He said I Couldn't Make a Multiplayer Survival Game... So I Made One!

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Did NL play this on stream? (VOD boi here)

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/s0lid-lyk-snak3 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I actually loved this segment so much I'd love to see more

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/ChintzyFob 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh shit NL played this today?? I love this guy, his videos are awesome and are inspiring me to dive further into hobby game dev

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OnePeg 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

he's kinda funny

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Blamore 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
why you don't try and make a multiplayer survival game i'm not going to spend months working on and releasing a game on steam just because of a youtube comment or you can't do that so i might have ended up releasing a game on steam because first off we make a new project in unity and as always let's start off by adding which will be our player now one of the things that makes survival games very fun is procedural world generation this means the world will be randomly generated and different every time you play the game so let's quickly make some procedural generation and that's when dany realized he's a dumb piece and has no idea how to program procedural generation but fortunately we have actual smart people like sebastian league who has a great tutorial series on how to set up procedural generation so we're gonna follow his tutorial series and when i say follow i mean roses are red violets are blue ctrl c ctrl v i took your code make sure to check out sebastian's channel he has some incredible videos that my tiny brain can't even begin to comprehend so the first thing we do is use purlin noise to make a noise map the purlin noise gives us values between 0 and 1 where 0 is completely white and 1 is completely black but instead of using black and white we can assign colors based on the random values which will give us a really cool result and just like that we're done or not so the final step is to turn this 2d plane into a 3d mesh and we can now generate random worlds with different seeds and by overlaying the noise with an offset map we can turn it into islands i set up a day and night cycle added player movement which i just copied from my game carlson oh carlson this is just a little game i'm working on currently the 17th most wishlisted game on steam so smash whistle is now gamer now the island is currently looking pretty empty because it is completely empty so i modeled a tree and by using the same pearly noise as the island but with a different seed we can now generate forests around the island but this forest is looking kind of stiff so let's add some wind to the trees so some of the values were wrong but i've fixed it now and it's working much but but currently the player model is just a b so i made a new player model in blender but i didn't actually make a new player model i just kind of used the one from my game carlson oh oh carlson it's just a little game of workiness so anyway i got him into the game and god damn k is i called he wants his forehead back i also gave him some ice and good old b has now been replaced by caveman perfection oh sh now most survival games have an inventory where you can store items which doesn't really make sense like wherever the items being stored you know what i'm saying is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me oh this not no it's just a workbench so programming an inventory isn't too bad and using the eye pointer interfaces we can easily add our event data to find mouse clickers in reference to descriptive information about an item allowing us to easily pass it around throughout their and just like that we have a working inventory which i definitely did not join from block game i i'm an honorable man i would never i also made an axe model and made it so you can equip and use items which works perfectly which now works perfectly the next important step is adding multiplayer now adding multiplayer to a game is kind of like looking myself in the mirror it's pretty painful but i've made a few multiplayer games in the past so i'm a bit of an expert what could possibly go wrong [Music] haha it's me danny i want to die but i finally got the multiplayer up and going so there's that and i've also added some particles using unity's particle system a great system for making particles and also made some highly highly advanced player animations the game looks really wacky and bland right now though so i found this awesome grass shader tutorial by minions art so we're just gonna go ahead and follow along with the tutorial and the game now looks so much better and more alive so thanks for the grass shader minions art very cool i also modeled a rock and we can now slap tree and smack rock to gather resources which can be used for building different things like a workbench or a chest or buildings then i made it so you can see where all of the other players are facing and it now works like a charm yeah no yeah no let's try that again and uh that's no nope what the [ __ ] so we can finally start adding enemies which uh it should be pretty easy to do so i made an enemy which is just a cube not just any cube though he's a cool cube i modeled a proper enemy made some particles using unity's particle system and here is what it looks like in game now before adding more enemies i also added a bunch of different ores that you can mine and by putting the oars into the furnace you can turn them into metal and use that to make better tools which can be used to get better resources and there's also a bunch of new trees so we finally have most of the core mechanics but what's the actual gameplay going to be like i really enjoy survival games like valheim minecraft and so on but i also really like roguelike games like risk of rain and risk of rain because it's a great game so what if we combine survival with roguelike now if you don't know a roguelike is pretty much where every time you play you start from the beginning with nothing usually fighting through waves of enemies and unlocking items and power ups on the way and inevitably dying or winning at the end of your session so let's work on a roguelike aspect of the game and we're going to start off by adding loot chests with power ups to give all the players a crippling gambling addiction so i made four tiers of chests and a bunch of different power ups with different effects so shoes give you movement speed peanut butter is uh kinda sus milk makes your bones thick which uh increases your defense of course drink your milk kids [Music] adrenaline which falling below 30 hp to wait a second wha what's that enhance oh you don't know what caused it so uh currently to play multiplayer you need to do port forwarding and let's be real here my average viewer is like seven years old and has no idea how to do that but luckily we can avoid this by just releasing the game on steam so first there's a small fee of a hundred dollars so my left kidney has been sold but i don't have a name for the game yet so let's just call it island then we set up a store page with all of the necessary information and submit it for review which they should accept instantly failure what the [ __ ] jeremy and after calmly resolving the issue with germany we now have a steam page for the game wishes on steam now gamers anyway we need some food to eat in the game so i modeled a cow made some animations and they should now be walking around normally they're acting so sassy like you walk up to them and they're like nah now here comes the first big issue i encountered i'm using steam to avoid opening ports but for this to work you need to use steam networking which means i have to rewrite my entire networking code to work with steam but don't worry i'm sure the steam documentation is luckily for us though gary newman behind gmod has made another c-sharp steamworks implementation our c-sharp steamworks implementation and after doing some terrible code surgery the game now finally works through steam might not be working well but but it's working and you don't even have to open any ports but i still don't have a name for the game yet so i need to find something that sounds good muk muk what's what's mock mock i mean i'm releasing the game on steam i can't just call it muck i need to keep it professional like [Music] so i message steam hi i'd like to change the application name to i mean muck they replied with hi thanks for reaching out why though do you want to name it muck jeremy to which i responded hi jeremy muk muk and so i got all the formalities done and muck is now available on steam on another note i finally got the building system to work much better which was done using snapping positions on the different pieces old code go bye bye the animations have also been improved and are now working great [Laughter] i also set up a main menu with me and the boys t-posing and the menu is fully functional with settings that actually work and a lobby system integrated with steam you can change the settings and you can do whatever we can start the game which will randomly generate the world and send you and the boys into the game to set up the actual back end of the lobby itself i found a great tutorial by b thomas on how to set it up with the face punch c sharp steamworks implementation now we've got a bit of a problem i kind of broke my evan king [Music] wait so i had to make some quick music myself and boy what a peaceful main menu we have created we also need some sound effects so let's find some first off i'd like a sound effect for eating foods so let's see what we got here chip grab and eat child i added some mushroom that you can pick up sugar mushroom sugar these nuts boy so i also added a new enemy he's called dave don't ask why we don't we don't speak about dave around these parts i also added a bunch more enemies to make the gameplay more interesting but something's missing boss fights so i made a big chunky boy he's really big in fat so i think i'm gonna call him your mom anyway i gave him some animations made some particles using unity's particle system and big chunk is now finished and is it just me or is big chunk looking kind of fit i might have made him a bit too strong and hard to fight but don't worry he'll he'll die eventually oh okay see you later i guess bye bye and finally i just added a bunch of new weapons power-ups items enemies and more i'd love to do more but making a game like this is pretty damn hard and slow and i have to finish this video so i don't really have time for much more i might do some updates though but if you want to download and play muk with the boys it's completely free and released today so there's a download link in the description down below if you want to go download or you can just search for muk on steam be warned though it's not really that good of a game but i i it's kind of fun maybe a little bit also massive shout out to everyone who helped me test the game there's a lot of you so uh yeah you know who you are you can probably find your name in the credits of the game but i'm gonna leave you with some gameplay enjoy you huh i'm jumping in bro i'm jumping come on i fight for my death that's true i'm going in oh downtown god what are you worried about go ahead i have 210 hp all right actually you might survive with the armor maybe danny hell oh i got you bro let's go uh jack we got a situation what's up no yes so um it's been a bit of a hostile takeover of the hut hustle takeoff right they're destroying everything no oh no i'm grabbing all my stuff i'm moving out are you just leaving me behind yeah boys this one anyway that's gonna be it for me i hope you enjoyed this video thanks a lot for watching smash like if you like smash dislike if you don't and as always drink milk hit billy and beat your [Music] goddamn
Channel: Dani
Views: 11,392,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity, Unity game dev, Gamedev, indie gamedev, indie game devlog, game devblog, dani, dani 3d game, unity making 3d game, so i made one, making my first 3d game, Making a Game in ONE Day (12 Hours), grappling gun, how to make a game, software engineering, computer science, computer programming, tutorial, how to, develop games, making a game in 10 minutes, making a game in 48 hours, he said i couldnt make a vr game, game, muck, multiplayer survival game, valheim, dani survival game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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