The BEST Cities Skylines BEGINNERS GUIDE Ever - Quick Metropolis

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[Music] hi I'm Lee and we'll build a big city very quickly in this series called quick Metropolis we'll start off with a vanilla build on the aired planes map from the mass transit DLC our start square has a great spot for the city center we'll build next to the river in this episode but we have to work our way there from this highway interchange way off to the east we'll start by narrowing to a two-lane two-way road because I'm really not interested in keeping this huge interchange long term next we'll extend to growl Road out towards the river for our city center this will be a good spine for our water and electricity infrastructure after I lay a pipe back towards the highway I'll place a water drain pipe to handle sewage since it's the cheapest option I'm going to place a water tower even though a water pump would be better because I really want to avoid contaminating my water supply at this point I want his own back towards a highway interchange so buildings can spread power across our city I want the first building space out so I don't need to use power lines so I'm leaving eight unit gaps between zones finally we'll place a Coal Power Plant in the industrial area set our water and electricity budget to 50 to save money and start the clock notice how we have over half our starting money left over when we only build what we need when we need it we save on upkeep costs which gives us more money to expand when we really need the room in this first episode we'll build our city tacopolis up to the Big Town Milestone of 8 500 Sims we'll establish all the basic city services like electricity water schools Healthcare deathcare fire police and Parks without running into financial trouble this map has some serious ridges and hills around its wide flat valleys this will present some challenges for bringing in rail infrastructure using realistic grades but it will give the city layers and Vistas that flat Maps just don't provide we'll move pretty fast to the series so I can share my best tips for building a successful metropolis and City skylines if you'd like a deeper understanding of why I'm doing certain things check out my series more money less traffic let's check on our power grid some gaps may not fill in soon enough so I'll add some power lines to connect them to make sure the Sims don't pack up and leave we can bulldoze them when the buildings fill in and ends on the rest of the street to keep our population growing I'm leaving two minute caps for new streets at the beginning I recommend building only gravel roads to save money we don't want too many streets either just enough to support the current influx of Sims it's easy to overextend or budget early On by Building too many streets and then not having enough income or savings to build water pipes so that Sims will move in and stay take a look at the zoning demand meter I've zoned a bunch of residential and commercial but Sims won't move in until I add more industrial zones to provide jobs notice my zoning pattern here too I've zoned all of our industrial out next to the highway this saves all the big trucks from having to cross through our city to get in and out of town all of our commercial zones are along 2nd Street this puts most of our Sims within walking distance of shopping and jobs there there's still a lot of room for Sims to move in and takopolis already has a healthy income what we've built so far should be enough to reach our first Milestone at 500 Sims before we keep going let's bump our electricity and water budget up to 75 percent to prevent capacity shortages with our first Milestone Sims began generating garbage so we need either a landfill or a recycling center to handle it I like to keep those on the outskirts of town with my industry because the ground pollution now let's go back to the center of town and place our first Elementary School to raise the education and the income levels of our Sims and a medical clinic to keep them healthy last we'll expand out to 7th Street to add residential zones but just enough to reach a thousand Sims looks like we need more jobs too so let's expand our industrial zones out one more block to 11th Street so far all we have is a giant grid that's because I'm working around the diagonal streets in my city plan square blocks use fewer streets to access more land more developed land makes me more money especially as I add city services or running a little short on electricity and water's probably not far behind so I'll bump both budgets up to 100 percent not much longer and techopoulos becomes a worthy Village this means we need fire and police coverage before we tackle those though let's expand garbage capacity on the edge of town to keep up with production Industrial zones carry the highest fire risk so we'll put our firehouse on Arch Street there our street also offers the most direct connection to our city center I want to build my police station near the center of town so I can get land value bump from it but I need more money to build it I'll take a small loan out to cover the cost loans can be trouble if you use them to expand infrastructure without expanding your tax base so only use them to fund critical city services or developing more zoned land Sims will pay extra money to live near water so let's expand along the riverfront we'll leave a gap for public green a park will build on 2nd Street between Cherry and Filbert streets then I'll continue zoning commercial along 2nd Street and residential everywhere else I'd like to add another water tower so Supply capacity equals sewer capacity but I'm out of money right now I'll take care of it later when we really need it we've built enough to easily reach 1600 Sims which is our third milestone now we can build Parks but we also need a high school and that water tower we've also reached the top of our electricity capacity so let's take out a 60 000 credit loan to build another Coal Power Plant rather than building it west of 14th Street I'll expand to the east so I'll have room to satisfy the demand for more industrial jobs then I'll pop our second coal power plant and another recycling center I think I can afford to leave a little room for expansion later back to our city center we're running short on elementary school capacity so let's add another one on the north side we have the money so let's get ready to build public green we'll start using paved roads going forward here these first few create guidelines I can use to make sure I get the 45 degree angle I want for our diagonal streets Franklin Avenue and Ridge Avenue these will become major spokes in tacopolis spoken Hub layout along with our first four-lane road Broad Street we'll build public transit lines along these roads since their shortcuts across the grid now I'll pave the roads around public green and upgrade Art Street back toward 14th Street to speed traffic flow from the highway then I'll Zone commercial around the park along the diagonal streets and along Broad Street I prefer paved roads around Park before I start building for a couple of reasons first paved roads are slightly wider than gravel roads so it saves me from moving things around when I widen them later second Parks give a huge boost to land value it seems silly not to take advantage of the Boost from paved roads too finally we'll Zone the remainder of this new area residential and put in pipes at this point I'll pave as many streets as I can afford our income supports them now and our Sims will enjoy higher land value because the streets won't be so dusty anymore let's zoom in and deal with traffic lights and stop signs four lane roads like Broad Street automatically get traffic light to every intersection we want to turn these off except at the seven-way intersection at 5th Street which will get a little chaotic otherwise we'll set its top signs on side street at intersections with Broad Street our diagonal streets our Street and 2nd Street this will keep our busiest streets moving right now we'll set a five-way stop at Arch and 7th Street now let's pave a few more streets as we cruise on to our next Milestone at 2800 Sims the inspiration for our city center layout came from the U.S cities of Philadelphia and Chicago I like the narrow Streets of Philadelphia so the entire city center will use only two lane roads except for Broad Street this will make downtown feel cozy and walkable with Chicago I like the diagonal streets that shortcut across the grid the five-way stop at arch in seventh has definitely become a problem and right now it's the only way into our city center rather than changing the intersection I'll show you the most important traffic principle you'll ever learn in City skylines alternate direct routes diffuse traffic when we extend Ray Street and cow Hill Street to create parallel routes it relieves the backup on Arch Street this is extremely easy to do on a grid but it works on cities without a grid too and it works better than higher capacity or higher speed roads the trick is to make sure each Street has a similar length and speed limit this assures traffic gets more evenly distributed across the road Network write it down alternate direct routes diffuse traffic is a boom town now which allows Sims to start dying on us if the city doesn't have a hearse to send out to pick up a dead body Sims do not buy shovels at the hardware store to deal with it on their own instead they do the sensible thing and just abandon the building to prevent this from happening I'll expand to the north to make way for a cemetery Wheels on the rest of this neighborhood residential and add a fourth recycling center in our Industrial Area to keep up with garbage I forgot to add pedestrian paths that shorten the walk to public green since I intend for this to become a dense area I want to maximize walkability to high traffic destinations by creating shortcuts through these longer blocks now let's create a Park area so we can build public green allows us to build a main gate which allows us to build side Gates and plazas I like to make it convenient for Sims walking through the neighborhood to cut across the park The Sims enjoy their walk more and so does the city budget with all the extra Sims paying for the convenience Parks play a huge role in creating land value land value nearby increases as we add to the Park's entertainment value the park level up to allow higher admission prices as visitors and entertainment increase new buildings become available as our first Park levels up the buildings aren't the only things that add to a Park's entertainment value trees and props including fences also contribute while we wait for public green to level up I'll pave as many streets as I can afford to increase land value I'll add more buildings to the park to reach level 3. notice the high entertainment level around it as well as the increased land value industrial demand remains pegged it'd be nice to Zone a bunch to boost residential demand but I'd rather keep it small right now so I can satisfy it with office zones which won't be available until our next episode also just a bit more industrial while I wait for enough money to build more residential streets this industrial area is also closer to my city center than I'd like so keeping it small will also make it easier to move even with high enough temperatures to turn off the heat electricity capacity problems persist I'm trying to hold off on building another Coal Power Plant because the ground pollution takes so long to dissipate but it seems to be my best option right now this looks like a good time to add water capacity too since land value has increased around public green commercial zones have leveled up level 2 and especially level 3 commercial zones require Sims with higher education levels since our city is new some commercial buildings complain that there are not enough educated workers we could try to prevent zones from leveling up by keeping land value down but this strategy takes a huge toll on tax revenues instead I recommend investing in education and land value Improvement and just remaining patient education levels will eventually catch up enough to eliminate this problem we have enough money to complete our grid south of Broad Street so we can add more industrial and residential zones to reach our next Milestone wool Zone commercial along Broad and 14th Street and set aside more Parkland on Ridge Avenue time to add more sewage capacity I'll build a second water drain pipe next to the first at this point in the game we don't really add many new city services but we do have to keep an eye on the info views to make sure we have adequate capacity we're doing okay so far but there are times where we're short on funds to keep up with needs the blue availability indicator tells us we could use another Elementary School in high school very soon the good news though is that we've educated 35 percent of our Sims so far garbage capacity has fallen behind so I'll wait for enough money and place another recycling center if we add a few gazebos public green will be well on its way to level four now it's just a matter of time before you reach the busy town Milestone at 5500 Sims a few commercial zones are still complaining that there are not enough educated workers but again if we keep enough school capacity in techcopolis this problem will go away as better educated generations of Sims enter the workforce since we have the snowfall DLC significant outdoor temperature drops will cause hymns to turn on their electric heat often we can just wait for the temperature to go back up and electricity demand will drop enough that everyone will have power again the busy town Milestone is upon us now we can use our savings to build a fire station a large version of the firehouse we also gained access to the police headquarters and the hospital which are larger versions of the police station and the medical clinic these perform the exact same functions as their smaller counterparts with higher capacities over a larger area so it's safe to bulldoze the old buildings or move them to a location with less coverage to help us grow population let's spend a little on completing our 10 block by 10 block plan area we're only 3 000 away from 8 500 Sims our sixth and final milestone for this episode we'll Zone a tiny bit of commercial along the new section of Franklin Avenue and all along Broad Street then we'll Zone residential everywhere else before we Mark out Franklin Park since tacopolis is getting bigger I'm setting certain streets as priority roads this turns on all the stop signs for streets that intersect this includes Arch and Broad Streets our diagonals Ridge in Franklin and 2nd 6th 10th and 14th streets I need to zoom in now where these main streets intersect to change some Junctions away from having always stops I want our busier streets to flow freely whenever possible and have a four or five way stop or even a traffic light where it's needed to improve traffic flow since public green just broke level 4 I'll place a couple of climbing frames to allow it to max out at level 5. as we move over to Broad Street you'll see again that I have to turn off the traffic lights that automatically appear at each intersection since 14th Street right now provides our only Highway access also to traffic light at the busy intersection with Arch Street let's zoom out and check out traffic flow there's congestion at our seven-way traffic light at broaden 5th streets which I was expecting but something weird is going on with both sides of our Highway interchange at 14th Street maybe it'll clear if I let it run for a while oh no I know what happened when ice at 14th Street as a priority Road this set stop signs all along it including where the westbound side of the highway and the inbound ramps meet up stop signs definitely do not belong here so I'll get rid of those to get traffic moving again sadly the backup Stacks up as fast as it clears this wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have a backup in the first place let me turn off the traffic light and give priority to 14th Street for a while to maybe clear it out this will cause some problems for Art Street but it's like sending police to direct traffic manually for a bit to get more Vehicles off the ramp quickly once it clears out we can let the traffic light take care of things again in just a few Cycles things began moving pretty well at Arch and 14th streets now we have enough cash saved to build a police headquarters on Broad Street and bulldoze our little police station at Arch and Second Street ozone a bit more industrial to satiate some of the jobs demand then we can expand out to 14th Street and around Franklin Park we'll continue zoning commercial along Broad Street and continue the shopping districts along 14th Street too neighborhood looks like a good place to build a third Elementary School to keep education running strong we could use another high school too I'll Place one as soon as we have the money education really is the key to building a strong City economy land value increases with our City's average education level increasing tax revenues better educated Sims also produce less garbage which saves on expenses so I like to say that a more educated Sim is a more profitable Sim proud to say that our last Year we're a tiny bit short on electricity I just don't just tell the heart to build another Coal Power Plant so I'll Place enough wind turbines to address the shortfall I'm seeing some serious brownouts when the temperature drops but not long enough for any of the Sims to get upset and leave so we should be okay for now we just about have enough money for a new hospital once I place it I'll demolish the old Medical Clinic to save on upkeep let's check out info views land value shows a lot more green around 5th and Broadway due to our fantastic Park and improved service coverage Elementary and high school capacity is strong we could use more garbage capacity but Healthcare and death care capacity looks good traffic has gotten worse at our Highway interchange again and we really need a new power plant and probably new water infrastructure soon too it does look like we really need more money than we have to fill our needs but at least public green has reached level five in desirable areas like around public green it does help land value to bulldoze abandoned buildings but simsa decide to move in will eventually do it themselves like we see here on Franklin Avenue the weather is warm and we're still short on electricity and cash I'll add one more wind turbine which looks like enough to solve the problem for now we just need a few hundred more sims to move in to reach our last Milestone and electricity just keeps running short ah I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner since we have the green cities DLC the geothermal power plant became available with our previous milestone we have more than enough money to build one way out on Broad Street these don't cause ground pollution but they are noisy so I like to keep them far away from residential zones they produce so much energy I can afford to demolish one of our dirty old coal power plants and have plenty of excess capacity while I'm here I might as well add another recycling center and add more industrial Zones North of Broad Street [Music] patient growth seems to have stalled out a bit so I'll add just a few small blocks of residential zones I'll also get Franklin Park started I'd like to have a crosswalk in the middle of Franklin Avenue here so first I'll lay a diagonal Street to force a node there then I'll change one end of the street to have grass instead of parking to create a crosswalk without mods then I can lay out the gates and park pass to allow Sims to take shortcuts through the park let's fly down Franklin Avenue to check out The View this is really coming together I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have it really helps me grow this Channel and bring you more great videos like this when you leave a like and a comment and share on social media if you really like what you see on my channel it only takes a few dollars to unlock ad-free Early Access and behind the scenes content on patreon I'll squeeze in a few more residential zones along the Waterfront and around Ridge Park so we can reach 8 500 Sims check out our income we're banking 8 000 credits per week since we kept infrastructure costs down and built land value with city services education and Parks Tech couples is a big town now which means we need a big university so we can have enough educated Sims to live and work in the high density buildings we can now zone for join me in the next episode of quick Metropolis where we'll revamp our Highway connections and introduce public transportation so long foreign [Music]
Channel: Lee Hawkins
Views: 718,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rNik8Bnc3co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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