Ashley Has a STALKER in Minecraft..

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man I wish there were new episodes of block Labs I've been watching the same episodes over and over again because there hasn't been a new episode in a while and even Rey's junior is not watching anymore he's just been playing video games all day rage Jr why aren't you watching block lab son uh and Amber too she's just been distracted by donuts and all that um wait Ashley why is she at the front door hey yo please house without my permission oh frosty snow hey you guys rage my best friend dude I missed you man even though it's only been a few days but dude it's so nice to see you too man you guys are getting really really close are you guys uh official yet it's been so long hey rage how's it been it's been good snow I cleared it up with Ashley like everything's all good now you didn't hear the doorbell again uh no I think I'm starting to get old you guys my ears don't work as they used to too much TV I know I know haha well hey just because you're a little younger than me doesn't mean you can make fun of me well anyways hey we have to play basketball again we we had a bet whoever wins gets 500 but the kids will yeah they they've been too distracted with their donuts in video games so Frosty you want to play all right all right how about you girls you guys want to play some basketball with us two on two couples basketball I mean not not couples you haven't made it official huh nah no thanks really we got some girl things to do oh uh okay at the mall oh you two have some fun uh you guys could bond together that's all that's so cute okay you guys have a great time all right raise Junior you want to come play basketball with Uncle Frosty and I come on raise Junior Frosty come over here we're gonna play some basketball man have fun stay safe I love you oh you said I love you oh my God uh but my hobby all right I'll see you two later okay Rachel come on come on close your laptop we're gonna play some basketball ever come with us we're gonna play some basketball with us okay uh this boy is so addicted to video games now bye kids take care you too take care as well okay stay safe oh man it's time to play some basketball come on come on let's go Frosty I'm about to kick your butt in basketball now that we have this giant backyard to ourselves oh you are going down Amber you can watch us raise Junior you want to play with us I know Amber wants to play but she's still a little young it's okay you'll get to play with us soon okay I just don't want to hurt you yeah all right all right Ray junior junior team with your dad what I'm too good no you won't I beat you last time yeah how about you two team up together all right checkup checkup it's my ball to start off with it's 2V1 all right I'm about to cross up race Junior's tiny little ankles I'm about to break those little tiny ankles ready there we go there we go ah oh no I dropped the ball I dropped the ball oh gosh space shooter I didn't know you had defense like that oh no no no raise Junior nope nope nope nope he's about to score no what the heck how is he so good wow okay hey it's my ball now okay okay okay I gotta I gotta get my get back here we go here we go hey Junior come on give me the ball all right you guys are done you guys are done four and cross above oh oh my gosh he has good defense but I'm bad ow I'm better yes it's one to one let's go where Ray Jr go ah what what happened raise junior did I cross you that hard that uh you fell into my ankles oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry kiddo hey hey hey hey you went really hard on me so I I just thought I could go all in oh no wait shooter uh Frosty wow you're so evil rage hey that's messed up I'm mad now okay all right let's play Let's Play it's on now hmm I haven't even touched the ball in 10 Rounds Ray Jr is way too good it's 15-1 now oh my gosh he's dribbling like crazy what the hey what oh my goodness he really was mad it's 16-1 okay race Junior you win I don't want to play anymore how about you just play with Uncle Frosty okay Frosty here whoa why are there so many so many animals out here what the there was a whole family of animals raise Junior you got it buddy you got it you're gonna be really good at basketball one day oh wait uh hold on Rachel I'm getting a call from your mom right now um hello Ashley is everything okay uh are you crying right now some guy was staring at you wait no no no I'll be there in just a second okay oh gosh uh what's Mom saying well raise Junior you don't have to worry about that okay Frosty apparently there's some weird stalker following her at the mall and and snow as well um is is it okay if you take care of the kids right now I'm good I'm gonna take care of this situation gotcha I'll stay and watch okay uh Ray Jr take care of your sister okay and and have some fun with Uncle Frosty mom in danger no no no mom's having a great time okay all right I gotta go what in the world is happening I mean it is Block City but this should not be happening oh whoever made my wife cry they're gonna get it is that is that Ashley right there oh no she really is crying oh my gosh snow Ashley is everything okay oh gosh rage hey Ashley is everything okay man I'm not gonna let anyone off the hook whoever made my wife cry they're not getting away with it oh thank goodness you are here can you tell me everything that happened oh no what happens no oh wow actually please tell me what happened so I can figure this out jeez there's this stalker who kept watching us and who wouldn't leave us alone is that true Snow he was watching both of you guys or something oh gosh I didn't see anyone wait I actually are you trying to prank me right now what no here you know what she just started crying that stalker was there hmm Ashley saw something but snow didn't that's just really weird uh but anyways I brought my camera just in case so I could get some evidence I'm gonna take pictures of that dude and report it to the police okay hey YouTube you guys head on home okay I'll figure this out myself I don't know if that guy is there it's okay it's okay just this YouTube head on home I want you guys to be safe okay please be careful you got oh my gosh stop crying everything will be okay you know what I'm gonna have a little chat with whoever was messing with wait a second whoa whoa did you just take a picture hey hey turbo piggy you're that same guy that's been trying to flirt with my wife he kept talking about my wife and everything last time what yo yo let me see your camera man let me see your camera buddy before things get out of line dude what oh oh you're just gonna give me the evidence just like that oh um let's let's wait they're just photos of flowers it's Peach flowers the new great addition to the mall wait so so you weren't watching my wife they're my favorite were you walking hey hey were you watching my wife or not all right before you get pummeled no no uh that was uh dude you got the wrong guy nah I'm pretty sure I got the right guy man you kept trying to flirt with my wife before hey hey hey where do you think you're going I'm gonna call the cops on you right now hey hey he's running away oh my gosh yo yo yo hey Tony Tony Tony did you see that guy running up there hey do you think did you see him watching my wife Ashley earlier oh my gosh where is he going he's really trying to run away right now um no wait so he wasn't watching my wife or you didn't see him watching my wife he pretty much taking pictures of those flowers that could be the case but there's if there's one person I can trust it's Noah hey Noah my guy so I had a I had a question to ask you man it's nice seeing you by the way but listen come follow me come follow me there's this guy in the mall roaming around you know oh where'd he go where'd he go have you ever heard of Turbo piggy he was oh there he is there he is that that dude up there I think he was watching my wife uh oh the flower guy wait you too you know Ashley right she said someone was stalking her someone was watching her trying to take pictures of her and I thought I thought it was that guy he loves taking those dang pictures of flowers ah maybe maybe I have this all mixed up uh all right thanks for the information Noah I'll be back later all right man now I'm starting to think Ashley's trying to make me look like a fool because apparently snow didn't even see this happen and Ashley was trying to pin it on snow as well uh man I'm really confused right now but let me just go home maybe she just wanted me to maybe she just wanted to keep it's my time uh Ashley is everything okay come to bed what are you doing walking back and forth oh my goodness oh you're stressing me out no huh come on Ashley it's bedtime what if that stalker is watching me now Ashley we have blinds in the house for a reason and I'm sure no one's gonna be following you home come on that guy could have followed me here Ashley No One's Gonna Have apology I saw no one at the mall other than this turbo piggy guy that was harassing you earlier trying to get your number but you know that that wasn't him he wasn't the guy stalking you okay maybe I had a mistaken uh but but listen just go to sleep but we'll figure this out tomorrow okay I don't know rage I said come on just go to bed okay please please listen everything will be just fine good night Ashley good night um what are you doing Ashley I want you to wake me up like that oh my gosh you punched me all the way to my desk you hear that hear what wait I I mean I do hear something outside but I'm sure it's just raccoons actually just sleep it's that stalker what it is uh here here actually everything will be fine okay uh let me go look outside okay I'm sure Ashley is just overreacting but I have my crowbar just in case man I swear she's being so paranoid for no reason uh now I'm gonna get no sleep hey wait uh hey I found you kid too hey whoa whoa whoa kids kids hey hey what are you guys doing in my backyard right now this is a stick up that sure is a stick up hiya Mister hey hey what come here no stop kids hey you guys go home right now okay just playing it's super late outside you guys go home right now before I give you guys the Crowbar treatment okay go home now home yes home go home and and stop disturbing the neighbors I don't have one of those but okay ah these kids oh my gosh what are they doing in my backyard uh I'm not gonna get enough sleep tonight all because of these kids Ashley it was just a misunderstanding did you get that stock no it wasn't a stalker it was two kids outside all right okay just go to sleep everything will be just fine it was just two kids playing hide and seek in the middle of the night for no reason but uh yeah let's just go to sleep Ashley come on come on just go to sleep oh I'm so tired I got like no sleep last night Amber you gotta stop eating those donuts okay that's too much all right Junior what are you doing right now ah are you playing Roblox again uh you want some Roblox rage Junior here go ahead buy you some Robux okay don't spend too much money on it ah rage come here what's up Ashley everything okay uh you and your overthinking I swear look in the fridge oh wow we only have milk left well at least I don't have to go and get the milk right uh uh well what's the problem here yeah I need you to go to the mall um why you want me to go get the groceries isn't it your turn Ashley yeah I swear it's your turn to get the groceries this time uh uh no because of the stalker hmm I swear there was no stalker I feel like she's using this as an excuse it's your time to get the grocery ah you know what ah I'm fine with getting the groceries this time hey Junior give me the credit card a thousand dollars sure why not hey hey whoa whoa whoa hey hey raise your nerd give me my credit card back whoa I never said you could spend one thousand dollars what the heck even groceries aren't even one more purchase no Ray shooter raise Junior buy me don't hey can you guys stop please why did I even hand him the credit card was I have a sleep or something please raise your hurry I need to get the groceries oh my gosh this one is only 988 hey hand it over right now right now Ray Jr you can spend two dollars oh gosh likes hi my son just spent two thousand dollars on my credit card this is not good at all oh no let's head on over to the mall and get some groceries now let's raise do that they're always telling me what to do and now my son spent two thousand dollars on my credit card on some game stuff hey get away from me hey wait isn't that Miss Olivia wait what's going on hold up baby uh whoa whoa whoa that guy looks really creepy what the even his mouth looks so weird let me get your number look just take my money leave me alone oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa he just keeps like pressing up against her help wait whoa whoa I don't want money yo hey whoa whoa Hey listen listen is there a problem here is there a problem here sir she obviously does not want your number doesn't want to give you her number none of your business well it's gonna be my business if you keep trying to get her number even though she doesn't want it hey uh Miss Olivia is everything okay thank you so much he won't stop following me hey bro that's way too forward what the let me teach you how to get a girl uh hey come here hey you better not mess with any girls around here all right you better you better listen all right before there's gonna be problems watch your back what the dude his lips look so weird hey Miss Olivia you think he got lip injections you try to sniff my hair in the mall he's a creep I mean his looks make up for it so don't worry Miss Olivia I hope everything's okay all right but I hope you I hope you have a great day all right have a great day miss Olivia all right I'm gonna head to work okay awesome awesome great all right let me go and get my groceries you're all set thanks Noah oh man I can always count on you man you're my buddy that's for sure have a great day thanks dude okay finally I can go back home and then have a great day finally I haven't had enough sleep this entire day it's it's been rough you guys it's been rough ah man let's go home let's go hey Brad how's it going hope you're having a great day man good evening morning rage thanks dude thanks I'm just gonna head on home have a great day and just relax you know wait uh what's up I need to talk to you well what am I in trouble right now oh my hey Dr Penny can you help me I lost my sleep uh-huh what do you mean you lost your sleep I've been tracking down the stalker Oh I thought I was gonna get in trouble today have you seen him seen seen a stalker I mean my wife has been saying something about a stalker but I thought it was a prank I thought she was pranking me but let me let me take a look at this picture wait hold on I just saw this guy wait let me let me show you let me show you wait hey hey get back here hey Turbo Turbo Turbo um hey where do you think you're going man hey come over here the last place he was seen was at the Block City Mall you got the wrong guy no no no no turbo where was that guy you were hanging out with earlier your best friend that guy he was hanging out with turbo right here what guy your best friend man with the with the big lips look man your wife is hot huh see you see you see you associate with him but I would never stalk her oh I hey we're not talking about you right now dude we're talking about that you're your best friend show him the picture show him the picture Brad take a good look at that picture and tell me tell me you've seen him I mean you did see him you were hanging out with him uh oh there's Joel over there you know fixing up cars and stuff he kind of looks like you all right all right well anyways Brad if I see him I will definitely give you a call instantly all right I just I'm just trying to have a good day there he goes running away okay well see you later Brad afternoon you too Joel YouTube well I'll see you guys later geez I'm losing sleep I and this day is not getting any better you guys man Junior I thought you were really good hey Frosty why are you using your abilities that's cheating you're cheating man skill prostitute you can't use magic what did I tell you man oh my goodness you know it is getting quite late we've been playing basketball all night now even though I didn't get enough sleep today it's been it's been pretty fun uh but anyways I think we should head on in Ashley's been working on her garden man I love my lanterns now it's more bright Ashley's been working so hard you guys I should head home oh Frosty you can't head home already now you can play my new two thousand dollars cosmetic hey hey Junior I'm gonna get a refund on that just remember whoa hey I mean it's pretty cool that you can use your magic but you can't use that against us man that's cheating move very slowly there's someone huh what do you mean move very slowly there's someone be behind you wait what you mean Ashley working on her garden wait what is he talking about hold on did you guys hear that someone just took a picture oh what the heck yo yo yo hold on hold on good thing I have my camera on me right now is someone taking pictures of Ashley yo Frosty at over here wait it's getting louder what the heck okay I'm gonna try to take a picture here I'm gonna send this to the police man he's literally taking pictures of my wife how the heck did he get into my backyard yo yo yo hey Frosty on three okay we take him down together all right come over here come over here we have to sneak up on him oh my gosh I can't believe he's that he actually followed us hope or something oh gosh Ashley okay there he is there he is what the heck let me take a picture of his face just to make sure not because I want to make fun of his giant lips or anything but all right come on come on frosty on three on one two three get over here get over here but actually there's there's a man watching you right now hey get rid of him get a rid of him oh my gosh oh my gosh get rid of him get rid of him oh my gosh oh we got him frosty we got him oh my gosh Ashley are you okay he was taking pictures of you that's the guy wait it is I'll freeze him okay okay freeze him freeze him that's the same guy that that was like trying to get numbers of other girls as we put away that knife we don't want any bad evidence of you okay uh Brad was looking for him okay I'm gonna give Brad a call and get him arrested because he does not belong in Block City just living freely like this he stopped me too much okay I'm calling right now we're gonna get rid of you buddy stay frosty oh there he is there's Brad Brad we have all the evidence we need need we have his cameras too and look look at all these disgusting pictures he was taking of my wife man you got the guy yup and we also have the evidence I took many many pictures of him taking pictures of my wife there yep get rid of that monster arrest him arrest him and take him away forever he doesn't belong in Block City I'll unfreeze him if you want to take him Brad yeah yeah please please unfreeze him before he freezes the death finally I can get some sleep well off you go man you're done for you get in the car can I slide hey Ashley Ashley no no no no we can't make everything you know worse let's just take him away there are multiple people who have been stalked by the same guy well have a have a nice night man officer talls and Smalls couldn't even catch this guy oh wow hey Brad you're the best man you're the best you win Chief Sanders hey Frosty that's disrespectful man don't be doing that all right well good riddance good riddance big lips guy you try to take pictures of your wife yeah maybe he was taking pictures of snow as well dude oh and and maybe snow just didn't realize well I'm glad we got rid of evil in Block City once again foreign
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 232,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Block City, Block City Stalker Minecraft, Stalker in Minecraft, Minecraft Scary, Ashley Has a Stalker in Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay Block City
Id: NPKCIj4dia0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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