COLDEST PRISON ON EARTH!!! (The Escapists 2 #13)

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well you guys saw me last time in the escape is to we unlocked this the ultimate goal the space prison but in doing that we have skipped a single prison called Ford's Tundra and I hinted in the previous video that we were just gonna go straight for the space prison for you guys right now no no no we don't want that we want you to go into the coldest prison in the world for tundra so you know what I can't let you guys down I'm actually looking forward to playing this cuz I don't really want to skip a prison anyway let's hit new game let's go into a brand new prison and check out these guys hats my goodness here we gone look at this it's so called quick the cold wind is blowing and bears lots of bears Wow okay looks like you've got dogs here too which is which is great food here will keep you warm we know this - show me where the pay phones are infirmary staff will try their hardest but we won't make any promises why have you our dogs with you all the time that worries me a little bit I hope there aren't dogs in the prison 100% of the time cuz me and dogs in prison we don't like each other look at that dog oh maybe we can befriend the dogs and get them to dig a tunnel out of here that's what I'm gonna do Oh what's this why are you peering into a toilet sir what's wrong with you oh that guy just do he's a magician and that concludes our tour there we go welcome all dude there's three beds in one cell okay this is about to get interesting who's our cell mates dudes what's up dudes how's it going buddy do you mind if I steal stuff from your desk I just want to have a quick look-see oh you have some good stuff give me give me give me thank you sir Wow Jude's the real MVP already right what have we got our family photo look how happy they are why oh that's good lump of coal all of that is a phenomenal right I should probably have followed them to roll call let's check this place out shall we look how many prisoners are here that is insane right I'm gonna do a little bit of exploration and gonna report back to you guys in a second right straight into exercise time I've grabbed myself as some tasks delivery driver who do I need to give this to shame what kind of name that which one is shame you doing the pull-ups here enjoy this there we go I got some money already I need to find these payphones I don't need to do no exercise for you guys let's see this prison it looks pretty big yeah that's massive oh my goodness and there's like two floors as well on an underground look there's an underground passage where are the payphones out though that's the most important place there they are they're just down here okay we're heading to the payphones I still need some money though let's do this mission wait breakfast time we have to do exercise before breakfast that's horrific oh look at this that's a pretty cool statue this place is insane there's the payphones by need 50 coins bill to do that it's gonna be a hard one to navigate guys I mean look at it everyone has shared cells with three beds in each I mean that's gonna make check-in desks easier I guess I'm not complaining about that oh there's a battery in here a bar of copper I'm gonna take that because I don't actually know what it's for but I've never seen it so I'm gonna I'm gonna steal it probably why I'm in prison in the first place Sasha Sasha Sasha there you go right I've got enough money to buy things but I need to go to my job that I don't actually have right it's just here that's fine what jobs do we have blacksmith and we have um kennels plumbing and painting just like normal jobs basically I don't think we need one we can just survive on doing errands I guess way to say get me booked that's like the worst Job Description ever right pay phones here they are escape tip rock hammer hard place wait a second wait a second that's the same as this shambles 11:00 stay there you should only start this if you intensity it through to the end you know if you choose to go down this path I can offer you my help how about getting your hands on some literature for me get me booked okay so this might be something that's very similar to the zombie one that we did in the previous prison problem is oh the books just there I think we can do that one is there another escape route though makeshift stun gun no that's the only one it's gonna show us I don't think we need to buy that we're gonna save ourselves some dough let's get me book there is book now where is me ow why are you hitting me what the flump what are you doing these guys are super strict yo ow what yo these guys are insane all I did was take something to someone's desk and all it was was a book it's gonna be hard really hard at least they didn't take my book off me right who do I need to give this to is it someone called shambles 11 out shambles 11 is um on the floor a little bit dead I need to wait for them to get back there they are shamble is what's going on rock hammer hard place I wonder what's gonna be next where is shambles give me your next mission wow I'm impressed how you oh no no how about you get me a little something from officer Brown get me booked why do I need to get you a book all the time and you want me to actually take out a guard I mean I don't know how I feel about that to be honest another exercise time they are running us ragged right I'm actually gonna do this exercise time just because I feel like we do need to get some strength if we're gonna be beating up guards I mean jeez actually you know what we should go ahead and make the stun gun because that worked amazingly last time I just need to remember what we need for it first we need sixty intellect then we need two batteries of wire which we actually have already then we need I think it's a paperclip and we just need a paperclip guys and I'm gonna do some more errands to get some money that's insane a paperclip there's more copper in here too I'm yet another battery just in case as a paper clip right I'm getting rid of the talcum powder actually I'm getting rid of the copper I don't know it's where I need talcum powder just in case right where's the library I need intellect because I have everything I need to make the stun gun already where are the books I found them tease me knowledge I'm so close what am I on fifty three no I need to sleep this job time is so long like really really long gonna see if I can squeeze in some more study time I'm pretty sure this job has lasted for at least an hour and a half so I think at the end of the day it's like a two hour job period which is is crazy I'm just gonna sit down here and see if I can quickly squeeze up to 60 come on you could do it just don't be late for roll call come on get up to 60 buddy you've got this three to go here's the roll-call 11 p.m. 59 no come on give yourself a little bit more lightning that must be enough there must be enough 59 and 60 no gonna be a big trouble I'm gonna be in big big trouble 60 right quick I need to get the roll call these guys beat you down as soon as you do something wrong okay I made it I made it look at this small most of midnight and I'm pretty sure they get us up at 6:00 as well 6:00 in the morning until midnight is the longest prison day bladder mine that means we have lots of opportunities because we won't get a job we'll just do favours and we need to get me booked I guess and before I go to bed I can do some crafting right I need to craft myself wait what do I need wire and this battery stuff so let's put away this grab this and I think that's gonna give us our stun gun so we're gonna go energy module components stun gun boom absolutely amazing right I want to know what we can do with this copper stuff maybe we can use it later on I don't really know maybe it's just not useful at all time to sleep get ready for a brand new day we need to zap a guard it's always scary which God was it I need to destroy officer Brown okay should I take this with me I think I'm gonna take it with me just in case but I need to be careful of the scanners because I know there's tons around here oh wait he's got a target what he said ah no no no no I'm an idiot I am such an idiot oh my goodness I walked straight through that thing that's what I was saying I have to be careful about and then I do it anyway alright let's put this straight in here huh what it was a garden here okay we're good wicked oh my goodness that was so close I am really dumb but the guy has a target on his head I think officer Brown is actually the one who took us out so we need some revenge okay officer Brown is this guy right here I need a book from you who's this guy Mart so he looks pretty important okay I'm gonna do this now just because it's job time and I can do it that's not the right guy where is officer Brown please get me some revenge oh he's in there you need to move buddy I'm gonna fall I'm gonna stalk him around the prison until I could zap him and take his book I need no one else watching that's all hey officer Brown yeah it's keep me in line huh well I'm gonna take you out this is perfect here we go is gonna come around the corner you need to go away pics go away buddy he's following the exact same path and which one is which it's you okay be careful be careful don't let anyone see you are they really following the exact same path because that'll be a little bit annoying doing the exact same thing this isn't fair I'm gonna have to zap them both I think they're gonna go in this red door gonna have to zap them boobs that and oh jeez give me the book no give me the book give me the book no I lost my stun gun no I click the wrong thing the book was there ready for the taking I now have to rebuild guys oh I need to make another stun gun I'm so mad at you officer Brown so mad punch it oh jeez no should not done that wait this could work this can actually work punch him there we go I get knocked down put back into bed and then just keep on doing that over and over again come here come here don't you heal here we go smack him wrong person wrong person smack him missed look he's really low on health really really low let me down put me down put me down put me down quick put me in a bed here we go officer Brown I'm gonna take the book from you you stole my stuff thanks buddy I'm gonna take your lighter to kill your ass okay uh I think I just got shot oh he did it back-up plan done I won't see you in a second guys cuz we got the book oh no no I'm gonna be late for roll call no no no no no no no no I was late okay that's bad no problem though I've still got myself a book and the extra lighter just in case so my stun gun did not go to waste that picks I'm well mad at you right you ready to give this too I need to give this to you shambo's enjoy right and he's got another mission off you thing is God to have eyes on me after the stolen book incident so I need your help be a friend and collect something for me would you then best to flush it down the toilet once you get it from lulz right let's uh let's do that now I wonder if these missions are gonna be really easy because we Curtis today that would be mad right lulz desk I like your name but I'm gonna take your things let's grab this and you have some interesting stuff in your in your desk get rid of file can I just get rid of it in here I just flush it down there done it what's next shower time okay so I can get another mission oh man I can't tell anyone is shambles shambles I need to talk to you well you got for me shambles I'm a bit worried about the other inmates I think they want to hurt me but I'm getting too old for original fistfight could you make me something to protect myself with sure sure I can I need to get you you want to make nunchucks don't you good choice okay I should be able to power through these missions now Oh a battery in a wire I will take those though and duct tape thank you it's free time as well this is a falling perfectly in place I'm gonna escape the coldest prison in the world quickly no prison can ever contain me right let's grab this and now we just need to make the baseball bat okay I thought you were gonna make nunchucks but hey that's fine now I just need to deliver the goods I've got everything else it's fine I just can't walk through there but there's an easy way around so I'm not too worried right shambles where are you buddy is this you it certainly is here I have a delivery there you go right what's next even with this weapon I'm still worried about a couple of cons in this joint you look strong and last killer could you bring the pain on someone for me okay who'd you want me to beat up knock out Jules Jules I've gotta rekt you punk I wonder if there is always got a paper clip okay give me that I might be able to make another stun gun I just need another battery and duct tape and I've got another stun gun already which would be really really handy and a mug just in case we can make the chocolate cuz I've got the lightest watch got another battery I just needs I just need duct tape yours any of my cellmates got duct tape no but they have another battery should I take it I don't see why not give me that actually what am I talking about why can't I just buy some 95 Jew doesn't want to talk to me because it doesn't like me that's fair I guess right Cassidy you got it too it's 95 Eric and I could find some cheaper Oh gonna borrow chocolate though and a book I don't know what the book is for the soap though can get flushed I can actually make molten shotcut now so I am going to do that who flooded this are you kidding me these are the conditions I have to work in Wow okay right I'm gonna grab this this and this make myself hopefully I've got enough intellect actually let's make ourselves this yeah buddy right I need to find out where our victim is Jules Giulio is down here right let's go get him is this Jules here there he is right I need these guards to get out of here though I'm just gonna have to wait for my moment to pounce so I don't need to steal anything from him actually I can do it right now here we go ah BAM oh no I should not have done that I need do this yes got it okay guys steal anything I don't need anything right I need to report back to where I was I need another mission I feel like this isn't gonna end well I feel like I'm being used where's my boy shambles where are you there you are thank you so much for your help all this hard work that you are doing is putting me in the mood for a good read how about you get me a book great I now need to get a book from officer picks oh sweet yes I just need duct tape I'm gonna have to buy off someone duct tape duct tape duct tape everyone's leaving no he Lee doesn't have any duct tape look at this guy fixing our toilet thanks dude right I'm gonna go to sleep and then hopefully this will roll over I don't know why I have this book but I'm gonna sleep and see if we can get some duct tape from our friends desks don't be a legend dudes Wow okay what are you up to duct tape yes no Jude is the MVP right we need all of this stuff not the toothpaste and we can make us dog and energy module and stun gun oh my goodness that is insane to stun guns in one episode so much better than trying to find hot chocolate stuff all the time now where is officer picks I need to absolutely destroy you Oh officer pigs where you at huh huh oh he's up here wait I might be able to get him are you alone pics is alone here we go zap take whatever he has book and that's it I'm going you did not see anything you didn't see anything Davey oh no no no I don't wanna lose this one please I don't wanna lose this one don't shoot me either don't shoot me out okay I might be able to survive come on and he just put this in my desk no I lost another stun gun created - lost - but you know what it's fine I got myself the book me down thank you shambo's enjoy right you should have two more missions you did real goods you did get real good problem I have now though is that they're accomplices out for blood I need you to get them off my back knock out officers Jegs this is brutal guys I keep losing the stuff that I've got for knocking people out ah lighter duct tape thank you let's see if I can get any other stuff to build another stun gun or at least something to knock people out with I just need one more chocolate and I can do that oh I miss breakfast time as well I got too distracted no I'm gonna be in big trouble security levels up to a half okay I have actually managed to acquire a ton of stuff of all these batteries and things I just needed a paperclip to be able to do this but I can actually grab myself a a cup of that chocolate again a craft there we go so I should be able to knock that guy out but I need to find out who it is and then we've got one more mission and I just want to find out what happens afterwards Jegs where's Jegs where is he he's in here I might be able to do it right now here we go let's go BAM gotcha light sir thank you I did it right now I need to find oh geez now I'm gonna get shot I'm gonna get shot I'm gonna get shot no ow I'm dead I'm dead okay that's good I don't lose any stuff it's absolutely fine oh and there's like a special thing here okay that's weird right where is I need to find shambles there you are you beautiful person right here's the last thing I wish I could get out of here but I'm just too old to make it I have just one final request though if you can sort me out a weapon with some real zap to it I'll just wait until they come for me do this me I'll give you the ticket out of here which is the rock hammer now I don't know what to do with the rock hammer when I've got it but I'm going to get it I need a whip a razor blade and a roll of duct tape that sounds intense I'm ready let's get these things and find out what to do next okay I of everything I even have an extra duct tape which I don't think I need but I need to crop these and get it to shambles okay let's craft this bad way to have enough in select no I don't Oh butts it's ro cool right now if I need to crime in this study work come on I'm gonna be late one more one more yes here we go I made it so I'm to craft this bad boy here we go let's craft the super whip then we can put that in our chest boom boom boom craft put that away and then I think we're okay sleep and deliver the goods then we get ourselves a rock hammer but I don't that you know what that does shambles I delivered to you the final thing I've got myself a rock hammer now what do I do with this rock hammer I think I'm going to need to buy the the hint to just to find out where it is so let's pop that in there and we should be good to the payphones here we go let's buy this one and it says rumor has it that one of the corns in here can get hold of anything and I mean anything we know that is fast Eddie was a guy I knew and he was trying to get hold of a rock hammer you have this harebrained plan to bust out of here using the sewage system I thought the four was outright crazy I miss Fast Eddie okay sewage system I did not mean to buy that I've just wasted money and you've also been watching at dantdm from the past for the previous section of this video now I did actually end the video here in my original recording but as I was editing it I was like I'm pretty sure we're really really close to escaping this prison so a second episode of this prison is gonna be like two minutes long so let's quickly get back into this because I have been doing a little bit of Investigation just to see if we are close to finishing this so if I go to floor one and then go underground because we need to get into here which is the sewage system now there's these little like gates here and the only way that seems to be able to be able to get into the underground here is is right here there's only one little opening the rest is all red which means you cannot dig through it at all so originally I was gonna go shovel and dig down and all that good stuff but I don't think that's gonna work so what I think we need this is just a complete guess I think we're gonna need something to get through these fences I'm guessing because the red bits can't be fences they're just gonna be straight-up wolves and rocks I think these offenses so I have gathered some stuff together look at all of this duct tape I have gathered three files because I'm gonna grab myself some cutters let's go for where are they where are they I can just put them in like this carne duct tape and two files flimsy cutters then I can go one higher with this duct tape and make some other cutters these better be fences by the way otherwise I've completely wasted my time craft those haven't got another file that I can Nick or maybe buy one just to make sure I've got it all yes who is this upgrades with the double file that is insane my luck on this prison has been crazy all right let's pop one in there grab another duct tape and quickly craft them as do this this and this crafts we've got some sturdy cutters great next piece of info we need to get under ground and as I mentioned the only place to get underground is here now where is that above the statue oh is it this am i standing on it right now underground I am is this what the rock hammer is for just to bust this open I mean I could do it now but I don't know lose everything if I lose the rock hammer then I'm done for I think we should be careful about this I need myself a guards outfit and a bed dummy and other stuff right let's grab a bed dummy I think it's two of these sheets and a pillow I'm pretty sure let's see if this works boom boom boom crafts no I need two pillows dad's better bed dummy perfect right I need to throw this one on the floor and put this back in my desk if I can get a guards outfit before lights out today that would be incredible let's put that in there and I need a guards outfit desperately I think all I need is some ink and then I can make my own I'm gonna have to get lucky one more time and then we can do this I only have two in-game hours to be able to complete this Challenge I also need to not get attacked by guards hmm I have a better idea I can actually steal one right now if I grab a mug I can actually do this there's a mug I knew there was one in there now all I need is for an officer to come upstairs I can smack them with this put the outfit inside my desk and then we get yeah I've got space for it as well which is amazing Oh who's this officer big hey officer big how's it going I need to smack you with this there we go right let's take his outfit there we go let's quickly put it away put it in the secret compartment and then we're good to go I think we're ready hey buddy is anyone gonna come get you yep they are okay we're good right I need to get caught now and then we're good to go right shoot me hit me whatever you need to do just take me out I need to get down to zero and then we are ready to escape when it hits midnight we're done here as long as the cutters work we're fine here we go guys roll-call is here so I need to quickly grab all the stuff that I need and then we're good this is gonna be tricky but I'm gonna do it let's grab this this this and this I think that's all I need I need to put the bed dummy in the beds no don't rest bed dummy in the beds no bed dummy in the beds oh my goodness I'm ruining this I'm ruining this I just need to put the bed dummy in the bed it won't go in the bed you know what I'm done let's just go let's just go I don't need a pet dummy come on come on come on I just need to do this as quickly as I can right let's do the quick switcheroo oh my goodness this is so bad so bad I could ruin this whole thing right we're in the outfits we just need to hit this how do I open this I have no idea you know I'm not gonna rush this I am NOT gonna rush this I do not want to lose come on get to beds get to bed and then take my time I am NOT losing this quick quick oh oh my goodness this is gonna be so close oh that could have been bad that could've been real bad okay let me put all this stuff back oh geez I've lost my page sheets and almost had a heart attack so it wouldn't actually let me use the hammer I don't know how I'm supposed to do that definitely here right yeah it's definitely there okay we out here a row cool I need to gather my things and do this properly so I'm an idiot I need to press space to put the on the bed dummy in I am so so done sometimes let's do this bed tummy goes in like this and that also needs press space for the rock hammer as well I am such an idiot like a complete one I've also found out a little spot that's quite nice to hide in just while one that doesn't lock as well it's just down here like right up here I can go in here quickly change and just chill so I'm gonna wait till 1:00 in the morning and then I'm going to do it hopefully this means we can get out if I remember to press space this time geez actually I'm gonna wait just through here just in case it does lock I haven't tested it out yet the bed dummies in muroids this should be fine I just need to watch out for gods everyone pretty much everyone here we go lights out let's wait till 1:00 in the morning oh there's a God there I think there's spotlights as well you need to watch out for why are you aggressing on me there's so many guards out here so many I need to watch out I need none of them to spot me come on right if I get spotted I'm gonna be so mad all right here we go you need to leave while she whoever you are leave come on I'm getting so tense up in here I just need to get down here as soon as I'm down here I'm fine let's go right here we go just tap this it's working that's 50% okay that's good I didn't bring anything to put my um my stamina up okay where are we going now I think we do we need to go up here let's just cut let's just cut and see what happens we should be fine from here it was just the first bit that I was worried about but we also need to choose the right way to go as well oh man oh man come on let's do this we can go right oh jeez damage found no okay I need to do this quickly I'm gonna guess let's go I'm gonna go left just because there's less amount of gate ah come on oh my goodness how do they find damage can they actually come down here I really hope they can't oh my goodness here we go here we go here we go last bit is there any more down here is this the right way I think I've got enough oh wait a second it's purple but I'm going up escape yes I told you I knew I was close I knew I was close why did I do this morning off the stroganoff night he's getting oh my goodness I smell like a farm that was the sewers yeah I knew he could do it I knew you could do it oh yes your dog is out of here what the he just watched me escape cool maintenance it was scary the dogs out okay he has no idea you should fire that guy but we did it you're one episode we go out one of the hardest prisons ever we got a lot of luck with the stuff that we found but we got a big fat eh I am so was so happy and you guys wanted to see it so I thought I'd keep you guys happy I know that was actually a really really fun prison to do apparently it is super difficult buts the big question is left how long will it take us to escape the space prison which is just here that's the only one we have left the only prison to escape you guys wanted it hope you enjoyed it if you did and are excited for the next episode which is the space prison then please make that like that'd be greatly appreciated and if some to be the first video you see my me I would you like to hang out with me a little bit more every single day then please do hit that subscribe button to join same TDM today apart from that guys thanks for forcing me to do this prison and I'll see you guys soon again right [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,352,293
Rating: 4.9034624 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, the escapists, the escapists 2, dantdm escapists, escapists dantdm, dantdm escapists 2, escapists 2 dantdm
Id: 38bebpOHJvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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