Minecraft’s Strangest Speedruns

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[Music] what you just saw was a world record speed run in minecraft yeah you heard me right minecraft speedrunning is a lot if you go on speedrun.com there are dozens of categories besides killing the ender dragon like look at this one get a stack of lime wool and what about this other one full iron armor and 15 levels of xp what why is that even a category anyway i'm going to attempt to beat as many records as i can i'll allow myself approximately one and a half hours for each category and we can see how well i do let's start off with the one you just witnessed here are the rules buy one sheep red one orange and one blue simple right for the first run i'm doing a random seed then after that i'll do set seeds and go go go go oh there's flowers over there perfect all right sweet i need one more of these flowers that way i can have one for the orange okay and there's yellow flowers over here this is perfect now i need all i need is a cornflower dude where are the cornflowers oh man i've been searching for like an entire minute and i still haven't found any cornflowers oh sweet i see a couple all right sweet sweet blue yes come here you yes all right let's go okay let's see how i scored so the number one guy for this got what seven seconds that's insane okay let's see what place i got in this run okay it looks like it could be right below here and that is 185th no after that not so great random seed run let's try some set seed runs okay first attempt and get the blue flower yellow one get the red one okay now it dies come on that and boom done 15 seconds as fast as 15 seconds sounds it's nowhere near the time that i needed to get so i kept on grinding slowly but surely i was making progress some runs were 20 seconds while others seven this seed wasn't exactly the same every time sometimes the flowers would generate closer to me and other scars so even though this is a set seed run there's still luck involved eventually after about an hour this happened that felt so good oh 6.8 seconds that is so good that's my best time yet oh man that one felt really good okay so that was my fastest run and if i remember correctly the number one record was just over five seconds and i got just over six so i bet i got really close to first place it's probably like fourth or fifth oh 25th place um okay then okay so for this next record i have to speedrun filling up my inventory i mean whatever i guess all right the rules for this one are really simple just fill up every single slot in your inventory with a unique item my first attempt was well let's just say it was a little unorthodox no no no no no no oh man since that didn't go so well i decided to give myself a read on the random seed just this one time and go oh there's a village over there that is so perfect during this run i was breaking literally everything inside there was no flower left unturned oh this just is so good alright sweet oh i'm so close too look at that die you idiot cow okay okay i need two more things two more things and then i've completed this i got it i got it i got it boom completed what was my time the number one person for this run got one minute and four seconds and i got in this place which is 86th place that's not horrible but it was my first time so it's fine so that wasn't terrible but let's try some set seed runs and really grind it out and go all right go let's go let's go it's we all right hop up here no i can't oh man what i fell off again uh this is not a great first attempt but it's fine there should be a chest right underneath this block yep okay sweet now i put the tnt i think right here and that's going to start from the chest boom team goes off get all the stuff button and tnt here as well just in case all right all right and and yes 46 seconds that's pretty good for the first attempt i gotta say okay and what the heck uh guys looking a little pale there you might want to get some sun i don't know what the heck happened to the texture with these guys okay all right yep make the jump that make that make that can be there there and i'm gonna what i hate my life get all this and wait what how do i not have enough items wait what are all the items i'm supposed to have i need like six more um well there's only one thing i can think of goodbye pale idiots all right no why do i keep doing that okay guys this is the one i think we can do it i believe okay down yes come on look at the loop and and and yes oh let's go 26.14 seconds if i remember correctly this is fifth place wait what the top run before was like 25 seconds how the heck did someone get 15 seconds also there are like 20 other people that just now got the record no i was supposed to be in fifth place and now i'm 24th place are you kidding me so apparently a whole bunch of people for whatever reason just now like right after i submitted my run they all beat my record in like a week i what all right i need to get revenge on this place for causing me so much anguish die you stupid village you idiots ah much better remember at the beginning of this video when i mentioned that getting a stack of lime wool was a world record well it's time to attempt it so i think the rules are pretty obvious but in case anyone wasn't paying attention the goal is to get 64 lime wool as fast as possible let's go all right sweet there's a desert right there and oh there's a flower forest over there which means i can get white dye easily how come every single flower makes light gray dye oh this desert temple over there all right let's go might be able to get some bones from that yes bones let's go all right put that in there take that put that in there and boom that's enough for a stack alright now i have to find some sheep and shear them yeah i did it guys i constructed myself a w because i'm so good all right for a stack of lime wool the number one time was 420 nice so for me i got around 14 minutes i think just over the 14 minute mark so that would be 69th place okay so now let's try some set seed runs and go all right so for this one i have to like get into this temple first that's the first step and then i break this block uh what how's there a block down there okay i'll break this block instead what um uh-huh okay let's try this block i think this is the one that he broke in the video okay there we go now i break this block underneath the pressure plate there we go get all the tnt then i light off some of the tnt i don't remember how much he did in the video i'm just gonna grab some iron really quick and what no wait how did i die he didn't die in the video after many attempts and many many deaths i eventually got this run and go get this in the temple okay break that get down here tnt okay place that yes okay i survived yes let's go okay get out of here cacti come on yes come on yes all right let me fill this up come on okay i think that's enough die okay yes come on yes yes come here let's go i'm gonna get this i'm gonna get this i'm gonna get this i'm so close okay oh man oh wait yes oh let's go i actually got it oh man three minutes and six seconds let's go all alright guys that took me an entire hour and a half so hopefully i got near first place
Channel: Beppo
Views: 240,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, speedrun, world record, breaking world records, dream, manhunt, mysteryore, minecraft speed run, record, TAS, SSG, RSG, beating minecraft the way mojang intended, mojang, dumb, beppo, hilarious, speed, run, world
Id: 5yqyh24PkAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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