I Tried Living From 0 - 100 YEARS OLD!

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oh he's pulled up in the lambo hey what cry over [Music] 100 days is a pretty popular challenge on YouTube but we're not doing that today we're doing a hundred years that's right birth till death and experiencing everything random in between let me tell you this game is so random and kind of weird at points we're experiencing birth to death in its whole entirety let's see what happens will we live to a hundreds who knows probably not but let's see leave a like before you continue subscribe if you're brand new as well and enjoy me living through a hundred years of complete random you gotta watch to the end it's ridiculous buckle up we're about to go from zero to death real quick and we're starting you're not right at the beginning and I'm gonna choose that I'm gonna be a male and you're going to choose hit the like button and the Subscribe button I mean is technically your choice but right now I'm not giving you one are you kidding me wait we're getting a science lesson as well I am I boss fighting an egg that's unreal I'm going okay oh wait am I meant to hit the red perfect yeah get out of here easiest boss battle of my life so who are we gonna choose I guess this one kind of matches me so we're gonna choose this one for now there I am just like that the miracle of birth my name is not Lewis absolutely not we're just gonna be uh we're gonna be Dan we're gonna be me I don't actually know what this game entails by the way we're recruiting to year number one let's go let's play the first year there I am looking fantastic I've got a lot of hair and eyebrows for my first year that's impressive well I like a Sim they're exactly like a Sim let's go to Dad's why not I'm biased yeah call over to Papa why you got her toes what's going on oh oh no wait wait wait no well you did not specify wait okay I did not expect for that to be the task at hand you didn't specify what I was supposed to do now we've got a sad child and a very sword that right let's try that again shall we yeah there we go skip this bit we need to go straight to Mama no matter how much you um you try and coerce me over dad I'm going to mum I need the good stuff need the milk to keep my brain oh my goodness so I'm guessing this game is going to be a whole load of decisions like that but um yeah that one was kind of important one and I got it wrong I failed year one oh look at me oh no it's like crossy roads what happens if is that it that's it I could just walk to the end all right this is challenging look at this gameplay what if I get run over by a car that's not no go go go go go that was quick I thought you were I thought you were walking by now buddy there we go yeah two done easy mode up to level not level three up to year three oh I am evolving what's the task next year three and we're just about starting to walk it's pretty late not gonna lie vars or toy night which which one do I want to do I know which one's gonna be the wrong choice and I feel like I'm gonna press it Buzz who's not supervising me huh oh god oh no [Music] okay oh I've killed my I've killed my dad that is not what I expected to happen that's a pretty strong vars I thought I was gonna smash it get some glass everywhere no I've um accidentally knocked my dad out [Music] hey hey papa you're really tall actually what on Earth oh no is that a collectible that was a pop figure wasn't it that was oh no I wasn't a toy night at all it was a highly collectible rare vintage night I can't believe I've done this oh I collected now I'm evolving I'm a Pokemon okay we've got decisions wait year five it's lunchtime okay this feels pretty young to be this tall but how's it going hello invite her for lunch or eat alone I mean there is a Crossroads here so I think we're gonna make our move we're gonna invite her for lunch you got this buddy anxiety what's that Don't Clap come on don't clap in our face that's just Fringe what are you eating so so you're eating something from Minecraft well done buddy well done I kind of want to know what happens if you go left actually can I not I can't go back or no oh my God what happened to the toilet that was I you that was you Dad wasn't it oh scrub this it's like crazy I need to get some money to take my new girlfriend out on a date this is oh the toilet is dirty what on Earth you may be giving like a solid 10 bucks for this I'm going for the 100 . this feels like I haven't played it but the uh power washed simulator could certainly do it out right now look at that pristine you could eat your dinner off there if you wanted to suggest that you could do here's a diamond for my troubles so we can go left or right let's try and choose a bad one and see what happens camping a beautiful holiday bear a bear attack I'm trying to guess what's coming up what's that what are you gonna do to this family fishing or join them wait I don't have enough money to join them I have to pay oh come on I can get a free one oh no no no what what is this I'm so confused hey we should play some of these terrible app games because I feel like it'll be hilarious also at the same time they're not going to be anything like this are they I'm not even gonna be able to join them fishing Obama lonesome don't get one of them don't hook a hook a child that'd be awful because sea monster though we could end up being incredibly rich why am I gazing at them that's kind of weird actually oh we got one Whip It Up hey look at that that's a beast actually as big as your leg I don't know why were you fishing not now not right now this is an important life moment for me but we've gone left instead of right how I get everyone oh my okay I'm getting all yours you'll suck tag tag tag no trash just the rest of this game how old am I I'm so confused about how old I am I thought this was in years but there's no way I'm nine right now but I was just playing tag in the garden so I don't know oh it's Halloween very fitting what we choosing banana or clown what's a bad option here banana that looks good it's like a fortnight skin is he gonna get laughed at The Incredibles no way so interesting Incredibles and a strawberry there's no way they can laugh at me when they're dressed as a strawberry right what's gonna happen I'm kind of worried nice household spooky house that we get lots of treats or do we potentially get abducted we're going spooky we're taking some risks in life [Music] I'm risking it outfit I got candy I kind of want gems actually could you give me Germans instead that could have got worse to be fair way worse straight up to year 10. we are zooming through this what is that uh-huh I feel like something's gone horribly wrong here keep training or I'm ready now why are we swimming in sludge well I'm ready I'm ready to go am I ready to go oh I'm drowning how father help me oh this is gonna go horribly wrong oh that's a bad one never mind I didn't get too impressed to go with my swimming skills one hour more training swimming through the sludge like nobody's business this game is so Random kind of why I wanted to play it let's go [Music] hello that is a hose I guess are you kidding me more chores oh my it's like a laser face is satisfying I like this attack means player power simulator this isn't much satisfy I'm not getting money in return for this am I or am I okay next I have to do all this what happened to your car Dad huh who are you upset easy peasy look at that truck give me coinage I need gems you have a gem please please oh Crossroads coming up left looks the best right looks suspicious wait oh my God I was not expecting decisions like this world peace or just accepting God doesn't exist I kind of want to I want to tap this just to see what happens I'm gonna get Smite oh I'm getting smited oh god oh okay exists he exists okay I'm sorry I'm sorry run the priest is there like please please forgive the child I'm just gonna send me oh it sends me that way that is not what I expected at all okay [Music] I'm evolving again who am I evolving into and where did this path go I don't get to see the path year 13 things getting intense for high school where did the girl go that we took out huh who's gonna bully me I feel like where's the high school buddy is it you [Laughter] know go check it back that's the worst punch ever this real this feels quite violent actually uh I'll knock out straight knockout do not do this this is awful it's an awful decision but I am now Mega pop look at me walk away I should be laughing that's awful why are you cheering no that was why did you do that come on now so now we've got a loop up ahead reach your girl I'm running why am I green whoa whoa whoa out body what the what are you doing oh chill out oh this way instead I don't know why the jocks all running around like crazy no here she is [Music] this feels I think a good vibes from that to be honest even with the romantic guitar creep me out a little bit you're creeping me out sleeping in his clothes okay making interesting Life Choices so far is that a window What's Happening Here what's the light never mind go to school or skip school skip let's see what happens you can tell I'm not cool at all hello how are you oh we we running into the forest seems like a terrible idea near a volcano even worse I want to go around the loop no how do I keep making the decisions that advance so we go to 17 or straight to 21. oh what we gonna do we're actually kind of invested now this is us truanting what are we oh no no this is just not a good idea oh no is she gonna do it I can't afford it what do I want to jump that badly so I didn't realize you could watch ads to uh like over and over again oh it's this game again playing Minecraft wow I just want my coin that's all I want I just want my diamonds please the ad kind of scared me right we're jumping off the cliff let's see what happens if I end up in hospital after watching Those ads I'm gonna be very upset okay we made it now what now what do we do we're stuck do we go right or left we go right okay I'm starting to think there aren't really choices in this game whatsoever [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is gonna do it oh no I was streaming oh what do we do I feel like this is gonna affect the relationship going forwards I was ignoring her to be fair so I'm gonna I'm gonna hug her I'm not gonna ignore her anymore oh oh she she mad mad oh no oh we messed up I didn't get a choice in that I tried look how many different actions you can go [Music] I'm evolving again what we're evolving into this time 17 year old evolves into 20 year old I guess oh we've got so many choices right now I'm worried what are you looking at [Music] Tinder there's a gorilla wait there's a gorilla sorry Michelle see you later hello Sakura yes I'm just interested I'm not actually attracted to gorillas just putting that out there we're skipping from 21 to 23. we're almost a quarter of the way through our life oh we get to do whatever he walks you've got a gorilla with us what is going on okay that's bad why did that happen oh everyone just goes crazy because we're with a gorilla okay I kind of get it but how can we ever get married we just need bananas jewelry or a banana I mean I know what you want I kind of like making the wrong decisions have a race oh that is the look of an evil gorilla right there okay all right I'll give you the bananas just calm down it's fine we don't have to get all crazy about it do a little wiggle your little eye Michelle we made it to 23. wait this looks like it doesn't go anywhere after this oh no what's gonna happen what is happening here desired Island wow look us we're pure [Music] happily ever after you I think he's gonna eat me uh you're hung oh oh I get the Coconuts okay that's good special coconuts I've done fishing already so let's fish with my bare hands look at that a champion Survivor okay we survived that round but it doesn't look like our life bar is going any further what is gonna happen now it made it here 25. we're actually getting married [Music] there's gotta be dad right you look beautiful my dear wow and then I was never to be seen again foreign I just died straight after that after my wedding I just died net worth zero career none I'm puny I'm half happy at least I'm half happy that's not too bad are we going back in time where should we go back to yeah here I feel like this is a good decision how are we gonna make it to 100 who are we choosing this time then I wish I could like scroll further down I think I'm gonna go for there's an anime waifu down here can I say that am I allowed to say that sorry I know Sakura you would you're a great wife to me but no stop who's this ciao this isn't gonna go well this is Xiao Zhao let's see what happens yeah look my life ends oh it doesn't we're good never mind let's see how far we can get this looks okay people speak the same language she's probably really good at Dance Dance Revolution as well [Laughter] here we go why is this guy so mad what are you so mad for what's going on I have no money 20 grand or a hundred bucks you know what it's not about the money the thought that counts okay the feelings don't say oh excuse oh she left okay okay I I wrap the uh the sense of that let's just say she didn't say something nice in messed up Sim language what on Earth she was not happy she's a gold digger I don't believe it oh here we go what's up hello do you want to hang out no hi yo yo yo she's ghosting us I don't believe it talk to me please this is desperate buddy you're like 10 messages in get lost heartbroken absolutely heartbroken oh there goes the new iPhone 14. you're gonna regret that you can't give me decisions like this no no no no no okay never mind you went to get the phone at least the phone didn't fall off the edge that was a horrific Choice hey hey there we go that's how we use a phone to say you're sorry it's not that bad all right there we go she's back [Music] hey what it's been one year cry or find the job I'm gonna job you know I'm gonna use this as a turning point I'm gonna end up in the lambo eventually what job I'm just being ditched by my lady and crying in the street that's not how we do things around here yeah 25. we made it a little bit further than we did before manager the animations in this game are hilarious by the way hey hello hello manager here's your cup of yellow drink everyone is so abusive apart from me clean up the spilled coffee do it your toes okay that's outrageous how is my luck so bad I've done nothing wrong I'm getting stepped on I'm getting ditched for the lambo man I'm 27 years old and I need to go to therapy as soon as possible please [Music] Domino buddy okay women's right oh why is it making me choose what's the problem here why is it money for this one why have I clicked it I got curious I'm desperate I need to I'm getting arrested okay my bad um men's washroom it is that's cost me two gems man why why did my curiosity get the bearer of me um knock on the store my son's out of order oh my God why is everyone so Punchy are you kidding me fine I'll you see you I didn't know whether I needed to dump oh I do from don't don't make happy noises that's just all except oh my God well at least we didn't get knocked out and that guy can just be left with the stench year 29. let's go how are we gonna get the year 100 like this [Music] bambo or the futuristic car I mean I don't know where we've got this money from but the other guy had the white one but it's more expensive I'm going blue I don't want to be like the other guy the blue one looks like it kind of could have missiles so that's where I've chosen that for up to level 30 we made it to the 3-0 look at me oh here they are huh back again look at my car it looks like a shark [Music] oh my gosh absolutely owns the karma it rolls right back around oh look at all these Pathways I'm nervous what are we doing now oh my God what happened what what's wrong oh we're just cleaning my car okay I thought I was like it can't have been stolen it's right there man I'm so happy I chose the shark car I mean the ex-girlfriend kind of liked it I got my revenge so it was worth every penny of the hundred grand I spent perfect let's go there are a lot of Pathways coming up lots of interesting Life Choices left looks a little bit scarier hey oh it's you I still got the footprint mark on the back of my head from last time is this me employee of the month my coffee machine at home stopped working could you come over later and fix it for me this feels like a potential relationship opportunity but she put her her foot on my head as I cleaned coffee sorry busy oh well this went awfully wrong oh no I lost my job I mean he seems happy about it that's a toxic workplace environment anyway it's fine oh it's not fine at all please oh don't let the girl walk past please hello officer boring day we're having huh it's illegal you're under arrest why am I under arrest being homeless is not oh my God this game is so out of touch I don't have nine coins to steal his gun either at least you're giving me a roof over my head I don't believe it this has been the most unlucky life ever I'm trying to be a good guy nice guys finished last time right this is a pretty big separation here Max security huh for being homeless right I see how this uh animals needs some work Nara my Luna what are you saying all right okay what do I want to wear striped yeah I look good look at the wiggle I don't see enough movement I mean that was a decision I'm going right okay this one looks a little bit more complex let's see if we can reach okay at least we can go over here 35. showers in prison this seems a bit risky I don't like where this is going at all who was this game written by continue showering buddy it's fine little soapless shower Don't Hurt No One all right we'll move on swiftly this game is um bringing out some interesting decisions here we go am I the only one wearing Stripes now so unfortunately no it's you it's you hmm it's you the twists he remembers me hello Pastor I swear he turns out to be evil and be so upset helping am I being the pastor now I'm not sure oh it's like an outside church I just realized it's just kind of crazy [Music] oh we're rebuilding Church Sea Gods uh forgive me for my sin please oh what am I planning never mind we made church and we are praying so we can be forgiven for everything that we have done oh my god I've got a shank I don't believe it 99. I've almost made it to 4-0 but I'm in prison because my life has gone awfully wrong oh okay this is a cool little mini game I Don't Mind If I Do escape from prison I don't know how I'm gonna add she escaped from prison because I'm doing it in broad daylight but I guess we'll find out probably if I ended up in prison I haven't even done anything wrong I do kind of want to go back and find out what other options would have led us to but 100 years is a long time I don't even know if I'm gonna make it there no don't lose it now now what I'll do the emote please don't hit an emote just get out of there left or right oh God what are we doing left was like to uh an iron door right I haven't got any pressure plates on me so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go right let me see what happens here great I've been detected run fast oh come on come on retrial at least we get a retry on that one fine go to the go to the iron door do this properly this turns out it was straight to a a manhole cover where I could get out you could have used the screwdriver really here we go into the abyss this game is so bad it's funny all right we're still 39 okay we're still in the same year oh my the classic sewers I believe we're having to escape prison just because I lost my job I'm in the desert ah don't let me die here come on now not now not after all this they sent me to prison in the middle of the desert oh wait hold on I'm about to make friends with some locals this story you could not guess where he's going next WoW hello fellas hello camels oh he's actually giving us the tent I thought he was like no leave we might have a spare temp but just leave please up to 40. so we can either go in a loop or carry on let's see what the choices are you escaped prison but now we're in the middle of the desert we have no job no money no no car I don't know where my car went apparently I have a house though so let's go there 41. what could possibly go wrong here [Music] what's wrong with this kid's head why is this kid's head so big which is super models they oh I see we've got choose between anime Crush gotta help the mum surely surely fine fine I'll do it I don't know how I afford the plane ticket but here we are oh yes way ah the Carver comes straight back around I don't believe it I thought that um the hostess was the ex-girlfriend luckily not let's keep her going do I have my house still has it been knocked down repossessed I'm not sure the lack of dialogue was making this story even more confusing than it needs to be [Music] this is my parents house this is because I broke your little thing wasn't it not the toy night oh who's living here then and keeps my parents inside the garden who's here who is it I need to know why are you keeping my parents buried in the front garden huh I mean not much can get worse from here right I've been prison I've got nothing and my parents just died this is wild a little bit spooky don't know in here or is this my house now oh you're joking no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no with the guns down this is so extra don't do it don't please oh he's running oh I just found out my parents died they dragged me down and shoot me and kill me I'm running away this is the worst situation ever I've definitely chosen the worst path in this game what now who's this who's this the police can't be they shot me well by year 43 we've been having some uh handsome shoes oh it was a taxi I don't know how I'm painful and stuff I have zero dollars no currency whatsoever can I have a room for free please thank you I appreciate it now I'm on the run as well I completely forgot about that I guess it's because my crime wasn't actually that bad like I should have stolen this gun now what's next in the tale of me to the pub the median's needed okay I'm funny all right let's find out I guess I'm gonna be world famous you'll all see you'll also started from the bottom now we're here oh this is me wait get that off what did one I don't know if I can say this actually that's gonna be sent so that's unfortunate I'm sorry it was really funny yeah this guy enjoyed it what is the dumbest animal in the jungle could be the Polar Bear right because it shouldn't even be there polar bear right now I mean they enjoyed it [Music] tips are welcome why is there a banana on the floor what's going on I hope I'll earn some money from that or I've been scouted that one guy that was Ginger with the beard he was a scout a comedy scout who's this she back yo my hotel tried to charge me ten dollars extra for air conditioning that's not cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah that's right bust the pub onto Arenas give me my Millions let's keep it going we're on a good streak I thought we were in prison for a sec that's a prison cell oh yeah look at these guys guys huh well it's out there slightly edgy jokes what's blue and not heavy light blue terrible joke actually it should be tomorrow hey looks like we're doing well we're almost halfway this is about like forever oh give me the ball give me the whole thing yes please look at me Rich and Famous from Comedy gigs didn't see this coming at all done stand up what a name I am unbelievable never I'm dead never mind let's try that again let's get a glass let's not go too crazy save it for the after the party and we'll be good there I am no one's even looking at me I don't believe it anyone see oh no one turned up no one turned up do you see that Mom I don't choose the jokes again what do you call a sad strawberry a blueberry [Laughter] oh my God why can't I always be 12 inches because then it would be a foot stop emoting stop it it's embarrassing I'm kind of hoping for my downfall soon actually because this is getting cringe 49 what a snacks no more comedy please I know you're famous for it but I don't wanna what's happening give her a hug ask the leaf I mean this seems like this is my room she'll probably leave she's fully decked me am I dead she knocked me out oh where were you huh the security you're telling everyone else to get out I mean it seems like I made the right decision I'm not too sure what the we're halfway 50. now that's so bad look how happy they are though the engagement ring the wedding ring the suffering you can tell this guy's not married well [Applause] my years are slowly getting less interesting as we get along to later life I'll go life more interesting now uh this see what happens that doesn't look good okay that was an awful choice this game it's like it's so ridiculous it's funny jump go be the hero and explodes in the background looks phenomenal here we go yeah we've got the action shot oh this looks like fortnite and we're about to go into battle royale how do I always go from like the top to the bottom through no fault of my own oh no the gorilla is going to be here isn't it I hope he doesn't remember me I'm back to zero thinking about my parents kind of cute [Music] kind of sad and a lonely I would really like to see Sakura right now the Kura that's not Sakura there's no way you're chasing a deer buddy especially like that oh my God when you call a fishery of bare hands you can do it again maybe not he's lost a shoe oh uh they look like there's something important what are they doing did I just mess it up did I just die I I think I just died I'm dead trying to ask for help oh yeah put that down stop it I am no threat even though I am chasing you oh let's go maybe that's where Sakura ended up we're eating the monkey from a previous life it's weird how things work out here we are new life on the islands join the training I want to do that yeah oh that's like the tenth time I've been knocked out okay now you're just showing off she's gonna push me off isn't it she's gonna be a cool Lion King moment after one year I turned into a wolf never mind yeah look at that hair as well oh my god I've been I'm insane there was no need for the kick but it was just a celebration this dude just keeps hitting the emote button by accident right there's two ways to go here one is gonna end in death and I kind of want to see what happens you know about City Life or building one oh it's just like Stay or Leave oh God I need nine coins to stay here I kind of want to find out what happens why are you gonna make me I don't wanna watch nine at do everyone watch nine ads right so I was gonna just watch ads over and over again to get gems but I just bought some to try and stay here and see what happens because I feel like that'll be fun so we're gonna spend nine gems that's so many gems compared to the previous choices we're staying here why did you why did you have to grab them like that that's odd we made it 57 oh no wait I think the Trail Ends soon that's not good let's see what happens is she gonna kill me now she mad oh oh she's real mad oh my God huh she sounds like fire what the okay so we're just gonna Skip and go to three a few years later because you show that but now we have four children and he's feeling very good about himself oh my God that is not the turn I expected this to take okay here I am I out now am I dipping that's despicable Behavior oh hello friends they don't know my friends help them or attack them here have a chicken leg I can't even hold properly [Music] okay fine you're getting attacked bro attack him get him okay we're taking the prisoner this seems so extreme what is going on I don't think I should have spent those nine gems I'm actually kind of pleased that I think we're about to pass away what we evolved into now old man what why do we evolve into that hey come on let's see what happens next I guess on the island Okay so we've got workers we've got a whole thing going on here babies rolling around I like it wait my man is chilling that is not good behavior there sir we're just gonna die here yes we are happiness 80 spent six years in prison career was comedian and I'm worth 53k not bad for someone who lives on an island I do not like that path in time I wish I never spent the gems yeah we're out of here let's go I'm leaving this place build a boat or swim well we're not gonna be able to swim are we so we're gonna have to build a boat swimming just isn't gonna happen that's decent strength cutting down multiple trees my man has been playing Minecraft look at that even knows the new updates oh okay never mind it's like we're swimming oh hear me out if we swim anyway isn't the shark gonna guess I'm having raft flashbacks right now let's see what happens maybe I just can't leave maybe we just didn't take as long as the shark didn't arrive how are you swimming that far oh yeah here it is pay him off with gems give him all the gems I don't want to spend no gems anymore well that was lucky the noises this guy makes wait isn't it hold on this game is hey I'm traumatized okay we're evolving into old man do we look the same we do indeed we do look like a sailor to be fair um what was that why did it cut to a man in the shower because anybody know and then he cheered behind him the other guy must have been like what are you doing it's a basic daily task right let's see let's see what this game brings up next it's unreal I feel like I'm too far in to give up now they were hiking we found a koala for a puppy or a something dead uh right seems like there's death ahead left we can follow the potential Pokemon there um right I'm just curious oh yeah this is bad ghosts we're about to get haunted I offer you sandwiches why are some of the Savages black and white would they like that that's how you survive a ghost attack give them sandwiches I mean noted for any future experiences I may have yeah probably survived okay never mind up to 60. we're hopefully I'd say two-thirds through our life would be pretty optimistic you never know what's gonna happen next the casino now we arrived here we're in the mountains then we found a random Casino maybe it's a mirage I have a lot of money from all my comedic career advances I'm gonna win this is it this is my time double ace I'm gonna assume that's good all in boys yeah what you got there old man I'll show you double lays don't be bluffing me you made that noise in the casino that would definitely Chuck you out what are you saying you folding I call I don't play poker so I don't know what's going on I could have just lost a lot of money is that good that's three Aces I don't know what that means yeah oh wait oh no I lost she's got flushed didn't she or something okay now she's doing the victory dance more money on these animations to slam down more money two and a seven well that's bad even I know that's bad she got two and a six what are we doing now are we peeking our cars so unlawful what are you doing yeah I have no idea what you have if he's going all in she's bluffing I thought I'd lost all my money to be fair we're calling it [Music] we're gonna go to prison again aren't we I feel like it's it's gonna happen I'm gonna pretend I know what this means but I don't because I'm just watching whoever does the victory dance yeah I mean we survived we now have less clothes on for some reason as well I don't know why that's a thing oh look wait wait wait wait wait wait I can't see the rest of the path it looks like we're going towards the light is 62 our final age I'm like a cry how are we doing today I mean it depends on what you tell me really let's see what happens no no I just went over your MRI scans well this is bad I have I have cancer now two minutes that's not real that doesn't happen two minutes [Music] I just just like that just like that I'm going to the depths of hell that's where I'm going right oh careful there baby this game is so random dude I bought so many gems I didn't even need to unless I get a resurrection of ability [Music] sorry I must have startled you who are you wow try my mind I guess humans refer to me but I'm not a big fan of labels no wait why I'm a baby again what's happened here hey why you check out that hole over there I mean we have nothing left to lose jump in boys let's go okay babies great is he get is he we resurrected no that's a gravestone we're dads my happiness was only 30 I had more happiness when I lived on an island even though I got set on fire but that didn't happen it's fine 62 years old six years in prison comedian I wonder what different ones you can get why are they different colors we could be female or female let's be orange I'm curious okay boss battle of the egg we can win this straight away easy mode 70 damage critical here 70 damage get out of here consider yourself fertilized so maybe the girl has a different path oh do we have to play as a girl now sure we'll be Kira which um it's kind of a funny name just saying actually yeah this must have a different path right let me see what number one is wait a second I'm in a bin it's so dumb it's funny but anyway I think this video has gone on long enough we survived the 62 year olds and as a man females have a longer life expectancy so why don't we play this in another video let me know if you enjoyed this if you did leave a like subscribe if you're brand new maybe next time we'll find out how on Earth we get out the bin I'm sorry I had to go through this
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,094,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: Obr7tsudIQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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