Minecraft but farming is OP

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every year bees contribute over 500 billion dollars to the world economy that's more than Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk combined and as someone who's on a mission to become becomes richest player I need to build the largest B Minecraft history this looks like a perfect location this is more the industrial side right here all right we're gonna go ahead and line the front of it with some rose bushes and then I'm gonna create a very strategic design where these are placed kind of like this in between them is going to be a bunch of flowers and these are all going to be the beehives right so it's going to be a pretty dead section of just bees because I can put these here then I can surround them with all the flowers oh yeah let's get these other side then that looks really nice all right so I'm gonna get started on constructing the bakery we're gonna use birch wood which is everybody's favorite for the main wood as of the base and I'm not gonna lie you guys don't understand the pressure it is to build with this many people watching you so I've outlined the base with the pink concrete and we're building the birch wood on the inside to just give it a little bit of depth so now we come back we actually break these for this a new campfire now we should be able to harvest it this is exciting there we go so that gave us nine single honeycomb which we can then use to craft finally into the the other pieces of this that we need and then I'll just place them on this side okay that's a phenomenal start now in order to get the bees to produce a lot of honey and to get more bees we're gonna be intelligent for once and go out and actually just Harvest some flowers myself because I know they're all over the land and I like using the natural ingredients and and once I do this guys we'll go see what Isaac's doing today because I think he's got his own business that's being started all right and we are at the very top once I put down these last couple pink concrete blocks we will have successfully completed the roof we're gonna dig this out and I think we're gonna make it Birch wood all right I think the Birch planks actually look a lot better as the flooring material and not the wall so we're gonna go ahead and replace all of the walls with white concrete and then we will be able to work on the inside of the base oh there it is see that's what I'm talking about right there look at all this see I could have bought these we've got quite the collection here of flowers don't we now as I said guys this is just the beginning this is going to get much much much bigger I'm trying to keep it like a nice little even pattern here so it looks extra good I do want to clean this up though uh let's make that middle path look a little better I'll just turn this into like some Spruce Wood here let's go ahead and buy a few bees okay let's get these in hey go home you're not going if there's a thing why are they sinking like they're what hey aren't you supposed to live in these am I stupid oh it did oh it did good good it just it was just getting a little bit of Honey first okay nice we're good all right we are putting on the final wall right now and we are gonna have a completely sealed in building let's take a step back just to admire the gorgeousness that is this base and I kind of feel like we need to redo the front here because I don't really like how the door is offset so I'm gonna go ahead and redo the front right here and then I got this pink terracotta and we're gonna put a design on the back wall here if I can figure out how terracotta works but there we go now we have a sick looking flower and I want to put two more of those one here and then one on the other side while I'm here I might as well try to breed these bad boys to save some money so hopefully those give us some baby bees in it then we got some baby V's let's go that's what I'm talking about I should have done this to all of them well I hope I didn't buy too many bees that one's burning the baby's burning no oh well watch out for that I guess all right well these things go spine their homes and suck up inside of those let's go see what Isaac's doing as you can see we've went with very good colors everybody loves Birchwood and pink now I mean you're gonna sell cakes you're gonna sell what else cookies well I'm thinking cakes and cookies but we're gonna you know how hard it is to make cakes you're gonna have to have like a farm for every single possible item necessary to make cakes that's gonna be a doozy you know what you only need one cow Zack you can continuously milk one cow that's true that's true you only need one cow you can milk it to death that's crazy now what's interesting even more so is when you push this button a lot of players were doing it and activating my Redstone so I have not touched this guys look how much sugar cane they got for free Isaac look at this wow that is actually a ton of sugar cane now the one that actually made me money I was getting a lot of DM's guys from people that play on the server we have totally sold out of these banners so we obviously I need to restock and then the last thing I want to check is how much did we make from our Grinders it filled my entire chest up with infinite bones oh my gosh dude look at all the iron I got but you got iron from your zombies oh my God that's so much better than mine do I got a zombie spawn egg how'd I get that okay this is crazy the way Isaac got the zombies Sonic is because there's a very rare enchantment on this server that allows you to occasionally get an egg when killing a mob dude my zombies are way better that's some good money Isaac and we can definitely keep expanding all right so right between these this is where the new store is going to be located this is the actual design for the honey store but I need so much more honey I need so much more beehives I need this to be so much more active the thing is I need honeycomb so it's incredibly expensive but that allows me to create a lot more beehives let's pop these in so guys check it out we've added a path a walkway around this on both sides so we can continue to expand it if we need to but I don't know how slow it is to get honey can I automate this as well and can I also have my fans collected you see on my Minecraft server it's illegal to have things that are completely automated because with thousands of players it gets too loud so I created a design where when players go in my shop and press a random button so they're automatically farming it for me what if I did something similar here and had it so my bees could be also automatically harvested I could put a row of dispensers on top maybe with shears Redstone wire it but if I Redstone wired it and then I connected it to my B Store they would also collect all of those items for me so I do want to try that and see if I can make it work items are now obtained we've crafted a bunch of dispensers so let's see if this is a feasible design here then I'm gonna put some shears inside of this and do this all the way across and see if I can get one row of this working so that's gonna all face down and then in theory if I put Redstone above it it might power those but I don't know where the honey would go I think I actually can do this without campfires on this particular design because I could just use the shears in the dispenser to get it instead of me doing it manually so let's let's do a little change here all right let's see if this cheers it hey I think it did no it did it did okay so that actually works so theoretically my bees can now pop out into this section and then they'll get trapped they're like 100 sure on that the idea is I trapped the bees in glass they come out pollinate go back in and ever escape then if I put shears in here it should be pretty simple to pull a lever and it shears it and I get the items but I don't know where the items go when I collect it I don't have any Hoppers yet and the other problem is frankly I don't know how I'm gonna easily restock this with shears bro I am making the most complex build I've ever made in my entire life and I cannot figure out if this is good or not this is I've rebuilt it like 10 times do you see this you're muted I can't hear you oh God dang it you know how long I've been muted for all right two different formulas here one on the left is the manual one you go through and harvest it with shears the bees are asleep you get the honey the one on the right is the idea for an automated one where I connect it to Redstone it shears it and then it sends the Beehive down and the Beast can't escape this little area here and I think I can collect it maybe wow I mean that is disgusting dude this is like automated honey production did what happened to the free the B movement I went for The Organic Farm Fresh Bakery approach we're not going to produce a lot of cakes we're just going to produce a few very high quality ones what's the high quality one in Minecraft explain that to me come over to my my build and I'll show you see what's going on over here look at this we have a cow right here over here we have a chicken okay and then back here we have wheat and cocoa bean production that is crazy dude I like that you can just see the cow you know it scratches right there yep all right all right I got stuff to do man we got a lot of work today to get this thing ready for the grand opening and we're not even close I don't even know if my bee farm works so I got a lot one of my issues is I need to be able to access these dispensers to potentially add more shears so why don't we come around some trap doors to the back of this I don't think the bees can go through these and then whenever I need to get in I have easy access and I think it cleans up the build quite a bit it makes it look a lot nicer we just bought a second chicken because I was tired of waiting for the first one while we wait for the chickens to lay some eggs we're actually going to go down below our Zombie Farm look at this they are just producing an absurd amount of iron down here with this amount of iron we can make an absolute absurd amount of buckets and let's go ahead and milk a bunch of shears are stock so this thing's ready to go every time I press that lever at least now this will work I'll let the Honey work in because the thing is now I don't really know where the honey goes I feel like maybe if I put Hoppers below it that might collect it so I'm going to try that now but this is a lot of experimenting coming in here today shout out to everyone who bought from my story in the last couple weeks I wouldn't have been able to afford these 13 Hoppers if it weren't for you guys thank you thank you so I guess drone here so let's go ahead and rip it [Music] no oh crap that's so bad because I don't think none of it went through we got all these Hoppers now all right well what am I supposed to do about that all right I'll make another adjustment here folks we're going in for the 15th one of the day all right there we go we have three stacks of MILF buckets in here and then over in this chest we have an absurd amount of milk so we have some nice sugar there and we have some wheat oh my gosh we finally got an egg in the enclosure we are producing our first cake of Isaac's Bakery let's go ahead and take this thing over to loverfela's farm because I feel like he should have a first bite of cake that is absolutely gonna destroy him yeah your AFK I'm just researching I can't figure it out so I got this to mostly work what if you change the glass to another block that's a little bit more like a fence a slab maybe hold on okay hold on Zach let me offer this as a solution too the very first cake I ever baked baby thank you I'll leave that there for about five minutes let's see if this works I'm gonna break these and put down some slabs try to throw it on that I ate half the cake I bet it goes through that cake now it does oh my gosh we could use a cake ball here we could use cakes give me some cakes give me some cakes this is an actual interesting idea this could be a one of a kind go go go I'm really hoping this works also maybe slabs here would have been good but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter I'm just gonna make this up until something happens here that I like so let's try this design we got the cakes in so now bees have honey and this doesn't impact them at all but that should prevent them from getting out in theory all right send the bees out why I can't that's there they come out on their own when they're ready but what I need to do now then is I need to Redstone wire this down to where the B Shop's gonna be I would like to take it maybe underground so if I'm smart about it I could just have it continue extending back this way and then just bring it down like super simply in this wall well I'll come back and see if this works later let's see where does this take us out I know that's where we want to be we're gonna keep going down because I want to be underground and right here seems like a fine spot and that is our limit so we'll have to fill that in put a repeater down all right so then all we need to do is finally place a single button right here on the top of this and this button would trigger the Redstone it goes all the way up and then my fans can turn this on while I'm literally just away all right let's see but before I finish this beehive store there's something very important I gotta do in my base I'm actually gonna like revamp some of my older businesses here like for example this Arrow one actually sold out people were actually shooting at this so I can go into my shop here get the arrows moving in that's gonna be great but I still don't like the way that I have to go to the water to get there I don't know why I did that design and frankly I hate it I would say a little secret back door like this if I filled it up correctly would probably be my best bet to have a new way to get down all I have to do is essentially find the ladder that's going to go in right here on the wall all right now the important reason why I'm doing this is because I want to be able to easily resupply my skeleton shooter over here what I need to do is come up with a slightly better solution for this and a way to resupply this a little bit faster could be through an underground system that kind of has me pop up oh what's interesting there's already uh this connects right to my little pipe right here so I guess I could take this actually go straight through and I a double way to access this and this little panel would be a staff access room you just gotta make it go that way foreign guys check it out so this is now a much more functional design I can go into here swim down to here walk all the way over to here and then I can collect all my arrows then I take the arrows back and resupply it you guys see how much faster this is than if I had to like use a different way like this is it's not perfect but it's not bad and then the fireworks shop is still having the issue of not actually being that usable yet because I still do not have a creeper spawner on my roof however what if I took this downstairs area and I connected it to the one that I just made because it's so close like that seems so effective to me I have to go around that though because that's a full-on room right there wow that actually connects okay that's way better than I expected so now every single one of my areas has an underground connection point so once you're oh didn't even do that once you're in this area you can collect all of your sugar cane I don't know how we got two eggs in here you can do a quick little paper conversion and prepare this for more fireworks in the future which is phenomenal let's go open some chests then because I know that I have two vote Keys here and I also have daily rewards that I have not collected quite a few of them actually we got 12 lucky gems those are are worth some money but I'm actually gonna keep them I got a rare Rune I got five daily keys I got a random enchanted book punch one that's pretty useless in mending I have about 60 000 many oh I have four more of these a pig spawner which I could put down in Industrial Avenue uh some villager spotters oh my God I got villager spawners are you kidding oh my God oh my God this is exciting bro this is crazy let's go ahead and dip this bad boy down here it's not the best animal farm but it's better than nothing let's open this and we got vein Miner five this is worth 750 000 so I'll put it up for about 600. now let's see if my bee Farm's working it works all we have to do now is block that off and put the floor back down all right guys so as far as the actual beef shop I want to keep it really tiny because I don't want it to overpower these two mob spawners which we're going to have to go in and clear here shortly install the items and uh hopefully hopefully them able to see we got quite the crowd here now let's get our cakes loaded up into the shop I think first we need to go around and give a bunch of people cookies we do have some extra wheat back at my own base we wanted to get their attention before we give it to them so the big idea I have with this shop is it's going to actually resemble Little Bee thing that they put their little booties in you get the idea probably in order to pull this off I'm just going to go ahead and buy some yellow concrete what do you think of this bad boy Isaac it looks great but you know what looks better I'm giving everybody free cookies right now Zach they're all going to be loyal to my my business that's not a bad idea it would have looked a lot better if you took the time to make this a hexagon yeah yeah it's gonna be like a it's going to be like a little B hexagon thing really you can fit that in here I don't think you can I don't know if it's gonna work the bees are out the bees are out oh is it working is it working I wanted to see this it looks like it collected four honeycomb I just turned it on and collected a few so all I have to do then is get this thing to connect to like a bigger system but I think it actually works the cakes are absolutely Flawless and that's what Isaac's Bakery I mean we just we're perfectionists so now we're facing some construction issues where it seems like this shape is going to be too high it's going to intrude on the mushrooms so I need to rethink a way to make this thing it in all right guys so it kind of instead of becoming like a full-on building is now become a honey Bridge which is uh kind of interesting as you walk across to the land of honey it's not what I had in mind and I still don't love it but I also don't hate it so guys over the last 24 hours I've done quite a bit of work inside my beehive base what I've done is completely rebuilt this and flipped it around and I think I also broke all the Redstone while doing this build so I'm gonna have to redo that later now before I build the factory what I'd like to do is create some sort of an easy to get to access panel for me so I think the best thing to do is go ahead and dig into the wall here I'll put a little door on the side and uh I should be able to reach both of these Hopper systems pretty easily so in theory I can actually connect that Hopper over to this Hopper and then just have like a literal One-Stop shop for all of this so with the help of spending all my money to buy a bunch more Hoppers I think I can actually pull this off so I rewired all these to connect and these all come over here to connect so now literally I walk inside this door and this singular Hopper is where all the honeycomb comes to and I can collect it the last thing I need to do then to really make this thing work is uh for now just put down a little simple chest system here that will allow it to collect an immense amount okay guys I have done some extensive work here on the front of the bakery and I think it is looking really bad in a good way this this just catches your eyes pink and white is such an unusual color in Minecraft I think the inside of this place looks absolutely amazing right now it's very inviting you know it just feels like you want a cake when you're in here but anyways guys I have reworked the front so that the railroad card goes right in front of the building now and I have a grand plan guys and all I'm gonna say is it involves this many mine carts in this many name tags and we need to go get a bunch of sheep guys hey Isaac what's up why don't you come over to my honey shop and do me the honor of pressing the honey button and let's see what happens listen Zach I would but I'm so far away from you right now I'm I'm doing my own process okay I'll press it myself I was just gonna test it don't worry about it I'll do it myself all right let's press this guys and see what happens nothing it seems like there's a potential Redstone oh there is a redstone dilemma all right let's try it now I don't know how that broke but you know what let's try it now hey sounded good now it definitely did not reach this side what exactly went wrong here I'm guessing we're shorter oh no okay I guess I missed another spot oh I missed another what the heck let's try it again there you go so as you can see it is not a perfect process it is still missing some honey it looks like right there there was a 11 is that right that seems like an immense number to miss so overall 35 Honeys and there's still more have not quite been collected the correct and we just lost a b all right so 50 of them I got 50 Honeys from that but how many of them actually went into my collection system because even if it's not 100 efficient that's okay zero zero it collected zero Honeys dude there's no way that I've spent almost 20 hours on this build and it's still collected zero I wonder if somehow moving these slabs to the top has impacted that because I had to get rid of the cakes because players were coming and eating the kicks letting all the bees fly free I wonder if somehow this is messing it up because it clearly did work with cakes so guys I just got another idea what if I just swap the location of the hopper and that because when this breaks it falls on the first block why couldn't I just put the Azalea out here and give the bees like one more spot to fly so let's go ahead and rebuild this entire thing again okay guys this is absolutely going flawlessly we have both of the sheep that we need in both colors and we are bringing these all the way back to the base so we have quite the undertaking in front of us I mean this is going to be a journey okay Animals still don't know how to move in water I cannot believe they haven't fixed this yet I mean they are moving at like a negative two speed right now I mean come on guys okay the sheep have officially entered the amusement park and we are Marching towards the bakery we're almost there we got the Sheep here I have a temporary holding cage right here in the water and these guys are gonna hang out here until I can breed enough of them to get all of my sheep needed this should be the final design that should actually work on the server this has taken so much engineering to pull off and it's really not even that complex so let's see hey it still didn't really work see there's only a small piece now that didn't make it in well actually it doesn't even matter let's see how much we collected that's really what matters how much should we get it 15. we went from zero to 15. it's not a perfect production obviously but when it comes down to being better than it was it's significantly better Isaac take a look take a look it is finally basically fully functional now I only see one problem with this right now Zach your shears are gonna break all I have to do is split this open to get in and add more dude the only thing I think you need to do Zach is expand this like a hundred fold it's got to go deep into it but before I do that I got to get the building front made so that way it looks like a giant impressive building people are gonna get into so guys now I need to actually start building the build my idea here is that players are going to want to come into this to see how the honey is actually collected and I think that'd be kind of a cool process [Applause] oh that's not bad at all a giant H for honey you could actually make that look maybe a little better by using a glass in the middle but I think as a factory you do want to kind of keep your secret secrets and maybe not have people in there we have successfully obtained all of our sheep basically the goal is going to be to create a giant Minecraft pink and white sheep train that's going to go around the roller coaster permanently now the hard part today is going to be getting the Sheep out of here one by one to put them on here and I'm thinking a fishing rod will be the best thing to do that I'm just gonna fish them out into the Minecarts so I've made a little scaffolding Tower right here so I'm just going to slowly fish out the Sheep one by one now from up high there we go okay so now we got one now we just have to go down there and lure them out with the wheat and then we have to repeat that 10 more times that looks menacing all right all we have to do is then use the small amount of white concrete we have left to kind of create like just basically solid white walls on the side now we need a roof and uh I'm just gonna do it out of andesite because I think I have a lot of it I feel like the end of site is a great roof block yeah I I actually do like that it gives it a very like industrial Vibe which is kind of what I'm going for let us add some grass out front to clean up the little front line here and and then I was thinking we could put some beehives out front just kind of like on the ground or like on little posts because like I got a couple extras I haven't used yet now this is totally useless if it's not making me money so I've got to start actually getting some product into these maybe get some chest shot set up so you could kind of have your shop right in the middle and you're able to get your shot from here or keep walking to go to that so it draws your eyes in and it's so much easier to use and then the products would be all listed so we'd have our honeycomb honeycomb blocks and hopefully honey eventually but that is not automated getting the honey bottles is a whole nother Beast of a project so right now it's literally just honey but that's not gonna be enough to sell here at the honey shop so I need to make sure that this is a lot better while also restocking everything else one of the things I think I should do right there oh hello sir this game is making me go crazy all right what'd you do first of all just take a look at the track why I was trying to get a bunch of sheep in a row and now they're just all on top of each other and I can't stop them why don't you add some stairs dude why don't you have some stairs here dude it took like I've been working on this Jeep I don't have time for anything else there they go I don't even know where the black one came from I had a staircase or it was something so I can get into your shop like a normal human being well you can't now because there's a sheep train that can kill you at any point I was trying to use the Sheep to just draw people in Zach well that's an interesting idea mine's ready to be open Zach what are we waiting on for you well we'll start then simply with a couple of Honeycombs I'll sell them for 200 each so now this is ready let's go ahead and get our claim open here guys so we can get some players in the only way you guys can get here by the way is type slash P Ward our theme park is right here in the other category it is this little mushroom design we've had 138 visits today in a 4.5 star rating so uh make sure you guys give us a five star review if you like our theme park
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 96,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: qK47Ks2kcy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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