Sykkuno Plays Among Us w/ Dream, CORPSE, Toast, Jacksepticeye, Lilypichu & more! [FULL VOD]

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every other minute it was crazy um it got slightly better but i'm i'm just saying guys just saying that internet can't trust it um anyway moose thanks for the sub and reaper you got fiber yeah fiber is great i steal their wi-fi um uh-huh who do you live with i live by myself right now you gonna join the lobby oh wait they're here what up pimp hello hello oh hey did i just come at a weird way man of all the times to unmute that's what jack i'm crunching corpse crunchy oh jesus christ um of all the times to join um oh corpse congrats on the face reveal corpse thank you the music video is really hard corpse i love your hair corpse how do you take care of it your nails are awesome yeah i love your nails i'm just going to finally have it out there and what better way huh now nobody has the dedication okay thank you thank you so much all right guys let's open up among us uh we'll just play until everyone's done and that'll be it for the day um nothing super exciting i'm i'm honestly a little bit tired from uh what's it called from uh the crazy like nine hour streams every day but um thanks for the stuff don't we all same name all right um i wish i could look that good did she last minute like did everything the outfit wasn't she [ __ ] they were out of any outfit that would work let me try to look around the area and she didn't even know she needed one from a [ __ ] sex shop um thanks for the stuff let's get the bubbles on first i love her out did herself so much okay we all love ray yeah absolutely lounge well while we're sleeping she's grinding it's so true all right bubbles are hopefully turning on i don't think i'm gonna be able to did i put the wrong ones in because they're not popping up for me oh there they are um okay here we go i'm literally tissue is everyone here yet one two three four five oh we're missing okay not everybody's here yet yourself guess we still got some time to sit around life itself did you say you like tissue paper more than cream no no crinkly tissue do you want to tell them who it is what's a crinkle you can tell of course you could tell them but the crinkly pringly tissue is official annie cat on instagram and me and tina often that get our serotonin from this cat opponents she just looks like a crinkled up tissue what what it's a cat it's a cat oh is it like mingus official any cat oh big baller general what okay um stay in yeah thanks for the one where she took a bath that's the best one um i don't know what this is that's so mean what's mean wait crinkled tissues can be cute what do you mean that's mean can they i i honestly i don't really uh aloha i haven't seen you in ages i know have you been busy with your thingy yeah i just been busy being a reality star i love them oh my god i've seen this cat before okay this is uh she's iconic give me a [ __ ] again okay wait let me get in oh my god wait everyone's in oh my god please wait there's oh wait there's a code wait what are you guys talking about are we using mods or anything do i need like uh do we need a oh the the usual mod launcher thing what's that do you know what it is it's on thanks for the five gifts i've gone launcher parentheses something like does it work depending on how many two or something oh dude i feel like i've downloaded so many here we go guys let's set it up um give me a second this is gonna be some kind of lobby we got a lot of people i haven't played with in a while odd launcher um brett's famous yeah he is glad he still plays with us i know he's been super busy with his show lately okay i'm gonna go do that real quick okay give me a second guys we just gotta set up the old among us games it's gonna be a chill day um so we'll see what happens um okay here we go toast you're alive hello what did you think of uh what'd you think of corpses face reveal uh-huh uh it was it was great it was actually it was ray i can't believe it was ready this whole time uh-huh it was you sound like you barely toast i'll be honest i saw you playing apex at like 2 a.m that yesterday today i was a little worried that you mean valorent oh valerant uh it was valor oh i thought it was wait you mean league i don't know i i i lose track of the shooting games you know i anyway um amanda thanks for the sub okay honest question guys what do you guys think of uh so i've been playing a lot of valerie and i'm really bad at apex they're so different i tried playing apex once the other day like i wasn't streaming i'm so bad at it i can't do it i can't do it guys how do you it's so different feeling nothing i'm waiting for a corpse to set up his stream i'm on the stream already oh there i just got the notification all right um here we go when i run it nothing happens oh that should prompt you to open up discord yeah you have to authorize discord remember to delete any secret dms you have because it's gonna i'm just gonna no it does it's fine we could trust auto uh sure that was a joke that was a joke i should stop doing that joke someone's actually going to think it's serious right um preston thanks for the sub preston yeah what do you think of the new amongst map hasn't come out yet so i don't know um let's see oh uh night raven thanks for the thousand bits i don't know if i should watch this while at work you you probably shouldn't um but thanks for coming night raven and brett thanks for the sub also okay [Music] oh and narcissa thanks for the support yesterday for apex i recommend using can you choose your gun st patrick's day all right oh saint pat terrik's day i thought you were just asking just because i was like you said general question what i was like um [Music] guys jaden's mic is maxed out and i can barely hear it well you should have seen my face i was like why would she ask that i mean yeah i haven't answered yet so you know i'm not going to tell you i had coffee 4am here guys i'm from i'm from uh pst i think it is running an older version of the game oh um oh you changed the region in the bottom right that's what you do you click it and then click automate it again oh [Music] um morning lily good morning i'm glad you're playing with us thank you yeah go lilly [Music] let's catch those sus imposters i can't wait to be good how many iq you're going to have today toast [Music] and your creamy can your iq be sub 50. yeah yeah i'll tone it down thank you very much and i'll kill you if i'm impossible oh jesus i was muted oh man can you put a how does that keep happening do i run the normal game okay like sub 7 the game muted i don't know it still says just chatting i'll change it i'll change it um muted okay you can stop you can you don't have to keep spamming guys it's it's it's not um right there's no way you're not your face is in the game what notification failed to update put him in but not whitelisted uh something might be wrong with twitch i was going for a watermelon look oh you should wear something red too that's a very cute headgear wow thanks the creator of this headgear must uh be really good at making also really cute as well yeah i don't see sakuno's headgear wait what you don't see it you don't see my headgear you can just put it on and put it on it's like diva from overwatch what about now oh oh yeah yeah i'm gonna put on sock here we go okay okay now i see the watermelon look i was i was concerned what did i miss absolutely nothing we just started the stream a bit ago lily made one of my favorite new ones it's the cat ears with the bows on them i worship at the altar of oh wait i'm not let's wear this one you know i kind of like this color combo makes me think of like bubble gum or cotton candy or something thanks for the sub tina don't you ever dare shut yourself down in front of this like yeah oh my god what i'm joking i'm joking what's your thoughts on gun control lily uh well i think every lobby should have one sheriff if that's what you're asking yeah the only person i'm shooting is in-game uh-huh as the sheriff yeah the sheriff who has a gun to stop the imposters oh my god toast i'm trying to change the topic bad guy with a gun oh my god with a gun but but the good guy can also accident you know i'm ready to play him the good guy can get it wrong sometime you know i'm gonna we're talking about among us right guys what's up brad uh jim thanks for the stuff jim an older version of the game oh god oh just click uh the the region in the bottom right i think then click automate it again and then that's good that should work hopefully um glock kuno well that's true we do like that meme pic that pokey loves hey guys pokey put it on her stream like all day yesterday i i don't know what uh i i don't know if i was i felt a little weird but i felt a little honored at the same time wasn't sure how to feel about that one um wasn't sure how to feel about that one but uh okay callan thanks for the five gift subs that was funny uh that was pretty funny too um anyway uh oh uh caveman thanks for the 2000 bits caveman and clara thanks for the sub also okay it was funny do you think it made her play better run my sandwich right now i was just random sandwich from starbucks it says it has basil and tomato and chicken in it or something oh sounds expensive those are the only tomatoes michael likes oh wait he eats those it's a miracle yeah it's he only likes the tomatoes in that one sandwich from starbuck yeah it's really weird the thing is like the minimum order number is like no so i feel like i have to get a sandwich yeah well you can do it uh yvonne doesn't get like is this the first game we haven't even started yet everyone's still getting set up doesn't get the coffee there she gets like pixel thanks for the sub pixel the stuff that stays good after a while i think right i tried to microwave a coffee and everyone called me a maniac wait the cold ones though not the cold ones no it was like a hot one like a black coffee um i feel like you're gonna make a way of anything you want you know yeah you can microwave anything you want yeah yeah lily understands i okay no you cannot microwave a hard-boiled egg it doesn't work like that it explodes but you can microwave sushi right like i microwave my sushi all the time it's like you said the worst thing on purpose dang it how does tina know french fries oh no i definitely do that i definitely didn't do what tina just said french fries oh dang how did she know oh yeah ew well guys of course i knew that was weird i was trying to shock them or something because i thought it would make them laugh but they just thought it was weird so now and i used to eat uh that never mind i know i still have footage of you like showing the footage in your fridge i might sell that footage later what it's pretty evil lily thought i was joking about eating frozen burritos every day for like half a year almost she thought i was memeing were they still frozen oh no like i i used to eat fruit because like i it was it saved a lot of money you know he gave me a little video tour of where he she thought she thought i was joking for like half a year until i showed her in the freezer and it was like half stocked with like frozen burritos wow it was just like napkins and like plastic forks and [ __ ] and i'm like hot dog it was the hot dog tray oh the hot tub yeah the hot dog trays right it's not working i don't know what's uh what's happening oh wait you might need to be uh auto white list thing if you have it asked me to um like verify my discord then i do that and then it just nothing happens oh maybe maybe uh otto hasn't added you to the thingy yet exactly did it last time and it worked oh yeah if you've already done it before you should already i have an emergency version that uh man doesn't require that exposed well look look guys i mean we're not yeah i'm not a fancy person you know i i'm i think i'm mildly ish i i just i don't have super high like i'm not i don't eat fancy starbucks sandwiches okay that's that's not me i'm just i just live life you know um all right uh sheep and kennedy thanks for the sub and sonal um okay you're good at budgeting no i think i just i'm just not super fancy that's all i feel like i don't really not a fancy kind of person you know eating so hard you take your time tina yeah we're not even starting yet we can't no i'm brushing you shadow thanks for the sun you don't even know it's a sandwich be like scarra you look at him for two seconds and it's food's gone oh that's amazing and so heat times so he inhales he inhales it yeah literally and he kills it nails the guys we've been streaming like nine hours every day so i'm trying to chill a little bit today if i can um but we are to be playing with our friends here so um yep wait um otto just said he fixed it so the original one you have probably worked now i also don't know about the one i just sent you is okay i'll try it again yeah let's go otto um tina's a mood you know eating is hard sometimes sometimes do you cook um not super often not super often um let's see will corpse talk about a song i don't know i think corpse is streaming on youtube i don't know you can ask him there probably um all right how are you still alive and kind of healthy what is that supposed to mean i'm fairly healthy i think sort of maybe don't quote me on that um oh uh diesel thanks for the sub deezer oh hey bretman's got the pokey outfit on you know everyone's using rain clouds i feel like i kind of have to use one now all right there we go hey jack zakuno are you part of the forecast um well now there's five but i was gonna say we look like a refreshing lemon or lime flavored drink oh we can be like introducing the five flavors of them got your vegetables oh oh is it just lily are you trying to sell me five gum again cucumber lemonade and last but not least we got corpse lemonade okay ooh that sounds good i was about to adjust someone's volume i think jack needs to be a little louder oh okay yum oh here we go uh hey look we're sprite what true uh-huh you need to be fantastic let's see ooh fanta is good anyone here like orange soda i've actually never drank a fan i like c plus c plus what's that yeah that's the orange soda i don't like orange soda i bet your parents wouldn't be happy with you for that wendy you get it cause like c plus like the grade like in school uh never mind never mind i thought you would get the i'd okay okay okay kudo um yeah yeah look look at us we're hey guys remember when i was talking about internet issue i'm just kidding dream's late no no he's here he's just trying to get it set up you're okay i think your net is a little beep boop beep boop the internet guys i'm telling you i'm telling you don't say i didn't tell you this feels bad to say because she's probably suffering but um lily mr destructoid oh [Music] he hasn't said anything so um oh man okay i think he's just trying to figure out the the getting the mods maybe we should check on him michelle is a robot that's what makes you such a caring and good friend though that watermelon spray spray okay i tried to compliment her didn't work didn't work we tried okay so you and kylie thanks for the subscribe okay um how's the dream dude do i go to online and then private um good thanks for the sub and caboose that works is it a rainy day for all of us alrighty then it is it's raining it is rainy here it's gloomy here oh it's like sunny here yep i've never used the wings before ah you know oh that's so cute hey what's going on um i'm joining private and it's just like loading but it's yeah you might have to reset the region to auto oh april thanks for the five gift subs april that's a whole bunch of gifts about japanese us never seen that one before this one who is this whose hat is this it doesn't say huh oh all right back to the rain cloud oh um chris thanks for the sub chris what'd you think of the music video i thought it was pretty cool hmm nobody's talking should i be concerned there we go he's here let's go let's go let's dream thanks for doing that i'm sorry about that no it's right we're waiting glad you're here i have my mask good old dream everyone's here okay uh quick explanation jester wants to be voted out they're on their own team sheriff gets to kill whoever they want if they kill a crew member they die themselves pretty much a person uh more fling you can take someone's dna and turn into them and then you yeah you turn into them for 12 seconds and they're an imposter okay that's about it here we go we all played it before so let's have a great day of humongous friends have fun being sauce everybody imposters all right here we go oh man we're a regular crew mate oh here we go first game of the day um i'll just uh all right well what do we do what do we do in these days you know i don't really like doing my tasks so instead i'm just gonna walk around aimlessly dream he's afk nope there he is all right he just went with tina to the right and toast was also there all right walk down here oh we have med scan well we're not using it in the dark um let's just go camp the cameras like a maniac and uh oh that was fast we didn't even make it to the cameras uh i found this body in electrical electrical lane that's where i like it is that it must be at the back of electrical i just fixed lights huh what uh i saw her run in so somebody vented probably she must have yeah i'm at trash right now i also don't think it was toast i saw him at weapons just before lily and jack went through i think well i just i just i was at weapons for a really long time and then i was finishing it off and then i ran downwards from she like i went oh man that's that doesn't look very good for tina then huh wha whoa whoa whoa wait stop okay i saw toast at least i did see here jack and uh lily are all clear for me so you want to explain why you just sussed me outside well because everyone else sounds clear unless i'm clear from toast the toast i was afk for the beginning of the round yeah i saw dream afk too oh yeah my keybind was like oh the only answer is that this was a sheriff kill because everyone's found oh that's true that's crazy there's no way sheriff wait actually that's what i mean would make sense but they would have died well i think they're lying look guys from all the clears it's either wendy self-reporting tina no no no or i ran into electrical and uh ran in with wendy and then when he went to the top and then there was body god i wouldn't say look look if what everyone's saying is true then it is it's just wendy right i saw for sure dream was afk at the start so and then i saw three of them on the right side corpse saw them tosatina so if everyone's telling the truth then i guess uh i don't know um unless some of them are making it up but i feel like any crewmate wouldn't clear someone if oxygen already um all right let's go and do this hmm oh why is he he's gonna kill me he's i don't know if okay me toast and dream or chilling um someone is it on the left side no it's in storage i couldn't find the body though yeah the bottom oh i think it was on trash where did you come from yeah toast where did you just come from because oh i came from storage after going to navigation but i didn't see a body there when i looked i did see two people in storage in admin just before the meeting was called how did she get there so fast i was with her for the first round we'll first dish part of this round yeah she ran away from weapons when you were there no she went to do um trash shoot too oh i guess she was going to her second part of trash shoot okay it makes a lot of sense okay where did but dicey come from that's true you saw me mr cooked bread how dare you accuse me i didn't have with you and then i went down what's the toy so you walked through storage you can see a body uh no i was an admin the entire round basically so yeah yeah and i said storage actually i went to top oxygen corps came from it jack came from it and then went back to bottom eye oxygen well and tina was there and totally what oxygen it's definitely not well at the start you were you were there i can clear um i've never seen someone so annoyed that someone has cleared them because i don't wait wendy where were you this round i was in riya uh was it reactor yeah that was a reaction oh sounds like you're unsure wendy yeah wendy you're sounding more sus than last round and i already thought it was you last round but that's where i was where were you hop off psycho well i mean literally everyone got cleared last round except for like her i did get cleared you didn't say i i i wait who cleared you last whose story sounds really plausible because uh he saw me uh doing reactors for a long time i believe he came from the top so i think it's probably jack i remember that my dream said [ __ ] dare you i don't know it's looking like wendy and jack sir okay oh let's um i don't remember anybody clearing her actually i remember a dream saying they walked in and then uh she reported the body in the back which she didn't see which means it's even more likely that she could have self-reported it but uh hmm i don't know real susp real sus for me um all right and this feels weird without quiet background music um am i doing my task why would i ever do my tasks that's ridiculous let's get out of here i hope lily's coming back but it sounded like her internet might have been having issues okay um [Music] there's dream next to jack corpse what is dream doing there though he doesn't really look like he's doing any tasks but wait wait dream didn't report it i just found both imposters well unless one was the morph wait no it couldn't be the more fling what hello oh my god my button's broken why can't i are you this is unbelievable this is actually unbelievable and the door is locked my button's broken and the door's locked actually unbelievable oh my god yeah i don't know what happened i couldn't report it yeah i could someone disconnects the game okay well i legitimately i'm so confused guys i saw wendy kill on cameras and i saw dreams standing right next to it i but i couldn't hit the button and then i tried to run down i couldn't i came out i was trying to report the body that was so weird um i don't know if dream was the imposter but i just assumed it was wendy and dream after that but no i was but i could but i couldn't i was trying to oh oh i ran up on it well we tried um um that's unfortunate i can find a replacement sorry no no no you can never be replaced but yeah let's just just let's just keep trying let's just keep trying yeah um oh man well crewmate again here we go i'm jasmine thanks for the sub all right um there we go well that was unfortunate my button was broken but we did catch both of them sort of ish but i guess maybe i wouldn't have sussed dream if he had reported it but she knows i saw her on the camera she knows i saw her on the camera um oh that's a rough one that's that's a tough one um bub do we hey yo oh no toast hey tina he hey he toast his um it's by nav poor guy all right okay well time to time to try i'm sure it's not quite stress someone else looks bad for you i'll be honest no it doesn't it looks like wendy is looking real bad for me tina wendy wendy i have one question for you did you see the camera on because i just saw purple killing that's right wendy i caught you in the act i saw a purple little bean rush out and kill him same let's good yeah and we were both doing the same task corpse and i so was it it could have been the more cloud over the head that you saw also i think i saw an orange walk over me in o2 so tina's self-reporting no the thing is self-reporting you're right i'm saying it wendy i called it out before so i couldn't even set anything i think so we have a jester we have a sheriff um [Music] just be careful wendy i'm watching i'm watching the purple on you i'm watching purple you know they're just gonna keep framing me watch out for the purple guys be careful i'm gonna watch who's trying to do this suck like the [ __ ] the sucker the what the suck the suck all right but when you won't kill me right don't don't kill me don't kill me wendy yeah purple don't kill me you know what's happening right wendy wait i i skipped see wendy i skipped right now oh jesus no jesus okay um let's see if we you know i think they kind of we sort of told them but i don't really know if we told them i'm just hoping they don't kill me because i obviously saw everything i literally saw everything let's stick around lily so we know one of the killers i don't know the other killer though if lily's the other killer this is gonna be real awkward um what is she doing what do you do i'm gonna die here aren't i she's gonna kill me and vent away um okay oh um [Music] what is she okay what oh no dream and corpse huh dream corpse [Music] this is a little self-report you think all right wendy why'd you do it i feel like i can't do anything it's not yeah it's not lily for sure yo wait why wait why why didn't i pass by you guys yeah yeah wait no you passed by me and lily not not tina not tina it was me and lily oh yeah it could be tina it really could be tina oh what yeah jaden i gotta say i was about to say you are a jester 100 because it's like you went on simon says to do your what you may call it you know there and i was like i'll stay here and like you know dance around oh just dancing and then i went into electrical with corpse okay and then i did my my wires broke they wouldn't complete so i had to do them a second time i'm sorry and then coming down i saw jaden standing on his body what and then she reported when i came into view um well i know lily's saying it's a self-report cause do you think i caught it but didn't want to call him out that early because it felt weird psychonaut wasn't there's no problem calling that wendy yeah he called me out well that's because i knew it was wrong anyway i'm skipping at seven yeah seven wait bretman why are you skipping bremen's the other one he's the other impossible because you said skip oh wait oh it's because you listen oh oh yeah yeah i'm skipping i'd say you're the kind of guy who says let's go into battle and kill everyone and then get shocked when we kill people guys i'm innocent long enough oh god i'd be like all right don't kill me jayden don't kill me don't kill me i let you live i let her live i caught her i caught her on the cameras and let her live oh jesus all right um all right you know if she kills me it's probably fine oh wait that's wendy wrong purple look oh it's a it's not going to be who who just came up from there um oh there's jaden oh tina's dead tina's a jillion percent dead um yup she just went up with jaden it's it's over oh okay all right there's a decent chance that tina's dead and we have to report this or they'll win off a double kill huh she's not dead um or maybe she's dead somewhere oh let's check admin someone in o2 cafeteria shields okay someone's running up through here let's go check out two we'll swoop around the right side wait tina's alive huh oh no jack jack died oh jesus jack know exactly who it is but wouldn't it be more exciting if we figured out the second imposter place wait a minute oh yeah tina's not dead good comps if tina didn't get killed by jaden there oh maybe it's because tina maybe that's why she survived after going alone with jaden and then all right i've got comms beginning of the round secuno wendy lily tina all in admin room doors locked can't really go anywhere and then tina didn't trash you as lights were going out and everybody assembled within the electrical area tina i saw you at the chat girl oh thanks wait you did wait brittman you think tina's clear lights together and then oh i was gonna say this uh i was gonna say this wasn't looking good together after you did shoot right isn't that where you went out there yeah but i didn't see you brittany because the lights were off so well you know oh but i saw you because you're i saw your little footsies i know it was you because you're orange when the lights are off oh jesus and then i saw you when the lights weren't back on so obviously you know guys i have a crazy theory here you guys want to hear my theory i've been i've been holding back i think bretman could be the jester i think jaden's one of the imposters because i saw her kill on cameras and i think tina might be the other imposter you're way off base buddy you've gone crazy no no no no no no no guys look i saw her kill on cameras and didn't want to call it out right how cool would it be to find the second imposter instead of the obvious one it's tina we have no time stop oh god you guys killed jaden no guys why would you skip bretman i'm so i just brittman why would you skip on six okay because i didn't know who to vote for and i'm not gonna oh my god he's not gonna vote himself jesus what's happening i i think bretman's a jester but i can't i can't tell um i really can't tell um okay i think he's the jester but i i'm not i'm not a hundred percent sure um okay maybe my crazy theory about tina was wrong because she did vote for jayden instead of trying to tie the vote at all so i think that makes tina and oh my god why did i push that whoa good stuff good yup i just saved the game hold on you didn't even want to vote changes okay look i think it's me here we have enough information to figure out the second imposter bretman clearly jesterizing right maybe maybe not i think what are you wearing me here he's literally asking us to vote for him he's gesturizing i it could be because we already set someone's gesture that's good for him as imposters okay well who who wants to vote for bretman then really you want to vote for him who do you want to vote for um yeah listen okay let me ask you guys each one question and then i'll tell you who i want to vote for all right lily do you want to vote for bretman are you okay with that why are you asking me i'm gonna ask all of you guys who wants to vote for bettman other than bretman other than brethren does anyone feel comfortable voting for brett i don't know wait tina you don't feel comfortable voting for bretman right that's because you're the imposter and he's the jester and you're gonna lose if we vote for him it's tina it's tina send it guy send it i she fell for my trap i was gonna see who knew he was not the imposter it's so flawed no it's gene it's genius as well if we vote for the gesture no naturally listen tina listen tina he's the jester right the only way you would be a hundred percent sure he's not the imposter is if you're the impostor right no since everyone else was okay the impostor then why'd you say you didn't want to vote for him because i want to win his crew and i know he's he's probably he's something he's he's acting he's acting kind of sus you know as they say exactly that's why that's why he's either a jester or an imposter right and i don't want either of those to win as a crew mate i just feel like i would be the safe boat here so i'm just gonna go you know what i'm voting for bretman i'm voting for brett but we're gonna find out all right you know i'm starting to think it's pretty safe too there's no way he wins like this honestly jesus it's jesus why'd you vote for wendy [Laughter] i thought bretman was the jester and then i just got confused and and gave up and then said let's just vote for him to end it but um was anyone morphing last round is that okay i really thought it was tina based on my weird cracked out strategy but then i just gave up and then said you know what let's just end it let's just end it by voting for bretman and then okay that we want i don't know man all right sleepy thanks for the sup oh oh shoot i can't believe that just happened i'm sorry i didn't back to chris that was an accident that was a [ __ ] accident it was an accident um okay here we go um laura thanks for the sub all right um hmm please don't kill me please don't kill me lily lily uh oh no no way oh my god oh someone punch a [ __ ] oh man wendy this doesn't look too good for you wendy there's no way no really i saw you walk by and then the body was there right under me and lily no no that means they did it like when i left no no like i walked by and then i walked down a little bit and the body was there me and lily were on weapons it wasn't me i saw you in the darkness wendy i saw it it wasn't me um well i was i was trying to see if it was someone other than wendy because it looked really bad for wendy i just want to see if anyone else i'll be honest i saw nothing there's two kids oh there are two kills but real interesting i found corpse you did where sorry sorry we're at again the near weapons near what oh gee what is this this could be a sheriff kill it was right below weapons right right below weapons i mean would either of them do something so crazy i ca i went into nav and i came back up so if it was in the hall i didn't see it and that's right where wendy came from she passed us and then the body was i didn't kill i didn't do anything all right well uh okay i believe you sound so suspicious yeah wendy it just looks really bad for you wendy you're literally framing me so i'm trying to say i'm not i'm literally just saying the facts she walked by and there's a dead body also saying facts i didn't kill anyone all right well i mean that's what an imposter would say i'm just saying that's what i'm saying and i just retain no information i vote purely based on tone and wendy how's she sounding it just makes me feel so so let's see tina's sussometer is going off i saw her walk past the body what what i saw wendy walk past okay okay oh my god it's piling up wendy it's not looking good throw the book at her guys she took our corpse because like i just didn't do it that's it period so her defense is she didn't do it that's good all right you know you have been sussed out a lot but i don't know wendy it's if i die it's uh it's take out wendy for me okay okay as my dying it's just not looking good for wendy i i don't know why i i feel bad because i've been sussing wendy almost every game but i it just doesn't look good wendy um it just really doesn't look good for me and lily were standing here wendy walks by and then i walk down a little bit there's a report button like right by i just i don't know just doesn't look good for wendy um i don't know guys i mean i'm skipping mostly because i feel like i've been sussing her too much but it really doesn't look good for her um okay um there's toast you know toast hasn't done any big brain plays today well he's kind of oh wait last game was the first game wasn't it and he died um okay do we really want to do this i think i'm going to die here but we'll find out okay oh hey toast what i left something up there toast tina jaden's still back here nope well let's keep walking around i'm up to the admin room there's dream oops upload oh uh hannah thanks for the sub aunt aphrodite and alex hmm okay walk over here out this way up hmm all right um lily what like happened what happened i was in security for a very long time that i went to okay did you see because tina's body is like right in the intersection of what of like security and reactor oh oh i did not oh i didn't see that i don't know i saw were you on the cameras yeah she was on cams and then tina was on like simon says or i was on simon says we were like doing it together or something to say cuno and toast did you walk by or was it i remember um two other people like walking in that area that was me i was on reactor with you oh yeah okay but if lily was on camera she would have seen the killer yeah she should have seen everything what [Music] i was on cameras like watching right people go by i had no information so i went over to wait wait i think i i see what's happening here lily's partner killed on cameras and lily's not saying she saw it because she doesn't want to report her part so where was the body again this is terrible it was in the cross section reactor and security it must have it has to have happened after i left though because i'm in navigation right now hmm like by myself the only two people i saw was um jack and uh-huh yeah i saw him like and there was in the admin area so yeah i didn't see them anywhere over there well it's not me dreamer jack then you're really supposed to vote anyway well it's not looking good for one person i swear to god sakuno wait i didn't say who i didn't even say who wendy you've been a guilty conscience dream you guys got it you guys got it toast and dream got it they got it i'll get it next time all right yeah yeah your days are numbered wendy you better watch out don't kill me though okay um let's uh let's do this okay she walked past me um all right let's run over this way hmm the lights are off again oh who is that that's jade i could see her from like 10 miles away because um what's it called there's jack there's a dream no way he kills her there right if he you think wendy went into admin do you think anyone's in there oh dream's going there okay um oh huh well nothing happening here maybe it's because they know the cameras are on what what what just happened jackie wait it was wendy we should have voted her off when she walked past the body that wasn't me we should have voted her off when she walked past the body i wasn't you killed what i saw you just feels like he's not going to report it it was dream wait dream you voted for wendy last round i i did because i knew i knew no one i knew i thought no one else would and i was like oh it'll make me look so good if i don't oh that beginning kill was it worked yeah it wasn't [Music] i saw him run in there but i didn't think he killed anyone there i think the first thing i said there's no way he's killing anyone there right as a job anyway human thanks for the selling so it was wendy it was wendy i should we should have voted for right reasons apparently you know the sheriff caught you wendy the sheriff caught you no even come back real quick because you're like that the mysterious green leg yeah yeah i can't believe it dweeb and wandy it was wendy it was wendy i knew it oh no you got him suspect first round no wait wendy why look just don't do anything guilty looking this time that's good all right we're going to make it our life's goal to try and frame her um okay look guys how funny would it be if we just framed her again i'm just kidding we can't um okay let's talk over here there's jack run down this way hmm oh hey bretman i'm doing oxygen all right i'll just follow bretman i'm sure he knows what he's doing um the space kill i don't think so okay can we really kill tina here um all right there's so many people here i don't know what to i just realized i've been standing there for like an hour um shuna thanks for the five gifts up shooting up okay let's run over this way hmm she was sort of ish following me a little bit the person on camera's turned off maybe they're dead let's go check um oh okay all right oh god okay i have a body at this time of day localized entirely with it cams cameras i just saw the cameras turn off i was gonna run to check it yeah wait what hmm well i can clear tina for this i think yeah no it's not thanks it's not wendy you know what just fill me up fill me up what the wendy i was joking wendy i'm joking you actually look innocent at this time um how long did your uh whatchamacallit upload take ten we're on there for a really long time i was on there for as long as it needed me to be yeah okay and saikuno i just gotta say you were also on something for a super long time oxygen after it was finished doesn't that just clear me there no it doesn't that means i couldn't have been there for the kill i it means you're being awake you're being weird what so you think dream stood at the download too long and i stood at the other thing too long one of you is being weird wait saikudo i think you did neither of us did anything 50 a 50 rate so it's one only one of us is accurate actually what if we're both innocent and she's just trying to kill us for standing i think she's just like being a doofus right now so i don't know i was there i was there for 10 seconds and then i moved off that's it yeah look we were just standing around what are you tina what is this no lawyering or something this is a no loitering zone you're like standing you took you took too long on the upload where he doesn't like why would that even matter why would that even matter yeah what's wrong with standing there we can stand where are we going is it is it a crime to loiter or something yeah yeah what is this in some places yes look if imposters take her out i won't say a word i won't say a word wait why that that you just know i'm crummy at this point like you just won't be gone well you just tried to kill me so uh because you're being suspicious oh i didn't stand there at oxygen if if if you if you better watch out tina i might be the sheriff wendy lilly i'm not the sheriff though true we're we're vibing right now sometimes it just will suck enough for the hell of it okay all right tina you know exactly what's happening um here we go where's tina at um okay where's tina at where's tina at um where's tina we have to kill her uh um oh jesus oh jesus all right bretman where'd you come from all right someone's on security so someone's in cafeteria jack who's in here it's toast what's he doing up there i have absolutely no clue let's hop in this vince where on earth is tina um she's just hiding somewhere or something like that um hmm bretman's on cameras so but where where did tina go oh there she is oh no tina oh no you better watch out why did you run in here this was the worst place to go oh god oh god tina well that's the rough one so here's what we do if we see someone we just hop in one of these events real quick or we just kill them um oh god what we're good we're good nobody move nobody move oh god no way no way oh jesus we're good we're so good all right seven seconds seven seconds nobody even come here absolutely nobody oh it's been a while it's been a while oh no jack tina oh wait where where were they the time police is gone i don't know the entire map probably did you wait was this a meeting or a reporter i think it is the right side um i where'd it go i i just passed the right side like a bit ago i didn't uh it's not on the right side what if it was like another sheriff camera they were on the left side for a long time yeah but where where would they have died i didn't see i didn't see them in there yeah yeah i can clear tina for this one you know i'm starting to think she's in here i'm including it for this one 100 i clear myself and tina psychology yeah well tina tina was the time police but yeah the time police she just got mad at us for standing there that's good wow i'm shocked nobody found the bodies though i don't know what happened it has to be on the right side i feel because like um lily myself were on the left we were chilling and then i went i went into electrical to check a couple of times i saw like corpse and i think brett there i saw i passed my dream a couple times toast uh a little bit i feel like i saw everyone but that's not cool the least yeah actually yeah i saw wendy the least too but bretman bremen says to me but oh why what i walked in i walked into electrical and bretman was just standing there real suspicious oh jesus not the standings not the standings stop look look guys if tina was right about the standing thing then all right well oh god we have to vote wait we have to vote i already skipped i feel like lily voted for us so i thought we were on seven i don't know all he did was stand there i knew he was going to vote for me i didn't vote for you okay guys i have a confession i saw a dream walk right by two bucks you would vote for me wait didn't i vote to skip i didn't even realize i got voted off what the hell oh jesus okay um what oh the bug again because lily disconnected oh oh no oh it was like i was oh man well you weren't half right you were so right i was half right i actually was the one that fixed life yeah yeah i know i believed that i killed tina in a corner jack almost found the body and then i killed him right before i walked by i have reports and it didn't work you killed me right as i hit it yeah i was i was really scared i i actually fumbled my keys a little bit i thought it was over you were right tina you got him yeah i know get them the 50 50. more like 50. well technically tina one of the people you suss got voted off it just wasn't me i didn't even realize i got voted off i was like i was like both of you because dream walked by two kills i was like what i walked by two kills yeah oh well it was it was when the lights were off he didn't see it i killed tina jack ran up to the body i killed him like right when he tried to report it so it didn't go off apparently i think uh yeah i didn't see anybody find a replacement because i don't want to turn it it's winner thanks for the sell sorry and i don't want to keep disconnecting and like ruining itself thank you spectrum am i right sorry we appreciate that sorry sorry [Music] yeah guys my tummy hurt from eating so fast what do you mean it was 10 minutes right uh i can't remember i don't know it's her internet guys it's her internet i was 20 um [Laughter] okay well ten per half of the sandwich right dude how do we get one of those uh fillers for confession okay what what's up i've been throwing every game i'm doing bad i'm gonna play the next game good wait but you've been doing well why why would you throw wait corpse you even though you uh you're the sheriff right and you killed the wrong person but you framed the imposter and i found out it was her immediately oh i don't know unintentionally framed the impossibility just loves his fans so much he's throwing just to get more you know one-on-one time with them you know talking yeah like a jester anyway for fun yeah but i don't want to touch it if i'm crew oh yeah then if you're crewmate then it's yeah then you just die for nothing i thought this was a crops lobby true so crops you you're right you're right inviting people what do you mean i did my job and did that already yeah i'm not a dude um oh hiki thanks for the 5 000 bits that's a whole bunch of bits thanks a bunch e here for the 5 000 billion oh my goodness yes we can change our hat yeah he called me like an hour before he's like by the way i have a mac is it okay okay let's use the sock one maybe city's wrong okay let's see if anyone's uh available um thanks for the sub hmm like friends pokey yeah i don't have any thanks for the 10 000 bits that's a crazy amount of bits what the heck thanks for the 10th well 15 000 bits in total thanks a bunch that's so generous um thanks a bunch i really appreciate it i'll be able to buy a bunch of food with that thanks a lot that's more than i've gotten all stream i think she's gonna put your [ __ ] in the face she did not fly for nothing happening she's going to leave you at your stoplight i i really i really did she has a voice as well i was trying to join in i was trying to join in oh man wait jack knows like all the lyrics i know like some of them but no i can i don't think carl's around but i can i don't care um let's let's all just ask people let me just hit up ryan reynolds real quick see if he's around i think beyonce says what about brooke what about a little salad action what do you think but not a fruit salad oh not a fruit salad absolutely she'd scream probably um i'm sure we'll uh get some i can't even pick really well we just we could get any as just one and anyone who's uh okay they got it um c thanks for the sun [Music] i'm already here busy either five of them oh god maybe he's on the other chat hmm sofia thanks for the sub uh they're they're playing cellular device tweet cellular devices there's six people sarbs thanks for the sub sorry what that what do you think of well i'm sure they got somebody eating out names like probably don't quote me on that you guys think ludwig would join i'm just he's going to be top dog by the end of today yeah by the end of like a few days from now he's going to keep going up he's going straight to number one to the moon oh we should invest in him uh-huh sure um so did anyone anyone got uh um um um why is it so hard yeah why is it so hard you guys look i'm just gonna ask some people i'll just ask some people yeah yeah we can you know what part of no friends don't you understand oh god yeah you can be cruel but with no friends i just yeah i guess that's true well yeah yeah i'm asking people i'm sure somebody will respond uh beyonce says she's getting her nails done no no no oh you asked like okay girl um beyonce okay look someone's gonna be around i'm sure all right probably oh my gosh get her up on in here then oh princess thanks for the thousand bits gabs thanks for the five would you ever do a subathon um i probably would not be able to stream for like five days non-stop even if i know i know ludwig took like sleeping breaks and stuff oh yeah i just don't think i could do that i want them to put in the carrots so bad i'll ask them real nice i don't know maybe they'll what do we do okay tina pretend that i'm inner sloth and you want to ask for a carrot in game go is it true that you only have three people working there right now i don't think that's a good that's not a good open that's a bad that's a bad opener that's uh hello oh i gotta go work on the new account system i what's that i'm gonna work on the ladders oh wait isn't it four now george said he's down if we need a spot i don't know if we still do oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i think we do we have no friends well what do you what do you we have tons of friends and they're all here the openers like that how could you go around i can't seal any deal jack okay okay sell me on something thank you george i think uh dreams bringing george i think we played jackpots that's pretty cool why i pray for any future apparently yeah i'll send someone okay here we go um i don't know i don't know because you gotta have a lot of self-love to sell yourself you know what i mean can you um have uh him be whitelisted yeah yeah everyone here thinks you're amazing so it should be easy um george hello hello guys i asked download what are they saying i asked yvonne to play among us and she said she would but her internet's down and i just realized lily's running into the exe file on her internet was yeah that's not the greatest idea i'm not gonna lie not the greatest idea but look we got someone seems sketchy windows protection real quick it says windows protects your pc oh it's completely safe george you have nothing to worry about other than getting hacked but that's not going to happen yeah i think we really helped your contacts can rewrite your code on your computer uh yeah it really could actually but i mean no it couldn't you're totally fine because we should be nice to auto okay computer access oh it's completely safe the safest thing i've seen in the past seven decades yeah yeah we're all using it i did it now have you been alive for seven decades did you like verify yourself i just made that up right now but it sure sounds good all right here we go thank you um please don't hack me what a guy look if they hack you we're all [ __ ] george yeah we're going down together yeah we really are we really are am i supposed to be doing something like launching yes he's just gonna no it'll do it all he's gonna it should auto launch after it updates all right glare thanks for the sell okay oh here we go got george in here he's pretty cool i don't get to play with him super off i feel like i'm supposed to be doing something but nothing's happening you can relaunch you can relaunch it and see if he's right do you like hot dogs um i guess they're okay i don't know i don't did you guys today yes yes what was on the menu spill it i had i had lamb and whoa that's fantastic oh [Music] you drinking wine in the morning who drinks wine for breakfast it wasn't breakfast oh my god is that the fork in the background that you're putting away girl that was my dog oh oh it's her collar she has like a um see she's scratching okay good for her good stuff all right i'm just waiting for george to join it it usually takes a bit for the mod anybody else to share their meals after hearing that you can kind of set the bar a little high yeah the bar is settling mcdonald's today i got like a piece of toast with a slice of cheese on it corpse i have a question oh okay that's like the not melted version of what i have well you know melting it takes time and effort and then i have to clean the pan and then that's an expensive to keep the electricity on to melt it yeah have you ever okay if you get like a piece what is your song with nicki minaj coming out wait the what no i was gonna say something really i shouldn't say it i [ __ ] too out of my control out of my hand i was gonna say if you microwave a piece of bread with cheese on it you get melted juice you know i shouldn't say that they're gonna you gotta tweet it out like that microwave and coffee dude can you find out what his full name is i've been dying to know anyway you guys remember i told yvonne i microwaved my coffee she tweets it out she tweets it out what a maniac no i'm just kidding yeah um it's like a grilled cheese but without the bad i can't make it quicker i'm sorry mine was so slow because i was like let me go get my [ __ ] oatmeal all right um yeah so here we can take this time to explain to george because he's never played do you know what the gesture is george um is that the one where you have to like you win if you get voted out right uh-huh yes and then uh the sheriff i don't know what the sheriff is the sheriff you can kill one people you can kill somebody and explain better then you kill them like but if you're wrong then you die and they die okay yeah a little more there's more fling which is when you're an imposter one of the imposters i think can um morph into another player for like 10 seconds or something yeah like pretend they're you and then kill somebody you look like someone else yeah like exactly like animation or you just like flip to someone else completely there's like a short animation so you can't transform if someone sees you okay so you don't want to do it right next to someone yeah yeah because they'll they'll see you and then you transformed yeah so there's jester morphling and sheriff and then how many imposters are there uh two of them okay so that's pretty much it one of the impossible imposters yeah okay um emma and bexy thanks for the subs oh oh the morphling can't think yeah correct [Music] it's wild on mira because then you can't really go anywhere yep i hate it on here transform literally couldn't morph as more fling on mira imagine i was the worst i was like oh okay um cincy thanks for the sub thanks for watching oh and uh winnie thanks for the sub also it's out of gang [Music] i just like i can't stand silence it kills me sorry i'm talking so much i just like no no it's it's good you're fine tina alison thanks for the five gift subs allison that's a whole bunch of things for being yourself and cat thanks for the sub off shut up i'm biting my knuckles no don't do it okay all right okay that was easy wait what did you have for breakfast again is that her go-to question i think that's her go-to question i'll be honest uh for um for breakfast yeah uh a yogurt anger oh oh yogurt drink that sounds good oh flavor wasn't it was it apricot it was just natural yogurt you don't have an apricot just ignore him apricot that's yoga is that not normal i don't it's like apricot yogurt let's accent people will stick together here george everybody else is wrong all right what's wrong with apricot the way i'm saying it well it's both but it's just well i think usually people have peach yogurt so it just sounded so like usually people who are these people who are these usual what do you mean the holy trifecta is strawberry peach and goddess what not and apricot the third one's apricot yeah you got it strawberry peach and apricot yeah that's strawberry peach and you know what george i wouldn't even join at this point everyone's taking it too late already oh wait wait you're running an older version of the game bar oh in the bottom right click your location and just click auto again it's raspberry or blueberry or something yeah yeah you don't have just in the bottom the fact that you don't even know sorry all this legitimacy out the window when you set it to automate in the bottom right it'll say automated and then you just press that and then press automated again what are the flavors on my head tina all right oh strawberry vanilla vanilla matcha tch george why i clicked it and nothing happened yeah yeah nothing strong oh danny grace thanks for the four gift subs danny has a whole bunch of gifts oh and then i click yeah oh man he's in george is here yay wait does jordan wait is there george goggles in this game george check if there's goggles for you goggles there's probably not how happy i thought yeah there's like there are goggles i don't think there's jordan they need that they need to add like george what is these quickly hurt update um quickly i want to change my color is that blue that's white oh george do you pick the black colored one you'll be like changing george what is it toast does light blue oh you can keep it it's fine bretman's like light blue light blue yeah as if he was gonna give here we go he's colorblind oh no wonder uh i mean not no one well okay i didn't know that how was i supposed to know that i can't just wait won't that make this game really awkward uh whatever we'll figure it out um okay here we go um well as a sheriff i never do my tasks so i'm just gonna just gonna there's brettman um i really don't wanna die early so i'm thinking i just kind of oh man okay we died early uh oh me and jayden are dead yeah there goes that there goes that i was walking in the dark and i saw a report button but it's by um navigation if it isn't dreaming george i'll be damned what it's not me the way they were walking i was okay before the report came off some people who eat apricots walk tina wait she's saying that she saw us walking like how did she see us the lights are i know i did it in a good way though right i saw you guys i saw all of us as well yeah but that was only that was before the lights went out though actually lately she's been more aggressive i'm like doing a little back and forth action between o2 and weapons i saw it don't try to deny it i don't think there was any action going on i was like uh um is tina only in the left ear i learned a lot during this evening i'm confused because it's not me it's one it's one of the three of you by the same deduction um know oh dream voted for tina honestly i don't blame him she's a little crazy she's in both ears oh okay i don't know what's happening then um i'm just gonna time this guy out then okay here we go justice thanks for the sub all right let's uh okay george is i'm pretty sure not an imposter i think tina was pretty far off on that one wait a minute dreams this oh this doesn't look good dream's a jester so he wants to look guilty oh so maybe that's good for him then if huh uh coco thanks for the sub um there's toast dreams gesturizing huh um have you tried the phantom mod yeah but it doesn't seem very fun uh in my opinion because from what i understand it's like the chance to task win after you die that seems like anti like imagine if you're having like the coolest game ever and then the phantom just finishes his task from the grave and wins it's just like i don't know i think the the focus of new roles should be to make it more fun um and nobody likes tas wins normally so if you make another task win where only one person wins it's sort of it seems a little strange to me because no one even likes task wins so it's like oh no one likes them let's make another one but i do think um that's just how it goes with rolls you know you just try out different things and see see what sticks i don't think uh the phantom you know what wasn't my favorite role personally but i think it's cool to sneak around but it's just like if they win no one's gonna be like wow that was such a cool game you know um but that's just my opinion i don't know um let's see it's cool i mean i'm not saying it's not a cool idea i'm just saying as far as like enjoying the game i don't think for me it doesn't seem george's body all right yeah wait the left say more please does anyone want his phantom i don't even think anyone has but that's i just i don't know it's just yeah it wasn't it's not me because i was doing simon says when i believe that he was there for a while yeah but i did saraceli thanks for the sub and miku yeah dream and george was following each other i knew one of them no i i i was falling in for a little bit but we separated that camera tina you're well the thing is i feel kind of peter no i mean when when i played i don't think i don't think i would kill my game like three people saw me with george and camps i don't think i would kill george and kim's maybe that's exactly why that's the perfect crime actually i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i just passed jack when the lights are off yeah i'm in electrical i'm like well um on my way out of it wait what on the way out all right yeah ah no ipad i passed jack above okay above med bay just just five seconds ago guys you stealing my dna that's so nice i think he's trying to gesturize but yeah dude i saw a dream and george in the back of electrical and i i freaking booked it out of there i was like no way no chance they're going to kill me instantly the lights turned off and i was like i gotta go turn them back on so i can find corpse yeah all i'm gonna say is that tina sounds incredibly innocent yeah she does yeah tina was being doing that unhinged thing one of the best he not accused george yeah accused george and you know my rate you said it yourself dream there's a 50 50. well i was joking i said that well i was right remember okay oh my god okay wait it's seven oh wait it was a joke let's get voted weave tina's gone she's gone crazy okay you almost had it it's a good thing he didn't vote for himself but it's looking sort of ish good for her for for dream a little bit um okay gone crazy you know tina's definitely more aggressive than usual you know maybe maybe i am too people are telling me gta is making me a little crazier but maybe not in a bad way i don't know um okay um lamout okay okay let's be honest guys when you play oh wait it was it's wendy this time oh hey tina do you realize how wrong you were now i'm just kidding honestly if she was helping out dream a lot so that was a good thing um all right um alternate personality well guys let's be honest when you play what do you guys want me to do walk around and do nothing i feel like you're supposed to do stuff aren't you i don't know i mean i definitely don't want to actually like just do regular stuff are you reading chat while playing well sort of i'm dead so i guess um i'm not really playing right now security i believe i was just spamming reports so i didn't see the body let's see security okay security yes well not looking good for wendy i would dream report on five as an imposter oh you highly doubt it that's true so tina was saying when the lights were off hmm tina was wrong and now tina's dead and has paid for it that's cartoons okay i believe who do you think killed george earlier oh man um i don't know i think i don't think it's dreams can really jack i think it's toast and wendy probably but it could be toast oh i don't know i don't know it's one of those three two or two of those three you usually know what's that dream why are you that is true bret man i think dreams china's best i'm pretty sure dream no three there he's just trying his best to make himself get voted i guess jack came in but i wasn't i wasn't in that area no that was fake it was i was spamming report yeah and jack yeah jack there's fake jack which is why i don't think it's jack all right we vote wendy here every time let's go why is he shading me um it could be toasted it could be brett bretman and well you did all right i would not make it this far um accused me for standing do we have i'm just saying you know she's like why is she shading me and i'm like well he did sort of accuse him for standing a little bit each um i've just she did i'm just i'm not even i'm just i'm not even you know complaining i'm just saying exactly what she did um if he doesn't want to vouch for me that's fun bremen who do you think it is oh you were to be honest on me and i went to change half of that round so i don't know what happened after that oh wait she likes this face oh wait it looks really weird actually put it she put a smiley face then we put that no i didn't that's fine hey they got wendy standing there yeah she sussed us out for standing there it's crazy i tell you um okay well i really hope dream wins because i always want to just i feel like the jester wins are always the ones that that i like i i never feel bad when the jester wins i don't know well actually i i really feel bad no matter who but you know what i mean right like jester wins are always like unexpected because you wouldn't vote for the gesture unless you thought they weren't the jester right huh guys i'm scared okay [Music] what are you scared of everybody someone was messing with lights i fixed them and then dream showed up and started messing with them again no i did not mess with them i did not mess with them i people were flicking them and i fixed them actually but i fixed them it was left middle right and then i ran off them and they weren't fixed because you showed up well i did show up and looked at the same time as somebody on accident okay then i fixed them right after i was trying to mess with lights i would have just flipped them off yeah messing with lights has no benefits here since there's only one imposter well i'm dumb and i don't want to die no what do you think of this i think it could be bretman i don't know i don't know oh dream trying to get himself voted off again but he's just accusing random people i think i honestly think there's not much he can do at this point i guess i don't know that's a fair assumption yeah okay i mean three people don't need to fix likes you know what i mean well that is true i do know what you mean all right tell us where once you are perfect are they gonna vote someone off you think oh sure so everyone was that light um yeah alan thank you yeah but you brettman well i'm just saying it's not me i think okay okay i think that jack is jester okay hear me out this is why because that round i saw him i don't think somebody morphed him i think it was him and he thought that by lying about where he was right like by completely lying about where he was that i was this is a risky play and i didn't do that because i just assumed it was morph so i think i think he's jester i think probably in the words of tina i think you're a [ __ ] liar because you don't even have the chalk dream no nobody there's no detective yeah um i guess oh anonymous well let's see what happens um okay um okay well let's see what jack does wait jack should know something's up with dream so jack could literally kill anybody and it would look you almost can't lose right um kill and aval thanks for the subs okay [Music] jester win i hope so but it's looking pretty bad it's it's gonna be a tough one for him to win but i think jack should know by now that dream is probably jester after that last thing so jack can literally kill anybody here and it's gonna be one of those awkward situations oh it's it's happening okay what oh okay now how's dream to get himself good how's the safety button how's it going it's a game-saving button dream um i don't know i press the button oh god okay so it's not gonna be i think it's probably bretman i mean it has to be at this point y'all are trolling there's no way i think it's important because i think dream can win he's just going to try and get bretman to vote for him and then he votes for himself why don't you ask him about the bible i'm voting brown i already voted he voted himself oh my god i hate y'all for real oh my god i don't understand how it's me because it is you you were by everybody dream you are so good you are so good dream he's going to vote for dream he's going to vote for dream oh yeah i know i thought you would look so innocent because you saved the game like three times oh man you you convinced bretman to vote for you i wanted to accuse bradman that way it worked so well i'm thinking for like the past three rounds it was so entertaining to watch exactly that's awesome that's awesome a lot of other people would have like 100 clear because he saved the game like really really well played i don't know that had me fooled that was the coolest history game i've ever yeah the crate he saved the game like three times with his with his button and his report but like that was the main oh it's too good all right here we go we're the uh imposter this time oh man um hmm well who can we kill first we can't kill george first he came to phil for us do the second half of garbage and then we'll oh toast oh man wait wait two if they're next to each other it could also be a double couldn't it usually i mean yeah i guess why would toast or tina go for each other so everyone else there's no way i didn't see anyone else go down that way i don't think so i could have been sheriff but well i don't think toast would go for tina randomly and tina has been a little aggressive lately i i think it might have been tina that killed me yeah tina could have gone for toast she's she's crazy yeah she's she's uh yeah yeah what corpse said he's he's got it seven days so we're gonna skip i guess we're skipping it yeah um okay you didn't see the bodies you came from oh sorry wendy it's not looking good for you when it happens i'm just kidding it's not looking good for you it's not wise toast that kid come on it was a good play the body was on the right side didn't they say i what why does wendy think it doesn't look good for me the body was on the right side they said didn't they um well i'll tell you who it's really not looking good for wendy it's not looking good for you because i'm coming for you now wendy i have no choice after you suss me out like that where is she where is she wait actually i had no choice wendy i had no choice um now we run to med bay yep there's a dream oh oh go george oh my gosh wait what wendy either another two yeah another sheriff caleb another sheriff okay was was this one a double kill i think this one had to be reported i'm pretty sure this is the bretman you reported what on earth are you jester bretman okay well i i'm just kidding so i walked into lights and the report button comes on and george's body pops up so i don't know if it was george and wendy together did you see the vent open because i just walked in on dream at the med bay but i think he was scanning it i scanned i scanned i i couldn't check his scan but i saw him standing on it um but if you didn't see everything i i could see her name because i have more vision below um i was doing the you know the tubes it's like right by there yeah i saw your name when i was doing tubes interesting i think i think you might have slipped up there i think that might have been a slip up yeah no i was in there with you health report so i couldn't argue the imposter oh of course not you think i killed and where was it electrical [Laughter] he didn't know i was in that basement also if i knew who was in there why would i randomly say it unless i thought it was him because i thought maybe he vented out well i don't know maybe it's like vented into med bay i didn't see because i had the med bay panel pulled up but he wanted to know that the panel's transparent something i feel like if psycho is going to vent he just jumps on the vent and lets you see him do it also nobody even saw events so i think dream's probably clear then and uh yeah i think psycho messed up i think like slipped up you shouldn't have said he saw him standing i was legit standing right next to you he was out of my vision like there's i didn't even i was in medieval the whole time i never even saw him i was right at the test tubes it's right next to you i'm voting seikuna wait al is actually right next to him he does like the troll though so i'm not sure that's true he's very welcome i don't think but al's actually right next to her doesn't have longer vision all right guys why'd you skip well that's unfortunate looks like it's over oh wait the lights are off um okay let's walk over here all right all we gotta do is um wait here hey jack you know what we're doing right um i just hope he has enough time hello fix the lights okay why can't i touch the lights kill him oh jesus oh my god good job oh man well i don't know what happened there jesus wait three skips on six yeah what was that there were three skits that was ridiculous well look i said slipped up no i was actually standing right next to you though like legit i was standing right next to you like even if you weren't you weren't in my vision it's because you have more vision below you than above you yeah yeah but i i stood right next to like the test tubes is right next to the thing that's why yeah it's like it sounded so convincing that's because i was telling the truth i was actually standing next to him i was like this then i saw your voice what the [ __ ] i can't believe we skipped i get good good job on the skips everyone if you guys did that hey we're the jester all right let's go cool that was a clean round i can't believe everyone obviously me skipping made sense but here's why i skipped there and i said i skipped to try and get jack to vote for it everyone sounded confused they didn't know who to vote for right so um i was thinking the match we would get on any single person was two votes and dream got two votes so i guess we could have voted him off but um i didn't expect three people to skip i don't know who the third person maybe the jester anyway um i was just trying to get two people to vote skip me and my partner because i figured we could get a max of two votes on someone because they were too confused yeah all right hmm okay um oh corpses on vitals i just passed by there it's very vital hmm is this a cheeky report no tina okay let's move on all right okay let's go what jdn where are you uh i'm like outside the note at the bottom like bottom left i'm sus i'm just also two people i'm sorry i'm obsessed with jaden and i'm obsessed with george okay why why these are these are the reasons one i'm susan jaden i was on cams right and jaden went into a room with well um jack went into a room with jaden and then when jaden was leaving the room jaden like doubled back to like i think looks like go kill and that's all cameras was on and then we left oh and then george and then george is walking around like somebody who doesn't know this map wait why does that make him nothing but no no but listen listen listen he doesn't know this map and i've heard this so he doesn't know what the tasks are there's a map george well there's a reason they call him detective dream let's get him out of here i still did my task i'm just kidding i'm just kidding wow like at that top left area and then i went down and did like some tube thingy like pull things out mm-hmm um and then i did like where yeah the two things it's like the bottle like the metal bottle thing yeah that's where i found him he was doing the gas canister he's telling the truth then he's telling the truth i feel like jayden did all the same tasks as me i was gonna say that's why i did like a weird pathing because we did like three tests together and then the lights went out and you look amazing at the end oh okay wait so you guys can sort of clear each other you weren't there i'm pretty sure yeah the timing seemed like she was doing them okay like it was like in the middle [Music] oh that explains why she was was doubling back for jack because she was suss right show me show me where you were well i think she wanted to clear me so she wanted to stay with someone she knew i did not expect that response yeah it was totally good yeah it was a good response but what if he's been practicing hmm probably not i have no clue what's happening i'm jesterizing all right dream is actually following george around so we're just gonna let them do their thing and we're gonna try not to die um because i want to jesterize more so we're going to go hide in a random spot that no one would ever find us such as all the way up here so sometimes people check the top left but nobody checks the top right so we're just going to hide here until um until the next round and we'll try and sound as guilty as possible there we go okay george listen listen george what happened listen okay so i come out of the like i go to the the thing that i did that i was showing dream right um and we were just sitting there i was showing him and i was just standing there with him and he ran off and then i went to go follow him and his body's just there so he said he was gonna follow you and then ran off oh yeah he followed me to the to the task that he want i wanted to show him then he went off and then he just died he was dead sure you didn't kill him and then report him no i didn't i didn't kill him and just die i don't know i feel like he would follow him to the bitterness there's no way i would kill dream like that i think he killed dream and walked away and reported it i don't think he would do that really wow no i don't know him well enough uh they've done studies on serial killers and they like to return to the scene of the crime and be involved in the investigation by reporting it i mean dream was successful i feel like it's only fair that's true but true okay but aren't they like good friends there's no way go follow him and he's literally dead on the ground he randomly runs off for a few seconds and in those few seconds he dies so i think the imposter is guys sounds so bad you can follow him to the gravesite he left you for two seconds and died in those two seconds guys no no i voted to skip i actually believe him this is such a ridiculous story i didn't it's such a ridiculous story it has to be true right little sus tina a little stuff uh little bits of sus there oh my god um oh man look i'll be honest guys that is such a ridiculous story i actually believe him i i don't know him well enough to know if he pulls this kind of stuff but like it's just such a crazy story i i just feel like i have to believe it i don't know um i don't see like there's no way he would randomly kill him and then use that as a cover that's just too ridiculous i think um he was telling the truth freaking oh my god you i can't believe you lied to our face i can't believe that i just can't wait who tina who did you see i sheriff george oh yeah blaming you for killing him [Music] what if she's an imposter just killing him because she knew he was innocent yeah george's story was so ridiculous it had to be true there's no way he was an imposter wait tina are you actually sheriff yeah what jack why would i kill in front of you like that because you would tell us that you're the sheriff i wanted to get the sheriff win okay guys the original plan was to share with toast but then i had another bright idea it was going off it was going i was right there tina you could have got me wait so wait so you think george actually just killed dream and then instantly reported it what yeah that no what or his accomplice did it and his accomplice is toast [Music] she's just right yeah i know thank you jaden i appreciate it she sounds innocent honestly yeah she does but tina she's been she's been on edge lately she's better at that just do another kill all right you know yeah yeah tina do another kill if we don't have any information though if you're still alive again we'll know you know who to do you know trust your instincts not me tina not me not me either obviously [Music] wait bretman why are you asking that oh kill bread man kill bread man that's true that's true if you take out wouldn't you toast you'd like me to take out the gesture so you have a shot wouldn't you toast well if you take out the gesture it helps the crewmates too right i'm imposter i want the gesture alive right now yeah because imposter usually wins in the fight i feel like that's a warning shot oh the good will you've garnered i wish she fired a blank just nowadays all right do it tina do it i can't believe if tina's telling the truth then um all right let's try and tank the bullet for toast oh no the lights okay um i don't know guys that's the most uh i feel like his story was so crazy it just seemed true to me i don't know um or at least to me i don't know i feel like who who would be crazy enough to do that you kill someone immediately report it and say he left your site for a split second come over here you coward come here trust me oh she's unhinged this is character progression is going crazy i care about you i don't want you to feel silly you called me malleable the other day i'll defend you i'll defend your toast toast you want me to vote tina i'll do it i'm crazy [Music] yeah take him out tina follow him like a fighter plane jet pilot i'm gonna hunt you down like a hyena you know hey that's what i say yeah go tina you don't want to look silly i support her because she copied one of my phrases he did wait i'm unmuted yeah yeah oops oops oh jesus that was that was awkward well look guys if someone uses one of my phrases i i back them up that's just how it works that's just how it works what am i going to say is flattering a little flattering it's very flattering anyway oh hey jack let's go check the vitals see if anyone's dead because if tina kills the wrong person or even the right person then um jack's looking quite innocent here i think tina lost toast oh this looks bad this looks real bad i'm gonna go hide in specimen actually let's go check um there's two in specimen let's go check man they fixed that emergency like instantly let's go check specimen someone might have just died there or maybe oh my god toast tina well looks like they were wrong um hmm well oh thank god you saved the game she made a mistake i saw it happen too oh jack where'd you go i was looking for tina and toast everywhere they were fixing the separate reactor and they were in specimen they were in specimens they saw both bodies i'm in the complete wrong direction what person did you report the body or is this uh no i pressed the button tina and toast were both dead in the specimen room shot him and i was like oh oh how do i know yeah because i just know i was on admin he said he saw it happen he also voted himself last time i think cycle knows jester yeah me too look listen i'll just i'll just tell the truth i was standing on both bodies hoping you would think i killed them to look like a jest i mean imposter i feel like it's one of the purples i think it's bretman you know i'm starting to think it's wendy it's him too because of that i also think you're calling me what what period huh less than tykuno it's always gonna be me so um what are you what are you gesturing or something what is this i thought i was the gesture wendy you can't be the jester i'm the jester i'm the jester you're not the jester i'm the gesture i'm the champion wendy what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing here i what kuno it's not looking good for you what do you mean it's not like it's not looking good for you wendy sakura she's saying all the same things against you she's copying my text she's powerful i don't know what to do no one else plays like me usually oh man all right i think it's bretman do we have to we actually have to vote someone here yeah i mean we don't have to i'm voting wendy we technically don't have to that's true we definitely what do you think bretman oh no bretman what'd you vote for hmm well look as the actual jester i'm voting for myself oh my god oh is he the impossible what's he doing i actually don't know what just wait george did you actually kill him and then immediately report it i was gonna tr i had dream tricked didn't i you did you you had me tricked you had me trying to ah i wasn't i wasn't fully convinced when you led me there i was like okay okay i don't know how he knows this if he's not if he's not if he's not lying but you didn't kill him right your partner did maybe no i didn't kill him oh no wonder you sounded so believable i was just like toast honestly i didn't mind if corpse is dead it's fine just kill me it's fine you can stay dead together oh god toast how is it not you what yeah that feels like a toast play honestly well why did you think what was what was all that i care about you tina i i thank you i think he actually i think he that's messed up to you no no he she taught toast a lesson she taught toast the lesson of the cold harsh realities of this world if you care about someone too much they'll destroy you anyway let's get out of here i'm just kidding that was a joke actually that sort of almost wasn't a joke but anyway um what are we a regular crewmate all right hey toast oh no what is he doing wait tina you sicko you sicko tina i knew it i knew it she's a maniac wait did corpse see that he might have seen it no he didn't oh jesus oh jesus oh hey jack um uh geometric thanks for the sub all right oh hey george okay that was fast um oh three that was a fast that's a fast round this one's the one i'm reporting the one i'm reporting a sheriff well i guess it was a lot of kills in a short time but i don't know this is kind of looking like a psycho george sheriff you know thingy what there's three there's still three people dead so we can talk um okay oh okay and killed somebody why george why not the other way around i see um maybe jordan because george is new to sheriff right he just saw a kill button yeah yeah maybe they should put a little like hat on but instead of the regular button is one of them actually the sheriff or like a smiley face yeah maybe we'll get that in like a couple days who the sheriff actually is from autumn um oh well have we gotten anything i mean we're like so many [Music] in cams oh i was also at cams yeah wendy was that counselor oh you think i'm jaden i'm one oh gosh okay oh cause i'm the game boy yeah but i'm just saying he got confused because i'm all so purple yeah jaden what do you think that's true uh i literally have no information i was doing my water wheels and like freaking out the dream is pretty small these days because no one likes water wheels this is true i mean okay water wheels are right you know no they're not that bad okay they kind of take forever i think it's corpse that's what it is i think it's corpse i wonder who it is actually um interesting votes here no okay um skedaddle thanks for the time why jaden's dream okay um protect george next round i can't even guys i died what do you mean protect i can't protect anybody i literally died first i can't even protect myself um pete thanks for the thousand bits pete um you can't you can't protect anybody if you can't even stay alive yourself i think um george was the sheriff though but it wasn't a share of kill i don't think i think um the impostor just killed a bunch wait a minute uh hmm george was the sheriff he was but i think tina killed him right it wasn't uh he didn't get it wrong okay oh man she's just killing like crazy honestly i think the imposters are gonna win because they killed so fast and no one has any for oh goodbye dream um tina's gonna kill corpse um oh what um this box oh what oh oh oh okay i was about to report this body isn't labs so um okay yep wait why was toast body well not this one that you're reporting that was weird but the one that i was gonna report good stuffy yeah that's weird i don't think toad's body was supposed to be there um wendy and jade i think you come from oh well you know he's got one what do you want about wendy but i think you're wrong about me [Music] and the last person i left there was um oh it was brett oh it's the colors this happened last time too when i was sheriff and i tried to kill purple i killed the wrong jaden i think when you have shades that are close enough it's it's easy to mix them up i was here to prove myself and then you left i was like okay and then i came back and there was a dad greatness thanks for the sub wait where um wait where was it again i thought you said it was in labs there's two bodies the ones in the temperature one's by the temperature which is by lava and then tina saw the one in labs right i'm gonna i don't know i didn't listen between the two purples i must say it's jayden because i was at chats with the other purple uh actually so then where jaden what he was what what's your defensive line the thing is i think there's it's it's probably it's either wendy or jaden yeah i think one of them at least okay um i went up i tried to find you i stood by the light door to try and see if you'd go to lights and then i went to lab and i saw coral lights wendy went into lights wait how how do you see gloves and lights at the same time what no i went to the light store oh jesus oh jesus it's over lee ray thanks for the 10 gift subs leeray rip i guess you'll all look like fools now it's kind of pog champ isn't it i think it's because they and just for the record i was sheriff but i didn't care yeah he didn't he didn't he was what happened better watch out you better watch out i'll remember this i'll remember this tina oh i'm sorry i'm sorry oh so will i be oh no please yep all right let's go up here um wow speak of chances speak of chances here um let's get all the doors okay um where's tina going she's just running to the right um worth no way they know no way they know no way they know what okay wait it was psycho he did it i what no way he made sure i promise wait no guys that was a joke you think what where what what happened i i saw ah no there's nothing i saw somebody leave leave where um right walked right by me and then i saw the body and i tried to chase them because i was like oh who's who was it where was that oh i know it was it was it was it was a darker color darker color so it was either i think it was either jaden corpse no don't start maybe they could have been amorphous hold on hold on wendy's going to accuse me here uh because we were just with psycho a second ago but then you saw the body of the person where were you guys where were you guys on top of med skin with wendy i was not just kidding hello and you said you're with psychonaut where'd go i was with that's like the lights i meant to say tina oh i did so the lights went out and i saw tina's legs on me and then i was like oh she didn't kill me i'm gonna go into med bay and so i was scanning and the corpse came up like below me a little bit yep and then um yeah i i saw them before they went i didn't even go to the med bay but i saw him for a bit before that wait so where's the body sorry yeah i said it's in the hallway it's in the hallway entrance to med bay so it's not brent and the two of us watching you said whoever whoever killed walked right behind me they walked to the left correct sounds like a morphling okay because wendy's gonna think it's me based on this and i could see how i think it's going to all i know it was it was definitely a darker color 100 it was it was either wait wait wait wait you got dark purple guys you know how i said i would kill tina first i think the morph link turned into me to try and frame me so who's been doing this really clear everybody because i did the keys can anyone else like i had like a task at the top but i couldn't actually oh yeah i had to go several times yeah yeah i think the keys were a little bugged for me too but yeah to the left to the left all right okay forget it it actually was me it actually was me whoops jesus toast jesus um you killed her you think i would actually kill tina after saying i'm gonna kill her that's crazy yeah what guys she's right see they're all completely right um that's exactly what i do and everybody including tina knows it um all right unhinged is it unhinged that i actually did exactly what i was gonna do i don't know i don't know guys i i mean uh all right here we go um let's walk over here huh hey guys we gonna do it are we gonna do it what all right um what wait she knew uh hey at least we got one more kill before again so here's the thing you it's like who knows here's the thing though on six it's gonna be slightly difficult and i had to step in okay i was chasing corpse okay so there's like who knows who knows like setting up for a double kill i booked it out of there um i'm oh my god i hate this i hate i don't know who i saw it was me george it's like you know she thinks i was chasing corpses and someone else oh man oh my god that's the other i went into weapons because you got trapped in there i want to see if you had a body yeah and okay and then it would happen to comes toast wasn't comms but now toast is dead no he he ran out of comms after you right oh yeah because i went to the left side and i'm doing the node and there's and the doors are closed so nobody not available was like doing back and forth singing for a double kill get out of there i thought it was like um i'll skip i'll let jaden get another shot let's let's oh okay sure are we sure i i announced it well i believe it because i know i know saikuna was impossible i know saikuno wasn't yeah i did kill tina um like i said i would shoot nick maybe i'll just close my eyes and shoot it definitely is impossible because an imposter could just kill and then say they caught the his corpse didn't she just kill the other imposter for trying to kill me no that's true that's what she just said she said i was chasing corpse down um which is sort of true ish kind of sorta no all right regina thanks for the sub regina oh george was the jester oh well look i was setting up for a double i really thought we were gonna have that one there's jadian corpse you gotta kill jayden she's the sheriff kill her corpse kill her of course what are you doing you could have killed her oh jesus all right let's see what happens um i'm a little worried because the sheriff is extremely dangerous but uh oh sarah thanks for the sub and gunner who okay there's lights let's try and get the doors to help out um hmm what exactly is corpse's plan here though he's sticking around with three people which is um i'm gonna steal your lunch money if you ever kill me again i'm meeting you at the flagpole what um okay um same uh oh wait oh man i couldn't type it in oh my god i get it oh wow oh my god she got him she goes oh sports oh jesus i can't believe it i actually did exactly what i said i was gonna do good job i can't no i didn't see who they were i saw somebody walk by me and i was like i didn't see the body yet and then i saw the body and i was like wait who was that i definitely accidentally said psychonauts name the first round instead of tina that was really funny yeah that sounded like way too clumsy guys i did exactly what i said i was gonna do so yeah you better watch out again tina just kidding just kidding what um oh god um all right let's go we're regular old crewmate this time um all right i'm gonna laugh if tina dies and they think it's actually me again but i was joking i was joking that time all right you know let's stand on top no no this is a bad idea lights are off tune laboratory security admin oh wait that's i'm an admin right house i was about to freak out because i was like who else is an admin who is that i can't even see the names they weren't heading for lights oh hey dream and bretman no jesus okay i know i probably shouldn't have hit button tina it wasn't me this time i swear it wasn't good so you found one i found one it was right uh like out of the ship that we come out of like on the little platform that goes down huh it wasn't when we were just right i think yeah it was yeah it could have been a sheriff kill oh no because there wasn't a body next to it it should have been no that wasn't too so who would kill corpse first again he's been dying so much has been having a bad night i mean i wouldn't kill her before i've been having a bad night i've been getting killed first every time that's true oh i saw you were the jester last year the gumption look i was hiding in the drop ship because i didn't want to die when the lights are out oh god that's fair i believe that yeah so we don't have any hints then huh no i just saw it on vitals yeah well uh well who was on the camera someone was on cameras the whole time i know me bretman and somebody else were on lights fixing lights okay i was in camps prior to that well i was on the way to lights and that's pretty much it bottom node yeah it's but dicey and so we really got nothing two people tina and corpse are dead what a shame especially tina yeah i'll avenge you tina i'll avenge you this time tina if you don't take it especially of course but especially teams oh man was alive so she if only what happened she's gonna beat herself outside the whole foods if only wait who's that dream why do you vote me brettman you voted for yourself what do you mean who voted for you oh it's redmond why did he say who voted for me when he voted for himself um okay i uh all right let's um should we even do our task guys this game looks like it's moving quick so instead of doing our tasks i'm just going to uh not do them and try and gather information another way hmm dream didn't really say anything which makes me suss of him because usually he tries to figure something out but this round he kind of just let it go which is rare yellow jack is dead oh bretman's also dead all right someone fixes lights we'll hit the button is this two yeah this will be six oh okay uh-oh uh body is at electrical um i don't know if it was a double but they died like pretty quickly one after another i feel like did no one go and fix lights i was waiting well i was on vitals and i saw them die pretty quick and i was going to hit the button when i think they were on their way to fix lights so uh okay dream what were you up to i am in the green room i did my downloader upload by the tree and then i was doing uh toast might be a little strange too that's pretty cool because he's not doing too much it is but i i didn't i didn't go and fix it i i wouldn't agree i wouldn't put myself there if i was lying i'm being that's probably true yeah but then you're a crew member who didn't fix lights and that's just as guilty was a pretty important time i was waiting by the way you can't you say that to me i said to everybody else because everybody else was doing their tasks too i was waiting by the button to hit it because i saw that there were only six left so i was like i wasn't gonna stop my upload and then after i finished upload i was like i'm right here [Music] yeah george what's up um i went into med the bill on the top right that's med bay right top right yep i was in the top right i did um i'm pretty sure i did card swipe at the beginning and then i went up to the top right and i did the little telescope and i spent like 30 seconds trying to find the thing i see so it's down on the purples again i think yeah well at the beginning of the round i did okay um the same couple tasks george i swiped and then we did temperature um then i went over to okay oh no all right so toast is completely clear i was by the button it's obviously not me well george you said you're in the messy there did you do it i did the jesus oh jesus we're running out of time we gotta oh and i also started the vials okay we're running out of time guys we gotta guys who do you vote for it's not toast it's not me but i don't know anything else i didn't know who to vote for i i was leaning towards dreamer wendy i i didn't i don't have much god this is terrible no jesus so the only reason i think it's dream is because usually he's more detective he acts more like a detective usually this time he was really passive and didn't do anything that he normally does because i feel like so and then the other people seemed pretty clear so i feel like dream was acting out of character and then i voted wendy because i actually thought it was wendy so um oh my god oh my god dream you saved it i sat by the button okay well um i thought it was either i was willing to vote for dreamer wendy because dream's usually super detectivey and he's been pretty passive this game and then wendy i actually just think is the imposter no listen george seems super interesting toast literally saved the game dream saved the game a second time and then um jaden also sounds very innocent so i feel like wendy's the only one where was jaden last round the only one who sounds us do you kind of yeah look wendy i just i don't know what to say you sound very sus mhm yeah but george he's kind of new and he gave good details he seems very innocent toast saved the game dream saved the game um wait jaden you said you were in gas cans yeah i know it's close to that but i was thinking like there's no other time to do gasps i i think anybody can do i didn't remember that i was in gas cans you were i did the tree and then i did gas cans um you did yeah yeah you see jade in there no i didn't i was doing gas when the lights were off did we i was too i did tree and then i moved to gap that was the last place i was oh yes oh the lights were just true the lights were off the lights were off that's true so i might i don't know i don't think i would have missed jaden in gas what if it's impossible i was doing gas if you said that you were also doing gas wendy's yeah i really just think it's windy the most it was either wendy for dream for me and now that dream just saved the game with that button i i can't think it's working brain power but i i don't know about wendy well i think george is innocent details save the game clear the game i voted wendy there's almost no other way right there's no way here right there's almost another way unless like we've been completely bamboozled i i i don't know i feel like there's almost no other way it's not wendy i'd i know i've been sussing her a lot but like it's not because i it's just she just seems really sus everyone else seems so innocent toast saved the game it's obviously not me george gave a lot of details when we know that he hasn't played on this map before more than like twice and then jayden's kind of bad at lying i'll be honest but i didn't want to say that because that's i feel like a little mean yeah she's not very good at congratulate ourselves what did we do we didn't lose so now we doubled down and killed jayden no no no no no we don't let the impossible i i don't want to say this but um jaden's like a very honest sounding person and uh it doesn't sound like they're lying i'd i've never told a lie in my entire life that's a lie he's lying right now well okay yeah but like i don't know she's her voice sounds very you know i know i only trust i feel like yeah me too both save the game so um it's not me i just feel like if okay so it was either it was either definitely wendy or it's george and someone else because george they then they wouldn't they wouldn't notice oh that's true that's true because george either we got wendy right or we vote for someone else who wasn't part of the what do you mean i didn't know how to do the react huh well like you don't know how to okay with me yeah but george did give like really detailed task information i feel like detailed task information yeah he's pretty new right he wouldn't be able to make that up would he but he did that the first game oh that's true that's exactly that's true you're right you're right actually no matter what actually you're right yeah he's he did do that that first game when he died i don't think it's at this point now stream or i was the one waiting by the button to push it on six but you didn't push it how do we know you're actually buy the button well that's because the lights were off but how do we know that well it would be a good crazy bet to say i was the only one by the button and hope no one else was there well the lights were off the lights were off that's true it could be me it could be me but it's not it's not i feel like i have no i feel like i've seen like we yeah i'm just saying because everyone's so you know we don't know if the justices that are alive and that's true too yeah we don't know if the jester's only i feel like we got one huh jesus who would vote for me i copy that from batman um okay well are we a regular crewmate yeah we are okay um [Music] well i'm really not sure who it is at this point toast saved the game dream also saved the game um so i'll be honest guys george he did it really could be george maybe oh jesus oh man it really could be george the only reason i believed him is because i know he doesn't play this game a lot and he did give like really good details on the the task like he said he did the tubes thing he did you know he did it in order it was it was pretty clean sounding so i believe him and then no i don't even think this is offensive to jaden but she just sounds very trustworthy which works on me works on me too well sometimes anyway um okay hmm now i'm confused who could it be i'm starting to think i'm the imposter i'm just kidding um well let's do this we should probably check vitals luckily we still have our buttons so it's not too bad nobody's dead um oh walking down here huh someone just went in there interesting um oops oh music goes off turn it back on huh um please don't be simon says oh man it's simon says okay after this we should immediately go check vitals again because i feel like someone's gonna die um the only way we lose is if they just get two kills before we can react there we go let's go check vitals again just in case [Music] oh this is really awkward because i'm the only person who hasn't tried to save the game with a button oh my gosh well you thought about it i thought about it yeah also it's not me i'm a crew mate um um so what do you guys think i'll be honest i was just alone doing my tasks so i it's gotta be gated what what what tina mute yourself i went back and i finished my files and then i and then lights were still for some reason saved the game with the button i reported on six hakuna claims i was about to hit the button on six yeah yeah that doesn't leave you like psycho listen it's like either like who knows a gesture i think it's either toaster no no i'm a regular crewmate listen i'm a regular crewmate look we do jayden if we don't win i think it might be toast what do you mean vote you out we it's four if we vote out the wrong person don't we just lose oh no you just bunded before the sabotage that you can't think you can do that toast what are you doing fine you vote me out and then you okay to know maybe toast guys do you ever hear yeah i was about to say that that's what i'm starting to think the only the only person who doesn't give me just revives is jaden but i think jaden might be impossible no i pressed the button so here's what hap so i don't know what happened but um i went down to specimen and toast was following me i did my download i went up the lights or the reactor was out and then we ran out i went back to do my wires in med area and then i checked vitals and i don't know anything about that just telling the truth following me saw specimen doors open and i was right behind it there was no kill when me and jaden were together for like the first 30 seconds i lose her for 10 seconds there's a kill it's jaded oh no i don't think that's how this is no no she's telling the truth though i was right behind her i saw the doors open and everything that was an oops she was trying to get the free kill just kidding she seems extremely innocent now for two reasons one i am 99 sure toast is the jester because of the strange behavior and two i think jaden if she was imposter should have known that which means it's probably dream but um why did he save the game to get wendy voted out then that doesn't make any sense or toast isn't the jester or um either toast isn't the oh my god we gotta find the body he called the sabotage oh jesus jesus who saved the game who saved the game i will immediately vote for the other person oh okay so not jaded no no jaden voting wait a minute oh no oh no i'm with an imposter and an adjuster yes we know you're there yesterday no toast you're the jester here's what i figured jaden had to have been innocent because toast was probably the jester and if jaden was the imposter there's no way she would vote for the jester so i'm probably stuck with toasted jester and dream who is shockingly the imposter who hit a button to get wendy voted off uh there's no wait wait he's actually a little shocked he saved on six yeah he saved us what are you doing toast is the jester trust me don't vote for somebody like your dream no no i'm the no jesus all right so what's going to happen here like that's too like i don't know that's like this it was really awkward for me because oh like he loses you reported the body like dream dream i don't i just know what here's what you got to do i'm pretty sure you guys are a gesture and imposter one of us is the jester right dream yes i think so i'm gonna vote for toast toast votes for me and then you choose which one of you which one isn't the jester and then if you win it's because you got the crew investors if you lose it's because you voted for the gesture you're tricking you're going to vote yourself or somebody's involved what it's gonna no no but trust me trust me we're both honorable i'm voting for twitter i'm an honorable poster and then dream will decide which one he thinks is the jester um this round this round i just uh checked state and vitals stayed in specimen and all right i think toast is gonna vote for himself which is why i voted for myself it's you dream but if toast realizes like if toast is honorable then he deserves the win uh or dream gets the win i have no idea what's happening like dream anything to ask before you decide dream you got if you vote for the jester he's only you're the imposter never mind vote for the crewmate then you're going to win oh my god is this that oh my god toast how did you know i'd vote for myself [Laughter] you didn't dream you did it let's go let's go i i knew toast was going to vote for himself i knew toast was going to vote for himself so to make sure dream had the chance to choose i had to vote for myself too does that mean you just lose oh yeah that's true but i wanted him to have the choice if he chose you then you would say well it's not the bad ending if my friends were waiting to make dream choose between yeah i just want to let dream have the chance to figure it out it wouldn't be funny so that's why i voted for myself because i knew he'd vote for himself whoo genius sort of game you guys good brain stuff good brain purple thanks for watching what a treat to watch what a treat all right so guys look let me explain why i did that if it doesn't make sense to you guys still no so here's what could have happened i thought toa should vote for himself because he's the gesture of course and if i said i voted for him like i told him then he deserves to win because he's honored something like that and then if dream chose right then he just chose right and he did you know i thought it was the most fair obviously as the crewmate i have the least power but i tried to make it as fair as possible where anybody could have so if dream chose wrong then toast would have won and if toast uh was honorable then i guess the dream still would have won that'd be weird but either way i just you know i'd how fun would it be if we actually voted for toast like we said and the game just ended because he was the jester i wanted to make sure dream had the chance to pull off a play and he did and he did see all according to my genius plan there also i knew it was over for me the second i got stuck with a jester an imposter i should have uh i should have voted on four probably but i really didn't know it was dream up until jayden voted for toast because that's when i was like if she was the imposter there's no way she would have voted for who is clearly a jester right so b3 um anyway it seemed like the the most fair thing oh jesus she's been vent killed she's been just vent killed by who i didn't see but i saw the vent open i saw the body and they they just ran off ran off into a vent so if you see someone right now they're clear and i will one person who's a hundred percent clear i think i saw him getting some coconut milk or something his corpse i think it was unless i saw it yeah by the vending machine right of course have you tried the nature cereal no nature's serious i think i saw him there yeah it's trending on tick tock it's like berries and coconut milk oh i saw it sounds good ish that sounds silly i hope people do this when i die they're like hey have you heard this new cereal okay i mean oh wendy no oh my god oh wendy oh no all right well i can help i'm pretty sure i saw corpse doing the the little button boop beep thing and then the you get the drinking and then which means he couldn't have been venting right clear what i i mean he still could be an impostor but probably not for this one because i think i saw him i saw the vent close saw the vent closed i can't i think i saw him before good calm seikuno okay breadman's pretty clear ever had tina complimenting me unhinged tina complimenting me she's the imposter [Laughter] you're actually really not that great at comms oh my god she's she's flaming me she's the impostor i was below doing the little like what's it called like the hot air balloon thingy yeah good stuff dream good stuff okay all right thank you thank you i didn't check that area so uh i honestly don't remember but i was on my way to reactor no i feel like when i did the card swipe uh number thing okay those are such different things but you sound clear uh with that meant he cleared me i cleared him okay good stuff okay so everybody uh i went up to lights and then i did the numbers uh with my card and then i did the thing that looks like shields and i'm on my way down all right well that is so innocent sounding all right jack's cleared the rest of the game at that task in the spawn area then i went through like decon this is the second time i've ever played this what did you do tina good stuff oh yeah tina where did where were you tina tina didn't have that you liked it she's guilty all right you know what tina you can kill me i deserve it don't i i killed her first that one game just do it just do it tina okay she didn't do it huh all right um huh this is very innocent looking from the old tina but i don't buy it for a second i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it i didn't buy it for a second she was trying to look innocent but i knew it i knew it 10 years ago i knew it guys i called it did i call that did i call that or did i call that i'm a genius okay i'm not actually it ends but i don't know what what that room is called but you know when you put the code in um genius i'm just kidding i didn't know i'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick be right back oh reactor i think so it could be like top middle i'm so sorry i'm so bad at this but he was like right in front with an admin i think where you put in the code yeah at the table yeah at the table okay this [ __ ] is shaking the table all right so roll call toast where yet wait tina you go first this time no how do you want to know where everybody's at but we don't know where you're even at coast and george or by like the giant like uh whatever it's called like we're all doing weapons the satellite yeah weapons georgian toast were on the giant satellite you said you were i was there too on satellite like where were you weapons yeah i mean well i was just making my way back to launch you know because there's a wee bit bit of a turtle waiting for me because there's a vent there there's a turtle there there's a turtle tina you capping absolutely not i would never was there a turtle there's a turtle tusk yeah there is a turtle over there i want to see the total task where's the turtle tusk i don't know who said that like that [Laughter] that's me what's happening did something happen while i was gone [Music] did i miss something we had great stuff all around real proud of us actually what was that what yes i think i might have missed something all right he never not that sure exile thanks for the sub man yuki okay that's pete pepper pig what does that mean um george sounds like peppa pig what is that a cup what he doesn't know i don't know guys i was in the bathroom of course i don't know what's happening what do you um okay i don't really know what's happening but uh okay i i'm very confused i'm just gonna play the game i guess i don't know uh all right um [Music] what i i don't know what's happening guys everyone just keeps spamming random all right well i'm just gonna play uh i'm just gonna play the game i suppose oh i forgot to push t because i was busy looking at the spamming uh reactor room okay oh um oh jack oh wait i'm also dead when did i oh yeah tina killed me hatchet thanks for the five gift subs hatchet cool man slow kills this game eh something about it sounding bad it's off it's okay i can't trust nobody what do you think i don't think it's george i was watching george do the um satellite or the weapons again and then um we were together you know what i find ironic okay no what is it i think it's very ironic that peppa's brother's name is george oh wait is it how does bretman know all this man he must love that show it's quite natural that's me okay um good point i i can clear george i think george can probably clear me and uh okay no oh whatever that's not what you like to hear me no in fact i'm gonna vote for you [Music] oh [Music] that means the connection doesn't kill dream now no we don't that's weird no we don't we don't we can win we can win even with six we can't uh isn't there that report bug though remember when someone just connects you can't report bodies i was [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what's your passing tina exactly jack if you kill tina i won't say a word oh no she's [ __ ] dead oh definitely you better watch out you see me or jack tina you better run next time you better run i see wait wait so i couldn't put the hat on carrots we put the hat back on what happened because it's not showing it's you're naked it's like acting like i was watching well you're a bear bean put the hat on put your sprout on or what tina you'll kill me again you'll kill me again psycho no i didn't actually yeah it's like i'll keep it off then we'll know yeah then we'll know why didn't you kill anybody i'll take her out jack we'll take her out i'm just kidding i'm not actually uh all right here we go oh okay what are you saying oh my god what are the chances all right i said i'd do it i said i'd do it um all right here we go here's the thing guys sure we can just kill her and leave sure sure we can that'd be great but why don't we do something even better all right we could just kill her and walk away or we could do something like this tina don't follow me don't i'm gonna have to kill you if you follow me corpses who would kill corpse whoa tina you're really defending corpse me too i'm i'm with you who would kill corpse first i swear i'll be damned if it isn't you i'll be damned i tell you you're crazy you think i killed corpse first how could you accuse me of that dean i would [Music] what you think i killed corpse what are you talking about i'm sorry okay wait are you not assessing the situation hello corpses hello tina yeah it's corpse and you're cycumno right sorry you think i would kill corpse first that's what you're telling no i don't i i understand the situation okay thank you thank you i'm glad you uh yeah let's move on anyway i'm assuming it's med bay [Music] i think she might have seen me transform but um luckily we distracted her or something i don't know we're gonna do it again with jade in there okay i don't know who else i forget they killed corpse after we left so it was either um one of the people there or it was event kill so i don't know oh yep who else was there why are they not speaking up all right i gotta say is you know if anyone morphs in front of me again you're gonna have a bad time buster bad time did they morph if they morphed in front of you you know what who was it how who what what happened tina describe it cold brew cold brew oh yeah i don't know i was just walking i was just walking and i was like man what a what a fun game i'm smiling from ear to ear you know and like somebody decides to like do a little switch or room in front of me and i don't know do you see who it was what did they smell like who did they transform into what happened huh what happened i i don't wait was it comms i don't know it was just like a rainbow of colors oh dude i'm losing my mind rainbow never mind sorry i just literally disregard everything are you why'd you vote for me yeah yeah um okay all right here's the thing here's the thing okay so we're just gonna do the same exact thing again but we're just gonna run all right we gotta wait for her to be like doing a task all right so that task i know for a fact is uh it's invisible you can see through it since she was doing a task we can just run by and she won't see it she'll see it and then dream what do you mean good he's dead good stuff everyone let's see what him out what do you mean good he's dead what he's too smart for his george walk away from the body i believe it was blue walking away from his body it was pretty fresh i was still um doing my numbers did she not see me huh it's right on top of uh i guess she didn't see me i'm gonna have to do it again i'm gonna have to do it again i can't believe she didn't see me i thought she would be like because that task you can see through the screen i thought maybe it was a more flame but i did see a blue uh when you buy weapons tina's buy weapons that's right yes you did i did oh thanks thank you thank you for seeing you yeah it's a good clear good stuff oh okay guys yeah i sure was tina's acting a little strange so dream voted cycuno and his dream's dead so yeah you guys think i would gotta be right but here's here's the like eliminating factor cycuno wouldn't kill corpse he would never be so and i definitely wouldn't kill dream and tina would be dead by now true tina would be dead by now if it weren't just saying that i are enemies now we are you know what this could be just tina tycoon kill them both what i know it's not well that's gonna kill tina first then kill tina first okay fine we'll kill peanut first kill tina first and i'll even vote myself you want us to kill first um how about i kill someone sharon wait what if she's an imposter getting a last-ditch effort all right peanut that kills like kuno i will kill what guys i can't defend myself guys i'm voting for tina it's the only way i can defend myself defend yourself she's going to kill me she's going to kill me i'm going to vote for her i believe in i believe in the vote system [Music] i thought bretman voted himself is he yeah you know you gotta keep him you guys stay back guys he's gonna kill me [Music] all right let's run let's run let's run all right um no jesus run okay um where is she she's the sharif sharif all right come on tina we still have the vision advantage so if we see her first we can just we could just kill her we could just kill her first um no way they didn't see that how how toast and tina we had the vision advantage wait was toa's body on it no okay because toast was also a calf when i left it um oh you think tina went for the wrong person maybe well no if if there's not too much then it's not sheriff were the lights even on yet yeah they were on okay i was doing a task i didn't even yeah oh you had a poster visionary you didn't know what what i don't think this is true because we were in admin forever and then he fixed lights and then i came back to admin wendy we can do this who was at med at the start who did that kill because now we can eliminate some people so i was saying i'm pretty sure jaden was there you were there i was there corpse and why do i feel like there was one more but maybe it was only four i felt like there was five though i don't know because here's the thing i cleared you on med scan okay so both of us are clear so you guys are so that means it has to be jaden or the other person and i say the safe bet is vote jaden wait wait i think the safe bet is to vote me off because it was either me or tina right we could vote psycho off yeah remember it was either me or tina now that tina's dead the safe bet would be vote for me wouldn't it are you how do we know you're not just alone bretman you think i would say that if i was jester come on you know me oh my god no i i wouldn't jayden where were you guys um i was like oh do you want to go first all right so i was in storage and i went i don't want jaden to take the phone so when i finished it um either i'll they'll think i'm jester or i'll at least go down instead of jj did you see george george i think what no guys come on i'm the safe bet what are you talking about explain my route yeah the last time i saw tina alive i i was at the bottom of the cafeteria and she came to check up on me so if you were to i'm just george okay if you say just for process of elimination no no no i'm the safe bet it's either me or george just vote for me instead oh oh my god i didn't even get to vote you told me it was george tiffany oh my god i trusted him oh jesus oh george you better not kill me um it's not george um all right so the button jaden come with me come with me actually oh yeah we should just kill the people at button all right jaden we got a double we got a double jaden we got a double we got a double jaden where on earth where did she go whoa this is the worst i was getting a double jesus what happened um that's huge batman just killed george in front of me girl what jayden where are you jayden what i was on my way to reactor are you kidding me no no killing oh wait did you see jaden kill they saw brett that was the best round ever they had no contact uh i disconnected wait no was that wendy man that was such a good idea no wendy's hurricane it was such a good round too they thought it was bretman and i didn't even transform me oh sorry oh that was such a somebody probably oh i didn't even morph into him and i framed him that was so good [Music] that's rough oh man that was such a clean kill too i didn't even use my morph ability and they thought it was bretman anyway oh oh so both the impostors just disconnected yeah that's unfortunate i was the imposter and i didn't even transform into bretman and framed him yeah was tough um that was weird well i don't know what to do like is it like a one time because i saw this this is the second george get killed ready i don't think it's my internet because like it must have been a super you can just keep trying if you want to okay uh fate and molina thanks for the subs maybe make a new room okay maybe we can make it yeah new room time new room just to see yeah and if it happens again maybe i'll be too demoralized [Laughter] well i was just being honest that okay man that was such a good round too i didn't even use my morph ability and she thought she saw bretman because he just walked by um ah that's a rough one that's a rough one guys i'm five miles thanks for that and hatchet thanks for the thousand bits oh all right you morphed as jaden yeah it was such a clean round playing among us um no why did jade she didn't that was actually perfect they had no clue it was me no they thought for sure it was bretman but bretman might have been the jester he did vote for himself i don't know either way uh you know the server server issues are you interrogating her you gotta eat more data and i'm concerned that's why i'm gonna that's why i gotta leave oh yeah all right yeah tina's tina's aggressive lately that's all she's a little aggressive lately i appreciate it's her unhinged ark it's like tough love i get it yeah we just want you here so badly that you're going to stay and play games with us yeah and because we like playing with you right yep we do like playing with her that's why i wanted her to stay but then you know it's good it's hard because she only had blueberries for breakfast like what the heck is that probably kind of healthy unbelievable you gotta prep yourself before you enter among them [Music] sandwiches i don't pull my weight yeah i know i know a thing or two about speed running okay jericho thanks for the sub also smiley okay guys it's so [ __ ] quiet please ah he's killing me it doesn't feel that awkward yeah i'm used to it yeah in all the silence you could have been putting in a code tina sorry that's no sorry my bad oh mara thanks for the sub ball somewhere all right i'm here now let's pog let's let's let's do this thing okay these disconnects eh all right we're crew mate let's go um hmm honestly i don't know how many more we'll play but well let's just play until either the server dies again and then uh and then we i'll just feel like we can't play or or until everyone's done um nobody's passed anything yet strange um what's everyone doing here he's trying to clear somebody okay this is really awkward um i think dream is the only one who actually has a scan that's what it seems like anyway okay all right walk in here um [Music] this way let's see well i guess we're just doing some tasks there's jaden looking super innocent because no imposter would fake this task this would be ridiculous to fake because it takes forever four five six seven eight nine ten and i think we have two more over here yep um wait you can you can put them out of order oh i didn't know that i thought you had to like stack them oh today i learned oh oh he's that is a door nail actually i have valuable information for this it's in front of me wait um you just ran to launch and now you're at balloons yeah i ran to balloons as well okay well look it wouldn't make sense for him to report this but look last round a specific person said good thing dreams dead he has too big a brain the only person who would want dream to be dead isn't that right tina you don't remember saying that jesus she really is unhinged i remember i remember saying it don't say dude because i don't mean quite naturally yeah i don't i don't do that no you said that last round you wanted to kill it and i and i meant it for that specific round oh okay now i just feel bad because i feel like he's dying first a little too much you know needs protection services or whatever it is those are dying so you feel a little guilt is what you're saying no you feel a little guilt tina huh after you killed him i would never feel guilt if i killed dream ever well i should vote you off for that then it would make me a legend what what do you mean what what is it kill aren't you supposed to kill dream my dreams are already dead i don't need someone to kill isn't that that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke but either way oh okay okay um we love you psychonauts trend on twitter no that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke i'm a little suss of saikuno because what no no you can't clear me we were in reactor together right jaden i'm getting the same vibe he's directing the night i just don't know if you walked in or vented in because he just i most definitely walked in and i would have killed you if i thought you saw me venting and i'm like you're not scared i don't think it's toast i was i was keeping him company the entire time whoa whoa whoa bretman bremen's on to something he's sniffing all right so the only person we really can clear is jaden i think um but she's suss of me she thinks i vented well you know what that means guys we're just gonna pop in and try and freak her out because that's more fun than actually doing my task you want to see me water some plants or try to freak someone out by pretending i'm venting exactly you'd rather see me freak someone out by pretending i'm venting you know watering plants who does that who does that not me now where is she um okay i can't find her uh man this is tough without imposter vision oh there she is um oh okay all right run there run over here oh my god there's a lot of people here um let's run over here and stand on a vent wait a few seconds now we run back out like a maniac oh i [ __ ] knew it i knew it who was it who was it jack it was corpse oh i thought you meant you found the what oh no i got him wait what did what what'd you get what happened yeah he went back to the launch pad last time and then he suddenly ended up next to balloons so i thought he phanted oh you're the champion well great job yeah wait whoa jack you did it wait why didn't you report your body then jack oh i don't know somebody's like spa you're spamming report for some reason okay see this is what i saw i saw justina running away from launch pad the report button came up i don't know what happened i just can't yeah cause i literally just did it and you reported it at the exact same section wait i think this was a failed double kill by jack and tina and jack is playing let's see okay either toast is the other one or he's chester because i have no idea why he's doing this or we vote for you button there and tina you're right there with me yeah you should know all this information but yeah how long do you work did you tina before you came to the round i literally killed him and he reported it like that second yeah jack sounds like he's telling the truth i think [Music] close that cap you capitalize tina's was standing on me i don't think they were ready for me to be spamming report well the true sheriff okay what did you see tina you're the other person at the scene what'd you say i'm always ready second of all i was walking down to fix the bottom oxygen and then someone fixed it on my way there i had no business being down there other than to be a good crewmate so i turned around and i did a one-eighty that fixed it then because no one else is claiming they fixed it yeah i didn't fix it i went down to fix it but it got why would corps imposter fix it yeah what are you doing like a crewmate i yeah toast jack sounds like he's telling the truth i i think i think he has to play it off as if it's sheriff i have never ever done that yeah i don't think jack would do that and yeah just look i'm giving it just telling the truth tina you're not voting with me yeah you can compliment it's a compliment it means i think your brain is massive no you're trying to kill him you're trying to kill him this is massive um why did tina vote for him i am so confused look guys i'm i'm a little concerned you know it's i'll be honest it's a little funny it's a little funny but i'm a little you know tina she's been a little more aggressive lately a little bit more aggressive lately i i don't know if i should be concerned or not i it's it's funny though so i i can't complain because it's funny but at the same time you know i don't know i don't know um all right let's go over here finish this um okay man i thought i was crazy man tina should play gta she should like i feel like gta makes me do weird that you know he's going to be actually underneath he looks terrible so whoever did it what good job wait well um i don't know he was blaming me no where is what oh he's bought on the way to riyadh tina you voted with him last round what do you mean i think it he voted with you on jack he teamed up with him for voting with him wait a minute i literally just walked past toast like not even a second like during the transition between reactor and like the rest of it just died probably yourself and she will forever be that [ __ ] [ __ ] i think it's tina too she's a little unhinged and i wouldn't put it past her to kill toast for scolding her okay everybody close your eyes imagine these two jaden tycoono those are your imposters i'm voting for tina oh okay tina i don't know what you're doing but if you're if you're jester this round you did a great job tina you completely fooled me yeah you're really sucks you you really got me tina if you're the jester you deserve this one yeah i'm not i'm risking it look look if tina's the jester she deserves this i think no no jack got corpsed one of the imposters is out already right oh god oh god oh god like i'm voting for tina and if she's the jester she got me a hundred percent oh my god i'm an idiot i'm an idiot please stop please i'm not joking no you you tricked me tina you can stop pretending i already voted for you so stop wait i know i it's not goggy bretman i don't know vote for tina she's probably she's probably the jester and she did a great round why would we vote for her if she's the imp if she's the jester she deserves it she's completely fooled all over sympathy um bretman i implore you skip let's win this game let's win crew let's win this together you get one tina you don't have to keep pretending you already got one notice how i didn't vote for myself because i don't think i'm uh hmm wait sorry that wait what was that tina go on i'm an idiot okay um oh chippy thanks for the 25 gift subs chibi that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch jimmy really appreciate it that's that's more gift subs than i've gotten in a while um thanks a bunch all right so i don't know what's happening but tina's acting very strangely and honestly i wouldn't put it past her to just kill toast right there uh for quote-unquote scolding i don't know she's she's she's been crazy lately i'll be honest um all right let's uh flip these switches i actually don't know who the imposter is but i think the fact that tina didn't die there means that she's what where where's the report button huh oh oh man all right tina all right we let her get away with enough guys she killed bretman wait stop i have a clear i have a clear please come forward the person i was with please step up to the plate please let me explain guys let me explain tina survived last round right jack is the sheriff i'm a crewmate two innocent people voted for her the imposters could have voted for her and easily gotten a free kill on seven and won the game but for some reason she's not dead which means probably either one or none of the impostors voted for her why do you think that is say kudo i'm not the only because this round is confusing yeah i'm so confused i feel like you're pushing really hard on her to walk in well i'm just saying if okay two innocent people voted for her thank you if both imposters voted for her she would have just died that i'm innocent goggy please i beg of him is she innocent george if you clear her i'll let it do in the lights i don't know tina this ain't sounding good think about it bretman died somewhere well we were together i'll say this i think i did when the lights were out let's go okay so you think i don't know if that means it's clear do you think it's hurt do you think it's hurt george wait where was the body because this could this could change everything george why don't you think i don't know i was like i think it's not tina that would change george give me the clear it was on and i saw you and the lights were out so it was if that means she's playing then she's clear but i don't know it means i'm clear just say it so is she clear well look if tina's clear then it must be wendy look i've given you the evidence you can make your mind up i don't want to say if it's clear well george is 90 million percent clear and so is jayden and jack is the sheriff so if it's not it must be wendy i know george you're sure you're here okay pretty sure i saw tina when the lights were yes all right if you say so george i'm going for wendy then uh i'm scared of the usual what do you guys think look at how aggressive unhinged he's losing his mind how about this okay look look i'm pretty sure it's either tina or what i i don't know i don't know i think it's either tina or wendy or something i don't know okay i don't know look i know i've been sussing wendy a lot but i promise you guys it's it's nothing it's nothing other than what it seems like in the game it just seems like it's wendy a lot i i don't know and to be fair i've been sussing wendy a lot and i've been right most of the time i'm just saying just throwing it out there wendy's got an imposter a lot today um and it just seems like it's her based on like it's either tina or wendy tina's acting really strange but if george is clearing her then then it's gotta be windy i guess i don't know um okay here we go it's windy i knew it i knew it jesus jesus people tell me oh you're susan wendy too hard you're suss and wendy too hard and then it's actually always windy it's actually always windy [Music] what are you going to do okay was up top right now wait it's just wendy right no it's just went okay jack now jackie last time wait wait guys jaden and george were together this time i'm sure guys she literally just lied i'm in reactor right now i just it not a reactor okay oh my god tina we could go after this all freaking day i'm ready sounds like jack came to the same conclusions then through a vent there is no possible way you're in reactor right now i don't see you i've been there i've on the right wait tina you know you know you know i just cleared you right oh oh wait that's pog chip yeah well we can just vote both of them to be honest i think it's wandy here i don't think it's t hey jack who was that who else was bothered to see what happens i mean i didn't see anybody right i was down at the bottom of cafe i mean jack's figured it out for sure so we'll just see if he can convince everyone i will say tina okay i'll be there to watch all right oh god jack's gonna go for wendy right because jack said he thinks it's wendy i think he's right obviously um connie thanks for the sub man jahin um am i right tina and cycuno unhinged look guys tina seemed so guilty didn't she wasn't she was like doing all this stuff you know she seemed like she wasn't a regular crewmate she's a regular crew man i'm actually shocked i'm i'm actually a little shocked toast was the jester huh i'm actually a little surprised that she was actually a regular crewmate um nope it's windy it's windy oh my gosh how did you get that report before me i just saw jaden kill in front of me you're joking you're not joking there's no way huh doggy you know i'm innocent now well it's not us okay yeah it's not us um it's wendy we've narrowed it down we found it out like three rounds ago we were i'm clear from last round because we're all together it's wendy it's wendy pack it up boys pack it up i saw jayden kill in front of you um wendy killed the wrong way you might have yeah i don't know if she should have oh wait she had to kill jack he was the sheriff sorry she didn't have much good stuff did we do it man i think so all right megan thanks for the sub man it's a victory for goggy jaden and tina you did it you did it guys well done i told you guys i knew it was wendy after tina got cleared see that's why you gotta gotta give out those good old clears yeah those clears good job good job everyone oh my god tina sounds so pleased with that round i'm charging good job tina you you really led the conversation there you you did it that round good job team directing the narrative yeah you're like a leader now a leader it's because i can't shut up i'm sorry there's just no no it's a good thing you know what i'm gonna put on a carrot in your house we all just don't say anything and then yeah where's the carrot that sounds great uh i'm done there's all right there's the carrot um light blue carrots look at this hat team look at this happens this is because you carry it down around oh my god the carrot wait you look kind of great oh thanks yeah you look good i don't know something about yourself must be the carrot today must okay um yari thanks for the sub and crispy so um huh where's dream in bretman i think dream died first so much that he's chilling i have no idea where bretman is i hate chinese food oh wait really what kind what'd you get what's your order what's it look like what i got um it there's like duck pancake thingies oh wait that's that sounds really good actually and i also got um i don't know what it is it's like beef and vegetables stuff right wow that sounds really good it sounds like it's like a good old stir fry delicious wow good stuff okay good stuff tina's like default question is to ask what food you hate yeah it was a great job feeding yourself [Music] oh um thanks for coming nightmare i killed you and so by accident though yeah it was my my luck is just really great today yeah it's been a tough day for corpse it's been a tough night the music video okay everything's fine i wasn't gonna mention face reveal and now this yeah i'm just kidding no under the music videos doing good huh corpse did you eat today no i can't frick oh sorry no i'm telling you that's her default question guys she always asks oh sheriff time all right time for us to be the sheriff all right catch you guys later um here we go who do we take out tina who do we go for tina who are the carrots going for it's tina you gotta stop tina you gotta stop i gotta take this into my own hands guys i'm not gonna snitch on her but i'm gonna take her out i'm gonna take her out guys we'll let her get away this time out of out of honor for the carrot team but we can't we can't let it go we just we we can't let it go we gotta take her out with our own hands guys we could have killed her there but it wouldn't have been right well next time we see her all right next time we see her we take her out she gets one free pass because we both have carrots but we we can't let her get away with it anymore we just we have no choice we just have no choice guys dream george oh jaden and jayden what the [ __ ] oh god oh god guys why are you laughing i promise you guys by next round one imposter will be gone but they get to live this one oh that's cool good stuff so what'd you do oh god uh [Music] we can't let her get away she killed dream george and jaden i also went to get the water and we know it wasn't a share of kill because we're the sheriff we have no choice guys we have no choice we have to do it then she killed dream and george i can't believe it somewhere hiding huh two people can water the plants right wait wait wait what do you mean he was hiding like i was doing my weapons and he was trying to like go into the left corner he was like hovering above me oh yikes should have been better than i don't know does anyone have information because he did vending machine in like a half second hmm oh i'm just really quick jesus nothing anybody what what's the code anybody nope nothing well it's the code jack guys it's over it's over oh yeah the drink should be easy uh 82. it was the like vile thing the what the bible was no one knows anything guys we have to do it we wait hold on um [Music] hold on wendy we're holding on yeah what's happening i already skipped because everyone said they didn't don't hold on brett all right carrot gang meeting at the at the launch pad all right oh jesus what turn it tina you voted for me you're not a carrot oh jesus yeah carrot gang to launch pad yeah you should vote for me we gotta do it guys we have no choice we have no choice this is all we could do we got it we got to make things right in this town i should have taken her out when we had the chance should have taken her out when we had the chance guys this is this is what we got to do we won't kill her immediately we'll give her the chance to kill us all right oh jesus jack tina oh god guys guys i don't know what happened i think tina misfired on jack i'm never gonna snitch uh i i went to the launch pad with tinon jack i think tina thought i was doing some weird trick with the carrot gang thing and i think she just she was probably the sheriff she misfired onto jack and now they're both dead who do you think she was trying she might have been going for me maybe but i don't know all right so it's you then if it was me i would have camped the bodies killed the next person who walked by and the game be over right because no one there's only one way into launch pad so one imposters wait i'm lost oh no all right let's kill bretman i don't think dream are they're both dead it's neither of them yeah so i'm right who guys we didn't snitch it's okay i don't know why we didn't because they're dead so i could i wouldn't call here on since i am huh i would never snitch on the carrot gang is that what you're asking mm-hmm good wait i'm actually sober um i'm so lost wait a minute of course you shouldn't be that confused wait corpse what are you what are you confused about corpse um i thought that jack was jester because he i thought he faked wait a minute oh so maybe tina thought he was the imposter and she sheriff killed yeah jack then right it's windy isn't it so there's two left right it's not me what if it's corpse it's wendy well if it's bretton host you know what guys by the next meeting i will have found another imposter i think wait did you find one what do we vote here oh oh my god bretman no guys guys oh jesus all right guys i never thought i'd have to do this corpse but oh no he knows that i know he knows that i know he knows that i know because i could tell he was so confused because i was pretending it was a sheriff kill and he knew it wasn't a sheriff kill so he was super confused corpse you can kill me i don't want to do it but someone will report you i i don't know what to do corpse i i don't want to do it corpse he fixed it he fixed the sabotage ah what do we do what do we do what do we do guys what do we do do we do it do we do it guys i don't know if we can i'm sorry this is freaking me out where did corpse go oh okay we're still oh jesus okay where'd oh why corpse why'd you go to launchpad finish my task sakura why'd you skip on five or two imposters because uh i just felt really safe for some reason sheriff uh knows what he's doing i think oh wait i claimed the sheriff was dead oh jesus all right guys i think that it's it's over i i i just i was the sheriff and i caught tina venting i was gonna kill her but since i was wearing the carrot i let her live once but then she she got george and dream killed and i had to take her out and then corpse was extremely confused by me saying it was a sheriff killed because he knew his partner probably died everyone else seemed to go along with it pretty well except for one person who seemed quite confused that i said it was a sheriff kill hello hi go on so i think it's corpse oh but i wanted him to kill me and then have you guys find the body because i didn't want to kill him i was confused that there was three people with each other and then that happened because theoretically if if what you're saying is accurate would be weird for the one imposter to then kill in front of two other people with no other imposter there it's because i let her live when i caught her venting but i was the sheriff i have to protect the people here i had no choice but to take her out uh so you guys want to vote off corpse or i thought it was toast because i thought toast was doing the whole blame my imposter partner thing and he was uh assassin wendy you think but then that wasn't actually like corpse was too surprised i don't know because everyone else believed my story especially toast when he asked me he was like why didn't why didn't uh you know doesn't it mean it's you then i was like i could have can't think i said come on go kill court just skip and then you go kill somebody go kill corpse what are you guys crazy i want corpse to kill me you guys find the body then you can vote him out we we lose if he does that oh yeah also there if there's a chance it's not corpse then we'll just instantly lose won't we well trust your guts oh but my gut says i don't like killing corpse [Music] just riding him out huh oh god look look guys i don't know can i really do this can i really kill both imposters i i can't i can't i tina trusted me the carrot the carrot um oh god a toast sounds so innocent too it's like guys we can't do it we can't do it um we just we can't do it guys all right oh hey toast don't look at me like that with that me young face that's me young's face isn't it toast you gotta hit the button don't you yep yo okay we're all alive that's cool that's good all right that's good well look you guys believe i'm the sheriff don't you think yeah i believe you think you know so you gotta vote for the imposters don't you all right guys i didn't want to have to do this i will vote for corpse look guys six people are waiting for us let's just vote them off move to the next game no killing needed it's got to be him right i mean on the off chance it's not him you could always stab wendy in the gut that's true oh that's true i totally forgot if it's wrong i'll just kill whoever else there is the only downside here is if corpses digester oh that is also true that's true but i feel like it hmm i don't know i don't know the behavior seems very well either way i voted for him so uh you know here's what we do wendy we both skip here what if toast is the gesture and he doesn't want to lose right it's okay we both skip here and then we call a button because if okay here's the gesture no you guys should vote for buttons anymore oh no they're gonna know i voted to skip i wasn't gonna try and get them killed they're gonna know i don't know well i don't think he has a problem i cannot no he has a button do i do i might not never have i what if i never had a chance to call the button what if i don't i might not he has a button i might not wendy you got to vote him out now you better do it now why is this well wendy who do you think the impossible thought process here yeah wendy who do you just vote who you think but we could end the game right now just i mean it's obviously not me i'm the sheriff so you can vote toast or corpse say just get it over with i what are you waiting for okay interesting oh that's what you meant second okay oh god oh god oh jesus oh corpse thought i was gonna vote myself but i can't do that cause that'll be handing him the win i gotta make wendy and toast vote for corp somehow guys do it just someone do something you maniacs get away from because i don't look at this point we can't kill him it just we can't we're too invested um oh god there's corpse where's wendy um oh wendy's alive well that should be dead um corpse kill me kill me jesus okay where's toast gone off to hmm do we do it i don't know why isn't he killing me i mean i could kill him but he could kill me or they could have voted him off literally everyone's stalling everyone's stalling i'm not the only one that's stalling everyone's stalling i don't know why no one's doing anything do i just kill someone wait where is corpse the oh there he is you guys are gonna make me do it aren't you these sickos these sickos look we could just vote them off oh jesus jesus look guys we gotta let's just do this the democratic way i agree look they're waiting for us guys they're waiting for us we already know who it is oh okay then i'll vote off wendy then that all right oh i see all right well she she volunteered she volunteered oh oh wait i thought we were voting for wendy because she said oh oh god oh god i couldn't do it she was venting in front of me and then i could not do that anymore you killed jack you killed jack you made me do it she killed right in front of him she killed right in front of me i was going to let you go i was going to let you go but you killed jack right in front of me kudo i can't believe you're out here scrimping what i thought today was the day that you would finally kill corpse i've been well i was lucky you killed me because i was jester and everyone was going to suss me yeah i was working four times on mira i haven't gotten to vent once this entire time oh yeah the mirror is tough for morphing adapt survive oh jesus [Music] good [Music] congrats on the music video thank you congrats see you guys later bye bye oh that was a stressful last game guys i didn't know what to do i i already killed i already betrayed tina what was i supposed to do what was that supposed to do guys i already betrayed tina she trusted me and then that i was going to kill corpse so crazy i felt like it was imposter after imposter after impossible no not nine that way right honestly i felt bad for sussing wendy all the time but it was she got impostor so much today i didn't know yeah i was like yeah tina i wanted to kill you in that first when you were venting in front of me i was like do i do it i could kill her right now but i held back i held back it's like i was hoping for the character progression i was egging you on the entire like jack after she killed you right in front i had no choice i had no choice what was i gonna do kill you in front of jack kill me in secret well i feel what's bad about killing you now what's that about you what are you supposed to do um all right well uh all right see you guys later thanks for playing say good night you're always such a treat jack always says wow thanks tina you too honestly when i say you're unhinged it's actually extra funny i like it yeah it's oh yeah it's great as as corpse would say she's a freak yes yeah that's what four days a week all right see you guys later thanks for playing all right guys that's probably it for today we stream for like four hours i know it's not super long um so you know it's not super long but it's it was still super fun i'm glad we got to play with dream and everyone again um i feel like we haven't played with look bretman's been super busy with his show we haven't played with him in ages haven't seen dream it was it was super fun it was super fun maybe that last game i should have ended faster but look guys you know it was it wasn't a bad game i thought it was a great game or at least i thought it was i don't know i hope you guys enjoyed it and i didn't have to vote for corpse or kill him at all he voted for himself i knew he would i didn't know he would i just didn't want to um anyway that's pretty much it for today thank you very much for coming to the stream guys really appreciate you all i hope you guys enjoyed it i definitely enjoyed uh having all you here i feel like uh among us is always super fun when you're playing with fun people so uh and the new maps coming out in um a couple weeks i think so we'll be playing that for sure but uh that's it for today thank you very much guys really appreciate you all and i think i'm super lucky that so many people show up to just hang out with me so uh thanks for making my stream fun guys um really appreciate you guys and i hope i see you next stream too um thanks for coming you guys are great glad i started streaming because of all the great people that show up well that's it for today i'm gonna go get some dinner and probably relax for a bit um so that's it thanks a bunch everybody see you guys next time um and i know you guys are probably looking for a bunch of gta role play we've been playing too much but uh we'll definitely play again soon not today though uh but i will raid my boss at the casino so uh yep you guys can watch her if you want to see gta i'm not going to be playing today but we'll be playing uh probably tomorrow the next day or something you guys know i've been having a lot of fun with that well that's it for today thank you very much for coming guys um thanks for making my stream fun for me and uh tell my boss thanks for hiring me um anyway see you guys next time thanks a bunch everybody all right bye see you guys next time
Channel: Sykkuno Archive
Views: 81,976
Rating: 4.8055553 out of 5
Id: i5q5BbDhpmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 29sec (13169 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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