I Caught My FIRST POKEMON in Minecraft!

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oh no oh no I'm gonna be late for work Dr Panic is gonna kill me kill me oh gosh wait where are you going hey Junior I'm gonna be late for work okay and what are you doing on your switch are you are you still playing Pokemon you've been absolutely addicted to Pokemon lately right Junior I need to go to work okay bye tell your mom I love her and I love you too let me you want to come to work with me again uh Ray Jr don't you just want to play Pokemon come on play your Pokemon oh my goodness uh no okay okay you know what you know what bring your switch with you you're gonna you're gonna sit down quietly in the lab while I'm working and you can play your Pokemon okay ah geez close the door race Junior I'm about to leave you bye okay okay this way I can leave him yes I'm about to leave say oh my goodness he actually hopped into the car gosh dang it all right let's head to work and see what Dr Panic has for me today and I am so late right now he's gonna yell at me I just know that already there he is hey Dr Panic I'm here hmm almost stabilized Dr Panic I'm here whoa whoa what the what the heck is happening yo oh did you guys just see that that thing right there with the clock head he just started floating around everywhere there you go welcome Hey Dr Panic I'm finally here I'm I'm so sorry I'm late oh look who decided to show up I'm sorry Dr Panic three hours hey I fell asleep okay I fell asleep and my kid keeps playing Pokemon I told him to stay back home but uh you're lucky my friend here needs time to adjust to the dimension um okay well who is this guy who is this friend of yours I am Dimension man nice to meet you rage uh hi it's nice to meet you as well from the fourth dimension huh so do you do something with Dimensions or something do you travel Dimensions or something like that that sounds really cool actually have you ever wanted to live a different life hmm I mean my life here has been pretty good I have my wife I have my kids but I do have one mortal enemy and maybe we can change that things almost exactly the same but different slightly a life without Jim Davis that might be you being able to fly wait I I could be a superhero uh yeah actually that would be really cool you being a scientist nah I don't really want to be a scientist to be honest but I do want to fly a world where you aren't a pain in my butt hey I'm not a pain in my your butt you're the pain in my butt you're the evil man after all oh okay okay well anyways come on where is that shiny uh yeah yeah I do I do do you want to try yeah I want to try let's go and is this guy gonna tour me around come on oh okay huh hey Junior this is about to be the coolest thing ever all right so do I just go into the portal with Dimension man or something like that oh my goodness I'm really excited I'm about to live a separate life I can come back right Dr Panic I'll be back in no time right I just experience it and come back he's changing the dimension oh this is perfect I will finally be able to experience a different life a life where I can fly he'll be with you every step of the way oh okay it seems like the dimension man is calibrating the portal so I can finally experience a brand new life I'm very excited hey Junior I'll be back okay tell your mom I love her I'll be back soon all right hey raise Junior I want to come no you're not gonna come with me finished all done oh man so am I good to go into the portal awesome into the new dimension I go oops wait did he just drop his switch oh where am I uh something something about this world looks a little strange it looks a little different but whose house am I in right now and is that a Pokemon themed mug is that Pikachu wait a second the Nintendo switch it has Pokemon on it uh I'm gonna I'm kinda scared where am I uh hello wait who's this uh hi what am I doing here oh son why don't you have your outfit on son what are you talking about man uh wait a second am I am I a kid uh why am I so small where the heck am I the last thing I remembered was no rage Jr he threw the Game Boy oh my goodness he threw the Nintendo switch into the dimension portal teleportation thing and did you just say outfit Mom I'm guessing in this world she's my mom and uh okay uh well I'll go put on my hurry now okay okay I'm gonna go put on my outfit I don't know what outfit she's talking about but let's see this outfit uh I look like a Pokemon trainer wait a second don't tell me this world is a Pokemon world oh this is all because of Rage Junior and hey Mom if you're my mom then where's my dad he's on the TV on the TV my dad welcome all of Block City I am proud to announce the new Pokemon champion hello everyone my name is elixir and here is my Pokemon Charizard sponsored by Henry Corp a brand you can trust he's the Pokemon champion and is that is that Frank announcing my my dad that's really my dad oh wow I didn't know my dad was a champion that's so cool you know what I actually don't mind this world hurry now Professor Panic is waiting for you at the lab the lab and Professor Panic so so in this world there is a panic uh okay Mom uh thanks for the help oh my gosh go now before you're late okay I'm heading out now goodbye wow okay I mean my mom in this world seems like a really nice lady and I am about to head on over whoa look at this there's Pokemon everywhere and that's a Rattata right there walking around wow this is literally a Pokemon world in Block City we're gonna head on over to even the lab looks like a Pokeball What is this world this is amazing and hold on a second is that a Pokeball on the ground oh my goodness I can't believe I'm actually gonna be I just got an item rare candy oh this is so cool this reminds me of my childhood I'm literally in a Pokemon world but in Block City this is quite interesting Professor Panic here I come look at this giant Pokeball lab and there's another item let me pick this one up I can't wait to get my first ever Pokemon you guys we have two potions wow they're being extra generous here and we have a pie Dove oh my goodness there's so many Pokemon just roaming around and I can't wait to see Drilbur there's a level 23 drillbur wow this entire lab is Pokemon themed and hmm no way she wasn't lying my mom wasn't lying there's actually a panic in this world excuse me are you uh Professor Panic I'm so short you guys I'm literally a kid in this world and I'm guessing I'm about to go on a very big adventure welcome hi uh Professor panic I hope this professor Panic does not you aren't my nephew uh yeah I'm not your nephew but it's nice to see you hopefully this Panic doesn't torture me just like he does in the other world wait a second uh does he does he does he realize that I'm from his Dimension or like I I know him already you you know me right uh aren't you the kid of the Pokemon Master oh yeah I I'm the son of the Pokemon champion uh son of the great Elixir wait his name's the great Elixir uh yeah I think so I love your father's work okay I think I think Professor panic's like a huge fan of his uh you got big shoes to fill kid oh man now I have high expectations oh my goodness okay well uh what what do you call me you're here for a Pokemon I presume uh sure my mom told me to come here so you are 10 after all I'm 10. ah that explains why I'm so tiny well yeah I'm here for a Pokemon then I'm ready for my adventure or whatever we're about to do my nephew was supposed to be here hours ago well I'm not your nephew it would be nice to meet him but let's get my Pokemon I'm really excited to finally start my adventure come on come on Professor Panic we might as well okay let's head on over and choose my first ever Pokemon you guys and wow there's so many Pokemon themed things here in this lab this is the first time I've ever seen in there they are the first three starters that I can choose from so Professor Panic can I just choose one of these These are the main three Squirtle on the left okay so that Squirtle right there Bulbasaur in the middle okay we have Bulbasaur in the middle Charmander on the right for those who have been watching my videos for a very long time you guys know that Charmander is my absolute favorite Pokemon professor panic I will be going with Charmander Charizard will be mine one day please give me Charmander I would really appreciate it oh my goodness I'm about to have my first ever Pokemon wow here we go this is my first ever poke come on let me throw it out foreign there he is Charmander the chosen one you really are the chosen one oh he's looking so cute guys I have my own Charmander my own Pokemon let's go and who might that be well well what June Davis yo what took you so long hey Uncle wait wait so so Jim Davis is panic's nephew in this world you're lazy hey Uncle where's my Pokemon yo guys if you guys don't realize Jim Davis was the block City's number one villain in our old timeline who's this kid oh good thing he doesn't know who I am but I'm guessing we're both 10 years old here in this world oh you're so entitled where's my Pokemon unbelievable well I'm guessing he wants one of the ah he only gets to choose out of these two eenie meeny miny moe what he's just gonna choose one for him oh I think Professor Panic just chose squirrel for Jim Davis haha you got Squirtle Squirtles are right but honestly Charmander is better take the Squirtle you rat of a child wait isn't that your nephew normally I give the whole speech about being welcome to the world of Pokemon ah well I've played way too many Pokemon games at this point yeah but you've heard it before I'm pretty sure you guys have as well so I'm just gonna head on out now okay I'll give you your shoes shoes and leave you on your way running shoes wait a second usually my mom gives me these running shoes but I'll go ahead and put wow they actually make me so much faster standard running Pokemon material I get those too right no oh my goodness I really have the main character I get to run around in these you get nothing that's what you get well you guys can go ahead and uh you get to consider your actions you whiny child all right you guys figure it out I'm just gonna go ahead and get started with my brand new adventure you guys this is about to be great into the world of Pokemon I go wow look at how beautiful everything ow ow what was that for hey do you remember me from the old world or something hey battle me if you think you're so good oh that's what he wanted uh huh you know what why not sure I'll battle you I'm gonna go ahead and beat your butt all right here we go let's go let's fight Squirtle oh my goodness I'm one level ahead of him already okay I'm gonna start off with he has a water Pokemon so I gotta be careful we should probably start off with uh scratch I'm gonna go ahead and scratch Jim Davis's Squirtle boom just like that and it did 20 damage okay now we wait for Jim Davis to do his little move Tail Whip that's not gonna do anything it just made my defense go down but I'm just gonna keep going ahead and attacking him I'm gonna scratch him again let's go let's go I need to win oh my gosh we got 30 this time a critical hit Jim Davis you're gonna go down since you wanna keep taking me out in my own world in my own Dimension I'm gonna take you out here oh my goodness my defense keep going down I really hope he doesn't hit me anytime soon because if he hits me I'm so screwed oh my gosh okay okay we're good I think maybe because he's playing so passively I'm gonna go ahead and uh I think I'm gonna go with growl this time I'm gonna growl get his defense down a little bit there we go roll on him make his attack decrease oh he used withdrawal okay I gotta be careful you guys uh I think they're planning something you know what I'm gonna end everything here hopefully a critical hit right here and take out Squirtle please come on I have to win 15 left come on come on oh they use water water's gun on me oh my gosh I have three HP I'm gonna die you guys guys oh gosh hopefully this last hit will kill him please please please I'm praying I'm praying we did it we did it barely I almost died there oh my goodness Jim Davis actually has a better Pokemon because water beats fire I'm kind of scared now did you use tail whip that's no fair uh well I beat you fair and square whether you like it or not he's made a fire you idiot well Professor Panic as you saw I uh I defeated your nephew that's two out of three no thank you I'm gonna go ahead and uh head on my way and enjoy my hey hey what do you want from me okay I'm gonna start my adventure now okay man my first ever Pokemon battle took so much out of me I'd better head over to the Pokemon Center to get my Pokemon healed up and there seems to be a market right here too I want to go and check that out later but let's let's get my Charmander my little Charmander healed up right now so we can uh continue our adventure without dying because I only have one Pokemon on me right now now and it's not looking too good hello uh hi nurse uh could I get my Pokemon healed up please hello welcome to the Pokemon Center oh yeah that's right you have to get all through all this dialogue just to heal your Pokemon Well ma'am can I uh can I heal my Pokemon please my Pokemon is dying it only has six HP out of 22 of course okay let me put my Pokemon in there there we go my little charmander's in the Pokemon healing thingy yay a 22 HP out of 22. perfect thank you so much we hope to see you again thank you so much all right I guess it's time for me to head on out there seems to be other trainers out here trainer Juju with his little wait is that a is that a shiny by any chance wow that looks amazing yep yep oh my goodness maybe one day I can get myself a Shiny Pokemon because if you guys didn't know Shiny Pokemon they're rare they don't look anything like your normal Pokemon just like this if it was a shiny it would probably be like green or blue or something like that that's really really cool well I hope you have a great day it's it's nice seeing other trainers out here in this world because uh and to you too thank you well it's time for me to head on out and continue my adventure now what do I do the options are endless I'm literally in a world full of Pokemon that looks just like Block City this is really really cool and trainer Dave hey Dave but my best friend is that you well wow except he's a grown man and I'm a kid in this world hey a fellow trainer well I guess Dave doesn't know who I am but you guys remember Dave right oh I miss Dave I can't believe I'm seeing Dave In the Flesh right in front of me hi it's really nice to meet you I'm trainer rage it's nice to meet you you want to learn how to catch a Pokemon uh sure I'm actually really new at this and I have no idea on how to do this and is that your Pokemon right there cool shot Apple Clefairy ooh is that the name of your Clefairy that's really cool yes it is okay well let's go ahead and learn how to catch a Pokemon uh do you by any chance have a few extra pokeballs I know you just came out of the market and I don't have any money on me right now unfortunately sure thing here you go oh thank you thank you Dave man I I just knew you were a good person thank you Dave follow me to the gym okay sure thing I I hope Dave in this world's not a bad person and he's trying to he's trying to kidnap me okay let's head on over to the gym and catch some Pokemon here we are oh wait a second this reminds me of the football field at Block City Middle School except it looks so different now look at this guys there's a Pokemon Stadium out here this is amazing all you have to do now is just run up to a Pokemon okay and throw a Pokeball at it oh it's time for me to catch my first Pokemon and I Choose You oh oh I I guess she's not a Pokemon okay uh I Choose You Rattata oh okay Rattata I choose you I'm trying to catch this little Pokemon over here hey I'm trying to catch you put you in my Pokemon and stop running away from me brettada you are mine you are mine get back here get back here you level eight red Tata I think I got it I got it yes I got it oh look at that I don't know why it took so much oh my goodness I have a level you little brat oh what what happened fight me wait no I I don't want to fight you I'm I'm sorry I I thought it was a funny joke to throw a Pokeball at you throwing pokeballs at my face uh those are metal oh okay okay I'm sorry I apologize I I apologize two child I'm sorry oh my goodness where's Dave where the heck did Dave go uh Dave can you get me out of this please I'm going to the hospital oh my goodness I have a concussion I bet oh I feel so bad for doing that well anyways I got my first Pokemon Dave congrats rage also have you heard of the gym leader here uh no I haven't today is actually my first day here but you wouldn't understand that because you didn't have to Dimension travel here follow me uh okay it's time for me to meet my first gym leader already with only two Pokemon I'm so excited also I heard she's really strong and how strong can she be she's my first gym leader guys if you didn't know you have to collect eight gym badges and every single time you defeat a gym leader you get one badge and I'm really really excited to fight my first ever gym leader there she is uh first gym leader and Ashley
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 179,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, Pixelmon Minecraft, Catching My First Pokemon in Minecraft, First Pokemon, RageElixir Pokemon, RageElixir Pixelmon, Pixelmon in Minecraft, RageElixir Catching First Pokemon, I Caught My First Pokemon
Id: oz6BeJFvm7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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