Funniest Minecraft Glitches

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minecraft is full of glitches some break the game others are absolutely useless today we're gonna be looking at the most insane glitches of all time throughout minecraft's history there have been a few ways to get the bedrock item in survival when endermen were added they could pick up any block so if you found an enderman holding bedrock you could get the actual item but recently raceworks decided getting the item isn't enough and so he built an entire bedrock farm if you place a turtle egg on the coordinates 0-0-0 it will cause every single zombie to start walking towards that location i have no idea how this glitch works but it's pretty amazing just make sure there's air above the turtle egg and you'll never have to deal with zombies ever again this is absolutely game breaking but we're only getting started the next glitch puts a light trust to shame the ravage launcher can actually teleport you thousands of blocks within a few seconds that's because the ravager has a mechanic that deals a ton of knockback if you stand right above it every time you block a shield there is a 50 chance that the ravager will do this roar and once it does you'll be sent flying at one point foxes and pandas could wear armor if you gave an armor piece to a fox it would simply equip it pandas could do this as well although i don't know how they fit inside you can replicate this today using commands which allows you to give armor to anymore this is only the beginning imagine what the glitches at the end look like believe it or not finding this quintuple spawner is possible in vanilla minecraft a chest and a spawner have to be generated at the same spot the game doesn't know what to do so it places spawners all around the chest and resets the spawner data and since the default mob is a pig we're left with 5 working pig spawners using command blocks can yield amazing results however make sure you know what you're doing otherwise you might end up with this monstrosity that's what happens when you use the guest animation on other mods honestly this is one of the most cursed things i've ever seen raceworks is literally the einstein of minecraft in 2017 he designed a fully functioning ender dragon farm this farm produces millions of xp per hour making it the most efficient farm ever made the design is super complex but essentially you just sit in a minecart and watch the dragons get killed by falling tnt which funnily enough is also glitched but more on that later bedrock edition has a really cool glitch if you place down a bunch of slime blocks put a boat on top of them and start jumping on it you will fly high into the air once you hop in the boat this bug has been a thing for a long time and countless players have reported it to mojang but they refused to fix it ever seen an underground village since the new caves can be really big the game sometimes gets confused and tries generating a village in the cave which doesn't sit well with the villagers this bug keeps the iron golem busy because living in a cave is quite dangerous when a jab created the squid he took the cow files and copied them over however he forgot to remove the coat for milk so for a while squids had their own milk honestly this makes me wonder what that would taste like anyway what's even funnier is that squids weren't limited to just water they could fly anywhere this is so wrong but we're only scratching the surface the next glitch is my favorite you're gonna need a rail and a lot of minecarts with tnt this will create a moving bomb that will detonate once it hits something and that something can be you now obviously you're not gonna survive this however if we quickly change the difficulty instead of dying you'll get sent straight to mars wait is that elon there is a lot of creative ways to hide your loot and i think i found the best method push a solid block into a minecart chest from the top which hides it completely now all you have to do is aim for the center and you should be able to access your stashed loot i guarantee you no one is finding this chest in december of 2021 the lock for shell exploit put every minecraft player at risk that's because anyone could have accessed your computer just by sending a single message in chat thousands of players were affected by this in some cases whole minecraft and discord accounts were stolen this is pretty crazy however it's nothing compared to the glitches later in the video every one in billion worlds is a repeating seat so if you want to find it you should call dream these seats are mind-blowing for instance you can find a mine shaft that goes on forever or this cursed diagonal ravine that simply never ends you can make history on this seat and become the first player to reach the world border on a strider during some snapshots players began noticing two old glocks sticking out from the ground this seemed strange enough because there are no two block tall trees this mystery was solved when one of the players went into a cave and saw a bunch of leaves some oak trees were generating upside down which explains the wooden logs sticking out from the grass for a second i thought herobrine did this if you're exploring the nether you have a 0.01 chance of finding five striders stacked on top of each other not only is this creature unbelievably rare but it's also extremely useful so please don't kill it the penta strider is actually the fastest creature in all of minecraft but it doesn't go forward instead it goes upwards see hooking the bottom one with elite and riding the top strider causes you to burst into the sky mojang has a questionable way of handling bugs in 2014 mine shafts in mesa biomes were generated with sandstone at the entrance which stood out among the orange blocks their solution was adding red sandstone a completely new block mojang couldn't bother fixing these bugs so they just added new blocks and called it a day walking in the air should only be possible in creative however when you spam right click on a scaffolding you have a small chance of creating this glitched block in reality this block shouldn't exist you're the only player that sees it to everyone else it will seem like you're cheating make sure the server doesn't have flying disabled otherwise you will get kicked some players want mojang to add seasons leaves would change color in the fall it would snow everywhere in the winter you get the point on bedrock edition this is closer to reality since leaves in cold biomes are white but there was a time where the game glitched causing white leaves to be bright red instead honestly i wish the devs didn't fix this bug because it looks kind of sick doc m77 outsmarted the developers he figured out a way to overload a chunk that has a spawner making the game generate a new one this process can be repeated multiple times resulting in a chunk full of spawners but this is still only a fraction of what's possible with glitches the number one killer of minecraft worlds is time playing on a seat throughout multiple updates will cause it to eventually start lagging however something can happen to your old saves that's much worse than lag certain old worlds on consoles and phones began generating chunks that were made purely from stone you wouldn't find any horse any dirt nothing just endless amounts of rock the nether is a dangerous place so the next time you're going through another portal block your shield and once you're on the other side you will become unkillable no matter if you're running or jumping your shield will remain blocked unfortunately if you try eating or placing blocks your shield will reset back to normal but until then you will feel like superman if you had to say whether this forest was built by a player or naturally generated you'd probably say someone built it however you'd be wrong this phenomenon is one hundred percent natural but that'll suck i've never seen a biome look like this well that's because you haven't played on this snapshot in which birch forests generate in a perfect grid while this is very satisfying to my ocd it doesn't look realistic there was a time not too long ago when you could create armor with all protection types this took place at the early stages of the 1.14 update someone discovered that you can create the god armor set with 4 protection types on it of course this news spread quickly and once mojang found out they patched it immediately but they didn't check my ender chest the ender dragon is the final boss of minecraft but there is a way to completely humiliate her by placing obsidian at y-144 precisely above the fountain and putting water on top of it you've just broken the game thanks to the water the ender dragon will start swimming up and become stuck glitching the ender dragon is cool but wait until i show you the next exploits you thought that getting the bedrock item is hard well what about items that shouldn't even exist this is the block without a texture but adusak what kind of blog doesn't have a texture well the image you see is a placeholder texture used by mojang since it is clearly recognizable in case something goes wrong fun fact by removing every single texture in minecraft you'll create a world that looks like this what do foxes and thunderstorms have in common not much however when a fox finds itself in a thunderstorm without a roof the chunks around spawn will start loading if you have any automatic farms there this one fox will make sure that they are running smoothly i swear mojang is adding these glitches on purpose because this doesn't make any sense the first ever x-ray glitch was simple you just had to drop some sand on top of your head but with time executing this exploit became more and more difficult the most recent version of the x-ray bug involves pushing yourself into a composter which will allow you to see all the surrounding caves structures and maybe even diamonds tnt duping is one of the most revolutionary inventions in minecraft tnt upers are used in kabul farms in mining queries and to kill mobs using them makes the game a lot easier instead of spending countless hours mining a large hole all you have to do is build a flying machine with a tnt jupiter and the jobs done i'm looking to hire some people so if you want to work with me check the description
Channel: Dadusak
Views: 1,932,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dadusak, dadusak mc, dadusak minecraft, minecraft dadusak, dadu sak, dadusuk, dadsak, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.18, minecraft 1.19, glitches, minecraft glitch, minecraft glitches, blockfacts, skipthetutorial, sipover, raysworks
Id: H8gEehVChL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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