i built my own PRISON.. and they ESCAPED! | Prison Architect

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hey guys down here and today I have bullets this big piece of brown dirt yeah exciting I know calm down but no really today we're going to be trying to build our very own a prison just this week we tried to build our own school and that went well right it's P we are a good toilets this is a disaster hmm what I do realize is that game is pretty much direct copy of this game called prison architects where you get to try and build your own prison from dirt all the way up to building a maximum-security prison so today I'm gonna try my hand at building one so we've got some to do over here read the CEOs letter is first that's why I'm gonna do congratulations on completing your basic induction you are now a fully qualified prison architect wait does this guy know know what's going on here I didn't do any kind of qualifications for this but I'll take it you might have got mixed up but it's fine before you get started you share some important lessons every person need a warden that's gonna be me individual jail cells are expensive especially early on save money by starting with single large holding cell oh no that can be shared by many prisoners at once that's gonna cause so much trouble you know kitchen and canteen up and running before the first prisoners show up building a prison is expensive okay I'm out of here so we're gonna get eight prisoners in total six medium and two minimum so let's just go through the grants kind of like we did with the school game basic detention center we build a holding cell a shower a yard a kitchen a canteen two guards and two cooks and I think we have to do it all before the prisoners arrive here are my workers what's good friends let's just start building us I'm pretty sure we need let's have a look we need a 5x5 room walls and doors indoors toilet and bench that's not so bad so let's grab a door large jail door is gonna go let's pop it here then we need to build the room is that big enough that'll do let's do that give it a floor as well which I can't do sound built it yet chop chop hurry up look at them go beautiful get those hands dirty my friends this should work hey we got ourselves a room sweet now we need to make it that room so now we have ourselves a holding cell but it needs a toilet and a bench let's grab a toilet let's grab a bench this is the worst holding cell you have ever seen but it's gonna be fine we haven't got much money okay we also need to build a shower a yard a kitchen and a canteen oh man this is called difficult a shower can just be tiny right you literally just need a showerhead can we attach it to the holding cell that would make sense right it could be making all kinds of mistakes but I'm gonna do it tiny little shower room it's gonna be really small you let you gonna be in here like this touching each other's shoulders get to work man that'd work it worked sweet why is there rubble on the floor I want a I need I need this how do I get rid of that take it away homies take it take it away to the right there we go he did it rooms shower needs a shower head I mean you know what beggars can't be choosers you're imprisoned for a reason let's put a drain in there as well and that should make the shower this guy's got the showerheads there we go sweet we just got a random door here as well so let's just dismantle that and forget about it we've got a shower we've got a holding cell it isn't enclosed now that we've done this oh no that's how you build them you could build separate walls that don't need foundations that makes sense can I put a door there now come on let this shower work this is this is vital we've got 16 hours until the prisoners arrive and it needs to be all ready to go I think that works what are we next we need a yard and a kitchen oh man chop down all these trees please right kitchen and canteen they don't need to be a certain size but we do need to decide where they're gonna go so I'm gonna put the entrance to the canteen I think here yeah that'll do luckily this guy playing Minecraft what faster come on we haven't got time so this is taking you okay that's not bad it took me like an hour to chop down some trees hey there's our canteen okay canteen done so we need a serving table a normal table and a bench servant ableton can just go there table can just go Hicks we're only gonna have eight I think it is we're only gonna have eight of them so that doesn't matter too much what else do we need I think that's everything then we're also gonna grab a door to here and add a kitchen this is easy this is easier than the school but um the people inside the establishment aren't gonna be as nice are they we're talking school pupils or convicted criminals boom okay cook a fridge and sink cook a fridge and sink is that all you need all no this is bad oh this is really bad I haven't made it big enough big oops big oops but we should be able to fix it there we go and sing boom darn it these guys are working at 11 p.m. which is pretty um pretty impressive actually right I need to build another I need to build in another door it's gonna be here and that's gonna go to the yard yard I'm gonna make it pretty big ish I'm gonna make it like this that's gonna be the yard but needs to be secured can you make fences fence sweet I kind of can't see right now it's so dark it's 3:00 a.m. we have 4 hours and 55 minutes until our prisoners come into our exquisite prison I think we're done we to hire at least two guards as do staff we need two guards boom boom then we need two cooks boom boom and then we also need a warden as well so because we haven't got wangled power either Oh Oh admin Center build two offices a warden oh my goodness how am I gonna do this stuff there's the warden's office we need an office desk a chair and a filing cabinet I made this way too big Wow I think that's it so now we need to hire a warden right there he is what's his name his name is he has no name but this is the boss of our prison look at him in his pixely glory they're bringing in your chair don't worry they got the desk fitted as well and in comes your filing cabinet I hope you enjoy yourself here cuz you ain't got much choice looking too bad so far we have no power and no water but that's fine right how do I get those things power station generate electricity to be used in your prison that would probably be a good idea put that there and a water pump station next to it three minutes porno the prisoners are coming oh no this is bad they come where are they oh is this the bus this is the jail bus the prisoners are coming in we're gonna have eight of them we're gonna meet our little friends for the next well their life here he is is Macaulay King totem Coombes bird and Johnson bird is an absolute beast David and gingersnap oh wow I don't actually know what I'm what we can do with these I'll let the guards are taking them I guess they've got a holding cell it just has no water or power right now but we're working on it look at them just in darkness oh no they are not gonna be pleased electrical cables so we need to do this this is actually kind of crazy I don't know how to do this let's destroy point it all the way under and see if that makes electricity just magically occur right we need an accountant as well how do I hire those feed all prisoners is now on the to-do list but we just need some power I think it's working I'm not sure what to do install install install get what you guys come on unlock finance through bureaucracy I don't actually know what that means oh here it is finance let's go so we can also add maintenance psychology security that's for when things get real crazy but I need that but an accountant in this office power is not getting anywhere right now oh it is it is look they have lights oh you guys should be feeling pretty blessed right now especially you bird especially you so currently they're in lockup so we can see what they can do they got each yard time free time eat and sleep I think we're doing all right you know and depending on what kind of security they are here as minimum or normal they have different schedules so we have power now which is good we just need water so large pipe can that just go like here as you avin so I think the whole thing just ripped oh this is bad capacitor let's grab some of those this put three of those in there expensive though because we need more power right switch on we're good looks like the power is fine look what out in the yard ah no funny business okay guys they're trying to get back in so badly I guess wait the gods tired staff prefer to rest in a staff room I think that said this is the tiniest prison in the world but I think we're doing okay we just need the kitchen to work on this better workers better work it's better well come on come on that work yes we just don't have sync power because we don't have the right pipes yet Oh in this toilet isn't working that's gonna be real gross real fast oh no they need to eat they need to eat there's random logs inside the canteen and they have no food because the water isn't working oh wait wait they do we made them green goop ah this is great all prisoners are fed oh this is this is working so much better than the school turns out I shouldn't run a school at all prisons are where I'm at we get charged for the food trays man I guess that makes sense right let's sell all these logs because this just this is aimed sanitary it's got a thousand dollars for selling trees look at that everything's really ugly but it's a working right now I can hire an accountant actually there we go get in there boys right lady get in there you chumps be gone this guy's just sleeping in his office I just need to build a staff room now I think I can do that I'm not quite sure where to put it I guess we could slip it in next to the kitchen yeah let's put it here right staff room has been activated we need a wide sofa and a drinks machine that's some pretty low some pretty low requirements for a staff room but I'll take it no let's put another sofa in there just because we're feeling nice and also when we get a vending machine from drinks machine where is that it's not in here never mind I'm an idiot have your drinks machine so I can also let's dismantle this there's different doors you can get you can get staff doors which I didn't realize so I'm gonna pop that right here because that means that prisoners well prisoners are gonna go through if they want but look the staff is stuck outside because of the because of the jail door they need to unlock it for them to get through and I'm glad he did because that's your drink's machine ready to go buddy dude I'm like killing it as a prison manager how do we get me some more stuff oh my goodness cellblock a that's gonna make our prison massive the basics are up and running let's do it cellblock a we need to raise my capacity to 15 and I think we need to make it so that we can have an each individual cell there is a way to quick fill of these yeah basic cell so yeah we can do this how many do we need 15 oh man 1 2 3 4 this is actually a really cool idea to do this 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh it's gonna cost so much money 11 12 13 14 15 that should be 15 and then I should just be able to make wounds wait is there more prisoners arriving no no no no no that can't happen that can't happen right now surely then we put a large door here this should be pretty sweet I hope we don't have more prisoners arriving lots of materials arriving but that's that's good okay we're also gonna need water pipes to every single toilet easy mode done it oh no oh no we did get some more prisoners why is this growing a black suit oh wait wait wait wait wait we've got okay their normal risk good low risk I thought we had some high ones then and what's happened here the showers overflowing I knew this was gonna go badly I need to make the shower bigger what has happened here are you already taking him to their cells they don't have cells ah this is where it all goes wrong isn't it this is where it all goes wrong looks like they fixed the shower issue but the place is looking dirty as well which isn't good and this door can't close to this stupid box how about you rid of this cell objects I can't say that the staff rooms just blocked wait we've got visitors as well do we have to do anything for that one family is waiting to visit I guess we do have to have like a visitor center right how do we not have enough meals for prisoners come on make the meals make the meals for the prisoners there are no canteens accessible by this cell are you sure oh the floors is it the floors you know let's just dismantle this and see if that works I'm pretty sure they can't walk on normal floors but I gonna have to add normal floors well we can hire more workmen I don't think we need them now let me just hire two more we're missing one cell I need to I need to make one more cell you'rea wait wait wait escape attempts always escaping I could get him just oh oh okay this is bad this is bad this is bad many more guards many more guards look they're escaping No left it open no wait wait wait wait wait what's going on how do i how did that just do that straightaway where did the wall go I can't even build one all of my prisoners are gonna escape they're going where all my gods I need guards two more guards get him get him oh no he's getting beat up oh this is where it all falls apart isn't it oh jeez five escapes builders builders you need to build the walls build the walls now some people are unconscious six people have escaped oh my goodness that was absolutely tragic I can't believe it no these walls build these walls as quickly as you can I forget I don't know wet that one oh my goodness that was awful that's why all of the garden all of the walls have disappeared how did that happen I had to put down some foundations but it looks like if you forget to put down the foundations they just you can't fix it they just disappear No they all escape insane oh I need a there's bacon just chilling on the floor we got injured people over here someone's just out here can someone come and get him please he's sentenced to seven years for rioting get this guy please hanno to staff members are exhausted we need four awaiting solitary confinement eight are in lockdown and four require medical attention oh dear oh no medical ward we need one wait how do I build a medical ward do I need to research it I do know it's gonna take six hours oh geez security you know I just get me some security as well I love this prisoner is just outside how are ye going get him we're gonna stop around punish search cell block search prisoner I don't know Birds just chilling outside I don't think he's uh I think we're I don't know what's gonna happen to him bro he's bleeding out on the floor can some other game we have a responsibility to these prisoners everywhere is dirty the canteen there are no prisoners assigned to eat this canteen oh that's because I built a wall there great he's injured oh geez we need maintenance as well we need ya cleaning okay land expansion we don't need education health psychology I think all of these are fine there's more prisoners arriving where are all these coming from I don't need more I don't need please I don't need more this is not working out well for me this guy's still outside he's seriously injured to do a school prisoner to sell he sleep outside why is he not doing it wait wait wait he's going to do it he's trying to find him come on there we go perfect who is this as a nobody's doing well good job buddy well done definitely the janitor to clear this up Wow right so I need more space for more cells yeah it's coming in two hours two hours the holding cell is tiny what did I do to this I don't really know there's blood all over the floor this is there's not good six of them escape actually we've got ten there's six available so now we only need six more cells so if I make you know if I make this this is gonna be fine we're gonna need that space anyway that's I've learned if you don't do it properly it opens up the walls and the prisoners can escape we've got health we've got health this is great infirmary area for your medical staff to work indoors medical beds no need more foundations infirmary is gonna go there I have enough money okay we're good 15 minutes till 12 more prisoners great this guy might die why is this guy got such a realistic head he's really bad chop-chop guys we need to build this as soon as possible yes yes yes perfect okay we need brick walls cuz obviously people are gonna escape we need brick walls along here cuz they keep disappearing don't even think about it moss in your monobrow right medical beds we're gonna need quite a few of them so I'm gonna put that that that put some opposite as well and then we need two nurses one to read this guy's called batty and he's healed yes oh no 22 out of 14 this is some kind of sick joke need eight more cells eight more cells one two three four one two three four okay that's eight more how did you get up in this one huh okay the beds are coming in so we should be able to get everybody healed we need some more power as well boom looks like we're feeding all the prisoners which is good speaking of prisoners and feeding we needs we need more benches and tables table there we go let's put a bench down there - boom boom sit down my pretties because everyone's bring you the beds potatoes cables if everyone's standing on the food thing this is nuts absolutely nuts by thing we're doing okay we're making money which is perfect there's 22 prisoners in here which is mad twelve more prisoners coming in 17 hours everywhere is dirty can I hire a janitor yet Foreman yes here we go so now I should be a to get cleaning but I need an office oh man I need so many offices let's get some more work man's as well because you know what let's just get loads we need to build things faster go 20 20 of them that might oh no that was 2500 that might be a bad idea I'm gonna pay them all oh no no no no no no okay I think these these workers are trapped aren't they they're trapped inside here oh no no wonder everything was going so badly let's demolish these walls and then hopefully they can get out God buddy there we go you've saved literally everyone why are you taking these guys around here that's the wrong way that's the wrong way you can't get through there stop this you idiots look I also added an entrance to the prison and a little corridor up here things are looking good I'm worried that not everyone is getting fed though that is a worry maybe the prisoners aren't getting there oh because they're not in their cells yet that makes sense these are the ones that haven't eaten no no no I build the wall build the wall build the wall build the wall build the wall quick build the wall he's running he's running build the wall I just told you to build it looks too dangerous what what it's because his box isn't it they're gonna escape again I tried so hard come on just build the wall he led you just ran out build the wall build the wall come on great we've had seven escapes now you're all idiots I need janitors sole body but I've gotta wait for an hour and 14 minutes that shouldn't be too bad I think this guy has been stuck in his cell for the whole time he's been in here and it's completely my fault he's got no toilet either but now we're good demolish these and then he should be brought back into the real world whoopsie well prison I made my canteen really small I didn't think I'd be getting so many prisoners janitor yes how many should I get one two three four five let's do five let's get them all oh I didn't realize you could do this order immediate surgical cells instantly lockdown bang-up so send all willing prisoners back to their cells it'll make them angry that's bad cool all your prisoners are sound outside of their cells only available during sleep regimes and during the night so that's kind of like during escapists I guess psychologist as well there's a spare office taking that one and we've got our grunt suite we're making money okay so we also have four hours until it's there really 12 more prisoners coming like 12 how do I stop them coming in I don't want any more oh intake closed yes okay that's perfect I didn't realize you could do that although we got five prisoners up for parole that's kind of cool because that means we can have a certain amount of cells and then make it so that when they leave they're replaced with other ones look how squeaky-clean this is ah they've done a such a good job this is great I don't think I needed five of them though did I wait a second we need to make a parole your prisoners will be eligible for parole after serving fifty and seventy-five percent of their terms no extra security is advised prisoners have been known to become quite upset when their parole is denied oh where can I put this can I put it in the middle here somewhere let's see what happens I just need to make a visit to table there we go and see what I have to see what happens in the middle there because I am moving stuff around it's gonna be way too chaotic we might need another guard so we are four guards 21 prisoners is that okay let's put it this way my prison is doing way better than when I made a school anyway everything seems to be going pretty swimmingly they're kind of upset about their hygiene but I've just built some more showers so don't be upset why are they all going in here oh oh I need to make the showers way bigger Oh No the showers look at them all they're all just inside they're all mad um okay let's let's make the showers way bigger I don't have a drain for good measure as well why does this keep happening why does it keep flooding is it because of the door maybe I think parole is gonna work here you know no one's used it yet okay the shower situation has hopefully been solved Hey look we can make our prisoners work as well they can like stamp number plates and get money we should do that you can unlock surveillance dogs Tasers assault man okay I'm playing it safe I'm gay myself to capacity but five prisoners due for parole soon so we should be okay to take these guys in last time I had it literally just every prisoner send him my way and that didn't really work so well did it we're actually doing okay I think we played through maybe a third already maintenance I think I've done most of these unlock groundskeeping where's groundskeeping here hire a janitor and that ones completes that'll get us more money to we're doing okay I kind of want to get up to maximum security we need sorry confinement as well the maximum security is the goal that would be amazing but you know what guys this is our prison that we have created we've still got more space but all set up ready to go and then I think I am gonna make another video on this again let me know if you enjoyed this though if you did please leave a like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you are brand new and yeah let me know if you want me to continue this I think this is much better structured than the school one it's got more of a point to where you grow way more organically as a prison and I think I'm doing okay I still need to release some prisoners not quite sure how I do that but hey I guess we'll find out so yeah leave a like subscribe all that good stuff and I'll see you in the next one good bye [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candles canvas so far fulcrum herb and
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,393,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming
Id: UvkMd8fWowI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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