I MAXED One of The BEST PALS For the New Raid

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so with P World's new update on the way I want to make sure my base is in the best possible condition it can be to do that though I need to head over to the Forbidden area I'm missing a few Pals still but the one I'm looking for is this pretty lady in a dress criminal activity on the way man who narked already I've been here for like 4 seconds not even getting the pal to spawn in that I want I kind of had a feeling she'd be a rare spawn I just fly uh to the moon and then Plum it back down like a tiny little meteorite you think that'll redo the spawns for these guys looks like cuz I don't remember aagon being anywhere here before or this weird bird ow it's a fun game of how many Loops does it take before I can get what I want oh Shadow beak what are you doing over here buddy oh there she is finally it only took me 200 wow I didn't think that was going to kill her hey no it's not my fault here I'll try this again but we'll pepper her this time oh legendary spear oh that's a perfect catch rate all right we're out of here Spirit Emperor my God but looky she's a Le four planting level three medicine and level three handiwork you know if I just upgraded her she'd be better than like five of these things combined which is exactly why you're going in the pit you know this is going to seem a little weird but if I take crockpot who has three of the four stats that I want throw you in there and if I were to breed that with this Cosmic little being we'll give them a sec to make an egg a few moments later we'd get our huge verdant egg which when incubated gives me Balia with serious we can do better than that attempt number two work slave muscle head that's still not quite what we're needing also totally different thing I need to take this big old gumos throw you in there you giant Acorn God you might be one of my favorite Pals buddy God the inside of your mouth is so textured oh it's disturbing Norman tide you're fired for a sec but if I were to breed these two together they would also give me a patalia which should keyword should give me all four stats that I need to put into my ultimate Gardener and I real I tried to make some cakes but crock pot's kind of busy here you go buddy take a break from cooking and go cooking Stu all right give me a good petalia to work with that sucks give me a better patalia to work with that's better yeah maybe I am addicted to gambling for how many times I do this serious Artisan work Slave oh that's nice this works though cuz I just need to take my big green panda m Sanda I'm going to set you in there for now why did I Chuck you so far anyway they have Artisan we'll see if this one egg I had was able to make me a lucky patalia answer yes with a bunch of other junk stats we'll throw you in there though to see if we can pull lucky Artisan out of these two crackpot you look pleased as can be more reasons other than making 29 cakes I can only assume but thank you for these we'll say 10 tries however it help speed this process up I know where this guy lives can you who who why did he shake his head like that oh no no don't Fireball them these guys are too weak and stupid to survive most hits but I only want to do this just in case I can catch something you know more towards my breeding standards and breeding important to have options do you guys survive a missile shot maybe yes probably cuz you're so big oh you're dead sorry about that whoops all right I probably got enough to test here have a missile strike yeah I feel good enough to go home now got eight verdant eggs to play with something nice and good know spit in my face that's an option that is an option we went 0 for eight on getting lucky guess that checks out in a cruel kind of way wait time out I've gotten an artisan serious patalia so if I can get lucky work slave Manda everything would work fine you know some of the stats that good old crockpot has dump you in there buddy actually bit change of plans normal yman tide go in and then I have my nice old surf an Tera hey we don't have to have a party in the pen they're about to start doing stuff you don't want to be here for but this should hopefully give me a lucky Manda and that it's pretty clear I just need the lucky Manda to be female and then I combine it with this patalia uh and then I should get a four out of four lilene it's that easy right I'm going to be here for 3 hours oh God so five redant eggs later will I be a happy man or will I have to go on a murderous Rampage Runner lucky and work slave huh oh wait I just hated a completely different egg whoops now I'm back on the Moss sandas no that was lilen again I'm confused I've been hatching so many things oh that one's got lucky with two negatives that can't be good that's another negative that's wow why do they hate me so much some things I might just never get the answer to okay uh I don't trust my luck at all but throwing that Manda in that defies gravity with lucky and three other stats I don't want to talk about and this male patalia with the other three I've got 14 chances at greatness um please do something useful what do I need to make more cakes also what did I run short on eggs but I'm about to run out of honey and flour maybe it's time for me to make another wheat Plantation now we doing down here bunch of Honey 366 good enough for me now where's my red Merchant give me 933 eggs seems like a reasonable amount yeah I really do just need more flour but at least I'm good on everything else for now that's fine maybe the game will be kind to me and I'll just have what I need uh instantly lucky no actually this is kind of good if I can just divvy the stats up into twos I can breed lilin together to get what I need arguably a lot quicker so far though game hates me wants me dead ooh lucky Artis so this liline has lucky work slave which oh I can't throw you at all wow you weigh a ton huh get in there I'll obviously still need another stat but this one has lucky Artisan well some other stuff so I'm just going to try and also breed these two side by side that way I can hopefully get some cross-pollination going and get what I need it did you get it cuz they're plants cross-pollination little science joke for you all right my next five what do we got that's just two negative stats that's nothing good you will be fod can I see whoa just blanket Artisan that's really good let me see blanket serious or not spit in my face sure sure sure sure oo lucky in mine it's actually not bad the game didn't give me anything good my life is a cycle of waiting 20 minutes and coming back to check things this is okay though I have eight eggs I believe in the luck of the draw the game spits in my face yet again let's blanket lucky give me blanket work slave blanket serious I'll do the rest or you give me a work slave serious Len that's an option too and wait one for eight all right lucky work slave serious bottomless stomach really wa I didn't even see I actually had just blanket work slave new plan you have lucky you have a work slave this is a runner Artisan not proud of it but I'm going to combine it with one of the only serious Lin that I have and see if I can make something good crockpot my slimy red lizard incidentally my nickname in high school I got 11 more cakes over here calling your name Buddy flap those little wings skills how does your Anatomy work actually let's talk about it here you both get three this will be very worth it or I am coping it's only those two options on to my next two pulling lucky and nothing else okay wow so bad then just lucky nothing else I want to impale this sword through my chest the next day all right a little bit later I've got my next four if I don't get what I need out of these seven eggs a small village will no longer exist that's lucky stronghold strategist well it's the game putting the village In Harm's Way not my fault why is it giving me lucky diet lover it's toying with me it's literally dangling keys and in front of me like I'm an infant ooh lucky work slave that's pretty good serious and lucky yes so I got serious lucky now I need Artisan work slave like a child making a Lego tower but with genetics so now these two should give me an artisan work slave in the next few cakes just kind of how math works I don't know what the numbers are I just know they're in there somewhere 10 more done crockpot they'll sing your name forever buddy all right I put in three eggs let's just assume I'll be able to get what I'm wanting in the first three that I can save some cake time I thought I had it but it's just Swift from out of nowhere I hate it's scary and dark in here okay thank you lene never go under Len's dress thing and where are these other three stats coming from just Artisan work slave that's all I want to see that's one regular work slave I'll spit in your eyeball screw it take the next seven I'll just start doing things extreme break these wheat seed Farms just place four more down right there there I just put three Lin in with three robes that'll be automatic wheat seed wheat generation you get it hang on sorry I forget you guys get stressed all right six more eggs to try and get two stats off of the parents they both only have one trait why it's being difficult I don't know but I will be writing a formal letter and it's not going to be worded nicely there it is now I just have to hope that their genders coincide oh I got another one was it the formal letter that I threatened to send oh the gender's AL line I've never doubted the game's ability to love me once flashback if I don't get what I need out of these seven eggs a small village will no longer exist end a flashback get in there lilene one where'd your sister go brother well maybe I no I'd take that back where' your complete stranger counterpart go stay now if all goes well I should get my perfect 4 for four like I'm ordering from a Wendy's menu I've only got five cakes for now but YouTube will just have to make it work or I get it in my very first try oh but wouldn't it have been cool all right I'll come back in a bit 20 minutes later so I was waiting around for a while and then I realized um I've got a lot of stuff to sell that's 125 Grand oh what is this I can just buy wheat oh what do you know there's 999 of it oo there make me 343 flow when you get a chance let me also open up my last four eggs in case a miracle occurs and I beat the odds would that oh I beat the odds oh I beat the odds that took me two eggs why did revert back to Monkey right there game want to give me another one by chance that'd be cool if you did that that was a three I that's pretty close but you know why not one more why not one more said three in a different way say hello to Mr Green with a work speed boost of 115% thanks to all of the skills that you see here Mr Green also partakes in minor cannibalism immediately just make it two stars I can probably just immediately get rid of both my patalas as well Mr Green hop on in I want want to go see how you farm and do stuff you're only two stars I don't have you boosted I mean that's a quick rate I mean that's that's still going to go up like an extra 70% but still that's already much better how long does it take you to plant things planting is what really takes up time that's wo yeah that's great now if I want to make sure Mr Green can be the best he can be I need to fly around and open up these chests luckily the desert is kind that's commonly said uh wherever you go but basically you can get medium pal sols out of these chest which I will be needing for the future wa secret M shaft who's in here oh it's just a stupid black marketeer there's a chest back here though neat oh and what do you know while I was trying to gather medium pal sols I found another apigy how many more of those am I missing well there was at least one more right here so ooh shiny rhound do you want to come hang out with me for an eternity I know the answer is yes you can stay in that ball oh wow 7% That's not great let's try this one 15% what's with these lickes oh that was one shot too many whoops let's leave leave the the crime deticated M shaft dude what's in this one I just came here for medium Souls we're finding all sorts of little secret oh big scorpion how does Fireball do decent how about beam Comet my special move that seems to be doing a bit more how about my special move 6 AR bullets yeah that seemed effective you want to stay in the thing buddy you're new to me 40% one jiggle SI try that again but this time you stay in the ball ready go thank you 69% that was about about to lose are you kidding me oh men thing is also just not new to me big one in here is though how did I forget about that guy these goldfish really got to do a better job of remembering though honey I'm back from war we got a bunch of flour now crockpot you know what that means get over here 47 cakes a weit it doesn't matter anymore I'm just using Lyin as breeding fod I think this one extra egg should be the last one I need to take lilene over to the next level yeah 32 in inventory and that's exactly what we need to do now get consumption now the only thing standing between me and my beautiful working Factory is 64 cakes which we're at another 20 that's a pretty close amount cook faster crockpot cook faster a few minutes later I'm back with more flour for crockpot to make 19 more eggs I think that actually might be enough to get Mr Green up to the max four star I didn't really do the math I'm just going off Vibes we as a society should do that more often all right things have been going pretty smoothly along so far I'm going to absolutely speed incubate these next few eggs cuz looks like I'm just for short so if I put these other four back in oh looks like they had some eggs ready for me anyways now it looks like we're ready to murder a small village see we've come full circle goodbye every other lene now Mr Green is planting level five handiwork level four medicine production level four and Gathering three but of course that's not all we come over here we can upgrade the work speed a few few times I'm a few large pal Souls short but that brings the work speed up to 191 so we saw how fast harvesting was earlier how about now okay yeah it's like what triple that speed as last time that's cool that's very very cool that was just their Gathering speed hey do the planting speed okay yep no that's done now and then it's on to the next yeah I've just got an absolute monster my base is coming along pretty nicely now though for the new raid boss that's coming out if you have any other suggestions for me and power world leave me comment down below letting me know until then as always thanks so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 67,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld
Id: 9ylS9h7ZNcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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