I Made a 5,300+ Person Homeless Camp in Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to city skylines where last time we built slumtopia a massive terrible slumland where all of our workers come from that's horrifically zoned terribly underfunded and we'll have a radioactive lake in the center of and we're doing this all to help our bottom line because our goal with our city is to make as much money as literally possible we're doing a bit of an investment right now our weekly income's down but that's okay our population has been going up aside from this death wave and all these sick people don't worry about them we're closing in on our ultimate goal of our city becoming a megalopolis because then we get all the tiles possible and we can industrialize the world so first we're gonna need a ton of extra laborers so we're going to be expanding slumdopia and making a supermassive version of it here and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like oh yeah and remember the fecal fairy transit system we have yeah we're gonna be making a better version of this too because the lake in the middle of slumptropia is gonna be filled with poop and of course we're not gonna let that poop go to waste but it's gonna be even worse though because we're also gonna have nuclear waste coming out of our nuclear power plant so be poop and nuclear waste all over here and we're gonna direct it over to the new area of slumptopia so probably about right here or something we're just gonna go straight on ahead yes this makes sense good luck at school today kids and yeah we're gonna fill this all up with poop that'll make a super mega grid for our fairies to go around over here and all the poop will go through this kind of zone we'll throw in the fairies in here later and eventually all that will end up over here where it will all re-enter the river so kind of just want to go like this and then to there good oh and i suppose we'll make things make sense too like although this would be hilarious having your car covered in poop as you pass by uh all of our industry vehicles rang into a giant brick wall probably isn't that efficient but i did kind of like the fact that the cars could all get covered in poop so we have a radioactive poop waterfall going down this way in a little bridge so all the vehicles pass by but you know there's gonna be a little bit of splatter anyway also did some highway work so people could leave our new slum area from over here built a couple of this out and then i extended the highway out into this area too because look the one thing we will give the peasants is our laborers sorry is good road infrastructure we need them to get to work we need them to get to work on time and we don't want them to spend time at home we want them to be excited to go to work because their life at home is you know surrounded by nuclear pool water so it's better to be working in your industry area right of course so get this highway out to about here so that way we can connect it with our existing highway infrastructure we built over here because i'm sure most of the workers in this slum area are going to need to head to this highway because this highway goes all the way out to here and this area is going to be where the majority of our factories are and then when people come home from the factory they can go this way turn over here and then to there from there i guess we'll have this go to the ground through a roundabout and people can go home so that's like a rough idea i know the circle is like not a perfect circle i'll fix that stuff up later right now we just want ideas so we want to make a roundabout there for sure i will probably have this highway come over this way turn over into this main road and enter another roundabout about here that's another way for people to get into the city but maybe we could do one better we'll build an inner city roundabout like so and then we'll bring a highway connection directly into this roundabout so this is kind of like the main road going through the city we'll continue over this way right across the canal and then the highway will come from this somehow i don't know like that here there the other place and it's perfect again don't worry i'll fix this in a second ideas are first ideas okay uh next up those are kind of like the road basics highway entrances and such uh we need a train so we'll run that along the highway that way we can have extra highway entrances and exits on this side and then the train will be on this side okay so you will go right all the way down there bud then somehow over there to here to there that way and into the other slum area wow that is cursed okay well that's like the general plan general idea we can make this work and in one beautiful boop everything's looking great too look at that train track look at all these roads all aligned to this oh it's so nice all right look at this horror show i made too since we know we're gonna have fairies going around i added in the fairy stops right and then i was working on the road work and you know things got a little weird because the fairies are a little tall i needed to make these roads or bridges going across to be a little bit higher up so i made this like inner loop or i guess square so cars could drive around in a square and then we could have more bridges going across there connect this side city in this side of the city and then our main road i didn't want to be caught up in all this like low density traffic i guess so now this main road just goes over top the rest of it then we'll have roads on the ground level so we're gonna be all the way down here come on there we go dude it's it's a mess it's like a pancake stack except it will make us money oh and train wise i just have it running across the city just here and there right and well i'll just figure out the city traffic grid first and then we'll add in train stations after the train stations we can make them work the grid gotta be a little careful with since we're gonna have just an absolutely insane population in this area we have to make a pretty decently efficient road network so i have another main road going this way it will go up here have a nice bridge over to there same deal over this way so we'll have the main road kind of going maybe this way maybe that way same deal over here then after countless hours of toiling i have made the greatest grid you could possibly imagine maybe probably it's pretty good though yeah we got one waves going everywhere we have areas for vehicles to kind of jump on to this like slip road here that goes over this way goes to the highway because of course everyone wants to go the highway train station just ended up putting it right in the middle of the city all of the ferry stops have been connected too and i think everything's gonna be okay hopefully maybe i don't imagine there'll be too many traffic jams part two is looking much the same so we got a mean road going through up this way down over this way and down to this highway entrance area and finally part three is complete look at it look at it this is unironically very difficult i tried to get an extra train station in here and it's like it's a mess man it's crazy i will probably end up having to change stuff over here because it is it's so insane that there must be a problem with it but the main road going through here we got bridges going to that core square so cars can go all around it's all connected to the ferry stops we have roundabouts i didn't put in an extra highway entrance that's a mistake i'll add one in later though and okay that's looking good that's looking geez like the grittiest grid i've ever seen in my entire life oh my god a match i can't imagine living here look at this look at how this has evolved the full stack all the traffic all the time oh and wait we don't just want fairies and trains now we're going the whole nine yards we don't want people to be here right we want them to be encouraged to go to work so we need to make it more noisy since there's not gonna be a ton of traffic because the roads are actually i know they look crazy but they're actually relatively efficient we need extra noise and we will add it in artificially we could add buses buses they honk i guess but we could do one better and we could add in trams oh yes there are trams in the game so add in trams at least over here first just to get the trams into the system and then we'll have them drive in all over the place we'll have it be efficient too like it'll go past the train station right because we want people to take the tram get to the train if they want to or just around the city mainly to get to the train though we'll start making loops all around okay and i guess we kind of want it to go to the left and then kind of zigzag through right so if we're here what if we went to like here screw that one road you're actually going to be a tram road now go back up there here to the road oh that's working now that's working out upgrade this oh no we can't connect the tram road to the fairy thing that's fine also that's probably not fine oh there's that there's this little angle fixed saved redemption arc complete what if we did this oh this is way easier we'll go up and over and until that road okay and then we can zig back this way and back this way and then loop it all together things are looking pretty good i ended up having to change a couple things around because we did need a bunch of these one ways but tldr tram system kind of goes this way goes in a bit of a loop a little zigzag a guy connected to the second area here and i tried to keep it more so out of the way so kind of goes around here there everywhere over to this zone through the main road but the best thing that you can do with trams and what i try to do a lot is you can make specific tram roads so it's only a tram track but you can add a stop on just the tram track so say we had stopped there right well then we could add on a pedestrian path that connects to that stop that can go to the road and there you go the trams aren't on the road and people are forced to walk to it it's the double whammy win but we'll add in like the whole tram stop thing in a second we need to actually know where people want to be and people want to be at public services like schools gotta have a couple schools elementary schools everywhere out the wazoo oh and i learned a little trick actually so we have this anarchy mod right so we can pretty much build and do whatever we want so we can even combine buildings so we have an incinerator plant and we can combine that with the elementary school and look at that [Laughter] it's like a factory school oh now that is an efficient elementary school kids can learn about their job that they're gonna work after they're done with school i can just go over here see what's going on and it's like an apprenticeship school but okay with the schools in the rest of the service is pretty irrelevant we're all good one more important thing we need to do though is make like a central kind of place like slumtopia central we have this hill in the middle in between the two areas of slumtopia i have another idea for the hill so we're gonna save that instead we're gonna build kind of slumptopia central over here i think we have a train station trams nearby and if we just get rid of that one road we've got plenty of space and check this out we got the coolest building ever for this area it's well it's hideous but it's perfect look at it does that not look straight up dystopian what a great centerpiece oh and kind of like in the last video we could have like a slum park over here so in the last time we made this like custom park that's just like a total mess or not like a mess but more so like unmaintained so we'll add in the unfriendly spiked fence and then put together the messy unmaintained pathway too and then random details from there a lot of the stuff i'm doing in this city especially with these slums is very fine detailing work but at the end of the day i'd say it's worth it got the porta-potties got the taxi stand the messed up tables even got our big old parking lot over here oh and who could forget a dump you gotta have the dump right next to the park but with that we're able to bring some topia to life now so we're gonna be zoning things in slowly block by block so we'll start here then here then here if we zone everything at once all the people will move in at once then all the people will pass away at once overload our hospitals and then we lose the video game so we want to start slowly by the way there's quite a lot of pent-up medical demand so watch this as we get started go fleet of hospital vans save the world as fast as you can it's like a fleet oh my gosh maybe we should include more services that's expensive never mind yeah a lot of sick people in the slums but at least we're getting our money's worth with the hospital and the population is really flying up over here too good so time for round two i think we went up about five ish five to ten thousand population people love the new city so let's get more people and oh boy things are now getting pretty dang busy man that's a that's a lot that's a lot a lot of slums up to 72 000 people now so that's i think another 10 000 people that's a lot closing in on our goal here of 85 yeah 85. okay good good good how's that traffic looking 87 not bad no big clogs those are just a lot of cars parked on the side of the road sick people whatever be sick okay fantastic then for the last zone that's all she wrote that is the next part of slumdopia oh but you know what we really need in this city homeless people yeah this has like a nice detail you know just an extra little thing here there oh that'd be great yeah people are sick they can't afford rent they just go to the homeless camp and then we rehabilitate them okay let's do that let's make some homeless people how do we do that we need tents i have a park life dlc does this have tents in here oh yes tents everywhere oh boy okay we're gonna have tents how okay this is gonna be pretty weird so we have to make a park because we can't place the building outside of a park area so we're gonna make the entire city a park area but now we get to build tents everywhere oh fantastic we are gonna build some tents right next to the train tracks that's gonna be sweet just spam them up literally everywhere put anarchy on so you can build more just really close together i love it and the people love it too technically this makes all the citizens happier okay then we'll put like a little nature path through here yes that connects to there too get that tent then out of the path look at that oh is that is that our first homeless person right there amanda wright oh and who's that earl blake huh low wealth adults just tourists you know they're not homeless they're tourists smile oh look at everybody going to the tents oh that's the best you know i wasn't sure if people would actually go to the tents or not i thought they had to go through like the mean park gate but it's working this is like the best addition ever we have homeless people everywhere people walking through put some homeless tents behind these industrial buildings we have like a dumpster there in this fire there's walking paths all over as well so people can you know get places oh man and this was only the first one i added in more so many more over by the park gate over here there's a nice little area underneath this highway or roadway i kind of made it like the messy look with the concrete and the dirt path together a couple trees in there too you know how it is fire underneath the highway and then i may have gone a little overboard underneath this whole freeway here is just one massive homeless camp it it's it's a lot hopefully we don't actually get this many homeless people in the city we do mostly need workers but come on it's so cool it's underneath the train track too so it's gonna be as loud as possible it's just a pooly mess got some industry areas right next to it and you know i have to be honest i think this is my favorite place in the whole city now oh and i almost forgot they're gonna be right next to the poop river oh my goodness it gets worse everything gets worse it's time for the poop flood go be connected dump the sewage you all have power they do oh yeah there we go baby do we have the nuclear waste being dumped as well of course we do if only we could make it green but you know what close enough right and now like no sippy feels to the brim and then the poop flood begins admittedly though i do kind of feel bad that the people of slumtopia prime here weren't exactly told of uh you know the poop river thing they might have just expected water here well they already moved in deposit is in the bank you're stuck here now buckos and here comes the poop then all the poor homeless people oh my gosh and there our fecal fairies go as well but there's some bad news and good news bad news is for whatever reason the fairy depot says it's not connected to lines when it's literally on the lines so is this like some kind of bug i don't know because like it sent off like a couple fairies and then it just stopped sending more i even tried connecting lake no sippy to the ocean because i read like some bug report that you should do that but no it doesn't work i don't know what's going on man but then there's also good news i'm sure everybody wanted me to do this but i put a damn at the end here so we now have a poop power damn that's flooding a little bit who cares it's a poop powered dam do you expect it to work perfectly it is making 64 megawatts of power for 3 200 a week which is awful but there's no way we're gonna go through this playthrough without making a poop powered damn like come on had to be done no matter the cost and with that though i would say we are done our homeless camps beautiful complete the fairies kind of working poop going everywhere a whole city with a 83 000 population new highways like the works we did so much today it's fantastic and by next time we're gonna be a megalopolis oh it's gonna be crazy dude so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 416,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, city skylines mod, cities skylines let's play, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines game, city, skyline, cities, kibitz, imkibitz, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city, cities skylines homeless
Id: UW3nGoK4uRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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