Minecraft Manhunt, But I'm A Redstone Master...

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come here come here this is minecraft but i'm a redstone master if you guys are new here you probably don't know that dev is really good at pvp which makes it really hard for me to speedrun when he's hunting me so this time instead of just straight up fighting him i came up with a different plan i used a plug-in where i could craft redstone crates which gave me access to all the restaurant items in the game which i used to create really cool traps to get the advantage over depth it ended up being really awesome and his reaction was really funny so make sure you guys stick around to the end of the video where i use the most insane redstone play i've ever used in my life also guys youtube just added a crazy new feature where you can subscribe to a youtube channel guys it literally takes two seconds and you can unsubscribe whenever you want so please just subscribe it really helps us out also big shout out to sharkraft for making this plug in his patreon will be in the description now let's get right to the video dev what is your skin it's my regular skin what is it no it's disgusting ow oh my god you're such a scumbag you're such an absolute scumbag why would you put on such a disgusting custom skin today look at your disgusting custom skin too mine looks really cool what is this where are you going by the way just die i have no idea oh wow i dropped here and died far back oh no nice jump you dropped i dropped i talked too early i talked to you earlier yeah you did way too early oh my god oh oh oh please no no no no no no don't go over there don't go over there please don't go over there oh no no no leave me alone oh give me some oh i'm wasting a carrot i'm wasting a carrot no yes yes and i'm yeah this is dude why was that sword so bad yes yes oh okay i wasted a carrot ended obsidian i'm happy with myself you're wasting obsidian too oh my god you i'm very happy with myself you know you're evil happy no you slaughtered me how am i the evil one yeah but you deserve to be slaughtered no no i don't by the way if i lose this i have a handicap oh why don't you tell the viewers your handicap so i cut your excuse out in the way i cut my finger open with another wow and i can't even i can't straight to the left now that's so believable this is a sucky spawn honestly there's nothing really good at the spawn you're sucky i don't really enjoy the spawn oh my god there's a ville oh my god you're already over there i hate you bro i'm getting so lucky right now this is kind of ridiculous this is unfair i might not even need to use the twist in this video i already know what the twist is what is it dev is op good one because i'm always looking at every one of our videos you know yeah yeah that's it that's it you gotta go there's lots of food here oh hey what the oh hey dad what's up hey man come fight me it'll be pretty even [Music] nope nope you're not gonna use my technique oh my god i didn't even hit him you got so hyped yeah you did oh my god it's because i can't strafe it's because i can't stray oh yeah yeah yeah true true that's the only reason that's the only reason everyone i'm getting i'm getting a weapon now you're gonna die everyone believes you everyone believes you oh yeah here we go oh yeah all right well i'm just head off and i'll let you do your thing for now i didn't ask oh okay you don't seem to be in a good mood today dev what's up i'm in a great mood when i talk to you my mood goes down every second what the heck oh hey man hey bro why do you have so much iron just leave me just leave me be no i'm not okay fine i'm gonna stop no no no i just want to stalk you don't you have to come over here let me just watch you yeah okay oh my god what just happened i can't straight down that's what happened this video is gonna go great guys and i haven't even used a twist yet this is going terrible i can't help but feel a little bit bad for you right now why because i don't think you know what's coming all right that's perfect perfect amount oh yeah perfect let's go yeah mr krabs oh yeah mr krabs wait what what the heck is that what does that mean it's a meme jeez dev calm down what'd i do you're stacking up i got iron how's that stacking up oh that's stacking up if you ask me i'm not asking you oh okay jeez kier calm down you're stacking up guys i think dev's in a bad mood right now what how oh wait you heard that damn it i was whispering to the viewers how'd you hear that how far did you run what the hell dave you're being awfully quiet right now are you lurking i don't work oh i think you're lurking i never lurk once lurking is literally all you do that's like why are you being so mean to me right now if you were to have a to-do list it would just be like one list and it would be lurk you got me guys i got him i got him i got him you got me you got me so confirmed exposed exposed exposed let's go i've never heard someone hype themselves up before sorry i just exposed you so hard i had to hype myself up yeah i guess that's fair that's fair oh yes finally oh no why does it always do me like this nice room portal by the way oh you're lurking like i said i'm gonna have to stop you from that all right hey dude what's up man oh that lagged a little bit whoa oh where's the last fight froze oh big lag spike big black spike oh no oh dude these freaking lag spikes man oh my god and you're still better than me god i hit the skeleton oh my god there's so many mobs i know these guys eat it yes the mobs have saved me no no oh my god well i don't have any blocks or any food so i'm gonna die thank god you didn't come at me when that witch poison i couldn't i can't i have nothing now oh my god this is awful oh really we got a little sky battle huh uh oh that looks like a lot of fall damage all right you know what that's better that's better sorry i just had to do something i just had to do something sorry now we can fight what i didn't do anything trust me this isn't fair oh my god no yeah no yes oh no oh my god those stupid mobs ruined everything in that fight that was so annoying i had you too sick i had you running please please please tell me this is the real thing you better be ready i'm coming fully stacked when i'm ready yeah i know you are i'm scared don't be scared why would you be scared okay you know what it's over i'm just going to keep mining through i just wanted to figure out this twist that's what i want to figure out i just want to find a good cave for the life of me because if i figure out the twist then i have a good chance but if i don't wait wait give me a hint will the twit can i you do the twist oh yeah oh my god i found it i found a cave i'm sorry i wasn't all right i'm on the way all my iron is done smelting oh okay this was perfect oh thank you i just realized i have to run kind of far to get to you again oh you have no idea how far around for a cave you're so annoying oh my god hey i guess i'm gonna be running a 10 mile marathon right now there's like 50 bats just flying around my face batman turn into batman right now that's the twist i figured it out i'm so smart i'm batman that's yeah minecraft but i can turn into batman whenever i want yeah yeah you got it how'd you get so good at guessing i don't know i just i just leveled up one day oh my can these guys chill out for like a half a second can you chill out for half a second oh my god i wonder what's going on oh that was so close oh this is nice oh perfect yes that's exactly what i was looking for oh yeah i'm looking forward oh that's nice oh there's say it oh this is so nice yes give me it all boom boom let's go bam what's going on tell me let's see what we get not too bad what what's going on oh i like this i really like this oh there we go that's what i wanted what is going on tell me nothing nothing i love this plugin so much this is so great the great thing about this twist is even if you find it out i don't think you'll be able to use it [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh finally here hello man hey dude let me just let me just do something before before i attack you because oh no just in case it goes horribly wrong for me oh no backup option did you find me no no no no no how'd you get here so fast i swear i ran like a mile fast it took me like 20 minutes you ran forever all right perfect oh cure oh dev oh i see you now oh no oops what's up bro just leave me alone for now all right oh what's up dev no no no no hey dude no no no chill out chill out chill out you still have full armor i told you i couldn't find anything i've been running forever this is great this is great come here please please oh my god just fight me just fight me you got this just fight me bro dev stop stop stop what do you mean stop stop it there's a dead end that's okay that's fun then yes it actually worked my water was my water please please oh yes oh my god what i almost pressed it too early too wait yes so wait what oh wait wait oh my god i'm actually like trap i'm so glad that worked i'm confused so wait how did you get pistons and redstone and repeaters and all that nah there's something that gives you stuff there's no way you just destroyed me like with there's no way you found that many slimes i have no idea i hate you i have nothing now i guess there's no harm in telling you that that's the plugin so i'm right it's like redstone oh my god i don't know any red i don't know how to use red stuff i know i prepared for this gosh i prepared for this i literally powered no idea how to use redstone bro i'm so glad that worked by the way i almost pressed it too early if you didn't have the lava there i probably would have survived i made the lava too high so you couldn't place one yeah i noticed that because my water went underneath you're not my friend anymore what well anyways i'll uh i'll see you in the uh another realms my guy don't talk to me no more i'm not fun for any of your stupid traps i'm gonna be careful now you think i'm gonna go into a fight blindly now you think i'm gonna go into it blindly i'm gonna think about every possible outcome oh you don't know what i have up my sleeve oh you don't know how much i'm gonna think now you don't understand i'm gonna use my full brain power to this now that's the only thing i care about not dying to you now [Music] oh there's a lot of vendis over there oh hey guys i really am hoping a marshmallow man doesn't just come and ruin my life right now i hope it does i hope it does that's the only thing i'm praying for right now oh my god this is nice oh by the way i got a looting sword from that chest what is your luck i didn't tell you your luck is actually gross well you're telling me now so i'm gonna kill you now oh i need this i need this perfect in this pig oh you're coming in now aren't you well i kind of got to kill you that's kind of my job all right i'm smelting my iron it's almost time for you to die as soon as this is not smelting you're dying why are you excited gay i don't know wait i'm trying to think um okay let me think of some traps that you're gonna try what can you do in the nether tnt cannon i swear to god you attempt that to me the only thing i can think of is a tnt trapper that's pretty much it that's the only traps you can make don't worry zip it zip it there's totally no other traps that i have planned in my head right now and that i'm going to use on you um just out of curiosity what biome are you in uh i think i'm in the desert you're so funny and original oh wait never mind the syndication biome i forgot a savannah biome wait actually let me try something wait a minute oh that works i didn't think that would work oh this is oh my god i don't even know oh no yes yes yes that's all i needed that's all i needed oh i didn't make a boat oh no just make a crimson boat you can't oh you can trust me they added in your update didn't you listen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they actually need to add that though oh by the way yeah yeah so you can make a crimson boat it's actually invisible and then if you place it in lava and jump on it it'll let you start uh writing it how much money will you give me if i do it well i don't need to give you any money like it's all how the game works i'll do it i'll actually do it oh perfect damn how have you not found a fortress i don't know it's weird oh i just really don't even oh my god i just realized i don't even need a bastion because you have a looting sword yes oh this is a this is some good blaze luck i like this i like this a lot oh no i don't i really don't oh here you're standing right near the blaze spawner what now you're looking around all confused what do you see the pigmen beside you i don't see you anywhere you're spinning around you're spinning around looking at everything you're why are you stalking me oh a blaze spawned oh it flew away oh it hit it it's hitting you this is so much fun why where oh you gotta have you got him where are you i'm just watching from what you're looking the complete wrong way though okay you're closer closer warm oh oh you must be getting low time to strike no no no no no no no oh no hey buddy okay i'm good i'm good i'm good no leave me alone leave me alone i'm leaving you alone oh i'm leaving please please please please oh come on come on come on please dad please don't do this please where do you think you're going please please please please please please oh cute what are you doing no no no no no no chill out chill chill out what are you building see it bro wait what oh my god oh no this is laggy oh no yes yes oh no please wait i can actually just catch up to you oh no don't do this this is laggy yo hey dude no don't do that dev it's not it's not fun hey dude what's up what are you doing no i'm going away from you that's what i don't know oh no i'm gonna steal all that this redstone over there what even is that like a hovering machine are you building another one i'm out of here i told you you're not going anywhere oh yeah i'll see you later buddy let's go it's the best escape mechanism ever i'm actually going to try and build it and you're so enrolled i'm actually going to try and build this in like a non-redstone manhunt okay okay oh oh my god i almost died from that what the heck you're about to die i don't care once i get once i get all this i have a plan now i actually have a good idea of how to stop i have a plan huh i'm on the hunt now again fly head fly head well you're on a flying machine so when did you get off the hunt is my question well when i decided if i have this one thing it would stop you from doing all this what is that one i really want to know i know you do no water doesn't work in the nether yes thank you gabe is being nice to me today it's not being nice to me that's for damn sure i just realized you screwed yourself without going to that basket how are you gonna get obsidian uh you're gonna die in the nether all i need is time but you're not giving me any right now i'm a hunter what do you expect me to do i'm just gonna let you win be cool i'll be cool but being cool doesn't mean letting you win oh yes it does i think you need to get a new dictionary on the definition of being cool dictionary please okay okay biome is so weird what the hell oh hi here oh hey dev what's up why do you have another pickaxe uh it didn't totally didn't come with my redstone package okay you have to tell me it now it's not it's i can't what the heck it's only fair oh i'm out of here you think i'm going into that stupid tunnel yeah you think i'm gonna fall for that okay fine i'll just run away then i'll literally just run away it's easy please please please please please please oh please get out of here please yes oh my god oh my god yes bro oh the food please tell me you didn't burn your food actually god please tell me you didn't burn your food oh i burnt all of them don't waste your time yes yes oh my god you had food i hate you now i have to run all the way back are you crazy i legit don't have any obsidian i'm so dumb why did i not think this through feeling all right dev yeah i'm just gonna get full diamond now what no don't do that i'm going full sweat mode now i already know i already have a feeling what your next trap is for the end what some sort of tnt launcher oh you guessed it right i know i did you guess no way totally there's no way that redstone bundle doesn't give you tnt i'm not an idiot oh yeah you're saving it you're saving it no i'm saving it you're right why do you have to be right so often it gets annoying okay obviously i'm wrong let me try to think what else you can do i swear to god if you pull a yellow what did yellow do you know what yellow did to us if you do that to me our friendship's over i know i'm not gonna say it because i don't want it to be true because if it's true i'll be very depressed why are you finally oh no oh no please be more than four don't tell me it is you found diamonds oh please don't oh no oh it's six it's six okay what can i do with it i found a one okay i could enchant or i can okay i found a one thing can i find in six veins let's go okay i gotta okay i got this i got this i gotta enchant that that's the best that's the best i can do with six you're gonna enchant chill out i don't even have any traps left in my head i'm not an idiot there's one there's a hundred percent one left i'm not an idiot you said you planned this and practiced this there's absolutely zero chance you didn't think of one for the end i'm not an idiot like i'm stupid but i'm not an idiot okay okay here we go diamond pickaxe come here obsidian oh here yeah i just added four more diamonds to my arsenal oh why oh i found a cave come on give me some lap give me some laughs please make me happy or you give me more dies i'll be even happier you're asking a cave to give you a lap dance that would be pretty pog that would be pog giving you a laptop yes lapis bro dance you're like asking for stuff and you're just getting it right away and emeralds okay i don't need the emeralds but okay i'll take that i'll take the lap you know this actually really turned around i was kind of thinking i was gonna really lose this terribly but now i kind of think i have a chance i gotta do the centipede strat that's that's the best way to find diamonds the heck is a centipede strap you know what it is where you never mind chat comments no the council knows the council notes the council knows do you guys know really what a centipede is that a thing oh i've never felt this much happiness in my life yes yes same here three more diamonds what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no give me an eight vayne though then come on i would have had full diamond by now this is annoying you keep asking for stuff and you're getting it because i guess i'm just getting lucky because the game's been destroying me this whole time and now they're finally giving me some luck oh yeah mr krabs oh my god please tell me i'm not done though okay you're right he's telling me that's a boot wait are you ready mr krabs uh-huh okay chill out i legit don't have any more traps yet i'm gonna okay sick oh wait you're in the overworld ah damn it i didn't want you to look oh no i have to get on you just in case you're going to do that stroud i think you're going to do what if you do that you're talking about like i don't want to say it out loud you might actually end up doing it and then i'll lose is it here oh it's right oh it's over here i see yo every single eye dropped for me so far this is actually of course it did my luck is kind of being really good right now [Music] oh yes because if you came if you really did come back to the portal i'm not that far from there so i should oh oh no i gotta track you i swear to god if you do the trap i'm thinking of i don't know what you're thinking i will leave the video i don't have tnt if you think it's a tnt trap i don't know if you have the no that's not the one if you do what i think you're going to do i don't know what you're not going to be my friend i really don't know what you're talking about like i know what i'm doing usually i know what people are talking what is this cave usually i know what people are talking about but like right now i don't for some reason i feel like you're gonna do it because you're just a scumbag compass please just turn around before it's too late for me i know what's gonna happen i think and i'm scared now cause you're still happy i don't even know what's gonna happen i heard that okay yes i'm here i'm here i'm here [Music] no no no no no no no ah dev my dad just brought some colleagues over i have to be quiet from now on yes this is not this is not good you sound like an idiot being quiet i love this i know please please please please please please please please okay let me enchant my axe with sharpness too real quick before i kill you no stop stop stop stop oh this is everything's going wrong right now everything yes yes yes yes why did this place like that here that's what i'd like to hear please please please please please please please please i see your name yes okay please work please work please work if it doesn't work i'll be so mad come on please oh my god no way i'd be so sad there's no way you did this what oh my god it didn't work oh my god yes yes yes no yes yes i didn't even set a bed oh my god oh my goodness don't work i didn't set a bed i knew it that's why i didn't say it out loud because i knew you were gonna do that and i didn't want to give you some ideas wait till you see me wait you're gonna be very happy oh yes here we go hey dude oh this is just hey dude i could hey man i could easily just build the flying machine and go to the end cities right now by the way you know what do it do it should i'll just sit here and i'll just sit here and defend the dragon doesn't matter to me always yeah i know i'm gonna be an insane good diamond loot i hope it pushes you off oh my god actually you know what i'm scared lag i'm just gonna defend this the dragon just fling me off and i almost died so annoying i hate this dragon just knocks me off oh man do i have any projectiles i don't oh this is such a fail this is a big fail yeah was it a fail what happened this was a complete and utter fail but hey you know what stop looking at me right now are you seriously climbing up here oh my yes yes yes yes yes yes dragon's a spy stop attacking me yes spazz dragon yes like what the hell i wish i could be loud right now i want to scream come here what the yes oh my god i'm so glad that worked actually i'm coming down there oh no no no stop stop stop stop it's not gonna work for long bro don't bowl me whatever you do don't end it with a bow i would like to end it whatever you do don't end it with a bow so if i did this it would end it whatever you do do not do that please wait so you have no food be nice be nice be nice be nice so you have no food be a nice person be kind choose kindness only if you apologize for all those traps okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah i won't use a bow i won't use a bubble dragon there's an enemy in here why is there an enderman in here with me just come fight me is he mad at me why is there lava off this tower now what the i tried to place lava on you but for some reason it didn't plays on you you completely missed okay great that's very good for me this dragon with his stupid goo is going to make me so mad i think that enderman is mad at me uh oh yeah he's definitely not mad at me he's definitely not mad at me so it might be a little bit over oh you can mine up what yes yes no way this game clutch this game clutch this game clutch what the yes oh my god oh my god this is so dumb this is so good that's so annoying why are you you might promise you can't blow me you promise you can't so that's against the rules okay okay okay i'm safe i'm safe do i not have do i really not have any food i'm stupid oh my god you're going underground again you're so annoying there's no way i'm winning this there's no way take here no yes after all of that yes i didn't even know there was an open oh i didn't even know there was an open thing there yes thank you enderman
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 3,464,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute
Id: gd5E0sWmCsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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