Building the AMAZING UFO! - Raft Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm let's welcome back to another video of raft graph day again today you guys gave me some very very very awesome suggestions of something to build in the creative world and today we are going to make a you f OH we're gonna try to anyway there's kind of a combination of a couple different ideas now an unidentified flying object usually if Flying Saucer if you were to think of it that way is what we're gonna try to build now I don't know I'm gonna be able to do that first up we have to craft one of these up and a bunch of these and then we go like this and Wow come on come on space pigeon die oh I hit him once Kevin yeah okay nope this is not working yay okay so you guys said there's actually a really cool commenter but what happens if you break the entire round you can't do anything game over man game over if you're wrapped his gun your gun now the real question was how do you make something or another comment was how do you make something with like one square so we'd have to build up four of these little things and then we put a a platform down up here right that's kind of how you would expand out it you'd have to do something like this and then we could actually remove the middle ones couldn't we and then as you go up as you go up you have to put in pillars on the outside so that's what we're gonna do somebody wanted to see what would happen if we made it that didn't work what happened if we made a like an inverted pyramid starting from one square at the bottom that does a pretty neat idea so no we got to get a platform built up I did want to know if we could get rescued by the UFO too but it doesn't seem like it's actually in so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do this we're gonna go over one more here or to put this down and we're gonna go every two basically and I want to build way up in this guy using giant tile platforms like this I think I'm gonna go a little bit higher because now we do have the ladder in the game right so if I bring it over here and let's turn it the other way make a little platform out so we can walk on it and I think we can just stack ladders can't we oh maybe not mmm that's not good does it make sense how come we can't put a ladder on a ladder we have to have a floor down and we should be able to do this that'll work I'll have to have a floor on this level sort of we don't have to have it all the way because we gonna reach in quite a ways but I want to go like two more high on these oh yeah forgot to make a little bit of a floor there we should be able to remove these after I get the pillars up he's back he's back ah okay get into shots oh oh oh sure key shark attack oh I think I missed him Oh is he gonna eat the bird ah yes get rekt shark attack shark oh okay wait I got to get that one in the middle we got to be careful both the spy pigeon in here okay one and two got it alright let's remove these to us interesting so once you have the ladder in place you can remove that piece Hey that's that's good so you can't place it down without it but after you have it in place you can remove very good yeah we can't place it weird so I was also thinking maybe I should put the ladder in the middle cousin if you get into it you think about going into a UFO everything gets sucked up through the middle of the UFO so that might be the best place to do it so let's remove this I'll go into the middle I think this one's the middle now we have a platform you put a platform down I did want to make this kind of spherical the best of my ability a little bit hard to make spirit other circles out of squares though okay that's kind of a kind of a sphere shape sort of maybe that's a circle do I want to extend it one more out I think I might tell you what I know it's dark but this looks really really really cool at night doesn't it look a the moon Ray's shining in I love it it looks so cool I didn't get the new scaffolding up to the next level I've been taking that down so hard to see at nighttime know if you ever want to sleep in a hammock on top of a UFO circle in the middle of a raft with no land with no continent because that's what we've done today I made a circle and I slept up here oh yes right okay so I used an old minecraft circle generator and this is what I came up with I think I'd like it what I wanted to do was I wanted like a main level here and then I wanted to build like a wall around the outside I don't know if I wanted a one wide or too wide let's just try a one why deal and can we use this is the question can we use something like this I don't think I can I don't I don't think I can use one not down there this one would have been the one I could use but that's four up on top I don't know let's just make the small wall around the outside here we'll have a little bit of a gap and then I would like to do another floor on this layer sort of this is the one now where I want to complete this squares like this yeah try to make it we'll try to make it as you have FOA stearic Elizabeth this is so hard this is why I haven't made many things like this in the game it's just so difficult to try to make shapes when you're working with like individual pieces and I'm not a great builder in a lot of these games so it's tough oh we got it almost forgot these cake leave me alone on making fun of me let's see how this looks right now I'll put this in that corner and it will put this in that yeah figuring it up good I think I like how this is turning out at least from the inside it looks cool that's the that's the real kicker how does this look on the outside ooh gonna have to do these in the corner aren't I yep like that okay this isn't bad this is this isn't turning out too bad and now we need that anyone any yeah oh it's magic don't you know oh yeah oh this perfec perfect we have oh we have the base of a UFO almost I like it now I need to actually look up on the Google machine what are you who looks like as I suspected UFOs are real and there's pictures of them on Google that mean if it's if there's pictures of it when you search for pictures of UFO by Google then they have to religion right right I'm just crazy and the earth is flat - at least it is in this game okay we need some pillars in here so I'm gonna put a platform around and then they're like flying saucers the pictures of them on the Google machine have like a dome in the middle they have like a ring around the outside and then there's a little dome right up in the top middle so we're gonna try to mimic that we have another spy another spies come in our spy chicken spy pigeon come on come on bye penguin oh I can't kill it oh hello super pose die oh come on I'm a little bit lower I think Oh a little bit short there it is that is oh you're kidding me oh that was okay I need to lead it a little bit oh yes man down ah yes down that's the end of the spies alright so that's what this looks like now I think I need another ring at least around the corners here and then we can let's yeah we got to do another ring and I'll look at it again I like that I like that a lot from the inside thinking one more around and then we bring it up to make the dome let's see how that looks that looks about perfect to me got a nice little flat area around it perfect I like it any any seagulls no none none today we're fine so I need I probably need a hook bolt missed it and I missed it again why can't I jump yeah yeah yeah okay no we do the same thing around here except that's not working why are you not working why don't you go on there cuz there's probably not a flat spot under it okay now will it connect over here that would be perfect I need a I need a mini wall or something under this uh-huh I've done it I solved the crime we got the any can they any go any yes did perfect oh this is looking good we're gonna be able to get rescued by the UFO do I go up one more I think the answer is yes either that or Doritos not sure there's no Doritos either yeah I need to go up one more I've done it I've solved the mystery Oh tip you I put in a little ring around there with the floor around it and then a small wall on top and it worked really well this is gonna look perfect I think there we go we got the thingies in nose put the thingies in by the other thingies the qfo top is completed ah we're gonna go abduct some cows and I don't know who should we paint it painting the black UFO slop slop slop on the paint it goes hey I catch that kind of right I did something cool for once hey oh yeah yeah no and you know what else we need up here hmm I wonder I wonder if it's possible I mean or we need we need this guy we need Dave water Dave Oh Dave can't sit up on top that's too bad what poor Dave's missing his oh there it is wow that was weird Dave was missing his head there for a little bit he's all right now he got a you got a head root head transplant uh what do I do next I need to go down in the side I also want to do I like that color cuz UFOs are supposed to be like a gray color right I mean every one of them that I've seen they've been great I'm go on google and it images right no no real UFOs how about we do a white top a black bring around here and I think I'll do a black brown this side too wait so much fun to wander around and then we'll go inside and I think we'll do that one middle one like red maybe it looks like a like a cow how do I get in there now I made it in that was easy you know so I want this one to be like a red we'll see if that looks good or not we have to put our quantum energy sources in here too this is how it's gonna fly I mean if you don't Oh UFOs have quantum energy sources that's why these lanterns they burn forever and they never stop burning I always bothers me in games like I played Skyrim you go into a cave that hasn't been opened in a 10,000 years and there's a torch and depression wila cheese it's like how did for reals this time how did a low-fat cheese rounded cheese and like 37 cabbages and these torches live in here for the last 10,000 years I just don't quite understand and the answer is really simple quantum UFO technology I mean how else how else can you explain it it's the it's the aliens so now's the hard part I have to go down and build something oh okay oh we have a little storm all right how may I do this like I need to build need to build a little platform down here somewhere now can I make a okay that's not gonna work we're gonna have to build up along why can't I build I want a half I want a I want a halfway one this might not be good we might have a problem I have to build that and then I have to build a half a wall didn't I turn that out like that yeah I have to have a half wall down here in order to do that I guess that's okay it might look okay idea I totally have to have that half wall huh and then we'll have a platform here that'll be the base of our UFO oh and now now you want to make a half wall they're good to go down here I'm so confused on how this is gonna go together this one could be I need oh baby no right there oh really that's the one I need okay hey wait that broke now how do I do this okay so I decided to bring it in a little bit more and we'll see if we can get it to work this way yeah that's the one that goes in the corners okay and this is so awkward to do inside something oh yes it fit oh I might have done it yes get in there get in there get in there nope you hey you got that one this just means I have to go outside of this thing somehow fall down Oh No don't fall down on the edge that's a no no bueno bad bad problem Oh to do come on get no no no no no no bad no okay I got to put a platform nope nope nope nope nope oh that's not missing much I'm all right oh you dummy whoa the music literally just glitched out that was weird the UFO it's becoming haunted there we go okay I got it let's paint this back wow I've never had the music just straight-up die on me like that my name now I can go outside okay that looks good we need to yes I can finish one more should be right here good good good good good okay let's start removing the flooring not gonna lie this scares me a little bit every single time I do it because if I hit one of those those support poles accidentally and you guys know this game's kind of wanted one smile by one of those support poles like half the you oppose me and I'll fall down see also putting those lanterns inside that was a very good idea very good idea the quantum technology lanterns are amazing they glow through walls I mean if you look at these walls there's good reason why I'm close through it but I just want to go see what this looks like at night I mean it is nighttime we could go do that as soon as I'm home oh okay let's swim out a little ways whoa okay that was weird I felt like I dropped along oh hey that looks all right it wasn't storming we can see what it looked like amazing the FO is is it's up there all right looks good sort of okay so we can remove these outer pillars to I guess if I click this one it was alright do this one and that one okay I wonder if I shouldn't adjust how these pillars are made whatever ah so let's go see how it looks inside it's just really weird without some of the sounds in the game we could we could remove this couldn't we no yeah I think we can let's go up on this floor in check I think I might be able to remove a ring yeah I can nothing supported in here all right let's do that like I said a million times this is so scary when I delete stuff like that I mean I don't even need these here do i I don't need any of these nothing's being supported so let's get rid of them come on don't blow up on me I need that one ah that was scary yeah I hate that one I need that one in the corner I need I don't need this one okay I don't need that one I don't need this one yeah I killed it I don't know I don't need those I don't need those in there now I can just jump up and run around yes freedom okay get rid of that one and that one and that one and just save that one and we'll get rid of oh I'm gonna I'm so gonna break this UFO with one of these bad clicks I know I am nope nope nope okay these ones yes it's awesome it's awesome UFO okay we need to oh we need to paint this floor black yeah this is weird what's that effects you're painting your gun now - maybe I should save it quick and painting no painting sounds are still gun my game is dead my game broke uh-huh well then that's weird this is so awkward not having sounds mmm I swear that it's recording sounds well I should have the sounds on to be recorded it's just the sounds didn't they didn't want to join us for the rest of the video oh there they are sounds came back I think it's nighttime are broken that's goofy a nighttime storm maybe something something's buggy with that all right the inside is painted I think I'm gonna do the bottom in here white cuz it kind of looks fresh okay and I'm gonna put in a bunch of lanterns down here again tell you what out of all of the quantum technology that we've installed on this UFO the most annoying are these tractor beams man installing these tractor beams onto this thing are just ridiculous you got so much phantom blue goo installed that it just takes forever but I did it I've done it we've mastered we've mastered the quantum technology let's go out here see how this thing looks below okay turn around oh-ho that actually that actually does look like a UFO doesn't it that's awesome I need to get up and look at it from a corner maybe Oh check it out I don't know I left I like that green or that red or on the outside I don't know whatever it doesn't even it doesn't really look like a saucer maybe if I go up a little higher let's look up a little higher okay that doesn't look like a UFO and all it did from the ground but not not there hey that kind of looks it's starting to look like a UFO now once you get the shape of it anyway guys I think that'll wrap it up for today I was gonna put in a stove in like a kitchen set in there but I mean how it's not it it's not an unidentified flying object it's an unidentified flying object so really build up like a bedroom speaking of bedroom so I'll put one in there it's furnished it's a fully furnished UFO so thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed our creation today if you did let me know thank you for stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 463,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft release, raft steam, blitz, raft 2018, rafts02, raft island, raft secret, raft secret island, raft update, raft creative, raft ufo
Id: zb7wvvvmC-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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