I Built a Working Rocket - Hardcore

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look at this normal landscape boom now it's an 80 block d pool oh regular air boom now it's a giant outline of a rocket ship okay i'm going a little fast here so let me explain this hole goes down to the end portal and right now i'm making a literal rocket ship that will send me to the end using this hole because frankly my current method to get to the end is quite atrocious not to mention i almost die half the time i fall down there biggest problem is the rocket is made of so many iron blocks that it will literally give you intellectual constipation if you think about it too hard like you're for me right over here is an iron farm oh oh wait hold on now it's a no that is not finished now it's an iron farm you see this zombie goes around on a minecart when he reaches the villagers his minecart stops scaring the villagers half to death which in turn summons a fresh golem that flows down the lava to get splinched into thousands of iron ingots now now hold on i know what you're thinking the answer is no that zombie is not upside down for a reason it's purely just hilarious to see a zombie sitting on its own head i just afk here for one hour and all this iron will be used to make the rocket ship that sends me to the end dimension sadly this isn't even close to enough iron so while this farm continues to pump out iron i can build the non-iron parts of the rocket for example this thing i have no idea what it is but it's big cylindrical and orange so i like it at first i was going for a red sandstone vibe to make the rocket engine but after flying around for an hour i decided that was a bad idea when i couldn't find any looks like i'll have to settle for orange terracotta beacon boom haste oh yeah insta mine time all right that should probably be enough yep i got like four shulker boxes let's mine it up pack it up and leave so right here is where the orange engine is gonna go oh yeah that's looking good look at that i just gotta add a little dome thing on top and i'm done adding the dome thing is actually a lot harder than you guys might think like it took me so many tries look at this first try watch this okay so i put on the top thing right here what is that what is that all right eventually i was able to fix it though okay there's almost enough iron in the iron farm for me to make the rocket so let's finish the rocket engines in the meantime i need an insane amount of quartz for this so let's break this and oh man that was close all right that should probably be enough last few blocks and there we go it's finished look at that oh yeah this thing is going to be sweet just one more finishing touch on these towers break these place them build up rinse and repeat this thing is looking so cool i mean look at the sheer size of this thing man i can't wait to see it fully built i wonder how the iron farm is doing yep that is definitely enough iron rocket time i think i'm gonna go right here and i'm just gonna start filling in this entire thing with iron also every five layers or so i'm placing down this uh smooth stone because it looks nice and uh it'll break it up you know add some contrast to the rocket hopefully it'll look good it might look horrible who knows oh that is looking beautiful look at that thing oh man i can't wait to finish this i gotta get more iron though oh wow okay so i got a huge portion of it done look at that just a little bit more and i'm done that looks so sweet however there's still a ton left to do the elevator the redstone the rocket in space the south okay basically what i'm saying is you have no idea what's in store for this video look at this power thing next to the rocket some people think they're there to steady the rockets other things it's just decoration but if i learned anything from men in black three it's that these towers are elevators to bring people into the rocket ready set build i actually ran out of materials multiple times while building this tower you have no idea how material consuming it is the plan is to build an elevator in this tower which takes me up the rocket then when i'm in the rocket i flip the switch and everything goes black i wake up look around and boom i'm in the end at least that's what's supposed to happen okay that definitely does happen i don't know why i said that i just wanted to be dramatic all right and with that block i think that i think it's finished oh yes look at this and all its glory just gotta add a little bridge in between and finish up the top of the rocket and we're good so the bridge is gonna come right out of the rocket right here and it's gonna go from the tower into the rocket oh yes i was able to fit through all right now i can do the court section this is going to be tricky i'm basically going to make rings around this bridge um how's this going to work [Music] done we finished it now i just have to do that five more times okay this was actually really funny while i was smelting glass with a rocket a wandering trader just walked up to me with the exact thing i needed how is that guy selling the exact cyan dye that i needed all right that's enough glass now i can finish it up let's go and there we go all right i'm just gonna fill these two holes with glass and oh yeah this looks nice and with that the rocket exterior is officially finished oh wait a minute i forgot the tail fin oh yeah now this is beautiful guys we've built an iron farm rocket power thing next to the rocket engines and we're only a tiny bit through the video i know it seems like the rocket's done but really there's no inside there's no elevator that takes me up to it not to mention when i go through it and end up in the end i'm just on an obsidian platform there's no rocket there that makes it look like i traveled there by rocket while the iron farm pumps out iron from my rocket i can make the outline of it in space oh oh okay who spawned glow squids in my world what is this okay so if this is the obsidian platform i spawn on let's have it go here and outland done there still isn't quite enough iron so i'm finishing up the satellite build we made a few episodes back if you don't remember this satellite houses the enderman xp farm let's see how does that look oh i like that i like it a lot oh whoop there goes all the carpet all right make some shears i want to change this entire thing so it's literally just solid gold everywhere there we go now it's gold there's some carpet so that endermen don't spawn or teleport to it and perfect all right i want to make a satellite dish on top of this i know it uses up iron but i gotta finish this build either way and the iron farm is pumping out a lot of iron right now and it's almost done so i can finish the rocket there we go look at that look at that beautiful satellite dish on top let's see how the iron is doing if we have enough for the rocket nope not even close now let's go for a little side decoration i just need to put random things on the sides make it look like stuff's happening you know like trap doors and that kind of stuff there we go and oh i'm inside the wall all right satellite finished there it is in all its glory oh yeah that copper on the side looks sick right here is the enderman farm die enderman okay enough goofing off back to work i don't think the iron farm is quite finished yet so let's work on the redstone elevator in the overworld all right this is the elevator that's gonna take me to the top it's basically just a vertical flying machine i do not know what i'm doing but if i break yes okay it's actually going up i did not know if that was actually gonna work but now i have to figure out how i'm gonna stop it uh what do i have what do i have obsidian yes okay there we go hold on i wanna try something if i do this oh why am i bouncing no i gotta fix that hold on a minute all right boys let's test out the elevator oh i like it picasso how am i gonna make the redstone in the rocket i have no idea all right now i have to make the redstone trapdoor inside the rocket that drops me into the end portal all right so right now i'm making the floor of the rocket so this little hole here is lined up perfectly with the end portal now it's time to make the world's most complicated and over-engineered redstone door the most significant thing is being able to land and there is a bit of an education process that's needed to understand orbital dynamics [Music] all right that seems to work looks like i built it the way it's set up now i would just fall and see all this junk and then land in the end so let's spruce it up a bit and there we go when you flip this lever everything goes black and you end up in the end all right let's see let's try it all out so i stand here flip the lever going up into the rocket this actually this is taking uh quite a long time now i walk forward look at that view super high up oh what is this a seat and a lever start up the ignition coordinates punched in flip the lever oh oh man i thought that was a creeper and it made me hiccup what the heck anyway yeah it works rocket number two time baby okay okay okay okay i like it i like it hopefully i'm actually building this right and it's identical to the rocket in the overworld otherwise the illusion won't work at all because it's supposed to look like the rocket takes off and goes into outer space not that i just fall into a portal and suddenly i'm in a different rocket it's supposed to be the same one the obsidian platform here this is the place that i'm worried about the most because when you go into the end if those blocks around the obsidian platform it just deletes those blocks from existence like they are just gone and if i make this rocket wrong every time i go to the end it will just delete chunks of the rocket so i have to make sure that it doesn't delete any of those blocks so i have to build it in a way where they're not intrusive on it and that's gonna be pretty difficult i'm just gonna add some glass in the back here and there it is the final rocket is complete now it gives the illusion that i go into the rocket and fly to this island in outer space [Music] fifth off we'll start with t minus 10 seconds and nine eight four three
Channel: Beppo
Views: 2,891,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Id: x5s3GZLF_Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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