He's In LOVE With Her... (Kindergarten 2 Part 4)

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let's take a chunk out of my eye is that it i forgot that we turned ourselves into this lady welcome back to the worst school that has ever existed in kindergarten too i don't know if there is a name for this school should probably figure that out anyway welcome back uh i hope you're doing good sorry it's been a while since the last episode came out i've been busy as did we change outfits we did didn't we cook's hairnet jolly jumper and that's what we need to do right i need a quick refresh on the mission map so oh i thought we'd done the top three we haven't we need to do this top one because we've done the middle one and then that branches out into all the other ones but we also need these ones to add to these ones to make all these ones add up you following anyway i think we need to go to flowers for diana today and i don't actually know who diana is because this ain't diana here this is dana but not diana and dr dana is probably my least favorite character so far he's mean he's shot me in the head a few times i don't think we're gonna need any of these objects but i'm gonna take them all anyway just because i can take three and this is our new one the monster mon plushie no idea what to do with it yet but i think i'm ready for another day let's do this i missed you guys actually i missed none of you the only person i missed was well myself i think this mission says you need to start by talking to dr dana so that is exactly what we're gonna do look at the size of him and his head is huge ah one of the new specimens not that we'll be seeing much of each other why not i don't let below average students into my classroom for morning time unbelievable i'm not below average here we go let's kick it off oh really then perhaps you'll be willing to prove it um sure here's the deal if you can bring me five different types of flowers i'll let you into my morning time class that's the weirdest request i did not think he was gonna ask us for uh why do you want flowers plants have a wonderful biology to them so many possibilities for medicine and energy i don't buy it poisons there we go neurotoxins and monster enhancing i thought so um let's get the flowers okay fine excellent don't disappoint me if you don't complete the collection it'll be better if you don't show up my science class at all uh why is that because if you don't get all of those samples i'll switch today's lessons from plants to something that involves a nasty dissection got it now go and get my flowers he has this like this tone to him that is awful where can i find them i found two haven't i oh your thought process is so simple females tend to like flowers maybe start there oh that's why she's in the thumbnail then any other ideas one specimen grows in the garden by the handicapped ramp yep another by the dumpster those are the two that i knew of there's one in the vars in the teachers lounge oh yeah that's four and the rarest flower isn't even at this school you have to get some love struck loser to deliver it oh my god you'll never be allowed in my class you've got the evil laugh down i have to get a love struck loser to deliver it so what are you waiting for go on your futile errands and hopefully this will be the last we see of each other today oh a word to the wise you may want to have a chat with the hall monitors before the day gets started they tend to give people trouble in collecting my flowers where are they i saw them chatting inside at the top of the staircase so you let me in to talk of course not only disabled students are allowed into the school early and even if you snuck in the lunch lady would stop you oh yeah she smacked me up real good last time right how's it going this new school this is cindy right cindy am i getting the names right this new school is so much more my style do you have any flowers i don't want to hear that i want to hear the other talk of course i do i have a pretty pink one you already know i have that reserved for my new boyfriend who's your new boyfriend i haven't decided but i'm thinking about one of those rich kids over there i have my mind made up by morning time what about the flower wow you're really caught up in this whole flower thing aren't you i'll tell you what you helped me get hitched for the day and it's all yours good see you during morning time see you then so we need to get her a boyfriend to access the flower which of you boys want to take a lovely lady out for lunch at lunchtime in the cafeteria not jerome he's too busy crying one of the rich boys huh let's see what they're saying i told you teddy this is the plan that we've already gone through what are their options show apple soft pin i don't think that's something i need to do right now um let's talk to let's talk to teddy you're you're a bachelor i know you are oh god would i pick no oh i think i've activated the wrong thing man do you want a boyfriend girlfriend girlfriend she took my knife the little snitch she just made me a very unstable enemy wait bugs what's going on buddy i got the name right just saying i got the name who are you talking about the stupid principal's daughter she somehow knew i had it on me and now i have study hall this new school is so stupid wait is this a different mission though have you ever had something dangerously wrongfully wait wait wait wait wait wait have you had i got it why can't i read today have you ever had something dangerous wrongfully taken from you can't say i have buddy no then you wouldn't understand i'll get it back by myself good luck with that so we definitely need something to trigger that mission which is fine right i've quickly reset so if i show him the badge what happens because i didn't have the badge before because he's the one who gave me the badge oh my apologies didn't realize that you're a man of status project accepted you must be a new student my name is felix huxley heir to the apple soft empire and i'm dead will she always be like this teddy sorry felix i just thought i should oh man teddy gets bullied fully bullied enough my word teddy you really are out of line today anyone with that pin must be trustworthy teddy i think we should let this fine fellow in our little plan wait i'm confused to give this document to aussie it's imperative that he reads and understands it got it am i do i just have a lapse in memory right now or have i never done this before go meet me in the smart class after it's done we have much to discuss i'm not in the smart class bro i'm just not i can't believe it it's not fair i'm sorry i'm going to have to give you this note don't know what it says so not my responsibility what will slow your roll there nuke it not taking just anything from you your hands are filthy wait what excuse me not your hands are clean get out of here you filthy animal what is going on this is the weirdest start to a mission so far so i need to get you a boyfriend before morning time none of the boys want to speak to you though that's an issue i already talked to monty i need to get to the handicap ramp buddy i see well maybe we can work something out we've done this before haven't we i'll tell bob here that you're pushing me up the ramp for three dollars isn't there another way to get there though maybe without spending apples sure let's spend the three dollars and see what happens unless you're doing business with you it always is monty hey fist bump you never give me a fist bump what's going on hey i need that kids i was just chatting with to push me off the ramp oh all right then go on by hey easiest security ever bob don't change your day job you'd be a terrible security man right can i grab this flower then take the flower okay that was easy there's also this from last time the whole caved in i don't want to touch any dirt and a sign with arrows in it we haven't interacted with this at all um let's go up here the lunch lady is gonna smack me though um yeah that's gonna be an issue i don't actually need your help to get up the ramp just gotta just just go do what you gotta do man i think i've messed this up where did he say the uh hall monitors were are they this way we can't go this way oh i can ask him again here we go where are they i saw them chatting inside at the top of the staircase wait so i need to look handicapped is is that what we're doing here i'm gonna get killed by the lunch lady i mean i'm one of you please don't kill me lunch lady can you hear me no children are hiding the halls before the bell rings your apologies do not appease me you will be punished i'm they're dead i'm gonna die oh wait can i take can i take study hall please a wise decision but your input does not weigh in my decision death how do she doesn't even hit me multiple times she just smacks me square in the face don't go inside unless the lunch lady has been removed oh my god this is hard have i messed up the beginning of this already oh hey i'm ted what if i talk to ted first never mind oh wait do you have any flowers carla come on hit me with the flowers please vows no we're looking to brown those doctor tanner huh come see me at lunch you're gonna want my help okay this is a lot of things to keep track of and we don't have the hint system like last time do we can we like click on these to get hints please help me so on the list is flowers i need to get to the handicapped ramp so we need to spend three dollars i think to get the blue flower let me do that now i need to go so let's grab this one which is they've got two apples left nothing else really happens but i need to get the lunch lady removed so i can talk to the hall monitors how do i do that are you okay i'm just great just a little tired you wouldn't happen to have any pills nope stop bothering me uh the bell hasn't rung yet so i have to i don't have to put up with you right now okay let's spend the apple and see what happens did you see me did she did did you just slap me yo she angry oh god i'm so close to snapping right now i'm gonna need all my energy for when cindy causes an issue get out my face hello i'm the principal sure you are oh i know what you're thinking but i promise this school is far safer than last time i tell you what why do we have lunch together in my treat yeah i don't think that's gonna i don't think i need to uh no sorry i don't want to you freak me out okay let's just go let's just cash in our apple and then go to the next bit and see what happens because if we fail then we know we we're still missing something here let's see okay oh she's angry already teacher has a headache so you'll be very quiet it looks like this school has more funding than the last one we've already heard this spiel don't need it let's go talk to cindy real quick oh good i was open i would see you decided on a boy oh i didn't even need to find the boy man my brain is not working yup the cute boy in the blue shirt and the red tie but he's too smart for this class he's in the upstairs class i want you to take this to him what is it it's a love letter now go give it to him how do i get upstairs i used to hang out with our home monitor before school started he would give me passes i suppose you could try that the school already started how do i stop the lunch lady from battering me so i need do i need to restart the day like straight away this is the boy she wants right here this man you have been chosen and you have no idea what's coming for you she's a psycho by the way and i know that first hand oh wait wait wait wait nugget might be our ticket here it just said in yellow about him being handicapped because he chewed off his arm actually you know this is pre-armed trump so he's just handicapped anyway nuggets trapped uh should i give the tool belt i guess so get him out get him out hey yo nugget i'm gonna need your help buddy i'm gonna need you to fight a lunge lady for me doesn't this start the nugget mission though i don't want to start the nugget mission god what do i do i feel like i'm out of options and i feel like i didn't need to use the tool belt hello penny how are you doing do you have any flowers hmm sorry don't have any maybe another girl has one you're so unhelpful what's wrong with you maybe wait a second you want to be friends i would love to be friends uh thanks it looks so good on you i'm glad we're friends i'll see you around oh this is this is strange bro how do i get rid of a lunch lady or monty have you got anything i can uh you anything i could buy to sort this out oh hand sanitizer oh wait wait wait wait okay quick read quick reach or can i show him the badge so i'll grab that and then if i take the letter aussie then won't take the letter off me because my hands are dirty so let's go and get the hand sanitizer two bucks no gimme i don't know if i've done this already by the way i might have done it uh use hand sanitizer that's better let me see that thing ugh typical felix he knows i can't read uh i've done this haven't i okay i checked and no i haven't done this before it just feels really familiar however i don't i don't think this is anything to do with this mission because you're not involved in this whatsoever i need to restart oh my god there must be another sequence of events one eternity later oh ask a teacher or janitor or principal i just assumed that the solution was bob let's ask principal or teacher principal hello there we go nugget is stuck in the sewer grate oh little child the old child yes i'm aware of the situation you could do anything about it but certainly i wouldn't just leave a student trapped in a sewer the fire department is on their way to get him out thanks i'll let him know oh that won't be necessary i'll have my sister watch over him oh margaret it's the dinner lady figured it out there was something i didn't do right what behind you sweetheart oh how can i be of service oh she's right there i didn't even see her there's a boy trapped in the sewer grate go keep him company yes principal sister dear are there sisters you don't even look alike what happened there's something weird going on here anything else what's wrong with her oh not really sure must be all the new students ever a little on edge did she call you sister yes she did she was having trouble finding a job and i couldn't let the poor thing starve so they are actually sisters so now do i just do all this just skip through all this because we need the flowers so now we talk to cindy who i'm sure is gonna have some kind of psychopathic behavior today so we do this and then let me talk to the lunch lady real quick even though it's dangerous god the boy got the child you're just keeping him company right and the child is fine he will be preserved you're okay there nugget nugget is not happy nugget does not like the creepy lunch lads the boy is fine if you continue to make him upset you will have to be removed fine i know what she means by that um oh i need to talk to you as well don't i do any flowers come see me at lunch you're gonna want my help i think that's everyone we don't need anything else so monty i have three bucks for you let's go yeah this is it isn't it because we need to grab the flour which costs an apple and then now we shouldn't face our most certain death which is fantastic hey look at that all right let's go upstairs i need to go and see these hallmarks how you doing lads what's up sneaky where all that stands between chaos and order do you understand yeah bro i get it it's hall monitoring it's not that big a deal not that big a deal if you're not going to take this sip screw that it loads before the bell study all stay off he's definitely a robot or something geez you really are a little i can't say that you are a little annoying aren't you this is your chance to prove yourself rookie take this kid to the principal's office fine i'll take care of it go monitor downstairs or something see you later shift the eyes the way he looked to me when he walked past was kind of crazy oh look man i don't really care you're up here that little dweeb can pull down those stairs for like he seems a little uptight no kidding just to stick it to the little jerk why don't you take this it's good through morning time he can't do much to you while you're carrying it thanks oh we've got his outfit as well let's go now let's get back inside come on dude don't come back in or stevie will totally flip so he gave me a hormone i passed perfect i like this guy i never mind sit on down to class go move on all right see you there buddy geez everyone's so uptight here all right teacher is going to moan about the headache and now we can talk to cindy so we get into the other class i have one i have so much stuff on me right now cynic good i was hoping to see you you have decided on boy it's a love letter now give it to him i used to hang out with our hormone support school started he'd give me passes interesting here comes nug making his grand entrance with a singular arm and now i just leave right i'm just gonna go out hey you can't leave i'm responsible for you little monsters i have a hall pass i imagine i wave it like this i got it i think if you you know what go ahead i don't think a drew can pick me over that oh it's this guy so what do i need to do now go upstairs to the gifted classroom which is dangerous because dana's in here hold up new kid you're allowed to use the bathroom nothing else i'm waving it waving in his stupid eyebrows how do you get one of those i won't accept but i kind of have to so that it says yes now go all right buddy you need to chill out man chill out a little bit why is your head so big let's go hey hello again friend off to the science lab for me so i got two apples left is there anything i need this vending machine is filled with school supplies passbook and scissors i literally cannot afford this stuff and i don't think there's much money making to be done in this game compared to the first one science lab i'm going to the gifted class let's go let's talk to blue shirt hey monty how's it going what are you working on like some kind of nuclear engine you're crazy you have no interest in discussing trivial things with you i have a love letter for you oh goodness i'm flattered but i must it's from cindy oh that makes much more sense you have me worried things are about to get awkward yeah good thing it's not awkward let's see here a partner would make me more appealing to potential investors hey that's a that's a good shot actually how awful with cindy i'm not telling him the truth she's not bad excellent and i'll accept her request we will dine together good is for your trouble messenger boy tata thanks say oh would like to get three dollars let's go i haven't seen you around it before why aren't you in this class i'm working on it a man of ambition i like that dr dana loves his plants these red flowers are really hard to come by how do i get them i'll ask some of the adults see if any of them are smitten with a new faculty member now there's been additions to the administration here thanks for the tip what are you doing in here you're not gifted in any way get out that was kind of funny right so we need to find out who's in love with who are we just hooking people up here students teachers who's gonna be in love with who i'm kind of intrigued to find out i bet they're using that password you know that little jerk didn't it you bet let's go in there oh oh it's you i think we've done this before as well are you good you look a little red uh well i saw this beautiful oh here we go saw this beautiful woman she had lovely brown hair and a beautiful purple dress and a huge wait hold on you mean apple bottom you do is that her name wow mr applegate i wish i just knew how to get our attention i've got the plan for you buddy why not get out of flowers you think she would like that no i did yeah yeah she prefers pills actually thanks for the tip kid no problem if i leave now i can be back in time to give them to her at recess have we even made it to recess before good plan all right all right well there little man you should be in here neither should you to be fair i'm not going to ask any questions just go to lunch i'm just like standing in a puddle of water as well completely mysterious okay we're making progress guys let's do this my words she's a handful it's been two minutes what's wrong she wants something vegan but i don't know what the devil that even means neither does she well you have to help me find something she'll eat this is all you're doing anyway i'll figure something out good just remember to bring it to me not her we're trying to make me look good here got it what have i seen this vegan in this place i guess like the ketchup maybe the nuggets definitely aren't gonna be vegan but i have got a date with you there is love in the air today hey new kids i don't think she's aware this is a date though are you liking the food you mentioned needing your help oh yeah you're still looking to score points for dr dana right well there's one of those flowers in the teacher's lounge i did know that how do i get in there stevie is pretty easy to lure away all i have to do is leave without a pass you want to do that for me of course for the right price oh is this where the money comes in how much does i'll be getting study all for this already five bucks i guess if i haven't done the thing before then i won't be able to afford it so this is fine let's do it the deal excellent i'll give him the run around for the rest of lunch good luck kid oh it's this guy i wonder who it was has anyone ever seen shin chan by the way stevie looks like him hey stevie what um hello carla can i get a pass for the bathroom no you can't you already used yours today well then it looks like i'll just have to go outside hey come back here it's not recess time yet oh we have been at recess i've tried to climb that wall and it was really annoying i'm going in here oh this is awkward um well well well look who it is seems that stevie is slipping how's my flower collection coming along have you found any yet i have one oh really that's more than i expected i suppose you really need to collect the flower in the bars over there why can't you get it when you're right next to it yes he's not gonna let me get it is he so be it make it quick and get out i have to check on something outside and i'll be damned if i let a child stay in the teacher's line unsupervised got it i'm here to collect flour give me flour why is there a picture of the blue one up there take it all right i haven't seen your presents long enough get out all right sheesh right we have three apples left the next apple we spend triggers dana then aussie then lunch lady we need something vegan you got anything vegan over there i have no money by the way yeah oh got anything vegan oh yes i should have seen this coming your new students are so picky i shall return in a moment i don't know what she's gonna get it's like a leaf or something oh there he is the main man himself chill out do i steal can i steal something is that what i'm gonna do here what we got this is a box of nuggets no i don't need those for this oh what's this mystical tomato that's an actual yu-gi-oh card just saying i need to spend an apple so that the lunch lady moves let me talk to cindy i want to mess this up come on felix you said you gave me anything i wanted it where's my food i'm working on it patience you'll get your vegan nonsense whenever i say you'll have it this seems like a perfectly non-toxic uh relationship boys are so stupid what's it take to get something vegan around here i mean it shouldn't take long what are you doing back there what are you getting hello please tell me you found something she'll eat she's becoming insufferable any flowers here right yes the flowers uh there's one in the teacher's lounge but stevie's guarding the door hey not anymore see you later i can leave oh what are you doing you cannot leave you have not eaten yet all right how did she see me do i just spend apple because i've talked to everyone i literally everyone and no one oh wait a second wait a second what's in here cherry oh these are the sodas don't need those oh i just put the blue flower in the vars and it gave me a monster one card gnome of garden can i take this back that's so weird what if i put it back in i never mind ignore the bars okay that was worth uh i think i'm just gonna have to spend an apple there's not really much else i can do let's spend it see aussie layer man bye so this should be the vegan food right what'd you get for me lunch lady what'd you get your return for your picky food yes sir there you are child please enjoy your rabbit food thanks [Music] oh no messed up i've i've definitely messed up be gone from my cafeteria anyone who's dissipated our lovely principal today shall report the study hall oh no what did i do wrong maybe a different order let's do vegan first yeah yeah yeah yeah so if i do this oh the janitor's in the way let me talk to you again so now he's finished okay i think this will work actually because she's gone in there early now hey dana how's it going let's have a quick chat again yeah yeah yeah yeah oh i replaced the yellow flower with the blue i forgot about that have you got it yes now my brain is warmed up i'm actually making progress right i need to give it to him so give it a blue shirt please tell me you found it i have here you go buddy brilliant excellent work errands boy uh here you are darling a nice vegan meal for you ah thanks sweetie you're the best now you just need to do one more thing for me at recess and we'll be official can't wait honeysuckle leave before they start making out yeah please leave quickly the bell is wrong be gone anyone who has disobeyed yep yep yep yep bye it's recess time let's go thank goodness you're here she's being absolutely wicked what now buddy what's going on he's insisted that i do something horrible to one of the other girls but i'm not much for getting my hands dirty this better be worth it you better give me oh i was gonna go and get the monster one card and i forgot my bad do you want me to do it of course cindy already told me that you want that flower for dr dana it's as good as yours if you can destroy penny self-esteem yeah i could do that actually i'm down for doing that she has quite the eye for contraband i say you take this and plant it by the tree with the bee hive i was wondering when we could use the beehive i'm not really sure what this is all i know is it was in a safe in our summer home father probably doesn't want it found fair enough once you plant it i'll let her know it's there when she's under the tree shake it until the hive falls the bees will sting her and she'll look awful just like cindy once oh my god this this is savage i want to try and do this yes i'm gonna go this way someone told me in the previous comments to avoid the gray ones bro if this works [Music] first time it's the first time i've tried it that's right first time that was a long fall but the quickest way down how did i not figure out it was just the gray ones making me fall unbelievable right i'm gonna put the green substance underneath the tree this tree is quite large uh plant contraband it's like i'm playing the escapist again good day penny hello felix it is a good day isn't it the sun is shining in the yes yes cut the chitchat i heard a nasty rumor that one of those nasty new children hidden in some country man by the big tree oh no i'll look for it right away i'm down for this oh my there's certainly some contraband around here i just need to find it how do you know when you can't see it how does that work this tree is quite large it has a beehive hanging precariously from a branch i grab it by the trunk and shake it shake it yes get stung oh look at her face help me though i'm not gonna help you at all mommy please oh that opens the gate this is good bloody good show cindy will be quite pleased he's british he's from he's from london music to my ears those bees did a great job in that awful girl's face can i have the flower now please of course a deal's a deal thanks for coming up with this walking gold mine i'm sure we'll be very happy together and you deserve each other walking gold mine she said that right in your ear buddy and you're not gonna do anything about it unbelievable you deserve each other oh would you look at that the little snitch didn't take the contraband uh well i wouldn't mind if you wanted to keep it perhaps you could find another use for it like what well i've seen father's associates sell large quantities perhaps there is a buyer nearby hello oh oh it's happening wait i've got three flowers there's another one up top and this is the red one um this is so cute man look at him oh god this is applegate huh oh it's you the new janitor what do you want these uh for you well she's gonna take that stick and smack him around the head with it you got me flowers why that's the sweetest thing everyone's ever done for me that didn't involve pills i told you about the pills buddy i know i better than you i don't believe it come with me but what about the flowers i'll drop them i need them leave them yoink take a red flower huge joint so now i have four and this should make five which makes me uh gives me the shortcut to the smart class yoink i've got one more thing i need to do though and it involves paul janitor man oh wait i need to sell this to someone who wants green stuff jerome you want green stuff uh looking to go on these swings sure well i'd be careful there's an old riddle about these swings pretty ominous what is it yellow swing blue swing left swing red yellow blue yellow blue blue red return to the second then return to the fourth yep i think if you talk to me sort of resets good luck nah that hurt my brain quite a bit actually jerome i'm not in the mood all the bees in this beehive have gone after penny there's a monster one card in here for some reason oh my god we are getting a deck set up monty do you want this i want to sell you this oh sorry i could be a little defensive about this whole not being able to walk thing what do you want to sell this where did you get that oh geez kid wherever you're throwing your way over your head do you want it yeah sure that's five dollars sound bro it's worth more than that i know i just didn't know that you knew that fine i'll throw in one small kind of heads oh so many monster more cards and i missed one and i think the swings will probably give me one too pleasure doing business with you i was gonna try and swings that's the bell all back inside no stalling anyone who wants to pay the lab fee can go to the science classroom wait that's what i want to do right to science let's go welcome to science class today's lesson will be about plants please observe the common plant in front of you notice how it's neither carnivorous nor poisonous oh yeah we've done this before feel free to take a sample and look at it under the one of the microscopes this one won't do much but if wait it could have aussie's mom wasn't such a wimp i almost forgot one of you was supposed to get me some flower samples today did you manage to get them all he's being sassy because he doesn't think i've got him but i do you did well that's most impressive i didn't think a lowly student such yourself could manage it yeah i'm lowly but i'm also smart so do i get an a we'll see i'll be right back where are you going i don't actually know what you need oh what is that is this what you made the pta said you can do stuff like this anymore ozzy stop whining stop it i like you stop whining all of you shut up this new student has actually managed to get all the specimens needed to allow diane oh this is diana to grow and there's no way the pta will stop me got it easy aussie never mind sorry buddy now we're going to be feeding her the flowers in a very particular order uh where did i leave those notes oh no i left them downstairs i'll be back momentarily feel free to observe the boring plant while i run out and grab them oh it just came to me while i was gazing around the room i'll be back with it shortly don't touch anything ah so it's gonna make me choose isn't it let's quickly look at the plant hello plants this doctor's down this plant creature it's supposed to be fed the flowers i've collected yeah we need to figure out the order um we've got fish blue yellow purple then there's also yellow purple red at the top and the flasks and then there's purple red green maybe it goes blue yellow purple red green just because purple matches the purple over here that equals five plants that's what i'm gonna try take a slide i could take a slide i don't need to take a slide i'm allergic to plants oh i have hay fever like legit apparently it works through the screen bless me now thank you there are some fish in the tank there's some small yellow particles in it i wonder what they look like magnified i don't think i need to do this i'm gonna try blue yellow purple uh blue blue flower [Music] what should i feed it now uh yellow oh he's norman i wonder what happens if you do it wrong that'd be kind of interesting purple it hasn't killed me yet uh red am i smart do i deserve to be in this class screen i found my notes we can now begin funny story uh my word she's absolutely radiant did i do it no way do you actually feel the flowers in the right order guess so i'm stunned i never would have expected such ability from a simpleton such as yourself thanks i kind of want to see what happens when it eats me oh monstrous flightcheck i suppose you brought an a plus you're welcome to join my advanced class for morning time tomorrow you're also welcome to have this silly card let's go i am touched no no i want to restart i want to restart i want to get killed give me a sec this takes a chunk out of my eye is that it that's all that happens i wanted full decapitation i'll have to say that on youtube youtube don't strike me please it's in context i swear ring ring here we go well there's the bell i'll be seeing you tomorrow for morning time i guess you will buddy see you there i'm gifted i'm officially gifted finally someone's recognized my potential i'm so pleased here i am lunch lady extraordinaire the day complete look at that icon i get a plus that's the item i get and i got the monitor sash as well oh wait what did i get the secret one no maybe i did i'm not too sure that's six monster one cards in one run i am overpowered holy i'm making the deck of the century your most one card collection is coming along great looks like you have enough cards to make a full deck it is neat open up your once more collection and build a deck when you have a full deck you can challenge other kids to monster battles during recess that's sick i love that so the new ones are we have monstrous fly trap i like that tallest tree is literary a trunk the shifty gnome literal grass and mystical tomorrow that is literally a yugioh card and it looks exactly the same as well as the banned version of the card i think i'm pretty sure that's a bad version then castle of side is so cute deal three damage plus two uh reflect a red monster one okay uh how many do we need for a deck one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we've got eleven so we need to choose which one we don't want i think i'm going to choose all of them but this just because this needs i've got an achievement for that just because this needs to discard a blue and i only have two blues and now i have a deck this is phenomenal what else did we unlock we unlocked monitors mug and we got the sash hey look at us look at that hair as well strong head of hair i like that but that is enough for our kindergarten adventure today moving on oh opposites attract hold up i like this the bully and the snitch together we've got some more matchmaking to do and kane's not able and then we're moving on to some final missions you know because after we've done these two we'll be able to do all of these ones because we'll have the appropriate items since we've done the middle mission already this is dope guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed leave a like if you did subscribe if you're brand new when i see the next one all right see ya
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 919,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny
Id: i8wR2ovOwIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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