I Ruled an entire Kingdom with only Yes or No

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I just kind of sat in this chair and now I guess I'm the queen might I get a cup of tea for you my lady yes what is that three happiness and I lose three gold all right what why is there a chicken it's running wild should we try to capture it yeah what I just lost a human this chicken just killed somebody all right I'm in for it now it's a cat can I get a do I have any humans in this town looks like he wants someone to Pat his belly Mr Boots I will every time all right we're wrapping up day one someone died but we got a little more happiness and wealth oh and three people moved in oh hello Merlin would you like some magic Anything could happen I'm very agreeable so I'll say yes woah I got a 100 gold 20 people and five happiness magic rocks who is this oh he's a blacksmith looking to move in yeah buddy can you make me like a Game Boy or something all right thanks for entering my castle do we okay it's the devil give me some of your happiness and I'll hook you up with some gold I mean dealing with Devils has worked out for people well in the past 35 happiness bro I didn't know Georgie was was going to be so greedy I mean at least I'm rich uh uh uh guards guard you got a skele oh oh no oh I was accidentally racist to the skeleton people you find it weird you can't see it I do Skelly thank you for showing me my wrongdoings well day two is completed I'm rich no my city is shrinking why are people sad it has a green smiley face oh guards can I eat some folks I've got plenty of gold ah yeah no sure go ahead and murder my citizens another 100 I love the mimic dude maybe I should have sacrifice my citizens' lives for gold boots you're back get belly pet buddy all right who wants to come bully this guy come on someone come push him over oh I wish to put on a show no actually yes you may Jester 50 gold never mind no come back I wanted people to laugh at you and oh hello witch yeah I can move over there's there's probably room enough on the seat for two people right all I do is sit here all day please keep me company 200 gold for an offering to the spirits no they're dead what do they need money for nothing and oh oh there's another cat a slightly magical cat who am I to deny what he wants oh cool he's happy no my City's still shrinking though I need to get my happiness up hey old lady you want to make a soup shop yes here you go that'll make people happy right oh yes it did and at the cost of 50 gold it's a pretty even trade oh hello blacksmith want me to purchase swords I mean yeah I've got 500 gold I might as well start spending it oh cool my happiness is going back up too and who who is this guy what who wants to build a granary expand our population absolutely I probably need like a population of like a thousand if I want to get into the city of guard councilman things there's a man in the foyer asking to join your guard looks a little Shifty yeah no I mean best warriors always are hey Merlin I loved your magic last time buddy 200 gold add the magic is the best thing that I've ever experienced and put everyone in a happy mood oh my God I'm turning it around look at all these greens it's like a plate of food I would never want to eat oh the chicken's back I think it's just here to pay a visit oh all right hang out buddy remember when you killed that guy refugees have arrived in the town if I want more population yes cuz oh I just saw my like Kingdom expand back there okay hey last time I said yes today she gave me a lot of gold but I want my people this time sorry mimic I'll see you have fun and no Georgie get out of here scram go on shoo shoo get out of here go float away I need people and happiness Granary Stock's been infected guess replace it but didn't I just build a new one God day five was expensive the old lady came to give me some of her earnings lady I'm I'm rich you're fine you can keep those and it nah hey hey didn't I shoo you out of here before go go on oh hello Mr new Knight a beautiful silver Gauntlet in the blacksmith today may I have funds to purchase it am I your mother I guess but still what only three happiness is that even worth it whoa whoa whoa am I being robbed want me to steal from the rich and give it to you yeah I might as well what's the worst that happens hey 50 gold but I lost five happiness uh are you looking for experienced barbers in your court do you cut your own hair by chance buddy can you answer me that question first before I answer yours I'll let you in for now just cuz I wanted to population increase but I don't think that's going to go over super well bald bald he's bald haha everyone Point laugh he's bald buddy just flip your beard onto your head and you got a pretty cool style going oh anyways you want to upgrade your boat yeah sure be happy 100 gold give me it back give me a back no one told me it was going to be 100 Chester I accidentally ate some folks out front can I just pay you back yeah that's chill you got like 100 gold oh 150 thanks buddy I'll see you later oh magical Kitty again we're friends now yes thumbs up buddy uh guard guards oh never mind I was racist against slime people yeah here you go Winston from Overwatch have five gold I guess I'll see you later so I've got 600 gold I'm about to hit a population of 150 and I just got a petition to bring the circus to town yes bring that in is that oh that's just net positives all around and it woah woah give me your gold or I'll eat your townspeople I don't want I just got one 50 I know but I've got so much gold all right Dragon toes here you go oh wait no I I meant to say no to give him gold oh I just lost 30 townspeople oh God Madam I heard about the dragon attack you passed him in the hall you came here right after he ate 30 what do you mean you heard about it I can craft a blade powerful enough to slay the dragon and take his treasure few hundred gold to begin the search I mean yeah sure you go I forgot to give it to him earlier 300 of it why is it so expensive I like your little bird friend oh and the circus is in town at least people are happy let's just forget about the fact that all of our loved ones got eaten a second ago the jester wants 400 gold for his show no walk away shoo scram I've only got 385 can someone come bring me like 40 towns people I wish to construct a Tavern oh people love to drink yes I don't care if it costs 200 gold what are we serving here Jester you're not getting 400 gold from me shoo care to gaze into my magical vampire Crystal yes oh I just lost people and happiness all right well at least I'll go to the circus take my Mind off it wow day 10 was pretty brutal is this the military General that I let in they do look pretty intense but form an alliance with a nearby town yeah that's 15 people back into my city and oh hey Skelly do you find me humorous come on of course I do buddy I'll see you later woah do you require any haunting services for a small price I'll scare some people for you yeah why do you want to scare people away oh well I'll do it yeah I guess I didn't think that through I just get curious people are sad no can everyone be happy instead and oh bald bald oh he gave me 100 gold hey thanks buddy I thought you were just going to run away with that if we're being honest and the town we made an alliance with is in trouble dude it's been one day I mean I guess send people but still uh hello I've come to join your court will you have me I mean I guess I just like my population increasing mom says I need to ask your permission to go on an adventure yeah yet yet you've got good grades buddy go ahead and get out there I hope he doesn't die to that Dragon think you can find a home for my friend haven't you been robbing people sure again I need population and happiness so I'll pretty much do anything I'm very corrupt oh you're new hello plants are interesting I would like to open up a garden yeah here take people go shoo I assume Flowers make people happy I know this Kitty makes me happy here you go boots have some belly pads buddy day 15 completed ready for the truth aliens have already landed and they're in our city you think we're safe uh sure I think so too why would they want to harm us see Molder you're open-minded buddy am I going to get visited uh okay one of your Fisherman's been bothering me I demand a Villager as a sacrifice no you've angered me now okay I don't care you look like you could be cooked into a pan here wizard make my day please I am going to have you executed in front of your family oh tem tem you're back I love making new friends and your name is yet yet not tem term I don't know how I forgot that my population's almost at 200 now too if all goes well I should actually be at it in the next few days cuz I'm getting seven people from this yeah I'm just 20 away have you seen my magical cat pancake no I haven't stupid wizard stupid spells is whoa whoa hello can you fix me um sure that 100 gold I am become fixed all right get out of here oh hey the tavern's going and the caravan's resting in and the witch has gossip dude this is great this has been a great day a lot of Happiness a lot of people I'm five away from a population of 200 okay we'll hire up some workers to clean the garbage that'll increase happiness a little bit I'm not trying this magic again cuz I hate you whoa LD you're fixed buddy I appreciate you man three happiness 100 gold City's population is growing steadily our record of citizens indicate that 250 people now call the city home with a larger City will need to maintain even higher happiness is 140 enough I don't know all right jester take the dang 400 gold as long as it boosts my happiness up by an insane amount I guess I'll let it slide yes pancake we'll always be friends no well actually I need money go ahead and eat just a couple and now I have 100 gold at the cost of five people's lives that's 20 gold per Soul oh no that's fine I just got 12 happiness from the jester is that going to be like a daily thing now can it be all right wizard I'll try some magic again I pushed you away a few times I love it I love magic so much come back every day buddy big happiness day big population increase we're almost at at 300 now and you know what we will be at 300 right after this wizard blesses me yes it worked again 315 people and 500 gold dude I'm going to be making bank in no time and I just got free 15 gold from the fisherman thanks buddy soup Shop's been doing well no granny go ahead and keep your earnings only cuz I need three more happiness for 200 you ever see a treasure chest do a backflip no well you're not going to uh Chester uh guards kill that chest can my friends come over to play I love this guy yeah little Timmy come on oh he just brought me three people dude little Timmy come back every day my brooms all worn out and it's my birthday think you could buy me a new broom real subtle but sure that put me at over 200 happiness yes oh and wizard I know you'll bless me with some more I hate you kill him guards off with his head woah woah you're new hello scientist I do science for you all right I'll visit you once again in the future regarding our projects okay did we kill this Dragon yet it's been like 90 days also my population I've started to get 50 people every day my city is bustling back there I've devised a blueprint for a gold generating machine it will produce gold steadily for the rest of Eternity small research grain of 500 gold yeah sure for the first time in a very long while I've been under 100 gold oh and The Wizard needs to break a curse yeah sure go find Chester for me free him cure him of his eating disease scientists constructed a large Factory causing pollution by nearby homes those jerks All the lumber was stolen too what just happened why does this day suck I'm almost at 1,000 people but I've got six gold lil Fang can you give me some gold oh you did thanks buddy you can always trust creatures and vampires and stuff I also didn't realize that my Throne had these plants by him now thanks to this Gardener lady maybe I am making a difference whoa this is the coolest guy I've ever seen sick Rhythm drummer man all right I'll see you woah she's back she actually killed the dragon I'm keeping half of it I did all the hard work yeah it's completely fair I can't believe we killed the dragon and woah hey buddy I've been working on a video game it's this new thing I came up with think it'll catch on I have an inkling it might well thanks for listening to my idea all right thanks buddy I'll see you I've officially reached a population of a thousand citizens I don't know how much better it gets and this scientist is back an additional round of funding 300 gold it's like this guy shows up when you know he can just take from me you better bring me 9,000 gold back Louis is giving out free cake in the market Louis my man thank you and we're steadily approaching my 50-day as Queen Mark can I have a coin a gold coin little Timmy you always bring happiness and you're my favorite and sultan I will engage in this trade Mission cuz it brings me gold and population I think maybe I need like 1,500 oh no children are having a hard time sleeping that won't matter when we have infinite money hello wizard do I want some magic I mean might as well okay this is why I hate spells I found these shiny yellow Stones pretty cool right yeah oh that's 60 Gold thanks yet yet should we devote more gold to hiring of tour guides I guess oh LD you're going to leave to become a game Dev have fun pursuing your dream buddy why did you just throw a cog at my feet I guess I'll remember you always for it though oh hey and we're almost at 1500 we'll probably be there when this wizard gives me more people or 200 gold I guess that works well I know I'm going to get some population off this 1,500 achieved I've begun constructing new things oh hello adviser what a beautiful castle you have here everything is spotless council of crowns is searching for a fifth member is that something you'd be interested in yes I'm sure you'd be happy to meet with you and discuss the details all right well more waiting I guess wonder if I can get to 2,000 population before I get there do you want to make another gold to the shrine thing sure and it hey I almost forgot about you you want 100 more gold I will shoot you in the face you know I'm starting to remember whenever that guy came in and told me there's an alien money embezzling fund is it the scientist is this how he's just stealing money from me last time I said no to him for this what happens if I say yes he just still eats the same amount of people talk about a Fickle guy oh hey it's king andromedus I wanted to have 2,000 people before he showed up but hey buddy we would love to induct you there this one small issue all four existing council members must be present but two of the Queens are having a fight man I'm entrusting you with the task of reconciling the two queens best of luck why is it my fault I'll keep an eye out for advisers from the ocean kingdom and plant kingdom oh God not the plant kingdom I I don't have the gold I oh might I request a donation of a few skilled workers oh he's not asking for gold this time sure buddy I still think he's an alien but you know I'm too deep now woah woah it's a ninja turtle is there anything you might need assistance with sure thanks buddy oh and I'm officially a gold in debt that's probably not good Mortimer needs is it just one sacrifice at this point I mean I guess take it one is better than five I keep just going negative in gold at least the Town Square is going to look really cool right oh hey it's this guy oh they split the marsh that makes sense it's like water and grass so I'll have pia make the final arrangements and inform you when we're ready to induct you let's go I've almost made it Mom and I just sold 15 happiness for 250 gold this is great oh and the Sultan's here that means I'm going to get another 100 gold I went from being negative to 300 up and the fisherman's going to give me gold too this is great what a great day oh hey he's done I got to admit the Kingdom's looking really nice and we're almost at 2500 population I've got a full like plant Stone Kingdom now yes tax the Merchants it's minus two happiness but I get 100 gold for it and only 100 more people before I'm at 2500 I wonder what'll happen first my complete City completion or I get put into the council oh day 69 is done nice good day madam we are ready to officially induct you into the Council of crowns can I skip over all those things and give you the short version yeah skip the rules I'm an adviser Celestial Kingdom Queens blah blah blah you're a queen too you're a good Queen invite you get accepted blah blah blah you're crowned and you're in all right so my City's officially fully completed back there and I've got 2500 people over and my happiness just passed 500 and in the end the scientist still needs more you know what no off to the dungeon oh sweet so I guess I beat it all right well hey that'll be all from me as always thanks for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 115,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, sort the court, how to beat sort the court, sort the court best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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