I Broke 21,744 Bedrock To Make This in Hardcore Minecraft

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i really need a base i spend most of my time in the nether so let's build it there oh i don't like this there's too much red no sky access not to mention it is extremely dangerous wait what if i transformed a huge chunk of the nether into the overworld oh i like this a lot so my plan is to dig out a 100 by 100 by 100 cube with another and then make biomes and structures so it looks good but the problem is all this bedrock is in the way and breaking a single piece of bedrock took this entire sentence to do man if only i had a machine that could break a 100 by 100 bedrock oh look at that i already spent 20 hours of my life building it you're welcome and you start the machine by breaking this block right here there it goes you know i just now realized i could have just planted a sapling and then grown it like this instead of building these trees manually yeah i'm an idiot although the bedrock breaking machine isn't 100 complete all i have to do is add these pistons and there we go let's check on the machine all right looks like it wait i thought it was no what it just blew itself up [Music] no okay okay okay let's stop it there we go it literally blew itself up in case you don't know that's not what's supposed to happen uh okay i think i fixed it okay all right all right it looks like i think it's working now it's not blowing itself up finally i measured both corners of the border and then dug down down we go all right that's where one corner goes and now i just have to dig out a huge area all this all right this hundred block lane is dug out here and that's the other corner over there and i just gotta dig out this whole middle section now i dug most of it out but now my pickaxe is almost broken so i gotta go repair it all right now i gotta build a portal to get to the end so that i can repair my pickaxe and oh whoops i made that one block too short get out here oh yes my beautiful rocket you don't remember i made this rocket in the last episode so i could go to the end in style all right and now it's a satellite we got the enderman farm and repairing time okay back to mining oh man what the heck just happened my frames just okay there we go my did you guys see that my frames completely died for a second there wait a minute why is the machine not moving no don't tell me it broke again is this because i moved dimensions while it was going if that's why i'm gonna be so mad what the heck uh yep the machine actually broke again but luckily i used an ingenious method to fix it placing blocks in random places hoping to update something to fix it but sadly that didn't work all right i rebuilt this section oh i almost died from that dude this is really annoying i i literally was placing the last two blocks on there and a gas just blew it up and boom fixed i hope let's try it out if it doesn't work now i will probably kill myself in the game of course all right and off it goes please work it doesn't work i don't want to spend any more hours just fixing this machine all right it looks like it's actually working oh man i'm so glad it's actually uh that bedrock's not supposed to be there this must be invisible no bedrock right there and there's bedrock there i hate my life finally okay i got the machine working now i can go back to work okay so most of the bedrock is gone now except for this long strip right here i think when the machine broke and i rebuilt it somehow i rebuilt it one block to the side or something i don't know how this happened but i gotta remove this by hand and then we can start digging it out and building the overworld within it [Music] nice this is what it looked like at the beginning of the episode and this is what it looks like now only four minutes into the video this is crazy so my plan for this place is to have a wall of obsidian around the whole thing that way it sort of looks like a portal that's going into the overworld i'm grabbing the 50 000 obsidian that i mined from the end in a previous episode and i'm gonna use that all right here is all the obsidian i got like 11 shulker boxes completely full let's start placing [Music] uh okay that looks okay but i just had a better idea if i actually if i do this and i mix it in with the bedrock yeah i like the way this looks already let's do it all around and see how that looks yeah that looks sweet okay so that's what i'm gonna have that go down obsidian walls going all the way down to the very bottom um a hundred blocks down and then we'll build the overworld within it okay this is actually taking forever i'm just going to go grab my beacon really quick and build that here also i'm leaving all the gaps open right now because i might want to make like windows or something with them i'm not really sure i'm just going to leave them open for now i'll probably film in later but we'll see for the next three hours i was just breaking netherrack and placing obsidian and eventually i got this outline that's looking pretty good so now let's check on the bedrock breaker to see if it's broken all of it and as long as it has we can start breaking the netherrack and then building the overworld all right boys we got all this tnt and i don't i don't even need all this tnt for anything so i'm gonna start blowing up the nether all right that's all the tnt placed now let's light it up [Music] holy cow okay that was crazy but that wasn't even close to enough to destroy all the netherrack i have to so my idea is that we just make a machine that will automatically duplicate tnt and drop it kind of like how i destroyed the end in a previous episode however i have no supplies but luckily for me this entire bedrock breaking machine right here has all the supplies so let's take it down nice how did that one block survive hold on a minute alright so now i'm gonna build the machine that will break the netherrack however i just realized that these chests might explode for some tnt flowing out so instead of just breaking them and replacing all the items that would take forever i'm just gonna build this obsidian box around it there we go all right so i made this entire machine and it's starting to sweep the edge right now and as you can see it just goes down drops tnt and it's just gonna keep moving across and slowly exploding it oh wait a minute is that lava gonna be a problem uh-oh i guess i have to manually remove all of this lava and every time the tnt explodes this becomes a bigger and bigger mess oh boy also as you can see down there blocks that are inside of lava don't explode so i gotta really get rid of this lava as soon as i possibly can oh snap here comes the dnt oh i gotta go i gotta go [Music] oh man this is dangerous removing all this lava was a lot harder than you might think i had to just keep bridging out in the middle of the air and then jumping and doing parkour just to block it off guys uh i just noticed something this tnt isn't reaching the very bottom so there's gonna be a bunch of blocks down there i'm gonna have to mine afterwards uh man just mistake after mistake dude this thing is coming along look at this this is so cool oh there comes the tnt hold on i want to grab my other tnt because i want to try something i put this obsidian box around my chest so that it wouldn't blow up wait what wait what bro the tnt still blew it up i had so much stuff in those chests dude what no dude somebody kill me alright the machine blew itself up because for some reason that's what all of my machines do i don't know why i just can't make a machine that doesn't explode so right now i'm just going to place down all this tnt and blow this up because i have a ton extra all right i absolutely filled this thing to the brim oh there it goes oh no oh my computer's dying okay i flew away holy cow all right looks how is this still going i don't even see the tnt anymore what the heck okay i've literally been flying around for 15 seconds and it's still going i don't even see the tnt how long is this gonna go for oh good finally finished dude this place looks so sick it's just lava everywhere all right now i gotta remove all this lava because i was not fast enough removing it while the machine was destroying all the other apps i've been doing this for an hour and a half and i've only destroyed about 30 of the lava here this is gonna take me forever the good news is with this massive chunk gone in the nether i was finding tons of ancient debris just scattered around so that's just a nice little bonus so as you can see after removing all the lava there's still a ton of blocks here just netherrack and soul sand because when it's covered in lava tnt doesn't explode it but since all the lava is gone it tnt can explode it now and i still have a bunch of tnt left over so check this out and boom transition look at all that tnt let's light it up oh holy cow okay here we go okay that destroyed most of it but there's still a bunch scattered around so um i'm gonna try to do a little cut here and boom hopefully that was a good cut um but everything's gone now except for little pieces of ancient debris as you can see all scattered around so i'm just gonna grab that nice nice nice more ancient debris oh come on pokemon oh he's smooth with it i just flew out look at that this is what it looks like right now i gotta fill in all this obsidian because i think i figured out what i'm gonna do with the obsidian going around it in the windows and all that oh man this is a lot of obsidian i got a place guys this is what it looked like at the beginning of the episode and this is what it looks like now this is insane ready for this guys hello hello hello hello [Music] all right so this massive window right here i think what what how did i miss this hold on a second this is tricky yeah i got it okay anyway so this massive window right here i'm thinking i'm gonna put in purple glass panes so it looks like a giant portal i think that'll look pretty cool and then right down here in this huge empty box we're in i'm building up the overworld so uh let's start with the first biome which i think is gonna be a desert i'm gonna do four biomes one in each corner i'll start with the easy biomes and slowly get to the harder and extremely hard biomes because there's two of the bottoms i have no idea how i'm even gonna make it's gonna be so difficult alright so we just took down the entire desert temple and got a bunch of sand so i can start working on the desert biome in this corner right here however i also need a ton of the sand for the glass panes in the window right here so that it looks like a portal so i'm gonna start smelting some of that while we build the desert biome just to save time all right so as you can see i split up the base of this thing into four quadrants each one will have its own biome and the bionics will blend into each other and it's gonna look sick all right i think the sand is gonna start here and i want there to be like a hill shape to it so i'm gonna put down some sandstone here like that i'm gonna put sand on top of the sandstone i just need the sandstone there to stop the sand from falling because uh yeah oh and i'm already out of sandstone wow all right time to go mind some more i love instrumenting this stuff this is so fun and boom look at all that sandstone we got all right now i'm just placing a ton of sand on top of this so it'll actually look like a desert there we go put some cacti around here maybe some dead bushes as well oh this is looking really cool so far guys but just wait all right now i'm gonna clear out this section right here i think and this is where the desert temple is gonna go i'm gonna try to have all the biomes have their own structures in them like they are in game uh i might not be able to with one of the bombs i'm not sure yet all right that's looking pretty good this is actually kind of difficult to recreate it because i just keep looking at pictures and then building it but i think i'm getting it right [Music] that's the basic frame done right there uh i gotta do some more stuff on the sides though all right now the inside all right now for the top to put stairs on this thing a little bit of terracotta in this pattern i believe finish up the interior i think this is a virtual carbon copy of a desert temple pretty sure i recreated it perfectly blocked for blocks so uh yeah let me know if you notice anything that's out of place but i'm pretty sure i did it exactly so the next bomb i want to do is a mesa biome just because it's similar to the temperature so it'll actually work being next to the desert biome and it's got that orange color that most of the biomes don't have so it's pretty unique just going to place down the basic frame like i did for the desert with the hill going up in the middle that way it's sort of the same shape the terrain matches you know it works it works i'm placing terracotta of course so that the sand doesn't fall same thing with the desert there we go that is completed now i gotta add the sand to it very very nice although i'm kind of out of sand all right so you see this mesa right here this is this is what i'm trying to copy this kind of this part i don't remember what it's called but basically has these huge chunks these spikes sticking out everywhere i really like the way this looks and this is what i'm going for in this pile also notice how the clay layers are like colored in layers i'm going to copy that exactly just so that it looks natural i worry that if i make it up it just will look weird now i'm going to set up my beacon and start mining all the terracotta that i can okay i think that's three tan one mustard oh guys i lost track this is not good i don't i think okay it goes red mustard no red tip oh boy this is not good all right and we're back placing the sand back at it again this took like almost two shulker boxes of sand that doesn't even make sense this isn't even that big of an area all right now i gotta start building those spire things that stick up out of the ground i don't really know what i'm doing i've never built one of these before i don't know how many people have but i don't know how to do it and it'll look good so i'm just going to try a couple times and see if i can get it first layer is going to be white like this the second and third layer going to be this regular colored terracotta just like that then the mustard gray white again regular more regular red more regular even more red even more red again orange more gray and some white right here all right let's just see how that looks right now okay okay this actually that actually looks pretty natural especially next to the desert i'm gonna blend it in at the end but still i like it definitely has potential and a mustard yellow for the very tippity top all right i think that works but i gotta make the next one a little more pointy [Music] all right i just finished building the second one is that pointy enough i'm not sure it kind of rounds off and then points i'm gonna make some adjustments man this is really hard i don't know why it's so difficult to do this but just making natural generation is super difficult for some reason all right now let's make two right next to each other to kind of connect and like stick out almost like tree branches you know what i'm saying i think that looks all right i might make them a little bit taller though all right now let's make a big chunkish one just sticking out like nobody's business i'm gonna have to build the sand around this because for some reason i started it floating although it might actually look more natural this way so maybe this is a good thing [Music] you know how i was keeping track of the layer colors and like in what order they go in an actual mesa yeah i don't know why i was doing that it does not matter at all i'm just placing them randomly now and it looks just fine now dead bushes placing these bad boys all around maybe a few cacti you know here and there not as much as the desert though oh actually you notice how all those mine shafts are there look at that there's mine shafts everywhere in these things oh i gotta make mine shaft sticking out okay hold on guys this is gonna be revolutionary i'm adding mine shafts to the mesa bottom this is gonna look sick you gotta actually take these things down i believe if i use shears i can actually get the cobwebs i don't need silk touch yes okay sweet oh look down there that looks so cool i cannot wait to finish this thing it's gonna look so sick especially with the next two biomes in there all right i think if i like carve this out i gotta build like a tunnel like this i'm gonna build the mine shaft in this how should i do this all right get the wood in there yep this is how these posts work this is actually quite easy to cut oops i did not replace that i think the biggest thing people struggle with when like repeating structures and stuff is they they do too much like they put too many cobwebs for example in this mine shaft you gotta just put a few you can't flood it with cobwebs you know i just realized i always do mine shafts in my builds like in my upside down island i did a mineshaft too i think they just look really cool they're pretty unique all right now a few cobwebs that's the finishing touch one right there oh yes this is pretty sick this is actually looking like a natural generation type situation you know what i mean however i think because this biome is so plain in comparison to the next ones i'm going to build i have to have one more mine shaft sticking out of that big one right there [Music] i think this looks quite good yeah look at that oh man this is looking so cool all right so the next bottom i want to do is savannah but not just the savannah because that's lame i wanted a windswept savannah which is like these massive mountains that look sick and i also want to do a village inside of it so right here is the savannah i'm just going to grab these pumpkins all right now i'm going to grab some savannah wood and all this grass nice all right so you see this bottom right here this is the biome i'm trying to copy this windswept savannah it looks absolutely sick it's got this huge mountain right here but i'm gonna make it look even cooler in the build anyway let's grab all this coarse dirt right here die b first try yeah buddy that was legendary all right so here's all the dirt and grass that i got and uh some of the pumpkins as well i still have a ton of stone left over from the upside down island project so i can just use that as well as all the ore that i mined back then all right so this is going to go in the third quadrant right here oh yeah i forgot the glass that was smelting in the furnaces it finally finished so now i can put in this window right here and it's going to look so cool just got to make a ton of dye really quick there we go make the glass panes and now i'm just going to be placing for a while all right i'm on the very last row right here just placing it in oh yeah this is beautiful look at this it looks like an actual portal it totally works it looks like there's just another portal going into the nether right here okay so for the windswept savannah biome there's a lot of jagged edges and like sharp cliffs and stuff so i'm going to make a little hill right here i'm just kind of outlining it now this is by far the hardest biome well so far i don't the next one might be harder actually this is real it's really difficult there's so much terrain to make and it's so hard to make mountains that look like naturally generated all right so i've sort of just been filling this in this whole time um this is what it looks like so far i think that's gonna be a cliff right here i'm gonna put down some grass right here just to get an idea just a feel for the whole build i think this is gonna slowly slope up into the mountainside and there's a cliff right over there okay this is actually coming along nicely it's looking pretty cool so far another perfect thing about this is the savannah biome has this kind of gross grass color and so does the nether it automatically makes the grass the same exact color so this is actually perfect all right now i've made this entire slope here i'm just building this up here and then it's going to stick up like this massive just chunk sticking up all up in there you know all right i think this is gonna be the basic shape of it or it sticks out over here i'm not sure i added a bunch of grass to the section and then i kept building and rebuilding it until finally i got decided that this design is the best design i can make and i'm pretty happy with it all right and then for the rest of this grass part up here i'm just gonna fill this in and i think that's it for this top mountain part oh man this is looking so cool so far all right i mean there's a ton still to be done but like it's still it looks so good right now so you know how corster is basically all over these biomes i'm just gonna make a bunch of patches of course stirred around um i think right here is a good spot there we go it's also gonna come up over onto this section and the top of this little plateau place is gonna be even more coarse dirt there we go i'm also thinking i'm gonna have like a village house up here on this plateau thing i'm not sure yet we will decide afterwards all right now i'm gonna put a bunch of grass on this mountain because uh it doesn't look good when it's just all stone it looks kind of weird oh yeah oh yeah this is this is coming along i think the stone and dirt part is done it's now time to add some vegetation just gonna be a few trees here and there not too many i'm also going to bone mill the grass a little bit tree over here boom right here why is it not growing man i gotta break these blocks say what it's still not going uh i'm just gonna get rid of this tree give up on that bad boy oh i have a tree at the very top right here oh yeah oh man this is looking so cool this is looking amazing all right now it's time to add a village because that's the one thing this thing's missing is life so we're gonna take screenshots of these village houses and then take them down and rebuild them block for block in the nether house number two oh i'm gonna grab these market stands too because these kind of just bring the whole build together i'm gonna try something what if i just use tnt actually oh here we go there we go oh man there's fire up there whoa fireman joe and explosive expert joe all right now i have to decide where i want these village houses to go i think i'm gonna have one of them down here it's really flat right here so i'll put one here there we go and hold up that enderman just griefed me okay i'm not having this haha suck it give me that sandblock back you nerd now you might think this village house is done but nope you would be wrong because you're a there's no floor how did you guys not know this you're so dumb a normal person might skimp out and not add the inside but i am making this a perfect replica look at that boom absolutely perfect all right that is one village house done i want to do another one on top of this little plateau thing with all the coarse dirt boom done beautiful i'm also gonna add this market stand right here hay bales a few torches melons uh you know the one thing this this place is missing it's missing ore in the stone how did i not realize this before all the stone is just plain stone so i'm gonna do a cut here ready for this ready for this whoa look at that look i got coal right down there got some emerald up there granite some andesite some dire i got everything boys now this is this is truly beautiful right here all i have to do is add some animals and villagers and stuff and this place will look perfect this last bomb is going to require a whole bunch of packed ice snow blocks and stone all right so i'm going to start building up the frame and then as i'm doing that i'll explain what it is so basically i'm making a mountain biome that's also a cave biome it's gonna be a two in one biome sort of and the peak is gonna go all the way to the very top of the bedrock uh i think that'll look really cool i wanted to figure out a way to fit ice and snow into the build so i figured if i make a giant peak the very top it can be capped with ice and snow like a normal mountain and then down below it can be a huge cave so this is kind of the general shape i'm thinking right here that giant hole in the middle is where the cave is gonna be and then everything else i'm gonna fill in with stone and dirt all right so i'm gonna start placing dirt on this now i think i got the stone layer completely finished do that yeah i think this looks pretty good all right while i wait for some of this grass to spread i'm just gonna mix these biomes together because there's still this horrible barrier between them there we go all right now i'm just gonna add even more grass to this okay i think i'm completely done adding grass to this build now i just gotta work on the rest of the mountain just gonna fill in this top part like so all right there we go that looks pretty good now i just gotta fill in the sides right here and here we go that's another one done all right sweet that is the basic shape of the mountain completely done i just gotta decorate a little bit and then add the cave all right so i'm adding some more grass over here to make it look a little bit more natural and finally i get to add the icy peak at the very top i'm just gonna basically spam ice all around the top of this thing and then once it gets low enough i'll place snow there so it's like the snow turns into ice you know it gets colder as it goes up all right now i need a whole bunch of spruce trees and i have zero saplings so let me just go grab those really quick there we go all right now i'm gonna start planting these around and growing these you may have noticed that the grass does not look like spruce grass here it's just because it's in the nether not a lot i can do about that luckily the leaves do stay the same color with spruce trees however there actually is one solution i can fix with the grass if i just put snow everywhere in this biome you won't be able to see any grass because when you put snow on a grass block it just turns into a snow block and then no one can notice that the grass isn't the right color so i'm just gonna spam the snow slabs literally everywhere i possibly can this is looking good so far i'm running out though i'm just gonna add some more ice to the edges of this mountain now and put down some more snow let's see how this looks oh yeah that looks much better all right now before i can add the cave i'm gonna make a giant line of ice right here i'm gonna make an ice road this will allow me to bring villagers and a few other mobs that i need to grab from the overworld into this little chunk and that'll really sell the illusion all right i'm gonna grab this villager right here the nitwit a little pathway and there we go got him into the nether get in the boat dude just get man i hate these guys finally i got him in the boat all right time to take him over all right we should be coming up on it any second now um oh yeah oh baby we are flying [Music] sweet all right that worked great you should actually move into the village house because there's a bed in there and there's a bell so it's an actual village i'm gonna bring another villager over villager number two oh wait there's a wandering trailer right here oh this is so perfect i'm gonna bring a wandering traitor into the chunk this will oh this is gonna be great there we go i got one llama in oh wait a minute if the llama's going first and then the trader is he not going to be connected to them like is he the lead not going to be yeah i just picked up the leads oh no man all right so the wandering traitor didn't stay attached to his llamas but we can just keep them together and splat all right i got the wandering traitor and one of the llamas up here i don't know where the other llama went i was not able to get it up i think it might have died or something but i got them stranded at the very top of the mountain that's what they get for having terrible trades now pig sheep breed the sheep oh yeah now i need goats for the mountain biome but the problem is my spawn isn't anywhere near mountains so i'm just gonna make a portal right here and hopefully there are goats nearby oh i'm in a cave i'll just dig up there is no way i'm in a snow biome i wonder if i can grab a bunny no i don't think so excited okay i'm actually in a snow bomb i might be able to find goats right away hold on a minute yo this is an arctic fox these guys are so rare this is even better i can have an arctic fox in my oh oh this is great i'm like the portal right here ah yes all right i'm gonna put some sweet berry bushes around because uh i think that's what the arctic foxes like to eat all right and i also got a goat now there we go he's not the kind that headbutts you so he won't knock me off all right guys this place is looking amazing this is almost complete i just have to make the cave inside the mountain now and then we'll be completely finished with this project all right grabbing all my stone i'm gonna start building this thing out so this is the basic shape of the cave i'm just gonna start building up now making walls oh man been like three and a half hours i there's no way i who knew that making caves took this long it's very difficult i've replaced this so many times because i build it once and then i think it's gonna look great and then i look at it and it's absolutely horrendous and i have to remake it i think this time i'm finally getting it right though at least i hope so all right so the cave walls are completely finished i just need to add some lava right there so i'm gonna do a little little swiping cut here it's gonna look sweet and boom now there's lava there all right finally i need to add a lush cave and a drip stone cave i already have drip stones so now i'm just gonna go find a lush cave there we go there's one right here and i'm gonna take down all this moss and all these glow berries and everything all right i also grabbed a whole bunch of ore and stuff from my chests all right i'm going i'm gonna start building now i think i'm just gonna kind of put these stalactites and swag my sticking down from up here all right i think that looks pretty good yeah i like that now i'm just gonna add a lush cave volume in this little pocket right here oh yeah that looks sweet now we need a little bit of magma around here there we go looking good and finally just a few oars around here to finish it off boys we have done it the build is complete this is crazy okay this took like 45 hours just to film and then another 45 to edit but this is unreal over 10 000 bedrock broken a giant crater now all i got to do is set my spawn point and my base will be completed
Channel: Beppo
Views: 2,795,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Id: g9DtdumBoRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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