World's BEST Office Worker! - Job Simulator VR Gameplay - HTC Vive VR

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hey everybody humble its welcome to game called job simulator we played this a while ago and I wanted to check it out again cuz I mean it's fun I mean frankly you get to do a job in VR we can be like an office worker or a chef or a store clerk and I just tipped them all over there's also a stapler back here stapler that makes sense okay I can grab it can I click it click oh I dropped it humans stapler click click so yeah this is the object now is where robots that have taken over the job sure nope you know the car though hey anything else how about a person eat that or eat this ha whatever ok businessman businessman a human model wearing a common job attire that was where'd he go he's all gone ok I really want to go you're one of those chocolate bars up there anyway there is infinite over time that's a different mod or a different and I think a different update we can go to the chemical farm which is what I escaped to do YouTube yes here we go do job nice hello human hey buddy come to an accurate simulation of instruction ok job simulator take paper win ready where's paper at paper fake facts and ma'am do I literally walk over here nope this one I got it get to work traditionally start their day with addictive liquid student that's really what I need right now cuz it's kind of late here's my liquid stimulant button boo-boo so I figured you know we got we got a few of them here we might as well drink up when the coffee's hot am i right let's do that get a little sugar a little coffee creamer like you stop that get a little creamer in there and like that and like that you know there's one time when I had a boss who really really liked eggnog when I when I worked in my my desk job he really liked eggnog and he accidentally bought coffee creamer once and then drank the whole thing without relying as it was eggnog until he got the end he was like huh didn't really have nutmeg it was more vanilla yup he drank the whole thing so let's let's drink these up wait I can't drink an airplane well that was in sugar Tauruses these are my favorite Oh red velvet nope just red frosting oh those are my favorite task completed you can't tell me what's completed or not we got to keep some of these don't you dare steal my doughnuts or my coffee ha go coffee coffee world's most average worker that was me I was like oh wait we need to we need to do this and then we're gonna dip the donut in the coffee right kind of like the British thing with the tea and biscuits no it doesn't work oh okay and drop it in no okay take the paper one ready what do I get to do next get to work okay I'm ready computer wake up the computer join a donut that's how I wake up in the morning no say go check over here Wow I did it alchemy labs these guys are making another one one one one oh yes what you're welcome that was weird okay um go login go click click good enough okay what I do next I go to email oh no we don't need that delete at all okay email why do I have to propagate all of them grandma do it I need to borrow some money no you don't yes that is kinda nice I got like 700 is waiting for me now what do I get to do now eat the doughnut wait copy give me another doughnut this would be ha ha ha ha that's amazing it's amazing best thing ever not intended to copy organic keep that down yes no I'm putting more no well we'll do this one then here we go doughnuts doughnuts everybody loves Joe that's not the one I wanted I wanted more I wanted this one give me that one something just shut off from my computer not sure what it was two doughnuts ooh what happens if I hit the button a whole bunch does he keep working is it we'll see how long it goes there's a stapler again anyone else oh stop it be quiet we're stuck in your video station mistake doughnuts okay we gotta do something else now get back to work got a nicer body supervisor we're copying it was good throw did I win today I'm looking busy I'm copying things you want a doughnut I'm your intern no see I did it oh we got a new position assistant to the supervisor I'm gonna do that twice Oh give me that good job human you're climbing the right spot looks like more work for you assistant to supervisor boss spot where'd you go my spot see I told you I'm the supervisor as assistant this is actually funny cuz my job love these things it was like you know you were finally somebody in your job when you had a name tag with your name on mine is sitting right up there in my shelf yeah good oh there I've done it everyone now knows that I am this assistant Jews supervisor oh hey I'll take this thing in hey okay what do I do next put that in hey I have an assistant to the supervisor I notice you belong be in I did I'm here to give you your first task Stabler - Bob donut okay gotta look through resumes where's my stapler ed what's this BOTS Weaver V - no donuts are moldy oh you oh we need some more of those Oh my stapler again oops dropped it give me it back stapler okay stapler no I'm not getting much there they're right there good job stapler here let's fill up our doughnut with more coffee that looks good now let's go home oh oh good deal got a couple more doughnuts here Mike you okay we had fresh circuits let's see here in here oh okay we got a couple people we're gonna hire let's see banded bot email badda bodda job combien sketchy coloring books aquarium cheese we had a guy that worked with us similar to this let me look oh that's a Stamper not on my microscope we have hipster BOTS nope can hire hipster and Safari but yep you look good he's good at navigation leadership outgoing and tours believe it's my first day yes to her tourist spots safari bot man there we go hire those up and I'm gonna hire your doughnut I said I said him in ah me and I wanted to hire the donut ooh what's this it's like melted fidgets spinner we need a couple more of them what do I get to do now you see the latest sales report nope this isn't good spreadsheet um in your face here there you go you can have that donut or these two - Eric there you go whoa doughnuts okay profit manager 99 Boop fix the numbers to aisle that's not not too bad Oh click profit there Oh hot sauce staples profit when wait nope we need to redo that sales sales okay whoa we're making money and like one staple and a little bit of hot sauce we had no hot sauce submit it we're billionaires we this yes the books oh okay the books how totally legit revenue book we need to copy this I mean it's burning it's burning we need a we need to copy it before burns hey you take that you need to learn hey I'm just I'm the assistant you'd be quiet they're kind of on fire oh here gourmet chef hello bird thing do you need some coffee do you need coffee bird I think you do does their microwave that I can do here open yeah well see what this thing does bot sweeper difficult to humans start start start oh nice that one that one's a bad one let's do that one and then one two three can't do that one I am super good at this game I am super good what come on weird what give me the big open thing there we go okay one one one that one one one one this one's good this one's fine hey open it up okay that one's a bad one we got two those are both good let's take those out and then one and they had this computer program blocked at my work I didn't like it I would have done this all day that's probably why they blocked it stupid okay no I'm gonna do this we're gonna win now what no what one of these two ah yes okay two one that one good good good good oh these are both oh yeah I did okay those are bad that's bad this one's good this one's good this one's good hey hey hey I'm cooking okay oh no we've got a guess Oh No - want this one I don't understand how this one's so difficult that okay three one two three this has got to romance what are those two right there shoot one two three one two three one two three that one's good one meat k21 got it one that one's good too we got open this up perfect one to click that one one to that one yes I'm gonna need a donut oh yes I'm the best I'm the best ever take the paper one ready I've made it my I've made it I'm the best what is keeping beeping is it my hands it's time for lunch Oh humans with no money you be this is one thing we did it work - does that work for the government all we did was make more money one fake money fine give you my real money now what do I want I want a pretzel I wanted this looks delicious thank you there we go I need to eat pretzels ow punched myself in the face sure here you go okay candy bar nuts and bolts you know what you can have I got a pretzel sadly this was common that's true can I just can I just go in it out how do you yeah rock rock rock rock rock don't rock the boat don't tip the boat over go down I'm gonna make you one and I'll eat one - we'll be twinsies we'll be friends here there you go yeah buddy Thanks you're welcome I'm the assistant Katie pictures coworker sent you a link oh great has you hire new employees then foot that's not hilarious cancels 4:00 p.m. meeting Chase's Robo most ask your money and a date in the same work email not sure if I hate my job or just hit my boss but hey hey hey Test complete yeah okay I just get you candy what else do I have to play with around here we need to make another one of these don't need that don't need that hey how far can I whip these ha ha oops sorry I gotta I gotta build up my my empire what keep beeping on my computer mm-hmm it's got to be a controller of some sort hopefully it's not my recording program I don't need this one you give me an assistant over there I gotta make room for these things and oh you don't have a stop it what do you think what does it make a noise about I have no idea what that noise is all about Hey moving stuff be you're bumping things bumping whatever get normal normal get normal thank you mm hi it's just what my dad told me in seventh grade be normal son no he never said that my dad is a good dad okay plug this one in and got it hey the light bulb turned on this is what my dad said so bright he called me son okay take the paper one ready we're good to go and in and hello they're gonna fire me urgentiy i have made you doughnuts move the business don't play or beat in the last week don't fire okay I gotta make a PowerPoint wants you to do a presentation you'll need to make some slides okay time to learn about an ancient human technique called power winging it winging it yes still using this program in your computer power dot oh no I dropped it now I can't play minesweeper anymore don't eat that we have Donuts everywhere okay make a business presentation okay choose the color template Avengers go selected title motor the provocative neutral are you act a man adequacy there we go and transition let's look dramatic Oh select overview concise chart stuff next select transition cheesy that's literally cheese next one select chart accurate up sees not accurate misleading perfect and transition professional go select conclusion call to action open the call to action job more presentation is Wrigley oh hey no I was hoping you'd break hello hello fellow bosses Simon assistant you ready to go through this re yeah to go through your slides I need coffee first yeah give me Oh yogi coffee there we go gotta have at least two cups of coffee before every meeting I did it here and one in your hand okay clicker press click on my knee at my head hey yeah my forehead yeah you guys like that don't you thank you I'm good cheesy one but we did really good this year do you see that I lost the losses are going up okay and job more business it was very business we're good at this game is there anything else Oh should I do here shake me what do I get next don't fire me though don't fire me hey human hey bot number one zero one one zero is your time we wanted to get I don't like no once again okay I'll give him a donut oh hey she ate he will he will like that donut anyway want to type okay presentation do I get a new thing or what words and stuff next exit I got a okay photos online words get well soon I like that new okay it's gonna be a get well soon good and then wishing you a speedy disk recovery so can you return it to jump print print button yes what here we go yep you like that you can give the donut you get well soon real good with that donut here oh well that was way too far [Music] [Applause] things aren't going too well we need to find a couple pots we can let go oh no take a look at these employee evaluation what's our neighbor look like hey that's the hipster one okay old-fashioned embellished outlandish let's see you let's ha ha a southern attitude elegant or mustache he's got a mustache you can never trust a man with just a mustache boom you're fired because your mustache and this one yep I didn't do that and then this way because you embellish something this one had a mustache you we did it we did we fired them all all three of them maybe I can hire him again what happens if we copy this thing oh no they got they got fired twice they're perfect hair you're fired I'm like hey boss okay we're done oh now I got to look at my pictures come here pictures clear exit pic oh there they are they're my cat well send him a picture my kitty yeah now isn't that sweet we need a kitty pictures more kitty message Kitty pictures right up here does that work good place for kitty yep looks good yeah hey no no cannot have my stapler it has to be you for to get into it I can do this 8-ball get in there shred and everything papers and junk what are these things oh okay oh how to cook the books we don't need that either we don't need a boat that guy who got fired I thought I shredded that already can I take my computer password password in they can't know what anything owner sure did the phone ready I got it that's a lot can I pick that up Mouse doughnuts can't shred the doughnuts hey and money go in pocket go in I've done it I did it [Music] don't worry I will shred everything can I put you can I put you in the shredder hey hey how do you like know you don't lose roughly anyway nothing to see here where's the okay don't Forge three two weeks do job I need to know how to do that yes we're gonna do our job super good and you've been doing really I know thank you I'm already the assistant supervisor human I got you a present hey thanks buddy hmm what is it can I copy it see you're the boss of this department I'll leave it there you will do the honors man what a great day shut up shut up promotion lady right hipster bot I got a promotion today twice in one day amazing man do I love promotion day it's like the best day ever ha ha and you know what we don't even need to make another one thanks everyone for the promotion go home time I wish I already got something that cake but I'll just eat another donut work is over now I get to go home [Music] on Saturday nope am I done no I think I'm done was once like too I guess I'll go I'll go this way instead I am think I'm done I just wanted to go into someone else's cubicle hey these are empty watch this come on where did he come from this is a joke I'm not promoted fake hey shut up hey guys that'll wrap it up for today's video Oh jump simulator I hope you enjoyed it like I enjoyed it those Donuts give me a thumbs up down below and keep your stick on the ice I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 466,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, job simulator, virtual reality, vr, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr, vr games, job sim, Virtual Reality, PC, VR, VR game, july 2017, 2017, job simulator game, job simulator office worker, htc vive, vive vr, job simulator vive, kid friendly, job sim vr, no swearing, no cursing, apr2018, 2018
Id: nwQrsrMccj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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