I Built a SuperCharged Jet Boat in 368 Days

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I built a 300 Horsepower Supercharged aluminum jet boat you might be wondering why I did these boats can go up white water rapids they could jump stumps they can jump land bars they can do tricks and more importantly than all of them they are tough as nails and almost Unsinkable oh we got water in the boat water in the boat watering the boat to show you the full story on how we built this bad boy and turned it from a pallet of metal into a floating boat we got to start a year ago rewind the clip show guys it might not look like it but I bought two brand new boats look at him they look like scrap metal on a pallet so we're gonna pull these bad boys inside and it's like a big jigsaw puzzle and we just gotta put it together we should have this done like a week [Music] going and we eventually got this one kind of turned into a boat shape but it's nowhere near right so we called our best buddy Peter from hdp Peter's gonna come here and tell us everything we were doing wrong because we don't really weld aluminum that much so we don't really know what we're doing you know what the problem is YouTubers never watch YouTube videos is there anything we should do not to this up absolutely and first of all let's talk safety gear nobody wants to listen to safety but let me tell you so if you while pushing this way I start over here then you start over there you do the same thing then from here to there would be your first world from there to there your second and so on and so forth so the good news is our welder wasn't broke and we're just what's the word Logan stupid silly yeah we're just stupid now the welder's working we can actually stick all this stuff together so let's get these boats built [Music] thank you well guys after months and months of work we finally have something that looks like a boat problem is with this entire situation though is this is the engine bay but never fear because I've got an idea for a ninja oh hello Jeske how are you doing today bye supercharged seating motor in this battle yes I know it's running out of the water don't worry about we're backing it in now it's time to see if it works a lot of blessings guys I don't know if you know this about us or not but we are really really good at taking stuff apart so the redneck battery disconnect down here it's called taking the battery out it really happens frequently at the Walmart drive through is I'm not exactly sure if the engine fits out of this thing in one piece so we got to take the supercharger off we gotta take the intake off we found a motor look at it look how small it is one point this jet ski came in in one piece now the shop is here there's pieces over there there's a whole table of pieces right here and there's a whole bunch of pieces of wine over there do we have any idea where this plugs back into not a clue I have no idea where supercharged jet skis do we know how to put it in the boat no no idea but that's half the fun of building stuff is doing it wrong they come back and fix it Okay so we've actually been prepping this boat a little bit for this motor already we've already got motor mounts made technically they do hold the motor in the right spot so there's that the problem is this is a fuel injected Supercharged motor so it takes a lot of wiring to make it run right so we had to figure out like steering trim start stop where to put the key there's a lot of stuff to do before we can hit the lake but once we get it done this thing is going to wrap they say 170 horsepower is enough for one of these boats so we figured double of that would be great oh this is just the cringy YouTube snap not work anymore back in the day you used to be able to snap and things would happen like you know bam women would appear bam boat would be done now all I do is just look stupid in the middle of my shop they're snapping to myself guys this is the professional moment where we need to just drop it in it goes perfectly or we wrestle with it for four hours I'm telling you we're gonna get it in there damn it I am Invasion let's get the motor in there oh there we go we're so close we're so close hold on a minute did we just make that worse now we're mostly there oh we're done you wanna know the bad news that belt's gonna go on for the motor goes in so we gotta take it back out but hey look it fits magnificently so here's the here's the deal right we got motor in here intercoolers over here kind of mounts it up we gotta put a fuel cell over there someplace the drive shaft actually fits in perfectly the only thing we got to do now is take the motor all the way back out that we just got in there perfectly and put this on one engine install later the belt is now on we went ahead and put the pipes on the intercooler we figured out where the fuel cell is going to go hold on look look at this here's a big Advantage for this right one day when this boat breaks down we can take off our fuel tank Mount and pull ourselves to shore I actually feel pretty good about that handle a fuel line goes right on just like that and bam we're done so lots of good things have happened here we honestly don't know if it's gonna run that's a big concern right now you did all the wiring what do you say well I don't want to blame it on that part but if we did this right right oh my God we're Geniuses so secretly this is an engine cover and it's also a privacy Blocker in case you won't get wild in jet boat like right now tell me what he's doing up there in the front seats you don't know no I did dude this thing's getting really close the thing is over a year we've worked on this boat so like the first scene you've seen in this video was over a year ago and now she's almost getting ready to go to the water if we're really really good this is just shut perfectly three two one there's a lot of movement in that hand but yeah it's perfect well here's a disadvantage now that we got an engine cover on it we don't have a handle get the engine cover back open so we can't work on the engine anymore here's good news technically if we hook this to the battery and we hook that battery up things should happen all right actually right there that's Kawasaki Motors right over there that's supercharger hey I'm talking to you that's a supercharger over there right and then this over here is fuel cell that's where we put the dead dinosaurs in there making noises we're so close we're so close I can smell it I can smell the wiring Catching Fire right now oh oh my God we're good the wiring's fine now put it out all right so the battery is hooked up the wiring is hooked up there's fuel in the tank the intercooler is hooked up technically this thing should start right now you want to be ready to run the throttle make sure the throttle and everything works let's send it hit the button I bet you didn't start but that was close that's almost there okay please [Music] I don't know what that noise was it was this the trim fell down from a vibrating it actually is amazing because you barely tapped it and I've seen all the pipes expand like that's how much boost it makes just right off the rim that is that's insane yeah it's good well hey fire it up let's see if we can blow the Boost tube off of it real quick just watch that watch that pipe right there I have a feel that pipe gonna go foreign this feels like a big ass moment right now this thing's getting ready to roll outside we're getting ready to take it someplace to plug [Music] you're ready all right guys here's what's happening right now all right as you can see there's a boat they normally should float we'll see if that happens or not and right there right there is her new testing ground I can feel it she's gonna rip today all right back us in no water back there no we're good yeah we're good keep coming we ain't got no water is it not leaking at all no there's nothing there's no water back there whatsoever I'll tell you what look at this like it's flown baby it's rocking all right uh hold on let me make sure it starts ready yep [Music] dude let's cross all of our fingers but it actually seems like it's running all right oh come get us now we got water in the boat watering the boat watering the boat okay never mind the water slashed to the front of the floor of the boat when it died and I got really scared dude I got really worried for a second because as soon as it died my ankles were covered in water I'm like oh no it's shaking there the walkie-talkie for 10 seconds 10 glorious seconds it was ripping it got up on planes so beautiful yeah it looked so good it felt so good too you got to figure out the dying problem though that's not that fun what's wrong I think we got a boy hole there's a little bit of water back there that'll step on my foot please for the love of God do not step on my foot where's your foot right under your foot sure if that's too much water in a boat but that's how much water we got the Titanic yeah the Titanic had way more water in it and it sank so as long as we don't have as much water as a Titanic had in it we should be good [Music] I hope everything like that I just walked up [Music] so guys um we were ripping we were getting up across the water pretty good then all of a sudden the boat just died I went to restart it and if the motor's locked up so either the motor locked up one or the sub stuck in the jet pump too neither one's not good but butterwax that's really not good you ever think about this right maybe the fact is this boat's so good it caught a fish in the jet pump as soon as we pull it out we'll find a big catfish we can eat don't worry guys just taking my boat well guys thank you very much for watching enjoy this sexy Montage of me coming out of the water [Music] foreign
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 45,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eKkcPNJb-Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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