BATTLE OF THE GIANTS! | Totally Accurate Battle Simulator #5

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[Music] well well hold on who's this guy Oh oh they were destroyed man they update this game quickly welcome back to tabs totally Acura battle simulator if you haven't seen this game before what you doing don't worry you'll get the hang of things pretty quickly so today they've released the brand new faction that they revealed they were going to release in the previous version of the game and it's already out runs a sandbox and then yeah at dynasty the dynasty tribe oh look at this level this level is cool it's got waterfalls it's kind of got a Japanese theme the cherry blossoms not gonna live for that was a birthday cake I think it's I think that's marshmallows I'm not sure that looks pretty dangerous I'm kind of hoping a few people fall down there that's a big mammoth sized holes the new faction is the dynasty faction we have a samurai of firework Archer monk ninja dragon where dragon are you kidding me oh that got a dragon quit jaw at a Monkey King but I have the secrets inside my brain I have the secrets apparently there are more secret units including that guy at the start he is called what is he called I think he's called an ice giant and he's obviously insane so what we're gonna do first is unlock all the secret units and then we're gonna pit them together to see who is the strongest out of the new faction so the first thing we want to do is plop a samurai either side just so that we can explore the map a little bit because just as with the other hidden units you need to start a battle and then you need to find their hidden weapons around certain maps I'm guessing all of them are gonna be in here they might not be but the first one is down this well it's literally right there it's right underneath that's crazy then we have to look at it and they will explode there we go now it is unlocked the samurai giant nice next one is on the farmer maps that's plop a samurai either side out of their hometown and apparently it's in this bush here is that it what it even is that a giant shock dragon wheelbarrow dragon that looks pretty phenomenal actually nice ancient to is next and now we need to check out the shrine but there's a few of them I don't think we've used this map yet this map looks completely new I am looking for a large stone man is it oh that's his t-shirt there's Medusa's hair I don't think that's any of the right ones oh wait this might be it this might be it look the Finca here it is hey I think they've only just started whipping each other with their swords as well so that's good timing the teacher is that Shakespeare I mean I guess we're gonna find out Thanks is this a new map too I feel like it is or we've just not been on them at all during the campaign I think this one is down here ah found you I think this is the fan Bearer I don't know how much damage they're gonna be able to do but you know what that's a pretty big fan back to dynasty and I'm pretty sure this one's really obvious yeah there it is shuriken x' I don't know what this unlocks though well be like sensei he looks wise the next one is another giant and it should be near one of these trees on the outside actually I think it's this tree yeah it's physically the tree look at it look at it with your eyes oh the red one okay it's fine we're good dude you've got giant trees because he's the tree giant you idiot this one should be another giant so we're gonna have battle of the Giants today is it in not in there not in there I'm looking for a clearing inside the forest gotcha is this a head you are looking real sleepy my friend I want to see what you look like haha this guy is gonna be sick is that three Giants we've got now right one more to go and it's right here the stump with a wig what do you sport him buddy whose wig is that that oh it's not even a wig they could be holding wigs because they don't have any hair the cheerleader okay I think that's ever let's go to the brand new map and we need to face all of these units against each other let's do a samurai's versus samurais let's see what happens and then we're gonna do the Battle of the Giants these guys look pretty awesome they've got a lot of armor on I didn't look at how much they cost does anyone fall down the hall that's all I want to know some mammoth pull down this hole I think the Reds yeah the Reds have not got this Apple yeah oh he's going down he's going down they're pushing him here he goes oh this guy just survived quite a flying the laws of physics not bad not bad there are 140 that isn't bad at all next up firework arches versus the monks I'm just gonna do one versus once we get through this quicker oh oh oh oh that's stuck in him no is he oh he's not dead yet is he dead you good buddy what happens I'm pails them with a firework and then they explode that's amazing but what are the monks do I don't think we're gonna be able to find out because the firework archers are too good look at you stop with two ok the monks just have a giant stick oh oh oh no it's right in the oh right in the leg oh you're in trouble son you're in big trouble you can spike one of them but you can't bite too you're gonna get hit Oh straight into the lake and drowned I like the firework arches they're cool right ninjas versus dragons three of them let's see what happens here can these guys float all the spit flames they will burn to a crisp we didn't even get to see what they did cuz the Dragons were so powerful what are these again the ninjas ice to do ninjas vs. ninjas I'm guessing that it's gonna throw samurai stars right yeah there we go haha they throwing fast to nice and finally The Monkey King vs. what oh no the Monkey King is going down oh he's going down that is a lot of arrows he has beautiful little hair as well or a hat I'm not too sure gone Oh always he's missed he's missed oh no he's not straight to the head that is like raining a thousand arrows good work son good work you are powerful fine you were in that Monkey King versus Monkey King what have you got there's big staffs huh whoa okay okay where did the little ones come from when they die they spawn into little ones that's awesome and what's happened to this guy though be freaky guys all at the new unit now we have the secret ones but I'm gonna go to a flatter map for this ancient perfect right let's do what everyone came to this video for ice giant is six thousand he is a monster then we have the tree giant as well who isn't so much of a monster and then the samurai giant I'm gonna put samurai giant and the tree versus the ice let's see what happens the ice is not in his own his home turf so he could be in a bit of trouble here but the tree drivers literally carrying a tree oh oh it's big oh it's big damage he's got the longest arms there's not much muscle on him but he's got big arms hey hit with that tree oh the sounds are amazing I think the ice giants got this there's no way look at this Wow straight to the dome of the tree punch in the gut from the ice giant and the tree giant Falls that I used trying reigns almighty who's an absolute beast what else we got fan bearers the teacher we're gonna pitch all the new secret ones against the ice giant cheerleader I don't think that'll be very useful but they cost a thousand the wheelbarrow dragon sensei Artemis we're not gonna use Artemis right now but let's see what all of these do shall we the wheelbarrow dragon is going for it with his beautiful bountiful locks he's going in and the wheelbarrow spits flames that could be pretty that could be pretty effective against the ice giant Bane comes a fist nobody's missed it's just crushed him with his middle what else have we got the teacher the Cyclops wait are you supposed to be a cyclops I think that's rare let's see what you've got buddy the cheerleader seems to be having some trouble not quite sure what you're doing wow that's a lot of samurai stars it's spitting them so fast look at them all in his stomach okay this guy is Opie dude we didn't get to see what the others did so let's do we did wheelbarrow dragon we know what they do let's do cheerleaders versus cheerleaders they cost a lot so I'm not quite sure what they do they're really not doing anything are they you guys need to calm down what's going on where's the party axe you just killed yourself what happened yeah I'm not sure about this one this is weird the teacher let's do the teachers against each other are they supposed to have one I know I'm pretty sure that was special where do these do nothing is working oh okay they buy their time and then go in for the slice the blues absolutely annihilated then and finally the fan bearers I'm sure this is going to be an enthralling fight let's see what you got show me your best shot with those big fans it'll blow each other over there's no way anyone's gonna win this right unless someone falls over and knocks their head on the the rocks which don't exist okay someone's hurt themselves this again is the worst fight ever cheerleaders versus fan beerus would be exquisite material see I told you they just blow back the cheerleaders the cheerleaders have a great time and knock themselves out nice bowtie though okay fan Beres win never mind much more annoying than I thought it would be because our final test since we are focusing on the giant Swedes find something and that will take down an ice giant I guess the sensei did right can he do it by himself I'm amazed at how quickly he were these things ice trying can't even get near him they're all going straight into his abs was a big hit though where does he fit all of these into his pockets oh okay by himself the ice giant can still destroy it kind of looks like he's taking a selfie now and finally Artemis was an absolute beast last time I'm sorry for calling Artemis a boy last time I completely messed up you guys I didn't listen in history okay Artemis the female is ready to go can Artemis take down the giant the two hard bodies of this game go fist to fist easy make it in time to throw a punch yes he is okay he has like a million arrows in his chest but you don't care look at him look how happy is he I'm sorry Artemis real sorry but your brain has been overthrown hold on I've got one more thing I want to try how many fireworks does it take to launch an ice giant in the air this is going to be great go and launch him lordship here they go okay it's pushing him back it's not oh my goodness what it's working but their noise in his limbs that is pushing him backwards he doesn't little shimmy-shimmy 'he's them off and then he's good to go yeah this is this is really awkward he's not as epic as like the way it would be anyway guys that is all your Giants I think five or six brands new secret units as well and of course the entire brand new dynasty faction now if we go to the main menu there is a complete new campaign just for the dynasty look how many there are it's insane but those new secret units are awesome I loved the Giants especially the ice one he's definitely a new favor of mine guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new to join team TDM today for daily videos you don't want to miss out on them do you I'll keep looking out for more updates on this game and I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] is a swing wagon candles canvas of a full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 9,118,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, totally accurate battle simulator, tabs
Id: eZ-pE2qnpz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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