i speedrun this 99.999% impossible GTA 5 tightrope challenge using my secret trick

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all right we're checking out the only game that teabags physics until it apologizes for existing it's gta i have been told that absolutely every part of this entire parkour teabags all over physics as a matter of fact it's like a marathon of what the hell oh my god you have to go underneath this i went under it what i was trying to say is it's like a marathon of tea bagging a t-bag-a-thon if you will wow this is gonna be a real pain in my ass and i'll like go underneath it backwards nope gotta slide under it i really appreciate that the very first obstacle on this board is one that's so incredibly stupid whoa and that's how you do it baby what else you got for me is is that do i have to do i have to put this bike through the thumbnail hole it looks like i have to put the bike through the thumbnail hole how much worse does this board get oh it's the thumbnail hole and it's a certain height well i had the wonderful experience of having my bicycles seat go straight up my crotch and come out my esophagus you know what it tasted like it tasted like regret come on baby checkpoint all right what else you got for me all right a nice little yeti tube okay no problem and then you pop out the yeti tube and are you wait oh god oh god okay real quick i think i think this board takes place across the entire map do i have to fly my motorcycle all the way to the gigantic obvious arrows i'm pretty sure i do very well okay oh no oh yeah oh oh okay hold on now so which arrow am i supposed to land on it doesn't really say specifically all right maverick i oh god heaven i'll suck okay um i think the plan is i'm gonna try and land this thing on top of the cylinder of regret and like go from there [Music] right now is when the airwolf music should start playing this is an unbelievably psychotic board don't worry i'm coming around for for a swinging pass over here i may have missed my target by a few miles but it it's gonna be okay i'm getting to see the entire rest of the obstacle course that's nice you know what sticks the landing [Music] oh i i made it into the yeti tube the only issue is i think that the checkpoint is up there superman give me your power and if you won't give me your power i'm gonna mash you up put you inside of my breakfast cereal eat you and gain your power that way just let me fly into the damn tube of agony so i can get this freaking check boy i have flown about 2 billion miles in the air i have so many air miles coming in for a sweet landing there it is finally oh superman will be proud checkpoint okay so now i just fall i assume ow will fall without dying i guess okay and a nice nice clean fall i'm gonna face this way oh yeah look at that that is that is absolutely perfect and now like this in here beautiful uh fresh sound of my testicular area being turned into mashed potatoes oh okay under here aha okay cool and we have a checkpoint what is this what is this a bunch of sad sticks what are the sad sticks for this looks like a jump are you trying to screw me over over there that's into a freaking tightrope oh okay i was gonna say the these sticks may have been a lie but i think i can actually eat us over we don't need physics where we're going don't ask me how i managed to bounce on my rear tire across the entire obstacle and get the checkpoint i'm really not sure hopefully it'll look like i knew what i was doing what the hell is that over there okay a couple of crotch busters here that's not bad though this really isn't it doesn't seem too unbelievable oh god i was gonna say too unbelievably annoying this pop or what is this ah i knew it was gonna pop and it still took three years off my life look it's only three years because there's not a lot of my life left okay down to the platform that they've so graciously given me uh sure so the issue here is the tightrope is partly shielded by this freaking balloon thing but i'm pretty sure i know where to go right about watch this this is going to be first try right here look at this boom whoa little delayed explosion and we have a checkpoint okay and it looks like a gigantic yeet flying through the air oh god i'm coming in way too hard on this ah friction we meet again oh this is this is a really stupid level of flying that you have to do come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah now that was a smooth flight hell yes oh the checkpoint it's right up here all i have to do is not break my neck which i'm incredibly good at on this bike and checkpoint what do you want me to fly to next come on give it to me what we got okay and now we have uh oh my god you have to fly through the tiniest little opening this this this is inhuman this is ridiculous oh climb bike climb okay climb less climb less climb less climb last climb last time let's screw it i know you're not really supposed to come in the back side but that sounded you know what i mean you're not supposed to go into the rear of the of the pipe whatever you know what i mean just i know you're not supposed to go in the back way so i'm going to try and come all the way around and going through the front okay here we go here we go here we go [Music] [Music] i'm going for a swim my bike is steady my aim is true my pain tolerance is high come on damn it penetrate the hole penetrate the hole oh that was new personal best that's like hitting the rim directly around the bullseye man i'm right there i've grown up my entire life abused and beaten by gga parkour boards now at this point i have also committed various felonies to physics and i've landed in gta prison but the thing is i'm not locked in here with you you're locked in here with me checkpoint any other trauma you'd like me to experience while on top of this motorcycle oh i see a ramp coming up that could only mean one thing here we go i am screwed oh i'm still alive i mean i'm about to die but i lived up until i die basically what you've got to do here is lean way the hell back way earlier than i did you got to get as much speed as you can going over these and then lean up and land it perfect i mean i still got the checkpoint i'm like a cat but i have a lot more than nine lives and i'm a lot stupider what are you is this like a normal thing or do i just am i just hopping up what am i doing what is this this is the thing this thing i'm doing apparently not i'm gonna hit all these poles on the way down i'm gonna hit this with a lot more speed and see if maybe that's the answer yeet full flip yep that was the oh crap what if i lean forward ah yes perfect okay what way do i need to go now all right this looks like a thing that i would need to do on a motorcycle in the context of gta anyway and pop it nice i feel like there should be a checkpoint somewhere around here as a matter of fact i would really appreciate it where there to be a checkpoint right there as a matter of fact drag point wow that is the most painful looking tightrope jump i have ever seen in my entire life so normally you could do this with a lot of patience you could very slowly line yourself up on this tightrope and then jump but we're not gonna do that here because grace don't play yates going slow is for squares oh god my grind i love it oh crap i'm so screwed you just won nope thought i could land on the second one i was wrong let us attempt a much more modest yeah like say that one there ah yes observe if you will the young yeti bird before it has yet to melt there we go look at that right there yes the yeti bird takes its first its first flight and then its parents tell it how disappointed they are in him same color as my motorcycle i don't like that but made it and checkpoints oh this is going to be a big jump this is going to be a big jump i have no idea where it's putting me but here we go um where like where the hell am i landing the next checkpoint isn't even on the map it that area down there looks like it would be checkpoint worthy see it right right at like that my like where my forehead is pointing well now my forehead's pointing the opposite direction where my back tire is pointing gonna scrape the ground kind of close here and by kind of close i mean i'm it's going to murder me welcome to gray airlines where we overcharge you and abuse the hell out of you i know someone's going to be like it sounds like every airline i'm telling you man that's that's got to be the checkpoint down there all right [Music] oh that looks so good that looks so good yes whoa what the hell oh i'm in a car i know that's a no gray moment but i i didn't think i would get a car considering everything i've had to do sixth landing well i almost died just then that way that way that way what am i supposed to go through these explosives or are these here specifically to make me not go through this i'm still going through the explosives i really don't care not really sure what kind of glitchy mess that was it looks like there's something down here yeah see right there i just don't know if it wants me to be down here or not uh no it definitely does okay go here what the hell was that i love how even the obstacles here don't give a about physics oh this is gonna be fun okay if i'm very careful i think i can just go like this okay land on this all right hear me out now oh yeah here we go go around this way don't fall off go through here nice and then get the checkpoint i don't care if i'm in the middle of this little hole here i got the checkpoint that's all it matters you can take my glass and shove it up your ass oh i have to hmm oh i actually got that checkpoint that's awesome all right up here up oh freaking hell and then [Music] i'm screwed okay basically you just ride up the raw the wall and then slingshot out of the top okay getting closer to the top closer to the okay there it is oh god oh man and i got it into another checkpoint all right shoot the gap checkpoint okay so now i was supposed to go in here i'm guessing i i'm trying to figure out how the hell you're supposed to get to the bike transformation it looks like maybe you have to go that way or you have to wall ride and then pop out the wall ride okay that's got to be it okay wall ride missed the arrow here we go and uh damn it i need way more speed for this in gta if you're gonna die you want to die at like maximum speed you want it over quickly okay there we go and come upward damn i'm getting closer you get a very short period of area to hold on to the wall ride and then slingshot yourself out high enough here we go to get the motorcycle plus there's a hump there okay i want to come into this lower come on okay you just you just have to do this with basically no control you just need to do it there we go oh how much more is there at least we're back to the motorcycle oh this looks like an absolute freaking treat of a tightrope oh my god oh sure why not almost fell off the edge there uh-huh oh okay check point okay miss a couple of the spikes juggle on top no big deal ow it's just a scratch yeah off of the drunken platform yep nice and into a checkpoint with what looks like a gigantic jump fly free yeah that tube looks like a landing area right there in front of us looks right about where i would have to go i would say hey nice and smooth nice and smooth okay it's a lot less smooth now i completely missed it i'm screwed beautiful sandpaper across the bars that is the level of smoothness my last attempt was but this attempt will be flawless i say as i completely fail to go where i want to go come on okay more speed more speed good good now less speed less speed yeah yes oh i said less speed we've got so much road rash in this freaking episode who wants a great epidermis suit mine what the hell i i did it i did it i did it yes we have a freaking winner oh my god well they said that you were gonna tea bag physics on this board yes i t bagged a whole legion of physics at this point we folks hoping through this episode of gta until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,032,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, speedrunning
Id: B9TJlh_GZQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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