Building a totally normal house with no secrets (The Sims 4)

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welcome back to another sims 4 build today we're doing a one-bedroom bungalow house with nothing suspicious at all it's a totally regular build uh just one bedroom one bathroom and then like shared kitchen living dining area it'd be really nice but there's gonna be a little bit of a secret there's gonna be four levels of basement each more dastardly than the last uh and we'll get to that uh but until then we're just you know starting off really really basic i wanted to also be on a bigger lot so that we'd have more room for nothing out of the ordinary just the regular stuff but this is a really fun idea i asked you guys over on my twitter what i should build and someone said a bungalow but there's multiple underground layers and i decided to run with that idea and had a lot of fun i did actually spend a lot more time on the actual bungalow than i thought i would i initially was going to make it really run down and kind of crappy but it's actually kind of nice like it's not obviously not the best i i didn't you know i didn't make it super duper fancy or anything but i mean it's quite nice i would be very happy to live in that by itself i would say spend a lot of time just on the roof there just because i wanted the little cutaway to not have the roof eve coming through it underneath over the top of the balcony um i spent way too much time on that and then i actually just i was just like this isn't working and i just completely changed it so that was just really worth all of my time at that point but i really enjoyed this more simple build in terms of just just having fun with it and also i recently was building in the sims 3 and we did a renovation of one of my old builds and i gotta tell you i mean i used to think it like in my head and in my memory i used to think sims 3 was like the superior build mode in terms of what you could do with it because obviously you could build on actual cliffside lots which you can kind of do now in sims 4 but obviously every single lot is flat so you'd have to make just a hill in the middle but you could do that in the sims 3 and then you could use the constrained floor elevation cheat which was basically a way that you could change the height of walls and like make them slope up and down and do all this like really really crazy stuff and that is still more advanced but boy other than that it is rough like if you haven't built in the sims 3 in a while and you're used to the sims 4 try going back to that or even sims 2 or 1. i feel like sims 2 and 1 aren't as bad purely because of the fact it doesn't lag as much as the sims 3 build mode which especially when you pull out that beautiful beautiful color wheel and you can change anything that's amazing it really really is but man it is so laggy i did a really basic renovation of my build recently and it took me like two and a half hours but something that i estimated would probably take about 30 minutes uh it was rough i mean part of that was also just me not remembering where stuff was but part of that was just lagging and and also if you want to change stuff in sims 4 like you can't just push and pull a room like you can i believe they did actually add in the ability to like push and pull walls in the sims 3 but it was nowhere near as smart as it is in sims 4 and even before it's not perfect but in three if you did it i think it would just it just wasn't worth it you can't move the whole house or rotate a room or copy a room like all of those little incremental improvements is is amazing it honestly makes building infor so much better even though we don't have you know the creator style the open world kind of stuff building in sims 4 is so much better of an experience plus the other the new way that we can place doors and windows you know windows up and down anywhere over side to side on top of each other doors anywhere that is so good i forgot what it was like before you could do that and going back to being stuck on a grid for everything and fixed heights it's just like nothing lines up and it doesn't work honestly credit where credit's due sims 4 does have a really good build mode now yeah the whole color swatch thing is still annoying to this day it would be nice to have more color options for everything or separated swatches so you could do a mattress and a bed frame separately like that kind of stuff but as a whole i much much prefer building in four after having going back to three i was like i was considering doing a full house building three uh recently and then i i feel like i've decided not to i don't know i still do i i still i do enjoy it and i might wanna do that but it is uh it's something else but back to the actual house you saw that i just need the living room and kitchen and dining area and i actually used um the items from paranormal stuff because i actually really like that living room set i think that may be my current favorite couch in the game i think it is really nice and also the matching armchair that goes with it and then the kitchen i use the country kitchen kit i'm not sure what it was called but whichever one that was uh just because i haven't used that set yet so i wanted to do that i did want to use a bunk bed in this build but it's a one bedroom house so i didn't really want to do a bunk bed in there so we might have to do a different build for that and then uh just a little bathroom here really basic as you can see this one bedroom bungalow is super basic it's not supposed to be anything crazy it's supposed to be unassuming and i'm also just doing a little bit of overgrowth not not like run down overgrowth but just some bushes and shrubs it seems like oh it's just another house you know they're not too concerned about this place so just doing a little smattering of stuff around so you know people don't come knocking asking questions on what's going on in this place and i also use some of the debug items so that they're free and i was thinking in my head i was like i want this to be cheap so i'm going to use three bushes like forgetting the fact that i'm about to build like four levels of secret basement which is gonna inflate the value of the house um and i just need a little picket fence at the front because i thought why not it doesn't really serve any purpose but there you go so uh i actually need to test this uh secret entrance because as you can see i've got the bedside table right next to it i think i might actually need to move that i don't know if sims can actually fit through there but that's right we'll test it at the end of this to make sure we can actually you know get everywhere but yeah we have that secret bookcase going behind that we have a ladder that goes down to the first level now there's nothing nefarious going on here i mean maybe some laundering of cash but that's neither here nor there uh i did originally start off with this being like i wanted it to be like a library kind of thing i thought that was a cool idea and then i realized that i didn't like that idea because the the bookcases are so big and they kind of block your view so i was like that's kind of annoying so i wanted to do what i have done before and actually my mansion build for the big wallets in my seasons let's play where we did a hidden underground bowling alley because i i don't know for some reason i always think that's such a cool idea having like this hidden uh bowling alley or underground bowling alley kind of like how the white house has it though it's not like hidden in the white house but it's in a basement so it's kind of i don't know it's a cool idea and now that we actually have uh platforms i was like oh this is great i can actually add some like different verticality to it though i did find a bug with platforms uh and stairs in basements which is kind of annoying uh it just has a black hole in the floor so i ended up just covering it with a half wall there which actually works pretty well and just a little fence and some lighting down here i think it's a pretty fun room i like i said there's something about building a basement bowling alley that i think is so cool uh even though i don't i feel it i very rarely bowl in the sims 4 but when i do it's in a basement uh i guess so there you go uh i also thought these are moschino wallpapers that came actually kind of like perfect for this there was i think the was there any wallpaper in uh bowling night stuff i don't remember maybe but i figured these actually matched really nicely and i made it into like part arcade kind of zone as well just kind of like a fun little games room area nothing too special there but you know it's supposed to throw people off the scent of what lies beneath so it's essentially just using the items actually from bowling night stuff to fill out this room a little bit plus this is from get together that big arcade machine i feel like we need maybe this should be like an arcade pack you know what i should stop trying to figure out what packs i should be because i've done that before like i've i've hypothetically come up with a fun idea and then they make it like years down the line and then it's not really that good so star wars i did have a slight prediction of a star wars pack many many moons ago uh and i think we all know how that went how that went so let's i you know any any uh maybe sims five maybe that's what we need that'll be good so now behind the bowling alley behind the bowling lanes is where we access the next level of this underground base and this is this one's actually pretty cool too so if you do accidentally stumble upon this or somehow find it this one's quite fun as well i thought like a home theater would be really good because you know it's in the basement so it'd be really quiet although there is a bowling alley above so maybe maybe not that quiet i mean as long as no one's bowling at the same time you'll be fine so this is your little home theater again using platforms which are so so good that you can do this i love this now the platforms are amazing um i did a few rows of chairs as you can see i still have this that stairs glitch in the basement where it just cuts a hole into the void uh instead instead of using stairs i actually change that in a little bit to use like a stepped platform so that sims can just walk down those so it doesn't look as silly and i uh around the screen there you see i built two little pathways that go around that's where the next uh section will be so this i just did a couple rows of four chairs actually made the room a little bit smaller because i figured it didn't need to be that big so i just scaled everything down a little bit and then we have room for eight sims to come hang out down here uh if they happen to find this room um actually you know what i really like like the side of this like when you put the walls down you can kind of see the step like what like wall like that i don't know i love the cutaway but i think it looks sick i really i really like this room and then i do you know i really wanted like one of those old-school uh popcorn carts like i think sims 1 had it maybe sims 2. i i think definitely sims 1 had one of those old-school popcorn cards i really wanted that here but we just have this little tiny machine from uh the cool kitchen or is it i don't know no cool kitchen's ice cream what was that one from oh movie oh well that makes sense movie hangout stuff back um yeah so i put that in and i also added in a bar i was gonna use this one but it didn't really match the countertop as well i mean this one doesn't either but that one's from batu yeah there is some star wars sweet star wars pack content there i actually also really like those light bars sort of going up the stairs i thought that looked really really nice um so we've got a little bit of lighting on the back of the room a little bit of like way at the front uh just to sort of keep it a little bit darker in the middle around the screen so when you're watching a movie it's not too bright now here we got the hidden like roman baths although it's not very roman but uh that's that was a sort of inspiration of that it's hidden away and i had a lot of fun uh building this room here so this one i like this one because to get to the next secret area you have to swim through the pool and get out on the other side so you have to be you have to be prepared with your balers i feel like if you made it to this point you might be like oh this is what they're hiding away they don't want anyone to find their beautiful secret pool that is presumably the perfect temperature like nicely heated i i guess that must be why they're hiding it so hopefully no nosy sims go swimming and snooping to the other side of it and find out what lies beneath which we'll be getting to shortly um but yeah i just wanted to make this a little bit more interesting on the sides here i wanted to get some of those uh statues from romantic garden stuff because i think they work really well oh actually also this uh fountain from jungle adventure is like perfect i kind of wish it was like way bigger like all the way up the wall but i mean that's still pretty good too so i did one of those little fountains on both sides of the pool um and then we have a couple of the larger statues as well from romantic garden stuff which will just go in these little cutouts here i really wanted to do uh i don't know if you saw before i was doing like sort of archways like door archways i would have loved to have those on the side of the pool but you can't do it on the edge of a pool which is really annoying even with move objects it doesn't let you do it and i also tried like putting on a wall and dragging the wall in but even that was like no that's you can't there's like there's no way to glitch it to fit in which is actually kind of annoying because i really wanted some nice art choice on the side of the pool i thought that would that would have been perfect but that's all right i also did like a little shower there from uh snowy escape so you know you can be clean before you get in the pool and also clean up to get out of the balls you know so it's all good and then we have this little uh pathway down here i mean admittedly this one's not as secretive because it's got windows so you could see it from the pool but i mean i just thought it was too cool not to put windows into the pool area uh underneath when you're walking through this like secret lab entrance oh yeah that's right i said a lab entrance of course there's gonna be a secret lab down here which is the next room that we're building here just next to the pool so you come you swim through the pool you get out the other side you go down and you come over to this lab which i initially i really wanted to have uh like a little balcony that looks over the lab space below so i made the walls like the medium height and i moved everything like that and then i quickly realized that i actually wanted to make it even taller because i wanted even more height but i didn't want to use two levels because i could obviously if i built another level down have that look over but then i don't want to do that because then i can't use the fourth level for another layer down uh so instead i made the walls really tall move the platforms like halfway up the walls as you can see and then so you come through so it looks like a normal wall height then you come through here and it opens into this big lab with these giant like soft box lightings i love those those big square lights i kind of wish their little uh i guess stem or the the mount was a little shorter so it could be like flat more flat on the roof but i really like that oh yeah this that stair glitch in the basement with platforms is really annoying because it just has those black holes underneath so like i'm having to work around it by just putting like half walls in front of them which i think covers it up at least uh but it is really annoying because that means it it doesn't look as nice as just having like a glass banisten stair or anything like that so here is uh yeah the little look over area of the light becoming that door then down here i was just having fun doing a bunch of the stuff from strangerville getting these sort of uh metal counters here in the middle which is like an experiment table kind of thing and a bunch of these like lockers and lab equipment and this containment pod thing and there's one that has water bubbles in it and then i just went through like uh buy mode and i was just trying to pull out all the stuff that would kind of make sense here uh so just a whole bunch of stuff i was trying to see also what would even fit in that um big display case on the counters and it's pretty much the only thing that actually looks good is the strangerville like plant thing that was designed to go in it so that that is what i ended up putting in there but i was trying to see if there was something else like i guess we could maybe do like i pulled out one of those skeleton statues before that could maybe work in there but here's the lab i kind of skipped forward because a lot of me pulling out stuff and just placing stuff down um but that is a lab and it's not a not so secret entrance here to the next level it's just a ladder right there also i don't think the pool was that secretive either but it goes down more and then here we have two uh cells for you know maybe some townies that are walking by and and uh you don't like maybe maybe they're called katrina and you don't particularly like them they can come down here and no one will ever find them uh which is great but of course we have to be safe and we have to put them behind in our secured doors so we obviously put in a big vault door with a warning light just in case something goes wrong and there's a breach we need to be warned and so at the end of the day really this whole little bungalow is just for trapping other sims underneath which i think it's a great idea i think it's good fun to be honest um i also don't know so these bars that came in get to work they have like the debug doors of them i don't actually know if they work so i ended up just using the fence gating instead because i was pretty sure that should work fine um so it doesn't look as good as like typical jail bars but you know yeah it still works fine uh they got like little hexagon patterns you know the hex if you will uh it works out well so yeah we've got a couple little cells there and then basically it's just like a little room with you know the classic uh hospital bed in case they get sick you know we might need to treat them that's what we're doing down here of course we need to we care about their well-being and and all that so they've got everything they need you know they've got the toilets and the sinks the beds uh there's a decontamination unit there on the side also known as a shower got some uh an operating thing in case something goes wrong uh that's everything we need and you know a bassinet you know you never know what's going to happen down there you got to be ready so that is a little build let's have a little bit of a closer look at everything now oh uh that's okay i'll move that out that uh put this one over here uh i don't have an outdoor bin either that's classic you know what let me just move this fence back a little bit cause then we can fit this stuff in front there you go that's beautiful hey what's with this wait what is with that is there's something below it there's a light outside i i actually don't there's something there i'm actually not sure okay well even a flat one looks silly because it's like indented great ah no i know i know i know i know that'll do great okay so here we are this is the little bungalow i think it's actually really really nice um like i actually genuinely quite like this little this little room so you got the little living space tv little desk for a computer setup you can sit here to have your breakfast and have a chat while someone's cooking i do really like this little kitchen set too very nice little bathroom through there and then the bedroom as well and then the secrets begin can we get in there as a question oh that's even better i wasn't even sure that that was going to work but actually that's great because it's like oh that can't be a door that's like so hidden away all right so then we move down into the first of all the bowling alley die i'm really quite happy with this oh that's what's making that noise i was like what is that sound is so loud okay that might need to leave hey where'd she go to the toilet for go here oh wait what can she not okay well apparently this is in the way so i don't know how that work maybe if i rotate this maybe that'll help this this is why you play test ah there you go yeah also i you might be wondering why it's not there i did try to put it there but it didn't seem to like it on the corner here like it didn't i don't know it didn't let me put it there even with move objects so that's why it's here anyway down to the bowling alley let's go okay that's not bolo and then we come through here and go down to the movie theater okay she's going back up all right so we'll just wait all right there you go let me come down here you know i'm just go i just got to check something at the back i got to check something in the lanes here let's go down oh i think i think this is actually probably my favorite room down here to be honest and actually the pool is pretty sweet too i think that looks pretty cool but the movie theater very nice let's go watch movie watch college cram sure ah oh she actually picked the perfect seat too look at that that's that's like perfect like right in the middle like the middle of the screen middle of the room whoa yeah man what is it the pixels on this tv like i thought it would be like high definition that's so low all right anyway so you then you watch the movie then you sneak around the back and you have a quick shower before jumping in the pool for a you know just a casual little dip there's a big uh door back here you know it's supposed to kind of oh okay hang on go here oh that's a problem okay well this is why we play test i mean we could probably just use this instead from get famous i think that might work yeah there we go okay there we go so you come back through here there's like a big wall there you're like you're not sure if it's the door or not then you take a brisk shower you just want to be nice and clean and then you're like oh what's that over there maybe that's just like the pool maintenance because obviously if this is like an indoor pool it's gonna need like some heating and you know all the the filtration systems and that's just down here so that that's what that is oh okay well hang on i think we have to get in the pool and then tell her to go here yeah yeah so you actually can't just click straight on that now that's it whoa okay so she goes there and then we go climb down this is why you play test my i think oh i just don't think they can get on that yeah that makes sense like i think i just need to write oh right oh there we go i think i just need to rotate it and then we climb down there you go climb down oh actually this is gonna be kind of cool because you better see her walking through and then through here we can go into the lab to conduct any like you know experiments and that kind of stuff so if we watch from here we'll be able to see and walk past i love that she walks down this little corridor behind the pool ends up in the lab maybe we should have like a changing booth down here or something because after the pool you might need to change again yeah that'll do that's a good outfit yeah just a bunch of lab equipment nothing too hey where did my plant go there was a plant in there this one there you go that that was in there all right so then here's a lab you know a bunch of equipment for experiments old blinking lights and then over here whoa what's this let's just climb down here oh no she's going back no no don't go back and come down here i i love that we can use platform like the fact that you can like do this stuff in basements now have like these different levels i don't know i think it's like whoa some experiments are going wrong all right there we go down here oh yeah oh can i even click on this door i thought you could like lock this door did i get the wrong one oh that's just the decorative okay no no i need i'm sorry i need the vault door my bad i just like the look of that one better but you actually need this one from uh get famous that's why you play test because with this door you can close and lock so the default is actually just open uh what can you actually do i can make the bed but i can't actually get on that treat patient well yeah then you got this little room down here with plenty of security cameras you can also have a shower down here if you need which is good and then once we leave we can close and lock just to make sure everything's nice and safe it's only id'd to her access for violet prints there you go i should probably unlock that if i'm going to share this lot in the gallery and that is the unassuming one-bedroom bungalow you wouldn't know from the outside i don't think so so there you go the bungalow with four basement levels below it that was a fun thing to build if you got any other ideas or suggestions for builds let me know in the comments down below but thank you so much for watching i will see you next time and if you want to download this it is up on my gallery which i'll also link in the description down below otherwise it's james turner yt all one word you'll be able to find it there and uh just have fun with it or renovate it or do whatever you like i'll see you next time thanks for watching and have an awesome day
Channel: James Turner
Views: 243,286
Rating: 4.9810777 out of 5
Keywords: house building, house, build, building, home, houses, speed build, home build, house build, house builds, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 home, sims 4 house, sims 4 home, sims house, sims home, sims building, sims 4 building, the sims 4 building, build mode, time lapse, challenge, tiny, tiny home
Id: K9HXTi7gbZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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