don't have any gold apples so come on bring it on let's finish the job right here I'm so weak I'm gonna die quick golden up look oh that's so close come on so close to defeating him don't TMT me now he's on like a fraction of Health now come on I don't want the TNT to blow everything up yes we've defeated Herobrine and apparently if we eat this we'll never have to eat again I now have double hell that was definitely a battle that was worthwhile he also dropped a sharpness five diamond sword 31 levels to combine everything not a problem though because it'll be useful when I eventually can my next plan is to smell all this iron because every time I smell pickaxe TNT one TNT becomes four with that plan I can greatly increase the amount of TNT I have which is exactly what I planned to do closer now day 71 so I've added the legendary tool tips which just makes the whole thing look so so cooler as you can see that's all my iron gone into 48 TNT now I'm just gonna test a few to see how well it works or if it indeed works at all seems like for this one it made quite a big room and then this one it didn't do much okay that was a that was a great explosion I'm sure I'll have loads of ancient debris in no time not to mention debris revealed for the plan is working for Day 72 I've added the bodyguards mod I'll explain more on that when I finished my mining trip my something still just broke and I already used upon the iron so instead I'll have to light it with Mibo finally a bit more ancient debris found that that one single TNT found so much brings you up to 15 pieces lost the five over inventory and the two netherite scrap means we're gaining netherrite nicely all the pickaxe TNT is used up and I have a 34 inch in debris that's pretty good if you ask me the day 73 I have added the not enough animations mod which has more animations to Minecraft but for example now when you eat you bring your hand up that doesn't happen normally if I could somehow get into the crawling State I could show you crawling but I can't really do that at the moment a little bit more ancient debris I'm totally nice but it also adds new animations for when you're in a boat when you're riding a horse when you're climbing a ladder and the animation still feel very vanilla so I really like this mod anyway the reason I'm digging this massive tunnel is just so I can place down my last few bits of TNT that's all of it let's set it off and see if there's any last bits of ancient debris that get revealed indeed there was still that's very very handy in fact there was two pieces here those were the only two pieces I actually got but you know what it's better than nothing now I'm just ready to get out of here the backpack can be filled with Netherrack and all sorts of other things then neatly organized I seriously love this mod modern anything else in the world that I can place four furnaces to smelt the ancient debris and I have a plan to get more ancient debris in a much much easier way because for day 74 I have added the cataclysm mod also another right scrap is now done the cataclysm mod adds the netherite monstrosity which has ancient debris all over its Fortress would you believe it I have a compost that would lead me straight there this structure Compass is very very useful take me a couple of days but according to the compass we're very very close yesterday the right monstrosity Boss Bar is here the two mods I've also added is knocking off arrows and also just enough items just enough items is handy so I can actually see how to craft half the items that I've got unfortunately to craft any of these I I will need sticks and a feather which unfortunately I don't have so instead I'm just gonna have to battle him the old-fashioned way I was gonna say using a bow and arrow yeah it wasn't working for a bit but it's working now I found his boss in a previous video so I do know the Apollo 5 Bow it's basically the only way it can suck up lava to regain Health but hey man I've got time for that at least right there you go it's it's just just now come on it's so weak it's you or me go on Smackdown do whatever you got to do because I'm not moving away now I probably shouldn't do that wait did I defeat him You Bet Your Life I did I don't really want this Hammer thing but I will of course still keep it it does a lot of damage but it's not gonna be as good as the netherite stuff I'm going to be getting but smithing table is also very handy but most importantly I want ancient debris the main goal is to make sure I pick up every single piece I just love baby Enderman they're just the cutest thing ever I think the only piece I'm missing is this one up here except for something else I just press this button there's a secret room over here which has even more to minor realistically getting these eight pieces was way way faster than the time I've been using TNT so I'm gonna attempt to travel far far away and I would say track down another one but what is this place like this is full of enemies all I'm bothered about is is it full of an debris look now what are they doing to the pig lens what a gold I mean I've got to take it oh my goodness no maybe not anything in there nope and if nope nothing in there nothing in there a bit of obsidian and diamonds there's just one oh no I can't get up now as I was saying one final place up here I want to check a barrel okay my good stuff I know Asian debris so I'm not hanging around we're also doing more food so these guys are on the menu yeah another of these places and up there's one of the fancy fortresses but my goal is still to find another of the homes of the netherite monstrosity also how cool do these quartz plants look I absolutely love them the compass has successfully locked on to another structure and for day 77 I have added the nether oars mod so now it's possible to find nether all versions for things like diamonds emeralds and iron in the Nether and also to take these robot chops and get cooking because food is starting to become a problem I see the Boss Bar but I just can't quite see the place that I'm looking for the compass is saying is somewhere around here I can't see it though I can only guess that it's underneath me also these are the new netheros you can see yeah I can get iron while in another pretty cool it's also cool as well nice and copper well I'm not really interested in fact there's a lot of boards everywhere what's this roll lead okay there's no we've now got lead in the game I'm not really interested in like to be honest with you since it's day 78 I've added the nether portal spread mod which makes the nether spread out of a portal in the Overworld it looks very very cool and it looks like we've just got oh he's waking up already all right big fella let's get this over with this one seems a bit more aggressive I'm gonna fire us up and now my arrows could start London there we go mission accomplished now to collect my Spoils of War that's all eight pieces and with one more bit of scrap I could get an entire another Ingot so I'm gonna head to a Bastion and hope that has what I need also if I strip mine my way there at level 12 I might find it down here as well you know it's a double win seems that we're now pretty much directly below it I bet he's in there probably a boss that's been adding to make my life even harder I can't quite tell what kind of Bastion is more importantly I need to grab some hay bales because Food Supplies have been a little low lately what is that okay it looks very very cool whatever it is and it's a bridge busting all right that's not too bad better make a helmet so I don't upset too many piglets as well for day 79 I've added Mr crayfish's furniture mod because having only one furniture mod in my opinion it is just never enough now as long as I can do avoid the brutes and trap guys like you should be able to check the chests in peace and hopefully get ancient debris there's suddenly nothing on that side nothing in the lodestone chest nothing in this chest either and this one is locked by Samuel The Pit Master oh my goodness I must put him up there am I supposed to get ancient debris if you're causing trouble like this like this Samuel I don't know how you set me on fire but you were pretty easy to defeat now please have a piece of patience to break it did okay thank goodness for that that makes the fight all worse I'm going to replace this with Lowes mod junk so smelt these final bits and now I can make loads of netherite ingots it's a definite priority just to get everything to normal netherite and get covered in debris before I can get another right sword I need to do this upgrade which means one way or another I need eight more levels can I get it from things I'll hold in a second I just get it from oars it looks like everywhere in there unfortunately Israel primer pickaxe first I'll just have to accept that because the oils are everywhere and very easy to find and now that my pickaxe is fully repaired I can properly start gaining levels day at I've added armor statues which allows you to modify the pose of an armor stand kind of like you can on bedroom it looks pretty good doesn't it but um yeah I I'd like all my stuff back I think I'll just leave him in the nether for all eternity meanwhile I've now got enough levels to combine the swords and upgrade it to netherites and with that the nether Saga can come to an end the only issue is apparently I only have three obsidian left and sadly I can't just mine up that one so I'm off on the hunt to find a structure with some so I can go back home the compass has taken me to a Bastion and I think it's a different one it's got to be obsidian in some of these chests so I'll start hunting for oh ancient debris nice tell me all the Masters guard and stuff on this guy's fire resistant eh looks like it's going to take a little bit more skill from now so I've got to be a little bit careful I'm um kind of low maybe I should eat I'm done trying to be nice to them all now I'm just I'm just coming in here for what I need thankfully this just does have obsidian which means if I can find one more piece I'll be able to go home instead I'm just gonna do it the old-fashioned way and butter for it I'm sure one of them have to give it to me indeed they did got no flint and steel but thankfully got a fire charge so finally my nether Adventure is over and of course as expected it spawned me in a cave for dt1 I've made it so that mobs have a small chance to drop a mob head it's collecting them all would be pretty cool also looks like digging out is gonna be my only option and my next main project is gonna be to get another totem I don't really like running around and not having one there is a village here but it's kind of at the wrong time because I haven't taken out a Pillager Captain and the nearest Outpost is 4 000 blocks in this direction and when I do this raid I'm gonna need a bit of a help in hand it won't be a dog because we all know what happened last time with that and you may have forgotten about this but remember I added The Bodyguard mod to get a bodyguard I need to craft this place it down and here he is time for him to protect me I have to pay him in Gold good job I'm very very rich now he will defend me from attackers but one bodyguard isn't enough I need an army now ain't nobody killing sp737 also for day 82 I've added the mod where illagers will wear armor that should make him tougher to stop but but not for My Bodyguard team oh my goodness this guy's getting absolutely destroyed it's the best mod ever what's this Sergeant the sold some sort of Bossier yeah yeah he doesn't stand a chance whilst they do that for day 83 I have added the Savage and ravage mod it basically adds more mobster raids including extra illeges just to make things a bit harder for days 84 and 85 I added the Hunter illeger MOD and the raided mod which adds a new Village just likes to hunt everything and then the raided mod which adds loads and loads of new illeges to raids we're also now here so go get him boys yeah show him what happens when he messes with me could have done with you guys for Herobrine Alan if you guys take him out do I do I get the effect no okay I thought I need to do the damaging blows what have we got here we got like a villager busting or something oh well you're in trouble now what's that an armored illeger I told you I added it much for that little pie in this guy so that new pillages are gonna spawn I don't see any mobs down there at the moment but I'm gonna drop okay and I need to land this MLG okay well my bevel forward and apparently saved me now then I need to get a captain there's one here let me hit him I've got him did I get a hit on him I don't know if I did but there's two here let me finish him off let me get there we go it's a bit of a battle I think everyone's okay somewhere along the lines I did lose my bed so I'm making a new one to get some sleep for day 86 I've added the plunk mod which is the name suggests lets you plunk items onto the ground it works with anything and it's pretty neat because it can go on the sides as well as you can see and it does take the entire stack when you do it so if I was to go ahead and get all these gold it places every single one down and then I would mine every single one back up also do you wanna see something brutal hey you you've not made me happy today you've been a bad bodyguard all right well one of he has well that's the end of him I just don't attack him I think it's crazy what's that fox dog I can't do it to Fox though there is a lot of creatures what's that cow oh okay I just punched a guy by Mr sorry another death another casualty I was trying to punch the cow there we go I need to stop swinging and let the body cards do it for me it's one of the bridges from Young's Bridges I did this a while ago but it's the first time I've actually seen one lucky oh you just teleport grass while I have to park all right very cool to see one of them out in the open and Minecraft needs to Adam Village spotted for day 87 I've added the eating animation mod so as you can see now when I eat something it gets eaten up as you can look look at how it disappears it's pretty cool it works for All Foods as you can see look and the way it's eaten differs depending on what kind of food it is just a very nice touch to the game the Apple was super cool by the way it went down to an Apple car anyway we've got bigger things ahead all right boys this is gonna be a tough battle but make me proud and where are The Villages what what are you guys doing in the house all right guys it's not safe out here that's it get inside all right we found him oh my gosh there's all sorts of new Raiders as well come on guys pull yourself together there's one down here come on get rid of him shooting that poor Village that's trapped on the ledge come on glads this guy's wearing Armory thinks he's tough from a little baby villager let's get you safe that's it don't worry mate we've got you coming in here oh you think you can hide hey well think again guys stop falling off the clip as well oh no it's a baby why why do they why are they bringing the kids on these attacks poor fellow well it shouldn't have attacked me for some reason this wave has all spawned down here that makes life hard work I mean bodyguard Army is is falling fast another way I've done a very weird one and I've just found a Notch Apple in a dungeon of this cave maybe it was meant to be what kind of a Pillager are you a griefer I think we're seriously losing this War I really think it threw when he added a million types of villages bodyguards first ravager right and where'd you think you're going all right well they're defeated well done my Army is nearly all gone though this is very sad but hey there's six of us who needs more than that villager will you just stand still I could protect you then it's dead you're running right too oh no no these little fellas gone we've got to get rid of all of these oh look at the amount of creepers there a nightmare oh my goodness there's about 70 000 of them thankfully they are want apps look at the size of you my goodness you need to lay off the bacon footage mate for the seven pies I could have said cakes but no bacon bodies was the first thing that came into my head I think that's it I think every single one of my bodyguards is dead we're not even halfway through even the villagers lasted longer than them good job I'm more than capable of defeating all these guys on my own oh then Big Fellas bring it on time to wear diamond armor now which does just slightly worry me over the last two days that this raid has been happening I've added two more mods I want to use the Edibles mod which just lets you eat ingredients so now I've got fire resistance for 15 seconds if it had dust tears I could get regeneration and that's how it works oh my goodness it's absolutely crazy maybe I shouldn't have jumped in so gung-ho instead I'm using Midvale for you you got a fancy sword and everything oh my gosh look at the size here you're the world's smallest guy back get a job what's going on here I wouldn't have planned on adding all of these mods if I knew I was going to be doing it without all my bodyguards it's a weird thing is that a baby rabbit what is this effect that stops me from jumping whichever morbid is making me do that needs to be stopped leave me alone Creepers look at the size of your sword man and he dropped it can I use this let's go foreign I should have upgraded to the advanced netherride that would have been helpful as soon as this is done that's what I'm doing something again is hitting me with all these fancy effects I don't like it it's you my goodness these ones with Diamond Armor I have so much help I don't know why I thought this was a good idea I need to get rid of you ASAP would be amazing now I have a totem that can go there this ravager is the funniest thing I don't think he's a baby ravager I think it's just a random small one I think you are causing all my trouble I need to grab my gold apples and I need to start eating golden carrots man this wave is taking forever dude what stop if you jump it is you you are the bait of my life and I got rid of you and you dropped it home let's go I'm almost there now just a few stragglers running on the hill eh not much for me you cute little you really think that you can stop me I'm getting rid of you apparently somewhere there's one left but whilst things are a little bit calm my professor I can tell you what mod I added for day 89 is called the easy villagers mod hello moo and it if you shift and right click you can pick up the villagers it's like there you go mate transported so let's get you to a safe honestly actually I I think I'll make my own safe place for you all right move you should be very very safe down there because I see the final Raiders and apparently way more Hub spawn where did you all come from man there was only one left don't tell me they can multiply now but for day 90 I added the enchantment descriptions mod which is great because it tells you exactly what enchantment does which is perfect for these modded ones that I I didn't know what they are but anyway I don't have time for that I'm an attack iron vocal oh my goodness that is not good at all and you are the priority to get rid of there we go successfully did it can't get the tone just yet I can't even jump I got this slowness arrows out oh look at this the rubber just dropped and the rider is getting super cases brilliant oh another one oh you're jumping off clips now are we I think that vocal just used a totem up which is I didn't know they could even do that maybe it's modded so they can now use the total to hold it and if I'm not careful I am going to die hopefully everything else seems to have got slowness as well as me had Splash damage kicking in is that linger in health oh yes perfect now I could use it you keep throwing them you have to grab that extra totem and stop the other Raiders you are the worst one I need to get rid of you perfect all right I just want to check in and make sure you're all right in there yeah you look okay so in that case I'll just keep going apparently they're all down there this is easy what the heck it's Mr [ __ ] man again it's one more Raider remaining and he has no problem whatsoever here of the village I've done it I've beaten the hardest raid I've ever taken on and every single one of my goons has been defeated and for day 91 I have added the bottled Air Mod basically you're swimming underwater Oh it could be a bit of a bit of a sticky situation but I'm like guys you're ruining us you need more air just right click and you get half your air bubbles back all of a sudden empty glass bottles are now useful also since I can pick up villagers I'm gonna round up the boys to tell them everything's safe even if they are now a bit depleted in numbers I said a brilliant idea why don't I but I just take them with me yeah I put him in my backpack I've got important Adventures to having it they could be very useful later so he's not a shipwreck oh it is this is going to be very very useful because I'm pretty much out of iron this is always restocks you and if I'm not mistaken just to get one more extreme guard I can go ahead and just make an advanced crafter and now it has to be said Minecraft needs to add the advanced netherite mod you can get another eye iron gold emerald and diamond and each one is stronger than the last if I upgrade my sword all the way to Diamond netherite it has 14 attack damage and is so so powerful the full set of armor looks very very cool a super high durability protects me from Pig lens and Enderman and basically makes me unkillable although unfortunately for me it's gonna be a while until we get that Netherland diamond armor I can't even afford another eye ironing got since I run out of iron so finding more pieces of that is the next goal not that goal would have been achieved in this cave but it's not working that way I take it back I found a little bit and a little bit more and even more still plus a custom mine shaft it's been a while since I've been to one of those it's also gonna be an even longer while because there's no appointment going in looks like one of those massive iron veins you sometimes get well maybe it's a modded one because sometimes you get raw iron in them as well and this doesn't have that either way I'm pleased with the amount that I've got and I'm pleased with this Mineshaft is massive it's a shame there's no iron in the chest where does this ladder go what the heck apparently it's gonna get me out of it oh this is cool it's like a natural entrance to the mine shaft oh that's brilliant I love that especially when you consider I didn't have to put any effort into getting out of the cave I also forgot to say but for day 92 I've added the rare ice mod which no it doesn't make ice rare but very occasionally a naturally generated ice you can find tools rewards minerals all sorts of good stuff which I thought was a very cool addition also now begin to work out the fastest way to craft these things so at the very least I can get a netherite diamond chest plate which has a bunch of useful effects and this pickaxe is getting upgraded neither as well because it's just rubbish at the moment and now that I am pretty much a lot better kidded out the next project I want to do is find an ancient city there's going to be some mods involved in there and I need to defeat the warden because a model I'm adding will make a warden have a special drop a trusty Compass will show me the way and apparently there's one that's very close indeed I mean I know a thousand Vlogs isn't technically close but compared to some of the other ones that's just that's not too bad and as I go to sleep and for day 93 I have added the deeper and darker mod which as I've alluded to will make the ancient cities so much better right about here is the spot I don't know who that is but let's dig on down I'm in deep dark area and there's a dungeon here with a Notch Apple are you kidding me again because where I'm going I am gonna need them so it's Hyundai but it's very very good and with that I'll get back to digging down oh and I'm in we're okay and now that I'm in the ancient city the deeper and darker mod adds a brand new dimension to Minecraft to get there I need to defeat the warden pretty easy and use the item it drops to light this portal it's a terrifying place with terrifying mobs and terrifying structures more young need to add this into Minecraft now I'm hoping that these chests have some good stuff in it that's going to be useful I realized I should have made the warden helmet these Echo shards are what I need and conveniently Phantom membranes are the other thing the fact that there's a warden right outside does slightly terrify see that's why I should be slightly terrified no more Echo shards either thankfully there are chests underneath I hope he can't get down here that's the fine Lego Shard perfect and there's more membranes on the way now do these drop Diamonds oh perfect and since it is Day 94 I have also added the useful bats mod just not very useful right about now there's literally diamonds Galore in this place and apparently he can reach me now okay I should uh get up get back so here's the plan first I need to get some Phantom membranes off these guys then I can craft the reinforced Echo Shard and apply it to another right helmet to get the warden helmet when I put that on I can see and now that I can see I'm going back to finish the job on the warden that's right buddy don't mess with me ever again I swear if I just summoned another one straight away right I'm just leaving this time I'm stupid streakers are everywhere I have no idea what liquid this is I look pretty cool by the way got the boat in animation too but as far as I'm aware I now have no choice but to make the long journey back to my portal because there's no way for me to get reinforced deep flight to make a new one it's only about a thousand block Journey nothing I can't handle also for day 95 I have made it so that giant spawn remember them those old mobs that removed from Minecraft Beta yep well now they're gonna be back in my game or just like the youthful bats mod I need to get out of here if I have any chance of seeing them thankfully did write down the coordinates of this because I knew I'd have to find it it's somewhere around here I think maybe I need to get up there what do you think to this button okay we didn't quite get where we wanted to be but maybe I don't even think I need to build that actually no no now that I look all I know is I'm directly below the portal so I'm just gonna dig my way up mission to find it has been successful next to build my way out of here finally made it out and for day 96 I have added the Spider-Man mod although unfortunately to become Spider-Man I need another Ingot and unfortunately use the last one on my netherrite pickaxe I only have one piece of ancient debris so I need to find some obsidian and go to the nether also what a random place for a villager house is it is it anybody here this can be my first bit of obsidian nine more to go and I know I've just been down here but I I feel like underground is probably the best place down here there's lava everywhere I've managed to get enough still out of 13 still so I'm using fire charges and they've had a message telling me about the corrupted energy that will spread through that that's pretty cool and that's fun right now Bastion wow and my netherite diamond armor means they don't care about me oh this is brilliant this is exactly the reason I want it right do you still care okay never mind and everywhere I go you guys are here I'm just gonna have to take you out I think every Piglet's doing to get angry but oh here we go they're all falling in I'm glad it's like the most powerful sword ever Apparently that is a boss gust never thought one of them before how hard could it be apparently my arrows do a lot of damage that's a good first sign there we go I defeated him always look where in the lava doesn't matter this is like the greatest speed run the seed ever Fortress and busted in side by side who these low so I better cook this also going to take the opportunity to put Swift sneak on my leggings and get back to searching for the ancient debris on my main Bella's just gonna have a look at this just a bit of a waste of time at least I finally found one piece but will there be any more lurking the answer is nobody looks at things but the obsidian could be nice so two ancient debris has to be found and strip mining is probably the best option also it's day 97 so I've added the mod iron chest restocked which adds copper iron gold diamond chess I think even a netherite one that basically just does way more slots than a normal one oh I was just trying to explain that as I said I don't just as way more slots than a normal chest would and I've got my ancient debris which means I can build another portal and get out of here also look at that the corrupted energy has already started coming out of this portal as this one I've been to before I don't know I don't think it is it is cool though how every portal that gets generated is like a room portal now anyway I have not got time for that I have got to smelt this oh this would be the perfect place to become Spider-Man there's webs everywhere incidentally we'll actually requires seven cobwebs to become it so it's quite under you know as well as 64 lapis just annoying that I'm literally one lap of short there we go we'll also need quite a bit of redstone it's a close grid headline on the floor but there's a few of them and the glowing will be handy for my next mod but it's a little too early for that just yet and the very last thing I need for this is 16 fermented spider eyes thankfully I'm in the perfect place to get them all I have to do is break this and one more oh look at that they're just getting one tap they don't know what's in the four things well they should be one tapped anyway I'll make sure to create that's all of them and now that it actually is day 98 the glow ink mod is what I've added basically if you just take your glowing sacks put them in a craft well you got glow balls and you can make any mob you want to Glow for the rest of its life I just think it's pretty cool I I would have done it to my dog if he was still alive I would have done it to my body guys if he was still alive and instead have to settle for this cow because that's that's the only thing that is still with me also that pathway looks so cool going down the side of the mountain and look at this what a beautiful home you know these are the kind of places I could move into hey villager snowball fight yep father that's right you can't escape either kind of evil you've got to look like that but it doesn't last forever as you can see I wasn't sure if it did or not that would be a little bit crazy if it did I suppose but right now my main goal is still sugarcane and mushrooms just not those kind of mushrooms actually never mind I knew I had some mushrooms knocking about I got 16 in there so it really now is just a hundred for sugarcane and finding it seems to be a problem I've had for pretty much the entire video basically all the new biomes just just don't have it they really need to show sugarcane some love for day 99 I've added Mooshroom tweaks which allows brown mushrooms to spawn naturally not just red ones but of course we'd have to find a mushroom by up to experience this much and considering I no longer need brown mushrooms I I'm not sure how likely that'll be sugarcane finally you've no idea how much I've searched to find this there's another couple of pieces over there and now to track down just four more I think I see them that's three that's all the ones that I need now to get busy with the crafting what the heck I can put things into the ice oh that's that's part of the hidden things in ice mod there is a chance that ones would spawn window in them but I'm not seeing it anywhere around here but I did not realize that you could put stuff in and kind of leave it for somebody else in the future if you want to although I would like that pickaxe back if you crouch and click it's okay so become Spider-Man in Minecraft I throw these items on the ground then I put the Spider-Man mask on get bit by a spider and have brand new abilities I can swing like Spider-Man shoot webs climb walls and have Spider-Man's super strengths this is very very fun and for day 100 since I made it so that brown mushrooms can naturally spawn as well I thought why not add a mod where mushrooms couldn't spawn anyway so we might see the brand mushrooms basically anywhere that we are brown mushrooms have a chance to spawn and red ones as well we we don't need a mushroom bio look at this another Bridge although this one's a bit more cramped and I wonder how old Spidey will fare in that giant Tower oh look at this we did we got a little baby mushroom in the middle of nowhere that's brilliant anyway Spider-Man wouldn't use the front door he'd climb up the wall these guys haven't got a clue what's about to happen then with my super Spidey strengths I get him that's right oh you take a few hits dear well not enough what about you you think you can survive you don't turn the chance against Spider-Man get rid of this spawner okay could take a while unless I use an actual pickaxe good stuff another Notch Apple let's go and if I grab my own crafter I can get back a few diamonds from this spare armor the sun has now set it's been an insane video it's taken a lot longer for me to record it and a lot longer for my Editor to edit it so if you're new could you please subscribe it'd mean the world to us and if you could just leave a like if you're not new that would be amazing
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,640,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days video, modded minecraft, 100 days mods, mod, minecraft mod, best minecraft mods, lots of mods, modpack
Id: D_Q52myCrP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 49sec (6649 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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