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welcome one and all to goobies my name is deep space Matt and in today's episode I have found a foolproof method of surviving on the islands all we have to do is take our adult Gooby and turn it into a cute little baby Gooby there's no way they would attack a baby right oh really you guys hate babies too what if we're just quiet we're gonna be quiet and oh come on trees okay we're small enough we're gonna hide in trees we're gonna be in a tree the entire time there's no way they're gonna know where oh no can a baby survive in a hostile slime world let's find out in goobies all right here we go with some more goobies now this is actually the second time that I've been recording this mainly because the first time went well I guess you couldn't say poorly but too good it went too good I had two of these artifacts I had the twice as many enemies will spawn and I was trying this one the blobeth only blobs will spawn and I was running uh binkus Bonkers because I just unlocked him hadn't tried him yet bingas bongus heaviness causes a small Nova to erupt each bounce dealing three damage and knocking back nearby enemies and the thing is with this going on uh it be it was way too easy it was way too easy I had um I just I'll you know I'll just throw up some some of the footage from that run to where I was just upgrading all of my aoes and eventually I could just run through any of the mobs and they would not do any damage to me because they were they were all just the the basic blobs even the mini bosses was the big mini boss blob the only thing that was not blobs were the the big bosses and they were the only things that I figured would give me trouble especially when they started getting into a million Health two million Health but even then it didn't matter nothing could touch me I could take it took forever to take the bosses down but it just didn't matter to where I would just let a lot of them spawn and just like swarm on me and then all I had to do was like move around to get my Nova and my Wildfire and all of that going and just clear the screen there were times where I wanted to see how much experience I could stack on the screen if I could turn the entire the entire ground blue with experience and you can you can almost do that the only trouble that eventually a boss will spawn and you're gonna have to move uh unfortunately even the mini bosses couldn't get to me I could just sit still and or I could just move around a little and my knockback would cause them to never be able to touch me and when you grab all that experience holy cow I thought I was gonna crash the game uh then it became a race of how slow can I make the game go 13 frames a second 12 I could have sworn at one point and if I find it I'll put it up here it was one frame a second could have sworn the number hit one uh and then eventually like I've been playing at this point at this point I've been playing for over two hours and I had like dinner reservations I I had I had to go so I just I paused it and I just hoped it would still be up left my computer running when I came back went came back it was still running played for another half hour realized I'm just never going to die and I can't put up uh I don't know 12 hour video and not to mention the fact that my voice my all my voice was was I was losing my voice from Talking constantly that much so I just ended the run and I am back here I'm gonna try it again this time we're gonna take blobith off uh the good thing about it though is on the upgrades here I got enough I got enough uh meta currency to upgrade everything to Max I had like 14 000 of this I don't know how many but uh we're we're all maxed out on everything we got uh XP range blast radius crit hit chance Health movement speed hit damn crit damage attack speed base damage projectiles regen and uh rare items everything maxed out and I unlocked a bunch of artifacts so let's see all enemies deal double damage that sounds horrible uh everything that moves twice as fast as well horrible enemies have been blessed with a cursed capsule and now move twice as fast so oh my God that is insane the blobs go stronger that's interesting uh we got that we got that uh yakto baby Gooby I don't know what this does I'm gonna turn it on and find out do I get like a baby like a little like pal to run around with me we're gonna keep twice as many enemies will spawn I like that levels me up faster and uh let's try I don't know what blob moon is uh I assume it just it just makes them Stronger Yeah we're gonna try these three see what it is we're gonna go back with bingus bongus since I had just I'm scrapping that other video uh we still need to unlock where do we need to unlock oh we have everybody oh spinky winky that's the one so I guess I I don't want to unlocked him against increased attack speed based on momentum momentum is gained by continuously moving without stopping oh my uh a lot of a lot of like this one and this one and this one very movement based uh movement based goobies so we're gonna go with bingas bongus and we are the bingas bongus here and uh is this like zoomed in this looks weird why does this look so weird okay here we go we're going here we're getting what is going oh my God no I'm a baby is that what oh the baby thing is I'm a baby okay we need to increase the radius of all AOE items that sounds great uh we're gonna do this because we have our little a little Anova here and it won't work if you're not moving see it just stops so you have to move to make the little Nova and oh my God if I'm a little baby oh look out they're gonna get really close to me we're gonna need to regenerate we're gonna need to regenerate health for sure they're gonna be they're gonna be right on me okay so let's level up hopefully I get a level up or experience there we go that's what I'm looking for more experience 100 getting that level up faster especially in the early game and we're just gonna oh look at all the projectiles I'm shooting out now there's like five right one plus four I think is what it goes up to oh a dizzy ball I like that implode is nice because we're going AOE but uh yeah let's go let's go with the ball and then we're just gonna have a whole lot of uh area of denial that's the plan we have our Nova attack speed attack range we really don't care about uh we really don't care about because we're we're so tiny right now uh we're gonna go with explosive blobs I would love to get Wildfire going but yeah we're just gonna have our little area we're gonna all the all of the orbitals we can get so we do want the tranquilizing masses we want uh we have our Nova around us the dizzy ball around us there's the fire yes that's what I need uh that around us what what else what else is in an orbital or or something oh the howling that the howl howl as well we want that oh saucers I mean I know I'm mixing projectiles and aoes but uh yesterday the saucer I mean it flies around us that's what we want we want a spinning whirling dervish of death anything that gets close to our cute little baby Gooby here is is gonna get hurt so far it's working okay but it's only been a minute 30. we'll see when it gets to six hours a radius of AOE I want this yes I want our Nova to be a lot wider because our Nova is where is it it is AOE yes the Nova's AOE we don't we we can't let them get too close oh there's the howl yes I want this so I had this in the last run and it was very good the howl turns into like a tsunami or something later on and it did really well that's there is the red circle going around us right now and we're just we're gonna keep everything at distance don't hurt the baby right who are you guys coming and attacking a baby um this is what I wasn't sure here is the attack speed what does that help with the I don't think it helps our Nova because that's just bouncing around but it might help the howl does it make the howl attack faster I'm not sure we're gonna go with the goo it is AOE and uh we are going to be trying to I'm increasing the AOE radius we also want to increase AOE damage we want some of that oh no oh no oh this is bad oh the explodey ones are bad because we got to get too close we're gonna get in there their explosion radius no uh an additional projectile we already have so many but no experience 100 we want the experience um upgrade as much as possible as fast as possible okay we can we can get those explodey ones down before they reach us I think the the Dizzy's ball will do a lot of work helping with that ooh obliteration I haven't tried obliteration getting up getting up all the way so I don't know exactly what it does uh with that said I think I'm gonna go with obliteration just because I mean I'm still on a mission to find out what all the abilities do at Max and I I don't remember getting the obliteration to put Max uh but I guess we're gonna find out now what it does either I got it up but I just don't remember uh we're gonna do a thick hide I'm pretty sure being as small as we are and how wait how fast are we are we oh my God we are so slow 3.8 movement speed because we are tiny we are tiny okay we're gonna We out hopefully we don't spawn what's it mumsa the one that hops at you it's gonna be so fast it's gonna be so fast comparatively because we're tiny it's gonna kill us okay hopefully hopefully that's not the first boss uh here's the Sonic howl we can regen again I want the howl up though uh help keep uh all the all these little awful slimes off of us as fast as possible uh I would love the AOE radius to be a whole lot higher as well it is so tiny so tiny and some tranquilizing masses too everything just flying around us constantly here's the AOE radius yes I want that uh soft blobs no we're gonna do we're gonna do girth up and I think on the last on on the I don't know what to call it the the cursed run I guess I'll call it on the cursed run I had the girth up to the point where the like the Hal and the Nova I think it went all the way up to the top and the bottom of the screen it was gigantic I just so many level UPS so it took forever to level up too it would take like two islands Worth to level up one uh we have uh nothing I really want attack speed is interesting I don't think I've gotten the blobbering all the way up either I know I've gotten the splinters up I think that's like in my first video I want to say so I'm gonna take the blobbering it doesn't work I guess it kind of is it kind of flies around us for a second before flying off but I want to see what the blobbering does uh all the way leveled up hopefully we can get hopefully we can get there I I don't know I don't know being as small as we are also we took oh we took that blood or blob Moon where they get stronger I have no clue what that means is this what the health pickup looks like up close when I'm like normal size it just looks like a green circle okay we're gonna go oh my God increased damage AOE but look at these obliteration I want the obliteration up I want to see what it does we're gonna be level two ninety percent 25 chance to deal 40 of the damage again okay we're gonna do that we're gonna do that it's just there's only one more level to the obliteration yeah the I didn't know they were little crosses I can't tell when it's zoomed out farther maybe I wasn't I probably just wasn't paying attention close enough uh I don't like much of these I don't want to mess with frostbolt or splinter at all so we could dissolve but I think I'm gonna go with the the attack speed the attack speed will help with our base attack it'll help with the Dizzy's ball maybe it's helping with the howl I can't be sure it would be wonderful if there was some kind of like every time you get an ability it would up update this to show like oh like it would be like the Dizzy's ball and it would have additional additional info to say what what of your other abilities are modifying it because I mean I love I love stats and stats screens and everything oh there's the fire yes I do like extra crit chance what are we at crit chance right now 35 that's not great but um because these two will work well together uh but we're gonna take the fire I want to get that I want to get that to Wildfire as soon as possible to help us clear out clear out the screen look how big the trees are like I can hide in a tree nobody can see me you have no clue where I'm at no clue where I'm at oh something's coming okay Magnus Magnus knows where I'm at Magnus is too smart oh we got a mini boss okay take down we gotta get the mini boss down uh before Magnus like shoots me in the face with a laser which is coming soon but even here look at this we can just we can just push around these mini bosses it's amazing it's great okay Bjorn was slain and I'm getting hit right in the face with a laser oh this is awful One X I mean I guess I'll take it increase damage by 15 it's better than nothing okay run run oh I did not get hit from that oh Magnus is already down oh we're doing so much damage that was amazing okay I think I want implode more AOE sounds good we could take the goo and level that up all the way um I really like the implode I do like the okay Magnus what are you blessing me with AOE stuff crit damage three times 45 sure I'll take that that'll help once we get the once we get the chance up a lot more okay let's grab grab some of this experience as we can or we should we should have been grabbing this stuff over here before the uh before the portal consumes it all oh I can see a little there we go can I get oh I think I got I got some I could hear I could hear the little the little bells digging for the experience as I was getting it up all right what do you got for me let's go I can't even tell what like this island shape is I have no I have no like environmental awareness at all because I'm so tiny okay we want uh oh we don't like any of these chain I guess is good chain uh can help with the with the uh we'll get in the Wildfire started because they'll hit more I guess we'll go with chain I guess I could have dissolved it that might have been a better I've been more aggressive at dissolving uh just to get the specific abilities that I'm looking for in a run okay we are so slow we need like some speed up ability we need to be faster we need to be a whole lot faster because this is not this is not gonna do well especially when the runners start when do the runners start coming that's bad okay we're gonna do the fire yes we need to get we need to get that up as well it's all that's already looking good I love the fire it's so great at like clearing just the massive mobs of enemies look at that just chain it all together especially once you get it up to the wildfire and you get the extra the extra ability where it does like 2x damage or something like that okay we are level up um attack speed damage I guess uh we do do chain we'll do chain works okay with the Wildfire I'm pretty sure and I don't even know I need like a lot of magnets because without being being so zoomed in I don't know where I'm leaving experience we gotta like stay in a smaller Circle because I'm sure I'm Gonna Leave a lot of experience on the field if I wander off too far and I can't find my way back that's it with kids though right don't let the kids wander off too far okay here we go now we're up to Wildfire yeah 2x additional damage based on the number of enemies hit that is amazing that is the the screen clearing ability of this and we're gonna need it if we're going to last as long as we can especially oh man once we get to the armored the armored ones I need some speed please give me a Speed pickup speed upgrade okay we have some ticks okay more Wildfire we're gonna go with more wildfire uh yeah has a better chance we'll do this oh we have we have the the flood now the ticks are here all right um we're gonna just try and like I said I don't want to go too far where's the enemies go okay there they are I'm like there's no way I outran them as slow as I am they just all decided to spawn way down there oh yeah look at all this experience down here okay at least we get a magnet after clearing the boss um post-mortem obliteration what is that okay 80 HP 35 chance to deal 75 of the damage again if the target dies trigger a post-mortem obliteration resulting in a hundred percent bonus to on death effects holy cow that's that that includes our explosive blobs and our Wildfire oh that is crazy 100 bonus wait okay for okay so when the target dies so when the target dies uh uh and it dies and it triggers the Wildfire of the explosive blobs it's gonna do 100 bonus to that that is amazing we're 100 picking that oh I like that I like that a lot I mean it does it has that trouble of you don't really see it you know I mean I guess you gotta feel it when you clear the screen but it's hard to tell that that's exactly the thing that it did okay we are we're doing good we got full health still we I don't think we've taken any damage at all we're gonna go with implode I think is the best here more aoes okay we got a mini boss yes give me some roulette where are you mini boss come on we're just we're destroying everybody we are destroying everybody oh it is great this little this is the this is the most violent baby on the islands okay okay it's uh Bjorn Bjorn is here that is okay with with Bjorn's bodyguards but we are more Wildfire uh oh no more experience 100 more experience I almost missed it there I almost snapped picked the Wildfire uh but yeah like a burn can't he can't get even close can we just oh what his bodyguards he can spawn his bodyguards right on top of us but he can't get close I can just not move I can't do anything okay uh we are doing well I'm just gonna grab this health and uh we're gonna take Bjorn down okay zigreed is here that is uh uh that's okay I don't mind his agreed uh we can just oh okay actually never mind I'm not that fast I forgot I forgot how slow I am and the meteor is like that maybe cause trouble I'm kind of agile though okay take Bjorn down what are you gonna give me please AOE that is damage uh crit chance I'll take crit chance sure only a 1X oh watch out watch out yeah I'm not fast at all I'm gonna take another Dizzy's ball that sounds great now I got two of them just doing all sorts of work okay run run run run run run run run yeah okay zigrey's not good we gotta take ziggly down fast because we are slow uh watch out watch out okay we can just barely outrun those uh those meteors coming down okay zigrees down I want some of this health too before we we get out of here uh more crit chance I'll I'll take that 2x let's go what are we up at a quit chance 59 okay getting getting there implode sounds good but this sounds as well to get our Wildfire going um you know we're gonna we're gonna keep with the AOE implode get ourselves to some black holes the needles we'll go the saucers which we already have uh the Thousand needles is interesting uh but they do do they do less damage and we need to get that initial hit going for a wildfire so we're gonna go with the saucers uh we're gonna hopefully get Max Health here yeah there we go Max Health very nice get all the rest oh so much oh there oh there's a magnet okay hold on get all these guys was there anybody else down here no okay now hit the magnet very nice all right I don't know how I don't think that was a lot of experience we're moving on moving on okay what does this off while Island have for me nobody that's fine I'm I'm at peace we can just live in a tree we can just live in a tree at peace nobody knows I'm here I mean I have I have these giant orbitals around me so it's a little obvious wow wow look at that oh we don't have to move oh this is amazing can I AFK oh my God can I AFK right now I mean it's not gonna last for sure but the Dizzy balls the Dizzy's balls plus the uh what's the whole Wildfire ooh it's doing the work look at this oh we're going straight to vampire survivors right now uh oh no we're taking damage we're taking damage oh no oh because the the magma throws okay I wasn't paying attention all right here we go uh yeah the queens that throw the lava at you or whatever they're throwing at you okay ooh more wildfire wildfire enhanced disease balls so the Wildfire is we get it at Max so all it's doing is more damage now uh we do not have the disease balls Max let's max out because now they can ricochet Let's uh let's get the disease balls up higher and then we can start working on more Wildfire probably the wrong choice we should probably lean heavily into the wildfire uh but uh I like to I want to I like I like the cool abilities they're so shiny I just gotta see what they do I don't know how high I've gotten the Disney's balls before I don't think I've gotten them up to Max uh but we're gonna find hopefully find out if we can last long enough we're doing okay right now okay there's the Wildfire again uh do we need regen regeneration I don't think so we're doing okay for now so let's we'll do the Wildfire this time get that get that extra damage because pretty soon I'm sure we're gonna start getting armored the armored fellows they're gonna come with their the skulls of their compatriots I can only assume like they're a Cubone or something all right we are oh there they are yes they're here they have arrived I knew it oh yeah it's taken it's taking a bit it's taken a bit so we need more damage uh oh crit chance uh or we can increase all damage but uh and we have a stack of bleed uh we are at 59 yeah we're gonna take that right that puts us oh wait does it not oh wait was that oh no that's damage no it's as an additional 24 crit to cradle strike oh it didn't increase the the chance I thought it was increasing the chance I should read I should learn how to read that would help in playing games all right we are we're doing okay though uh we're making them bleed now I don't know exactly sure what gooby's bleed I assume it's just all this black stuff but uh we're doing I mean we're doing at 59 that's an awful lot of crit damage all right it's procking quite a bit and uh yeah we're looking good oh there's a magnet okay I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna hang around the magnet I say that as I wander off and it goes off screen I know it's back there oh there's the tranquilizing mass that's exactly what I wanted uh but we can get this to the Black Hole uh I'm gonna do the mass I'm gonna do the mass so that I can have it in my ability pool and hopefully uh I can see it more often the black hole is already there the implode is already there so I mean it'll show it'll show up I don't want to lose the chance of getting the tranquilizing mass I want all these things floating around me that was the plan at the beginning hopefully I last long enough for that to happen okay where now where did the magnet go I've left see I wandered off and I lost the magnet now it's to the left somewhere uh there it is there it is there it is okay train let's try and keep around it okay we have a mini boss yes please uh crumbled Sapphire just a base damage we'll do that uh could I really I don't want to miss a splinter or Frost Bolt so more damage but that'll work out oh no it's Oola oh no I don't like Oola my most unfavoritest of the mini bosses who just has the the vacuum ability I'm so slow too oh no I'm so slow it's gonna mess with my my uh avoidance ability oh but ulo's almost down we're doing a lot of damage really doing a lot of damage there we go very nice give me AOE or a quick chance only five percent but we'll take it I also take this magnet right now oh yes look at that um oh so rough so rough I want the Wildfire but I get two tranquilizing masses we're gonna get I want to get these things up I want to get them up to Max I want all these orbitals around me okay we are we're doing okay we only had one instance of those oh there's another magnet very nice of one instance of the the armored which is fine no Runners yet either Runners are bad because we are so slow uh probably the next Island I'm assuming the next boss should be coming up soon I still don't know when the bosses show up in the cursed run at first I thought it was every five minutes but it wasn't exactly every five minutes it might take into account the time you spend in the menu looking at the different upgrades I can't be sure we got two magnets oh great oh we have three magnets uh here's another tranquilizing Mass we'll get three we don't care about attack range slashes are nice but uh we don't need that right now we're gonna go with the tranquilizing mass grab this magnet already get more than halfway to the next uh Next Level I forgot what the the amount of experience oh cigarette again the amount of experience you needed to get to the next level in the cursed run was insane as well okay we are I can barely see anything that is going on right now oh these Giants just they they do not go down uh fast do they they have a lot of Health okay oh yeah I can barely see where I'm going okay we have a mini boss I want to try it oh oh no oh no oh this is bad okay no zigreed has to go right now zigweed has to go right now uh because I cannot outrun oh Oola it's Oola yeah no it's Oola and is agreed I cannot outrun these uh these falling meteors I think I'm getting hit by them ulo's slowing me down this is agreed you have to go you have to go now uh I should be able to oh I'm at five health I didn't I now I regret not taking that health regen okay down Oola also gonna be down in a second his ingredients whispering in my ear from Beyond the Grave 2x chain yeah I'll take that 100 chance so it's gonna guarantee to change four enemies additional plus one damage for each consecutive chain let's go let's go and then uh Oola Oola down AOE please no uh oh a five it oh five percent of those five x damage multiplier yeah I'll take that that's okay I will grab all of this uh where we had another magnet somewhere oh there it is there it is okay take all of you down okay very nice let's grab this magnet before moving on should give us another level up hopefully no not quite not quite all right but at least we'll get one soon as soon as we start we'll do indoor our usual and hide in a tree and hopefully hope they don't see us I'm kind of peeking out and anybody there hello okay you see me oh it's the runners oh no oh no armored Runners are gonna be bad as well these are all horrible I mean projectiles I guess are good um for our base attack and yeah the Disney's balls are projectiles as well oh I could dissolve I kind of want to dissolve to get more AOE stuff I think it would be I'm gonna dissolve it gets us halfway there to the next level up I really rather just I'd really rather just focus on the AOE things probably mistake because we do want that initial kill all right and I'm sure these aren't these armored ones is what's gonna kill me right we just won't be able to get through like the armored Giants once we get to armored Giants I'm already having trouble getting rid of the regular Giants oh did I just I just picked up that Health pickup didn't even notice there's just so much I'm so tiny and there's just so much going on the screen I can barely see where I'm headed all right we are I can hear by the audio that I'm close to a level up yes yes level 40. all right okay oh there damage of all AOE items that's what I want yes oh chain the chain is all the way up we are maxed on chain uh yes AOE damage sounds good lots and lots of things going on right here lots of things going on we are we are shaking the Earth we're gonna crack the the the the crust of the planet a health regen doing nice as well oh I love that health regen oh my God this is so crazy this feels kind of it feels really different playing it from this is zoomed in it does feel kind of different it's like it's almost like a different game okay we we are looking okay we don't have much to fear from these ticks let's see once they immediately spawn I was afraid because you have to get close that once they die and spawn all the little ones that they would just immediately do damage to me well we're taking them out like at the Nova and the howl is doing work I wish I could get the howl up to the tsunami range have not gotten that up yet um I have no clue where all this I'm just going around in like a big slow Circle and hopefully I'm getting as much of the experience as I can I can't even see myself there's just so much I am caught in so much AOE of the wildfire at some points I don't even know where I'm at I just kind of have this vague idea where the center of the screen is and just kind of assume I'm right there oh there's a magnet that's exactly what I want to see uh spirit and mumps that I really don't like because I just I don't know when it happens we don't care about attack range we're all about AOE and our novas but we can chain to another another enemy and now we have plus two damage that should help that should 100 help there we go get those uh get that Wildfire going and yeah we're just gonna hang around hang around this uh this magnet and I meet it when I say I mean it this time this is the one oh two magnets two magnets okay we're gonna grab one there we go and oh no now we're in armored Runners oh no no no no no no oh this bad is bad bad bad take him down take him down okay okay not too bad not too bad I was worried there for a second oh another magnet oh I picked that up by accident I was way too close okay we are yeah there's the magnet there oh I didn't mean to pick up that health either oh Mom's oh no this is bad we're so slow we're so slow oh you just he's just gonna kill us wait wait around in circles you can't turn oh he's like hit me every time we gotta take mumps out uh no no to the side to the side oh oh it's so oh it's so difficult it's I can't no every time every time he's oh Health pick up Health pickup oh no we're gonna die mom's gonna kill us because we're so slow oh the baby we're almost outrunning him uh that is not that is not uh none of this is speed I needed speed we're gonna try I guess we do with projectiles because the disease balls will do it we will take the projectiles this time uh oh my I'm just running circles even going to the side monster still gets us oh no no no no no no no no no run run farther farther get distance distance distance doesn't help going to the side doesn't help side side side nope nope oh we're dead we're dead we're dead that's it we're dead oh my gosh a full spectrum morph into a random Gooby every time you travel through the portal oh that is amazing I love that we are definitely doing that next time oh but this one this was a lot of fun I had a good time if you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe down below and if you made it this far thanks for watching
Channel: DeepSpaceMatt
Views: 5,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oAQ8OfF5nhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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