I Built A HUGE ROCKET SHIP in Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#38)

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today we're back in my 1.18 hardcore world and oh my gosh guys i'm super excited because today we are starting a brand new mega project in this world and that project is the space project the main goal of this project is to transform the end dimension into the moon this includes everything from custom moon terrain to space stations to rockets and so on so today's plan is to make a gigantic rocket ship to get us to the moon let me explain as of right now if i want to go to the end i gotta go into the nether fly into this big cave down here and run around the stronghold until i find the portal room but what if i told you we could just build a rocket ship and go directly to the end so that's the plan we got a lot of work to do so let's get to it i am so excited for this so first off i had to design a really cool rocket ship so i hopped in a separate creative mode world and began working on the greatest rocket ship i've ever built and by that i mean my first ever rocket ship but regardless it still came out amazing okay so i'm pretty confident in my rocket design but now i gotta go get some materials to build this thing and lucky for me the thing i need the most of is wool and i have a wolf farm right inside of this clock tower so let's see what we got inside of here oh that's a lot of wool that should be more than enough thank you very much but then i realized i spoke too soon i had a lot of some colors but other colors had like nothing in the chest well that's not good well who would have thought i actually need a lot more wool so my solution go to my secret spider farm and craft wool using string all right what do we got in here for string anything oh my gosh where's all my string i can't believe it i have like nothing here dang it my plans are getting ruined well i'm gonna have to get a little bit creative here well let's see what we got over here in the barn do we have any sheep we have one sheep okay i'll be right back where are you sheep aha sheep oh i see more there too everybody follow me why is my home so far away and the sun is setting oh no everybody hop in the barn and we're in oh not you and i'll give you a little die and we're doing this day one minecraft style so i sat there for about an hour shearing sheep and as i do that please subscribe and hit the bell oh hey there buddy how you doing well you have a good day i'm a little busy down here after that i then went mining to get a very specific block and i'm looking at it right now i need some diorite because if you ask me this looks great combined with white wool to make a rocket ship and after a full night of grinding resources it was time to build and here's how it's gonna work i'm gonna fly here to my stronghold portal and what i wanna do is i wanna make it when i go through this portal i will spawn up inside of the rocket ship so i'm probably gonna have to move this thing pretty high in the sky but regardless of that i want to then be able to drop straight down into the end portal which is somewhere underneath this giant hill so i think our first goal right now is to find the end portal and dig a hole directly down so i know exactly where to put the rocket ship down we go into the cave of mystery oh my goodness i forget it's hardcore sometimes and here we are right here so simply put i'm gonna go right in the middle of this portal careful and i'm gonna dig straight up oh well that was easy well sweet then it's right above that sandstone block perfect that right there is a lot easier than i thought it was gonna be so right here all right i can make that work so without any further ado ladies gentlemen let's get to building a spaceship [Music] oh my gosh is that a kitty oh i want that cat so bad farzi stay focused we're going to gosh darn space be honest what do you think it's not done yet of course that's just like the space space shuttle what i was trying to say before that mean guy came up to me is that this is just the space shuttle i'm not is it called the shuttle if there's any astronauts watching me i'm sorry for the ignorance here speaking of which if you are an astronaut take me to space please i want to go there hook a fella up will ya but getting back on track now it's time to go build that giant rocket and as you can already see i built a little bit of it just to kind of get like the location of it down but we're gonna build a giant orange rocket right there and that is the exact reason why i needed all this orange wool for the giant rocket so let's get back to it oh wait wait wait wait wait where is that cat hey there buddy oh you're so cute oh i need to tame you hold on you stay right there i'm sorry this is so important to me come on there's gotta be some fish down here in my fishing village hello my friends i'll be taking some of you and then i ran back to go tame that cat come on you pretty kitty yes yes yes and little did you guys know i got that cat for a very special reason you're gonna be the first member of our space crew yes you are the first official astronaut in farsi's hardcore world i shall name you one second commander muffin you're gonna fit right in with our crew come on this way all right commander you sit right there and watch the rocket be constructed let's get back to work folks what you gonna do you're gonna come that close to a commander what's wrong with you [Music] and would you look at that that thing looks absolutely amazing we got the shuttle we got the giant rocket that's orange we got the boosters to get us up into space it looks so realistic i think and let's see it from far away up here oh yeah that looks really good though there is one thing i kind of want to add to it and that is a smoke trail because right now the rocket's kind of just like floating in the sky it looks a little bit unrealistic so i want to add like a giant puff of like fire and smoke coming out of the bottom of the boosters so it looks like it's like propelling into the air and i got a pretty good idea for that let's pack up our stuff head back home and get to work what why am i in a cave i took the portal to go back home and i'm in a cave i don't really get how that happened but okay we're right here but anyways i was doing some thinking to think about a block that looks like fire that looks like an explosion going on in the rockets and my conclusion is i want to use shroom light from the nether i think those would look absolutely perfect for a smoke trail so we're off to the nether to go get a bunch of that stuff we're going in hello there gents how you doing oh would you look at that shroom light everywhere all right perfect let's get to farming i'm gonna assume two stacks is enough and i'm also gonna grab some orange terracotta alright it is go time let's go try this thing out this might be kind of difficult cause it's literally in the middle of the air but let's go for it and the verdict is absolutely epic i think it looks actually really realistic like it actually looks pretty and convincing so i'm cool with that and commander muffin agrees right commander i think that's a yes now it's time to actually make this rocket functional so i gotta make a hole in the bottom of the rocket so i can drop right down into the ender portal so i'll hop down right here break a little hole down here make it like a three by three and perfect we're right over the portal careful well that was a mistake i didn't want to do that and now i fly up here to the top of the rocket make a small entrance somewhere to get in i'll just poke this open right here and i should be able to just hop right down i see lava down there that's concerning well i guess we're gonna try it out all right let's go careful careful careful why did that happen something tells me i might need to put some water down at the bottom of that thing shall we try this again hop down here oh there's some water here okay yeah sure that works fine for me but of course as you saw i shouldn't be jumping from up here that's kind of dangerous so now we're gonna take that nether portal over here and move it into the rocket and to do that we gotta do some nether math so i turned on my brain and began solving some advanced calculations to make this thing work alright ladies gentlemen here comes the moment of truth cross your fingers cross your toes pray for me let's go we're in it works we're in we're in the rocket ship that is amazing oh that's so good we now can teleport directly into the rocket ship and go straight down into the stronghold ow that's not part of the plan get rid of that and just in case i ever need to use the top entrance i'll put a little bit of a water system here so i can't just you know follow my death and hop right down here and go to the end and life is well so i officially have a way to get to the moon but now i gotta find a way to go from the moon back to earth and to do that i want to build another big rocket ship right here above the portal to do the exact same thing as i did before i can hop in the rocket hop back in here and quote unquote fly back home but there is one issue here the second i start building in the end is the second i can no longer spawn the ender dragon because he will tear through all my builds and ruin it and make me cry so that being said we're gonna spawn the ender dragon one final time because i gotta get some achievements here one of my main goals in this series is to get all the achievements in the game and two of those achievements involve the ender dragon one of them being look at the guy through a spyglass and the other one is to get a bottle of dragon's breath so that being said we got some work to do let's go respawn the dragon oh i forgot already that's no longer a portal i'll do it the new and improved way hop up here go down here splash down for safety and we go home um so how do i craft those dragon crystal things and crystal there it is i have ender and a ghast here i probably don't have those do i no gas tears and i also need some more blaze rods too oh great this will be fun for this mission i'll probably need some more fireworks hold on one second i just got a really good idea someone please explain to me why i am holding all my shulker boxes in my inventory when i can just take them all and put them inside of an ender chest so much easier i take it back it doesn't work oopsies all right it's go time oh hello there why are you here that is so weird of you to be here you just broke my fence i'm taking your tears don't die catch it get your kitchen no catch it catch it that was not smart can i please find a gas that's not over lava you you're dead finally we got some i just got four right there that's all i need well okay thank you very much oh here's the wither skeleton farm that's funny hey there my friend i need some of your rods i sound strange but i do what i must you're dead you're gone you're trash i'm better than you at the game get good kid i still can't believe that guy did that so rude now i gotta even it out and i am out of here we got a dragon to fight oh are you kidding me why are you guys here right now iron golem get off the leash go get him why you're so lazy look how slow he is what's wrong with you you're like the worst bodyguard ever ignoring the dumb gollum it was now time to fight to the dragon and crystals check i'll take a glass bottle for the dragon's breath and a spy glass which is right there and you know what i might bring some potions with me just in case i don't want to die here and some more you guys and here we are the rocket ship everybody ready for takeoff we're going to the moon okay we take out the crystals we place them around the port around the portal and oh boy it's happening that was loud oh there he is hello there my friend all right let's get some achievements spy glass let's look at the sky hey there achievement unlocked so i can put that away and now all i gotta do is get a bottle of dragon's breath in this here bottle so dragon spit on me that sounds weird oh acid acid wait do it do it i got it let's go can i get more of that oh i can't let's get a bunch just while i'm here and i guess i can start shooting these things out now all right sweet oh i love slow falling potions they're the best oh can i get it in the air be careful here give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give that was a close one oh wait no my bow is gonna break and it's two shots left uh what can i use here do i have anything else trident i can use that this is the weirdest way to fight the dragon ever but my trident go it's gone oh no i think i tossed it off the map that's not good but after all that we defeated the beast and for the final time the dragon is dead in my hardcore world let's go baby i really hope i didn't forget any dragon achievements that would really stink but okay guys sweet we've killed the dragon which means we can now make the rocket on the moon now how do i heal up a bow do i just take another bow and go like that oh that's it well okay don't mind if i do and now it's back to shearing sheep hello my children how you doing you're not my child get out of here in we go i then gathered a bunch more resources and it was time to build the rocket and here we are all right let's build this rocket baby can we like not do this right now leave me alone [Music] and there we go here's another rocket this time with no smoke plume because i want this one to be kind of like landed quote-unquote but oh my gosh guys our first build on the moon looks amazing and something else i really want to do is make something out of our entrance portal thing down here you know how like you spawn here when you come to the portal i want to make that like a space station or you know like a research lab on the moon now there are some more things i want to do today for the space project but before i do any more i gotta take care of something really important last episode i said if the video got 3 500 likes i would try and tame a pet phantom and you guys absolutely nailed it once again you guys are killing it so that being said phantoms where you at i think i gotta wait until night time so in the meantime let's go do something else and i have just the idea i gotta move these sheep somewhere i thought about it and i want to keep them in case i ever need to get more wool in a hurry like i did today but i do not want them right here because they're so loud and they're so laggy and i just don't want them here so we're gonna move these guys offshore to somewhere else i'll take one of you and everybody be free come follow your boy farsi oh my gosh there's so many this is not healthy stop jumping off the cliff oh there's just too many i can't get all of them i'm sorry guys so sorry hey there craig i got some visitors for you [Music] i guess we can post up right here this is far enough away i think everybody stay still everyone's looking good just gonna put up some of these things here so i can hop in and out little minecraft hack right there but there we go we have our offshore sheep farm oh gosh i lost so many at the melon farm they're literally everywhere but would you look at that the sun is setting it is officially time to get myself a pet phantom and i'm gonna name him flapjack phantoms where are you well well well what do we have there i see a friend i have a good idea for this if i can get him in the spiderweb i then can build a little cage around him it'll be stuck in here oh there's so many of you oh you're in you're in stay there stay there no he got out dang it that was so close oh you are the worst annoying creature ever just get in my trap it's not that difficult but after three straight nights of trying this i finally captured a phantom day is is he in is he stuck i think i might have him stuck oh i think you're stuck too oh box him in take the name tag flapjack okay we got flapjack and the final iron bar guys we have a pet phantom the cage is uneven it's very ugly but i'm not messing with it this was so annoying to do we have flapjack what's that flapjack how you doing please don't despawn okay oh man that was not fun and since you guys have been crushing all my like goals i'm gonna up the stakes here if this video gets 4 000 likes i will go fight a wither out in the open what could possibly go wrong besides dying and losing the world forever but getting back on track with the space project i do need to do one more really important thing i need to assemble the rest of my crew with commander muffin to go into the rocket because what good are you down here on the sand come on with me up here if i just like fly up here will you teleport no you're still down there oh my goodness where would you go is that your tail where are you oh hey commander come on in here little more a little more yes that is perfect all right well this is pretty small actually so as a matter of fact i might just have muffin be the sole captain space person in the rocket because i'm not sure how many more mobs can fit in this small area so you know what commander muffin you are the sole commander of the farsi space force so yeah enjoy yourself that was easy but one thing i will say is when i eventually make a space station here i might have a job for my good old friend broderick the chicken scientist how are you doing broderick and hey charlton how are you doing long time no see guys do you got any new chapters in your book i do not think he wants me to read that broderick is it okay if i read it one two three four five five's the new one chapter five is the world infinite this is concerning broderick i think you need a break from writing why don't you take a walk okay i'm a little concerned for you but that being said guys i'm gonna end the episode here because i am out of time if you guys have any cool space project ideas comment it down below but on that note make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and i'll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye
Channel: Farzy
Views: 3,360,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Farzy, survival, farzy minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft java, minecraft 1.18, 1.18, minecraft lets play, minecraft hardcore, survival lets play, hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.18 lets play, minecraft 1.18 survival, minecraft 1.18 hardcore, minecraft 1.18 survival lets play, minecraft 1.18 hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.18 rocket ship, minecraft 1.18 space ship, minecraft 1.18 end transformation, minecraft 1.18 rocket, minecraft 1.18 space builds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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