RageElixir is a MILLIONAIRE in Minecraft!

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welcome to episode 6 of Block City season 15. in today's video rage Elixir is dirt poor asking people for money however one thing changes his life forever and makes him a millionaire watch the entire video to find out what happens next oh man it's already night time I have nowhere to go you guys oh my legs are so tired from walking around all day and working for Frank uh he's the worst I swear he's always always in a bad mood nowadays after everything that happened oh Steve Steve rage Pro hey man uh is there is there something I can do for you because uh if if there isn't um I was just wondering you all right uh not really Steve could you spare me a little bit of change I I hate to do this but basically I lost all my money I'm homeless now and my family doesn't want them to you know so uh could you help me out please spare a little bit of change please Steve I know you've been working really hard and you know all the money I paid you come on I'm on a quick budget but I can help you out really five dollars Steve thank you so much man I really need a hug right now oh man thanks so much well I hope you have a great rest of your night I'm sorry about what happened bro not a problem Steve but have a great night okay I'm just gonna try to figure things out in front of the mall be careful thanks Steve uh this really sucks I'm all alone right here without my family and oh there's a taxi driver wait maybe this guy might have some money for me sir that will be 56.56 dollars for a taxi drive uh-huh keep the credit card wait keep the credit card wait huh thanks wait that guy must be rich then ah I feel really bad for doing this but knowing that he has a lot of money maybe he can help me out hmm might buy this excuse me sir oh wow what a big mouth he has and is this entire mouth filled with gold what's good dog wait a second yes gold chains a gold watch um I was just wondering I'm a little bit tight on money right now do you think you could you just gonna stare uh no no no no I'm so sorry about that could you spare a little bit of change please I know he has money he just gave the taxi driver a credit card could you uh help me out what huh hey what would you hey hey why would you hit me that's not nice as if I'd give you money what but you gave that Taxi Driver your time your your your credit card yeah he had excellent service but but look at you you have money right I'm sure you can spare a little bit of change I'm in a really tight spot that's crazy bro it's almost like I asked oh okay I'm just gonna leave him alone he just punched me oh there's a dollar wait uh could I have that dollar please please you see this dollar what hey uh I don't want to touch that dog ah I don't have a choice do I ew it's all slimy yuck oh man all right well I guess I'll just wait here until another person shows up again I don't even think I can afford one night at a hotel right now oh wait who's that oh why is this little girl crying in front of me you don't think I have it worse than you right now hey hey uh little girl is everything okay oh man are you okay hello oh no is she okay oh I'm uh lost oh no uh who are you trying to find and uh first of all what's your name my name is Mona oh uh I'm so sorry to hear that Mona uh who are you trying to find I want to find my daddy oh oh no uh stop crying stop crying Mona I'll help you find your dad I promise please please stop crying oh gosh I hope she's okay really yeah really if you stop crying I'll help you find your dad alright come on come on come into the mall I'll help you find your dad come with me Mona hey uh hey Tony why are there so many wet floor signs uh was there like a big event here earlier hey uh hey Tony why is everything so wet ah don't mind that don't mind that actually uh I'm not I'm looking for uh this lost girl's uh Dad I'm in the middle of work I I understand Tony could you just uh help me out real quickly have you seen this girl's dad by any chance oh I don't know I'm busy but but just ask Noah oh oh okay Tony I thought you were gonna help me find a lost girl's father uh okay Mona don't don't listen to him oh don't be sad don't be sad I'll help you find your dad okay all right come on uh knowing Noah he's probably gonna be at the coffee shop oh there he is anyway remember how I said I was sad I'm still sad oh well it seems like Noah's kind of occupied with something right now daddy wait that that that's her dad okay sweet I'm so glad I was able to help them out I guess you found her oh so that's what Noah was dealing with uh hello kind sir I'm so sorry uh you found my baby yeah uh well first of all can I just say thank you so much yeah you're welcome but please don't let your kid run off like that again that's very irresponsible of you sir where are my manners I'm Warren Warren the rich the the rich uh hi nice to meet you Warren and no need to thank me I lost my daughter in a crowd oh you did but there there's no crowd here in Block City this is the most empty Mall I've ever seen in my life they left oh sure they did and if they did they must hate me or something because every time I show up to the mall oh it's a man named Nico oh that makes sense I witnessed it ah that makes sense he is a celebrity after all so ah that would be nice if a bunch of people start flocking around me uh but yeah anyway is uh I'm glad you found your kid again please don't run off like that again okay okay I just can't thank you enough Mister uh don't worry about it at all Mr Warren no no I insist uh okay is he gonna reward me with something a good deed must have a good reward oh okay wouldn't you agree my darling yeah I'm about to get something great oh okay what is that right there it's a that's the shiniest credit card I've ever seen in my life it has 250 000 what [Music] for for me I have never gotten that much money other than the time I got a credit card from uh Frank but fly me I say uh thank you sir thank you so much I don't know how how else I can thank you I I'm in I'm in your debt 250 000 I can finally pay back the house that you guys and I can be with my family again and another thing what is that that's a really really shiny pendant this old thing has been weighing down my pocket my mother's you see oh uh but I hate her oh oh so let's have it really oh well that was a Twist of events but he's ready to well thank you so much Amulet of Vitality thank you so much sir uh I hope you both have a demon of a woman I tell you uh okay I I didn't need to know all that but thank you I appreciate it I hope you all have a great night that's kind of mean anywho to the Butlers uh have a great night you two and a Mona Mona seems like she's not even paying attention she's gonna get lost sometimes dude I swear okay well I finally I I don't know how much this pendant is worth but I have 250 000 now wow hold on a second I definitely have to treat Noah Noah uh could you transfer like ten thousand dollars to your own name because I feel like for you being my best friend you deserve it really yeah of course go ahead and transfer it and give it back to me I'm about to head back to the house and um I'm about to get my house back and my family as well I'm gonna prove to Ashley's parents that I am not a failure that they think I am okay even though they might have won the lottery and bought this beautiful house right here I will get our house back as well hello someone get the door please oh hey papa Jim hmm hey it's me you're back yeah hey get out the way please all right there we go finally I'm inside go away what get out what are you doing hear me out hear me out everyone hear me out raise Junior Amber Alma Burnett and uh Ashley oh please rage oh no she still thinks I failed listen listen everyone I have a credit card right here with a balance of 250 000 and we can finally get our house back so Papa Jim stop thinking of me as a failure because I'm not did you rob a bank I'm calling the police that's great see she loves see Mama Burnette loves me and no I did not rob the bank you're a thief no no no no no here we go I'm not a thief how okay okay just hear me out don't call the police just yet Papa criminal yay uh no no I'm not a criminal okay so I helped this lost girl find her dad at the mall and uh well the the man just seemed to happen to be really really rich and he handed me this credit card you know Papa hero yeah I'm a hero can I play Minecraft for life now yep Ray shooter once you get back to our house we can get everything back you can get your PC back oh yeah we had to leave your PC I'm so sorry about that race Junior those rich people hey I mean technically you guys are rich too now we can call them now to pay off the budget yeah all right well come on you guys uh in the morning I mean can I sleep here in the morning we can go and take a look and see how the house is looking and get our house back I'm so happy that you did this rage and you had no faith in me I already figured everything out I called the real estate and everything so we just have to well we had three days left hey and I made it on time luckily I I actually didn't know how I was gonna make that money to be honest but thanks to that rich man over here oh man this is our house right here our beautiful house Amber Rays Junior you ready to play video games again Minecraft wait are you Junior you can't go into the house yet oh that must be the real estate agent right over there hey man how's it going that's my oh whoa whoa don't run me over now so I have the money uh I didn't tell you what I called you for but yeah good morning to you as well uh check this out I have a credit card right here 250 000 you only needed a hundred thousand and fifty dollars yep I have double the money which is perfect I'll never be late on payments again oh um I'm sorry but you were too late what too late what do you mean excuse me I already sold the house why would you do that you know how much this house means to me hand me that credit card back man you don't deserve to hold something like that hey what do you mean the house was sold sold to who oh my goodness three day wait no no we were ready to move back in and everything oh wait what's with all these noises outside is that the lottery guy that stole my money I can't watch block Labs with this Ray Junior where are you you remember that guy he stole our money I'll be on my way hey where do you think you're going Minecraft what hey hey hold on hold on hold on you know this was my house right it's you again well no no no it's you again go away what do you mean go away this is my house it's my house now well is there any way like we can get the house back you're in my property well I'm sorry if you really want your house back you need to pay me 2 million I mean 2 million excuse me three mil three million what in the world I don't have that much money make it three million oh wait I bought the house for 1.5 I'm pretty sure what there's no way I can afford that sir no negotiations what's a million oh no actually I don't think we're gonna be able to buy this house if you're paying me or not well I can't afford it so if you can't pay me then get out oh hey Junior your PC's inside the house chicken man that's our house oh no oh man I feel so bad this is my family's life I'm playing with oh gosh rage oh no what's about to happen please not a divorce again I lost hope with you again oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I've been trying my best and you know that kids we are going home but mommy Papa tried oh oh I'm sorry kids I'll talk to you guys later okay shall we Papa oh man I gotta figure this out somehow I only have 250 000 but we also got this Medallion maybe maybe I can go to the pawn shop and see how much it's worth I mean what can I lose at this point I've already lost everything I've lost my family I've lost my house the only thing I have left is this beautiful car of mine I'm hoping that Noah can help me out here okay let's head on over I'm sure he's working at the coffee shop again it seems like Dr panic and Henry are doing some Supermarket shopping right now and are they riding in what is happening oh man Noah seems like he's cleaning the counters right now hey uh hey Noah how's it going so um I was actually interested in selling this beautiful Medallion right here I'm sure you saw this that uh Mr Warren gave it to me right so I was wondering if I could sell it um I know you probably work at the pawn shop as well right so could you give me the value of this beautiful Medallion sure come with me oh okay I am really really hoping that this is a really good price sorry I can't help you rage wait what but you told me to come with you but I know who can oh okay let's see see who Noah is talking about it better not be some villain some super evil villain do you know which one I could buy Mr Frog huh what in the world uh hello hello there sir here is Merchant Matt hi nice to meet you Mr Merchant Matt my name is Rage and whoa you have so many shiny objects here in this uh store nice to meet you um so I actually showed up today because uh I wanted to see how much this uh this Medallion was worth this guy named Warren the rich or something like that let me see ah sure sure I hope it's worth something at least oh my goodness ah is that a good sign no do you see that do you see that it might be worth something good this thing seems rare oh really okay okay let's see how much it costs let me inspect this first before I decide to buy it or not okay sure you better not uh switch them out with something all right Noah well I guess we can look at other shiny objects while we're you know just waiting for him to inspect it you know he seems to just be looking at it over there back there huh he seems surprised wait why is he jumping up and down and running all over the place back there I don't know what he's saying but honestly he seems to be freaking out a bunch right now and maybe it must be worth a lot of money all right Noah I think it's oh there he is okay I really really hope it's a lot it's worth a lot uh so what were the results of this Medallion sir I'll be buying this for over 3.5 million what uh could you hand it back real quickly kind of want to take a look at it what do you think well I mean deal I mean could I could I take a look at it thank you very much dang he seems really eager to buy this maybe I'll try to walk out first and see what he says um I'm not really feeling it right now you know what let's get out of here okay it's it's only 3.5 million that he's offering me wait don't leave oh this is perfect um uh no I'm really not feeling it right now sir I'll make it more a million please uh please why is he begging so much he's a grown man uh Noah um I'm I might I might go check out the other uh Pawn uh shops and see yeah I want this rare material it really is rare um nah not like five million oh this is an offer that's so hard to pass up on Noah should I do it five million oh okay uh fine fine fine I'll do six I'll do six million yes yes deal deal deal oh my goodness he's actually about to give me six million dollars all right Merchant Matt dang he's not gonna go broke from this this frog bringing this luck uh wow I wonder how much this thing really is worth then Hmm this better be safe well uh here's my credit card if you wanna put the balance of six million dollars yeah yeah deal deal deal I'm about to be six million dollars richer just because of this Medallion Hmm this is perfect this is perfect all right thank you so much man oh my my family's gonna be so happy you guys oh no what do you see that make sure he didn't scam you uh let me check yep that's the same card that I have all right thank you so much virtue Matt whoa what the that frog just uh oh my goodness I don't know why that frog just keeps spitting out some stuff but uh yeah I hope you have a great day all right you know what let's get out of here oh it's Ronnie senior hey how's it going man so nice to see you here at the mall you usually never come shopping because I swear I swear you're always busy at work just getting jewelry wife's mad at me oh I see I see well I just got six million dollars running senior it's an absolute win hey Noah check this out I still have that oh there he is oh gosh so I got out of here six million dollars richer and I still have the amulet oh my gosh all right let's get out of here before here he notices let's go let's go let's go wait what in the world is going on Dr Panic has two vending machines on his arms oh my gosh Henry left well I mean uh doctor Panic maybe you shouldn't treat Henry like garbage and he wouldn't treat you like that again wow this mall is hustling and bustling today Mrs Olivia's here so many people here at the mall but it's finally time to get my house back I hope it's worth it this time Ashley don't worry it's time home sweet home we're about to get our house back finally and huh it seems like there's a bunch of construction work going on right now there's one over there another guy over there working on the house as well hmm maybe they're actually adding a lot more stuff to the house but doesn't that make the house more expensive hello we're ringing the doorbell but no one's coming to the door I swear that Lottery guy oh there he is hey how's it going man so I came back I'm watching block Labs hey that's my show uh well I mean can I watch it with you well no no that's not the point here we're here to buy the house back you got the money I do how much is the house you said three million right five million what do you mean five million what all I have is six uh uh let's negotiate let's make it four million and I'll buy it all cash no need to finance anything 4.5 no four four four if you if you can make it four I'll buy it on the spot right now didn't you say it was 3 million earlier this guy likes money right if you can do four million I'll do it right now 4.3 no four just four sir just four if we can just make it four million dollars I'll buy it right off the hands of your uh you know come on please 4.1 no four please please please final deal no four million please make it worth it fine ah finally yes I have extra money to spare now finally all right here you go go ahead and ring it up hand me the money there you go perfect transfer all that to yourself and uh it's a deal thank you very much and uh well I hope you enjoy all the new stuff I put into the house whoa he looked like he was ready to move out already I'm off uh okay well hope you have a great day and hey whoa whoa whoa whoa dude you're taking the foundation off the house we're fixing it oh okay okay it's our job okay okay it didn't look like you were fixing it it looked like you guys were destroying it uh what it looks like you guys just put the same thing back on I'm taking this car hey not my beautiful car yeah oh my goodness are you serious well family we got our house back Ray Jr you can play your Minecraft now and let's see what he was talking about all this new stuff they put into the house hmm can't wait to check it out Amber go to your room now Papa why did dwanger live in our home well uh it was their home for a little bit but rage what happened oh what the that guy was an absolute slob he had Ice Cream Donuts Pizza all over the place oh my goodness [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 229,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, Millionaire Minecraft, I Became a Millionaire in Minecraft, Minecraft Poor to Rich, Poor to Rich in Minecraft, Minecraft Rich, RageElixir Block City, Block City Season 15, Season 15 Block City, RageElixir Minecraft Block City
Id: Qt3UmWxG0Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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