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hey you I challenge you to a Pokemon battle you fool you think you can challenge me I'm the one and only grandson of Professor Oak I don't care who you are I'm gonna become the best pokémon trainer in the entire world have it your way then I'm gonna make you regret your decision Charmander I choose you alright let's do this I gotta catch them all Kiwi I choose you Charmander use Ember [Music] that green sheep has no chance against that move uh-huh that's impossible you thought Kiwi would be affected by fire little did you know he is the master of all elements Kili insta-kill this can't be I'm the one and only dare you how could this be this can't be happening you're merely or lucky it was nice meeting you Gary Hughie you did a great job [Music] since you guys haven't shown me so much support lately pokey zone has decided to sponsor this brand-new series on the channel I can't thank the range nation enough you guys want to play with me this is how you do it first down the technic launcher then go to the mod pack section copy and paste the link from this video's description into the search bar and install the mod pack after that enter in the pokies own server IP and join pokey zone blue to play with me all the links will be down below hope to see you guys there what's going on guys today I'm starting a brand new series on my channel I am starting my first ever pixelmon series and hopefully we can catch our first pokemon in today's episode if this video gets 10,000 likes I will upload a new episode every single Friday so make sure you guys leave a like and I hope you guys enjoy once again huge chat it's a poky zone for sponsoring this series isn't this awesome guys like I get sponsored and I'm telling you guys all the money I earn from my sponsorships I'm putting them right back into these videos so I really really hope you guys do enjoy this series welcome to pokey zone hub and the one we're gonna be playing on today is pokey zone blue oh my goodness hi guys like I've never played pixelmon before and so I'm so excited this is my first time ever playing it says welcome to the world of Pokemon thank you for installing this mod now please pick your desires start a Pokemon whoo guys guys guys we're about to get our first ever Pokemon right ok ok let's let's look around we've got Bulbasaur chikorita we've got Treecko man this brings back so many memories do you guys like Pokemon leave a like and let me know in the comments if you guys like Pokemon hi guys you already saw the intro hold on just a second guys I don't have a Charmander hoodie for no reason hi I love my fire type Pokemon ok guys like this was already chosen before this game even started I am obviously going with beautiful cute Charmander alright I'm choosing you begin your adventure are you guys ready are you guys all ready leave a like on the video if you guys already but here we go guys I have no idea how this works but we're gonna have fun with it starter bonus activate ooh so we've got 32 pokeball guys if you want to play oh what'd we get a free master ball because we okay because we joined pokey zone blue guys if you want to play with me the tutorial it was at the beginning on video so the guys wanted you know hop on with me and stuff like that starter cab oh we have a whole outfit for ourselves we get 75% speed oh you guys remember like when your mom gives you the boots that's really really awesome so it says welcome to pokey zone the most advanced and feature pack pixelmon server on the market we strive to provide an experience you won't find anywhere else keep inventory is on new players today 106 skies let's make this a thousand new players if we can I should probably look at everything you may claim up to 512 more blocks alright how how exactly do I um I actually have no clue how I'm supposed to activate a Charmander but we'll figure it out as we go along recommend it for noobs hub okay so we have torches we have a shovel we OH grief prevention shovel we have an iron axe we have an iron shovel and a pickaxe so okay so that's all we have let's go into the hub guys since we are a noob let's go ahead and see what it gives us enjoy easy access to all the main server destinations new players be sure to check out the wilds okay so we can go okay so the next is we buy goods from players blah blah hostile farmhouse-style mock let's go to the wilds guys oh let's go start your journey here alright let's do this let's do this and go catch some Pokemon today welcome to the wilds walk about a hundred blocks in any direction to start building oh ok so we can start building and stuff like that can we also no way guys do we do we battle it how exactly do I battle this Oh that belongs to an it oh okay so it's not a wild Pokemon what about this one okay you don't have an administrators permission to interact with any of the entities okay what if I go into the wild while Oh someone built a house over here guys look at this that's really cool actually can we go in here ah we can't go into any of these homes unless we're we've been invited or something like that right wait oh yeah we can't we can't enter any of these homes but maybe we can start building our own today oh we have a level 8 Zigzagoon uh yeah my Charmander is level 5 I don't think that's really a good idea but you know what let's risk it for the biscuit items will be cleared - huh wait I'm trying to I'm trying to fight this Zigzagoon all right you know what I'm just gonna catch it hook how do I catch the Zigzagoon either either I'm just a terrible pokemon trainer or this isn't working oh wait whew guys guys guys I think I may oh come on I almost caught it I almost caught it come on huh well let's try again let's try again look where'd it go did did I catch this I guess I didn't catch the Zigzagoon oops I I was close guys what is this we have a level 5 spinarak you know what guys I've been messing around too much trying to catch pokemon but the goal is to also have a house built by the by the end of this episode so let's go ahead and chop down these trees real quickly I want to have a house bill like all these people already you know I need a nice house bill oh wait oh oh is this someone's how a tree okay well can I cut down this tree okay perfect all right so we're currently level one guys we are a level one player as sooner or later we get we gotta guys you have to level up soon I really really hope we can all right I don't know if anyone owns this Pokemon we might be able to catch it Oh was I able to catch it oh come on come on please please oh we did it no way guys we just caught our first Pokemon no way we just got our first Pokemon oh look at this I can select it how do I throw it out though I okay so I can select it using the arrow keys you guys see that I can select Bellsprout I can still like Charmander but how exactly do I throw out the Pokemon oh okay so pressing you will bring me into this menu it shows me how much money I have how many Pokemon I have in my pokedex oh I'm definitely keeping the master ball I'm gonna save it for a legendary Pokemon if we ever run into a home oh isn't this an abra oh of course of course Abra's be teleporting and everything there a psychic pokémon we've got caterpie's what else is this burr me I've actually never heard of a burr me before maybe maybe I'm maybe I'm a Minecraft noob guys a Pokemon new cast o Rayquaza oh I see very quaza in the chat I don't know what that means but it is a legendary wha it's a it's a legendary Pokemon so whoa are you guys seeing this who built this this is absolutely beautiful where's that player over there hold on can I get in here Oh Oh what just happened no no I'm in a battle with someone okay okay I really hope this is like you know an NPC or something like that let's fight him I'm gonna scratch okay okay I don't know what Oh No Charmander just died guys this is so unfair vine whip maybe oh okay okay I'm actually doing damage I can't see the other player though oh there he is there's the other player oh no guys just like that I lost my first ever battle yeah well I died guys I just died so these guys are bosses oh all right well I better stay away I can't can I go back to the hub I just lost my first ever battle in pixelmon guys this is so embarrassing embarrassing guys don't don't even look at me okay so one of the quest I have is village roots find a village to live in is always a good start you will need the services of their Pokemon Center to succeed find a village okay alright well guys how in the world am I supposed to find a village I just died I'm actually in big trouble right now yeah we need to find a Pokemon Center so we can heal our Pokemon because I just lost my first-ever Pokemon battle in pixelmon this is so embarassing guys oh man okay what is this what is this over here please tell me this is a Pokemon set I can't really tell because this isn't minecraft but it could be wait oh wait wait is it can I go inside there's a little healing station ah but someone hahaha okay I'm so glad I'm so glad they have a keep inventory on but how okay let me get a present real quickly you've found a present five tokens and $500 $500 have been deposited into your account oh okay right clicked me to teleport to a random location free ultra key all but six dollars you have received one ultra key oh I'm not sure what to do here but it says it says redeem at warp crates okay let's go to warp crates oh okay um which one do I use it on ultra oh okay so I need to look for an ultra crate right oh right here right here I got a free ultra key let's see what I got it says you open the ultra crate and got a God shovel what does that do a God shovel whoa what in the where this is actually Opie Oh what's so in the Nexus you can actually buy shops right here so for four hundred thousand dollars which is a lot of money you can open your own shop which is awesome these people have their own shops right here ninety-six percent stocked it shows you like how much of their inventory is left I'm trying to look for the healing station though guys I'm still I'm still trying to look for that which is uh okay so if you need help just type in the chat and they'll help you out they said go to warp /warp lab oh and it takes you straight to the pokey Center oh my goodness guys the server is about to reboot so let me just go ahead heal up all my Pokemon and just like that all my Pokemon are back back to healthy so so this is called the pokey lab I saw this before and I was like wondering what it was at first look at all these players guys guys look at how many players are on the pokey zone a server okay so we're back on the server and there's so much to explore guys there's a creation station pokey lab over there um like there's there's just so many things to explore but today oh look they have an enchantment zone right here which I don't have any lapis or anything like that so let's just go ahead and get started and let's start building our house guys let's go back to the wild and start building the house if we can find our way back to the hub area and plus we have a god shovel now - not sure what that does but I'm sure it'll help us like clear out land which is very nice I think instead only what is this giant thing I didn't really pay attention to this welcome to a while it's alright so let's go this way instead this time and once we're you know once we're in a hundred blocks I think that's when we can like start breaking blocks so let's just keep going until I find something good wait what is this over here I I'm not sure if this is a player own oh this might be wait what is this I actually have no clue oh yeah it is someone's man I'm really hoping I can I take this oh we oh we can take the berries wait so we've got white white ape recordings from this which I think we should be able to make some stuff out of it later like bear or like some something for the Pokemon to eat which is very very nice so it's oh look at this guy's this actually looks really nice this doesn't even seem like something a player built but it probably is yep Luna kitchens geez she built a whole mansion guys this is I kind of want to live close to her now all right how about if I build around here let's make our wood and now that we have all our building blocks very nice I'm gonna use the Gods yellow guys I'm about to use the god shovel let's go ahead and clear out some space all mine I'm so glad I got a free all tricky yo I swear if they give like free ultra keys every single day this is o P what is this I'm just clearing out land like it's like there's no tomorrow this is amazing all right once we have our little like base starter base built let's go mining guys let's go mining and grab some more XP because I'm still level 1 as you guys can see uh is in a world cursed I don't know what's happening but this is scaring me guys like all these gold blocks just showed up out of nowhere and now it's taking up my my house wait what and it just turned back to its normal block what is happening okay well I don't know what you guys think about this series so far but I'm having a lot of fun this is my first time ever playing pixelmon so it's a new experience it's definitely a new experience right now we're just setting up our little starter base so we have somewhere to live somewhere to sleep possibly how do i how do I make a bed guys like do I just try to survive the entire night is what I'm guessing we have to do well if that's the case so be it so be it make my door there we go as long as we have a door guys we're good we're good we're good as long as we have a door all right let me go ahead fill this part up once once the basic shape of the house is done we can start exploring the rest of the world let's make this a three window back here perfect alright we've made pretty good progress today which I'm very very proud about let's go up one more on each side and then patch this up yeah I've known guys who has who has a time to make your house look good on a pixelmon series not me not right now yet soon it's gonna look like that person's house over there that giant mansion give me my pokeball back huh or or ratio or Oreo Oreo I actually cannot read that or EcoRI oh you know what I've already caught a Bellsprout I don't want another one I mean the goal is to catch them all so even if I do have to what did he just did it just break my pokeball hold on hold on I will not take that for an answer we don't you're gonna become one of my party yes that not only took one try technically but I did lose more than one yay guys we're gonna keep going and catching more Pokemon because that's the goal we got to catch them all let's see what I get from these trees there's some red April corns Oh what I think we can actually recreating on I think from what I saw before we can we can craft the pokeballs so up right here the lid then the bottom lid oh wait actually worried we can actually craft the pokeballs very nice well we have a grub in all right we're finding a lot more Pokemon now where there's a pot to resuit to I might catch one of those too please let me catch this one first come on grub in what about you Pachirisu do you want to become a part of my party oh yes Pat to Yuri sooo we just gotta Pat you resue guys let's try let's try getting this grub it come on all right let's see if we can grab this grubbin grab - grubbin oh come on alright alright alright let's see if we can catch this grabbin yeah no man I really want to go back and fight those trainers again whatever those are those bosses and so I can get like a reward oh my god I give up no more grubbin for me I really hope I can take this person on this time wherever they are Oh time for battle guys oh it's really cool how it shows like it changes the entire view but this guy's level 8 alright let's see if I can do some damage okay no I I got one shot it again please don't tell me out I'm gonna I'm gonna die again Pat you resue this time I'm a different man I came back with more let's go with do I go with bide yeah I'm going with bide guys Pachirisu used by up just died no oh my I should probably buy items next time Bellsprout vine whip please no I couldn't even get a move all right and my final two Pokemon are level two and they're probably gonna die guys yeah I'm just fainting one at a time and I'm about to die again aren't I guys I just lost the battle once again oh this is so embarrassing I'm going back home I'm going back home also I'm so sorry for keeping the DUI so large for the entire video but moving forward it's gonna look way better and if you guys have played pixelmon before let me know in the comments if you guys have any like tips and tricks on how to level up faster how to get things faster and just how to get better at playing pixelmon if you guys do play fixham on hop on the server and play with me so we should probably get all of our Pokemon healed up once again look at this let me see if I can send out my Pokemon okay so one look at this guy's I just sent out Charmander look how cute he is Oh HR back there look how cute he is guys there we go alright anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the first episode of a pixelmon on the pokey zone Blu server if you guys want to try it out like I said I'll have all the info in the description down below I'm very very new to playing pixelmon so I'm definitely gonna need some help from you guys so please join my discord and tell me like you know help me out or like comment down below and tell me some tips and tricks on how to get better at playing pixelmon but I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys leave a like comment and I'll see you guys in the next episode of pixelmon on pokey zone as long as you guys leave a like and if this video gets 10,000 likes I'll upload an episode every single Friday but anyways see you guys next time peace you [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 628,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, Minecraft Pokemon, Pixelmon Minecraft, Pixelmon Server, RageElixir Pixelmon, Pixelmon RageElixir, Pixelmon Episode 1, Pixelmon Episode 1 RageElixir, RageElixir Plays Pokemon, Pokemon in Minecraft, RageElixir Pokemon in Minecraft, Charmander RageElixir, RageElixir Skits, RageElixir Funny Minecraft Video, Funny Minecraft Video
Id: 0oA8GJROB_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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