i completed this 99.9% impossible jigsaw challenge in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game that will increase your blood pressure so high that when you urinate it will clog up the toilet it's gta so yeah you know the movie saw apparently doing this board is a lot like that where you have to make the right choices and be smart or you die the problem is i don't thank you the problem is i don't have a ton of intelligence to begin with so i'm not exactly sure what the hell i'm supposed to do if there's going to be all kinds of death choices besides go over these stairs very very slowly anytime i see a bull's-eye i have to jam myself through it that was actually a missed opportunity to have the i like physics that was a missed opportunity to have the floor come out from under me time to detail your yeet now would he do it here huh still no tricks something's wrong and into a high powered dirt bike oh sweet i finally got that sprunk energy drink sponsorship i've been waiting for i'm kind of annoyed because there's a bowling pin that i don't think i can get that pisses me off oh very funny you bastard i like that my very first choice at least wasn't something that would get me killed immediately you know what i'm good at going through hope going through the wrong holes uh this side damn it i'm like over three okay i don't really like the fact that there's this many options i'm gonna go down the middle one that was the incorrect answer oh my god you can't turn around in these either you satanic bastard god it would be just quicker if i killed myself i'm gonna try over here i hate my life or do i [Music] what the hell what is this board oh my god i did it okay so you actually have to hop off this damn it i really hate you slow down stick is this a false entrance why would you do this okay how about this one i swear to god you're son of a i don't think that this board will kill you i think that this board may make you want to kill yourself this has got to be the right way thank you checkpoint find the right way i mean i guess i'll go through the middle hole first [Music] i'm still alive i i no i circumvented your death did you actually put an invisible barrier here so i can't even cheat this no i'm gonna cheat your board i don't care there has to be a way i'm so dead come on okay this is okay though i can actually what the hell what is this i can't even die a lot of drugs went into this board what did i do wrong in life why jigsaw do i have to go through this oh god just like in the movies the reasoning for killing everyone got dumber and dumber as time went on until it was almost non-existent so i feel like the guy would be like one time you ordered soft tacos instead of hard tacos i made it checkpoint are you serious i have five choices now whatever guess we'll start from right to left satan ow how about here no is it gonna be like the last one i check it is isn't it the hell up up how oh aha all of the drugs real quick you want to see how we give discount haircuts in florida all right just a little off the top there we go okay so there is an exit in there somewhere i just had to find it oh never mind it's not a good enough exit this isn't so much parkour it's like a pain core well this is unfortunate i seem to have found myself partly infused into a wall reconditioning there we go is this what you wanted me to do got it finally i have become the very candy crush gems that i farmed oh now we have a legitimate part oh okay so would i have to go from one thing over here to the oh my god how the hell am i supposed to get there okay how about got it my balls are used to getting beat nice i appreciate that the first wall could stop a human being the second wall could merely slow you down long enough so that you knew death was permanent what the hell kind of jigsaw level symbolic botulism is this what are you supposed to do these look like triangles i hate triangles let's do this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i'm gonna go full speed i don't even care oh my god i shouldn't have went full speed okay i'm not gonna lie i went from not caring to suddenly carrying a lot uh-huh okay perfect oh my god no oh i'm over correcting turn around no i'd rather die that would be me in it like a jigsaw trap like he'd be like an already kid free you must gouge out your own eyes and i'd be like i'm just gonna sit here and be lazy he'd be like then you'll die and i'd be like i know that's the point okay so now i just have to do what i did before but backwards and then the last chunk is a ramp right oh yeah this thing this thing's sticking oh god this thing sticks like glue me and this car have a fantastic relationship and by fantastic relationship i mean this car is an abusive listen me and patience never got along like this evil demon from my childhood yay oh my god got it how red plus blue equals what net green no that's yellow and blue i mean i oh purple wait what happens if you choose the wrong answer now now i'm unbelievably curious give me no sweet death oh i might be able to circumvent this hold on you underestimate how many times i've had to do boards upside down yay [Music] wow i don't feel like i won anything i feel like i just sprained my neck all right we'll do it the purple way there yay i like literally head fell into the ah what are you supposed to do [Music] what the hell was the point of that all it did was make me die for no reason it wasn't that i even failed anything it was just like haha gray just reminding you that you're mortal you know what screw you boxes oh i can only hit you at like one mile an hour oh here you know what you're gonna i'll send you a strongly worded letter down the oh my god oh i did this completely right although i'm losing most of my muffler i'm sure it'll be absolutely fine let me wiggle my ass and get this checkpoint uh when i look at this all i see is pain okay so boop outta my way tables no one loves you okay through the boxes i love styrofoam i'm slowly starting to realize that this board is a lot more annoying than i had previously anticipated it's going to use things that really shouldn't oh my god oh fruit stand i hate fruit it's using things that shouldn't make me irrationally angry but it's they're making me irrationally angry oh and speaking of violating fruit if you want to see me violate fruit you can join the membership besides having something like 43 custom emotes that invoke sterility and all of youtube we also have one extra video a week for the legend members just recently i stuffed fruit with explosives and next week you're gonna get to see outtakes and bloopers that i don't show anyone else do it rock sprunk loves you here we go now you wanna jump this just like that then run into the oranges perfect now you wouldn't screw me um i was gonna say you wouldn't screw me over here would you is that a gigantic tightrope that looks like a gigantic typo oh my god i almost died this is not so bad what the hell is this wow you really upgraded my ride oh sweet jesus where in the hell did this put me what is this like satan's obelisk on the other side of the map what are you supposed to do oh i have to go over there somehow i like how it gives you really no idea of exactly how you're supposed to approach this apparently i could go off that to the side maybe and get there seems like the stupidest way to do it but you know what i love that kind of content for my channel okay this is this is a hundred percent the vehicle that you're going to want to do this in oh yeah here we go look at that 10 out of 10 landing don't mind me burning alive it's pretty typical in a jigsaw movie atomic tire and rubber yeah i feel like there's an easy joke here like how the reviews on these tires bombed or something okay so now you have to get over there somehow i told you i hate using my brain it doesn't exist for a reason oh this isn't that bad i see how this goes what is what the fruit stands yeah thank you for the arrow i know all right little hop skip and a jump over here oh gotta hit the fruit guess what happens man i hope you have nightmares the parents of these bananas and oranges and limes and stuff will be like if you don't behave the grey still plays we'll jump out from under your bed and tell you about taxes and scholarship programs you know i think i could land this and still live told you is it just me or is this a remarkably easy thing to do literally all i have to do is this i mean i got it it wasn't pretty but why do it once when you can do it twice you've got it oh god i'm dead one more time that was perfect and last chunk of the chassis removal perfect and now we get to do a ultra colon crusher i love it um this is what fiber would look like physically really oh now i have to do it on the bottom side okay oh yeah all right that's the time it is i'm gonna go up here oh no okay now ramp up the side of the tube and there you go checkpoint i don't know if that was the way you're supposed to do it but i can usually finagle stuff and up to the point where i can make it look like that was the way it was supposed to be bad life choices sponsored by fookaroo i don't know what to tell you florida man i'm sorry alright let's try and not screw up a really easy wow okay obviously you need a little bit more speed here than you think there this has to do it perfect ow don't have a lot of space here hopefully i can make it if i go right from the tip nice see this see you always want to ride right on the tip oh my god they don't give you a lot of space to stop oh jigsaw i'm coming baby and when i get there we're gonna have a talk about that that one girl that was like a mortician or a detective or whatever the hell she was and jigsaw was like your crime is that you spend more time with dead bodies than live ones you wonder why because dead bodies don't talk back uh i'm not gonna lie i wish there was a checkpoint here but i guess i'm just gonna cry myself to sleep and go up this hump point i'm dead driving on this thing is like driving on black ice up in jersey hey what front end uh gigantic arrow leading into a big wiener tube sounds like my kind of party yeet oh my god ow okay fall down here i like how they give you this depressed ramp this is the ramp that has like a 0.5 gpa uh oh god oh i don't know if you know ramp but like plywood is four times its normal price right now thanks to the market jesus okay eatily deep i don't need no ramps i don't need ramps for going look at this perfect just wet just how i planned i'm taking this piece of plywood with me oh my jesus where that worked out surprisingly well ah you bastard i knew it was coming eventually oh my god okay i was sitting here like eventually people rip the floor out of these tubes i wonder when it'll make its appearance here we go oh god not again yes poor creator you merely adopted the dog i was born in it molded by it that coffee and alcohol oh checkpoint ah it happened again not gonna lie screwing me over two out of three times isn't bad i approached that tube the wrong way all right we're gonna hit this thing from the left side come around here spin out 180 degrees get going and you want to go off the tip full flip wow come on please have the eight powers activate sprunk i'm coming home ow right half of me is coming home the other half is going to the er all right not too bad all right there's a little little close for my taste there go around here ow there goes the rest of my teeth no i love all these sports drinks people be like what's your favorite flavor gray oxygen checkpoint all right so these are the minor eater platforms you don't want to eat too hard or you go flying off see this look at that the baby endangered yeat uh there's a checkpoint up there thank you i love that you just just randomly you get to destroy all these fruit places damn it oh wait there's a checkpoint down here no i couldn't i'm not going around the fruit i must hit the fruit all of the fruit will pay screw your watermelons all right so now you have to fall down here and not blow up perfect oh what i got the checkpoint what do you do now oh the loop-de-loop loop-de-loops are nothing i was born of this loop to loop number one no 90-degree angle that's nice loop-de-loop number two it looks like this one just ends yeah i mean do i trust the creator i thought i had to go downward of course you don't have to go downward you have to go back to where you were uh perfect second time all these breaks are uh clearly in perfect condition okay now through the gauntlet of divorce what the hell what the hell is this oh oh really it gives you like one second to use the platform look at this it comes out immediately goes back in okay hold on so you have to wait until it's like halfway there we go perfect i can make it i can make it i can make it hey third time's charm nice suck on that one time jigsaw up the colorful hell ramp over here gonna go through the gray patience destroyers is that oh okay i know how to do this hold on okay go through it backwards there we go perfect nice i would like the locale satan wall please left or right which one could it be we're going right oh got it left boom ow never mind we're going right hand on trash nice oh okay i was about to say i i was almost screwed oh we get to go bowling here comes pink car down the pink ramp yeah dude through the flaming what the hell okay i guess around the flaming cargo cars and go for the strike come on come on come on come on come on come on i ended up with a split that's pretty much my life but it doesn't matter because we have a winner well i thought with jigsaw and now i think i'm gonna go wear a lawnmower like a hat anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of gta until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,065,958
Rating: 4.960866 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, gray still plays, greystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, wallride, jigsaw, puzzle, challenge
Id: _sxHQkazyks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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