We Built a Jet Powered Car for MrBeast

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this is a jet powered car and that is Mr Beast how's it going and if this car can't jump over those school buses my video is ruined and to make things even more interesting we put this whole thing together in about 30 days and we have no idea if it works send the jet engine I'm James I'm hoping to Donut [Applause] so Mr Beast hit us up and asked us to build him a jet powered car this dude is the biggest YouTuber in the world so obviously we said yes and we're all super stoked and optimistic about this project there's no way there's no way come on 30 days to build a rocket car why not explain okay so technically we have a few problems to actually pull this off we're gonna need to find a car that we can attach Jets to we're gonna need to find Jets and then figure out how to put them on the car and we'll need a way to control the car without someone having to be inside of it luckily we're really good at buying dumb Vehicles so first things first we hopped on Craigslist to find ourselves a car and this is what we ended up with it's a 1997 Firebird a car that sort of looks fast and it's not something that we really feel too bad about destroying you ready to hear this baby purr that's what a V6 supposed to sound like take the thing for a spin there's something loose on this front left I don't know what it is I thought I could hear a little squeaky noise coming from the left rear listen the thing really just has to live for about 2 000 more miles so now that we have our car all we got to do is put Jets on it we just can't go to Jet engine.com turns out buying Jets isn't as easy as you'd think you need all kinds of permits to buy the type of engines that we need plus we've never worked with jets before and have no idea how to even use them but we told Mr Beast we'd build him a jet powered car so we have to find a solution and that's when Jeremiah came up with a brilliant idea go on YouTube and type in jet engine and that's when we found a guy who just might be crazy enough to help us out Matt take it away yeah my name is Matt from work perception turns out Matt has put jet engines on a bunch of things not only does Matt have access to the jet engines We need he also volunteered to help us put them on the car all right Matt so Mr Beast wants us to jump a car over the length of a football field is this something you think we're going to be able to do uh yeah yeah that's doable so we have our Jets but that brings us to a new problem Matt lives all the way in Chicago and we're gonna need to bring the car to him now you might not be surprised to learn that we didn't exactly buy the best condition Firebird so we're gonna need to do some road trip prep I will see you in Chicago very soon Matt do you hear you're welcome in Chicago yeah baby step one install a sick vinyl wrap we're also going to need beefier suspension to withstand the impact of the ramp at high speed we've got a few things to do to get this thing ready for the big jump we're going to be replacing the stock wheels and tires with a thick set of esrs and we have some fresh suspension just a freshen this thing up a little bit so that we leave the ramp nice and predictably after a few days of work it's finally time to hit the road [Music] Justin is making great time and certainly nothing bad will happen in Nebraska whole pulley fell off there's supposed to be a pulley right here and now the belt is just rubbing against this bare bearing we only have 15 days left before jet car needs to be in North Carolina and not broken so unfortunately we have to get a trailer and tow the car the rest of the way to Matt's shop all right guys I'm here ready to get started what's up Matt what's up Justin what's up first order of business now that we're in Chicago check out that shiny Bean second order of business fix that pulley that made the car undrivable so all I need to do replace the belt and replace this pulley should be simple 15 minute job never works out that way with the F bird fixed it's finally time to check out the Jets why not take Matt's jet powered scooter out for a spin dude I think it's terrifying dude this guy's a Warrior Man Justin should probably do it now when you think of a jet engine you probably think of the big old Honkers on a fighter jet we're going with something obviously a lot smaller now specifically this is a single stage turbo jet engine it actually has a lot of similarities with a turbo that you'd find in a car engine now there are a couple components to focus on this now this compressor wheel is what pulls in air into the combustor now this would be the equivalent of a combustion chamber in your car now air gets pulled through and compressed in the combustor fuel gets squirted in through these nozzles right here now you have compressed air you have fuel you get spark in there when that spark happens you get exhaust coming out which spins the turbine wheel and this turbine wheel is on the same shaft as the compressor so you get more air being pulled through so you can see how similar that is to how turbo works now the excess exhaust gas gets shot out this nozzle right here and you get forward thrusts we'll be attaching seven of these Jets to our Firebird for a total of 550 pounds of thrust now that that's not much compared to commercial plane like a 747 which makes over a hundred times that but when we combine this with the acceleration from our V6 it should give us enough beans to clear the football field also unlike a regular car the Jets will keep our Firebird accelerating even after it leaves the ramp pretty cool so now we just need to slap seven of these bad boys on the back of our Firebird should be easy right all right so we are waiting on some parts to get here supply chain issues have delayed some of the crucial parts to mount the jet engines so instead we gotta move on to the RC system our solution to this problem is to attach big servos to the steering wheel and the throttle so that Nolan can drive it like a regular remote control car we're pretty much building a full-scale RC car I'm gonna do this sort of quick coupling adapter the steering wheel Amazon does not have the hub adapter for the steering wheel for this car for some reason so it looks like we're just gonna have to make it and I love making parts from leftover scraps now that our hub adapter is made everything's looking good and moving swimmingly our plan actually works so yes good thing happens this remote control system here actuates the brake pedal as well as a there's a steering servo so now there's no you know human controls so the wiring is good the system has power oh my God it's turning what that's so sick sure [Music] that is sick look I'll be honest I am a little nervous because I want us to be able to jump this thing but I'm also really excited to do this like this is amazing this is super cool after a few days of working on the RC system the missing jet Parks finally arrived so now that we're this far the only real thing that's causing us issues is we don't have a lot of time to test it we are in a rush so uh hopefully we can get as much development time in this very short amount of time we have left [Music] thank you all right it's been a long day we have the fuel lines hooked up all we got to do is put some fuel in the tank and get the fire it up and hear it for the first time you use this we have to start all seven engines at the same time to check the amp draw we are in a neighborhood it's 10 p.m but gotta do what we gotta do foreign [Music] [Music] only two of the engines had actually fired up at Full Throttle meaning we have a serious wiring issue to figure out and the jump is like in three days so we have no choice but to deal with those issues when we get there this is WD-40 brand and guess what they're the sponsor of today's awesome video Let's Go the WD-40 brand is more than just a classic name they're game changers born out of literal rocket science you can Google it and they've got more than just the original WD-40 formula with their Innovative specialist line we're talking dozens of specialized heavy duty Solutions with tailored Delivery Systems for the garage the Factory The Farm wherever the tough job is with Delivery Systems like easy reach smart straw and big blast the original WD-40 formula and specialist line help Next Level Pros get the job done right we've been using WD-40 products at Donuts since the very beginning and to be honest everyone around the world's been using them since 1953 for a reason if it works great in outer space it works even better here on Earth so whatever kind of Next Level Pro you are find your next level solution at wd40.com or just click the link below so now while the boys made their way to North Carolina I hopped on a jet powered vehicle of my own a jet [Music] we just found out that Nolan and Phil and Justin are about two hours uh late they're two hours later than they said they would be here so it's not a really great look for donut there they are jet car has landed with all of us finally together we got our first look at Mr BEAST's jump a full quarter mile drag strip leading to a massive ramp over an entire football field with 12 school buses on it I love the optimistically tall Landing ramp is taller than this right and Meanwhile we're sitting here thinking should we tell him our car doesn't work yet still have to address all the problems with the car plus we haven't done any testing to make sure Nolan can actually drive the thing without crashing and to make things even worse we were informed that the algorithm doesn't like green Flames so we had to take more okay we're at the track the jump is tomorrow but we still don't know what's up with those five engines that didn't fully spin up so uh we gotta test that and then we opened up the trunk and found another problem we got a giant pool of kerosene sitting in the bottom of the trunk the kerosene fuel from the Jets spilled everywhere during the road trip and all of the electronics got soaked oh that was sick did it all come out yeah I think so dude that's a lot of you oh my God uh we spilled a bunch of kerosene on our engine control units so uh Matt and I have taken them out of the car Matt's gonna clean them uh and then we'll put them back together hopefully no kerosene has gotten into weird electrical connections and messed it up I'm so tired and this is very stressful if the electronics don't work neither will our Jets so we have no choice but to sit here and wait for them to dry out a few hours later everything seems dry enough I think they're the perfect temperature so Matt and Nolan wired up the first jet but I'm actually nervous here because we won't be able to get another one if one of these uh gets damaged so no sleep now it's time to see if it actually works [Music] that's one that we know Works uh so now we just kind of have to connect the stuff back together how we already did and hopefully all seven fire back up we're gonna test all seven engines at the same time make sure they can all hit Full Throttle at the same time Perfect all right so we're in the car now uh we're gonna see how much the Jets can move the car on their own we're gonna put in neutral and see what happens uh that was no engine that was just all jet all Jet and neutral nice okay so that was only uh slightly terrifying uh but we have run out of daylight and we still haven't tested the RC system yet so we have a very little time in the morning and then we have to do the jump [Music] we're back I've got a full night's sleep and I feel great okay we got two hours until Mr Beast gets here two hours sounds like a lot of time but it's really not when we got here the jet engines were pouring gas all over the track luckily we addressed that still the brakes don't work I've never driven it with the RC system but I guess the good news is that Jimmy gets here in two hours so we have 20 minutes left we are finally testing the RC system uh we're still having some trouble with the brakes right down to the wire as we always are here we go it works all right we're gonna go to the midpoint location where I'm going to be sitting for the round car uh works now we just got to test it with driving with the fpv system get some practice in oh yeah not only will Nolan be controlling an actual car with a remote controller but he's also going to be wearing fpv goggles from a drone and we have done absolutely no testing with any of this stuff either we better not crash it now because we only got one jet car [Music] oh my God oh oh I just lost some feed dude Brake's not working oh yeah it is dude that was what happened a minute of of helmet time before it cut out like the feed cut out a little stressed right now yeah uh near the end of the track like the feet on the goggles cut out so I just lost control man dude that was a little nerve-wracking I gotta gotta be honest big time Big Time but before we can figure out a solution to the goggles we just got word that the Beast has landed Jesus Christ oh my God oh my God are you gonna start all the way down there yeah thankfully Mr Beast and his friends are all impressed I'm bringing my two-year-old out here this is like I feel like gonna make me the coolest dad ever so I turn this into hypothetical wheelchair oh my God oh that's so cool it is very cool but I don't I don't know I'm just used to things breaking whatever sometimes I touch stuff like this and then it just stops working and it delays Sapphire okay here just here make sure it still works [Music] godspeed car where is it going call you I'm done and now it's time for the jump but here's the thing we're not gonna jump jet car just yet we're actually gonna jump not a jet car [Applause] now in order to demonstrate how good jet car is Mr Beast also bought a second Firebird that we also need to jump off a ramp and the entire time that we've been working on jet car Justin has been working all-day mounting a remote control system to not a jet car but there are two problems number one the fpv issue if Nolan falls out of range he can crash the car so I came up with the idea to drive down the drag strip in a side by side to stay close enough to the signal problem solved but there's also a more complicated problem not a jet car might look the same as jet car but it's a different model year and our remote controlled gas pedal won't work with the newer throttle body and we have no time to fabricate a new system so we'll need another way to accelerate the car we didn't get this car working the way we wanted but we're gonna do it the caveman way throw a brick on the pedal and send it to the Moon bricks all right we're just waiting for the go ahead from the team to send the stock car down over the ramp I still have no camera no camera no camera okay is it good good to go is uh Justin clear water no no doesn't oh go go [Music] okay it's going thank you [Music] destroyed that wow oh my God gotta get over there where's the golf cart that was the sickest thing ever Against All Odds not a jet car was a success Nolan laced it holy crap boy this is the set it went through a bus it went right through the emergency exit but it's not time to celebrate yet yeah let's do it [Music] we still have a jet car to jump and if it doesn't do better than not a jet car the whole project would be a failure and we'll be so embarrassed and with the sun going down on North Carolina the car was as ready as it can be it's time to line it up on the drag strip and get into position okay I still I do not have camera feed we still don't have a camera feed still don't have any future finally trying to figure it out because this thing that can happen okay I got it I got it we have visual what go is uh all right baby why did they put it apart God damn it God damn it send the jet engine put the car in Drive confirmation go donation here we go here we go here we go James Here Comes oh it's going way faster it's going so much faster it's on fire yeah [Music] I'm feeling so relieved dude oh man I hope it looked cool did we jump an entire football field no was jet car a success yes there's no way there's no way 30 days oh man oh my gosh look at this whoa oh I don't know what I was expecting oh wow the hood got peeled back oh that's what that is wow what if you had to play football on this boys I just want to say thank you so much boys you guys killed it that was so epic thank you [Music] thank you for watching uh make sure to like And subscribe check out Mass Channel warp perception he's done a ton of crazy stuff on his big thanks to Mr Beast and all of his dudes for having us out this is so good go watch their video you probably already have yeah go check out this little Channel you go check out this small Channel called Mr Beast [Music] what the f there's a car in the school bus this is gonna be the best year ever we gotta get out of it getting up okay
Channel: Donut
Views: 4,167,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, donut media, cars, james pumphrey, up to speed, moneypit, mrbeast, mrbeast jet car, jet powered car, train vs giant pit, hydraulic press vs lamborghini
Id: Rri83pDN6kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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