i drove to the bottom of the ocean in GTA 5

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you have to drive to the bottom of the sea until you open up a dimension to hell. It's GTA. I'm here with my trustee, Karen, and this hepatitis-filled drink because today a very special board has been created. It is the first board where you must drive underwater. This is not only an underwater race. It's a race where you actually get to use like a wheeled vehicle underwater and explore the entire underwater area like it's hunting for sunken treasure down there. We're gonna fight Atlantis as I understand it. The Loch Ness Monster, it's gonna be awesome. Now first-- What the hell. Uh, how do you wait a second? Hold on. Do you have to-- [laughs] Yes. I'm flying. Forget driving underwater. This is amazing. See that, this is why the laws in Florida are so lax. If I didn't have this gigantic gun on the top of my pickup truck, I would have never been able to make this. What do you eventually turn into? [screams] Ow. Whoa, I need it to stop. Okay. We're doing this full speed. All right. Nevermind. We're doing this very slowly. See, you got to get up to get down. So we're starting at the top before we go to the bottom of the sea. Okay. Now there it is. Perfect. And go. What the hell are you supposed to do? Ow, do I have to like dodge the sign? I want to get into the water. I've waited two hours after I ate. Give me a break. I am so not gonna make this. Nevermind. I might totally make this out. I have no idea how, but I have to jump through a thumbnail square. That is so ridiculously small. How the hell can this truck make it? Yeet. Oh, oh, oh my God. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm almost there. Come on. Okay. Now tru-trust me on this. If I just wiggle myself over to the right, I think I can do this. Come on. Help me out. Help me out, sign. I hate you. Hold on, hold on. Ahh, man, can I get my gun on top of that ledge maybe? Hold on. Ohh, come on. Hey, nah. Okay. Listen. I've-I've got a plan. If I can get this thing going fast enough. Ahh. I'm not gonna lie I'm getting pretty good at making this jump. Okay. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Now. Okay. No sign is gonna go to the rights. No sign is gonna go back to the left, lift up. There. Do it, do it. Yes, yes. Oh, sweet Jesus. I-I did it. I made it. I cannot believe that worked. I haven't even gotten to the water and this board is already amazing. What the hell? It's always a good sign when you see half of the board underwater. Hey. Ahhhh, What the hell? So-so, hold on. Do I have to use the float tanks? Hold on. I think you do. Watch. [laughs] Yes. Oh, there's like little obstacles. [laughs] Sweet and a boost. I think I got a checkpoint even and yeet into the water. Man, this thing drives like a methamphetamine-laced dream. This is perfect. Sorry. There better be a Megalodon in here somewhere. If there's not, I'm gonna be very unhappy. I'm serious. I want the opportunity to say you're gonna need a bigger boat. Well, it's no freeman, but it worked. Okay, down the gigantic Wiener tube of multi-colorism. Excellent. And yet. Yote. Oh my God. I'm not gonna make it. You can't slow down at all in order to make this jump. You just got to go. You got to go. Come on, come on, come on. Go. Oh, shit. This one is actually kind of difficult because a lot of it is luck because I need the water to play nice. Ow, hell. I also need to not suck. Come on. The whole point of this is to find Atlantis. This is no normal parkour. There is an actual end goal. Here we go. Ah. Got it. Oh shit. You know what? I'll take it. That's a victory. I am so close to death right now. No, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no. Yes. Perfect. Got it. Where's the see aliens at. Oh, man. I got to tell you it's great for your kidneys. Feels like my internal organs are getting speed bagged. All right. Off the corner. Nice. And we have a tricky pizza slice. Uh-huh. Oh, what the hell. Oh, am I? I'm legitimately underwater. This is how he did it. You have to drive upside down. And I was like, "How in the hell can you drive a normal vehicle underwater?" What the hell? Go left. Okay. Oh, piss. I'm dead. Wow. So you can't lose your balance at all or you're screwed. It's the first glimpse of getting to drive underwater though. I love it. Okay. All right. There we are. Okay. Front tight, ah, everything's backwards. Okay. Go left. As long as you keep the truck tight against the top, everything's fine. Here we go. What the hell? What is this? How do you get past this? Oh, you don't. Did I get lied to? You son of a b. Huh. I had gone into this believing that the board grater was my friend. I was very, very wrong. Okay. So we have to go, right? Uh, so tilt left to go right. Here we go. How long do you have to do this underwater? Like I was like a Navy SEAL or something. I don't know how-- Woo. Ahh. I was gonna say, I don't know how he's held his breath for so long. You gotta put obstacles on her here too. I can barely see a damn thing. There we go. Now you can see better. What is this? What is this? Is this a ramp? It's an underwater ramp? Ohh, through the shrubbery. Now through a turbine. Fu-- oh, I made it through a secondary turbine. Oh, there's freaking mines. You sick bastards. And you have to go all the way back to the beginning. I had no idea that this much of this course was underwater. You can't even do it in first person. You have to do it in third, you maniac. Okay. This is okay though. If I just, you know, memorize the 300 miles. Oh, God. Wait, I think I can save this. Oh no, you stall if you stop. Okay. This board is legit. I love how the gun is. Just the spazzing out. Why is my weapon dancing a gig? it's like, "Hey gun, do you want to keep doing this board?" And the gun's like, "No." Yeah, well shut up. This thing's like five and a half kilometers so we got a long ways to go, all right? Oh my God. The fins on this damn truck, I've got to play this board upside down or something. Like I literally have to stand on my head while I'm playing this at my keyboard because it's hard to dodge all this crap, trying to do everything backwards while you can't see. Okay, here we go. Watch the bushes, dodge to the right, dodge to the left. Watch the turbines. Oh, first you have to do the ramp. [laughs] The world's saddest ramp and through the turbine. Ooh, it's hard because it's so slow. Okay. Saved. Aaah. Don't you dare you bastard, don't hit the mines. Do not hit the mines. Oh, are you serious right now? [moans] No. Come on. Come on, come on. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Yes. Oh, oh, make it stop. Double turbine. Are you serious? How far underwater are we at this point? I'm ike going into an entire underwater city. What the hell? Woo. What the hell, I have to swim? What-- [chuckles] Where the hell am I supposed to go? Oh, there's like a whole area down here. Okay. This is gonna be tough. I have to swim through a fricking shipwreck. Okay. Okay. I finally found a hole right here. I'm swimming through the entire interior of the fricking Titanic. I'm gonna be one of the damn casualties. Oh my God. Where are you supposed to go? How are you supposed to get out of this? It's got a channel. My inner stranded deep. Some of these corridors are freaking dead ends. There's a car out here. What bastard parked his car in the middle of my only way out. I'm not giving up. There has to be a way to do this. Okay. If I don't mess up one single time, the end is right there. No problem. I just have to aim up perfectly. Nope. That's-that's a death. Okay. New, personal best. Go. Oh, okay. Come on baby. You could do this. God, I hope a person isn't frigging claustrophobic when they try and do this board. Push, come on push. Oh yeah. I'm like part fish. I'm from Florida, bitch. I'm never gonna give up. I'm never gonna give up. Come on. Come on, come on. Ah, I have to swim parkour through these obstacles and if I hit one single object or make one wrong turn while doing this, there is not enough time to make it to the end. This is my best run. Right now, this is my best run. I can literally see the top for God's sake don't choke. Yes, finally. Oh my God. That was awful. Why? Why did you do this to me? Oh, I got the checkpoint. There. Okay. Sure. Where the hell is the next checkpoint. Oh, it's over here. Okay. So you have to wait for the wave to come up. Yeetly de yourself up there, here checkpoint. Okay. And then climb on the sign as it goes upward. Oh my God. I love fresh kale. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. All right. So grab onto the sign as it rises up, perfect. Aah. This is unbelievably difficult. Okay. You've got to like climb up at just the right time. Now. Oh, [beep] you don't actually go through the signs. You have to come up to the middle. Oh, I'm not going to make it. I'm not going to make it. I made it. Okay. This is what you have to climb on to. There's way too much ingenuity here for me. All right, here we go. Sure. Don't mind me. I just lost most of my teeth on that obstacle. Okay. Onto the next beam. Okay, then wait. Yay. Okay, onto here. Yay. [laughs] What the hell? What do I do now? Oh, there's a checkpoint right there. All I have to do is stealth walk my-- Thank you, God. Anytime I see red thrusters, I'm going to get triggered for the rest of my life. Where the hell am I supposed to go now? Oh, I just have to, uh, yeetus myself off of here. Yay. Ow, did I die from belly-flopping? [laughs] There, checkpoint? How the hell do you get into the middle of that? I'm assuming there's something down here. Ah, yes an underwater tube. Great, Okay. So I have to swim under-- Oh my, what the hell is this? Okay. Aah. I have to swim under this area. Go pass off these damn mines. You serious right now? Okay. Satan, with your bullshit underwater mines, let's dance. All right. Now I just have to check. Aah. Like a proximity mine. School's out forever. Okay. So through here and then down low. Oh my God. Aah. Luckily since I'm dying all the time, there's many less mines for me to hit, all right? No. No, get away from me, piranha. Aah, I wish That my dead body would hit like a secondary mine. This is even assuming I'm supposed to go this way. Watch this has been one gigantic troll direction. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Yes, no, yes. Oh yeah. Oh, we're running it. Oh yeah, we're running it now. [groans] Okay. So now I have to go under the water inside of the tube, I think. Do I have to balance on top of the damn "No" sign? Me and this sign do not have a good rapport. Ow, see, huh. I think I can probably do it though, all right? Oh, that doesn't work. I-I think this was a troll entrance because that's the mines, but that's another tube that connects to the innard that brings you up to the top. I'm going to hate myself for doing this, but I'm not going to go back through the mines. Okay. I found another entrance that is worse than the other one. Oh my God, you have to swim parkour through like all these different little areas through the shipping containers. Wow. Couldn't it give me a bigger hole? I know, I know, that's gonna end up in the comments section. It's a hell of a swim you're going to make me do. Last second. Oh, are you kidding me? I died so bad it ejaculated me out of the water. Okay. At this point, I've done this so many times. I'm getting better. Watch this. This giant underground area is just another troll. Okay. I just need to not hit anything. Oh, I'm dead. It's going to be close. Whoa. Hell yes. This is the right area. [laughs] All right. Jump on top of the red thruster. Yep. Up here. Very slowly meander your way. Checkpoint. [laughs] I don't know what that is, but I have to get to it. It's like an easy way out of here. Oh, of course, there is. Now I have to go through the mines. Now it all makes sense. My hatred is palpable. Hello, little fish. You're lucky. You guys don't know what it's like to get blown up a hundred times. All the way over here. Oh my God. Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, no. Ow. Up. Luckily, oh, I0I got rid of all the other mines from dying repeatedly. So this is much easier now. [laughs] Hey. Oh yeah. Oh, this-this drives like a dream. Ow. I just did a freaking depth charge. Do I even want to go this way? Ooh, there's a freaking monster. Oh, it roars, and everything. It's awesome. [laughs] There's my Megalodon I'm so happy. Okay. So now don't get freaking the "don't get blended" challenge. Ow. Ah. If your vehicle gets damaged, I'm actually totally okay with doing this again because I get to see the underwater monster for a second time through the teeth. Hell, yes. All right. And [groans] damn it. Got him like a short version of James Bond. Ow. In case you're wondering, I'm actually trying to hit every single freaking blender tooth there is. Just squeeze through, but what the hell. I got thrusted outside of the whole fricking map. Damn it. It is tough trying to get through this with this freaking vehicle. Ooh woo. I just lost like 10 years off of my life and part of my rudder. It's fine, though. Ooh, ah. Oh, we have a winner.. Oh my God. That was terrible. Underwater racing. I'm going to move up to Canada. Well, I've ingested enough salt water to the point where I am now you're urinating saline solution. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA 'til the next time. Stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,276,731
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Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, i found a road to space in gta 5, gta 5 bottom of the ocean, gta 5 bottom of the sea, gta 5 i drove to the bottom of the ocea, in GTA 5, bottom of the ocean, i drove, caylus, caylus gta, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta, jelly gta 5
Id: Eai0O0oK85Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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