i completed this impossible try not to rage quit challenge and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where you get to fight against a board literally titled the devil it's gta it's true this is a board that makes everyone sad and is called the devil obviously that means i had to download this immediately remember lie the devil looks pretty good for his age well i say pretty good pretty painful is probably more like it oh it's got everything it's got wall rides wiener tubes i don't know what that is god it looks like a bunch of freaking pipe clamps except all they know how to do is make my life hell and of course obviously they give you a fantastic car for this type of course oh yeah this car drives like a dream okay now oh my god now that i've made it to the actual starting area we can begin what the hell is this what is this oh you have to go around the sadness and by go around you have to like yeah you know lose eighty percent of your paint job okay clearly they give you a ton of space in order to put this wide ass vehicle lovely and now you get to three tire it sweet and look at that checkpoint ah there's one thing i love doing it's going into enormous cylinders upside down stuck to landing am i am i supposed to go from tube to tube hi erin hi here oh damn that's what i'm talking about you know what we're going to do it we're going to do it we're doing it whoa and flipping the dude out and there you go boop look at this pinpoint accuracy i think i've managed to get damage on every part of this car all right oh god it's a wall transfer i'm dead i was wondering when the devil part would start to come in uh it's here it's here because we have like a jesus we have like a 20-foot wall transfer give me some damn time to get to the top of the wall oh god um hold on let me try something we don't need wall transfers where we're going there we go and i was gonna say the beautiful swan leg landing ah junk energy drink the world's first energy drink that you have to take intravenously i am really not looking forward to whatever the hell i'm supposed to do there oh lovely we have a staggered what in god's name it's like they turned every damn polygonal shape into a medieval torture device okay i'm assuming there's not a large area to land this and over the blimp all right let's see how long grey can keep the glass on his car because right now all we're all we're doing is the new jersey driving test here uh the glass is about to come off the car i mean don't get me wrong i'm gonna try maybe i can land it in such a way that the car will be completely fine see already let's go ahead and do this nice and slow in a way with much less suck look at that much less i think i've oh oh i'm missing i'm missing a window hold on let me smash out the last one i'm going to go up this way this time don't want i don't want to leave it leave it out crap there's a very wide wiener tube on a very small platform this board is unusually annoying you don't think it'll be that annoying and suddenly it's like hey don't mind me i'm just break dancing there we go okay so now what you just tubinate downward that's no big deal uh ow checkpoint anytime i see a tree i know pain is a foot ah yes the old hey hey gray here's some spaced platforms damn it okay no problem i just have to take this very slowly there we go no big deal it's a big deal i can already tell the devil's like you're welcome gray there's a youtube video what the hell is this oh yeah this is fine here we go what why only do it once sure get this you know it'd be really nice a freaking checkpoint oh god this freaking tightrope is the same color as me the devil is like yes my favorite color is the death of innocence hey checkpoint all right so lose the freaking boost there oh no you're cheating bastard rooftop landing okay so you have to you have to shoot off the top into the tube from the wall right got it there perfect oh and you have to go upward and off onto the platform all right there well hello there mr tree the tree's like yeah i just thought i would plant myself right in your way oh yeah well i'm gonna i'm gonna i planted myself and your wife last night how about that well that worked out perfectly karma rooftop landing oh yeah this this car was this car is made for this okay so now we have to ride the arrow not a day in gta until you ride the arrow the arrow has been written uh oh okay this isn't well hold on all i want is that checkpoint oh jesus okay all i want is the checkpoint so full speed pull back land it full speed pull back shrek point perfect all right up the quarter pipe come out on uh are you are you kidding me i'm supposed to go off this ramp and land on that tiny ass platform okay sure maybe it just looks hard i appreciate that there's like one time in my entire gta career where i managed to make something look easy go around that way what do you what how huh what is this what do you want me to do can you just reach over to here no of course you can't do i have to navigate the spaghetti i have i have no idea what's happening oh my god it looks like you have to wall ride this oh okay i think i know what you're supposed to do here okay so jesus man they were just warming you up for this oh my god i know what you're supposed to do is slingshot out of the orbit here we go and then slingshot damn it i was so close okay okay so you have to slingshot right after you see wiener blocker there well i screwed that up okay so come around the side wall ride it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait slingshot damn it come on baby now yes checkpoint after that stupidity a loop-de-loop is like nothing here we go it's a good thing i took that loop really slowly you can tell my powers of perception are absolute garbage because i had no idea that that was like that and i could probably see it over there all right well after being lied to we're going to do this real slow of course this one's just fine okay so now all i have to do is land on the platter and get the checkpoint there okay on to another i did not have enough speed to agony and beyond tokyo drift perfect ah there's a boost oh you have to do it backwards of course okay hold on okay ah this is this is this is oh this is awful okay so here oh yeah i got it just everything's backwards but it's no big deal here all right just have patience gray this isn't hard all you need is patience there you go three wheel it perfect and oh you you almost eatily deeded yourself right to hell that's fine though because the devil is the one who made this board but he could suck on a checkpoint oh this looks like it's fantastic for your posture ow what the hell oh my god how am i oh if there's one thing i love it's when a game thrusts me into the air with absolutely no indication of where the hell i'm supposed to land oh my who god make an obstacle like this oh never mind i already know it's the devil okay i'm right in the middle this should be pretty good oh yeah oh that's the landing checkpoint i do appreciate mixing colors what the hell no i was wondering when the glitchy mess would show its ugly face all right go ahead and vomit myself over here i could hear someone's car alarm going off yeah because i just got robbed oh that was that was smooth when i only caused like 50 000 worth of body damage oh that's when you know perfect a wonderful i have to juggle across the no sign before i get my damn checkpoint okay across the beams on to the sign follow the sign onto the you have to do it again into a wall ride from hell fantastic well technically i guess everything on this entire board is from hell oh not today i was about to say not today satan but realistically like i'm in his house right now i'm waiting for him to be like under captain no oh god whoa checkpoint and a boosty walrus great i just got backhanded by bumblebee kind of a very wide landing area there we go hey oh back end don't you slide ass hand out on me okay looking good nice nice strong strong so far i'm waiting for like the spikes in the middle of the wall ride to try and ruin my life or something yeah i know i knew that was good for another wall right are you kidding me just do it just do it just i need to come up at an angle okay so and at an angle there we go oh no you're gonna make me take out the controller for this aren't you oh this is like a wall ride to a wall ride to a wall ride oh okay do i have to do it again i feel like i would oh ah you bastard all right at least i've got the timing down perfect all right and now get ready get ready get ready get ready to shoot off catch it slow down and there's the checkpoint wow that was that was a hell of a thing all right so now you have to go through the thumbnail holes as i like to call them there we go no big deal oh sweet jesus through the second one that is going to be a pain that should be good that's a good lineup first hole so oh my god no well you son of a one two three yes [Music] well that was unbelievably annoying all right ah yes riding the arrows riding the arrows into a corner turn oh really beautiful landing [Music] oh oh no no no no no okay florida man listen um put your tongue okay to the to the left side of your mouth okay we're gonna we're gonna nudge this florida man put your tongue on the left side of your mouth we're gonna nudge the car back onto the arrow a little more a little more florida man you know what put shift your wiener to the left leg there you go i i'm not gonna lie i can't believe i saved that okay all i have to do is make it past this and it looks like there is a checkpoint so swinging around okay so there was another landing this was very very blood pressure rising but it doesn't matter because nothing can stop you from getting a checkpoint oh it's not a wall ride it is a tightrope wonderful i really appreciate they gave me a fantastic ramp to get to the tightrope with oh yeah this is this is great this is my favorite right here okay up the ramp boop line it up now we're gonna oh my god we're gonna tight rope this all the way to victory and we're tight roping around a corner just what i love perfect oh my god oh i just screwed up they called me over correcticus the mighty all right we're doing we're doing this like gta 1 style top down no big deal get to the checkpoint cry myself a bathtub full of vodka starting to fall into the thing stop with the freaking turn don't mind me just eating my car's grill because it's like the only way to get through this pain oh devil i understand where you draw your power from now do i have to do that again oh you got to be kidding me yay 10 of the pain is over all right great no big deal all you have to do is just not screw this up right that's that's all that's all there's no pressure or anything just don't screw this up otherwise you have to go all the way back to the beginning no problem oh it's over what the hell i get to go inside of a bunch of fry baskets wonderful okay so i'm guessing you just kind of like needly deep from basket to basket i love fries so this does make perfect sense for me last one was a little bit of a razor there a grab the checkpoint and you never want to forget to kick the pins there we go probably eight people just died from that pin hitting the ground what the hell is this what is that oh i like to call this the primer maker gotta get that paint down to the primer oh yeah that's hot hear that sound that's the sound of thousands of dollars in paint refreshing and it's also the sound of a checkpoint through the tube of agony and we have a winner i wasn't sure if i would actually hit that well after getting into a thumb wrestling match with the devil i can safely say don't do it hope you enjoyed this episode of gta until the next time stay foxy much
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,344,055
Rating: 4.9612136 out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, wallride
Id: kt_5syFovW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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