We Built The Worlds Fastest Shopping Kart!

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this week we built the world's fastest shopping cart with the 120 horsepower sport bike engine two powered rear axles a children's go-kart and a dream [Music] so water's coming out yeah a little water's coming out the exhaust but this thing is a beast it sinks premium so it sounds like it teamwork I've Twisted some wires together I managed to get some Spark [Laughter] s yeah there we go that was a flame if I ever seen I think what you should do will is rather than try to run it off brake clean because it's clearly going to fire at least going if I would find a gas receptacle and all right hook this up so it's got actual all right gasoline in the carburetors surprising given how much of this wiring harness isn't here foreign that is glorious Ethan's leaving us unattended for a whole week with this engine a shopping cart and a dream [Music] well there you go the answer is the carbs need to be clean because they're it didn't even this fuel isn't even in the carbs first up we need to cut the shopping cart so that we can get it onto here and start mocking up where everything's gonna be [Music] next we need to mock up where the shopping cart is going to go because we want it to look as much like a shopping cart and not a go-kart as possible I think we'll take this off this off fit it on there and see what we need to make longer to make that engine fit in here while keeping as much of the shopping cart intact as possible [Music] once we started looking at this it's so much smaller than we thought it was going to be like I I've never really looked at a shopping cart that much but this thing is Tiny [Music] very very nice something's very soothing about just cutting apart a shopping cart it's therapeutic here's the plan we gotta these off so we can fit more tubing over it so we can extend the entire length because we're going to have CBR 900 Civic radiator axle axle [Applause] [Music] thank you we bolted on the go-kart frame yeah to try to guess how much longer we need to make the frame seat about there CBR900 and then I busted out the what is this called Dave and the CBR engine is like another 16 inches so that's already right there where the CBR engine has to sit and then we have to go back at least to 20 to fit it actual and then we have to go at least to 24. to fit another one yeah for that in that space we have to go like 24 inches so look how long this is guys let's just bring it over and see because we need to make it shorter than that can we even bring it over Ethan just set it on that table and I I tried to lift it up and it's not going anywhere will and I can't even pick it up together that's on Wheels this is on Wheels we'll figure it out to do a transfer this is Ethan's loft where I sleep and talk about our sponsor today better help betterhelp is the world's largest therapy service and it's a hundred percent online with better hope you can tap in to a network of over 30 000 licensed and experienced therapists to get started just fill out a 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it's because Jake Jake four by six awesome premium yes and it's actually gonna be four-wheel drive the plan is to heat some tube up that's almost the right diameter and just Wham get it on there and it will be on there for Life obviously we're gonna weld it too I've seen Ethan do it once and it worked he just really had to put the force all his Force into it which worries me because I saw that man carry this engine and I don't think I have that much force when you said you were gonna heat up the bars with the stove I thought you were gonna put them on top right here no I'm cooking them like a blacksmith dude yeah you are blacksmithing them I want to see that bad girl go on that looks hot it is it is melting okay step one lubrication uh-huh pull it out of the stove yep get the ash out of it okay that's burning you a little bit you just come over here it's just a word is that bad boy on okay slide in yep oh it just goes right off it's still going dude you can get it all the way easy all the way we're on there now that's how you do it without a lathe I think you need a bigger hammer it takes so much effort dude so we are going to um scrounge up some headers from the woods this is my favorite location to look for parts and I think I remember seeing some uh back here somewhere if we don't have the headers then we oh don't step there bro [Music] this is starting to seem like a bad idea kind of tough but I'm not gonna give either the satisfaction of telling him that it is a bad idea so we're just gonna point the CBR 900 engine in this thing yeah and go [Music] oh [Music] I've made a whole bunch of tubes to extend the frame and I forgot that we made this six inches longer than it should be so I made all the tubes for this too but they've got to be altered slightly to um bring this back or it's just going to be a super long banana machine so I'm going to weld all this stuff make sure it's straight so that we have a really solid starting point on where the engine is going to be mounted and then we'll bring it over here get the engine in start making some mounts and figure out how short we can actually make this because right now it's huge it's like the size of a F-150 we're going to make it a little smaller [Music] foreign [Music] we just propped the engine up it wasn't easy it was kind of interesting and so we tacked our mounts the thing the engine is resting on right now to the frame because it was kind of like sliding around and it was just kind of very sketchy finger Smasher for trillion right there CBR 900 engine yate that would suck so uh so this is rendition one motor mount and it's not strong at all but the idea was to go under all this stuff and go here and um yeah I'm just showing you guys my mistakes as we go because you know if you try to do this you might run into some problems the next to make a triangle which is a lot stronger got the right triangle shape going and then I used the piranha and chop this out I'm putting some dimples in here to lighten it up a little bit and make it stronger as well it's been a journey but we're getting somewhere this is like the hardest part of the whole thing so you know just working through it one step at a time and we're making progress [Music] [Laughter] I think I'm gonna try to use the Rogue Fab Bender but I've never used it in real life I've watched Ethan do it like a million times I built the bottom mounts I'm gonna gusset from here to there make the lower Mount strong and then we're gonna take a tube and bend it hopefully up and around and down on both sides and tie it in with a bar right here I made a band [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you and when I had talked about making a little hoop that just went up like this and bent around but this is great because now we don't have to gusset the frame because we're supported with a triangle all the way to the back which makes it super strong and adds a little safety which I think we need this is the anti-banana angle for right now I'm gonna get these mounted up and start building mounts for the top of the engine [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to be cutting this up to make this back piece and finish up the shopping cart appearance and I'm thinking that while I was thinking a couple things Edwin because at first I wanted to just weld it into the frame but now I'm realizing we can't do that because we have these two bars back here and we have this bar back here and if we do that the engine won't be able to come out ever again so I'm thinking what I am gonna do is make some notches on that and make it unboltable so it bolts on and you can just unbolt it and remove the engine because at some point we're gonna need to remove this engine I like your ringtone my guy thanks very soothing I'm thinking we can repurpose this as our seat belt Edwin yep that's nice that's super safe I think yep this is how we're gonna remove the engine seat out four bolts Z and then you take the carb out and you just unbolt all the bolts here and the engine goes yoink right out dude yeah and then we can rebuild it or add a turbo it's kind of like a hood on a car I think it needs a turbo I think it does too I mean and look how snug this thing is it looks pretty slow as is yeah it needs a turbo it's gonna be really slow but the good thing about this now like I can shake the whole thing and that's going to be tied to the whole front end this bar now that this is in this is the full concept to reality you have your driver what we haven't talked about yet is this shopping cart oh is gonna be able to have a passenger that stands right there and it pushes the cart yup and we're gonna add we're gonna add these wheelie bars with the original OEM shopping cartwheels dude and if you break down look I can just push you like a skateboard I wonder what this design would look like in a wind tunnel [Music] [Music] tonight is a super duper exciting night because we've got hubs and we've got sprockets and I'm going to be working on the components that make this whole thing go [Music] good [Music] morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we've got a lot going on right now I built the gussets for the engine mounts and this stuff looks strong I don't think it's going anywhere we've got a gusset down here we've got to gusset up there now we're moving on to making this seat brackets I'm gonna take a bar and I'm gonna go from this rail right here to this rail and then I'm just gonna screw straight down into them basically um I might even weld a bolt through and so then you can just put a little nut on it and [Music] big before Ethan went on vacation well and I went through and ordered all the parts we thought we would need and when Ethan was building this he stole our rotor so we're stealing back with ryanfully ours we're taking our rotor back I'm gonna install a dog door in the side of Ethan's shed so I can crawl in and out of here back and forth [Music] all right because we have a ship leads now I'm not going to demonstrate how to shift it yet because it's smoldering right now but this is premium let me show you this goes off of this little mount on the original go-kart and then I'm just gonna drill and tap that put a screw through it so that doesn't slide out and then we've got this really long linkage and I didn't have any other like pipe in here that would work I would have liked to make this a little thicker so I just welded these two pieces of shopping cart together and uh put a 10 millimeter socket right here oh so that holds tension on this well you got a shift and it comes back at to an adjustable nut right here that uh hooks up to the shift linkage where the bike would be where your foot would be usually on a motorcycle so um yeah it's premium and once that cools off we can see if my Theory actually works but I think it should just throw some gloves on dude yeah actually all right let's see if this works oh dude it does work and then this will be our throttle this will be our break and then oh dude and this bearing does still spin dude so it's like nice on your hand nice nice wow six gear one two three one I just can't believe how much we got done in a week dude yeah we built this whole cart in a week yeah which is awesome [Music] foreign [Music] so the guys are finally back and we haven't sent them anything this is like a super big surprise and honestly I think they're gonna be pretty I think they're gonna be in shock because Ethan was saying that he was thinking it was just gonna be a pile of Parts when he gets back and it if I've ever seen something that isn't a pile of Parts it's this thing right here all right are you ready [Music] it's definitely ready that's looking like a thing wow it is a thing nice wow nice so you custom made this entire section that's premium nice I I appreciate the million and one Dipple dice although that that weld didn't exactly work planned I think no it did that's what I was welding with argon and I called Ethan and I'm like this isn't working right yeah he called me like for the five minutes I had service in Hawaii he was like so I switched the bottles and it's not welding right I was like yeah that's because that's pure argon that does not work for me that was the day I was like literally going over the entire frame to re like weld it so I had to do it again with the real um yeah so you know not bad this is not gonna stay no that bolt is way too small yeah the first time you have you planned for exhaust no not yet we're thinking kind of wrap around yeah around the sides yeah cut it but four to two probably yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is baller yeah that is the most followers thing I've ever did you see it's spitting Flames yeah and when you first started it the amount of rust that just went douche that half that rust is in my lungs from all the that stuff dude that is so sick it sounds like a little Chopper dude now we just need to figure out a clutch wow that gets hot fast yeah we should make sure that it's insane and to anyone wondering why the entire engine looks like it's going to catch on fire it's just moisture okay just a little moisture there is gas on there but I it's just the moisture all over the engine this is gas yeah all over everything are you ready for this will I am ready I don't know I honestly don't know what it is so we asked our designer to make something just for you it's just been a premium part of the channel for a long time and so we're doing a limited run there's only 140 available but oh that is so free real is that is the most free I'm never gonna wear that shirt I'll ruin it these are almost right now but I really don't think they'll last long this is the lowest number we've ever released oh I'm just gonna ramp it down like nothing ever happened oh oh the garage door's a little it's never gonna close again I don't know why just just feather it don't let it go just give it a little feather there you go nice the clutch works very well actually she's on the ground oh my gosh this is ground clearance oh it's brutal dude unreal you're actually putting on some uh protection I'm putting it on all the gear we have a fire extinguisher we have uh you guys with the hose and um we have about a quarter inch of ground clearance I don't know how to tell if I am in neutral okay that's definitely not neutral [Music] hey did you see how loose the secondary chain is I didn't see that this way going like this that's gonna last two seconds [Music] [Applause] he's going way too fast oh [Music] my God I didn't think it would be that stable dude it's actually doing really well foreign it's actually doing so well pretty good but it concerns me how fast he's going with zero suspension oh wow get out get out just get out we're caught on fire I don't know turn off all the way to the fuel pump what did it look like I couldn't even feel I just felt like hot air you just go dude no no oh no so I was looking at this and I was like wow there's a lot of oil in there well it turns out that we blew a hole through our junkyard CBR 900 engine just a good nice piece of piston is coming out there right there it's bigger than you're in your tip of your finger I can stick my whole finger whole pinky down in there oh we didn't even get to take it on the street not even on the street and it blew but they're saying I built this engine to come out remember when I was talking about earlier I figured we'd make it more than one driveway lap ah how is it that close to blowing do you think something got in it when we were working no 120 horsepower shopping cart and this happened and this happens dude I knew there had to be something wrong when the when I felt that hot air hit me but it was still running yeah when we pulled in fine no problem I said she'd go like that for a mile I bet so dude oh [Music] no oh I think we got some shrekage that's not the same shape as the whole no the shape on my that is really small this one's a big one we found him oh oh I felt something hit the back of my seat when I figured it was just a rock dude oh the Piston's gone no we're done this engine is done I can't even feel the rod but I can feel a cylinder wall and it's really scored we finally made something that worked and it blew up so quick and that's not even our fault no we didn't do anything we couldn't we literally changed the oil it might just start because I drove it over here I didn't even know something was wrong so it exploded you still gave it RPMs before getting here I think it might it's gonna catch on fire but it let's go another piece of the engine came out when you did that I've never seen anything run after throwing out a nice chunk of piston well rebuild time how much power you think it makes the three cylinders
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 626,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crazy crotch rocket, crotch rocket, shopping kart, go kart, go kart build, go kart off road, go kart with motorcycle engine, go kart restoration, shopping go kart build, crotch rocket build, cbr, cbr rr, shopping cart go kart
Id: 9_3k2dQ7WCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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