I built my dream apartment in The Sims 4

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now i'm not sure if you knew this about me because i only say it in like every single video but i have a bone to pick with apartments in the sims 4. i think they're all way too big i want my sims to struggle i want tiny apartments and they're all just massive but i had an idea now i love this apartment i never usually play in it because one it's kind of big and i don't really know how to do the floor plan that well it's a nice looking building i just kind of wish it was smaller and here's the theory here's the idea if we use platforms to close off more of the apartment imagine if we did it like this filled the entire room with a platform and then took the tile that matches that one that's across the building so it looks the same you could kind of just like make the apartment as small as you'd like and then it would work and i think this is a genius idea because then my apartment is kind of this weird like corner unit that has all these windows but i mean it works you can try and make a smaller cooler looking apartment this way and so i want to try and do something like this to renovate this apartment obviously it's kind of a waste of space i just i want it to be smaller this is very important to me and so we're gonna try so we're popping into the build now the first thing i'm doing is like closing off bits of the apartment i ended up making it a two bedroom two bathroom house so it works out pretty well it's got like a twins bedroom they share for the kids and then a parent's bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and stuff it's got a big living room big kitchen i mean i think the floor plan ended up looking really really cool i did spend so much time on this it was so fun because i was streaming this build i did this like three weeks ago too i've been holding onto this build for a while now i'm gonna be honest i should have posted it a long time ago but i've just been sitting here sitting on it and now today's the day we're posting it but it was so fun on streams people kept coming into the chat being like oh my god how'd you do that why is what apartment is this why does it look like this and i was like oh boy do i have a secret for you it's literally just a platform so i've been having a lot of fun trying to use platforms in more interesting ways and trying to do cool things like that and it ended up making that apartment like actually really really small this way i mean it isn't that small it's still kind of a big apartment i think if it were up to me i would like to have apartments that are the size of just that living dining room area that like main big room i would like to have all the apartments be that size if i could have my way i'd want to have teeny teeny tiny apartments in the sims i we have some of them they give us some more and eco lifestyle i i just i like to have my sims live in small apartments it's so much more fun to play with if i wanted to have a big house i'd build a house i want my sims to have like little itty bitty studio apartments you know we don't really have much of that we have like one that one that celine lives in that tiny square apartment you know the other thing is that a lot of the apartments have locked traits like the locked needs tlc lot rate so that like if you live in that tiny apartment you automatically have rats and like you don't have to have a bad tiny apartment it can still be like nice in there it's just small like i don't need to have a rat infestation i can just have a small apartment but no if you want to play in the sims 4 in a small apartment you're going to have rats and leaky pipes and like gas leaks and just nightmare all the time this apartment has no locked traits which is part of why i like it so much i wish that it had a balcony one of the neighboring apartments has a balcony but that house that lot also has a locked needs tlc lot trait so if you want to have a nice balcony too bad you're going to have rats i do like the idea of your sims having rats sometimes for some reason it kind of amuses me it's just really annoying for gameplay like i wish that i could turn it off i see this in every single apartment built ever i just i wish that like there was a cheat to get rid of those traits you can use mods to do it but it's not the same i just want to cheat everyone has access to it way easier but anyway i'll stop complaining this apartment it's not really looking that way right now but ended up making it really bright and really colorful on the inside it's very like blue and yellow it ended up being really really cute i used this flooring that i never ever use this is an island living flooring and i haven't used it like in this swatch i don't think ever but i think it looks really pretty in here and we have like bright blue counters and like these yellow curtains it was a really colorful fun looking apartment i loved how the kitchen layout looked i just i had the most fun trying to furnish this place it was kind of a struggle trying to lay out the floor plan which is why you see me putting like random like rugs and stuff down i was just trying to figure out the shape of the apartment and then go back and like adjust the color scheme just needed to make sure it all fit first you know that's step one make sure the whole apartment fits and then you can go back and adjust color schemes and stuff now the one main issue with this apartment that you might be seeing is that it's got a bunch of different platform heights we obviously have that massive fake room that i fill up with platforms all the way we've got the little hallway we've got the like kitchen dining area the bedrooms are all on platforms the bathrooms are on platforms because i tried to raise up the floor a tiny bit everywhere and so there's like a few different heights in this apartment and for that reason you can't really upload it to the gallery because to upload apartments to the gallery it has to all be one room so what i'll usually do is just delete the wall where the doors are and then the whole thing is like one room as far as the game is concerned because there's like missing walls everywhere so it's just one big room and then you post that room to the gallery and then you guys can download it except this is a million different rooms with a million different heights so you can't use that like room trick to upload it and i don't know if you knew but you can't actually upload apartments to the gallery it doesn't work like that it's either lots or rooms and these aren't lots and they're not rooms they're apartments and so you just can't upload them to the gallery so we try to do some like weird little workarounds but it doesn't actually work and so with this one i've got a save file of it it's not a nice save file it's literally just like a bunch of random builds i've done including this apartment and so if you really really want the apartment i'll link it down below i've got also like a million videos on how to download save files there's tutorials on the internet just google it tumblr's got lots of them but if you really really want the apartment you can download the save file and then you can grab it yourself that way and then you could always like save each room individually and then post it in your own lots and save files but i just didn't want to upload like eight rooms to the gallery i was like that's gonna be so spammy that would be so annoying to try and download and find like i just i figured it was probably the best bet to just give you a save file for this one because then you could have it all together at once i really have so much fun decorating apartments i feel like it's kind of weird that i do this but i feel like i always decorate apartments the most like when i'm furnishing a place a lot of times when i'm building an entire house i spend a ton of time doing the exterior and like detailing the outside and then i get to the inside and i'm like how about a green bed and i kind of like give up on it but when i'm doing apartments because there is no exterior to decorate i like really focus on the interior and then it turns out kind of cute and like different than my usual style i just prefer to build the exteriors of houses and so i kind of like by the time i get to the inside i've loved my exterior and then i'm like put that kitchen whatever which is not good i used to be the exact opposite of that like when i was younger and i barely ever built anything and i only furnish places but now i just really really like designing the exteriors of houses and then i give up on the inside before i forget i have some terrible news i've been cutting like so i cut my own hair right the past like whole year i've been cutting my own hair because i like to keep it this short and i obviously am not going out to get my hair cut by anyone there's a pandemic and i'm afraid and so i've been cutting it myself to like keep it this length right and i'm obviously not that good at it like i think it's fine you can't really tell especially just front on when i'm like recording videos or streaming like you're only looking at me from this one angle so you can't really tell that it's choppy the backs and sides are very choppy and like sometimes i'll be looking in the mirror and be like hmm there's a random piece that is like significantly longer and then i cut it off well i was working on fixing my hair a little bit yesterday and like cutting off pieces that were a little bit choppy um and then i made a big mistake and i cut like some giant chunks out of my hair so my hair kind of like has a big dip in it in the side i'm not gonna show you because i'm embarrassed but it's not good i've made a big mistake i also cannot tell how the back looks i think it's fine but there are some pieces that i'm too scared to cut off from the back and so i've been avoiding doing it i had my mom help me last time like a few months ago but i haven't asked her to help me fix it yet and i can see in the mirror there's like a few pieces back there but i'm scared to like take scissors to like cut hair in the back of my head especially given like this side incident like we you got to keep scissors away from the back of your head it's not a good idea it's not going to go well do you know what one time i was sitting at my desk and i've got a mirror keeping my desk because i usually put makeup here because i've got like lights on and stuff so i can do a makeup pretty well oh my god and this one time i was like doing this like cutting off this is a few months ago like cutting off pieces and looking in the mirror and trying to see like oh there's a random piece back here let's cut that one and i had my headphones in so i was listening to music and then i cut my headphone cord like i took the scissors and went to cut the piece of hair and just cut my headphone cord um which is really embarrassing i don't know how i pulled that off i mean i did because i was i had scissors near my headphones like that was it wasn't a good idea why why did i do that why did i think that was a good idea but whatever i cut my headphone cord just chopped it straight off brilliant truly honestly really embarrassing but this is the the price we have to pay you know how much money i've saved on haircuts enough to buy new headphones so there i got some new headphones i think i've said it before but honestly i don't think i ever want to get my hair cut professionally again that's not true i probably will eventually but like just trimming it i don't like having to leave my house i don't like having to go talk to somebody if i just do it myself it takes less time um it looks worse but you know i i you only see me from the front so it's i don't leave my house it doesn't matter and then i need to talk to anybody i just i i think i prefer doing it myself it's probably not a good idea all of the people that work with hair in the comments are like no kayla i'm just horrifying you all right now with this whole video i'm so sorry but i i prefer to not interact with anyone so i simply will not anyway sorry back to the apartment so you'll notice that the bathrooms are kind of weird and beige and like not the same bright color scheme as the rest of the house i do end up changing that i did the bathrooms first and i was i was going originally for like kind of a an older like beige darker apartment like i was gonna try and have maybe more of a run down apartment and then um when i did the kitchen and made it blue i was like wait this is so fun and so i changed it and made the whole house more bright and so the bathrooms just were way out of place so i went back and adjusted them later on i think i cut the bathrooms out of the video because it was a long speed build and i was like you know what we don't need to have all this footage of me like doing the bathrooms twice and there is no point in watching me do these boring little bathrooms twice but there are two there's one off of the parents bedroom and then one in the hallway there which works out really well honestly this apartment is really nice like it is really big it's got so much space there's these beautiful bedrooms and massive windows like what a wonderful place to live we were joking on stream that would be like billions of dollars in real life like imagine an apartment this big in like new york city to buy truly imagine how much money that would cost billions is an exaggeration obviously but like multi-million dollar apartment right here that it would be so expensive and listen it's cute but i'm not sure anything is multiple millions of dollars cute i live in central florida though so like with if you had multiple millions of dollars you could buy a massive house so when you think about like how much that money buys in like a city somewhere it's like you know what it's a cute apartment but like is it four million dollars nice i don't know i'm not sure anything is what do i know we don't have four million dollars i feel like your perspective changes when you do okay not to talk about taylor swift again because i know i always do that in my videos but when she dropped folklore i was so excited so today i'm recording this on thursday you're seeing it a few days later so i'm sorry to date the video but taylor swift announced that she's dropping another album today she released a surprise album like five months ago and then today she was like i made another one what is she doing i mean i'm very excited about it but i cannot imagine how much work that must have been to release two albums in like six months and she's recording her old music i just this woman is is magical and i don't understand how she did it like that is so cool i know these are different than regular times people are usually touring and stuff so there's more going on but like you get used to artists releasing an album like once every like two years sometimes because they'll like make an album go on tour you know and then so there's a long like schedule they're doing but now that there's no tours because there's a pandemic we're just getting music from taylor swift and that is really cool i liked folklore a lot i'm excited for the new album you know what this is the kind of thing that i think is fun to talk about in speed builds because i know that you're going to watch this like maybe like six eight months a year from now or whatever and be like oh that album got announced that day that's kind of fun but if you're watching it today um i'm sorry i just i got really excited this morning so i thought i was being lied to i like opened up my my mods chat you find twitch mods and they're like oh my god new taylor showed up and i was like what no she just released an album what are you talking about no they weren't lying it was true somebody has to stop me i just looked over and i was like looking at pieces of my hair and my camera that oh my god this is the problem with cutting my own hair is there's always pieces mom i know you watch my videos mom you need to help me you have to help me get the back this is it's it's becoming urgent i cut my hair like two three weeks ago now too and i it's just there's always pieces constantly mom mom this is really important please oh my gosh speaking of my mom so the other day it's been my five year anniversary as lil simsie on youtube recently this week and so i mentioned it in a video the other day and my mom she texted me at like 7 15 or so um which i know it was like right after she got home from work i was probably like cooking dinner and have my video playing in the background and she was like oh hi kayla happy five years do you want anything cookies and i thought it was so funny because i was like oh i know that you just got home from work you heard me say it in my video and you were like oh no and she messaged me and was like do you want some cookies kayla which the answer is yes absolutely but that was very funny and that was hilarious my mom is nice she didn't know it was my five year anniversary on youtube i mean it doesn't matter i didn't need cookies for it i don't care that she like didn't know i just thought it was funny that she heard and she was like oh i should do something for that huh and message me with like do you want any cookies i was streaming two of the time and so i got her text and i was like yes i do yes please i will take some cookies thank you very much any day i'll take cookies anytime so we're kind of working on the last couple rooms now anyway in the build and this this one kids room i had the most fun furnishing i tried to make it look like actually good because i feel like a lot of times when i'm furnishing rooms i like i said earlier i kind of just give up and i'm like oh yeah make it green whatever but i wanted this one to be fun so i made it like this pink and blue color scheme we've got like lights and pretty rugs and all these toys i was trying to make it really detailed i also i know for a fact that i used like a million packs in this build in my mind i was like people can't even download it because it's not even gonna be on the gallery i'm just gonna give them a save file so like if it has too many packs then it has too many packs i a lot of times try to limit packs in my sims builds i'll like try to use a few less or like just pick like two expansion packs or whatever to use because i know that like not everybody has every pack because that's expensive and like a million dollars literally but with this one because in my head again i was like well nobody can download it so i might as well just use everything huh and so this bedroom i know i used a bunch of packs in it it's definitely got parenthood eco lifestyle um stuff like that but it turned out really really cute i think i use nifty knitting too because i put some shelves and like some decorations and stuff i just i had a lot of fun trying to come up with a cool idea to decorate this room and i put like a fishbowl even i don't know i just i use a lot of decorations and clutter that i don't usually get to use and so that was kind of fun also the color scheme is interesting with the two different beds but like the same colors i just i think this would be a fun room to live in personally i had when i was a child a hot pink bedroom kind of like the color of the pink on those beds i had a hot pink bedroom my walls were that color and i had a zebra print comforter when i was like 11 or 12 that was a mistake i really that day i used to have like a pale yellow wall color in my room that my parents had painted when i was a kid when we first moved here and then when i was like 11 or 12 i was like please please can i have a pink room please and they were like you're gonna regret it kayla and i was like no i won't i want a hot pink room i'm not kidding please and then they were like you're gonna regret it and then i convinced them to get paint and then i painted like the whole thing myself which is also probably a bad idea i got it like all over the ceiling um but but then i had a hot pink room until i was probably like 16 and then i um we painted it purple so and it's still purple to this day kind of like a grayish purple but yeah my walls were like literally that hot pink color maybe a slightly less blue toned pink but it was it was hot pink like that's not an exaggeration with how bright it was i had bright pink walls in my bedroom at home i think we deserve to make poor choices you know i liked it i didn't hate it i just like looking back on it i'm like that was a bad idea but at the time i loved it i didn't think it was bad at all i was never embarrassed by it either i think that like if i had a hot pink room now i might be a little bit like ooh i don't know about this but maybe not i guess it depends what kind of shade it is because there could be good hot pinks i think that the one that i had wasn't a good hot pink it wasn't like a tasteful hot pink i feel like when you say hot pink it doesn't sound tasteful but you can i think you can pull off a pink room mine wasn't i mean i had a zebra comforter like you come on you can just picture it and then i had a comforter that was like brown with different colored giant polka dots on it some of them were pink um and there was like kind of like that blue color and like maybe some green like just big big polka dots all over the comforter yeah i kind of have forgotten about that one too that's yeah we've all made bad choices i had a spongebob comforter for a while when i was younger my like first big kid bedspread when i was younger was a spongebob one so i just i have these memories of like moving to florida and having a spongebob bed and i was like five when we moved here so worth it i'd take a spongebob bed now too you know what i kind of want to buy myself do they make like full-size spongebob bedspreads i don't know i'll look it up do you know what i'm realizing i don't know where the save file is with the finished apartment to tour it for you oh no whoa wait a minute look at how cool that is not bad i don't know i can't find it well it's a good thing that i put it in the description of my vod well let me let me just download the save file all right just pop that in your saves folder simsy's apartments is the save file that yep so here's the apartment it's it's it replaces 20 culpepper house you can see that i just like put that weird platform in to make it look small yeah but here is a quick overview of the whole apartment as you can see it's got a couple different levels here you walk up some steps into the kitchen and dining room area and then down a step into the living room and you've got a bedroom over here for the parents their bathroom which looks super cute i like the color scheme a lot i think it's pretty we have this kid's bathroom here the kids bedroom which i am obsessed with i think it turned out so cute i i want to come to be honest i kind of want to live here i love these shelves like how do you get shelves like this in real life and can i have that penguin in real life i just i think the color schemes all came together really well i just it turns out cute also the kitchen i am obsessed with i love the like one tile backsplash this wall actually has way more tile but obviously because of the platform it looks a lot shorter so you can only see the one and i just i think that looks really good here and like the open shelving i don't know i was pretty proud of this kitchen i thought it turned out kind of cute but that's the whole apartment i think it's very different than my usual builds maybe not this room i feel like a lot of my houses look like this room but the rest of it i'm branching out anyway thank you for watching and on that note i'll see you tomorrow bye everybody i love speed build sunday i need this i need to just talk for like a half an hour you know just get it out of my system just talk at you guys for a while and then i feel [Music] better
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 610,094
Rating: 4.9764371 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: Arjk-5NVBlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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