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what's this it's mean juice [Music] i hope you have yours ready [Music] damn what an intro a little bit of a change up this week thank gordon just gordon thank you so much enough to get her try this granny grovin that was the jacksepticeye meme time gordon remix everybody's 96 views and one comment damn we got here early and almost first uh but thank you gordon that was magnificent oh press f to pay respects whiteboard you were in our lives for such a long time but now you are gone as that happens with the move change occurs now i'm not going to lie to you and tell you that every change is amazing because this one this one hurts as you can see even though we have bad ass shadow of the colossus and bloodborne statues all in the background the setup looks dope we're missing that one key vital ingredient which is a whiteboard oh no a classic love one another a is for us of which i like to eat you is foreign [Music] oh man that one hurts that one hurts a lot this might be the biggest this might be the most emotionally traumatizing celebrity death that we've had this one hits hard this one hits home everyone i saw you being born and i saw you die oh it hurts it hurts keep our steady legs you know what i told you guys that meantime was the only cure for sadness but this one time it's all right to let the sadness in it's all right to mourn it's all right to grieve whiteboard we love you buddy [Music] whiteboard smack oh god the sadness let it out there there jack moves house the white board is gone oh i know what you're thinking sean isn't this just the same meme as last time um yeah this is the exact same name as the previous one just with different text look guys it was a long live tradition uh and even though the whiteboard is gone i just have one thing to say folds did you think i didn't prepare for this eventuality i knew i was moving for months i knew this was coming we have a brand new whiteboard oh god it's portable and it's in my hand and it's closer to you guys than ever before god i feel sorry for your brain because it's never being used damn smooth in here look at you beautiful oh a beautiful bald baby we're not putting laugh on it yet we're waiting for our furious home videos to christen this bad boy but it's even got a shelf for the markers to fall off and everything you really thought you were going to get away with it you really thought you could just make memes like that try and bring sadness into this series i am disappointed this has been consistently and arguably the greatest cure for sadness that mankind has ever conjured up meme time the greatest meme show on youtube fools jacksepticeye hair today gone tomorrow cloak looking fresh metal falls again you think i run the cloak instagram silly baca god what is it like to just have sawdust in here it must be terrible jack putting mini furniture into his new house so we think he's actually tall you sons of [ __ ] look it's normal sized furniture all right i'm really massive look i'm so huge you see this plate this plane is actually big enough to feed a family of four off of but i just use it to hold my keys i have to bend down so i can fully be in camera frame for you small normies to be able to see me wouldn't it be normal size furniture for him go [ __ ] yourselves why am i getting assaulted on my own subreddit pewds and jj first time no it's been going on for a while everyone loves to roast the little man fine have at it oh i'll be your punching bag for today yeah but sooner or later you guys will realize that the joke's on you maybe we should have an episode where i just bully all of you fools god i feel sorry for your brain because it's never been used i am disappointed that would be really fun it would probably get taken down by youtube for targeted harassment i am corpse now look at me look at me i am the captain now yeah for some reason when you google corp's husband oh it changed it changed it's not me anymore is that machine gun kelly now yeah for some reason it used to be corpse and then me but when you search for it the cropping just had me i think they changed it because i tweeted it out you're welcome corpse god my picture's not there at all anymore what the not like this not like this what about the free cloud from the google searches huh i thought i was corpse look for a small brief period in history it just looked like this and it was very funny i'll take it person what does a crab look like me why am i doing this in this picture what was i doing am i talking about a big sandwich i had that day am i talking about some big mommy milkers that i saw guys they're about this big huge titties just mr krabs impression money no one 13 year olds these hands aren't just for high-fiving all right yeah they're for screwing bottle lids on perfect works every time also used for looking a massive titties i don't know why but this just reminds me of a lego man they do have those little tiny hands don't they a potato has fallen into the river in lego city hey random person so you're telling me he went from this to this to this me that's an oversimplification but yes what a transformation over the years which era did you find jacksepticeye during the baby period the weird anime arc or whatever the [ __ ] this is and here we are full circle again back to the old haircut see a lot of people will say that they missed this the green hair period but do you miss the green hair or do you miss how the green hair made you feel made me feel like a light bulb every time i went down the street with green hair everyone was like granny's got arthritis and she confirms the irish peeler is helpful no way you actually have it that's so cool is it good i mean you said it is but i don't know if that's just for the meme or if it actually is good she's got arthritis and the peeler next you're going to tell us that she's irish is she my grandma has had it for years the arthritis or the peeler granny ain't got hair traitors holy moly damn granny is jacked granny could bench press big jars of prune juice granny could bench press me with those items look at those tries holy crap granny's buffer than i'll ever be you know why because she's probably got that peeler and she's been peeling everything so she can eat it better i go visit granny on the weekends just so we can [ __ ] lift heavy weights together be part of the granny game gang damn this is inspirational look at those biceps one punch granny jack you working for spacex now yes on the side when i'm not reviewing memes on the internet for youtube i work at spacex because my brain is very large and i'm very very smart it actually kind of looks like me and julian solomita mixed together weirdly that's me right there i know this guy i know this person i know her it's all great people yeah we launched these two people out of their chairs into the lawn aha that's how he knew there weren't any spiders on mars wait until like a couple of years from now when people actually land on mars and they find spiders on mars and take pictures with them and everyone look at my meme and be like ha ha you're stupid you know what i'll take that l when the day comes but for now my brain's much larger than yours may i offer you a trade okay in this trade i receive your subscription and you receive good content you also receive the only cure for sadness and you receive it all for basically free all you have to do is click that button down below that says subscribe if you're already subscribed thank you i love you you are part of this mission to rid the world of bad content welcome jack you're different did you cut your hair me who actually got a haircut two weeks before the upload what's funny is that later that day i went and got a haircut myself so i was kind of just talking to myself in the future i was getting it into your head so you could process it so when i when the haircut actually happened the joke came full circle i'm telling you this is peak i was watching the latest video and immediately knew this needed to be made and an idiot you watched jacksepticeye what are you 12 me i'm done wow you know what's great those pit stains nice that should have made it into the cringe compilation for sure if you watch me at 12 years old or even younger then great because you are getting exposed to all of these things that the world is going to throw at you anyway but for the sake of what my content is actually made for everyone's over 18 on this channel every single person that watches is over 18. and i like we'll keep it that way my arm after getting the covered vaccine sore i want a vaccine give it to me stick it in my arm i don't care if my arm feels sore if i feel bad for a day or two i'll take it i just want to be vaccinated another trade offer deal of a lifetime in this trade i receive a sore throat from yelling you receive the only cure for sadness i'd say that that is a net gain in your favor there's no reason that you wouldn't take this trade smash like if you would take this trade right now we need an episode with just bb instead of sean it would literally be him standing in the chair for five seconds then jumping down and leaving or it would be six hours of him sleeping in the chair it's one or the other there's no in between so the dudes with random chest pain when you're breathing in and you get that random sharp pain in your chest oh that's new am i dying is this it is this where i die is that a heart attack oh god i think i might be having a heart attack i'll call 9-1 just in case and then i'll hit oh it's gone okay i'm fine oh i was close why does that happen why do humans get random chest pains out of nowhere it shouldn't be a thing especially when you look it up and then everyone's like yeah you could have arrhythmia you could have a heart attack you could be dying um you should probably see your doctor and then you talk to your doctor it's like no that just happens because your body is that way why why does that happen does anybody actually know i have mild asthma and low blood pressure so i felt this and the sharp pain that's what i always talk i i assumed that's what you meant when you said you felt this i don't everyone else is saying different things wait what else does everyone else feel is because of i just chopped it up to my obesity what when you have a sudden anxiety attack and everything hurts and you can't breathe oh lord i'm not reading any more into this i i'll freak out and think that i'm dying look at them go oh cute this is cody and may me and gab from it takes two which i played all on my twitch channel it's not going up on youtube evelyn's uploading it on her channel if you want to go see it there uh gab smolders but i won't be uploading it but if you want to watch the pods they're up on twitch it was a very very fun game really really cool game oh so you're a jacksepticeye fan spell is not last name right do it do right now i dare you spell it right for some reason people just haven't learned it's a very popular name very cool name you should spell it right when you technically get into meme time by commenting on a meme that made it in yeah yeah [ __ ] you literally last that is so accurate there's so many times that i read out the comments here and the comments are really funny hey jack if you don't see this comment i'm gonna look like a dumbass well played well played some guy gets hit in the nuts every other guy within a five kilometer radius yeah well it's like if you're a person who has testicles it's not that getting kicked in the testicles like that impact itself hurts it's that you get hit and then it's like oh wow and then 10 seconds later it's like here it comes oh god oh god and it feels like you're about to [ __ ] your own [ __ ] everything is pain you get this like warm disgusting it's like your balls want to vomit 10 reasons why sean sucks you better not you better not yeah that's right yeah that's right that's about what i expected good job if it was anything else stick them up when i poop it sound like i am peeing the stuff come out of my ass is straight [ __ ] water just wanted to give an update on my health thanks sometimes it's like that sometimes you eat too much candy or you you drink something or you eat a certain type of food and then the next day your ass be like a tap tap that ass me watching youtube and lurking on reddit all day my grades that's awesome yeah people didn't pick up on this too much they saw the clip but this is a great meme template y'all are slipping you need to up your meme game you're too busy putting my face into reface app or putting it in something that's just going to do all the work for you no no no you got to put some effort in here folks well maybe not this much effort oh god i don't like it stop all right i can't i can't it's it's over it's done all right that ruined it that's going to do it for another beautiful episode of meme time i hope you all had fun i hope that you're all taking care of yourselves out there and until next time post some fantastic memes on the subreddit r jacksepticeye go there we're almost at 600k uh members followers joiners what do you call them on predators no that sounds lame so if you want to potentially make it into an episode and not just your comment spraying yourself a champagne at the bottom of the podium go there join there's a beautiful community of people over there trying to make each other laugh all the time so go be part of them until next time baby mimi dreamers silent claps farewell
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,397,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, meme time, funny memes, jacksepticeye memes
Id: IoxGfPspreI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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