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foreign against garage we are hot rodding my 1994 Yamaha super jet this guy's doing backflips welcome back to Finnegan's garage thank you for joining us once again and thank all of you that went to FSM and bought the merch because as usual that allowed us to make really bad financial decisions with project cars for you guys and for us this time we are playing with my 1994 Yamaha super jet and this is the crew from Erickson machine and performance in Freehold New Jersey and in less than two hours this is going to go from a relatively stock and not necessarily boring jet ski but a fire breathing just straight up Ripper that I'm probably under qualified to ride which is good because Nick's here like Nick does backflips so this is going to be rad we're going to show you guys the difference between my ski and Nick ski and what we're going to do to make this thing a whole lot more fun right now is that motor heavy yep how heavy uh 75 pounds and is it lighter than that one similar okay so we're not really gaining much weight we're just gaining twice as much power basically how many questions would I have to ask before you finally lose it and drop it on the floor it would take a while he'd sacrifice a leg for that thing yeah oh all right well I'm gonna stop asking questions anyway right now we're going to rip the ski apart and show you guys what we're you know what we're getting into Mark reached out to me via Instagram it's been almost two years now that we've almost to the day yeah we've been trying to get together to do this because he knew I have a lot of fun on this thing but it is limited in terms of how fast it goes but for me I'm not necessarily looking for Speed as more as I'm looking for acceleration Pop um the jet drive is relatively stock other than it has a Solace impeller in it the engine is completely stock it doesn't even have an exhaust pipe on it and so there's things we can do obviously here at Finnegan's garage to make it better but we are not experts at this I just ride it I literally traded a Honda 50cc pit bike for this with like 300 bucks cash it's a pretty good deal 15 years ago and I've been riding it ever since and other than fuel filters and you know start stop switches and stuff I have not touched this thing it's just been one of the most reliable things in my life except recently it's become really unreliable and once Things become really unreliable you might as well just make them faster and more fun because yeah everyone can help with that there's no warranty in here Mark has his own YouTube channel you're gonna want to go see it because if you're even considering getting into this which is one of the most fun hobbies I've ever had there's a lot of good info on his Channel about how to buy them how to work on them how to maintain them and what's the name of your channel Erickson machine performance okay I'll put a link in my description to his channel and all the parts because not only does he machine them and assemble them he can sell you the parts to make yours better everything from carbon fiber you know holes to you know impellers jet drives what else am I missing so I mean handle poles steering aftermarket jet pumps aftermarket engines it kind of the sky's the limit you could buy one for Seven Grand new or you could spend 60 Grand on an all-out custom flat water ski that weighs 240 pounds and makes 230 horsepower almost a horsepower per pound oh my God so this weighs right around 300 pounds yeah and what is what do these make for power stock 65 65. we're going to help that though okay well um all right so it's a single car what do they call it so this is a 61x 701 so this is the newer style the square nose started off with a 650 which is basically the same engine but with a smaller piston um so same crank same crankcase different Reeds so this was the newest Square nose until they went to the round nose basically okay um so what we're doing is this is coming out we're going to the newer style 62t engine which is what is in all the newer round noses up until they went to four stroke um you're getting a 760 cylinder so it's larger you know over displacement right more fun um so your engine has aftermarket reads aftermarket carbs aftermarket pipe forged pistons Billet girdled head right um we'll still run on pumpcast yep so everything's pump gas safe your setup I built it to just be reliable so you'll be able to hit the button start ride it beat it up and then it should start like that for the next five or six years without any maintenance that's right because like this isn't just mine like my wife rides this my kids ride this like and they need to be able to go and just push the button when I'm not there you know and not worry about you know is it going to sink are they going to float down river because it won't ride you know that's that's important to me so I'm glad to hear that so everything that we're doing reliability is key so we're not pushing anything to the Limit we're also the jet pump it's a ported pump the nozzles board a steeper pitch scat track prop a stainless steel solo swearing so kind of all the goodies without going right crazy and the great thing about these is they're very simple it's a fuel tank in the front the engine's in the middle the jet drives in the back we can strip this thing in probably an hour and a half I'm guessing and be done with this whole deal already but I think we'll beat that time pretty easily maybe we should start a stopwatch we should do a stopwatch yeah for sure it's a part I love this so we should take is we gotta put a number what everybody thinks we can do it in yeah well let's be real a lot of this stuff isn't happening anytime soon you guys ask about the caddy all the time I'm gonna erase all this stuff because the reason you're not seeing the caddy on the channel is I don't have the engine for it as soon as I have the engine then a lot of these things can actually get done but without the engine without the turbos placed we're stuck so we're just gonna erase this now that's not to say this isn't happening you're not going to see videos I believe in the next few months I'll have the engine for the caddy uh wife's Daytona I'm you know I'm cool with erasing this stuff for the time being and just taking some bets on uh how long we think it's going to take to rip this apart so to rip it apart I put it all back together like this take it apart first just get it down to a bear hole okay so fuel tank engine jet drive out correct I'm saying with video I'm gonna go 40 minutes so you write your name here everybody will just add their names add their times winner uh buys lunch I mean loser loser buys lunch I'll say 25. damn that's aggressive 36 minutes that seems realistic this all seems really fast to me it really does but you think 28 wow I like this guy all right 12 volt you said 28 minutes yeah so we're gonna set up cameras we'll put those on time lapse but we're gonna set I don't know either somebody's iPhone taped to the wall or a laptop tape to the wall with the timer going I'll just take my iPhone to the wall and then uh we're gonna rip this whole thing apart all right all right hand all that for me there really stick there no no I left the ratchet in the back seat I guess we're taking the case out of it Apple what are you doing I'll put something on the ledge and stand it up higher yeah I mean legit might I add oh dude we got a 2x4 holding an iPhone this is science I was just gonna say that I would have probably changed my time if I knew both of you were working on this well it's a that's a good question so the only things I've ever disassembled on this ski are the fuel tank the battery the start stop switched that's literally it I've never taken it apart so if I help does that slow you down I I don't know at this point okay we need the judge's ruling so was your time based on him ripping it apart or all of us working together because I have no problem stepping away all right because I don't know what I'm doing I don't I don't want to skew anyone's results I guess is what I'm saying okay then I'm gonna watch okay I'm gonna commentate Mark's gonna rip this apart and uh now that now that I know that 25 minutes seems legit now I'm gonna start the timer and then go all right here we go look he's not rushing see that he just calmly walked over all right so right now he's taking out the bolts for the the e-box here's a little trivia for you guys interest interesting story about this jet ski is I traded a Honda CRF50 pit bike and a 350 bucks for this ski uh like 15 years ago to a kid from Huntington Beach California and I used to share a shop in a complex next to a real nice guy named Casey who had a business called County Construction and uh shortly after I bought this ski and Casey calls me and he's like hey bro why were you up all night starting your jet ski I'm like what are you talking about he's like dude you were trying to start your jet ski like 900 times last night I was like I wasn't there come into the shop battery is smoked the ski was trying to start itself because this guy who traded it to me never told me he rode this thing in the ocean and the e-box which is what houses the starter solenoid and the ignition coil and the battery cables was completely full of salt water and the battery cables disintegrated touched each other and this thing just tried to fire up with the fuel off the whole night I'm lucky it didn't burn the shop and the ski to the ground a little trivia that e-box has had replaced at least once by me and then recently Mark sent me a new coil for it because the ski just stopped running right started dying a lot a lot of history with me and the electrical system of this ski [Applause] [Music] you are two and a half minutes into the steel and the fuel tank is already out for the record I've never had it out that quick [Music] we're under four minutes he's about to rip the motor out of this thing [Music] dude yeah stop what are you doing I can't even hit you in the face no worries wow I had no idea is this one of the holes that has the issue with motor mounts ripping out of the fiberglass no okay really reliable boats in general it's just it's old yeah you know anything that's you know what is this 30 30 years old basically and if you're you know if you're older person if you're you know getting older or if you're young and you're looking for another hobby to pick up this is a great one because when you crash how's it say it doesn't hurt that's not true at all when I crash a dirt bike it hurts a lot this hurts less you know it's it's water if you crash at a slow speed it's no big deal if you crash at 40 or 50 that's like hitting concrete so but still I feel like this is less painful than riding a dirt bike but the experience I think is similar so if you like dirt bikes you like motorcycles try a stand-up jet ski there are a lot of stand-ups are fun it's a good workout yeah they're reliable like I feel like the the cost of entry into this hobby is like not that bad so I won't slow you down so the one mod I did do to this ski is when I bought it it had a I had an aluminum ride plate I forget the brand um this thing porpoised really bad which is hopping and no matter no matter how I position my body on it at high speeds you couldn't stay in the throttle because the boat would just hop so my friend Jeff Conrad he had a buddy that made these ride plates I bought one it was cheap it was like 70 bucks I think or something like that and that kind of helped it but you know it still hops so my I have a feeling down the road the hole is going to need some mods because now it's going to have more power and it's probably just going to exacerbate problems I already have but what I'm really looking for out of this deal is a jet ski that where you mash the gas it wants to LEAP out of the water and jump and you know that would be fun [Music] where I think he's gonna get hung up I could be wrong about the steering cable that you yeah yeah he fired so like 15 years ago I'm at the Colorado River I've just bought this ski I've already had the problem of it trying to burn down my shot starting by itself from being waterlogged but the steering cable snapped like the second time I went out on it and uh I was on the Colorado River I went in Parker Arizona I bought the only steering cable I could which was too short and it wouldn't connect to the jet drive so I took a part of the linkage off the tunnel rim on my boat threaded onto the end of the steering cable to make it longer and bolted to the jet drive and ever since then the bars have been off just a little bit I never fixed it nor did I ever take that apart so there's a good chance that is seized up because that is steel and um that might burn us I don't know not us it's him he's you know he's on the clock on that that's probably why I kept falling off of it oh for sure Bars were cooking you never told me that yeah I'm sorry that's why I handicapped you 100 oh you can't do it with crooked bars no way impossible no no yeah that was my fault my bad normally I would have your back but I didn't that day I feel bad he let you down he did I'll make it up to you I'll buy you lunch when I lose this bet by a lot like eight and a half minutes into it motor's out fuel systems out he's got the nozzle off the jet drive I have putting the nozz the jet drive is going to be out here pretty soon [Applause] [Applause] foreign although I just broke a screw you have a welder oh yeah impact might be uh does the repair count with the time I think it does he broke a bowl off in the hole okay so let's take the welder you have a MIG welder oh yeah all right come on let's get it out come on everything else is apart I'm cool with it but then he went and broke it I mean I'm cool with it I got I got no qualms [Music] I think you'll get it out before it hits 25 minutes oh okay so this motor mount bolt just broke okay yeah so it's an insert into fiberglass part of the hole he wants to weld it we're just going to put heat in it it's a little frightening you do it really really quickly we're going to take a nut to it out yep got a matter of fact you have a YouTube video you have a YouTube video that shows you exactly what we're about to do you want a stainless nut uh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay what size nut would you like sir um 3 8 probably okay it's impressive wow [Music] yeah pretending like he doesn't know where stuff is when he disorganized it I mean to be fair he's at 40 minutes I have to really screw up if we're we're at that at that point I mean I don't want to give him galvanized you know I haven't inhaled the fumes I'm I'm here for him yeah we need to rake out the whole thing it is that all gasoline down there where's that water oh that's gasoline I think some of it yeah we may want to yeah I mean be safe do you have a lighter we can see if it's flammable here you go is it you got one you have a fire extinguisher here right all of the fire extinguishers everybody I find this unlikely to happen but safety right I trust you all right that's charged that's good news [Music] it's not flammable I walked all the way over there for these [Music] [Music] okay let me get you do you have a MIG welder or only TIG that is a big leather oh it is oh dude that is cool yeah that is a MIG TIG and stick welder all in one AC DC Pig ooh considering my welder just broke yeah that's an excellent option yeah that's true maybe hold it yeah do you have a set of needle nose vice grips did you watch my video we just had to do what you're doing it wasn't in fiberglass but yeah the only tricky thing with fiberglass is you gotta have the nut as your ground pushing buttons I'm maybe I'm going to put it in the right mode for a shot that's not fun given I give them all the advantages I'm even gonna turn on the gas what no you don't need to do one though the right one put on helium make it even more exciting it's like I'm even turning on the house you want some weight down 18 minutes in no oh you got it that's it good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'm glad I should be able to just tap it with my okay ironically the one thing I didn't plan for was breaking a bolt in the hole is this the last thing you gotta do yeah yeah so you're gonna be 20 seconds as long as this comes out as long as he looks like it's working no I need another nut all right I was so confident I turned it off it makes you feel any better so was I it's a do you have a 12 mil check out the cassette tapes good idea it actually did thread on look at this choice do we have a metal Hammer I can use oh yeah three minutes until 12 volt is the winner [Music] yeah she's about to go over though okay three minutes oh I got you [Music] how does that work no it if I go over I lost it's the closest without going over if he goes over if he goes over 25 he loses if he goes over 28 then you win he goes over 30 then it's Nick that sounds good foreign do you have krill oil or PB Blaster or something like that thank you sir [Music] JJ with that fan oh yeah I got you [Music] want a wrench you got it I should have it all right so like 22 41. come on two minutes you know your own time [Music] there we go is it working I don't know it's working dude working yeah a minute and a half to go there we go see I did that intentionally I wanted to get closer to the time 23 minutes 27 seconds Mark is our winner and he has just won himself Five Guys Burgers and Fries I'll go place the order so here's the major components of what we're changing this is the new engine this is the new jet drive this is our old jet drive uh Mark told me the way you install these is basically you work from the back of the boat and move forward you need to mount the pump to align the input shaft with the intermediate shaft then you align the motor to that so major differences between the new pump and the old pump or this this has a larger exit diameter it's been bored out the casting fogs have been removed by porting the inside of it it has a different impeller and it's set up for having not one but two cooling lines is there anything anything more I need to know the other question I have is let's say a guy has a stock pump wants to mod it can he send it to you to have all this done and what's up what's that cost so Blueprinting the pumps you know 125 bucks to blueprint the pump okay um rebuilding everything you're probably around 250 for cleaning it getting it all together okay this we ended up so stock they come with a wearing that it's stainless steel on the inside with aluminum housing in fresh water it's totally fine but in salt water you end up getting corrosion between the stainless steel and the aluminum and it swells and then it hits the prop and it locks up this Solas redesigned it where it is a solid stainless steel piece so there's nothing that can corrode inside of it it'll last you forever so um that's the main difference on that as you said we have it set up for dual cooling you know anytime you're making power power makes heat so we gotta cool it best way to do that is have more water running through it and so that's where it goes here in the cylinder head so the way the cooling system works on this is reverse cooled so these are the main cooling lines so this is what will be coming off of the pump so the coolant well water will run through the exhaust manifold it will fill the cylinder and then come out the head all right so and then we will run this one it will run down to the bottom of the pipe pressurize the pipe which water is then injected into the exhaust which helps tune the exhaust and then the rest of the water goes overboard so and then we'll also have a stinger valve at the back which will open and close to fill and dry out your water box so that you have more bottom end hit which is what you said you wanted yeah so this little thing will be a ripper oh my God I can't wait to experience this and so oh one last question I have is I've seen stand-ups Nick's got one where it has an adjustable nozzle is that something that can be added to this jet driver or do you have to buy all correct so we would replace the reduction nozzle to a trim reduction nozzle technically we could weld buns on this and set up a trim ring on it but yeah it could be added and then Nick has one that flips up for doing backflips they also have one that flips down for racing so that when you go around well it's more for when you go around a corner you can stab the nose down so that you can get bite to go around a corner so it's all the same stuff as like a full-size jet boat just way less expensive right like he was like yeah 125 dollars to go through there and Port this and blueprint this and I'm like wow that is cheap that is so yeah they're they're not bad I mean these stand-ups as you said you've had it what 15 years as long as you take care of them they last and they really hold the value honestly you could probably sell it for more now than when you bought it then yeah yeah that that market is incredible right now how expensive stuff is so since they've switched from two-stroke to four stroke all the guys love the two-stroke stuff that's why I I ran out and bought a 2020 here 2019 whatever it was I think it's a 2020 2020. I ran out and I searched 13 dealerships to find one because I knew the four-stroke was going to be bigger it was going to be heavier and I went I went out and bought that and then I rode the four-stroke super jet and went this thing's great too I really enjoyed it it's just a different kind of great they're both awesome yeah the the main downside the four strokes are way more reliable the engines last longer but one thing with stand-ups in particular you sync them like it's it's part of it if you sink a four-stroke you're going to do five or six oil changes to get the water out of the oil right if you sink a two-stroke I can have it fired back up in about 20 minutes and then you could be riding and no worse for wear really no issues especially in freshwater where like you don't have to worry about salt right so both are amazing you know the four strokes there's nothing that goes faster than a four-stroke stand up right um you know there's guys in the 70s with them you know upper 60s lower 70s on those things um it's insane yeah and it's just a good riding ski I just enjoyed it like it was just fun to carve and fun to ride and anyway we don't have one of those here so let's make this one better so jet drive goes in next then yeah that's the next thing we'll start playing the jet pump in get it aligned and go from there [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] weld okay so that's what we needed for the bottom of your wife's boat right for the village pump we used to we use silicone remember so 5200 will also work um the main reason I went with this stuff is one it works great and two it dries in five minutes so we can ride it today [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so the old one 701 CC's right this one is 760. more cubes and it just goes into this coupler and then sits on the mounts yep so we're just setting it to align it at the moment so we keep the wires from everything well they will go over the housing when we're done it's also got your name on it not even that it's just you know air cleaners the Billy girdle it all just says I mean business hold on yep oh there's all kinds of places too it looks like yeah yeah there's play everywhere in this so we want this to make it even so this is going to have to come up a little bit so this will come up to make that even gotcha so that's right now all we're going to do is we're going to put the shims so it's even without the coupler and then when we put the coupler in we know how many shims so it all sits right and that coupler will shimmy the motor into place where it needs to be but you don't bottom out the coupler right no you don't bottom out the color correct yep yeah so you leave a little bit of a gap it's basically the same thing just a smaller engine and smaller pump foreign [Music] all right what are you doing right now so I'm just making the distance between the couplers a little tighter there's a 2 000 a two millimeter variants that they can be and on that boat there'd be a little bit too much of a gap so I'm just setting it so everything fits as perfectly as we can how do you lock that in from moving front to back it's a press fit so after it's set it really doesn't move [Music] so and of course everything jet ski is metric you know that's hard that hurts my brain the whole metric thing yeah it's just like three quarters of an inch to me all right he's gonna go seven eighths on that from here to here that's seven eights almost an inch and then wait bro so right now it it's just under three quarters of an inch see you don't have your glasses on that's why I'm old he's right foreign foreign [Music] shiny Parts going on it was polished this was in the salt water to tune it and shiny Parts going on so is this something you make so no this is basically unobtainium is this thing this is a factory b-pipe I was gonna ask is this the this is the pipe that I know you always hear that term online I only recently found out what it actually means you know yeah so this is a b-pipe there's a company called Factory pipe they make exhausts for all kinds of things this jet ski Market is about this big so it's not often they make a run of these and when they do they are all sold you know so since let's call it the sickness yeah that went on the factory pipe got delayed on their OEM stuff they make stuff for Polaris and stuff like that right so they got so backed up with that they couldn't make the toy pipes for us yeah so for all 150 of the people in the country though right exactly so now this pipe went from a 700 pipe new to like a 1300 pipe used geez um wow so yeah there's a lot to it I mean there's a cast piece and yep yeah no it's the exhaust manifold yeah this and then the chamber it's a great pipe and it's really the best way to add horsepower to these yeah I mean there's a lot to it too when you look at it it's not like like look at how it changes shape you know it comes out of the manifold here gets bigger expands some more then gets really small to go out like right and that that's just a tuned velocity yeah and this shape is to fit around the gas tank so not only that then it's also got to fit in the area so you don't have to modify everything for it right so this is the stock pipe right here so this is the stock exhaust manifold the head pipe which is that bull horn and then this is the chamber which on this would be considered a bread box so but this isn't a tune pipe that is right does this fit an FX1 yep well there you go [Music] foreign open our time this is the critical part this is the you don't want to rush this part exactly you don't want to rush putting the shiny Parts on so the Billet parts ahead girdle that's not the cylinder head right no so what does it need a girdle it for so what ends up happening one we grind the inside of the ports okay to reshape them for them to flow better and basically the cylinder on a two-stroke is kind of like your cam right so where the ports sit is the poor timing which makes it more bottom end more top and so on and so forth when we start grinding them it thins the casting in certain spots so if you don't girdle the head you can crack a water jacket Okay so one we're hanging a heavier pipe that's not linked to the head so we girdle it just makes us be able to run more compression safely and not have headaches What is the compression ratio of this um the compression ratio it doesn't sound impressive it's 180 PSI okay it's the cranking compression that's cranking compression okay 180 is a lot I mean but these are stock like 150 normally 140 to 150 depending on what 701 it is it's a big bump still by crappy pumpkins well that's convenient good pumpkins not crappy pumpkin well I'm getting ready to build a turbo a supercharged ski a two-stroke on the YouTube channel just because I've done it before and people say it can't be done so can't do a supercharger or just a turbo charger it's going to be a supercharger but a lot of people think you can't supercharge and Turbo Charge two strokes oh um which isn't true so all right I figured do a cool video with it on the dyno and yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is a flow control valve so the way the water routing works on this is the water runs from the jet pump to the exhaust manifold then through the engine and out these fittings this side runs to the bottom of the pipe which then sprays water inside the pipe then comes back out and as it comes out we have this in line which goes to the Stinger so as when you're at idle this basically shuts off because you're not getting the jet pump pressure to open it okay so it'll dry the water box out and help you with bottom end at idle and then when you get on it as the pressure builds then it'll start spraying so it's not a water jacketed exhaust there's water going through these there's water going through the exhaust yeah so there's three points one here one here and one at the bottom that you can't see and is that to keep the exhaust from melting everything so yes and no so one yeah it's to keep this silicone coupler still alive okay um to the way a two-stroke works is with resonance sound waves inside the pipe so basically the sound waves bounce back and forth and will shut one of the two cylinders because they're opposed they're 180 degrees apart which is why you can run a single pipe on a two cylinder because they're 180 degrees apart okay so the water slows down or speeds up the sonic waves depending on how much water you're spraying in it to tune the exhaust basically my head hurts and without a Dino you just tie it down in the water and go wide open pretty much so which I also have a dino the tricky thing with two-stroke engines on dinos they don't like them okay so when you really try to push it to get max horsepower they blow up so you can tune them so that they're 85 percent basically and then you can compare everything to see hey I'm making more power hey I'm not making more power right but if you try to Output all the beans you're going to lock them up more times than not oh wow okay so which is why I only Dyno to test stuff instead of customer stuff so are we gonna strap this to the trailer back the trailer in the water and just go oh I can't wait this is going to make as much power as a Honda out of two cylinders like pretty close 130 horsepower it had what did you say 60 or 70 stock yeah around 70 65 I think it was it has more power than every mini truck I've ever owned they're doing fuel lines right now I'm gonna put fuel in it and then it's ready to start making rap noises yeah it's time to test fire it and then put it back on the trailer actually we'll put it back on the trailer and then test while you're outside it's gonna smoke out the whole shop why not that's part of the fun though oh no no my wife's Italian I try not to smoke out the shop if I can avoid it yeah you want to come back here yeah okay got it yeah so we'll put it back on the trailer Take It Outside then we'll fire it then we'll go to the lake okay [Music] [Applause] that's why not that high well you're like all the way up I'm like all right well I've never done this but I'll keep going before it overflows that's well you can't tell like that's the thing is the reason I always stop down there is like you can see I I never use a funnel I use the filler neck so you can see when that's getting full we are topped off now so I mean ready to test right there is the most fuel you can put in it so you're perfect now I know okay what we got so just to show you for comparison see so this is the Piston that's in Mike's Motor so it's a forged wasner piston uh 90 uh 84 millimeters and in Nix motor this is a 95 millimeter piston but you can see the difference in them you literally fit the one piston inside the other thing so you know you can see the the difference and the old adage there's no replacement for displacement comes true with big slugs that's pretty cool so this is a thousand CC power valve 10 mil stroker so it's basically the same motor that's in Mike's ski but the crank has been stroked so the crank has 10 millimeters more stroke his is 68 millimeters this is 78. um the stock super jet that Mike had it's 81 millimeter bore his new motor is 84 millimeter bore this is 94 millimeter bore so significantly larger both bore and stroke and its power valve which allows it to basically have better bottom and top end at the same time so it's all fabricated either by me or by Nick Polished by Nick written by Nick a lot of things everything's custom in it gas tank was totally made with cardboard and then made out of aluminum and then remade to fit this exhaust pipe water box water box is made so and that's designed to not allow water to go back in yeah a nice homemade splash guard out of a Dasani bottle keep my roots strong you know there's nothing like having a thirty thousand dollar jet ski with a soda bottle so and it's cool because it runs on pump gas you can beat it up and it keeps me 180 horsepower-ish 170 180. um this is still super practical compared to what we can build so this is a thousand CC's we build them to 1200 so 200 CC's more so we stroke them a little bit more the Pistons basically say the same we just go with a longer stroke um and there's different ignitions we can run on it run more timing and run significantly more compression so this is running normal pump gas around 180 PSI compression just like Finnegan's boat we'll bump these up to 240 PSI and run you know 116 octane race fuel with it and set it on kill but you can just do a 180 and hit the throttle on the trim on this and it'll go around you'll see when the two skis are next to each other this boat is significantly wider and much shorter these aren't really designed to ride around and have fun they're designed to do tricks if you want to ride around and have fun you know super jet stuff like that there's some other aftermarket holes that are longer for surf riding which are also great boats but this is really a flat water freestyle weapon all right we're outside the garage that was record time for an engine and drivetrain swapping anything I believe and so uh this will be the first startup before we do it I have questions okay because I'm a jet boat guy we don't have a garden hose hooked to anything correct do you have to have water going through the pump at all do you have that water going through the motor to fire it up and test it no okay to run it yes okay so we're not we're just making sure everything's running and firing up you know running it for 10 20 seconds isn't going to do anything okay prolonged running it it's an issue bad deal all right um so but like this doesn't have a water pump like a boat has where the rubber pump will dry up something like that it's all pressure through the pump okay so if there's no water going through it obviously it's not going to be cooled but it's not going to damage anything up here unless obviously you let it get too hot sweet so the way that jet pump works is there's the impeller section with a wear ring the stator section with which has the veins which straightens out the flow and then the reduction nozzle which starts to build pressure so that reduction nozzle is what creates all the line pressure for the rest of the cooling system so so as long as water is flowing through the pump water is flowing through the motor so that's the best explanation of it I've ever heard yeah that makes sense don't press the green button yeah first we gotta take the flame arresters off and choke it for a second okay because it's new and all the lines are dry got it now it has a primer does that thing work pretty good it used to like yeah no the primer will work great but we put all brand new fuel lines so there's nothing in anything okay and how does a fuel pump sorry I know you want to do this I just saw four questions how does a fuel pump in this thing actually work so it works off of pulse so because it's a two-stroke and there's Reed valves the Piston goes up and down which creates a suck and a blow yeah so there's a pulse Line running to the fuel pump and there's a diaphragm so when the suck happens it pulls it through one diaphragm into another diaphragm and the next pull pulls it through the other one and that's how it makes it it's basically two check valves and a diaphragm that it flows through and it's just sucking and it's just suck blow suck blow suck blow and that's it's a super simple pump but it works yeah yeah so okay now you push the screen button are we sure no oh he wants to run you can see I I ran it dude we got blue fuel lines you can see the fuel yeah [Laughter] that is spicy I love it it's uh it's got a good exhaust note yeah so now it's ready to take let's go to the lake yeah time to go get wet I'm gonna go put trunks on we're gonna hitch this up to the mule we're going to the water oh yeah that's cool [Music] [Music] all right so what's about to happen here is we know it runs we just don't know if it's tuned properly so Mark is going to fire it up with it attached to the trailer and Pin It Wide Open basically right so basically to load it like you're loading a Dyno yeah put it on your load with a pump underwater yeah the pump is in the water the pump will have a full load of water it's going to shoot a fire hose that way and it has a good chance of pushing the mule out of the water I don't know I'm gonna get out of the way and let him do his thing here and then I guess you're gonna do that pull spark plugs and look at them yep love it [Music] foreign foreign [Music] out come the spark plugs I'm trying not to slip and drop my phone in the lake so is it any different than uh reading four-stroke stuff it's fairly similar um I have a video on it as well but you're basically looking for the strap to be Brown um at the moment we're pretty rich so we'll end up yeah that didn't take long to get those all city right so we'll end up start turning it in I always set them up a little bit Rich because you don't blow them up rich you blow them up lean so got it way better to be safe than sorry [Music] so so in my stuff I'd be looking for a fuel ring down at the bottom of the porcelain right you know something we don't have to cut these plugs to look at them like normally you drill out the back to look all the way down at the base we don't have to do that we can do most of the reading all right which makes it easier sweet and so now what are your adjustments then so now on these carburetors there's idle adjustment which is here yeah there's low speed adjustment which is off idle and then high speed adjustment which is at the top okay at the back of the carburetor good job that 2020 from the factory it's we haven't touched his stock you fire it up and you basically have to let the thing warm up for like two minutes otherwise it will not go and uh the downside with the newer Super Jets is they press in a brass plug to make them non-adjustable carburetors yeah so for you to be able to adjust them you basically have to drill that plug out and then add a t-handle because this Flathead on the screw is so tiny you can't get anything to adjust it so they make it so people don't mess with them right but it also makes it where you can't get them running perfectly either no and it because it not only do you have to wait for it to wait two minutes to warm up but it also has just a little hesitation on the bottom and just a little bit just enough to make it where if you're learning to ride and you don't get through that spot you fall over right well we can fix that oh yeah another video another time let's go for the pool number two all right [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] ing it out it sounds smoother now yeah we're getting we're going in the right direction cool [Music] so also where I'd set this up we're at sea level and we're at 850 feet about uh so the elevation changed affects it a little bit got it [Music] foreign first ride the new ski twice the power it had before very possible I go over the bars today love you baby come on foreign [Music] shots trying to get drunk have trouble babies oh yeah it's bad I don't think I ever pinned it for more than three seconds yeah no you didn't let it open up oh dude it gets moving and then you're like if I go down you have to let off because this thing like I think it needs hole mods now because it is not stable you know you're going you're going in an ebony little like Ripple in the water upsets it and then when you have the gas to slow down then it's just like whoa whoa whoa whoa so yeah it sounds aggressive it has lots of snap so we just took jet ski that for the better part of 15 years was dead nuts reliable and it became unreliable recently changed out the motor changed out the dead Drive changed out the exhaust and now not only is it reliable but it's spunkier more powerful and scares the crap out of me to ride I love it it's perfect it is not boring at all and I can't thank these guys enough Nick thank you for the back flips and all the wrenching mark thank you for everything you just did and uh if you guys have time and you want to see more content like this go to Erickson machine and performance YouTube channel yeah trust me you're gonna love it [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 351,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yamaha, superjet, yamaha superjet, mike finnegan, roadkill, watercraft, crashing, back flips, back flip, standup, pwc, engine swap, stroker kit, dual carbs
Id: J66j5LsRKmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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