We Built a Twin Turbo Ram TRX For Trailer Racing

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guys today is the day for an experiment because right here we have a 700 horsepower Hellcat probably one of the fastest two-door sports cars in the world that you can just go out and buy and right here we have a bright orange Ram TRX that we named carrot now the question is these things both came out with the same amount of power they have the same engines in them one do you think wins in a race take in mind I might have modified this one all right go ahead what was it you might be the best looking person I've ever raced dude I almost had you [Music] I think we need to cut the grass as you guys might remember we bought a bright orange Ram TRX that we named Karen right and TRX is already awesome the way they are they come with a supercharged Hellcat engine in them and if you guys didn't know this we've done a couple things with the hellcats before and I had the idea I wonder what would happen if we did a twin turbo supercharged Ram TRX so I called my buddy John from heli turbo and that is exactly what we did and he's the one that's going on there oh I don't know what that does but it's red I like it how big are these 64. so we'll have twin 64s on top of the supercharger yeah two of these can make 16 1700 no problem so you're telling me either our TRX is going to go really fast or be really blown up we'll go fast first and then you can play with blowing up later yeah yeah oh you're actually recording this time well guys that that was like six months ago but the TRX is finally finished so now it's time to go to Albuquerque and see exactly how much power it makes and I'm out of popcorn or something might as well go where's my pants I need to pack Pants [Music] last time you guys seen this bad boy it was a 6.2 liter supercharged Ram TRX well now it's a 6.2 liter supercharged twin turbo TRX thanks to this man right here if you went to the dealership and you said hey I'd like to buy from the factory a twin turbo supercharged vehicle this is what we want you to see this is what we how it would be that's the way we built it oh dude it looks good let's put it on the diamond let's do it I know you missed her I did miss her it's been 10 months building up to this moment right here foreign for a second 922 horsepower people at the tire so hold on hold on let me do some redneck calculations what what is that at the what's that at the crank huh way over a thousand almost 1100 to drinks is that safe powerable I mean it's not knocking so like like that everything came out perfectly I told you just just that part of it was great and then now we've improved it on the dyno and now you just have to take it on going oh well I can do that let's get it down let's go let's go have fun you want you want to jump at the back I got it I don't know why I don't want to ride in there yeah that's weird okay we just built this truck so we should probably take it easy on it we probably shouldn't run it hard I mean who are we kidding it's us let's send it ready laughs so well is it it's a bump but it don't even care it's a TRX baby oh dude it's like he's just a complete animal now jeez dude I just I see the bumps coming and I'm like dude that's gonna hurt and then we hit it and it just it just nobody cares okay Joe got himself stuck in the mud hole does it look like he needs rescued you need a hand it's probably a little bit too deep to for it to get out on its own I can pull you out though I would say the front you're a lot closer to dry land on this side [Music] I need to drive through but we want to drive through this [Music] that's an animal you want to try it again I don't think so no I mean I bet you he's already cleared the path all you gotta do is send it about 40 mile an hour he'll make it here's a secret you see that skinny pedal on the right just back up a little bit and leave him down don't let off of it and it'll go right through go go I was worried I made it right there on the scale of sending it too much and gripping the whole front of his Jeep up you're good dude that's the worst thing you've ever got this in yeah I just got it man where'd you get it fifteen hundred dollars at a freaking junkyard really yeah dude this thing's pretty good 59 bucks I always see like you know those thirty thousand dollar 10 ounces huh they're going off think about the same thing yeah there you go all right guys it's official she runs perfectly she makes good power so now it's time to head back to Kansas to test it out the best way possible if you didn't notice we're back in Kansas and we're here to answer the question that nobody else has answered and as scientists we have to do this very methodically and expertly so as you can see there's the TRX and then there's the Raptor but this time the TRX now has twin turbos on it a lot more horsepower but it's got a redneck U-Haul trailer on the back so will a TRX tow in a stock trailer still be a stock Ford Raptor no yeah almost you know what there's only one way to find out where are we racing to until the race is over so just until I beat you yeah I got two turbos and a supercharger anything otherwise and I got two more cylinders than you but I'm not pulling a lot of extra weight hey you know what you can't make fun of me because of my weight just because she's a big girl don't mean she don't know how to run I'll be honest I've done some stupid things before I don't know if this is the dumbest thing so we on the count of three I know y'all I'll do the honking don't worry [Music] thank you God he's like a football field ahead of us [Music] it's officially true if you gotta go chase cows get you a twin turbo TRX you can get there faster than anybody else in the world hey can we run it back but I get like a head start hey that's not fair I got a trailer you why should you get a head start and you're like gone instantly like it wasn't even no fun bro had two freaking ways for like a hundred feet oh my God I never thought this thing would rip it like that that's insane so we went for like 100 feet and you were like 100 feet ahead of me like how is it possible that it does that it's got so much it's fun all four tires for like 200 feet so like I'm gonna like stand like right up there I'm gonna go up like 10 yards and then let's see if you can pass me what the well I still think it's fair I don't really know if we're even proving any points anymore or not but we're having fun so we're gonna run this back here are things that if he has three truck links he can win I'm not sure but no way I believe he said it wasn't fair look at that that is insane how in the hell do you figure that wasn't fair the thing is is hands down I don't think anyone could say anything that the Raptor is better than a TRX say dude he was so far ahead of me I thought there was no way I could catch him and it was literally like this I looked over and I'm like I can't catch him I can't catch him bam he I don't even know how this thing has that much power that is just ridiculous
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 2,347,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I5M7oEkQpWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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